3.1 Go Fish For Glofish!: Name: - Date: - HR
3.1 Go Fish For Glofish!: Name: - Date: - HR
Name: _______________________________________________ Date: _________________ Hr:_______
This unit you will “dive” into learning about the first
genetic engineered pet to be sold in stores -- GloFish!
These little freshwater fish come in several different
species and colors...and they just happen to glow in
the dark!
1. After watching the first clip about GloFish, jot down a few questions you have about the animals.
2. Edit to your list above after watching the “10 Brillant Facts about GloFish” video clip.
3. One of the species of GloFish are the Danios, a cousin of the Zebra Danios (Zebrafish). Zebrafish are
not new to the field of science. In fact, they are what are known as model organisms. Read the
selection below and answer the questions that follow:
They are usually organisms that are easy to maintain and breed in a laboratory setting.
For example, they may have particularly robust embryos that are easily studied and manipulated in the
lab, this is useful for scientists studying development.
Many model organisms can breed in large numbers. Some have a very short generation time, which is
the time between being born and being able to reproduce, so several generations can be followed at once
Some model organisms have similar genes or similar-sized genomes to humans. Model organisms can
be used to create highly detailed genetic maps: Genetic maps are a visual representation of the location
of different genes on a chromosome, a bit like a real map but one where the key landmarks are areas of
interest in the genome.
3.1 Go Fish for GloFish! p. 2
6. Scientists use models all of the time to help explain phenomenon that they observe. In the space
below, take notes on models:
7. Of the images shown, which is the BEST scientific model for how food is digested and used in an
animal? Please explain your reasoning.
3.1 Go Fish for GloFish! p. 3
8. Use the space below to create a scientific model explaining how an adult GloFish develop from a
single cell. Remember, models are meant to be revised once more information is discovered.
9. Use the space below to create a scientific model explaining how GloFish are able to glow in the dark.
Remember, models are meant to be revised once more information is discovered.