Application of High Resolution Direction Finding Algorithms in Mobile Communications
Application of High Resolution Direction Finding Algorithms in Mobile Communications
Application of High Resolution Direction Finding Algorithms in Mobile Communications
Abstract–Mobile communication systems based on 3G and MATLAB simulations have been developed for MUSIC
4G technologies use adaptive antenna arrays to increase their (Multiple Signals Classification), Root-MUSIC and ESPRIT
coverage and channel capacity. Adaptive antenna arrays (Estimation of Signal Parameter via Rotational Invariance
involve direction finding and beamforming algorithms to Technique) algorithms. Results of these simulations have
localize and track both signals i.e. users and interferers. This been used for characterizing the linear antenna array with
paper presents simulation and analysis of three high resolution optimal performance.
direction finding algorithms namely MUSIC, Root-MUSIC
and ESPRIT. These algorithms provide an estimate about the
number of incoming signal sources and their angles of arrival
on an antenna array. Simulation results have been used to II. HIGH RESOLUTION DIRECTION FINDING
evaluate the performance of these algorithms by varying the
antenna array parameters such as number of mobile users,
number of antenna elements, time samples acquired and
signal-to-noise ratio. A. Data Generation for Antenna Array
Several plane wave signals from P sources are incident
Keywords–direction finding, antenna array, MUSIC, Root-
on a uniform linear array from different angles θi where i =
1, 2 … P. The array consists of Q antenna elements. At any
time instant t, the received signal vector Rxd(t) at the antenna
array can be written as:
I. INTRODUCTION Rxd(t) = Σ a(θp) x sp(t) (1)
Direction finding algorithms are used to identify the Where s(t) is a vector of Px1 incoming sources, and a(θ)
angular spread of the sources. They work on the signals is a Qx1 array steering vector for a particular direction θ
received at the output of antenna array and compute the relative to the array broadside as given below:
angles of arrival of all the incoming signals. A beamforming
processor uses these angles of arrival for calculating the a(θ) = [ 1 e-jα … e-j(N-1)α ] (2)
complex weight vectors for beam steering. A beamformer Where α is defined as the phase delay across the antenna
steers the radiation in a particular direction and places the array and is given below:
nulls in the interfering directions with the help of known
angles of arrival of the sources [1]. α = (2π/λ) x de x sin(θ) (3)
Conventional direction finding algorithms are quite Where de is the element spacing and λ is the wavelength
vulnerable to the noise of incoming data due to large side of the received signal. The signal vector Rxd(t) can be written
lobe levels in the antenna array beam pattern. In addition as:
these algorithms require a large number of antenna elements Rxd(t) = A x s(t) (4)
to resolve the angles of arrival with precise accuracy [2].
This paper focuses on high resolution direction finding Where A = [a(θ1) … a(θP)] is a PxQ matrix of steering
algorithms. These algorithms exploit properties of Eigen vectors. The antenna array output Oarray(t) consists of both
structures to provide a solution to an underlying estimation signal and noise components and can be written as:
problem for a given application. These algorithms apply
Oarray(t) = Rxd(t) + w(t) (5)
Eigen value decomposition techniques on the input
covariance matrix of received signal to estimate the signal Where Rxd(t) and w(t) are assumed to be uncorrelated
and noise subspaces [3], [4]. and w(t) is modeled as white Gaussian process.
0o 0.0469o 0.0244o
Table. 4 Analysis of Root-MUSIC and ESPRIT with Ts = 256 Inference on Scenario 3: The MUSIC algorithm is
unable to resolve all the signals in the presence of large
Theta Root-MUSIC ESPRIT number of incident signals (P) closer to the number of
o o
antenna elements (Q) as shown in fig. 9.
-10 -9.9961 -10.0316o
Scenario 4: This scenario shows the effects of varying
0o -0.0560o -0.0395o the SNR with fixed number of antenna elements, number of
mobile users, and number of time samples. The values of
12o 11.8737o 12.0146o parameters used are SNR = {-10, 10} dB, Q = 8, P = 3,
Theta = {10o, 20o, 30o}, Ts = 128.
Tables 5 and 6 below show the comparison of Root- Table 4 below shows the comparison of Root-MUSIC
MUSIC and ESPRIT algorithms for the simulation scenario and ESPRIT algorithms for the simulation scenario
mentioned above. mentioned above.
Table. 5 Analysis of Root-MUSIC and ESPRIT with SNR = -10 dB Table. 7 Analysis of Root-MUSIC and ESPRIT with low SNR -10 dB
Table. 6 Analysis of Root-MUSIC and ESPRIT with SNR = 10 dB -15o -14.7468o * -14.8415o
This paper presented a detailed analysis of high
resolution direction finding algorithms and their application
in mobile communication systems using antenna arrays.
This paper presented MATLAB simulations of MUSIC,
Figure 13 Execution times (msec) with variable Q for Ts = 256 Root-MUSIC and ESPRIT algorithms that allowed the user
to change the design parameters of a linear antenna array i.e.
Q, Ts, SNR, P along with values of Theta. Simulation
results verified that MUSIC algorithm is a preferable choice
for direction finding applications having a large antenna
array with a large number of time samples. Simulation
results also verified that Root-MUSIC algorithm is a
preferable choice for direction finding applications detecting
a large number of mobile users with narrow angular
separation and low SNR environment, keeping the number
of antenna elements and time samples fixed. These results
can provide help to system engineers involved in design and
analysis of linear antenna arrays for mobile
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