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175299 , September 14, 2011)

DOCTRINE: When the defendant is the Republic of the Philippines, service may be effected on the
Solicitor General. [Rule 13 was not mentioned. Only Section 13, Rule 14]

FACTS: Alberto A. Domingo filed a Complaint for Specific Performance with Damages against the
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Region III for the payment of unpaid rentals on the
lease of his construction equipment to the agency. The lease contracts were allegedly executed in order
to implement the emergency projects of the DPWH Region III, which aimed to control the flow of lahar
from Mt. Pinatubo in the adjacent towns in the provinces of Tarlac and Pampanga.

Thereafter, summons was issued by the RTC, which was duly served. Domingo filed a Motion to Declare
Defendant in Default in view of the failure of the DPWH Region III to file a responsive pleading within
the reglementary period. RTC declared the DPWH Region III in default and thereafter set the date for the
reception of Domingo’s evidence ex parte. RTC ruled in favor of Domingo. Domingo filed a Motion for
Issuance of Writ of Execution, asserting that the DPWH Region III failed to file an appeal or a motion for
new trial and/or reconsideration despite its receipt of a copy of the RTC decision.

The Republic of the Philippines, represented by the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), filed with the
Court of Appeals a Petition for Annulment of Judgment with Prayer for the Issuance of a Temporary
Restraining Order and/or a Writ of Preliminary Injunction, arguing that it was not impleaded as an
indispensable party in the civil case. The seven contracts sued upon in the trial court stated that they
were entered into by the Regional Director, Assistant Regional Director and/or Project Manager of the
DPWH Region III for and in behalf of the Republic of the Philippines, which purportedly was the real
party to the contract. Moreover, the Republic averred that, under the law, the statutory representatives
of the government for purposes of litigation are either the Solicitor General or the Legal Service Branch
of the Executive Department concerned. Since no summons was issued to either of said representatives,
the trial court never acquired jurisdiction over the Republic. The absence of indispensable parties
allegedly rendered null and void the subsequent acts of the trial court because of its lack of authority to
act, not only as to the absent parties, but even as to those present. The Republic prayed for the
annulment of the RTC Decision, and the dismissal of the said case, without prejudice to the original
action being refiled in the proper court. CA dismissed the Republic’s petition.

ISSUE: Whether the RTC failed to acquire jurisdiction over a government agency because the service of
summons was not effected on the OSG

HELD: YES, the RTC failed to acquire jurisdiction. Section 13, Rule 14 of the Rules of Court states that
when the defendant is the Republic of the Philippines, service may be effected on the Solicitor General;
in case of a province, city or municipality, or like public corporations, service may be effected on its
executive head, or on such other officer or officers as the law or the court may direct. Jurisprudence
further instructs that when a suit is directed against an unincorporated government agency, which,
because it is unincorporated, possesses no juridical personality of its own, the suit is against the
agency's principal, i.e., the State. In the instant case, the Complaint for Specific Performance with
Damages filed by Domingo specifically named as defendant the DPWH Region III. As correctly argued by
the Republic, the DPWH and its regional office are merely the agents of the former (the Republic), which
is the real party in interest in Civil Case No. 333-M-2002. Thus, as mandated by Section 13, Rule 14 of
the Rules of Court, the summons in this case should have been served on the OSG.

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