Healthcare Oganization Activity

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Ma. Nicole G.

Subong BSPT – 2C

Topic: Healthcare Organizations

How can healthcare organizations influence the said value in improving quality of care and
reduce cost or prevent cost acceleration?

 Healthcare organizations can influence their value by either delivering a high level
of quality at the same or lower cost or by delivering the same level of quality at a
lower cost.

A. What do you mean by the term “reorganization? Does reorganization affect the role of
healthcare managers? Discuss briefly

 Reorganization means a significant and disruptive overhaul of a troubled

business intended to restore it to profitability. Yes, because reorganization may
include shutting down or selling divisions, replacing management, cutting
budgets and laying off workers.

B. What do you think governs the health care benefits of the people in our country
(Philippines) . Give example of what do you consider as health care benefits of the
Filipino people. Are such benefits accessible to all citizens? Explain.

 The government is the one responsible for the healthcare benefits of the people in
our country. One example of the healthcare benefits of the Filipino people is the
Philhealth. Where you are free from charges in medical care such as in check ups,
medicine and hospital bills. Yes I think all citizens or household in the Philippines
has a Philhealth.

Give a concrete example that illustrates some changes in the role of health care managers.

 Example is that when the policies is changed. Managers must not only know
about the policy updates but also communicate them to the staffs and implement
them in the hospital. They should communicate to their staffs for better teamwork
and cooperation.
A) What is Healthcare legislation? What do you think is the main purpose of passing this
kind of legislation?

 Healthcare legislation is the area of law concerned with the health of individuals
and populations, the provision of healthcare and the operation of healthcare
system. It is to provide standardization in daily operational activities. It sets a
general plan of action used to guide outcomes.

B) What is Healthcare delivery? What is its function or role in healthcare organization


 Healthcare delivery is the organized response of society to the health problems of

its population. It s an organization of people, institutions and resources to deliver
healthcare service to meet the health need of a target population. Healthcare
delivery should be foster optimal health outcomes by providing cost-effective,
patient- centered, quality care with a service emphasis. It should be designed to
motivate patients and healthcare providers to make decisions consistent with this

A. In times of Crisis (like the PANDEMIC – COVID19) we are experiencing right now, what
is your own assessment, considering putting your shoes as a consumer or patient, what
is supposed to be your basis of preference in choosing what health care organizations to
take care of your healthcare concerns/needs?

 The healthcare organizations that should take care of my health concerns/needs

are those who have a good quality of service, can accommodate my needs, good
and complete facilities but also affordable.

B. If no PANDEMIC , if situation is normal, will your answer still the same? Discuss.

 Yes, no matter what the situations, it is just right and we should make sure that we
can get the best treatment for our health so that we won’t go back and forth the
hospitals or clinics and also to save money.
NAME: Gemma Tubongbanua
WORK: Encoder in the Rural Health Center

1. What surprises you about the healthcare organizations in your community? What
reputations do they have? Who are the healthcare stakeholders in your community?

 Our rural health center is also a birthing center where pregnant women can give
birth with less expenses and without going to the hospitals and they have enough
staffs to accommodate the patients and people who visits there. The service are
good and they have enough man power to accommodate patients.

2. Are the ACO’s in your area? What do you know about them? What is in the news about
your local healthcare organizations?

 No. ACO’s is a healthcare organization. It is a group of medical professionals to

give a coordinated high-quality care to their patients.

3. What are your impressions about the culture of healthcare organizations in your
community? How do you expect cultures of different types of hospitals to differ? How are
for-profit and not-for-profit organizational cultures different? How are they the same?

 They are patient centered and also prioritizes those who needed most of the
attention. Maybe they are different in a way that they work on different
manager/leaders and also their mission, mission and their goals. For-profit
organizations main goal is to make money or to profit while not-for-profit
organizations focuses on keeping itself going and they have other goals such as
helping the community.

Select an organizational chart of any healthcare system from it webpage. Analyze it component
and their relationship
1. Who sits on its board of directors?

 Bgen, Augustus De Villa, M.D, Aragona, Jovita, Limsiaco, Renato Jr., Mas,Dennis,
Del Rosario, Rodolfo Jr., Pargas, Israel Francis and Santiago ,Nerissa

2. What are your impressions of the CEO and CMO?

 The CEO has a degree in medicine and I think he s veteran in his field of work and
has a lot of experiences. The CMO, I think is a graduate of a business degree and
iis good in management.

3. Summarize your impression of this organization.

 This organization is a government organization. It provides people free health

services in hospitals such as free check - ups, medicine and hospital bills.

How can you become a member of a board of a healthcare organization?

 In order to become a member of a board you must be a member of this

organization and you should have shares of stocks in this organization.

1. Why would you want to be a member?

 To have a better position and to experience how they operate. To have a better
service to the Filipino people.


By reading this chapter, you have all the ideas of Health Care Organizations and its
Systems under American Setting. Make your own assessment of our country’s Health
care Organizations as far as how the public and private sectors meet half way in
providing quality health care services to the target customers / patients. What Philippine
healthcare legislation you know that strongly supports the healthcare services of every
Filipino Citizens? 25pts

Websites to visit: ; , etc.

 Department of Health (DOH) is the principal health agency in the Philippines. It is

responsible for ensuring access to basic public health service to all Filipinos
through the provision of quality healthcare and regulation of providers of health
good and services. NEDA on the other hand, is the country’s premier
socioeconomic planning body. It provides high level advice to policymakers in
Congress and the Executive Branch. These 2 sectors meet halfway in a way that
NEDA suggest /advices the policymakers that if applied, the DOH will comply and
follow what is said to be done. The Philippine healthcare legislation I know that
strongly supports the healthcare services of every Filipino citizens is the
Philhealth where Filipino citizens can have free check-ups, medicine and hospital
bills in public hospitals.

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