Promotion and Prevention in Child Mental Health: Appropriate????

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Editor: Title not appropriate????

Presidential Address

Promotion and prevention in child mental health

P. C. Shastri
Department of Psychiatry at B.Y.L. Nair Hospital and Topiwala National Medical College (Rtd.), Mumbai, India

Introduction reduce behaviour disorders in children and prevent adult

psychopathology. Effectiveness of child mental health
The importance of psychological well-being in children and intervention programmes will surely help in addressing
adolescent, for their healthy emotional, social, physical, mental health disorders among adults.
cognitive and educational development, is well-recognized.
There is now increasing evidence on the effectiveness Even WHO identifies the treatment gap in mental health
of interventions to improve children’s and adolescent’s care. World Health Organisation, asserts that many people
resilience, promote mental health and treat mental health suffering from psychiatric illnesses remain untreated,
problems and disorders. although effective treatment exists. WHO report examines
the extent of this gap between the prevalence and treatment
Mental health problems will contribute significantly to of psychiatric disorders globally. One in every 5 child has a
the global burden of disease in the 21st century, and for mental health issue. If we invest in identifying the problems
adolescents, mental health hurdles are already as common early and intervene at the right time, it will be more cost
as some physical health problems such as asthma.[1] effective, as we will be preventing further breakdown and
avoid an adult treatment and rehabilitation programme
Clinical preoccupation of the available mental health which is much more expensive. As it is rightly said that
professionals of the country and the delay of these “Prevention is Better than Cure”. It is possible to prevent
professionals to spearhead work towards promotion, the majority of behaviour disorders in preschool and school
prevention, identification and early intervention in child environment itself.
mental health has been a major lacuna.
The dire need is to stimulate long-term and sustained
There are limited child and adolescent mental health services improvement in children’s health, by setting standards for
in India. Mostly such services are restricted to urban areas. high quality integrated health and social care for children
Access to mental health services for children with a mental, from before birth, right through to adulthood. And while
emotional or behavioural disorder is substandard, not doing this one of the main focus area has to be the mental
provided early enough, in sufficient supply and accessible health and psychological wellbeing of children and young
only to a fraction of children and adolescents. people.

We currently have tertiary care centres which attend to In order to achieve desired outcomes one should embrace
mental illness in hospital setting. They are therapeutic in all those services that contribute to the mental health care
nature and aim to treat and rehabilitate back to society. of children and adolescents, whether provided by health,
However, large gap exists in the area of prevention, mental education, social services or other agencies. It is also
health promotion and early intervention programmes. Child crucial to partner with services whose primary function is
Mental Health Policy and School Mental Health Programmes not mental health care, such as GPs and schools. They can
have provided excellent opportunity to enhance mental always contribute by offering general advice and treatment
health programme for children and adolescents. Focus for less severe problems, contribute towards mental health
is rightly on preschool children and school based mental promotion, identify problems early in their development,
health programmes which will prevent and possibly and refer to more specialist services. This is to explicitly
promote positive mental health. It also ensures that it will acknowledge that supporting children and adolescents
with mental health problems is not the responsibility of
Address for correspondence: Dr. P. C. Shastri,
3/3, Vivina Bldg., S.V. Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400 058, specialist services alone.[2]
India. E-mail: [email protected]
The plan should include primary mental health workers,
DOI: 10.4103/0019-5545.49447

How to cite this article: Shastri PC. Promotion and prevention Delivered at 61st Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatric
in child mental health. Indian J Psychiatry 2009;51:88-95. Society at Agra 8th January 2009

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Shastri: Child mental health

psychologists and counselors working in GP practices, sector, so that our children grow up to become responsible
pediatric clinics, schools and youth services. They can offer citizens. Equal opportunities for development to all children
consultation to families and other practitioners, outreach during the period of growth should be our aim, for this
to identify severe or complex needs which require more would serve our larger purpose of reducing inequality and
specialist interventions, assessment, treatment and training ensuring social justice.
where needed.
Current Indian Scenario
We need a multi-disciplinary team or service working
in a community mental health clinic or child psychiatry According to the UNESCO report 2008. (U.N.D.P. REPORT
outpatient service, providing a specialised service for 2008):[3]
children and adolescents with more severe, complex
and persistent disorders. This team can include child India stands at
and adolescent psychiatrists, social workers, clinical
psychologists, community psychiatric nurses, child • 102nd position in the “Education for all developmental
psychotherapists, occupational therapists, art, music and index” out of 129 countries”.
drama therapists. • 132nd place in the list of 172 nations on human
development index (H.D.I)
Mental health service delivery demands effective
partnerships between agencies, joint protocols to be agreed Ten percent of 5-15 year olds have a diagnosable mental
at senior officer level between the local, state and national health disorder. This suggests that around 50 million
bodies, social service organizations and educational children under eighteen would benefit from specialist
institutions. There should be a single window operation in services. There are up to 20 million adolescents with a
order to develop an effective model for child and adolescent severe mental health disorder. Around 90% of children with
mental health. a mental health disorder are not currently receiving any
specialist service.
Also services for children and adolescents should be
provided irrespective of their gender, race, religion, ability, All the elements that play key role in a child development
culture or sexuality. and mental health are in unattended state in India. This
includes basic amenities, poor infrastructure, and human
Traditionally in India, the responsibility of care and resource development along with essential health and
protection of children has been with families and hygiene measures.
communities. A strong knit patriarchal family that is meant
to look after its children well has seldom had the realization Mental health promotion strategies need approaches
that children are individuals with their own rights. Child that are also associated with the prevention of child and
and Adolescent Mental Health is the fundamental right of adolescent problems within communities with low Socio-
the children, and the approach to ensure the fulfilment of economic Status (SES). Low SES can be measured in
these rights so far has always been more need based rather different ways including low levels of education and/or
than rights based. income or definitions that combine several variables. This is
mainly because the factors associated with low SES are also
A typical Indian child starts his/her life in the womb with associated with the development of violence and crime,
intrauterine growth retardation (30 percent) due to factors substance abuse and child health problems. Interventions
like malnutrition and anaemia. The child especially a female that address underlying determinants of low SES show
child continues to have deprivation and discrimination all strong efficacy in decreasing adolescent crime and violence
through his/her life. Indian child undergoes multidimensional and effectiveness in improving child health outcomes.
exploitation inflicted both at home and work-place; Infact there are programs designed to improve educational
economically, sexually, personally and educationally. This pathways that show some efficacy in reducing aspects of
results in poor identity and self-worth of the child. Even adolescent substance use. Such interventions could also
the legislative and social changes through mass movement be supported in mental health promotion policy as they
on community awareness in the direction of compulsory may assist in preventing related problems that undermine
schooling, have failed to ensure mental health to an Indian mental health.
Following areas need attention for promotion, prevention,
The Nation’s children are a supremely important asset. identification and intervention:
Their nurture and solitude are our responsibility. Children’s
programmes, should find a prominent part in our national • Promoting Health and Well-being, Identifying Needs
plans for the development of human resources in each and Intervening Early

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• Supporting Parenting of disorders are targeted.[4] Mental health prevention and

• Child, Adolescent and Family-centered Services early intervention are relatively new fields in mental health.
• Growing Up into Adulthood Progression of these initiatives involves supporting health
• Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Children and related staff and the community in the acquisition of the
and Adolescents knowledge and skills needed to meet the challenges of new
• Children and Adolescents who are Ill service directions and programs, including the provision of
• Children and Adolescents in Hospital resources to assist implementation.
• Disabled Children and Adolescents and those with
Complex Health Needs Child’s mental health may be affected by events such as
• The Mental Health and Psychological Well-being of death of a family member, marital discord or separation,
Children and Adolescents environmental disasters and economic disadvantage.
• Medicines for Children and Adolescents Children and adolescents may require interventions
• Antenatal, Peri-natal and Postnatal Services to ameliorate the effects of abuse or neglect, parental
substance abuse or mental health problems or domestic
‘Primary care’ is of crucial importance and includes all violence.[5-7]
first line services that have contact with children and their
families. Lack of appropriate stimulation in the early years may result
in language delay and together with inappropriate child-
Nation’s attempt to address the issues rearing practices, especially if characterised by neglect
or inconsistency, may lead to emotional or behavioural
The major national policies and legislations formulated in disorders. Appropriate parenting styles are fundamental to
the country to ensure child rights and improvement in their caring for children’s mental health. Early attachment and
status include: bonding between parents and their babies is important and
needs to be supported.
• National Policy for Children, 1974
• National Policy on Education, 1986 Many children, adolescents and their families who could
• National Policy on Child Labour, 1987 benefit from mental health services for assessment and
• National Nutrition Policy, 1993 treatment are not accessing services. There are a variety
• National Health Policy, 2002 of reasons for this: a lack of trust in statutory services; a
• National Charter for Children, 2004 wish to solve problems themselves; a lack of recognition
• National Plan of Action for Children, 2005 and agreement that a problem exists; a fear of being teased
and stigmatised; a fear of confidentiality being broken and
However, there is a wide gap between identifying needs, a belief that nothing can be done. These can all affect the
planning, developing policies and effective implementation take-up of help.
to bring a difference. But there is hope when concerned
authorities continue to take the matter seriously and address Children and adolescents rarely present with single
the preliminary rights that aid in child mental health issues. disorders but rather with a range of problems. A large
proportion of the available evidence does not reflect the
“National Human Rights Commission will guard right to co-morbidity issues which present in day-to-day clinical
education and health. Focus will be on life, survival, health practice. In addition, services have to rely frequently on
and basic education. Elementary education and primary either extrapolating research findings from abroad or from
health services in rural areas will get top priority.” adult literature.

- S. Rajendra Babu When it comes to prevention, one must give necessary

Former Chief Justice of India, Chairperson of NHRC attention to genetic causes, environmental factors and the
September 2007 interaction between the two that can cause several childhood
disorders, as some of these are preventable.[6] Advancement
ACTION PLAN of genetic techniques aid in prenatal diagnosis and have
importance in counseling including premarital counseling.
Prevention For e.g. early identification of PKU would prevent mental
Effective prevention programs have been identified which retardation. Cretinism, Iodine deficiency and malnutrition
may help to reduce the risk of children developing a mental are also easily correctable and preventable conditions.
problem or disorder. Some prevention programs are even
more effective than later treatments, particularly in the Promotion
area of conduct disorders. Significant advancements can be All children, adolescents and their parents or carers require
made when both the early years of life and the early stages access to information and supportive environments to ensure

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Shastri: Child mental health

that the child or adolescent’s mental health is promoted. • Additional and support needs
Specific activities such as tackling bullying, provision of • Children in need of special care
education to increase awareness of mental health issues and
to improve the recognition of children’s emerging needs, Child mental health services at district level should
and provision of support for those children with particular incorporate the following programs:[10,11]
needs, have a vital role to play in improving the chances
for children and adolescents. Everyone in a community has • Liaison
a role to play in ensuring that the environment in which • Consultation
children are growing up promotes their mental health. • Training
• Supervision
For children with learning difficulties and their parents • Intervention
or carers, the provision of special education, training • Planning and development
and promoting need for early intervention may make a • Research and development
significant difference in overall development.
Training should aim to consolidate existing knowledge
One should invest time and resources in refocusing of through experiential learning, enabling staff to promote
services that will be necessary to meet their needs. This will good mental health and recognise and manage children
include ensuring that there is a strong focus on vocational and adolescent’s mental health problems at an early stage.
and social issues in order to ease adolescent’s transition into Training should be appropriate to the developmental
adulthood and reduce the likelihood of social exclusion, so level and cultural context of the children and adolescent’s
often a secondary consequence of mental illness. population.

Assessment of local needs may identify other groups of Primarily educative, supervision should aim to improve
children and adolescents for whom service development is the ability of professionals to promote and support
required e.g. looked after children, where there has been children and adolescent’s mental health more effectively
recent significant improvement in provision, children with by improving their skills, knowledge base and facilitating
conduct disorder or severe behavioural problems, children reflection on attitudes towards mental health, thus enabling
and adolescents who are homeless, adolescents in young more effective practice. Supervision can take the form of
offenders institutions and asylum seeking children, where individual or group support and can also act as a means of
expertise is not readily available. consolidating multi-agency training.

Given that some forty per cent of children with learning Children in most sections of Indian society are traditionally
disabilities have a diagnosable mental disorder and this and conventionally not consulted about matters and
rate is even higher in those with severe learning disabilities, decisions affecting their lives. In the family and household,
the low level of resources available to the children and the neighbourhood and wider community, in school or in
their families represents serious inequity and a significant work place, and across the settings of social and cultural
challenge for the development of appropriate services. life, children’s views are mostly not given much importance.
If they do speak out, they are not normally heard. The
There is normally a wide variation in the age when adolescents imposition of restrictive norms is especially true for a
achieve maturity and independence, especially for those girl child. This limits children’s access to information and
with learning disability and other impairments. A degree freedom to choose, and often to the possibility of seeking
of flexibility is clearly required to ensure that adolescents help outside their immediate circle.
receive treatment in an environment that promotes their
engagement and responds to their developmental needs. Child mental health is a shared responsibility, and for any
intervention to be effective there should be a synergy
A nurturing social environment in childhood, good early between efforts being made by different stakeholders to
education and academic success in school are related to address the issues. There is a need to create a mechanism
protecting the mental health of young growing generation. that will make such a synergy possible. These may include
The influence of peers is also critical. child mental health prevention and promotion mechanisms
at village, block, district and state levels which involve
For good mental health services, the following five sectors parents, elected representatives of urban and rural local
are important:[8,9] bodies, teachers, anganwadi workers, medical practitioners,
police and social workers and responsible members of
• Early years public among others.
• School years
• Community based activity The media should be productively used to spread

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awareness on child mental health. Debates and discussions • Three times more likely to use alcohol and other drugs
with participation of children can be a regular feature on • Six times more likely to think about killing themselves.[19,20]
electronic media in order to enhance people’s knowledge
and sensitivity on child mental health issues. What is needed is to see that

We also need appropriate and updated prevalence and • All children and adolescent get best and improved
incidence database from all the possible agencies for mental health.
planning and implementation. • Multi-agency services, working in partnership, promote
the mental health of all children and adolescent, provide
Children’s voices need to be heard by everyone. All for early intervention and also meet the needs of children
addressing issues of child mental health should have and adolescent with established or complex problems.
adequate children’s representation with the opportunity • All children, adolescent and their families have access
for them to express their views. For example, school to mental health care based upon the best available
curricula should be developed with the active participation evidence and provided by staff with an appropriate
of children; children should be involved in development range of skills and competencies.
of the district child protection plan, children should be
involved in management of schools and institutions, etc. All children and adolescents, from birth to their eighteenth
It is mandatory that peer education, peer training and birthday, who have mental health problems and disorders,
peer participation should be part of each and every school need to have access to timely, integrated, high quality,
mental health program.[12] multi-disciplinary mental health services to ensure effective
assessment, treatment and support, for them and their
Early identification families.
Mental health problems in children are associated with
educational failure, family disruption, disability, offending In order to achieve we must ensure the
and antisocial behaviour, placing demands on social services, following at district level
schools and the youth justice system. Untreated mental
health problems create distress not only in the children and • All staff working directly with children has sufficient
adolescents, but also for their families and carers, continuing knowledge, training and support to promote the
into adult life and affecting the next generation. psychological well-being of children and their families
and to identify early indicators of difficulty.
Some children in special circumstances have greater needs • System of referral, support and early intervention are
regarding their mental health. Looked after children are well worked out.
five times more likely than their peers to have a mental • Professionals provide a balance of direct and indirect
health disorder. Children and adolescents with significant services and are flexible about where children and
learning disabilities are three to four times more likely to families are seen.
have a mental disorder and at least forty per cent of young • Children and adolescents are able to receive urgent
offenders have been found to have a diagnosable mental mental health care when required.
health disorder. • Children and adolescents with both a learning disability
and a mental health disorder have access to appropriate
Almost 20 per cent of all children and adolescents are child and adolescent mental health service.
affected by mental health problems and at least half of • Arrangements are in place to ensure that specialist
these show impaired schooling and social development.[13] multidisciplinary teams are of sufficient size and have an
appropriate skill-mix, training and support to function
Among children and adolescents, problems such as child effectively.
abuse and neglect, conduct disorders, alcohol and drug
abuse, depression, attention deficit disorders, and suicide Intervention
are all becoming more common.[14-16] Furthermore, mental Similar numbers of children with less serious mental health
disorders (notably depression) are appearing at a younger problems will need some help. In most cases, this will be
age and they also seem to be increasing in severity.[17,18] provided by services in primary health care, social care,
Children and adolescents with mental health problems are: education (including early years) and the voluntary sector.

• Twice as likely to report feeling ‘very stressed’ In many cases, the intervention that makes a difference will
• Three times more likely to have poor or fair physical come from another service. For example, a child presenting
health with behavioural problems may make better progress if his/
• Three times more likely to perform below grade level at her literacy problems are also addressed, in which case an
school input is required from education. The lack of provision in

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Shastri: Child mental health

one service may impact on the ability of other services to be timely and effective and able to respond to a wide range of
effective. Partnership working is an essential requirement demands which include the provision of: specialist and multi-
of high quality service provision. disciplinary assessment and treatment services; teaching,
specialist consultation and liaison services; research and
Concepts of mental health and illness and the understanding audit; and support, training, consultation and face-to-face
of the origins of children’s emotional and behavioural work within primary care settings.[27] The precise level
difficulties vary across cultures. Services need to be sensitive of staffing will vary according to indices of deprivation,
to these differences and ensure that staff is equipped with whether the service is in a rural or urban setting, the number
the knowledge to work effectively with the different groups of local partnerships required and teaching responsibilities.
represented within the community they serve. Where services have good core resources, they are also
able to offer a range of specialist and community-out-reach
The experiences of those families who are refugees or are services; this arises from the availability of a critical mass
seeking asylum, particularly those from conflict torn zones, of staffing. Many services have not been able to recruit all
have often been highly traumatic. The provision of effective members of a multidisciplinary team, which limits their
mental health care can be extremely challenging, especially capacity to provide a comprehensive service.[27,28]
if there are language barriers. For localities with a significant
population of such families, specific arrangements may Services ensure that children and adolescents receive
need to be made to provide appropriate mental health care treatment interventions which are guided by the best
for the children and adolescents within these families.[21,22] available evidence and which take account of their individual
needs and circumstances.
While planning such services, proximity of the location is
also important factor for consideration. This is also keeping Currently such services are majorly provided dedicatedly by
legislative mandates in mind for provision of services and NGOs and private institutions and professionals. There was
can be within 2 to 5 km distance. This is mainly advised a pervasive concern that while multiple public and private
so that they are able to access services easily. Time and entities had important roles to play in meeting the mental
day for availability of services should also be convenient to health needs of children and families, there was an absence
both child and family in order to make it effective and avoid of overall comprehensive planning, accountability was as
drop-outs.[23] fragmented as the rest of the system, and as a consequence
there was a sense that nobody was responsible at the
The setting in which the first contact is made may make national and government level.
a difference e.g. in school which may be seen as less
stigmatising for some or, where confidentiality is of An estimated 90% one in five of all adolescents with mental
particular concern, away from school for a young person disorders is not receiving any treatment. This is a result of
who fears being teased.[24,25] several factors. First of all services to address these don’t
exist. And also most often, children’s and adolescents’
The development of services for children with learning mental health problems are not recognized or diagnosed
disabilities will require a workforce with the competencies properly, and available effective treatment is not employed.
and knowledge of working with children and adolescents
with complex, severe and multiple disabilities (especially Children and adolescents with mental health problems
those with moderate or severe learning disabilities) and are most often handled by the school or juvenile justice
their families. Co-ordination of learning disability with systems, which are generally ill-equipped to recognize and
other services should be achieved through partnerships address mental disorders.[29]
which preserve and enhance the quality and effectiveness
of specialist provision already in place. A number of treatment models have been found to be
effective in addressing mental health problems of children
Partnership working across agencies working with children and adolescents. These prevention and intervention
and adolescents with mental health problems can be strategies, however, are often underutilized. While they can
a challenging task. The lack of understanding of the require significant time and investment, many prevention
respective roles, duties, responsibilities and organisation and intervention models are economically efficient when
of the different agencies and professionals and of their compared to the cost mental health problems extract from
different language, may lead to poor communication, youth, their families and communities.
misunderstandings and frustration. Effective partnership
working can improve children and adolescent’s experience Successful programs involve long-term intense interventions
of services and lead to improved outcomes.[26] and address an array of factors such as family conflict,
depression, social isolation, school failure, substance abuse,
A critical mass of staffing is required for services to be safe, delinquency, and violence.

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Shastri: Child mental health

Intervention can also be provided by direct work with • Workplace

children and families, where the level of need appropriately • Media
matches the type of intervention normally provided in a • Social organisations
primary care environment. Direct interventions should be • Professional organisations
brief and tailored to the child/ adolescent’s and family’s • Community organisations
identified needs.[29] • Peer and other social groups.[31]

Mental health promotion (MHP) and mental disorder Conclusion

prevention (MDP) among children and adolescents need to
shift its focus. The change needed is to move from inherited The country has to take care of an enormous number
patterns of institutionalization and medicalization to of children. While articulating its vision of progress,
modern public health approaches based on involvement of development and equity, India has expressed its recognition
children, youth, parents and communities. of the fact that when our children are educated, healthy,
happy and have access to opportunities, they are the
Another big challenge in the field of child mental health country’s greatest human resource.
is to plan and organize effective parenting programs for
mentally ill parents. These programmes would need special This will require commitment to the integrity of
skills and training to make it effective for both parents as programs, their adaptation for and engagement with local
well as children. communities, and the incorporation of evaluations of
program effectiveness. More attention is now being given
Prevention, Promotion, Early to the need for programs to provide quality norms for good
Identification and Intervention: A practice that are determined by theory, evidence based
speciality outcomes, cost effectiveness and feasibility of widespread
implementation. We must assist the implementation of
Supporters of the population health approach to mental innovative and effective mental health initiatives in this
health have consistently advocated primary prevention of relatively new field in mental health services for children
children’s problems. However, awareness, education and and adolescents across India.
training is required for recognising that childhood and
youth constitute defined developmental phases, and that India presents a unique case in terms of the sheer size
problems in this period are often interactive, contributing of its population and 46 percent of them are children;
to the escalation of vulnerability to mental health problems characterized by heterogeneity in respect of physical,
or disorders. The aim of prevention and early intervention economical, social and cultural conditions. Its population
is to be able to alter this trajectory.[30] of 1.12 billion constitutes 16 percent of the world
population, with 74 percent of them living in rural areas.
Thus, it is essential that a comprehensive prevention India is a secular state with various languages, cultures and
agenda is built on an alliance of health, education and social religions. This kind of complex and multifaceted country
agencies in our communities. For many health, education makes formulation of National policies, programming and
and community workers this requires a new way of thinking planning quite a challenging task. Each and every one of the
about mental health. The focus must shift from individual 600 districts of India is unique in many ways. Each district
clinical casework to a broader population mental health will need its planning at local level. For such a diversified
understanding including: country it is difficult to envisage a national program that fits
all and even of all are considered in reality it may fit none.
• Epidemiology
• Multifactorial aetiology Independent India has taken large strides in addressing
• Risk and protective factors issues like child education, health and development. But,
• Socio-environmental determinants of health and mental it has failed to implement program which is progressive,
health such as poverty and unemployment promotional, performance based, preventive and protective
• Socio-cultural processes.[31] to the child mental health. Examining the government
policies and national program for promoting child mental
In particular, professionals employed in mental health health it becomes evident that there is a wide gap between
services must be aware that in prevention, the proximal the children’s needs and existing resources. There is neither
social environments that are most pertinent to population an independent nor integrated child mental health policy in
health problems are: India. The multiple needs of a child are currently covered
by different policies and subsequently different ministries.
• Family It is crucial to develop a comprehensive policy to cover all
• School aspects of children’s mental health, fewer than one umbrella.

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