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3 великий тест на 3 тему

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2 Read two text.

For each question choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.


One of the most vivid memories from my childhood and early teenage years was the Sunday dinner. My mum would do the cooking, while Alice, my
elder sister, was supposed to lay the table, although she would sometimes protest that I was old enough to do the job as well. Dad, however, was glad
to do that himself if he was not on duty at the hospital. I was quite happy to stay in my room with a book until I was eventually called to join them at
the table.
For some reason, I could not understand at the time why my mum insisted that the dinner be a fairly formal event. We all wore nice clothes and were
told to keep our elbows off the table. reading newspapers or watching TV was out of the question. But it would be unfair to say I was bored during
those meals. There was always an interesting conversation going on at the table. Nothing serious, just things that had happened to each of us during
the week. My dad would always tell us some interesting stories from work.
Now, thirty years on, I recall those family dinners with some sentiment. It is true that those dinners were a lot of trouble when compared with the
quick, convenient meals people eat these days. The efforts involved in the preparation helped to integrate us as a family and respect the time we spent
together. More than that, the dinners were a great lesson in the art of conversation and table manners.

1 What does the writer say about his role in the preparation of the family dinner?
A He was often made to help his sister set the table.
B He sometimes protested against having to help.
C He enjoyed not having to help his sister.
D He thought he was old enough to help his sister.
2 During the dinner, the writer’s family usually
A ate in silence.
B watched TV.
C discussed serious topics.
D talked about everyday matters.
3 Nowadays, the writer thinks that those family dinners
A were too much trouble.
B taught him important skills.
C are not a pleasant memory.
D were not worth the effort.


The fast pace of contemporary life often means that many families can no longer establish a routine of having a meal together. While the parents have to
work till late, often relying on takeaway or convenience foods, their children are quick to adapt to the situation. They learn to eat in front of their TVs or
computers. even Sunday family meals are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Some, especially members of the older generation, readily point out that
family bonds suffer as a result while others see the whole thing as a natural consequence of the ever changing times. And what do scientists have to say
about the value of family meals?
Some sociologists claim that family meals involve a number of practices that produce positive eating routines in the children. Studies have shown that
children who have regular meals with their parents are used to eating a greater variety of foods than those who tend to eat on their own. This is because
most adults prefer to rotate through a range of dishes, including elements of foreign cuisines. What is more, children learn not to consider themselves to
be the very centre of the eating universe as the different preferences of each family member have to be satisfied during a family meal.
A study conducted by Professors Kelly, Musick and Meier has shown that family meals can also go a long way towards improving the general family
dynamics. Many of the families surveyed that have regular family meals have been found to enjoy doing other things together too, including sports,
games and trips.
No wonder some celebrities such as Gordon Ramsey, the award-winning British chef and restaurant owner, joined the media campaign launched a few
years ago which was aimed at reintroducing the family get-together around dinner tables in Britain.

4 Which of the following is mentioned in the text as an opinion, not a fact?

A The absence of family meals has a negative impact on relationships within the family.
B Some families enjoy spending time together.
C Adults like to try foreign dishes.
D Family members often like different dishes.
5 From both texts, we learn that
A children are involved in preparing family meals.
B families often try foreign food during meals.
C family meals teach children good eating habits.
D families do sports more often thanks to eating together.
3 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 I don’t like instant coffee. I prefer freshly ground / skimmed / poached.
2 Can you help me with the pizza, please? You could peel / grate / squeeze some cheese.
3 We don’t buy skimmed milk. We prefer mature / medium / full-fat milk.
4 She decided to have roast chicken with a few side plates / dishes / portions.
5 I’ve already laid out the plates, so can you handle the cutlery / crockery / ladles, please?
6 I went on a full / speed / crash diet as I wanted to lose weight quickly.
4 Read the definitions and write the correct words.
1 mineral water which does not contain CO 2: __________
2 to wash, e.g. a vegetable, in clean water to remove dirt from it: __________
3 the meat from a deer: __________
5 Complete the sentences with the correct words. The first letters have been given.
1 The cake smelled so good I couldn’t r__________ the temptation to have a piece.
2 Both the food and service were excellent and we were just over the m__________ with them.
3 The Baltic Herring Festival held in Helsinki is h__________ popular and attracts thousands of visitors each year.
4 In this programme, some food experts question popular beliefs and d__________ modern myths about healthy and unhealthy food.
6 Write sentences using the ideas below.
1 Скажіть, що вагомими недоліком обідів не вдома є їх висока вартість.
2 Скажіть, що заборона продажу нездорової їжі є суперечливою.
7 Translate the words in brackets from Ukrainian into English.
1 I’m afraid I can only agree with your opinion (частково) ____________________.
2 Some parents (підтримають) ____________________ this regulation while others will probably protest against it.
3 My parents like eating meat (тоді як) ____________________ I’m a strict vegetarian.
8 EXAM TASK Read the text and complete the sentences with the correct answer A, B, C or D.

We all know that fruit and vegetables are among the best sources of vitamins and nutritional elements in our diet. That is why many people believe
that eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables can (1)__ wonders to help us stay healthy and slim. But is it really good for you to eat fresh fruit in large
amounts on a regular basis?
The main problem is that modern farming methods have led to the production of fruit which is very different from that growing in the natural
environment. The fruit is now larger and sweeter, which means that it contains much more sugar than earlier varieties.
relying on fruit in our diet may badly (2)__ our general health. For example, medical research has shown that a lot of fruitarians (people who eat only
fruit) complain about problems with their teeth, skin and hair. While some of these illnesses are certainly (3)__ by the fact that fruitarians lack some
essential nutritional elements, such as fatty acids, other problems are triggered by the hormones that regulate sugar levels in our body. A number of
fruitarians have been diagnosed with heart diseases and diabetes due to their unbalanced diets.
The good news, though, is that eating fruit in moderation can greatly (4)__ a well-balanced diet.

1 A make B work C get D take

2 A affect B effect C result D assure
3 A made B started C led D caused
4 A compliment B complement C consist D include
3 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 The bread was skimmed / stale / crusty and it smelled bad.
2 She used a packet of dried / scrambled / tinned herbs to put in the stew.
3 Radish / Cod / Venison is a popular sea food as it has a mild flavour.
4 The drink was so cold I had to gulp / chew / sip it very slowly.
5 remember to mix / slice / stir the sauce so that you don’t burn the saucepan.
6 Don’t slice the meat directly on the table surface. Use a chopping plate / board / crockery.
4 Read the definitions and write the correct words.
1 eggs cooked in boiling water without their shells: __________
2 a small red vegetable that is eaten in salads or raw: __________
3 all the plates, cups and saucers used during a meal: __________
5 Complete the sentences with the correct words. The first letters have been given.
1 These old c__________ stairs make a lot of noise every time someone goes up or down them.
2 Her cooking skills are out of this w__________ ! I can never resist the temptation to have second helpings!
3 That’s a very reasonable suggestion and I’ll gladly go a__________ with it.
4 Mexican food isn’t really my c__________ of tea. It’s far too spicy.
6 Write sentences using the ideas below.
1 Скажіть, що буде  цікаво побачити, чи цей задум виправдає себе.
2 Скажіть, що більшість батьків підтримають заборону продажу нездорової  їжі в шкільній їдальні.
7 Translate the words in brackets from Ukrainian into English.
1 This kind of food is rather unhealthy, which is (очевидним недоліком) __ __________________.
2 (Головною перевагою) ____________________ of such a decision is that children may cut down on eating junk food.
3 (На мій погляд) ____________________ , learning to cook is merely a waste of time.
2.Read three texts about eating disorders. Match the questions (1-3) with the correct answers (A, B or C) according to the texts.
Text 1. 1 Annie got angry at the
‘Annie, dinner’s ready,’ I called to my daughter, wondering if she was going to come down at all. No reply, but table because
a moment later Annie came down the stairs and joined us at the table. A she didn’t like any of the
‘This portion’s way too big! How many times do I have to tell you that?’ she nearly shouted. food served.
That kind of behaviour was more and more common for her. B she didn’t have the time
‘Darling, just eat as much as you want.’ I hated to say that but I was afraid she might not eat anything at all. to eat dinner.
‘Well, I’m certainly not going to eat those,’ she pointed at the few noodles on her plate. C she thought she had too
‘No carbohydrates, I’ve told you!’ much to eat.
‘Annie, calm down,’ my husband said. ‘You’re hurting your mum. Let’s eat, okay?’
‘I think I’ve lost my appetite,’ Annie was already getting up from the table. ‘If you don’t respect my rules, I don’t see
why I should respect yours,’ she added already on the stairs.
A moment later we heard her bedroom door slamming behind her.
Text 2. 2 The text was written to
A lot of parents nowadays are worried that their teenage children might develop anorexia. Are you one of them? Have A present different eating
you noticed any warning signs? Don’t wait until your child ends up in hospital. Our clinic is a  medical and mental disorders.
treatment unit which specialises in helping teenagers who suffer from eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa. Our B show how to treat eating
staff are here to help your child regain a healthy body weight and change their thoughts and behaviours. If you are disorders.
interested in seeing our treatment programmes, you can contact us online or call us on 495 952 4931. Before leaving C advertise special medical
the website, you may take a closer look at our diagnostic video which is designed to help parents recognise the early services.
symptoms of eating disorders in their children.
Text 3. 3 The text is mainly about
Watch out! It could happen to you! A the treatment of
Teenage girls are under a lot of pressure to look slim and beautiful. This pressure may sometimes lead to anorexia. The anorexia.
following signs may show that your teenage daughter is suffering from an eating disorder: B the early symptoms of
• She misses or avoids meals. anorexia.
• She complains about being fat, although she’s her normal weight or even dangerously thin. C a medical description of
• She often weighs herself and carefully watches her figure. anorexia.
• She refuses to eat certain foods which she used to enjoy.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1 I used too much lemon, so the dish wasn’t sweet enough, it tasted too _________.
2 We’ve nearly run _________ of mineral water.
3 The restaurant will certainly be busy on Friday night, so we’d better _________ a table in advance.
4 My favourite ice-cream _________ is vanilla.
5 She drinks a lot of _________ drinks, such as Coke or Fanta.
6 I’m busy cutting up the meat, so could you please _________ some potatoes and put them in a saucepan?
4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 I’m not keen on Mexican cuisine / cookery. It’s far too spicy for me.
2 I love this soup. It’s really tasteful / tasty.
3 Jamie Oliver is a well-known celebrity chief / chef.
4 I’m allergic to nuts and I always get spots / stains on my skin if I eat any.
5 The most popular / common complaint about our school canteen is that it is rather small and has too few tables.
5 Write sentences using the ideas below.
1 Скажи, що ти лише частково погоджуєшся з думкою приятеля.
2 Скажи, що обслуговування було на високому рівні.
6 Complete the sentences with the correct words. Some letters have been given.
1 Convenience food is quick and cheap. H_w_ _ _ _, it isn’t very healthy.
2 eating out regularly can be expensive. Another m_ _ _s is that you don’t practise your cooking skills.
3 We went to a new restaurant in the town centre. A friend r_c_ _ _ _n_ _ _ we try it.
7 EXAM TASK Read the text. Complete the gaps (1-5) with the correct answer A, B or C.
If you’re one of those night owls who stay up till late, you may often feel so hungry in the evening that you 1 A waste B lose C miss
can’t (1)__ a late evening supper. However, if you want to feel good and avoid putting on weight, follow some 2 A advert B advice C opinion
simple (2)__. 3 A a lot B many C much
First of all, whenever possible, try to eat at least four hours before going to bed. That’s the period of time 4 B pass C suit
your body needs to digest the food. As for drinks, forget the coffee, but you can drink as (3)__ mineral water A change B make C allow
as you like as it’s believed to help digestion. 5 A get
It’s also important to remember that some foods (4)__ the evening menu better than others. Try to eat food
which is rich in vitamin B because it will (5)__ you feel relaxed and will help you to get a good night’s rest. On
the other hand, stay away from spicy or heavy foods, such as chilli or potatoes.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1 Don’t drink this milk. It’s gone _________ and smells horrible.
2 After the main course, we had some apple pie for _________.
3 Be careful not to _________ the frying pan or you’ll spend hours cleaning it!
4 I’m sorry, but I can’t eat any more. I’ve lost my _________.
5 Would you like still or _________ water?
6 There isn’t a canteen in our school so I always take a _________ lunch from home.
4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 Could you give me the recipe / receipt for the delicious dish you cooked last Saturday?
2 She watches lots of cuisine / cookery programmes.
3 The most common complaint / reaction about the food in our school canteen is that the portions are so small.
4 Last night we had our evening meal / dish in a Thai restaurant.
5 The food smelled so terrible / terrific that I didn’t even touch it.
5 Write sentences using the ideas below.
1 Вислови свою думку щодо того, що однією з переваг харчування  вдома є те, що домашня їжа корисніша для здоров’я.
2 Повідом, що поблизу твого дому є новий італійський ресторан.
6 Complete the sentences with the correct words. Some letters have been given.
1 We went to the new Chinese restaurant last weekend. I had read a r_ _i_ _ in the local paper and it gave a very positive opinion.
2 I certainly didn’t expect to spend so much. It was a l_ _ more expensive than I’d thought.
3 I hate eating out. As far as I’m c_ _ _ _ _ _ _d, there could be no restaurants at all.
1 Choose the correct answer: A, B, C or D.
1 Which of these is not a kind of fish? 3 Which of these is not a kind of meat? 5 Which of these are not used for eating?
A cabbage A turkey A cup
B herring B ham B fork
C mackerel C leek C knife
D salmon D steak D spoon
2 Which of these is not typically red? 4 Which of these is not sour? 6 Which of these do you not bake?
A cherry A garlic A biscuits
B tomato B lemon B bread
C peach C pickle C cake
D strawberry D vinegar D meat
2 Complete the text with the correct words. The first letters have been given.
The basic (1) i__________ for this simple gazpacho soup are a few fresh tomatoes in the summer or a (2) t__________ of tomatoes in
the winter and a few slices of (3) s__________ bread (fresh bread is not good for this dish). (4) C__________ the tomatoes and toast
the bread. Add a few drops of (5) v__________ to make it a little sour and season to taste. Optionally, you can (6) p__________ a few
potatoes, boil them and add them to the soup. If you like your food extra
(7) s__________, use one or two chilli peppers.
3 Match words 1–7 with words A–I to form collocations.
A course
1 junk B mutton
2 a self-service C fish
3 stale D food
4 main E bread
5 strong F water
6 sparkling G restaurant
7 a jar of H tip
I jam
4 Complete the tips with the correct words. The first letters have been given.
If you want to make your food more delicious, your diet healthier and your life in the kitchen easier, just follow a few useful tips:
1 I____________ coffee is much easier to prepare than ground coffee, however, ground coffee has a better aroma.
2 O____________ are considered a seafood delicacy so it’s worth serving them from time to time – cooked or raw.
3 If your vinaigrette sauce lacks taste, try adding a s____________ of sugar in it.
4 If you don’t want cut apples or bananas to turn brown, just s____________ some lemon juice on them.
5 If you want to get rid of a fishy smell from your wooden c____________ board, wash it in ice-cold water.
6 A choice of side d____________ , like rice, potatoes, salads, or antipasti served with your food will make it look attractive and taste better.
7 It’s considered bad manners to g____________ your drinks instead of sipping them.
8 Avoid sugary s____________ drinks like cola or sprite – drink fresh fruit juice instead.
9 At an elegant party, use a j____________ to serve milk with tea or coffee – a carton is not a good idea.
10 To prepare a perfect p____________ egg, break the egg into a small cup and pour it carefully into a pan with boiling water.

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