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CICM-RP Mission Priority/Projects

Four Main Projects MORAL LIFE

Indigenous People Concerns Human Experience

Human Experience
integral missionary commitment The Story of Creation
promotion of livelihood programs Genesis 1:27-31
self-determination of the IP's God created man in His image; in the divine image He
created him; male and female He created them. God blessed
School Apostolate/Campus Ministry them, saying; “Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.
Have dominion over fish of the sea, the birds of the air; and all
the living things that move on the earth”. God also said; “ See, I
promote CICM charism and spirituality
give you every seed bearing fruit on it to be your food; and all
promote vocations
the animals of the land; all the birds of the air; and all the living
educating the youth
creatures that crawl on the ground, I give all the green plants for
food”. And so it happened. God looked at everything He had
made and found it very good. Evening came and morning
Support for Poor Parishes while giving special attention to BEC
followed – the sixth day.
>>> Humans as the climax of God’s creative activity!
prioritize parishes in remote areas >>> Human person created in the image and likeness of God
building up self-ministering but outward-looking faith >>> human person endowed with human dignity and innate
communities. goodness
active partner in ecumenical fora and inter-religious dialogues >>> Human person as Relational Being
*** his existence is a responsibility to bring fulfillment all of
Gods’ creation
Justice, Peace, and integrity of Creation

ministry to those who are considered marginalized. Morality : particular system of values and
principles of conduct concerning the
Preliminary Definition distinction between right and wrong;
Morality… good or bad behavior. It is the ethical
is an encompassing concept that serves as the underlying force norms of conduct that govern behavior
for every action of an individual, even of a society. and actions of an individual or group
takes the crucial role of formulating, establishing , and setting of individuals
ethical norms of conduct that govern behaviors and actions of
an individual/ a group.
Norms of Morality
Descriptive Morality
Normative Morality Existing code of conduct put forward by certain groups or
Norms of Morality society
Descriptive Morality >>> law as the standard of conduct is
refers to an existing code of conduct put forward by a certain exclusive and applicable only in certain
society, contrary to the belief that there is a universal standard of society
conduct that applies to all human beings. >>> differs quiet extensively in their
relative – a standard of conduct may be applicable to a certain context from others code of conduct
group but not true to others. example: focus on purity/sanctity = harm others,
Norms of Morality Emphasizing authority/loyalty more important than avoiding and
Normative Morality preventing harm
Adapts the concept of universalism
There is a universal norm that governs the behaviors of all
rational persons, though vulnerable but still moral agents.
St. Thomas Aquinas: reason helps us discern the right and Universalism: existence of a code of conduct that governs all
moral decision. rational persons, under plausible specified conditions
>>> REASON: tool to determine the quality and characteristics
of certain actions
Discernment example: Dignity and worth of human life is freely embraced
Well-founded standards of right and wrong by all individual regardless of religion, ethnicity , gender etc
A matter of intelligent and careful distinguishing
Seeing > Judge > Act

Questions to Ponder: >>>> one’s reason prohibits, requires, discourages, encourages

When good people do things that turn out badly, or have or allows a person to perform an action
intended harmful results, does this make them less good or less
moral? St. Thomas Aquinas: “ Faculty of reason has been implanted by
Regardless of what it says about the person’s morality, can an God through which a person is able to legitimately judge the
action be a bad action if it is done with good intentions? Or is circumstances and conditions surrounding a moral decision
any action taken with good intentions a good action? which eventually requires one to choose a morally acceptable
one.” moral standards normally promote “the good”, that is the welfare
and well-being of humans as well as animals and the
Ethics Vs Morality
Morality : Intent and Purpose Ethics provide system of moral principles and the reasons why
determine what kind of actions are morally acceptable and these principles are valid
permissible basic ethical principles
establishes the fundamental framework of the intent and motive Respect for persons
behind every action and decision truthfulness and confidentiality
Autonomy and informed conscience
>>>> Human intelligence as a powerful guide in working out Beneficence
moral problems Non-maleficence
For Us Christians, more than the Reason to guide us! We have Refers to the principles of right or wrong behavior or rightness or
the person of Jesus! wrongness of human actions
Jesus Christ is the perfect norm of morality in determining the morality of the human action, the moral agent
CONCLUSION: is guided by the broader norm or principles of ethics
Ethics “killing is wrong bec.it violates the principles of ‘respect
Morality studies and judges actions, intentions and for person’ non maleficence
circumstances as whether it is right or wrong in the light of what Morality, “do not kill bec it is wrong”
humanity is. Characteristics of Moral Standards
HUMANITY IS… Deal with matters we think can seriously injure or benefit
>>> for individualistic; does not recognize a supreme being; humans, animals and the environment
preoccupied with self; good /bad are determined by what s/he not established or changed by the authoritative individuals or
believes to be right or wrong codes
overriding, that is, they take precedence over other standards
HUMANITY IS… and considerations especially of self-interest
>>> for us Christians, we decide on actions proper to child of Based on impartial considerations
God as seen in the life and teaching of Jesus! Associated with special emotions and vocabulary
In moral problem solving, we ask, “What does a human being Non moral standards
ought to do?” refer to standards by which we judge what is good or bad; right
or wrong in a non moral way
MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT MORALITY Examples: standards of etiquette, standard of aesthetics
Morality is a matter of opinion
All opinions about morality are equal and correct. Non moral standards are matters of taste or preference
Morality is outside the work of the “practical people.” Norms + Values = Moral Standard
Morality develops guilt and moral obligation which make a general rules about actions or behaviors
person’s life unhappy.
Morality is centered only on the act itself setting aside “killing of innocent people is absolutely wrong”
circumstances and intentions behind the action Enduring belief about what is good and desirable or not

MORAL ARGUMENT “ helping the poor is good”

Premise #1 Morality is a rational enterprise The Principle of the Human Act
Premise #2 Moral Realism is true meaning moral facts and and the Basic Moral Principles
duties exist. Prayer
Premise #3 The moral problems and disagreements among King of Heaven and earth, Lord God,
humans are to much for us to assume moral facts and duties are Rule over our hearts and bodies this day.
grounded on human soul of rationality Sanctify us,
Premise #4 Moral facts and duties are grounded in a necessary And guide our every thought, word, and deed
rational source (from 1,2,3) According to the commandments of Your Law,
Premise #5 This source is what we call God
Conclusion: therefor, God exists So that now and forever
Your grace may free and save us.
Moral standard Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son,
“ do not harm innocent people” Who lives and reigns with You
Non moral standard In the unity if the Holy Spirit,
“ do not text while driving” One God, for ever and ever. Amen
Ethics Vs Morality
ethics : systematic study of the rightness and wrongness of a The Lord’s Prayer (Classical Greek)
human action Pater hmwn o en toiV ouranoiV
the science of ‘morals” agiasqhtw to onoma sou
the rightness and wrongness of a human action elqetw h basileia sou
genhqhtw to qelhma sou,
The practice of ‘ethics’ ws en ouranw kai epi thV ghV
Moral standards ton arton hmwn ton epiousion doV hmin shmeron
are norms that individuals or groups have about the kinds of kai ajeV hmin ta ojeilhmata hmwn
actions believed to be morally right or wrong as well as the wV kai hmeiV ajiemen toiV ojeiletais hmwn
values placed on what we believed to be morally good or morally kai mh eisenegkhV hmaV eiV peirasmon
bad alla rusai hmaV apo tou ponhrou
Amhn. What makes a human act
morally appropriate?
Which among the two is the main concern of Morality? Determinants of the Morality of a Human Act
Acts of Man 1. Object/Act:
Human Acts the basic factor of morality.
Acts of Man it is where the moral goodness of an act depends.
(Gawa ng Tao) refers to the human act performed by the agent.
instinctive and not within the control of the will. it is either good (moral), bad (immoral), indifferent (neutral).
Such are the biological and physiological movements in man It answers the question WHAT?
such as metabolism, respiration, fear, and anger. E.g. Ano ang kanyang ginawa/nagawa?

Human Acts Determinants of the Morality of a Human Act

(Makataong kilos) 1. Object/Act:
those which man performs knowingly, freely, and voluntarily. Ano ang kanyang ginawa/nagawa?
result of conscious knowledge
subject to the control of the will. Determinants of the Morality of a Human Act
deliberate, intentional or voluntary 2. Intention or End
is any thought, act, word. the reason or purpose behind one’s action or acting.
also known as Motive or Purpose.
Elements of Human Acts “Ano ang dahilan kung bakit niya ginawa?”
There must be knowledge of the Human Act – the human act is This can modify human actions.
performed by the moral agent who is aware of what he/she is “nakapagbabago sa anyo ng gawaing pantao.”
doing and of its consequences. Example
Human acts are free – it is free from internal/ external forces. a. Sharing food – to cheat during exam.
No force from within and without that prevents the person to b. Sharing food – to help satisfy hunger.
commit/omit a Human act. Determinants of the Morality of a Human Act
Voluntariness – the resolution/willingness to perform the act 3. Circumstance/s
here and now, or in some future time certain accidental conditions w/c can modify the act in some
external way, either increasing or diminishing the responsibility
Difference between attending them.
Human Acts and Acts of Man it answers the reality revealing questions:
Basic Moral Principles: a. WHO? With Whom? Sino? – Person/s involved
An objectively good act can receive added goodness b. WHEN? Kelan? - Time of Event
Good Action + Good Intention = Very Good/Moral c. WHERE? Saan? - Place of Event
e.g. Giving Food Donation to those in need in order to d. HOW? Sa papaanong paraan? - Manner or
ease their hunger. mood/conditions
An objectively good act can be morally bad.
Good Action + Bad Intention = Bad Act/Immoral Determinants of the Morality of a Human Act
e.g. Greeting People with the intention to get their votes. 3. Circumstance/s
Bad Action + Good Intention = Bad Act/Immoral Depending on the answers to those questions, the quality or
e.g. Posting negative comments about a person in FB in morality of a human act can be appraised.
order to correct the attitude. Moral Principles:
Basic Moral Principles: It can either increase or decrease the morality of a human act.
An objectively bad act can never become good in spite of the It may change a good or indifferent act into a punishable one.
good motive. Determinants of the Morality of a Human Act
Bad Action + Bad Intention = Very Bad/Immoral Example:
e.g. Talking behind your classmates to destroy his/her Object : Kissing
reputation. Intention: Express Emotion
An indifferent act may become morally good or bad. Circumstances : Who?
Indifferent Act + Good Intention = Good Act/Moral :Where?
e.g. Chewing Gum to freshen your breath. :When?
Indifferent Act + Bad Intention = Bad Act :With Whom?
e.g. Speaking French in order to boast or to confuse :How?
people. E. Determinants of the Morality of a Human Act
Constituents of Human Acts Object : Stealing
Determinants of the Morality of a Human Act Intention: for the family
And the Basic Moral Principles Circumstances : Who?
Brief Review :Where?
Morality is a science concerned about what ought to be (norms); :When?
judging right and wrong in light of who we are; dealing with free :From or with
human conduct in light of revelation; summed up by the word Whom?
responsibility. :How?
Unlearning misconceptions A Moral Equation:
Human Acts as free, conscious, and intentional acts. Good Action + Good Intention = Very Good/Moral
e.g. Giving Food Donation to those in need in order to
ease their hunger.
Good Action + Bad Intention = Bad Act/Immoral
Determinants of the Morality of a Human Act e.g. Greeting People with the intention to get their votes.
Bad Action + Good Intention = Bad Act/Immoral right or wrong?
e.g. Posting negative comments about a person in FB in CHOOSE: Right; Check family first
order to correct the attitude. Wrong; Go to Fire Station Alternative
A Moral Equation: response
Bad Action + Bad Intention = Very Bad/Immoral The Firefighter.
e.g. Talking behind your classmates to destroy his/her It is World War II, and you are a firefighter in a city in Germany
reputation. that is under constant bombing. One day, after an especially
Indifferent Act + Good Intention = Good Act/Moral heavy attack, you leave the bomb shelter to go to your fire
e.g. Chewing Gum to freshen your breath. station. On the way, you decide to see whether your family is
Indifferent Act + Bad Intention = Bad Act safe. Although your home is quite distant, you go there first. Is
e.g. Speaking French in order to boast or to confuse this right or wrong?
people. CHOOSE: Notify Authorities
Keep Friend’s secret Alternative
Moral Principles response
Principle of Double Effect The Friend.
can be done on the following conditions: You promise to keep your best friend’s secret; then she tells you
a. The act must be good in itself or at least morally that her son is selling drugs and even has sold them at a nearby
indifferent. grade school. Your friend is upset but plans on taking no action.
b. The evil effect must not precede the good effect. At What would you do?
least they should happen simultaneously. CHOOSE: T.J.
c. there must be a sufficient reason for doing the act. Morgan
1. The good effect is more important or at least Alternative response
equally important with the bad effect. The Supervisor.
2. The act is the only means of achieving the good Your company is reducing the workforce, and you must dismiss
effect one of your engineers. You have narrowed the choices to T.J. ,
d. The intention of the agent must be honest an older employee who has been coasting for years, but who is
Between Two Evils Choose the Lesser Evil capable of outstanding performance, and Morgan, a new
employee who tries his best, but who almost certainly will never
IN EACH MORAL DILEMMA, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? perform at the same level as T.J. . Who would you let go?
CHOOSE: Right; Motive was good
Wrong; Consequences were bad
Alternative response CONSCIENCE
The Citizen. Norms that govern Human Conduct
You are driving your car when you come upon the scene of an
accident. One person will die without immediate medical care. REALIZATIONS/INSIGHTS:
You take the victim and speed to the hospital. The extra speed At any given situation, we are to decide the best things to do
causes another accident, in which another person dies. How having in mind that every good decisions made would lead to an
should you be judged? Was you act right because your motive experience of happiness and self-actualization
was good, or was your act wrong because its consequences We make decisions every day. Some rather easy that need no
were bad? discernment while some situations make us think more
CHOOSE: Confront Employer especially when our value system is in question and hence to
Avoid Confrontation Alternative clarify our values is indispensable for us to make correct and
response good decisions
The Salesperson. We are called to reflect on the best decision possible
You learn that your company is selling faulty equipment that
could be dangerous. Your spouse needs medical treatment that CONSCIENCE
costs a large percentage of your income. You have reason to Latin word, conscientia, meaning “a joint knowledge” or
believe that if you confront your employer, you will lose your job. “knowledge with”.
What will you do? = voice from within, yet in conjunction with one’s faith in
CHOOSE: Provide Favors God
Refuse to Provide Favors; Risk Losing = considered as God’s voice that echoes in the heart and
job Alternative response mind of an individual.
The Administrative Assistant. = law of God implanted in one’s heart
You are an executive administrative assistant who has been with = “conscience is the practical judgment of reason
the company for 20 years. You provide sole support for your allowing the person to recognize the moral quality of
family (Boy, 12; Girl, 10; Mother, ailing). Your new boss, the an act” with “ the feeling of morally obliged to do what is good
company president, has made it clear to you that continued and avoid what is evil”,CCC 1778 /CFC 723
employment depends on occasional sexual favors. What would
CHOOSE: Right; Continue to send non- MISCONCEPTION #1
complaining daughter Conscience is INDIVIDUALISTIC
Wrong; Send both daughters MISCONCEPTION #2
equally Alternative Conscience is God’s Voice within us
The Parent. Conscience is Our Feeling of Guilt
You have two daughters. One always complains when you send MISCONCEPTION #4
her on errands. The other doesn’t like going either but usually Media’s Depiction of Conscience as an
goes without arguing. Typically, you send the daughter who External Reality is Accurate
does not complain more often than the one who does. Is this
ANTECEDENT CONSCIENCE CONSEQUENT denotes the uncertainty of the goodness and badness of the
>>> is a conscience that CONSCIENCE human action that a person always suspends his/her judgment.
judges an act before it is done. >>> a conscience that judges Example:
Before an action is carried out, and act after it is being done A person who desires to work abroad yet suspends his/her
one may decide with his/her plan until his/her wife gets better. The suspension gives him/her
conscience whether to do or reasonable period to assess whether or not such idea of working
not to do abroad would really help his/her family or would even make
matters complicated.
Classifications of Conscience
Correct Conscience “Must-Conscience and Ought Conscience”
refers to the objective dimension of every moral act that is, a Must-conscience= it evolves out of parental commands,
good action is indeed good while a bad action is indeed bad. restrictions and prohibitions. Some form of punishment often
Example: accompanies these commands.
Discipline is an integral component in the character Ought –consciences= it originates from the conviction of inner
formation of students. Integrated in the school curriculum is value of the moral obligation, form the inner law of man’s nature
following of school policies and guidelines as manifested in its and the divine calling which is his/her true calling
campaign KERIWAYS (Keep Right Always), CAYGO (Clean As
You Go) and waste segregation. These good acts are indeed Challenges to the Formation of Conscience
judged as good for they ensure order and cleanliness which Extreme Relativism
eventually develop the students to be disciplined. deciding according to what he/she thinks to be the good one
without referring or consulting some people or authorities.
False Conscience no room for clarification or consultation
is the opposite of correct conscience. It refers to the judgment
made wherein a good act is seen and assessed as evil, and bad Misinformation
act is considered good. Acting or doing things simply as a reaction to what one hears
Example: through others reactions, comments and opinions which are
seemingly persuasive but not a guarantee that it is the truth.
Smoking is bad for it never brings good effect in one’s health. example: in the discussion on population control, many people
However, some others would claim that it gives them pleasure are very convincing that artificial birth control will solve over
and relaxation. Thus, the bad act is perceived as good. population

Scrupulous Conscience Individualism

is an erroneous conscience when the mind is unduly swayed by It is an attitude of “my world and mine alone and outside of me is
fear and judges that something is wrong, when in fact, is lawful. not significant”
This is not due to reason but to one’s disturbed emotions. Thus,
he/she has a strong tendency to be extremely rigid in everything Elements In the Formation of Conscience
he/she does that he/she becomes very legalistic (a person Prayer
interprets the letter of the law, not its spirit) in a manner that Listening to the preaching of the Gospel
he/she carries out what is prescribed by the law no matter what Affirm the role of the Christian community
the effects on his/her life would be . Consider the multi-disciplinary approach

Example: Missionary Response

The third commandment, “Keep Holy the Sabbath Day”, obliges Following the law/rules of the school stated in the student’s
us to attend Sunday masses as a fulfillment of our obligation. manual;
However, our scrupulous conscience is at work when we, even Participating actively in the Religious activities, follow the rules in
though we are sick and so weak, force ourselves to carry out our attending such activities like wearing a proper dress code in the
obligation for fear of committing a sin. While attending mass is a church and not using your gadgets while the celebration is going
good act, misunderstanding of the Church law leads one to on
his/her scrupulous conscience. Striving constantly correct your conscience
Seeking advise from your school Christian living formators
Lax Conscience
is the conscience wherein a person does not take responsibility
for any mistake committed by “rationalizing”. He/she would
always find reason for any wrongdoing.
Habitual saying of bad words and reasoning out that it is (MATTHEW 12:1-8)
just an expression and many are doing it anyway.  At that time Jesus was going through a field of grain on the
Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick the
Certain Conscience heads of grain and eat them. When the Pharisees saw this,
is the firm disposition of a person that his/ her judgment on the they said to Him, “See, your disciples are doing what is
act done is not in error. In other words, the action he/she has unlawful to do on the Sabbath”. He said to them, “Have you
done is certainly good. not read what David did when he and his companions were
Example: hungry, how he went into the house of God and ate the
When a student, unaware that revisions had been made on bread offering, which neither he nor his companions but
some of the contents, shares an information about the book only the priest could lawfully eat?
he/she had read. He/she is therefore in good faith when he/she  Or have you not read in the law that on the Sabbath the
shared that information. priests serving in the temple violate the Sabbath and are
innocent? I say to you, something greater than the temple
is here. If you knew what this meant, ‘ I desire mercy, not = enlightened by reason, the human person is compelled
sacrifice, you would not have condemned these innocent to act, behave and deal with others in the way that conforms
men. For the Son of man is the Lord of the Sabbath. his/her nature: being good and doing good

OBSERVANCE OF SABBATH = enlightened by reason, the human person is compelled to act,

FOR THE PHARISEES FOR JESUS behave and deal with others in the way that conforms his/her
>>> Legalistic >>> time given by God to nature: being good and doing good
seek, to worship and to glorify >>>> connects himself/herself to his/her Creator –the
Purpose: rules and regulations Him source and ultimate end of his/her being
outwardly performed to gain Purpose: to nurture the soul CHARACTERISTICS:
favor or merit from God with God’s presence A. Universal – bind all human person
Effect: burden Effect: encounter God in B. Recognizable – capacity to know and understand
celebration of love C. Obligatory - since Natural law leads human persons to
be what they truly should be, every human person
is compelled to protect and uphold the law
VALUES ON THE OBSERVANCE OF SABBATH D. Immutable - not subject to change. Various expressions
FOR THE PHARISEES FOR JESUS of understanding of how one conducts his/her
>>> DISCIPLINE >>> MERCY AND affairs but that would never change the fact that
>>> SACRIFICE COMPASSION all human beings’ actions must be directed
>>> LOVE AND towards the very purpose for which he/she has
JUSTICE been created.
NORMS FOR HUMAN CONDUCT >>> term generally used to described man-made
Norms of Human conduct = standard against which human acts laws that oblige or specify an action,
are judged in order to determine their goodness or badness establishment of specific rights for an
individual or group.
rules= >>> culture & tradition >>> “Morals” and “Ethics” are >>> etymologically, name is derived from the
derived verb to posit which means to place something firmly in position.
*** the general norms come in the form of laws >>> a law enacted should take effect only if properly
NB: purpose: to promote genuine development promulgated and announced
basis: higher norms which are called the Eternal Law and CATEGORY:
>>> God-given law made known for all
KINDS OF LAWS creatures or only specific group or
 is defined as the Divine reason and commanding that >>> revealed to us through the
the natural order of things are preserved and SACRED SCRIPTURES
forbidding it to be disturbed. example: Ten Commandments /Sermon on the
 God’s divine plan for all His creatures and “exemplar Mount
of divine wisdom directing all actions and
 God revealed Himself to man/woman through His - AN ORDINANCE OR REASON PROMULGATED
Spirit to assist human person to live and act in FOR THE COMMON GOOD BY ONE IN CHARGE OF THE
accordance with His Divine wisdom and love COMMUNITY OR BY A COMPETENT AUTHORIY
 guide to eternal destiny of man: union with God CLASSIFICATIONS:
A. Eternal: Law is with God –no beginning, BY THE CHURCH AUTHORITIES (INSPIRED BY
no end; governs all creatures of THE WORD OF GOD AND ENLIGHTENED BY
B. Immutable : not subject to change COMMITMENT TO MORAL LIVING APPLYING
C. Absolutely Universal: applicable to all CHRIST’S LOVE COMMITMENT IN
To illustrate how this law operates, let us look at the following BY THE CHURCH AUTHORITIES (INSPIRED BY
As Christians, we believe that we are created in the image and THEIR FAITH IN GOD) AS AN EXPRESSION OF
likeness of God and through our works, we participate in God’s COMMITMENT TO MORAL LIVING APPLYING
work of creation. Our belief that we come from God and we are CHRIST’S LOVE COMMITMENT IN PARTICULAR
destined to be with Him gives us a sense of direction and SOCIAL CONTEXT
purpose. Thus, in whatever we say or do, we must be true to our EXAMPLE: SOCIAL TEACHINGS OF THE
calling: being good and doing good. Being true to our calling CHURCH,PAPAL ENCYCLICALS, PASTORAL
leads us to be in harmony with others. This is God’s divine plan LETTERS ETC.
= human acts are derived from nature of man/woman, thus PROMULGATED BY COMPETENT AND DULY AUTHORIZED
binding upon human society (HV 11) LEADERS IN SOCIETY FOR A PARTICULAR GROUP OF
= are discovered and understood by people with aid of PEOPLE IN A DEFINITE LOCALITY




A just law is an ordinance of reason
A just law is properly promulgated
A just law is decreed by competent authority
A just law is for the sake of common good

Common Good
The common good comprises “ the sum total of social conditions
which allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach
their fulfillment more fully and more easily”.
The common good consists of three essential elements:
Respect for and promotion of the fundamental rights of the
Prosperity, or the development of the spiritual and temporal
goods of society and;
The peace and security of the group and of us members

Participating towards fostering common good by doing the

Be aware of the law or norm at work and identify values and
norms protected by the particular norm
Describe the positive effects of the law or norm in our personal
growth and in the advancement of our social-well being
Following the norms conscientiously

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