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Analyze of Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability Based On Math Anxiety in Creative Problem Solving Model With SCAMPER Technique

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International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2016 (ICMSE 2016)

Analyze of Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability Based On Math Anxiety in Creative Problem Solving
Model with SCAMPER Technique
1,a) 2,b) 2,c)
L.R. Apriliani , H. Suyitno ; & Rochmad
SMK NegeriJawa Tengah, Semarang, Indonesia.
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Corresponding author: a)[email protected] b)[email protected] c)[email protected]


Mathematical creative thinking ability in problem solving becomes the requirement of Mathematics Education recently in
order to find many ideas and new solution so that the issues can be resolved appropriately. Mathematical anxiety is the
most dominant emotional feeling in adolescent students in relation with school mathematics. Mathematical creative
thinking abilities of students vary based on the conditions of their math anxiety. Creative Problem Solving (CPS) learning
model develops the mathematical thinking ability. SCAMPER as learning techniques that contains a set of directed
questions to evaluate some generated creative ideas. This study aims to 1) test and analyze the quality of learning CPS
with SCAMPER technique and 2) analyze the mathematical creative thinking ability based on student math anxiety.
This research uses mixed method study with concurrent embedded design that combines not balanced qualitative and
quantitative research methods. Qualitative methods as the primary method. Qualitative and quantitative research go hand
in hand. The process of collecting quantitative data held on the implementation of learning Creative Problem Solving
(CPS) with SCAMPER technique and it is followed by qualitative research to collect data of math anxiety. This
quantitative research design is nonrandomized Control Group, Pretest-Posttest Design. Taking the research subjects held
by randomized taking for each of the two students at each level of anxiety mild, moderate, severe and panic in order to do
the qualitative analysis of the mathematical creative thinking abilities according to its indicators.
The conclusions of this study is the quality of learning CPS with SCAMPER technique is good and effective.
The result of study in SMK NegeriJawa Tengah grade X shows that students with mild anxiety are the students who are
very creative or creative enough. The student can present more than three various ideas of responses, provide more than
one way different alternative answers, and can write the solution in its own way and quite unique. Students with moderate
anxiety are students who are very creative or creative. The student can present more than two different ideas, provide
more than one more than one way different alternative answers more than one way, and can write the solution by its own
way quite unique. Students with severe anxiety are students who are creative enough or very creative. The student can
present more than two different ideas of answers though it less precise, provide more than one different alternative way of
answers and they are not always able to write the solution in its own way uniquely. Students with panic level of anxiety
are are not creative students. The student can not provide more than two different ideas of answers; just give the answer in
one way in general.

Keywords: Creative Thinking Ability, Math Anxiety, Creative Problem Solving Model, SCAMPER


Nowadays mathematical creative thinking ability as a source of development, mathematical creativity as an

in solving problen become the requirement in area not explored well in the world of mathematics and
Mathematics Education in globalitation era in order to mathematics education in the world.
issue various ideas and new solution so the problem can The results of initial study of creative
be precisely solved. More specifically, the mathematical mathematical thinking ability in class X SMK Negeri
creativity plays a key role in the overall cycle of Jawa Tengah showed that 60% of students gave a similar
advanced mathematical thinking(Nadjafikhah et al, answer to the objects presented in the matter. Most
2012). In line with the research Sriraman (2004) which students describe similar plane figure with the presented
states that the mathematical creativity ensures the plane figurein a matter that is a rectangle of different
development of mathematics as a whole. In the contrary, sizes and has an extensive long sides together when
International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2016 (ICMSE 2016)

students are directed to describe other quadrilateral which havingthe teachers who always convey their demands to
has the same area to a given rectangle. It shows that most ask students in answering math problems correctly but
students tend to present only one idea a correct answer provide little motivation for cognitive and learning
using the same method of solving mathematical support. It has an impact on student achievement as
problems. They only achieve fluency indicators only stated by the research Nordin &Zakaria (2008) that high
from the aspect of creative thinking that is presenting a math anxiety couldcause students weak in calculation,
different settlement properly. Indicators creative thinking lack of understanding and tend to lack initiative in
flexibility has not reached the students have not been finding strategies and the relationship between the
able to solve the problem with more than one method or domains of mathematics.
approach completion. Most of the students have not been The ability to think creatively is one of student’s
able to find the right solution, new and unique that they achievement which are correlated with math anxiety. The
have not reached the indicator uniqueness (originality). research of Tabrizi et al. (2011) concluded high
Only a few students who describe plane figureother correlation was found between creative thinking and
quadrilateral such as parallelogram, kite, rhombus or anxiety. The study found that the power of creativity
trapezium which has an area equal to a given rectangle. gained through education in one's life when in its
Mann (2006) states that in the learning activities, most development can fight mental health problems. This is in
teachers tend to require students to answer with the line with the conclusions of Kaur (2012) that lower
correct answer, only allowed to use one particular anxiety students tend to be more creative. Therefore,
method, the mathematical concept of students as the creative thinking can help someone in reducing anxiety,
application of mathematical techniques strengthened. these studies suggest the teachers and practitioners to use
This is contrary to Nadjafikhah et al. (2012) that the methods that develop creativity in order to reduce
importance of mathematics not only produce the correct anxiety.
answer but think creatively. Mathematics is an important lesson for students
Clements (2013) considered that the feelings of majoring in engineering that prepares them to work with
anxiety and frustration still become an obstacle in some of the concepts of mathematics and also use
learning mathematics. As disclosed by Fitzsimons et al. mathematics in engineering. As stated by Vitasaria
(1996) that anxiety is an emotional feeling that is so (2010) that the engineering student had close relationship
dominant in adolescent students in conjunction with math with mathematics where mathematics is important in
in school. This is in line with the research of Nordin engineering to understand the language in describing the
&Zakaria (2007) which found a significant inverse formulation of the physics, chemistry and so in
proportional between math anxiety to the ability of mathematical terms.Lumsdaine and Lumsdaine (1995)
mathematics and achievement. The research of Puteh & described that the framework CPS on mathematics
Khalin (2016) also concluded that there is a significant learning in vocational technical students observed by the
negative correlation between the achievement of students development of generic skills such as communication
with math anxiety that is r = -0.237. and cooperation to support vocational technical students
Based on the results of questionnaires and in solving problems. Lumsdaine and Lumsdaine (1995)
interviews to investigate math anxiety on a preliminary advised the use of framework CPS in mathematics for
study in class X SMK Negeri Jawa Tengah, the data students of vocational techniques. As stated by Maharani
showed that 33.33% of students experiencing moderate (2015) that one model of learning that could develop the
anxiety, 33.33% of them experiencing severe anxiety, creative thinking ability is the Creative Problem Solving
and 20.81% students had panic level when they faced (CPS). Animasahun (2014) stated that SCAMPER
mathematical problem. Students recognized that feelings learning technique uses the set of directed questions
of anxiety experienced by some students in where someone answered on himself in order to find a
themathematics learning, especially when faced with a new opinion. The learning technique is in accordance
mathematical problem. Some students said that they were with the purpose of learning CPS. As noted by Treffinger
experiencing some of the symptoms of cognitive, & Isaken (2013) that one of the tools to generate ideas on
physical and behavioral math anxiety. Most students felt learning step CPS is SCAMPER technique. Based on the
panic, anxious and nervous when faced with above, the researchers decided to conduct a study
mathematical problem. evaluating the students' mathematical ability to think
As the research Maloney et al. (2013) concluded creatively in terms of math anxiety on CPS learning with
that one reason the students avoid mathematics is SCAMPER technique.
International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2016 (ICMSE 2016)

Anxiety is the group of symptoms that allows the with somedifferent completion and different answers in
worries and stress, and sometimes in the form of particular to find a new resolution that is not found by the
psychological symptoms such as increased blood students in general (Siswono, 2011 ). The five stages of
pressure (Shibli, 2015). In particular, math anxiety is a creative thought processes are (1) preparation, (2)
feeling of fear, horror, unpleasant that many people incubation, (3) a deep understanding (insight), (4)
experience when they are faced with a mathematical evaluationand (5) elaboration (Wang, 2009). The level of
problem solving (Maloney et al, 2014). Math anxiety is creative thinking abilities (TKBK) is the level of thinking
also defined as a feeling that involves anxiety and tension that categorised based on the characteristics of one's
that blocking the activity of mathematical operations. creative thinking and creativity products. The quality of
Math anxiety often occur among a set of circumstances learning is the success of lesson activities and outputs
where students suffer from fears based on painful produced (Uno, 2012). The quality of learning in this
experience to mathematics (Zakaria & Nordin, 2008). study were obtained from the assessment of learning,
Zakaria & Nordin (2008) described math anxiety as assessment of learning implementation, the effectiveness
strong feelings involving fear and fear when faced with of learning and making students' responses.
the possibility of mathematical problems. Goldin (2002) CPS is defined as a frame of developing brain as a
stated that math anxiety is one of the emotional state of whole, in order to rethink the most effective, the good
students that hinder cognitive processes. cooperation on the environment and will be more
Puteh & Khalin (2016) stated there are some successful if it is done collaboratively (Lumsdaine and
symptoms of anxiety experienced by students when Lumsdaine, 1995). Lumsdain and Lumsdain (1995)
facing mathematical problems including sweating, stated the CPS in five steps where the potential of the
headache, panic and heart rate increase. Students feel brain is optimized among others. The steps of CPS model
comfortable and excited when answering mathematical are (1) Defining the problem, (2) Generating ideas , (3)
problems involving pattern because it is not limited by evaluating creative ideas, (4) Determining Idea (Idea
mathematical concepts and provide opportunities for Judgment), (4) Implementating the solution. The
students to explore their own and be more creative in habituation of students to use creative ideas in solving a
solving mathematical problems. problem is expected to help students develop creative
Creative thinking ability is the ability to generate thinking abilities they (Maharani et al., 2015). In
many possible solutions or various ways in solving addition, the use of syntax learning with CPS models can
problems (Siswono, 2011). In the same study, a reach effectiveness and achievement indicators
mathematical creative thinking ability may also be recommended for teachers in learning (Maharani, 2015;
referred to the combined ability of logical thinking and Asikin and Pujiadi, 2008).
divergent thinking based on intuition but has a definite The word integral means comprehensive,
purpose (Siswono, 2010). The creative thinking ability inclusive, indivisible, whole. Integral approach every
defined as the ability reflecting aspects of fluency, field appropriately load all viewpoints, types and
flexibility, originality and elaboration (Munandar, 2002 methods to view the appropriate topic.Students who have
Nakin, 2003). It is including a) Fluency which is related high math anxiety and even panic would consider their
to the student's ability to produce many answers or ideas ability to solve problems in a positive or negative (Jafari,
that are relevant from a given problem , b) flexibility 2013). Students with low math anxiety is in accordance
which is associated with the ability of students to with the learning strategies that develop creative thinking
generate different ideas, able to change the system or abilities. The opportunity to generate answers to an open
approach, and be able to resolve the problem with the and diverse students with low anxiety made more
different direction of thinking from a problem, c) the productive and creative (Sharma, 2014). The application
authenticity or uniqueness (originality) is the ability of of creative thinking techniques likely to reduce anxiety
students to try the approach in a way or method of an (Tarbizi et al, 2011). This is important because creative
unusual or unique based on the ideas from the students thinking is a skill that generates power to find new ideas
themselves, d) elaboration which is the student's ability and also help transform negative feelings into positive
to redefine a problem or situation and itemize in detail feelings and improve mental health as less pleasant
the steps of a problem given. The aspects uniqueness events happen. Anxiety, depression and social anxiety
(originality) and of detail (elaboration) are encapsulated were predicted to cause the least variation in creativity
into aspects of novelty in creative thinking that with the direction inconsistent. Creative students are
demonstrates the ability of students to solve problems shaped by the environment so that they are allowed to
International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2016 (ICMSE 2016)

engage in creative activities and forget all their worries data on the results of the mathematical creative thinking
and free from environmental stress and threatening abilityin order to determine the effectiveness and quality
(Kaur, 2012). of learning CPS to creative thinking ability in solving
Based on this background, the problem in this mathematical problems. Furthermore, the subjects who
research are (1) How is the quality of CPS learning with were interviewed are two students of each group of levels
SCAMPER technique? (2). How is the ability to think of math anxiety. The results of the interview on stage 2 is
creatively mathematically reviewed based on used to interpret how the mathematical creative thinking
mathematics anxiety levels of students?. The purposes of ability in solving problems in terms of the level of
this study are as follows (1) Investigating how the quality anxiety of students based on the indicators of creative
of CPS learning with SCAMPER technique is, (2) thinking and creative thinking stage.
Identifyingmathematical creative thinking abilities The study is a quasi experimental research with
reviewed based on mathematics anxiety levels of experimental design, the design of a study involving two
students. groups (experimental and control) in which the selection
of these two groups are not chosen randomly. Quasi-
METHODS experimental design selected in this quantitative study
was nonrandomized Control Group, Pretest-Posttest
This research used mixed method study with Design. In the experimental group were treated CPS
concurrent embedded design that combines not balanced learning with SCAMPER techniquewhile the control
qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative group was treated learning Problem Based Learning
methods as the primary method. Qualitative and (PBL).
quantitative research go hand in hand. The process of
collecting quantitative data held on the implementation
of learning Creative Problem Solving (CPS) with RESULT AND DISCUSSION
SCAMPER technique and it is followed by qualitative
research to collect data of math anxiety. This Based on the assessment of learning outcomes in
quantitative research design is nonrandomized Control planning, implementation and the assessment, it
Group, Pretest-Posttest Design. The subject in this isconcluded that the quality of CPS learning with
research quantitatively is the students of grade X. SCAMPER technique included in good category.It is
Taking the research subjects qualitatively is held by shown by the ratings on the three stages of learning
randomized taking for each of the two students at each quantitatively: (1) The Planning phase of learning
level of anxiety mild, moderate, severe and panic in order administration have been prepared before the study is
to do the qualitative analysis of the mathematical creative complete and good. Results validation learning
thinking abilities according to its indicators. administration includes syllabi, lesson plans, teaching
The data used in this study include a) the observed materials, LKPD, and TKBKM (Mathematical Creative
data of learning and mathematical creative thinking Thinking Ability Test) included in good categories. From
ability test students, b) the data of mathematics anxiety of these results it can be concluded that the preparation of
students, c) data from interviews about math anxiety. CPS learning with SCAMPER techniquein good quality,
Based on the design, there are two phases of research (2) Implementation Phase of learning quality assessment
where the research begins with data collection results shows that in the first meeting until the 3rdmeeting
qualitatively to group students according to their level of of learning included in good categories, while at 4 th
anxiety math based domain quadrant on Integral Wilber meeting and 5th meeting in the excellent category. Based
Model and also to know the general idea of creative on the results of the assessment of learning
thinking ability in problem solving class X SMK implementation observations at the first until 3 rd meeting
NegeriJawa Tengah. From the collection of stage 1, the categorized as good. While at the meeting of the 4th and
researchers obtained a set of qualitative data about the 5th meetingof learning implementation included in the
students' prior learning math anxiety and then analyzed excellent category.
by domain in the four quadrants of Wilber's Integral Based on the assessment of the validator obtained
Model to classify into levels of mathematics anxiety. the average value for the syllabus is 3.62, the average
Furthermore, the second stage is the provision of value of RPP was 3.68, the average value of LKPD is
treatment to students using teaching CPS learning with 3.70. Based on the average value of the syllabus, lesson
SCAMPER technique. Quantitative research in obtaining plans, worksheets, and teaching materials obtained that
International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2016 (ICMSE 2016)

the values included in either category. While the average after given CPS learning with SCAMPER technique is
value is 4.29 TKBKM included in the criteria very well. 80.72 while before being givenCPS learning with
Based on observations of the quality of learning were SCAMPER technique is 52.70.The following hypotheses
obtained an average score of 4.22 so that it can be to be tested. Based on these calculations values obtained
concluded that the category of CPS learning with = 11,66 and ( , )( ) = 1,7138 so
SCAMPER technique is very good.The average score = 11,66> ( , )( ) = 1,7138 so that the H rejected.
oflearning implementation observations is included in the Based on these calculations concluded that on average
good category of at least 4,125. Based on the evaluation after CPS learning with SCAMPER technique is greater
of teaching quality sheets from the first meeting until the than the value before CPS learning with SCAMPER
fifth meeting in a row scored 3.95, 4.15, 4.20, 4.35, and techniqueie 80.72> 52.70. It means that the average of
4.45. From these values can be seen that the quality of mathematical creative thinking abilities of students after
teaching at the meeting to meeting all three included in CPS learning with SCAMPER technique given is more
the good category, while at a meeting of the 4th and 5th than the average of mathematics creative thinking ability
in the excellent category.The average score of before being given CPS learning with SCAMPER
implementation of learning is included in the category of technique.
at least 4,125 is fine. Based on the evaluation of teaching The researchers gave final test TKBKM the
quality sheets from the first meeting until the fifth experimental class and control class after given the
meeting in a row scored 3.95, 4.15, 4.20, 4.35, and 4.45. learning,. The average score of the final test students'
From these values can be seen that the quality of teaching ability to think creatively mathematical experimental
at the meeting to meeting all three included in the class is 80.73, while the average score of the final test
excellent category, while at a meeting of the 4th and 5th creative thinking abilities mathematical control class is
in the category very well.(3) The Phase outcomes 70,83. The opportunities 1 – = 1 − 0,05 = 0,95
assessment questionnaire research of CPS learning with
thus obtained ( , , ) = 1,678. Therefore = 3,075 >
SCAMPER technique shown that the percentage of
( , , ) = 1,678, so the H rejected. Thus, the average
students who responded positively to CPS learning with
SCAMPER technique more than 70%. That is, the mathematical creative thinking ability of experimental
majority of students gave a good assessment of the class students with CPS learning with SCAMPER
learning.The results obtained that the number of students technique more than average ability to think creatively
who gave positive response is 89.58% or more than or mathematical control class.
equal to 70%. The average of increase mathematical creative
The data of experimental group students who thinking ability in learning CPS learning with
achieve minimum mastery criteria individually as much SCAMPER technique better than the average of increase
as 19. In this study, α = 5%, π0 = 0,75 test criteria, in the students mathematical creative thinking ability of
control class. The average increase ofstudents
rejected if > , where , obtained from the
mathematical creative thinking ability control class
standard normal list with opportunities (0.5 - α) (Sudjana,
before and after the learning is 19.0625 while the average
2002, 234-235). Based on the standard normal list with α
increase mathematical creative thinking ability in CPS
= 5% obtained = 1.64. From the calculationof z
learning with SCAMPER technique before and after the
value, its obtained z = 1.81, and this lies in the rejection learning is 28.0208. The following hypotheses to be
of H0 orH1 accepted. It means that the percentage of
tested. By chance 1 – = 1 − 0,05 = 0,95 in order to
students who passed theminimum mastery criteria inCPS
obtain ( , , ) = 1,678. Therefore = 2,447 >
learning with SCAMPER technique greater than or equal
to 75%. It is said that the proportion of students in the ( , , ) = 1,678, so the H rejected. Thus, the average
CPS learning with SCAMPER techniquewhich totaled increase students'mathematical creative thinking ability
completeness 75 has exceeded 75%. in experimental class used CPS learning with SCAMPER
The average score mathematical creative thinking technique more than the average increase the
abilitiy after learning of students in CPS learning with mathematical creative thinking ability in control class.
SCAMPER technique better than the average score Based on the results of creative thinking ability
mathematical creative thinking abilities of students tests that have been done in class X TKBB and
before the CPS learning with SCAMPER technique. The classification level of creative thinking abilities
average score of mathematical creative thinking ability according to Siswono (2011) can be summed up results
of the identification of the ability to think mathematically
International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2016 (ICMSE 2016)

creative thinking among others of 8.3% of the total alternative answers in a way that diverse or more than
number of learners are not creative or on TKBK 0 ; one way with either. Variations of the idea of the answers
54.16% have the ability to think creatively enough or at produced by students with mild anxiety is very much.
TKBK 2; 12.5% of students in the creative or TKBK 3 Students with mild anxiety very productive in generating
and 12.5% of students are very creative or on TKBK 4. ideas answer. It is consistent with the statement of Stuart
This indicates that only some students are able to develop & Laira (2005) that the perceptual view of someone on
the ability of creative thinking mathematically. The level the level of mild anxiety increases and tend to be more
of creative thinking abilities of two students who creative. Students with mild math anxiety can write
experience mild anxiety, among others, have a TKBK 2 settlement in its own way quite unique and can provide
(quite creative) and an own TKBK 4 (very creative). This more than one settlement and uniquely different in
is similar to the revelation Stuart &Laira (2005) that the general. This is similar to Mu'arifah study (2005) that in
mild anxiety level one will be able to motivate yourself the sense of mild anxiety can increase one's productivity.
to learn and make the person becomes an adult and As stated by Sharma (2014) that students with low math
creative. The enhance feeling of mild anxiety that anxiety is in accordance with the learning strategies that
determines whether to make a good performance or not. develop creative thinking abilities. The opportunity to
If someone at the level of mild anxiety underestimate the generate answers to an open and diverse students with
problems it faces then it will not make it successful, low anxiety made more productive and creative. Mild
especially in creative thinking. Thirteen students with anxiety often seen as constructive, because it can
math anxiety moderate levels of creative thinking ability, stimulate the individual to focus attention and increase
among others, nine students have TKBK 2 (quite efficiency in performennya. Risks that light is perceived
creative), two students have TKBK 3 (creative) and two as a stimulus and challenges that spur individuals to
students have TKBK 4 (very creative). At the level of develop themselves. This is similar also to the conclusion
anxiety, most of students only focus on matters that will This is similar to Kaur (2012) lower anxiety that students
be done so it will bethe narrow perceptual such the views who tend to be more creative. Students with mild anxiety
expressed Stuart &Laira (2005). The level of creative to be more productive and creative in generating ideas
thinking abilities of six students who experience severe answers on learning that develops the ability to think
anxiety, among others, three students have TKBK 2 creatively (Sharma, 2014).
(quite creative), one student has TKBK 3 (creative) and However, also found students with mild anxiety
two students have TKBK 4 (very creative). In line with that can produce variations of the idea of the answers
that expressed by Stuart &Laira (2005) that a person in vary just not quite right. As noted by Fortinash & Worret
severe anxiety level will focus on the source of the (2000) that a person with low anxiety experience the
anxiety which he felt and did not think on anything else. feeling relatively comfortable, secure and relaxed so that
However, if someone in severe anxiety level has a high the habits of behavior occurs at this level. Behavioral
self awareness and a desire to eliminate the anxiety with habits that are not good the tendency to relax and
very careful in resolving the problems that it faces, it can consider the easy problems faced by the cause of
achieve the optimal solution. While three students who inadvertent students in solving problems so that
have math anxiety panic level have the ability to think variations of the idea of the answers generated less
creatively, among others, two students have TKBK 0 (not precise symptoms of mild anxiety experienced by certain
creative) and one student has TKBK 2 (quite creative). students can make students less alert, less caring and too
This is in line with the opinion of Stuart &Laira (2005) be relaxed so regard his problems always easy.
that a person's level of anxiety panic level will lose Based on the research results, obtained
control of himself. This led to him not being able to do information that indicates that there are students with
something even briefed because of the influence of anxiety being able to reach all aspects of creative
symptoms of anxiety is very high. thinking include fluency, flexibility and novelty. Anxious
Based on the research results, obtained conditions being experienced by students enables
information indicating that most students are able to students to produce more than two ideas relevant answers
achieve all aspects of creative thinking include fluency, and very varied. Students with math anxiety being able to
flexibility and novelty. The conditions of mild anxiety provide alternative answers in a way that diverse or more
experienced by the studentsenablesthem to produce more than one way with either. Variations of the idea of the
than three ideas relevant answers and very varied. answers produced by students with math anxiety were
Students with mild math anxiety is able to provide quite a lot. As stated Mu'arifah (2005) that anxiety can be
International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2016 (ICMSE 2016)

adaptive when unpleasant circumstances that arise can did not think more about others and the emergence of
motivate individuals to learn new ways to face the high desire to relieve anxiety.On the other hand they also
challenges of life, ideas answers generated by students found some particular students with severe anxiety is
who have moderate anxiety are many and varied. As very creative. The student can produce a variety of ideas
noted by Tabrizi et al. (2011) that the power of creativity answers were very unique and precise. As revealed by
is gained through education in one's life when in its Fortinash&Worret (2000) that it is caused by the feeling
development can fight mental health problems. Students alert, cautious and afraid of making a mistake that
with math anxiety being able to write the settlement in its students have completed the earnest and very
own way with a very unique and most can provide a conscientious. The findings are in line with the statement
different solution in general is unique. This is similar to of Newstead (1998) that anxiety may have a role to
Fortinash & Worret (2000) which states that a person motivate so the impact on a good achievement.
with anxiety were allowing themselves to be enthusiastic Therefore, the student can take the advantage of feelings
so attentive and can achieve optimal conditions to of anxiety, she can resolve problems both creatively. As
completion and learning problems.On the other hand, stated by Mu'arifah (2005) the necessary of anxiety
they also found that students with moderate anxiety can within certain limits in the activity and survival. If it used
produce a variety of unique ideas that answer just is not appropriately, anxiety can serve people aware of the
quite right. It is caused by feelings of anxiety that makes dangers that come from outside or inside. In line with
students less able to think properly. As stated by Goldin that research, Tabriziet al. (2011) stated that the power of
(2002) that math anxiety is one of the emotional state of creativity is gained through education in one's life when
students that hinder cognitive processes. The symptoms in its development can fight the mental health problems.
of anxiety are being experienced by students make This is relevant to the research conclusions Jafari (2013)
students less relaxed, nervous and ill at ease in thinking that students who have high math anxiety will assume
so that it starts to feel a bit of fear in the face with her capability resolving their problems in a positive or
problems. The anxiety was able to bring discomfort to a negative. There is the possibility of students with severe
person (Fortinash & Worret, 2000). anxiety to succeed in solving the problem because the
Based on the results of research, it is obtained the student considers positive abilities.
information that indicating that most students with severe Based on the research results, obtained
math anxiety only able to achieve all aspects of creative information indicating that most students with math
thinking include fluency, and flexibility. When the anxiety panic level is not able to achieve all aspects of
students tried to produce a unique answer (novelty), creative thinking both smoothness (fluency), and
some students tend to do not present the right answer. flexibility and uniqueness (novelty). Most students with
Conditions severe anxiety experienced by students anxiety panic level has not been able to present the right
enables students to produce more than two ideas relevant answer. Conditions panic levels of anxiety experienced
answers and varied. Students with math anxiety severe by students causing the student can not produce
able to provide alternative answers in a way that diverse variations of the idea of the relevant answers with a good
or more than one way with either. Students with math and varied. This is similar to Ascraft& Faust (1994) that
anxiety can write the weight of the settlement in its own the high anxiety can lead to less current students in the
way with unique though sometimes encountered a bit of calculation, lack of understanding and tend to lack
a misconception. Most students can provide a different initiative in finding strategies and domain-domain
solution in general is unique. This is similar to the correlation mathematics. Theory Ascraft& Faust (1994)
statement Jafari (2013) that students who have high math in accordance with the results of research that students
anxiety and even panic would consider their ability to who experience panic can not produce variations of the
solve problems in a positive or negative. The symptoms idea of the answer as well as the completion of a diverse
of severe anxiety include cognitive symptoms, symptoms way. Students with math anxiety in panic levels have not
of physiological and behavioral symptoms experienced been able to provide alternative answers in a way that
by students can make students less relaxed, nervous and diverse or more than one way with either. Variations of
ill at ease in thinking so that it starts to feel the fear in the idea of the answers produced by students with math
dealing with her problems. As stated by Stuart and Laira anxiety panic level are very limited. As noted in the
(2005) that severe anxiety is characterized by a research &NordinZakaria (2007) found a significant
significant reduction in the conceptual view. Someone math anxiety is inversely proportional to the ability of
will be focused on the source of the anxiety he felt and mathematics and student achievement. In line with the
International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2016 (ICMSE 2016)

research also Puteh&Khalin (2016) concluded that there or more than one way with either (flexibility). Variations
is a significant negative correlation between the of the idea of the answers produced by students with
achievement of students with math anxiety. Students with math anxiety were quite a lot. Students with math anxiety
math anxiety panic level may not be able to write the being able to write the settlement in its own way with a
completion of its own way and do not present a unique very unique and most can provide a different solution in
answer and correct. Most can provide the same general is uniquely (originality), (c) most students are on
settlement with his friend in general. the premises severe anxiety TKBK 2 (quite creative).
The symptoms of panic level of anxiety Variations of the idea of the answers produced by
experienced by students led to students is very tense, students with math anxiety severe enough variety
nervous and ill at ease in thinking that began to feel (flexibility). Students with math anxiety severe able to
tremendous fear in the face with her problems. The provide alternative answers in a way that diverse or more
students withpanic anxiety level was always worried and than one way with either (flexibility) .When students
afraid if making a mistake that these students can not tried to produce a unique answer (Originality), some
concentrate well. Most students panic can not be students tend to not present the right answer. There are
overcome feelings of anxiety when solving problems. also students with severe anxiety who are in TKBK 4
This resulted in creative thinking skills are not well (very creative). Conditions severe anxiety experienced by
developed. As foundby Maloney et al. (2014) that high students enables students to produce more than three
levels of anxiety associated with poor academic ideas relevant answers and very varied (fluency).
performance, low school achievement scores in schools Students with heavy math anxiety is capable of achieving
and increased classroom improvements all aspects of creative thinking include fluency, and
The finding in this research are as follow. The flexibility. Students with math anxiety weight can write
pattern of mathematical creative thinking ability of class settlement in its own way with a very unique and most
X are reviewed based on the level of math anxiety are as can provide a different solution in general is uniquely
follows.(a) Students with mild anxiety conditions tend to (originality). Severe anxiety which experienced by such
be at TKBK 4 or very creative. Conditions mild anxiety students may have a role to motivate so the impact on a
experienced by students enables students to produce good achievement and awaken the students' cognitive(d)
more than three ideas relevant answers and very varied so The students with math anxiety panic level is not able to
that aspect of smoothness met (fluency). Students with achieve all aspects of creative thinking both fluency, and
mild math anxiety is able to provide alternative answers flexibility and uniqueness (originality) so that students
in a way that diverse / more than one way with either. It with math anxiety panic levels are located at TKBK 0
shows students with math anxiety mild fulfills the (not creative). Students with panic anxiety level has not
flexibility (flexibility). Students with mild math anxiety been able to present the right answer. The conditions
can write settlement in its own way quite unique and can panic levels of anxiety experienced by students could
provide more than one settlement and uniquely different cause the student can not produce variations of the idea
in general. It shows students with math anxiety mild of the relevant answers with a good and varied. The high
fulfills the novelty (originality). Someone at the level of anxiety can lead to less current students in the
mild anxiety tend to be more creative. There are also calculation, lack of understanding and tend to lack
students adengan mild anxiety is at TKBK 2 (quite initiative in finding strategies and domain-domain
creative). This is caused by the carelessness of these correlation mathematics. Students who experience panic
students in resolving problems. The symptoms of mild can not produce variations of the idea of the answer as
anxiety experienced by certain students can make well as the completion of the diverse ways.
students less alert, less care and are to be relaxed so that
considers its problems always easy, (b) students with CONCLUSION
mild anxiety conditions tend to be at TKBK 4 (very
creative) and TKBK 3 (creative). Students are able to Based on the assessment of learning outcomes in
achieve all aspects of creative thinking include fluency planning, implementation and the assessment concluded
flexibility and novelty (originality). Anxiety conditions that the quality of CPS learning with SCAMPER
being experienced by students make students motivated techniques included in good category.The CPS
to produce more than two ideas relevant answers and learningwith SCAMPER techniques can quantitatively
very varied (fluency). Students with math anxiety being said that a) The proportion of students in the CPS
able to provide alternative answers in a way that diverse learning with SCAMPER techniques who passed the
International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2016 (ICMSE 2016)

minimum criteria has exceeded 75%, b) The average can not produce variations of the idea of the relevant
score mathematical creative thinking abilities after answers with a good and varied. The panic level of
learning of students in CPS learning with SCAMPER anxiety can lead to less current in the calculation, lack of
techniques better than mathematical creative thinking understanding and tend to lack initiative in finding
abilities of students before the CPS learning with strategies and domain-domain correlation mathematics.
SCAMPER techniques, c) The average increase students' Students who experience panic can not produce
ability to think creatively mathematical CPS learning variations of the idea of the answer as well as the
with SCAMPER techniques better than the average completion of the diverse ways.
increase in the ability to think creatively mathematical of
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