Algebra HB

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A Handbook

Ghulam Abbas

Table of Contents

LIST OF EXERCISE.................................................................................................4
WEEK-WISE COURSE PLAN..................................................................................5
SAMPLE PAPER.............................................................................................13



Text Book: Applied Mathematics for Business, Economics and the Social
Sciences, 4th Edition by Frank S. Budnick

Software: MS Excel

Calculator: An advance scientific calculator with the following features:




List of Exercise

Applied Mathematics for Business, Economics and the Social Sciences, 4th Edition
by Frank S. Budnick

Chapter Page # Ex. # Question #

Appendix A – 15 A.3 Complete
7 1.1 Complete
11 1.2 Complete
Ch:1 Some Preliminaries
19 1.3 17 – 32
29 1.5 Complete
51 2.2 1 – 14, 21 – 34, 37 – 51
Ch:2 Linear Equations 55 2.3 1 – 20, 25 – 32
63 2.4 1 – 4, 7 – 14, 21 – 26, 37 - 42
95 3.1 1 - 28
104 3.2 Complete
Ch:3 System of Equations 118 3.4 Complete (Develop model only –
Solution will be discussed after
chapter 9)
Ch:4 Mathematical Functions 150 4.1 41 – 49
182 5.1 4, 7 & 8
Ch:5 Linear Functions -
191 5.2 1 – 16
205 5.3 1 – 11
227 6.1 17 – 32
Ch:6 Quadratic Functions
236 6.2 1–6
317 8.2 Complete
Ch:8 Mathematics of Finance 324 8.3 Complete
332 8.4 1 - 20
Ch:9 Matrix Algebra 355 9.2 Complete
366 9.3 Complete - Teach matrix multiplica-
tion on Excel
379 9.4 1 – 8 (Do it manually)
9 – 16, 53 – 56 (Do it on Excel)
389 9.5 Complete (2x2 matrices should be
solve manually and matrices of higher
dimensions should be solve on Excel)


Week-wise Course Plan

Week – 1

01.01 Preliminary
01.01.01 Introduction of semester system
01.01.02 Explain examination system
01.01.03 Give marks distribution
01.01.04 Introduction of the subject

01.02 First degree equations – [Ex 1.1 complete]

01.03 First degree Inequalities – [Ex 1.3 Q17 – 32]

Week – 2

02.01 Resolve students’ queries.

02.02 First degree Inequalities (cont. …)

02.03 Rectangular Coordinate System

02.03.01 Discuss the concept of ordered pair/point
02.03.02 Plotting of points
02.03.03 Discuss Midpoint Formula – [Ex 1.5 Q1 – 14]
02.03.04 Discuss Distance Formula – [Ex 1.5 Q15 – 30]

Week – 3

03.01 Resolve students’ queries.

03.02 Linear (straight line) equation with two variables


03.02.01 Graph of linear equations – [Ex. 2.2 Q21 – 34, 37]

Note: Graph paper will not be provided. Students are supposed to draw graphs on
plain papers.
03.02.02 Discuss the concept of intercepts – [Ex 2.2 Q1 – 14]
03.02.03 Discuss the concept of slope – [Ex2.2 Q38 – 51]

03.03 Slope-intercept form of a linear equation (y = mx + c) – [Ex 2.3 Q1 – 20]

Week – 4

04.01 Resolve students’ queries.

04.02 Applications of slope-intercept form – [Ex 2.3 Q25 – 32]

04.03 Determine equation of a straight line – [Ex 2.4 Q1 – 4, 7 – 14, 21 – 26, 37 – 42]

Week – 5

05.01 Resolve students’ queries.

05.02 System of equations

05.02.01 Discuss the concept of point of intersection
05.02.02 Solving a 2x2 system of equations by elimination method i.e. solving two equations
simultaneous – [Ex 3.1 & 3.2: All questions involving two equations and two
05.02.02 Solving a system of equations on calculator (EQN function)

05.03 Applications of system of equations – [Ex 3.4 Complete]

Note: A system of equations above 2x2 will be solved on Excel. It will be discussed
after Matrices.


Week – 6

06.01 Resolve students’ queries.

06.02 Matrices
06.02.01 Introduction
06.02.02 Definitions of vector, square matrix, identity matrix, null matrix and transpose of a
matrix – [Ex 9.2: Complete]
06.02.03 Matrix operations – [Ex 9.3: Q1 – 38, 44 – 45]
06.02.04 Define system of equations
06.02.05 Link between system of equations and matrices

Week – 7

07.01 Resolve students’ queries

07.02 Matrices (Cont. …)

07.02.01 Determinant – only 2x2 [Ex 9.4: Q1 – 8]
07.02.02 Concept of singular and non-singular matrices
07.02.03 Inverse of a 2x2 matrix
07.02.04 Solving a system of equation (only 2x2) by matrix inverse method – [Ex 9.5 Q1 – 6, 9,
10, 23 – 28]

07.03 MS Excel
07.03.01 Matrix multiplication (MMULT)
07.03.02 Determinant (MDETER)
07.03.03 Inverse (MINVERSE)
07.03.04 Solving system of equations (any dimension) on MS Excel
Note: No need to discuss the concept of cofactor


Week – 8

08.01 Resolve students’ queries.

08.02 Mathematical functions

08.02.01 Concept of domain and range – [Ex 4.1: Q41 – 49]
08.02.02 Applications – [Ex 5.1: Q4, 7, 8]
08.02.03 Graphical approach of cost, revenue and profit functions

Week – 9

09.01 Resolve students’ queries.

09.02 Mathematical functions (cont. …) – [Ex 5.2: Q1 – 13 n Ex 5.3: Q1 – 11]

Week – 10

10.01 Resolve students’ queries.

10.02 Factorization – [Appendix A-3]

10.02.01 x2 – y2
10.02.02 (x ± y)2
10.02.03 Breaking the middle term
10.02.04 x3 ± y3

10.03 Simplification – [Appendix A – 4] DIY


Week – 11

11.01 Resolve students’ queries.

11.02 Quadratic (second degree) Equation

11.02.01 Define a standard quadratic equation and give the concept its parameters a, b and c.
11.02.02 Solving quadratic equations – [Ex 1.2: Complete]
i. by factorization method
ii. by quadratic formula
iii. using calculator (EQN function)

11.03 Quadratic function – Characteristic – [Ex 6.1: Q1 – 33]

Week – 12

12.01 Resolve students’ queries.

12.02 Quadratic function – Applications – [Ex 6.2 Q1 – 5]

Week – 13

13.01 Resolve students’ queries.

13.02 Mathematics of finance

13.02.01 Single payment computation – [Ex 8.2: Complete]
13.02.02 Future value of annuity – [Ex 8.3: Complete]
Note: At this stage teach calculator function SOLVE

Week – 14
14.01 Resolve students’ queries.


14.02 Mathematics of finance (cont. …)

14.02.01 Present value of annuity – [Ex 8.4: Q1 – 20]
14.02.02 Amortization Table

14.03 MS Excel - FV NPER PMT PV RATE [Optional]

Week – 15 Review of the course


“IoBM always discourages Plagiarism”

Instructions and Requirements:

i. All assignments should be done in one register.
ii. First page of the register must have following information:
Name, Student Number, Semester, Year
iii. All assignments must be submitted on a specific date, at the beginning of the class.
iv. Penalty for late submission (what so ever reason may be) will be as follows:
Late by one class – one mark will be deducted
Late by two classes – two marks will be deducted
Thereafter, assignment will not be accepted.
Example: Submission Date: Mon., January 14, 2019
Submitted after Jan., 14 but up to Jan., 16: Late by one class
Submitted after Jan., 16 but up to Jan., 21: Late by two classes
[Note: A day will end with the end of the class.]
v. Show the working where necessary.
vi. The questions, which students have to create/develop, must be unique. Plagiarism will
result in cancellation of the assignment.

Assignment – I

Ex 1.1 Q15 – 24
Ex 1.3 Q23 – 32
Ex 2.2 Q9 – 14, 26 – 32, and 48 – 51
Ex 2.3 Q11 – 20, 25 – 32
Ex 2.4 Q1, 7, 21, 37 – 42
Ex 3.1 Any 10 questions
Ex 3.4 Complete
Create: a 4x4 matrix and calculate its determinant.
a 7x7 matrix and calculate its determinant.
a 4x4 matrix and find its inverse.
a 5x5 system of equations and solve it.


Assignment – II

Ex 4.1 Q41 – 49
Ex 5.2 Q1 – 13
Ex 5.3 Q1 – 11
Ex 1.2 Any 10 questions
Ex 6.1 Q1, 3, 6, 11 – 16, 27 – 32
Ex. 6.2 Q1 – 5
Create a question similar to: Q44 & Q45 of Ex 4.1 (a complete word problem) and solve.
Q48 of Ex 4.1 (a complete word problem) and solve.
Q6 of Ex. 5.2 (a complete word problem) and solve.
Q10 of Ex. 5.2 (a complete word problem) and solve.
Q5 of Ex. 5.3 (a complete word problem) and solve.
Q6 of Ex. 5.3 (a complete word problem) and solve.
Q9 of Ex. 5.3 (a complete word problem) and solve.
[Note: Your scenarios must be different from the scenarios given in the book]


Sample Paper

Note: This is a sample paper and students should;

 by no means consider this as a representative sample.
 not confine themselves only to this paper.
 also expect reproduction of questions given in the text book or examples
discussed in class.


1. Factorize the following expressions completely:

i. 49x3 – 4xy2 Possible Answers

ii. 6x2 + 19x + 10 A. Cannot be factorize
B. x(7x – 2y)(7x + 2y)
iii. 4x2 – 12xy + 9y2 C. (x – 3y)(x + 3y)(x2 + 9y2)
D. (3x + 2y)(9x2 + 6xy + 4y2)
iv. x4 – 81y4 E. (2x – 3y)2
F. (4x – 9y)2
v. 15x2 + 41x + 14 G. (3x + 2y)(9x2 – 6xy + 4y2)
H. (7x – 2y)(7x + 2y)
vi. 3x2 – 4y2 I. (x + 3y)2(x2 + 9y2)
vii. x2 + 8xy +16y2 J. (x + 4y)2
K. (2x + 5)(3x + 2)
viii. 27x3 + 8y3 L. (3x + 7)(5x + 2)
M. (x + 16y)2
ix. 4x2 + 25y2 N. (5x + 2)(2x + 3)
O. (3x – 7)(5x – 2)
P. (x – y)(x + y)
Q. (3 – y)(4 + x)
R. Not listed

2. Simplify:

x 2−x −2 x 2 +2 x −35 x 2−x−6

x2 −7 x +10 x 2−2 x−3 x2 +9 x +14


Chapter 1
1. Solve:
i. 2 x−5+4 x=7 x−10−x
x−2 2 x +3
ii . + =3 x−1
3 2
4−x 2+ 2 x
iii . x− =
2 5
iv. 10 – 5x – 2x2 = 0
v. (x – 4)(x + 5) = 10
vi. x2 = 10x – 25
vii. x2 + 2x +10 = 0
viii. 10 + 5x ≤ 6x + 3 ≤ 7 + 5x
ix. 35 + 2x  5x + 5  221 + 2x
x. 33 + 2x  3x + 18  4x – 7

2. Find the midpoint, distance and slope:

i. A(10, 8) & B(-10, -8) iii. A(-15, 8) & B(12, -8)
ii. A(0, 0) & B(10, 8) iv. A(10, 8) & B(12, 8)

3. If x takes only integer values, list all possible values of x.

i. x  4 AND x  4
ii. x  10 AND x  15
iii. x  30 AND x  –30
iv. x  10 AND x  20
v. x = 5 AND x  10

4. If ax2 + bx + c = 0, what restrictions should be imposed on “a”, “b” and “c” so that the
given equation becomes a standard quadratic function.

5. Given the standard quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, under what conditions we may
have two real roots, one real root and no real root.


Chapter 2
1. Consider the following linear function:
y = 12,000 – 12x
i. Determine x for which the value of the function becomes zero.
ii. If the desire value of y is 8,100 units, what should be the value of x.
iii. If x increases by 10 units, what effect it will have on y.

3. Identify x and y intercepts for the given linear equations:

x− y x +2 y
i. = +5 ii . 3 x + 4 y=5 x−2 y
3 4
4. A company is planning to produce two products; A & B. It can produce 800 units of
product A with the given resources. However, if all resources are diverted towards B, it
can produce 600 units. Determine a linear equation that can be used to calculate various
combinations of two products. Also, calculate trade-off rate between two products.

5. Define the following terms:

i. Function ii. Slope iii. Negative slope iv. Zero slope

6. A company is achieving break-even by producing (selling) 2,000 liters of chemical-A and

making a profit of Rs.30,000/= by producing (selling) 3,000 liters. Determine linear
profit function.


Chapter 3
1. Solve

i. 3x – 2y = 7 ------------1
2x + 3y = 9 ----------- 2

ii. 5x – 7y = 12 ------------1
10x – 14y = 11 ------------2

iii. 4x + 5y – 8 = x ------------1
6x + 11y – 16 = y ------------2


Chapter 4 & 5

1. Determine restricted domain and range for the following functions:

i. Demand function: D = 3840 - 19p
ii. Supply function: S = -195 + 20p
iii. Book value function: V = 133400 - 24600t
iv. Revenue function: R = 38q
v. Profit function: P = -16300 + 330q

2. Consider the following book value function:

V = 450,000 – 56,250t V = Book value of the machinery & t = years
Determine: i. Purchase price
ii. Useful life of the machinery
iii. Rate of depreciation (Amount)
iv. Restricted domain
v. Restricted range
vi. Value of the asset after 3 years
vii. Total amount of depreciation after six years

3. Sketch the following cost, revenue, and profit functions on the same graph.

C = 10q + 500 R = 15q  = 5q – 500

Where C = Total cost, R = Revenue,  = profit and q = output


Chapter 8

1. Calculate the missing information:

Deposit Interest Rate Term (years) Future value

i. 5,000 12.00% 5 ?
ii. ? 15.00% 6 25,000
iii. 50,000 ? 10 100,000
iv. 75,000 10.50% ? 136,500

2. Draw a repayment schedule based on the following information:

Loan size: Rs.120,000/= Interest rate: 13.0 %

Term: 4 years No. of installments: 4
Installment amount:Rs.40,343/=

Note: i. Present your schedule as per the format given in the answer sheet.
ii. All calculations must be rounded off to whole numbers.


Chapter 9

1. Present the following set of equations into a matrices form:

2z = 3x ------------- 1
2x - 3y + 4z = 7 ------------- 2
15 + 3x = 4y ------------ 3

2. Determine the value of X for which following matrix becomes a singular matrix:

[−23/2⁄ 3 −1/5
X ]
3. Determine the dimension (order) of matrix E

i. A x B x C x D = E
(2x4) (4x3) (3x1) (1x2)

ii. A x B xC x D = E
(1x4) (4x3) (3x4) (3x1)

Find A−1 if A= 5 −8
3 −5[ ]
Find A if A= [ 48 105 ]
========== E N D ==========


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