Article Xvii of The 1987 Constitution

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ARTICLE XVII Disagreements can be

settled through a conference

Alteration of one or a few Total or substantial changing
specific and separable in the Constitution as a May also decide to come
provisions whole (De Leon) together in joint session and
Intentions: Intentions: vote separately.
to improve specific parts or a re-examination of the
to add new provisions entire document, or of “Political Questions”
deemed necessary to meet provisions of the document Doctrine: Congress should
new conditions which have over-all be free to choose whichever
to suppress specific portions implications for the entire method it prefers.
that may have become document, to determine
obsolete or that are judged how and to what extent they Essential: VOTING
to be dangerous should be altered SEPARATELY because the
1987 Constitution: distinction is important because of the power to propose
limited scope of “initiative and referendum” amendments is given to a
A written constitution is susceptible of change in two ways:
REVISIONS REVOLUTION Who can propose amendments and revisions?
Implies action pursuant to Implies action not pursuant 1. Congress
some procedural provision to any provision of the  Vote of ¾ of all its members
in the constitution constitution itself 2. Constitutional Convention
 Congress may, by a vote of 2/3 of all its
On proposal of amendments: members, call such; or
1935 1987  By a majority vote of all the members of the
Two Houses of Congress Each House may separately Congress, submit to the electorate the question
come together in joint formulate amendments by a of calling such
session in order to propose vote of ¾ of all its members,
amendments then pass it on to the other
House for a similar process.
Who can propose amendments only?
People/Electorate through an initiative
 Upon a petition of at least 12% of the total number
of registered voters, of which every legislative
district must be represented by at least 3% of the
registered voters therein
 No amendment shall be authorized within 5 years
following the ratification of the Constitution nor
oftener than once every 5 years thereafter
o Initiative is both an extraordinary and
cumbersome process and too abuse it by
too frequent use can unduly hamper
government operations
 Without an implementing legislation, this Section
(2) cannot operate
 Reason: it would be practically impossible to have
an over-all review of the Constitution through
action by the entire electoral population

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