English Culture and Civilization
English Culture and Civilization
English Culture and Civilization
public education and state- including one sitting of the Maintained Schools, the follows the Curriculum for Wales are educated either
funded schools at a local Junior Certificate Protestant Controlled Excellence (also known as wholly or largely through the
level. England also has a examination. Primary Schools, and the Integrated the CfE) for nursery, primary medium of Welsh: in
tradition of independent education commonly starts Schools. There are 466 and secondary schools. 2014/15, 15.7% of children
schools and home education; at four to five years old. Roman Catholic-managed Children in Scotland and young people received
legally, parents may choose Children typically enroll in a schools in Northern Ireland. complete seven years of Welsh-medium education.
to educate their children by Junior Infant class at age The number of pupils primary school, starting in P1 And additional 10% attend
any permitted means. The four or five depending on attending Catholic-managed (the equivalent of Reception schools that had a significant
state-funded education parental wishes. The levels schools is approximately classes in England), going up portion of the curriculum is
system is divided into stages of Ireland's education are 37%. Controlled schools in to P7 (the equivalent of Year bilingual. The study of the
based upon age: Early Years primary, secondary and Northern Ireland (nursery, 7 in England). After this, they Welsh language is available
Foundation Stage (ages 3–5); higher often known as primary, special, secondary do six years of secondary to all age groups through
primary education (ages 5 to "third-level" or tertiary and grammar schools) are school from S1 to S6 nurseries, schools, colleges,
11), subdivided into Key Stage education. In recent years under the management of (equivalent to Y8 to Y13 in and universities and in adult
1 (KS1) Infants (ages 5 to 7) further education has grown the school's board of England). Secondary schools education. The study of the
and Key Stage 2 (KS2) Juniors immensely. Growth in the governors and the in Scotland are also known as language is compulsory for
(ages 7 to 11); secondary economy since the 1960s employing authority is the high schools or academies. all pupils in State Schools
education (ages 11 to 16), has driven much of the Education Authority (EA), until the age of 16. Education
subdivided into Key Stage 3 change in the education and this sector is the largest is compulsory beginning with
(KS3; ages 11 to 14) and Key system. education sector in the term following the child's
Stage 4 (KS4; ages 14 to 16); Northern Ireland. On the fifth birthday but may take
Key Stage 5 is post-16 other hand, integrated place at either home or
education (ages 16 to 18); education is expanding, school. Most parents
and tertiary education (for Northern Ireland has a choosing to educate through
ages 18+). highly segregated education the school-based provision,
system. The churches in however, enroll their
Northern Ireland have not children in the reception
been involved in the year in September of that
development of integrated school year, with most
schools, these have been children thus beginning
established by the voluntary school at age four or four
efforts of parents. and a half.
Maira Alejandra Mendoza
How big is the influence of British English language on Colombian education today?
Taking into account that England is the cradle of the English language and the
importance of this language worldwide, it is possible to affirm that British English has
had a great global influence, especially in Latinamerican Spanish-speaking countries,
such as Colombia, who sees the English language as a development opportunity in areas
such as economy and education, and also like the possibility to communicate with others
in any world place. For this, currently, in Colombia, English is taught as a foreign
language and the teaching of the English language is compulsory at all levels of
education (basic, high school and higher education), however, Colombia wants English
becomes in its second language and that Colombian students reach bilingualism, in
order to achieve this, the government working on it hand in hand with the Ministry of
National Education, it has put in action different programs like the National Bilingualism
Program in 2004 until now with the current program, Colombia Bilingual. In addition,
the United Kingdom, through the British Council, has a great presence within the country
and helps connect Colombians who are interested in learning or teaching English, as well
as those who want to certify their English level, and in this way, it is contributing to the
process bilingualism that is carrying out in Colombia.