Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Using Constructed Wetland: April 2015
Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Using Constructed Wetland: April 2015
Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Using Constructed Wetland: April 2015
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5 authors, including:
Aoyi Ochieng
Botswana International University of Science and Technology
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Intl' Conf. on Chemical, Integrated Waste Management & Environmental Engineering (ICCIWEE'2014) April 15-16, 2014 Johannesburg
Intl' Conf. on Chemical, Integrated Waste Management & Environmental Engineering (ICCIWEE'2014) April 15-16, 2014 Johannesburg
(a) (b) became weak and the adsorption efficiency also increased.
The above fact related to the effect of pH on adsorption is also
supported by several studies [22]-[23].
Adsorption of SO42- ions was also investigated at the end of
the experimental runs. The maximum SO42- adsorption at pH
of 3 was 56.7%, and 50% for clinoptilolite, and silica
respectively. At the pH of 5 the maximum SO42- adsorption
was 50%, and 41.7% for clinoptilolite, and silica respectively.
These findings implied that the pH adjustments slightly
Fig.1 SEM Images of (a) Clinoptilolite, (b) Silica increased the adsorption efficiencies of both clinoptilolite and
silica, therefore for the rest of the study, pH adjustments were
The energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis not considered. Again, since constructed wetlands operates at
was performed for clinoptilolite and silica respectively. A long hydraulic retention times (1-7 days), it is believed that the
chemical analysis of the adsorbents is presented in Table I. remaining Fe(II) concentration would be removed by other
This study showed that the natural zeolite contained a processes such as precipitation/co-precipitation, and
complement of exchangeable sodium, potassium, and calcium sedimentation that take place in constructed wetlands.
which can be replaced with heavy metals. The adsorption
capabilities of zeolite result from a net negative charge on the
structure of fine-grain silicate minerals. This negative charge
is neutralized by the adsorption of positively charged species,
giving clinoptilolite the ability to attract and hold cations such
as heavy metals. The large surface area of clinoptilolite also
contributes to the high adsorption capacity [21].
Silica chemical analysis showed it contains no
exchangeable ions (such as sodium, potassium, calcium) for
cation exchange process to take place. Therefore the large
surface area of silica is what contributes to high adsorption
capacity. Table II shows the BET surface area and distribution
of pore width of the constructed wetland packing materials.
Fig. Fig. 2(a) Adsorption of Fe(II) by clinoptilolite, and silica as a
B. Effect of pH on adsorption efficiency of the CW packing function of pH: contact time 3 h, pH 3, 60°C, C0 62 mg/l
Preliminary batch studies were done in order to investigate
the effect of pH on the adsorption efficiencies of the
constructed wetland packing material. Fig. 2 shows the effect
of pH on the adsorption of Fe(II) by clinoptilolite, and silica.
The pH ranged was from 3 to 5, and each experiment was run
for three hours. The maximum Fe(II) adsorption at pH of 3
was 70.4%, and 71.7% for clinoptilolite, and silica
respectively. At the pH of 5, the maximum Fe(II) adsorption
efficiency was 86.47%, 74.2% for clinoptilolite, and silica
respectively. The effect of pH can be explained considering
the surface charge on the adsorbent material. When pH was Fig. 2(b) Adsorption of Fe(II) by clinoptilolite, and silica as a
low, hydrogen ion with high concentration was predominant in function of pH: contact time 3 h, pH 5, 60°C, C0 62 mg/l.
adsorption onto the adsorbent. The adsorbent surface was
positively charged, which prevented Fe(II) adsorption. When C. Acid Mine Drainage Characterization
According to analysis conducted in this study, samples of
CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONS OF CW PACKING MATERIALS groundwater in the mining area typically show high
Element Clinoptilolite(wt.%) Silica sand(wt.%) concentration of sulphates, low pH and elevated metal
Oxygen 47.83 54.51 concentrations (Table III), confirming previously reported
Aluminium 7.23 0.72 results [24]-[26]. Acid mine drainage samples were
Silicon 38.77 44.77
Potassium 1.65 - characterized for toxic heavy metals and sulphates. High
Iron 0.91 - sulphate and iron content are a result of pyrite oxidation
Calcium 1.56 - during the formation of AMD. The pH ranged from 2.55 - 2.7.
Sodium 1.66 -
Magnesium 0.39 -
Other metals such as Al, Ca, Mg, and Si were present in the
mine drainage in large quantities, while Li, Be, Zn, Co and Mn
pH was elevated, the positive charge on the material surface were present in low quantities. No traces of Cr, V, Pb, Cu, Cd,
Intl' Conf. on Chemical, Integrated Waste Management & Environmental Engineering (ICCIWEE'2014) April 15-16, 2014 Johannesburg
Intl' Conf. on Chemical, Integrated Waste Management & Environmental Engineering (ICCIWEE'2014) April 15-16, 2014 Johannesburg
water component by sedimentation [28]. Brix [29] reported depends on the decomposition procedure, and that certain
that factors that affect antimony adsorption include iron metals are better recovered by one method compared to the
concentration [as Fe(III)], pH and contact time. other. They further proposed that factors that affect the
Iron, aluminium and manganese can form insoluble extraction efficiency are losses due to volatilisation depending
compounds through hydrolysis and/or oxidation that occur in on the drastic conditions of the decomposition procedure, the
wetlands. Thus leads to formation of variety of oxides, nature of the organic material to be decomposed, the metal
oxyhydroxides and hydroxides [30]. Iron removal depends on that is subsequently to be determined, and optimal digestion
pH, oxidation–reduction potential and the presence of various time in acids. These factors could be the possible reason why
anions [31]. Trivalent iron, Fe3+ may be removed simply by some of the metals were below detection limit. Therefore,
raising pH to 3.5 with sufficient retention period. Stark et al., XRF was employed to analyze the concentrations of the rest of
[32] reported Fe removal to be nearly 100% after 8 years of the metals that were below detection when using AAS. Metal
operation at SIMCO wetlands. Divalent iron, Fe2+ is highly concentrations were significantly higher in the wetlands outlet
soluble in water that has low dissolved oxygen up to pH 8. than in the intlet, except for Ni, Be, and Li that were below
Thus first the Fe2+ needs to be oxidized to Fe3+ at pH less than detection in all samples (Table IV).
4 or 5 when bacteria also plays a role of catalyst so as to TABLE IV
oxidize ferrous to ferric iron [33].
Douglas North Middelburg
Aluminum can precipitate as aluminum hydroxides around Discharge Steam Coke and T&DB
pH close to 5 [34]. Manganese removal is the most difficult to (DND) Coal (SSC) Decant
be achieved because its oxidation takes place at a pH close to
Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet
8 [35]. Bacteria play an important role in the oxidation of Mn
since they accelerate the oxidation of Mn 2+ to Mn4+. pH 2.7 2.85 2.65 2.8 2.55 2.85
Precipitation and co-precipitation in the removal of heavy S (mg/l) 2237 7328 2210 1010 5080 1040
metals is an important adsorptive mechanism in wetland Fe (mg/l) 2440 7776 2082 1080 5793 9888
sediments. The formation of insoluble heavy metal
Al (mg/l) 15 591 14 571 16 561
precipitates is one of the many factors limiting the
bioavailability of heavy metals to many aquatic ecosystems. Ca (mg/l) 288 7512 124 7887 1874 7272
Co-precipitation is also an adsorptive phenomenon in wetland Mn (mg/l) 103 149 128 182 210 183
sediments. Heavy metals co-precipitates with secondary Cr (mg/l) 256 172 378 490 185 562
minerals in wetlands. Metals such as copper, nickel, zinc, and Si (mg/l) 4090 3100 3750 3580 4660 3640
manganese are co-precipitated in Fe oxides and cobalt, iron,
nickel and zinc are co-precipitated in manganese oxides Mg (mg/l) 5 53 <5 49 <5 41
[34],[36]. Zn (mg/l) <5 59 <5 66 <5 60
Chromium is present as Cr(VI), which is relatively mobile Co (mg/l) <5 1.9 <5 2.6 <5 2.3
and after release into the pore, it migrates downward into the Ni (mg/l) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5
reducing zone and precipitates as Cr(OH)2 [37]. The
Li (mg/l) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5
hydrolysed form of Cr(VI) is readily absorbed by hydrous Fe
and Mn oxides [38]. Be (mg/l) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5
Swedlund and Webster (2001) found that at pH 4 and
below, nearly 40% of SO42- present is adsorbed onto the Fe
oxyhydroxides and oxy-hydroxysulphates. These finding are The concentration of sulphur in all samples indicated that it
relatively similar to the ones found in this study. Although the moves from bottom sediment layers to the sediment-water
ability of clinoptilolite based constructed wetland has interface [41]. This also suggests that there is enrichment of
demonstrated the ability to reduce sulphate concentration, sulphur below the suboxic/anoxic interface, indicating that
literature relating to sulphate reduction could not be found. sufficient oxidants must be present to generate sulphides;
Further work is required to determine the mechanism of namely metal oxides, which interact with sulphur species to
sulphate reduction, be it chemical, biochemical, physical or a form sulphides [42]. The significant relationship of sulphur
combination thereof. with trace metals shows that these trace metals are precipitated
as metal sulphides and are also responsible for the fixation of
E. Metal concentrations in sediments trace metals in core sediments [43].
The metal concentrations in sediments were obtained by
concentrated HNO3 extraction at the end of the experiment. IV. CONCLUSION
However, it seems that the acid extraction was achieved for In this study, significant metal reduction has been
Fe, Si, Ca, and Mg since the rest of the metals concentrations demonstrated in three pilot-scale constructed wetlands. It was
were below detection when analysed using AAS. Oduoza and found that the hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 5 days lead to
Miaphen [40] assessed the suitability of various methods in the maximum removal of the metals. Therefore constructed
the extraction of trace metals and pollutants in aquatic wetland treatment process has a potential to remove heavy
sediments. They reported that the extraction efficiency metals from acid mine drainage. Again, it is feasible to treat
Intl' Conf. on Chemical, Integrated Waste Management & Environmental Engineering (ICCIWEE'2014) April 15-16, 2014 Johannesburg
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