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ManageEngine ServiceDeskPlusMSP 8.1 Help InstallationGuide

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 2
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 3
SERVICEDESK PLUS - MSP EDITIONS .................................................................. 4
INSTALL SERVICEDESK PLUS - MSP .................................................................... 5
Installation on Windows ....................................................................................................................... 6
Installation on Linux ........................................................................................................................... 12
UPGRADE SERVICE PACK ................................................................................... 18
START SERVICEDESKPLUS - MSP SERVER ...................................................... 20
REGISTER SERVICEDESK PLUS - MSP ............................................................... 21
SHUTDOWN SERVICEDESKPLUS - MSP SERVER ............................................. 22
CONFIGURE THE DATABASE ............................................................................... 23
CHANGE WEB SERVER PORT .............................................................................. 28
INSTALLING SSL CERTIFICATE ........................................................................... 29
RENEW SSL CERTIFICATE ................................................................................... 43
INSTALLING .PFX CERTIFICATE .......................................................................... 44
UNINSTALLING SERVICEDESK PLUS - MSP ...................................................... 46
CONTACTING MANAGEENGINE ........................................................................... 47

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide


The ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Installation Guide help you overcome the initial hiccups of installing
ServiceDesk Plus - MSP successfully and starting ServiceDesk Plus - MSP as a service. This guide
also provides step-by-step instructions for setting up your database, performing a manual backup,
restoration of the backup data, changing your server port to HTTPS and installing SSL

After installing ServiceDesk Plus - MSP, the Administrator Guide helps you configure ServiceDesk
Plus - MSP to make it available for real time usage.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

System Requirements

The following table list the hardware installation according to the number of Technician Logins.

Technician No of Nodes Processor Processor RAM Free Hard

Logins Type Speed Disk

5-20 50-200 1.7 GHz 1GB 20GB

20-50 200-500 3.4 GHz 2GB 40GB

Core Duo
50-100 500-2000 2*3.4 GHz 4GB 40GB

100-200 1000-5000 4*3.4 GHz 4GB 80GB

Operating System

• Windows 2008 Server
• Windows 7
• Windows 2000 + SP4
• Windows 2000 / 2003 Server
• Windows XP Professional
• RHEL Linux 5.4 and above
• Linux Debian 3.0

Supported Database
• Postgre SQL 9.2
• MySQL 4.1.18
• MS SQL 2000, MS SQL 2005, MS SQL 2008
Supported Browsers
• Internet Explorer: v7, v8 and v9
• Firefox: v3.6 up to v10
• Google Chrome

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Editions

ServiceDesk Plus - MSP is available in three editions namely,

• Standard Edition - comprises of Incident Management alone.
• Professional Edition - includes Asset Management, Purchase Management and Contract
• Enterprise Edition - includes Incident Management, Asset Management, Purchase and
Contract Management along with Problem and Change Management.
The tabular below gives a quick view of the features available in the editions,

Modules/Features Standard Professional Enterprise

Edition Edition Edition

Incident Management YES YES YES

Priority Matrix - - YES

Problem - - YES

Asset Management - YES YES

Software License - YES YES


Purchase - YES YES


Contract - YES YES


Desktop Central - - YES





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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Install ServiceDesk Plus - MSP

Install ServiceDesk Plus - MSP

Installation Files
The types of installation files for ServiceDesk Plus - MSP are,
• ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus_MSP.exe (for Windows OS)
• ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus_MSP.bin (for Linux OS)

Upgrade Service Pack

• ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus_-_MSP_<latest_version>_SP-<build_number>.ppm

Click here to download your appropriate installation file.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Installation on Windows
Follow the steps given below to install and set up the ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus - MSP
1. Download the ManageEngine_ServiceDeskPlus_MSP.exe file.
2. Click the exe file to start the installation. The ServiceDesk Plus - MSP installation wizard
appears as shown below,

3. Click Next to proceed with the installation.

4. The second screen displays the License Agreement. You need to accept the license
agreement to proceed with the installation. Click Yes to accept.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

5. Select the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Edition to install.

o Standard Edition - This edition offers Account Management, Billing, Help Desk
Management, Self-Service Portal, Knowledge Base, SLA Management and Help
Desk Report to help you manage and track your requests.
o Professional Edition - This edition offers Account Management, Billing, Software
Compliance & License Tracking, Product Catalog, NMS Integration, Asset Reports
and few other asset related process along with the features of Standard Edition.
o Enterprise Edition - This is an ITIL ready help desk. It includes all features of
Professional Edition plus Incident Management, Problem Management, Change
Management and Service Catalog.
You can also refer the document ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Edition Comparison to
choose your required edition.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

6. By default, the application is installed in C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP directory.

If you want to change the installation directory, then, click the Browse button beside the
directory path. From the file chooser window, choose the directory of your choice and click

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Note: The installation directory or its parent directories must not have any space
character in its name.

6. In the next screen, enter the folder name that will be displayed in Programs in your windows
menu. By default it is ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Click Next to continue.
7. Enter the port number that has to be used to run the web server. The default port number
provided is 8080. If you already have any application running in that port, then enter the
number of the port that is free and can be used by the web server to run the ServiceDesk
Plus - MSP application server and click Next.

8. Choose the Database between MY SQL and MS SQL. By default ServiceDesk Plus - MSP
supports My SQL database. If you wish to use MS SQL database you need to provide
additional information.
• Host Name: Enter the IP Address/host name in which the database is available. The
default host name is 'localhost'.
• Port: Specify the port in the given text field. The default value is 1433.
• Database : By default the database name will be Servicedesk in non-editable format.
• User Name: Specify the user name to login to the server in the given text field.
• Password: Specify the password for the username in the given text field. Click Next.

Note: To switch over to SQL database, you need to enable SQL authentication.
Window authentication will not work.

9. The Registration for Technical Support form is displayed. This is an optional form and it
enables you to register for technical assistance. By registering, it helps the technical support
team to be better informed about your organization and its specific needs and hence provide

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

a more focused support. Enter the details such as Name, contact E-mail ID, Phone Number
(helps in making calls for immediate support), Company Name, and Country. Click Next.

9. The details that you have provided till now will be displayed as below for your confirmation:
Installation Directory : C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-Msp
Folder Name : ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus - MSP
WebServer Port : 8080

If the displayed information is correct, then click the Next button, or else click the Back button
and make the necessary changes and proceed with the installation.
10. After you confirm the above details, the application is installed. On successful installation, the
following screen is displayed.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

If you choose to start the ServiceDeskPlus - MSP as Service, then the ServiceDeskPlus -
MSP Server is started automatically and the client window opens. If you do not wish to view
the readme file or start ServiceDesk as a windows service, de-select the options provided.
13. Click Finish to complete the installation. The ReadMe document is displayed in a pop up
If you had followed the instructions in the wizard and installed the application with the default settings
suggested by the wizard, the ManageEngine ServiceDeskPlus - MSP program group is created in
the Start menu. Also, the ServiceDesk server will be started and the client window opens with the
login page. Enter the user name and password to log in to the application.

To manually start the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP application

1. Click Start -> Programs -> ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus - MSP -> ServiceDeskPlus -
MSP Server to start the web server. This takes approximately 2 minutes in a Windows XP,
512 MB RAM, and 1.0 GHZ processor. Generally, the server is started and the web client is
also launched in the default browser.
2. If the web client is not launched automatically, then click Start -> Programs ->
ManageEngine ServiceDeskPlus - MSP -> ServiceDeskPlus - MSP Web Client to start the
web client. The application opens the login page in your default web browser.
3. Enter your user name "administrator" and password "administrator" to log in to
ServiceDeskPlus - MSP. As soon as you log in the configuration wizard home page is
displayed. Follow the instructions provided in the wizard and click the Next button.
To reinitialize the server
1. Go to <ServiceDeskPlus-MSP>\bin directory.
2. Execute reinitializeDB.bat to reinitialize the server. Please note that all the data in the
server will be lost when you reinitialize.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Installation on Linux

• Install ServiceDesk Plus - MSP on a Linux machine

• Install ServiceDesk Plus - MSP on a Linux machine without GUI
• Install ServiceDesk Plus - MSP as a Linux Service

Install ServiceDesk Plus - MSP on a Linux machine

1. Download ManageEngine_ServiceDeskPlus_MSP.bin file.
2. To execute .bin type files, you require the execute permission. Enter the command as given
below in your command prompt.
#chmod +xManageEngine_ServiceDeskPlus_MSP_x_Linux.bin
3. Execute the .bin file.

4. The ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Installation Wizard is displayed. Click Next
to proceed with the installation.

5. The License Agreement is displayed. Please read the license agreement carefully. You
need to accept the license agreement to proceed with the installation.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

6. Click Yes to accept the license agreement.

7. Select the ServiceDesk Plus Edition to install.
o Standard Edition: This edition offers Account Management, Billing, Help Desk
Management, Self-Service Portal, Knowledge Base, SLA Management, and Help
Desk Report to help you manage and track your requests.
o Professional Edition: This edition offers Account Management, Billing, Software
Compliance & License Tracking, Product Catalog, Asset Reports and few other asset
related process along with the features of Standard Edition.
o Enterprise Edition: This is an ITIL ready help desk. It includes all features of
Professional Edition plus Incident Management, Problem Management, Change
Management and Service Catalog.
You can also refer the document ServiceDesk Plus Edition Comparison to
choose your required edition.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

8. The next step is choosing the installation directory. By default, the application is installed in
home/<user>/ManageEngine/ServiceDeskPlus-Msp directory. If you want to change the
installation directory, then click the Browse button and choose the installation folder. Click

9. Click Next.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

10. Enter the Web Server Port Number to run the web server. The default port number provided
is 8080. If you already have another application running in that port, then enter the port
number which is free and can be used to run the web server. Click Next.
NOTE: If you want to provide a port number lesser than 1024 as the web server port,
then you need to be the super-user of the system to successfully install and run
ServiceDesk Plus - MSP application.

11. The Registration for Technical Support form is for obtaining technical assistance from our
support team. By registering for technical support, our support team will be better informed
about your organization and its specific needs, and hence provide a more focused support.
Enter your details such as Name, contact Email Address, Phone Number (helps in making
calls for immediate support), Company Name and Country. The Email Address is a
mandatory field. Click Next.
12. The details that you have provided till now are displayed for your confirmation.
Installation Directory: home/<user>/ManageEngine/ServiceDeskPlus-MSP
Product Size: 62.8 MB
If the displayed information is correct, then click the Next button, or else click the
Back button and make the necessary changes and proceed with the installation.
15. After you confirm the above details, the application is installed.
16. On successful installation, the InstallShield Wizard Complete screen is displayed. By
default, the option to view the ReadMe file is enabled. If you do not wish to view the ReadMe
file, deselect the check box.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

17. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Install ServiceDesk Plus - MSP on a Linux machine without GUI

1. Download ManageEngine_ServiceDeskPlus_MSP.bin file.
2. To execute .bin type files, you require the execute permission. Enter the command as given
below in your command prompt.
#chmod +xManageEngine_ServiceDeskPlus_MSP_x_Linux.bin
3. Execute the .bin file.
./ManageEngine_ServiceDeskPlus_MSP.bin -console

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

4. Follow with the on-screen instructions to proceed with the installation.

Install ServiceDesk Plus - MSP as a Linux Service

1. Download the servicedesk.txt file from here.

2. Copy the servicedesk.txt to /etc/init.d/
# cp servicedesk.txt /etc/init.d/servicedesk
3. Edit the servicedesk file to modify the MDIR Variable. MDIR refers to /bin. Typically, if you
have installed ServiceDesk Plus as a guest user, then MDIR will be,

NOTE: To edit the servicedesk file type #vi servicedesk.txt

4. Give executable permissions for servicedesk startup script.
# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/servicedesk
5. Create a blank file under /var/log for logging purposes.
# touch /var/log/servicedesk-plus.log
6. Use chkconfig command to add the script as a startup process.
# chkconfig --add servicedesk

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Upgrade Service Pack

• Upgrade Service Pack on Windows

• Upgrade Service Pack on Linux
o Apply patch from console or command line

Upgrade Service Pack on Windows

To upgrade to the latest version and build of ServiceDesk Plus - MSP,
1. Stop ManageEngine ServiceDeskPlus - MSP service.
2. Take a backup of the existing build for security reasons. Refer Backup Process to know how
to take a backup of your data.
NOTE: Taking a backup is essential to revert to the existing build without any loss of
data if the upgrade fails due to unexpected reasons. The backup is stored under
Backup folder in ServiceDesk Plus-MSP Home directory.
3. Click here to download the latest hotfix or the .ppm file.
4. Go to [ServiceDesk Plus-MSP Home]\bin and execute the file UpdateManager.bat.
cmd> UpdateManager.bat
5. A Java UI pops up where you can browse for the location of the .ppm file and click install to
start the installation process.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

NOTE: If you are planning on performing multiple upgrades, please make sure to start and stop the
application once after successfully applying a service pack, make a backup of this upgraded version
and then proceed with the next service pack.

Upgrade Service Pack on Linux

1. Stop ManageEngine ServiceDeskPlus - MSP Server.
2. Take a backup of the existing build for security reasons. Refer Backup Process to know how
to take a backup of your data.
3. Click here to download the latest hotfix or the .ppm file.
4. Run the script UpdateManager.sh in the <ServiceDesk_Plus_MSP_Home>/bin folder.
5. From the Update Manager tool click Browse button to select the Service Pack file
(ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus_-_MSP_<latest_version>_SP-<build_number>.ppm) that
you had downloaded.
6. Click Install.... Follow the on-screen instructions to apply the Service Pack / Hotfix.
7. Once the upgrade is complete, start ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Server.

Apply patch from console or command line

To install a patch from console or command line,

Easiest option:
sh UpdateManager.sh -c
And it will guide the user through the steps.

Here are the other options:

sh UpdateManager.sh -u server/default/conf -c -option i -ppmPath <Patch file path including patch file
name> -h <Product Home>
To un-install a patch: sh UpdateManager.sh -u server/default/conf -c -option u -h <Product Home> -
version <Patch version>
To view installed patch versions: sh UpdateManager.sh -u server/default/conf -c -option v -h
<Product Home>
To run UPDATEMANGER.bat from console mode: UpdateManager.sh -c -option i ppmPath <Path
where PPM is downloaded> -h C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Start ServiceDeskPlus - MSP Server

• Start ServiceDeskPlus - MSP Server on Windows

• Start ServiceDeskPlus - MSP Server on Linux

Start ServiceDeskPlus - MSP Server on Windows

1. Click Start -> Programs -> ManageEngine ServiceDeskPlus - MSP-> ServiceDeskPlus -
MSP Server to start the web server. This takes approximately 2 minutes in a Windows XP,
512 MB RAM, and 1.0 GHZ processor. The server is started and the web client is launched in
the default browser.
2. If the web client is not launched automatically, then click Start -> Programs ->
ManageEngine ServiceDeskPlus - MSP-> ServiceDeskPlus - MSP Web Client to start the
web client. The ServiceDesk Plus - MSP login page in opened in the default web browser.
3. Enter the User name as "administrator" and the Password as "administrator" to log in to
ServiceDesk Plus - MSP.
As soon as you login, the Configuration Wizard home page is displayed. Click Next button to
proceed with the configurations. Refer Admin Configurations in the Admin Guide to know how to
configure ServiceDesk Plus - MSP.

Start ServiceDeskPlus - MSP Server on Linux

1. Go to <ServiceDeskPlus - MSP>/bin directory and execute the run.sh file

$ sh run.sh
2. To start the web client, open a web browser and type the following in the address field.


Here, you need to replace the localhost with the corresponding server name where the
ServiceDeskPlus - MSP web server is running and the port number 8080 should be replaced
with the actual port where the server is running. The ServiceDesk Plus - MSP login page
opens in the default web browser.
3. Enter the User name as "administrator" and the Password as "administrator" to login to
ServiceDesk Plus - MSP.
As soon as you login, the Configuration Wizard home page is displayed. Click Next button to
proceed with the configurations. Refer Admin Configurations in the Admin Guide to know how to
configure ServiceDesk Plus - MSP.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Register ServiceDesk Plus - MSP

Once your 30 days trial evaluation period is over, you need to register the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP
application. To purchase the application, please contact [email protected]. They will send
you the registered license file. Using this license file, you can register the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP

To register ServiceDesk Plus - MSP

1. Log in to the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP application using the user name and password of an
admin user.
2. Click the License link available at the right top of the application. The License window is
3. Click the Browse button to locate the license file sent to you when you purchased the
4. From the file chooser window, select the license file and click Open.
5. Click Upgrade.
The registration of the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP application is complete. You can continue using the

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Shutdown ServiceDeskPlus - MSP Server

• Shutdown ServiceDeskPlus - MSP on Windows

• Shutdown ServiceDeskPlus - MSP on Linux

Shutdown ServiceDeskPlus - MSP on Windows

1. Click Start -> Programs -> ManageEngine ServiceDeskPlus - MSP-> Shutdown
ServiceDeskPlus - MSP. A confirmation message is displayed.
2. Click OK to proceed with the shutdown.
Alternatively, right-click on the system tray icon and select Shut down Server. A confirmation
message is displayed. Click OK to shut down ServiceDesk Plus - MSP.

Shutdown ServiceDeskPlus - MSP on Linux

Execute shutdown.sh file from the bin directory as given below,
sh shutdown.sh -S

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Configure the Database

• Configure the Database

o Configuring MS SQL Server
o Configuring MY SQL Server
• Non GUI Users
• Connect to My SQL Server
• Troubleshooting Tips

Configure the Database

By default ServiceDesk Plus - MSP supports MY SQL database, to switch over to SQL database,
you need to configure SQL server credentials to establish connection and start the server.

Configuring MS SQL Server

1. Execute the changeDBServer.bat [changeDBServer.sh for Linux] file presented under the
ServiceDeskPlus - MSP Home. This opens the Database Setup Wizard page. Fill in the
details of the form to configure SQL server.
o Server Type: Select the server type from the combo box. Say, MS SQL
o Host Name: Enter the IP Address/ host name in which the database is available. The
default host name is 'localhost'.
o Port: Specify the Port. The default port is 1433.
o Database: By default the database name will be servicedesk in non-editable format.
o User Name: Specify the User Name to login to the server
o Password: Specify the Password.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

2. To check the availability of connection, click the Test button. A pop up window pops up
showing 'Connection Established' message.
3. Click OK to proceed.
4. Click Save button to save the SQL server settings.

Configuring MYSQL Server

1. If you are using a remote MySql server and do not want to use the inbuilt server then,
2. Select Server Type as MySql server. This opens the database wizard page.
3. Specify the Host Name, Port, User Name & Password.
4. Click Test button and check the availability of the connection.
5. Once the connections are established, save the details and start the server.

Non GUI Users

Run the changeDBServer.bat [changeDBServer.sh for Linux] under command prompt by passing
parameter as given below,

C:\[ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Home]\bin>changeDBServer.bat --console

It will get the DB Server necessary information from the console.

Connect to MY SQL Server

ServiceDesk Plus - MSP uses MYSQL as its default database.

Connect to MYSQL Server in Windows

1. Go to [ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Home] \ mysql \ bin in the command prompt.
C:\> cd ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus - MSP\mysql\bin
2. Enter the command: mysql.exe -u root -P 33366 servicedesk
C:\> cd ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus - MSP\mysql\bin>
mysql.exe -u root -P 33366 servicedesk

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

ServiceDesk is the name of the database. 33366 is the port on which ServiceDesk Plus - MSP
database runs. ServiceDesk Plus - MSP uses root account to connect to the database and does not
use any password. You can connect to MYSQL database only from the server console.

Connect to MYSQL Server in Linux

1. Install the MYSQL client which supports your Linux version.
2. Once this is accomplished, make sure that the command "mysql" is in path. (Most often,
mysql should be under path, if not, you may add the complete path to mysql command under
PATH variable in the bashrc file.
3. Go to [ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Home] \ mysql \ bin in the command prompt.
# cd [ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Home]/mysql/bin
4. Enter the command: # mysql -u root -S ../tmp/mysql.sock servicedesk A

Troubleshooting Tips

MY SQL Connection Resolution

Verify the following,
o Check if MY SQL server is running.
o Check if the server name or the port number is misspelled or incorrect.
o If the MY SQL server is running in a remote machine then there may be a firewall
blocking the port number you have entered.
o If none of the above mentioned issues matches then contact your system

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

MS SQL Connection Resolution

If a connection is refused and an exception is thrown by SQL Server as 'unable to connect
the server' then there could be following reasons why this could happen such as,
o The server name is misspelled or the port number is incorrect
o The SQL server may not configured to use TCP/IP. In this case, enable TCP/IP from
SQL server's network utility application.
o If there is a firewall blocking the port 1433 on the server then you will not be able to
connect to the server.
o To confirm the firewall block connect to TCP/IP use \"telnet<server_host>1433\"\n to
confirm the block.
o SQL Server Instance is not currently supported by ServiceDesk and will be available
in the feature release. You can also connect to SQL Server named instance once if
you know the machine name and port of the named instance.
o Create new user with full privileges as shown below,

o While configuring SQL server properties select the authentication type as SQL server
as shown below. Windows authentication is not supported by ServiceDesk Plus -
MSP currently.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Change Web Server Port

• Change Web Server Port on Windows

• Change Web Server Port on Linux

Change Web Server Port on Windows

Follow the steps given below to change the web server port where the ServiceDeskPlus - MSP server
will be running:
1. Go to <ServiceDeskPlus-MSP>\bin directory.
2. Execute the file changeWebServerPort.bat at command prompt as shown below:
C:\[ServiceDesk Plus - MSP
Home]\bin>changeWebServerPort.bat <new port number> <http
or https>
3. The web server port will be reset to the new port number that you have specified.
o HTTPS - To start the ServiceDeskPlus - MSP server in HTTPS mode.
o HTTP - To start the ServiceDeskPlus - MSP server in HTTP mode. By
default, executing the file as changeWebServerPort.bat <new port number> will
start the server in HTTP mode.
4. If the port number is occupied, you will be prompted to enter a different port number. If you do
not wish to enter a different port number then press N on your keyboard to exit the
application. Else press Y and enter a different port number that is unoccupied.
This change will be effected only when you restart the server. To connect to the ServiceDeskPlus -
MSP server after restarting, the new port number must be used.

Change Web Server Port on Linux

Follow the steps given below to change the web server port where the ServiceDeskPlus -MSP server
will be running:
1. Go to <ServiceDeskPlus- MSP>/bin directory.
2. Execute the file changeWebServerPort.sh at command prompt as shown below,
$ sh changeWebServerPort.sh <new port number> <http or
3. The web server port will be reset to the new port number that you have specified.
o HTTPS - To start ServiceDeskPlus - MSP server in HTTPS mode.
o HTTP - To start ServiceDeskPlus - MSP server in HTTP mode. By default, executing
the file as changeWebServerPort.bat <new port number> will start the server in
HTTP mode.
4. If the port number is occupied, you will be prompted to enter a different port number. If you do
not wish to enter a different port number then press N on your keyboard to exit the
application. Else press Y and enter a different port number that is unoccupied.
This change will be effected only when you restart the server. To connect to the ServiceDeskPlus -
MSP server after restarting, the new port number must be used.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Installing SSL Certificate

• Introduction
• Steps to install SSL in ServiceDesk Plus - MSP
• Install a .P7b Certificate
• Commands to install certificates of some common vendors

ServiceDesk Plus - MSP can run as a HTTPS service. But it requires a SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
Certificate signed by a valid Certificate Authority (CA).
By default, on first time start-up, it creates a self-signed certificate. This self-signed certificate will not
be trusted by the user browsers. Thus, while connecting to ServiceDesk Plus - MSP, you need to
manually verify the certificate information and the hostname of ServiceDeskPlus - MSP server
carefully and should force the browser to accept the certificate.
To make ServiceDeskPlus - MSP server identify itself correctly to the web browser and the user, you
need to obtain a new signed certificate from a CA for the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP host. You can use
keytool (bundled with Java) to create your certificates, get them signed by a CA and use them with
ServiceDesk Plus - MSP.

Steps to install SSL in ServiceDesk Plus - MSP

The steps involved in configuring ServiceDesk Plus - MSP to use the SSL are as given below.
Step 1: Create a Keystore file
Step 2: Create .CSR (Certificate Signing Request) file
Step 3: Install your SSL Certificate
Step 4: Configuring the Server

NOTE: In all the images, replace the highlighted text with the alias name you want to use for the
ServiceDesk Plus - MSP.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Step 1: Create a Keystore file

Before requesting for a certificate from a CA, you need to create tomcat specific ".keystore" file and
".csr" file. The .keystore file and .csr file will include information provided by the individual who
creates the .keystore and .csr files.
To create the .keystore file follow the below steps,
1. Open the Command Prompt.
2. From the location <installation directory> \ jre \ bin execute the command
keytool -genkey -alias <your_alias_name> or [Domain Name] -keyalg RSA -
keystore sdp.keystore

3. If your vendor requires a CSR of size 2048 please use the command given below.
keytool -genkey -alias <your_alias_name> or [Domain Name] -keyalg RSA -
keysize 2048 -keystore sdp.keystore

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

4. You will then be prompted to choose a password for your keystore.

NOTE: Please note that the Password should not contain $ symbol.
5. When it asks for first and last name, this is NOT your first and last name, but rather it is your
Fully Qualified Domain Name for the site you are securing.

6. If you are ordering a Wildcard Certificate this must begin with the * character.

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7. On entering the required information, confirm that the information is correct by entering 'y' or
'yes' when prompted.

8. At the end of executing the above command, you will be prompted to enter keystore
password. Try giving the password same as your key password. Make sure to remember
the password you choose.
9. Your keystore file named sdp.keystore is now created in your current working directory.
NOTE: We request you to make a backup copy of the sdp.keystore file before
installing the Certs. This backed up keystore can be used if the certificate installation
goes wrong or when you renew your certificates the next year.

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Step 2: Creating .CSR (Certificate Signing Request) file

The .CSR (Certificate Signing Request) file is temporary and should be submitted to a CA to receive
CA-Signed Certificate files.
Please follow the steps given below to create the CSR file.
1. Open the Command Prompt
2. From the location <installation directory> \ jre \ bin execute the below command.
keytool -certreq -alias <your_alias_name> -file key.csr -keystore sdp.keystore
In the above command <your_alias_name> is the alias name provided when
creating the keystore, key.csr is the name of the CSR file that will be created after
the command is executed.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Step 3: Install your SSL Certificate

Download the Certificate files received from the CA via e-mail to the directory where your keystore
(sdp.keystore) was saved during the CSR creation process. The certificates must be installed to this
exact keystore. If you try to install it to a different keystore it will not work.
The certificates you had downloaded must be installed to your keystore in the correct order for your
certificate to be trusted. If the certificates are not installed in the correct order, then the certificate will
not authenticate properly. To find the correct order, double click on the domain certificate and then go
to ‘Certification Path’.

These certificates are usually in the format .cer or .crt. If your certificate is with the extension .p7b
please follow the instructions given in Installing a .P7b Certificate to export the certs to a .cer or .crt
Looking at the above certification path we can infer that we need to import two other certificates
before the domain certificate. First is the Root, next the Intermediate and finally the Domain
Certificate. Some CAs may also use another certificate called Cross Intermediate. These
certificates can be downloaded from the Vendor’s website.

Installing the Root Certificate file

Each time you install a certificate to your keystore you will be prompted for the keystore password,
which you chose while generating your CSR. Type the following command to install the Root
certificate file:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file <File_Name>.crt -keystore sdp.keystore

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

NOTE: Choose ‘Yes’ if you get prompted with a message that says "Certificate
already exists in system-wide CA keystore under alias <Alias Name> Do you still
want to add it to your own keystore? [no]:"
You will get a confirmation stating that the "Certificate was added to keystore".

Install the Intermediate Certificates and Cross Intermediate Certificates (if any).
Follow the instructions provided by the CA.
keytool -import -trustcacerts –alias intermediate -file <File_Name>.crt -keystore sdp.keystore
keytool -import -trustcacerts –alias cross -file <File_Name>.crt -keystore sdp.keystore
You will get a confirmation stating that the "Certificate was added to keystore".

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Install the Primary or the Domain Certificate file

Type the following command to install the Primary certificate file:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias <your_alias_name or [Domain Name]> -file
your_domain_name.crt -keystore sdp.keystore
Please note that <your_alias_name or [Domain Name]> should be replaced with the alias name
provided when creating the keystore (as discussed in Step 1). This time you will get a different
confirmation stating that the "Certificate reply was installed in keystore”.

If you want to trust the certificate, then choose y or yes. Your Certificates are now installed to your
keystore file (sdp.keystore).

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Step 4: Configuring the Server

1. Copy the sdp.keystore file from <ServiceDeskPlus-MSP_Home>\jre\bin to
2. From the command prompt, execute changeWebServerPort.bat script to change the
connection mode to HTTPS.
Cmd>[ServiceDesk Plus-MSP_Home]\bin> changeWebServerPort.bat

3. Finally, update the name of the keystore and the password, you gave in Step 1, while
generating sdp.keystore in the file server.xml present under <ServiceDeskPlus-

4. Restart the service ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus - MSP for the changes to take effect.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Install a .P7b Certificate

Some CA will provide the certificates with an extension .p7b. In such a case you can double click on
this file to open a console which will list all the required certificates. You can export these certificates
to Base-64 encoded X.509 (.cer) files. (Please refer to the Screenshots given below).
These certs can then be installed onto the keystore file using the instructions given in Step 3.
To export the certificate,
1. Go to [ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Home] \ jre \ bin \ domain.P7B.

2. Right click on the certificate and select All Tasks -> Export option.

3. The Certificate Export Wizard dialog pops up. Click Next button to proceed.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

4. Select the export file format as Base-64 encoded X.509 (.cer). Click Next.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

5. Specify the name of the file you want to export. Click Next.

6. The certificate export wizard is completed successfully. You can check for the settings you
have specified. Click Finish.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

7. A success message appears in a dialog box. Click OK.

Commands to install certificates of some common vendors

Please find below the commands you need to use to install certificates of some common vendors.
NOTE: These instructions might change depending on the Certificates issued by the CA.

If your CA is "GoDaddy", then the steps to follow will be:

keytool -import -alias root -keystore <Keystore_Name>.keystore -trustcacerts -file gd_bundle.crt

keytool -import -alias cross -keystore <Keystore_Name>.keystore -trustcacerts -file
keytool -import -alias intermediate -keystore <Keystore_Name>.keystore -trustcacerts -file
keytool -import -alias <Alias Specified when creating the Keystore> -keystore
<Keystore_Name>.keystore -trustcacerts -file <CertificateName>.crt

If your CA is "Verisign", then the steps to follow will be:

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

keytool -import -alias intermediateCA -keystore <Keystore_Name>.keystore -trustcacerts -file

keytool -import -alias <Alias Specified when creating the Keystore> -keystore <
Keystore_Name>.keystore -trustcacerts -file <CertificateName>.cer

If your CA is "Comodo", then the steps to follow will be:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt -keystore

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias addtrust -file UTNAddTrustServerCA.crt -keystore
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ComodoUTNServer -file ComodoUTNServerCA.crt -keystore
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias essentialSSL -file essentialSSLCA.crt -keystore
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias <Alias Specified when creating the Keystore> -file <Certificate-
Name>.crt -keystore <Keystore_Name>.keystore

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Renew SSL Certificate

In order to use the renewed certificate, you need to have taken a backup of the existing keystore file
(created while configuring the SSL), which was taken before the installation of any certs. If this file is
present, then you can replace this file in the [ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Home]\jre\bin folder and follow
the instructions from Step 3: Install your SSL Certificate.
If you do not have a backup of the keystore file, then you need to start from scratch i.e., from Step 1,
and get the certificates reissued for the new CSR (Certificate Signing Request).
You can use the following command to get the list of certificates installed in the keystore.
Keytool.exe –list –keystore sdp.keystore
Below is an example of how a keystore looks before installing any Certificates. It will only have the

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Installing .PFX Certificate

.PFX is an extension for security certificate. It defines a file format that stores private keys (generated
by your server at the time the CSR was generated) and public key certificate (your SSL Certificate
provided by the CA) in a single encrypted file.

To install a certificate with the extension .PFX,

1. Stop ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus - MSP service.
2. Copy the .pfx file to the location C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-
MSP\server\default\conf (where C: is the drive in which ServiceDeskPlus - MSP is installed)
3. Change the web server port to 443 to run ServiceDesk Plus - MSP on secure mode. To
change the web server port, open the command prompt and go to [ServiceDesk Plus - MSP
Home]\bin. Enter the command as given below,
[ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Home]\bin> changewebserverport.bat 443

4. Go to the location [ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Home]\server\default\deploy\jbossweb-

tomcat50.sar and open the file 'server.xml' in a word pad.
5. Locate the below entries in the file.
<!-- SSL/TLS Connector configuration using the admin devl
guide keystore
<Connector port="8443"
maxThreads="100" minSpareThreads="5"
scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false"
keystorePass="sdpsecured" sslProtocol = "TLS" />

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

6. Please replace the file name sdp.keystore with the pfx file name (name.pfx) and enter the
keystoreType="pkcs12" after the file name. Also replace the 'sdpsecured' with the password
for the .pfx file.
7. The entries should look like this,
<!-- SSL/TLS Connector configuration using the admin devl
guide keystore
<Connector port="8443"
maxThreads="100" minSpareThreads="5"
scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false"
keystoreType="pkcs12" keystorePass="your password"
sslProtocol = "TLS" />
8. Restart ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus - MSP service.

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Uninstalling ServiceDesk Plus - MSP

• In Windows
• In Linux

In Windows

To uninstall ServiceDesk Plus - MSP from Windows

1. Click Start -> Programs -> ManageEngine ServiceDeskPlus-MSP -> Uninstall
ServiceDeskPlus - MSP.
In Linux

To uninstall ServiceDesk Plus - MSP from Linux

1. Go to <ServiceDeskmsp>/_uninst directory.
2. Execute uninstaller.bin as below:

$ ./uninstaller.bin

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

Contacting ManageEngine
• Contact Information
• Sales
• Technical Support
Contact Information

Web site www.zohocorp.com

ZOHO Corporation
4900 Hopyard Rd., Suite 310
Pleasanton, CA 94588, USA

Phone: +1-925-924-9500
Fax: +1-925-924-9600
E-mail Address: [email protected]

ZOHO Corporation Private Limited

DLF IT Park, Block 7, Ground Floor, No. 1/124,
Shivaji Garden, Nandambakkam Post,
Mount PH Road, Ramapuram
Chennai 600 089
Corporate Office
Phone: +91-44-22707070
Fax: +91-44-22707172
E-mail Address: [email protected]

ZOHO Corporation Private Limited

DLF IT Park, Block 7, Ground Floor, No. 1/124,
Shivaji Garden, Nandambakkam Post,
Mount PH Road, Ramapuram
Chennai 600 089

Phone: +91-44-22707070
Fax: +91-44-22707172
E-mail Address: [email protected]

For purchasing ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus - MSP from any part of the world, fill out the Sales
Request Form. A sales person will contact you shortly. You can also send us e-mail at
[email protected].

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP – Installation Guide

You can also call the Corporate office of ZOHO Corporation at the following numbers:
Phone: +1-925-924-9500
Fax: +1-925-924-9600 and request for Sales

Technical Support
One of the value propositions of ZOHO Corp. to its customers is excellent support. During the
evaluation phase, the support program is extended to users free of charge.

For support, please mail to [email protected].

Alternatively, you can submit your feedback from the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP product by clicking the
Feedback link at the top right corner just above the header tabs after logging in to the application.
Your feedback will be sent to the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Support Team and they will get in touch
with you. Do not forget to provide your e-mail ID or your contact information for the team to get in
touch with you.

Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd.


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