Proteus Data Sheet Centrefold

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Proteus Water Quality Sensor

An award-winning, patent pending, multi-parameter, real-time sensor platform to accurately and

reliably measure BOD, COD, TOC and Coliforms in permanent and temporary applications.

The Proteus is the world’s first scientifically proven real-time sensor for measuring BOD that can measure a wide
range of water quality, environmental and industrial applications. A multiprobe that measures your choice of param-
eter, all in one package, that can deliver data in the toughest field conditions. The Proteus has been designed for its
ease of use, reliable data and economical operation.

Applications Parameters include:

BOD/COD/TOC Loading to Wastewater Treatment Works BOD, COD, TOC, DOC Coliforms
Combined Sewage Overflow event monitoring Dissolved Oxygen ORP / REDOX
Point Source Pollution monitoring Pressure Tryptophan
Total Coliform monitoring Chloride Refined Oils
Efficiencies of Wastewater Treatment Works pH Ammonium
Diffuse Pollution Montioring Temperature EC / Salinity / TDS
Groundwater Water Quality Monitoring Optical Brighteners Turbidity
Survey tool combined with Bluetooth ® Nitrate Crude Oils CDOM
Self cleaning: As it is essential that optical sensors have Ultra-low maintenance: The system is fully serviceable in the field Multiple power options: Power can be provided by an optional
a cleaning mechanism, the Proteus is also supplied with and requires almost no maintenance. Logs data unattended mini- internal lithium battery pack for unattended logging, or an
an integral wiper which cleans all of the Proteus’ sensors mizing manpower requirements and safety issues. external power source (battery, mains or solar). External ON/
before every measurement cycle. OFF switch for logging without need for PC connection.

Process control:
Let the Proteus
monitor multiple Coliforms: The Proteus is the
process parame- first instrument globally that
ters 24/7. has the potential to measure
bacteria/coliforms in drinking
water in real time.

Simple to use &

intuitive software Status LED

Scalable: The patent-pending and award-winning Proteus breaks the boundaries of water Robust: Exceptional build Easy integration: The Proteus can be effortlessly integrated with telemetry/SCADA systems and other
quality meters. The Proteus offers a unique platform to add additional sensors such as quality with stainless steel datalogging devices with external RS232/Modbus/SDI12 or simply by using its internal datalogger. The
pH, REDOX, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and many others. and Delrin outer casing integrated datalogger can log 1,000,000 readings and it can be used with Tablets/Mobile Phones.

Sensor Specifications Sensor Specifications

Parameter Range Resolution Accuracy Comments Parameter Range Resolution Accuracy Comments
BOD BOD mg/l 0-300 mg/l 0.01 mg/l -1
±5 % of reading* Local site calibration can improve accuracy. 0 to 25 m ±0.05
Depth 0.01 Compensated for temperature and salinity
Local site calibration can improve accuracy. 0 to 200 m ±0.4
per 100ml -1
>1 count/100ml -1
1 count/100ml -1
±10 Coliforms* Can be used for fecal coliforms, e-coli or total Pressure
Counts Compensated for temp, salinity, barometric
coliforms. Vented depth (level) 0 to 10 m 0.001 ±0.003 m
COD COD mg/l 0-600 mg/l 0.01 mg/l ±5 % of reading* Local site calibration can improve accuracy.
Barometric pressure 400 to 900 mm Hg 0.1 mmHg ±1.5 mmHg Included with (non-vented) depth sensor
DOC DOC mg/l 0 - 400 mg/l-1 0.01 mg/l ±5 % of reading* Local site calibration can improve accuracy. Chlorophyll a - blue 0 to 500 μg/l
TOC TOC mg/l 0 - 400 mg/l-1 0.01 mg/l ±5 % of reading* Local site calibration can improve accuracy. Chlorophyll b - red 0 to 500 μg/l

Water Rhodamine dye 0 to 1000 ppb

Temperature -5 to 50°C 0.01 ±0.1 Never needs calibration
Temperature Phycocyanin (fresh-
0 to 40,000 ppb
±0.1 within 10°C of water BGA)
Refillable reference electrode; corrected for
pH 0 to 14 units 0.1 calibration, 0.2 °C Phycoerythrin (ma-
temperature; typical sensor life > 4 years 0 to 750 ppb
pH/ORP otherwise rine BGA)
6 digits with
Platinum ORP sensor is combined with pH 0 to 1250 or 0 to Highest-quality LED based fluorometric sensors
ORP -999 to 999 mV 1 ±20 mV maximum of Linearity of 0.99R²
sensor Fluorometers CDOM/fDOM 5000 ppb rated to 600 m depth otherwise max depth same
as depth sensor
0 to 500 mg/l ±2% of reading or 0.2 0 to 1250 or 0 to decimals
4 digits with Compensated for temperature; filtered for CDOM/fDOM custom
TSS Turbidity 0-500 FNU maximum of two ±2% of reading or 0.2 non-turbidity spikes; includes wiper to clean the 5000 ppb
Turbidity decimals optics Optical brighteners 0 to 15,000 ppb
400-5000 FNU ±2% of range
0 to 100% Tryptophan 0 to 20,000 ppb
Transmissivity 4 digits Linearity of 0.99R² Mounts alongside the Manta
transmission Fluorescein dye 0 to 500 ppb
0 to 20 mg/l 0.01 ±0.1 Refined oil 0 to 10,000pb
Concentration 20 to 30 mg/l 0.01 ±0.15 Compensated for temperature and salinity; EPA Crude oil 0 to 1500 ppb
30 to 50 mg/l 0.1 ±5% approved “lifetime” 0 to 100 mg/l as
Dissolved Ammonium
luminescence method; typical sensor cap life > nitrogen
Oxygen Corresponds with the
0 to 500% 4 years Corrected for ionic strength (via conductivity
% saturation 0.1% accuracy of the concen- 0 to 100 mg/l as
saturation Nitrate readings); the accuracy specification relies on
tration reading nitrogen
Ion-selective non-trivial maintenance practice and frequent
Specific conduct- ±0.5% of reading electrodes Chloride 0 to 18,000 mg/l 0.1 ±5% or 2 mg/l calibration near the temperature of measurement;
0 to 5000 µS/cm (ISE’s) ammonium and nitrate require tip replacement
ance, µS/cm ±0.001
Corrected for temperature; four easy-to-clean Sodium 0 to 20,000 mg/l every 3 - 6 months. Please contact us for
0 to 10 mS/cm 4 digits max one ±1% of reading ±0.001 graphite electrodes; optional sensor provides Calcium 0 to 40,000 mg/l applications >10 meters
Specific conduct- decimal
10 to 100 mS/cm ±1% of reading ±0.5% of reading accuracy to 100 mS/cm.
ance, mS/cm Bromide 0 to 80,000 mg/l
Conductivity 100 to 275 mS/cm ±2% of reading
Pressure sensor with gas permeable membrane,
Calculated from specific conductance; PSS = TDG Total Dissolved Gas 600-800 mmHg 0.1 mmHg ±0.1 mmHg
max depth 15m
Salinity 0 to 70 PSS 0.01 ±0.2 Practical Salinity Scale which is roughly equiva-
lent to ppt PAR Photometric PAR 10,000 µmol/sm2 4 digits ±5% of reading LiCor spherical sensor
Total dissolved solids
0 to 65 g/ 0.1 ±5% of reading Calculated from specific conductance

* providing adequate field calibration

Internal Power Battery Life 1 to 24 month depending on sensors Sample Rate 1 Hz
/ logging rates
External Power 5-15 vdc Data Memory >1,000,000 logged readings
Operating Temperature -5 to 50 °C Logging Rates 1 second to 1 day
Depth Rating 200 m Warranty 2 years* * All sensors included except
ISE’s (Ammonia/nitrate/chloride)

Communications RS-232, SDI-12, RS-485, Modbus ®

USB or Bluetooth

General Specifications Proteus 30 Proteus 35 Proteus 40

Diameter 75 mm (2.95”) 89 mm (3.5”) 102 mm (4.00”)
Length - w/o Battery Pack 483 mm (19”) 483 mm (19”) 483 mm (19”)
Weight - with IBP 2.3 kg (5.0 lbs) 4.1 kg (9.0 lbs) 4.5 kg (10.0 lbs)
Number of sensors Up to 7 Up to 11 Up to 13
Battery Pack 8 “C” cells 8 “C” cells 8 “C” cells

Parameter Information

Ammonia is normally found in very low concentrations in natural waters. It is a result of microbiological activity breaking down nitro-
Ammonia (NH3) gen-containing material. Elevated levels of ammonia can be very harmful to aquatic life and fish in particular.

Biochemical Biochemical oxygen demand is a measure of the amount of oxygen used by micro-organisms (e.g.,aerobic bacteria) in the oxidation
Oxygen of organic matter. High levels of BOD (due to excess organic matter) indicate greater consumption of oxygen by micro-organisms,
Demand (BOD) meaning less is available to fish and other aquatic life.

Chemical Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) measures the amount of oxygen required to chemically oxidize the organic material and inorganic
Oxygen nutrients, such as Ammonia or Nitrate, present in water. It is widely used as an indicator of organic pollution and many industrial and
Demand (COD) wastewater effluents have strict permits associated with COD concentration.

Coliforms (coliform bacteria) are rod-shaped gram-negative bacteria that are commonly used as an indicator of the sanitary quality of
Coliform Counts water.

Colour has historically been used as an indicator for Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM). CDOM (Chromomorphic Dissolved Organic
Colour Matter) sensors can accurately measure DOM. It is therefore possible to use CDOM to indicate colour and DOM with a local site

Conductivity is a measure of the ability of water to pass an electric current; it is affected by the presence of dissolved solids such as
Conductivity chloride, nitrate and phosphate. Conductivity can be a very useful indicator that a discharge of some sort has entered a stream, or
some other change has occurred.

Oxygen is essential for the survival of aquatic life and is incorporated into surface waters by direct absorption from the atmosphere,
more so in turbulent streams. It is then consumed by organisms and decaying organic matter. An excess of decaying organic matter
Oxygen leads to a shortage of oxygen, which can prove fatal for fish.

Dissolved Organic Dissolved Organic Carbon is operationally defined as the amount of organic carbon based compounds that can pass through a 0.45
Carbon (DOC) µm filter

Nitrate is a naturally occurring by-product of the breakdown of organic waste. In low concentrations it stimulates the growth of aquatic
Nitrate (NO3) plants. At higher concentrations it can be directly harmful and can also lead to excess algae growth and eutrophication. The primary
source of excess nitrate is surface runoff from agricultural land.

pH is related to the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution and is a measure of acidity or alkalinity. In natural ecosystems it can
pH vary from around 4.5, for acid peaty upland waters, to over 10.0 where there is intense photosynthetic activity.

Redox (Reduction-oxidation) or ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) is a measure of the oxidising or reducing potential of a water
Redox (ORP) body. Many important biochemical processes are oxidation or reduction reactions (e.g. ammonia>nitrite>nitrate). The ORP level in a
river or treatment plant will govern (along with DO and pH levels) which reactions are prevalent.

Physical temperature of the watercourse. Largely dictated by climate, but also of interest around thermal discharges. Temperature
Temperature extremes can be harmful to aquatic organisms, and also have an effect on other parameters, e.g. pH and dissolved oxygen.

Total Organic
Total Organic Carbon is a measure of the total amount of carbon in organic compounds in water.
Carbon (TOC)

TSS (Total TSS (Total Suspended Solids) can be derived by using a turbidity (NTU) sensor to measure backscatter caused by suspended
sediment in the water. As suspended sediment can be in the form of clay, silt, organic or organic matter there is no single relationship
Suspended between turbidity and TSS. However, the relationship is typically near perfect (R2>>0.95) and can easily be derived by undertaking
Solids) regression analysis between the two parameters and entering that factor into the Proteus software.

Turbidity is a measure of the clarity of water. Silts and soils that are suspended within rivers and lakes cause high levels of turbidity,
Turbidity especially during storm and run-off events.

Proteus Instruments, Leask House, Hanbury Road, Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove, B60 4JZ © 2019 Proteus Instruments. - [email protected] - +44 (0) 1527 882060 E&OE. All rights reserved.

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