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BST College Kolfe campus

Academic Year 2020

Global Trend Individual Assignment
Instruction: Read carefully and Write Short summary at least
five pages for the following issues
1. The Old Regionalism

Regional Integration in Africa

2. New Regionalism

3. Selected Cases of Regional Integration

4. Regionalization versus Globalization and State

5. The Relations between Regionalization and Globalization

6. Survey of Major Contemporary Global Issues

Prepared By: Amanuel T. (MA)

Email: [email protected]

Phone No. 0932731722

BST College Kolfe campus
Academic Year 2020

Global Trend Home Take Examination

Instruction I: Read the following questions very carefully and Choose the best
Answer from the given alternatives

1. A government that seeks to deprive another country of goods prohibits its own business
men from concluding its transactions with commercial organization in the country refers
A. Currency Manipulations B. Embargo
1. Quota D. Tariff
2. Except one all of the following are true about the arguments of the proponents of

A. Human beings are bad and they claim individuals act in their own self-interests.

B. Conflict is inevitable so war is common and inherent to humankind.

C. War is the most prominent instrument of resolving conflict

D. Human beings are good, cooperation is possible and conflict can be resolved
3. Which one of the following theory argue that the root cause of the economic troubles that
bedeviled Europe and much of the world in the Great Depression of the 1920s and 1930s
was the absence of a benevolent hegemony?

A. Hegemonic Stability Theory C. Marxism

B. Mercantilism D. Liberalism
4. ----------------------refers to an actor of international Relation, which is a business
organization that extend ownership, management, production, and sales activities
into several or more states?
BST College Kolfe campus
INGO B. IGO C. MNC D. Religious groups
5. According to liberalism the problem of cooperation is___________

A) Anarchy B) Defections

C) War D) Lack of good will to cooperate

6. The state is considered as the only and primary actor in international politics according to:
A) Realism B) Neo-realism

C) Liberal institutionalism D) Neo-liberal institutionalism

Instruction II: Read the following questions very carefully and Fill in the
Blank space with Appropriate Terms and phrases

1. There is one state with the greatest political, economic, cultural and military power and
hence the ability to `totally control other states refers to----------------------------?
2. If countries focused on what they do best and freely trade their goods with each other all
of them would benefit refers to------------------------?
3. ------------------------ is refers to set of values, orientation, goals and objectives a given
country would like to achieve in its international relations?

Instruction III: Read the following questions very carefully and write
short Answers for the following questions

1. List at least three criteria that are important for the classifications of foreign policy
2. List the reason that the state intends to be a strong actor in International Relation?
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3. List at least five most commonly observed types of terrorism?
A. ------------------------------------------------------
B. -----------------------------------------------------
C. ----------------------------------------------------
D. -----------------------------------------------------
E. -------------------------------------------------------
Instruction IV: Read the following questions very carefully and write
appropriate Answers for the following questions
1. According to Kenneth W. Thompson the study of International Relations has passed
through Four main Stages of development. Please list the four stages and explain the
difference b/n the first and the second stages and the third and fourth stage?
2. In order to study international relations Scholars and practitioners use concepts and
different theories such as Idealism/Liberalism, Realism, Structuralism/Marxism,
Constructivism, Critical Theories etc. Please select at least TWO theories from the
above listed theories and write the main idea of the selected theories?
3. There are different major theoretical (often ideological) perspectives regarding the
nature and functioning of the International Political economy such as Structuralism
and Marxism. Please write the main difference b/n the arguments of the above two
theoretical perspectives?

Prepared By: Amanuel T. (MA)

Email: [email protected]

Phone No. 0932731722

BST College Kolfe campus

Academic Year 2020
BST College Kolfe campus
Moral and Ethical Education Individual Assignment

Read carefully and Write Short summary at least Sven pages

for Chapter Three about Ethical Decision Making and Moral
Judgments ?

Prepared By: Amanuel T. (MA)

Email: [email protected]

Phone No. 0932731722

BST College Kolfe campus

Academic Year 2020

Moral and Ethical Education Home Take Examination

BST College Kolfe campus
Instruction I: Read the following questions very carefully and Choose the best
Answer from the given alternatives

1. Identify the odd combination

A. Written Constitution----Rigid constitution

B. Unwritten Constitution----flexible Constitution

C. Written Constitution-----unlimited parliamentary discretion

D. Unlimited Constitution------no judicial review

2. A society in which government officials have a little or no discretion has:

A. Low level of the rule of law C. Medium level of the rule of law

B. High level of the rule of law D. Unable to decide

3. One of the following is the root definition of Democracy?

A. Rule by the people C. Majority rule and minority right protected

B. Administration by the few D. Rule based on the freely given consent of the people

4. Ethics first originated in: A. Ancient Room B. Ancient Greece C. Italy D. The medieval

5. Identify the correct one:

A. All the citizens of the country have the same moral values and norms

B. The citizens of the Country have some commonly shared values and norms

C. In our social activities individual values proceed over social values

D. The entire social values and norms are God given

BST College Kolfe campus
Instruction II: Read the following questions very carefully and Fill in
the Blank space with Appropriate Terms and phrases

1. The constitution where provisions of the constitution are fully implemented is


2. --------------------------------is the condition of having citizenship of any country and with no

government from which to ask protection?

3. -------------------------- are a general ideas or standards that people share about what is good or
bad, right or wrong etc?

Instruction III: Read the following questions very carefully and write short
Answers for the following questions

1. List the two broad ways of exercising democracy?

A. ---------------------------------------------------

B. -------------------------------------------------------

2. List the key elements that distinguish states organized under democratic principles from

3. List and explain the three core values that are central in the discussion of the concept of

4. Citizenship can be lost when a State provides for lapse or withdrawal of citizenship under
certain conditions, or when a citizen voluntary renounces it. Please list commonly ways of losing

5. List the requirements where a foreigner is expected to fulfill in order to acquire Ethiopian
citizenship through application?

6. . List and explain the main principles of Human Rights?

BST College Kolfe campus
7. List the common categories of human rights and write some examples according to Karl Vasak

Prepared By: Amanuel T. (MA)

Email: [email protected]

Phone No. 0932731722

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