Neuro Art

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Brain on the 3D Visual Art through Virtual Reality;

Introducing Neuro-Art in a Case Investigation

Ali-Mohammad Kamali1,2,3, Mohammad Taghi Najafi4,5, Mohammad Nami1,2,3,6*
1Department of Neuroscience, School of Advanced Medical Sciences and Technologies, Shiraz University of
Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
2DANA Brain Health Institute, Iranian Neuroscience Society-Fars Branch, Shiraz, Iran
3Neuroscience Laboratory, NSL (Brain, Cognition and Behavior), Department of Neuroscience, School of

Advanced Medical Sciences and Technologies, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
4Payame Noor University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
5 Harmony Healing Center and Aspetto Research Center, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
6Academy of Health, Senses Cultural Foundation, Sacramento, CA, USA

The reciprocal impact of applied neuroscience and cognitive studies on humanities has been
extensive and growing over the past 30 years of research. Studies on neuroaesthetics have
provided novel insights in visual arts, music as well as abstract and dramatic art. Neuro-Art is
an experimental concept in applied neuroscience where scientists can study the mechanistic
pathways involved for instance in visual art through which creativity and artistic capacity might
receive further empowerment. Based on the existing evidence, at least 3 large-scale brain
networks are involved simultaneously when one is submitted to a creativity-related task. The
question whether the key brain regions involved in visual art creativity can be identified and
receive neuromodulation to get empowered prompted us to perform the present case
investigation. Virtual reality and functional quantitative electroencephalography upon 2- vs 3-
dimentional painting were employed to study cortical neurodynamics in a professional
painting artist.

Keywords: Visual art; qEEG, Creativity; Large-scale brain networks; default mode network

1. Background and hypothesis

Art is indeed regarded as a feature of all societies and valued by the people (Duncum, 2003).
Since art is an example of human activity, it is believed to depend on and follow the laws of
the brain (Zeki, 2002).
When we explore elements of our inner representations, we use visual qualities such as color,
brightness, view angle and clarity as well as acoustic features including pitch, meaning or
resemblance, melody and rhythm. This is the case in ordinary people whereas artists with
outstanding creative capacity may possess heightened awareness of specific qualia and

employ their surrounding objects in a way that they stimulate these states by intuition or by
trial and error(Andujar, Crawford, Nijholt, Jackson, & Gilbert, 2015).
For instance, when someone hears the word ‘cake’, he or she might visualize the image of the
cake, imagine its taste, perhaps smell one or feel its texture. Some other individuals may
however visualize the written word ‘c-a-k-e’ and think about possible recipes. The inter-
individual differences would in some ways be attributed to our memories and internal future
representations. On the other hand, anyone may have a dominant lead representational
system through the sense which his or her mind first uses to trawl a representation. The more
visual, auditory and kinesthetic data we process as we encounter a motif, the stronger and
more compelling will be the qualia we perceive. The predominance of one or more senses in
capturing representations and the related neurobehavioral correlates have been the basis of
neurolinguistics programing (Ahmad, 2017; Damiano, Kercel, Tucker, & Brown-VanHoozer,

Art is a fine skill acquired through observation, learning and continued practice, meanwhile is
typically generated by the human creativity (West, 2000; Zimmerman, 2009). Today’s
advances in neuroscience and related technologies have enabled us to investigate brain
processes in relation to artistic performance. Evidence form the existing studies have
postulated that highly creative individuals do not acquire hemispheric dominance(Hyman,
2010). While the right hemisphere is more involved in divergent thinking and performs as the
hub for imagination and contemplation, a creative artist would involve the left hemisphere to
maintain the balance (Zaidel, 2013). According to earlier investigations, a range of functional
brain networks are known to be involved in the practice of visual art (Cela-Conde et al., 2013).
Although there have been much discussions on the nature of art and how it is formulated in
our brain there has been no satisfactory conclusion so far. It appears that neural scientists
are still at the prime of the journey to unveil the neural basis of the visual art (Cela-Conde et
al., 2013).

The influence of neuroscience and cognitive studies on humanities and vice versa have been
substantial and growing over the past three decades. In other words, there has been a notable
discourse between the concept of neuroaesthetics and neurocognitive paradigms with
regards to the inquiry of art and humanities. As such, neuroaesthetic studies and related
applications have led to new perspectives in visual arts, music as well as abstract and
dramatic art (Jameson, 2012; Onians, 2018).

With the view of the fact that the brain holds the capacity of forming new connections, it is
known to modify itself through formation of new pathways, hence regarded to be plastic. The
concept of neural plasticity informs that the functional capacity and neurodynamics of the
brain can receive favorable changes through practice and the use of neuromodulation
techniques (Alcami & Pereda, 2019; Baker, Rao, & Mizumori, 2019; Morris et al., 2019;
Soekadar, Herring, & McGonigle, 2016). Since art is shown to stimulate the brain and induce

aesthetic or emotional perceptions with consequent plastic changes, it appears worthwhile to
encourage more research on the concept of neuro-art, where art and neuroscience
intermingle (Alcami & Pereda, 2019; Baker et al., 2019; Nami & Ashayeri, 2011).

In an earlier research, we described where neuroscience and art might interweave. We came
across a contemporary painting artist who turned to be a synesthetic. He claimed to be
hearing the sound of colors. In other words, when he was listening to a favorite music he could
turn the notes, pitches and melodies into shades of given colors and robust moves on the
canvas. When examined in a neuroscience laboratory using the quantitative
electroencephalogram (qEEG), some event-related desynchronizations were documented in
his acoustic cortices while he was viewing his synesthetic experience artworks ( for example
a Schubert’s classical music turned into a painting) while this was not the case upon other
stimuli presentations (Nami & Ashayeri, 2011).

The above typical example together with similar scenarios and open questions have prompted
research groups to tap into the neural dynamics of creative visual art (Alain et al., 2019; Luft,
Zioga, Banissy, & Bhattacharya, 2019). The question of how the brain puts together creativity
in art has been intriguing and became a substrate of several research projects on the interface
of art and neuroscience (Neuro-Art) (Alain et al., 2019; Cheung, Law, Yip, & Wong, 2019; Ho
Tiu et al., 2019; Luft et al., 2019; Mukunda et al., 2019; Siler, 2015). This has been dealt
with through cognitive, behavioral, neurological, psychological and humanities/social science
standpoints. The concept of Neuro-Art has been involved in systematic investigations to
explain neural basis of visual and auditory perception, emotional reaction to art and the
cognitive content involved as well as the basis of creativity and aesthetic experience (Nami &
Ashayeri, 2011).

In a recent study, Roger E. Beaty et al. investigated the individual creative ability in relation
with brain functional connectivity using functional MRI (fMRI) scans (Beaty et al., 2014). Their
findings suggested that among several large-scale functional brain networks, the whole-brain
network associated with high-creative ability includes cortical pivots within three networks
namely default, salience, and executive networks. The findings potentially highlights the
notion that highly creative people including artists (here, visual arts) retain an increased
capacity to simultaneously involve such three large-scale brain networks when creating
artworks (Beaty et al., 2014).

The activity of the large-scale brain networks can be practically measured using the fMRI
technique (Brueggen et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2013). The default mode network (DMN) is a
network of interrelating brain areas which show heightened activity when an individual is not
focused on the surrounding world. This network’s activity predominates when the brain is
considered to be in resting state (Vessel, Starr, & Rubin, 2012, 2013). On the other hand, the
salience network comprises brain areas to select which stimuli we selectively attend to. The

insular cortex plays a central role in the salience network to target behaviorally significant
stimuli and to direct the brain's neural mechanisms in response to such stimuli(Hilland,
Landro, Harmer, Maglanoc, & Jonassen, 2018; Janes et al., 2018). In addition, the main
components of the central executive network are known to be the prefrontal cortex and
posterior parietal cortex (Beaty et al., 2014) (Figure 1, Panel A).

Based on the current source density (CSD) analysis of the qEEG signals, there are some key
cortical areas known correspond to the hotspots involved in the interface of the three above
mentioned large-scale brain networks (DMN, SN and CEN)(Beaty et al., 2014). According to
the international 10-20 EEG system, these cortical areas include but not restricted to FPz, Pz,
F3, F4, T7, T8, P5 and P6 (Figure 1, Panel B).

Figure 1. The salience, executive control, and default mode networks. Colored outlines depict the a priori regions of interest
that defined each network (A). The international 10-12 EEG system whereby channels corresponding to the involved areas
with the interface of the 3 networks when simultaneously activated are marked (B). Figure adapted from Beaty et al.
2014: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.09.019 under CC license.

Painting artist typically create their art works in a two-dimensional (2D) space i.e. paper,
canvas etc. Meanwhile, the advent of a three-dimensional (3D) drawing environment in virtual
reality by Google ("Tilt Brush by Google,") has prompted us to investigate whether the 3D space
drawing while the artist is immersed in virtual reality (VR) could potentiate the activity of DMN,
SN and CEN even more than the 2D. If that held true, one could have of using behavioral
approaches using VR plus neuromodulation techniques (e.g. transcranial electrical
stimulation-tES) upon the involved cortical hotspots to trigger, improve or empower creativity
in artists. This is based on the fundamental theories and applied neurotechnological
approaches with the growing evidence supporting neuroplasticity in the brain.
The above hypothesis stirred us to pursue a case study on a painting artist.

2. Case study

Mr. A.N. was a 50 year-old painting artist with over 25 years of professional experience and
more than 10 local/international solo and group art-exhibitions in his career. He was healthy,
taking no medications, non-smoker, non-alcoholic with
insignificant past medical, surgical and neuropsychiatric
history. After he gave a written informed consent to enter
our study, he was submitted to the qEEG examination
using the Mitsar monopolar 21-channel EEG device and
electrocap over three consecutive days. All examinations
were done in our electrophysiology unit at Dana Brain
health institute.

On each examination day, it was confirmed that his last

night’s sleep quality was equal to or above 7 (from the
scale of 0-10, 10 being the most refreshing sleep in a
visual analogue scale-VAS), his stress and anxiety scale
score was below 15 (based on the Beck’s Anxiety
Inventory-BAI) and he has had no psychological unpleasant
incident, and no caffeine in the morning. The experiments
were done at 10:00 am -12:00 PM each day. All measures
were possibly taken to unify the controlled laboratory
conditions upon three consecutive days when he was
examined by qEEG in resting state, 30 min [Day-1]; qEEG
in resting state (30 min) followed by qEEG upon 2D-
Figure 2. The 2D- and 3D-painting task painting using a paper sheet and crayons, 30 min [Day-2];
concurrent with qEEG (A and B). The 3D- and qEEG in resting state (30 min) followed by qEEG upon
painting task involved the VR setup where
3D-painting using the virtual reality setup (HTC Vive, Dual
the artist wore the VR goggles using both
hands to hold gadgets. The right hand AMOLED 3.6'' diagonal screen with 90 Hz refresh rate) and
gadget functioned as the brush and the the Google’s tilt Brush software, 30 min [Day-3].
left hand gadget was the color and effects

Figure 3. Summary of the study protocol. CSD: Current Source Density, SMR: Sensory-Motor Rhythm.

For the VR experience, he wore the EEG cap and put on the VR goggle using both hands to
hold gadgets where the right hand gadget functioned as the brush and the left hand gadget
was the color and effects toolbox (Figure2).
The study design is illustrated in Figure 3.

When data acquisitions were concluded, EEG signals were preprocessed using the EEG-Lab
in MATLAB to denoise signals from motion and eye-movement artifacts. Later, the EEG time
series were analyzed using the Neuroguide software and Neuronavigator (Applied
Neuroscience, USA, v.3.0.5, 2018) to extract data including absolute power, relative power,
amplitude asymmetry and connectivity/coherence z-scores of the frequency band spectra for
comparative analyses across states (Matusevich, Ruiz, & Vairo, 2002).

Based on the above, there were three states (resting state, 2D-painting and 3D-painting) in
which qEEG signals were comparatively analyzed with regard to the CSD gain in key cortical
areas potentially representing DMN, SN and CEN (FPz, Pz, F3, F4, T7, T8, P5 and P6) ( Figure
The built-in Neurostat function in Neuroguide was employed for the inter-state data
comparisons and statistical analyses (Ogura et al., 2009).

3. Results
The comparative analyses of findings on the CSD gain in DMN qEEG upon resting state versus
2D- and 3D-painting are outlined in Table 1. It turned out that the peak center value for DMN
foci declined in 2D-painting as compared to the resting state. Meanwhile, such values were
notably higher in 3D-painting through VR inasmuch as center values for DMN’s absolute power
at 13 Hz spectral band was higher not only than the same in 2D-painting but also the resting

This indicates that the CSD at 13 Hz [within the range of sensory-motor rhythm (SMR)
frequency] in the key cortical areas corresponding to the DMN was higher during the 3D-
painting task as compared to the other two states. Taking into consideration the role of DMN
in creativity and the fact that DMN shows a heightened activity when an individual is not
focused on the outer world, the above finding suggests that 3D-painting in VR potentially
stimulated the artist’s capacity for his creative function at least at cortical level.

As demonstrated in Figures 4, the CSD peak values which are shown in color spectra were
found to correspond to hot colors in key areas known to represent the interface of DMN, SN
and CEN more in the 3D-painting task as compared to the other 2 states (left panel). In
addition, as shown in Figure 2 (right panel), the coherence z-scores at 13 Hz amongst the
Brodmann areas in common within the interface of DMN, SN and CE (BAs 10-Right, 10-Left,
11-Right, 11-Left, 30 –Right, 30-Left, 35-Right and 35-Left) gained higher values upon 3D-
painting task as compared to the other 2 states.

Table 1. Mean center values for current source density at areas predominantly involved in DMN dynamics. The comparative changes among
states (i.e. resting state, 2D-painting and 3D-painting tasks) are summarized. Data suggest a notable change in CSD in respective areas within
the DMN mainly in the 3D- vs 2D- painting task.

Brodmann Coordinate and Mean Value Δ Mean value Δ Mean value Δ Mean value
Area anatomical name Min Value 2D painting vs. 3D painting vs. 3D vs. 2D
Max Value Rs , 13 Hz Rs, 13 Hz painting, 13 Hz
RS 10 Right X = 14, Y = -57, Z = -9 5.08333
DMN Frontal_Sup_Medial_R -0.850301
10 Left X = -13, Y = 58, Z = 9 5.15698
Frontal_Sup_Medial_L -0.850301
30 Right X = 14, Y = 37, Z = 13 4.72588
Fusiform_R -0.850301
7.56911 N/A N/A N/A
30 Left X = -15, Y = -37, Z = -13 4.345433
Fusiform_L -0.850301
35 Right X = 14, Y = -13, Z = -24 5.24507
Parahippocampal_R -0.850301
35 Left X = -16, Y = -13, Z = -25 5.97822
Parahippocampal_L -0.850301
2D 10 Right 4.12303 -0.9603
Painting- -0.654565
DMN 6.23321
10 Left 3.83345 -1.32248
30 Right 3.23454 -1.49134
See above 6.23321 N/A N/A
30 Left 3.02221 -1.323223
35 Right 3.98788 -1.25719
35 Left 4.03454 -1.25719
3D 10 Right 7.43345 +2.35012 +3.31042
Painting- -0.134545
DMN 9.76564
10 Left 7.87676 +2.71978 +4.04226
30 Right 6.56543 +1.83955 +3.33089
See above 9.76564 N/A
30 Left 6.45658 +2.111147 +3.43437
35 Right 8.23434 +2.98927 +4.24646
35 Left 8.56765 +2.58943 +4.53311

Figure 5 illustrates the qEEG heat-map upon 3D-painting task showing that areas attributed
to DMN ( FPz, FCz and Pz corresponding to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and posterior
parietal cortex, respectively) had a notable absolute power gain at theta and SMR band
frequencies. There was likewise a predominance for amplitude asymmetry favoring
frontocentral brain regions at theta and alpha band spectra. Meanwhile, no hemispheric
dominance in terms of amplitude
gain was observed across

4. Discussion
The growing insights into brain
science and the advent of
technologies including the
functional magnetic, electrical
and optical neuroimaging as well
as neural stimulation techniques
have assisted scholars to study
brain processes upon artistic
performance (Alain et al., 2019;
Bolwerk, Mack-Andrick, Lang,
Dorfler, & Maihofner, 2014; Liu &
Miller, 2008; Pepperell, 2011).

Based on our findings and that of

similar studies(Andujar et al.,
2015; Beaty, Benedek,
Kaufman, & Silvia, 2015; Beaty,
Benedek, Silvia, & Schacter,
2016; Beaty et al., 2014), it
appears that cortical regions
Figure 4. The CSD peak values shown in color spectra in the interface of which mainly correspond to the
DMN, SN and CEN in the 3D-painting task (left panel). The connectivity
brain areas commonly involved
coherence z-scores at 13 Hz amongst the Brodmann areas in common
within the interface of DMN, SN and CE upon 3D- painting task. CSD: Current within the interface of DMN, SN
Source Density, DMN: Default Mode Network, SN: Salience Network, CEN: and CEN are positively loaded
Central Executive Network.
during the process of creativity
in art. Our results highlighted that the activity within the DMN in 3D-painting using the tilt
Brush function in VR may outweigh the DMN activity in 2D painting task and even resting state
in a single case study.

When this notion is further examined and approved in large-scale studies, one may consider
pursuing cortical stimulation on such related cortical hotspots in artists aiming towards
enhanced creativity capacity (Green et al., 2017; Ivancovsky, Kurman, Morio, & Shamay-
Tsoory, 2018; Lucchiari, Sala, & Vanutelli, 2018; Mayseless & Shamay-Tsoory, 2015).

Figure 5. The qEEG heat-map upon 3D-painting task demonstrating a notable z-score
absolute power gain at theta and SMR band frequencies. No hemispheric
dominance in terms of amplitude gain was observed across spectra. SMR: Sensory-
Motor Rhythm.

A range of novel neurotechnology tools with proper safety profiles including transcranial
electrical stimulation (tES), repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and
neurofeedback may be applied for the above purpose(Luft et al., 2019; Tatti, Rossi, Innocenti,
Rossi, & Santarnecchi, 2016; Vicario & Nitsche, 2013). This is what popularly regarded as
neurocognitive empowerment in the today context of applied neuroscience. The use of VR
may provide an add-on value in terms of behavioral training to potentiate creativity among
artists and trainees of visual art (Gerry, 2017).

The creativity arising from artist’s brain is hypothesized to be linked to an intricate neural
circuitry in which large-scale brain networks namely DMN, SN and CEN play a central part
(Beaty et al., 2016; Beaty et al., 2014). In the context of creativity in visual art, each network
prompts an activity in a particular part of the visual brain, the superior orbitofrontal, the mid-
cingulate, and the anterior cingulate cortex suggesting functional organization where creative
thinking and visual art performance overlap (Beaty et al., 2016; Beaty et al., 2014). In the
sense of art experience, according to Barbur et al., all human experience is mediated through
the brain and is not solely the product of the outside world. The more important the
experience, the more it can reveal about the fundamental properties of the brain” (Barbur,
Watson, Frackowiak, & Zeki, 1993).
Taken the inter-individual differences in creative capacity, cognitive style, thinking process
and the extent of training in artistic experience, each brain may need to be well mapped before
neuromodulation and behavioral training are applied towards the expected empowerment
where art and creativity interweave.

5. Conclusion

The outcome of this case study suggests that when the artist’s brain was involved in a visual
art task to provoke further creativity (i.e. the 3D-painting task), the activity of DMN at the SMR
frequency band gained a greater CSD than the 2D-painting task and resting state.

Authors’ contribution
The work is a product of the whole team; all members have contributed to the conception of
the work.


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