Automobile Utilization

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The proposed project is developed to manage the automobile in the automobile dealer
company. The main module in this project is login, automobile management, customer
management, sales, complaints and reports. The first module is the login. The automobile
showroom owner should login to the project for usage. The username and password are
verified and if it is correct, next form opens. If the username and password are not correct, it
shows the error message.

When a customer search for a automobile, if the automobile is available, they will be
taken to a page that shows the details of the automobile including automobile name,
automobile ID, quantity, price etc. “Automobile Management System” is useful for
maintaining automobiles, customers effectively and hence helps for establishing good
relation between customer and automobile organization. It contains various customized
modules for effectively maintaining automobiles and stock information accurately and safely.

When the automobile is sold to the customer, stock will be reduced automatically.
When a new purchase is made, stock will be increased automatically. While selecting
automobiles for sale, the proposed software will automatically check for total number of
available stock of that particular item, if the total stock of that particular item is less than 5,
software will notify the user to purchase the particular item.

Also when the user tries to sale items which are not in stock, the system will prompt
the user that the stock is not enough. Customers of this system can search for a automobile;
can purchase a automobile easily by selecting fast. On the other hand the stock of
automobiles can be maintained perfectly by the automobile shop manager overcoming the
drawbacks of existing system.


MindMap Technologies Interactive is a tech-savvy, futuristic software and mobile

application development company. To empower our customers by providing solutions that
paves way for their organizational growth and gives them comfortable control to their core
area of business. Even in an established IT services company, most of the service delivery
methodology is designed based on the assumptions rather than facts, which will lead to lot of
defects, dissatisfaction, unexpected expenses during transition and delivery stage of the
projects, the company will minimize the assumptions to a greater extent and strive to deliver
the services from day one with the expected results.

The clients and projects are given high focus, irrespective of size and volume. The
management’s focus will be to deliver quality services under highly experienced and
qualified teams. The testing team makes sure to check each and every functionality, and
ensures that all requirements are fulfilled as expected by the clients.

The delivery model is designed and maintained to impart the best industry practices and
standards on SLA attainment, Quality assurance, and data / personal security. The code audit
review team ensures that the best industry standards are followed up and continuously

The primary reason for an organization to outsource their non-core area of business is for
cost saving which in turn allows them to have concentrated focus on their core area of
business. The company has different pricing models to choose from which offers the benefit
of flexibility to our clients as they can choose the pricing model that suits them the best. The
price benefit is compelled with superior quality and advanced technology in the industry.

The company provides its clients with a simple, robust, and cost effective approach in
outsourcing their services to India. This approach is applicable to all the services provided by
the company. The company can understand that some customers might not have the required
information and systems in place to make the outsourcing simple, and the company has a
flexible approach to handle it as well.



The hardware specification is necessary to support the proposed system, which have been
identified, ordered, delivered, installed and tested at the time of installation.

 System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

 Hard Disk : 40 GB.
 Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.
 Monitor : 15 VGA Color.
 Mouse : Logitech.
 Ram : 512 Mb.
 Mobile : Android v5.0 or Higher


The software specification is the one says about the development environment of the

 Operating System : Android

 IDE Tool : Android Studio
 Programming Language : Android SDK 2.3
 Database : MYSQL



All automobile details like available in the company are entered and managed in this
and managed. Price details and stock details of the automobiles are managed separately. The
customer details are entered to call the customer for further purchase of automobile. The
customer name, address and phone number details are managed separately. The details are
entered and edited by the administrator.

But everything is done manually. Most of the existing system is manual, so data
manipulations are not accurate and also processing time is slow. When the stock and
automobile count increases, manual manipulation of data becomes very difficult.


Even though computerized system exists, there are various drawbacks. They are as

 User cannot search automobiles fast when the number of automobiles increases.
 Primary key fields should be used wherever necessary while designing in order to
manage database efficiently and for accessing information soon.
 Stock management is not efficiently done. User can only know when the stock is
empty. Prior information about stock is not possible.
 Takes much time for searching particular automobile details.
 Difficult to maintain automobile details and employee details
 Existing system is not accurate.
 Even though some existing systems are computerized, there occur redundancy
problems due to duplication of entries.
 If the automobile entries have duplicate values, it cannot be maintained properly
and accurately


The proposed system is very useful for the employee and customers. It avoids the
overheads for the employee. They can minimize the working stress and can keep essential
documents related to the automobile and the passengers as a softcopy. The advantage of the
proposed system is the reduction in the cost of the office equipments and the transaction is
done quickly. Any employee can answer if any delivery for a particular customer in a
particular day is available or not.

The proposed project will allow the customers to perform certain activities like login
and searching for automobiles. Customers may open an account with the store if they wish
including a username and password. In login form users will be authenticated and it is also
possible to find whether they are customer or admin through their login information which
was entered. A customer must be logged in before searching for automobiles for purchase.

If a user attempts to login with incorrect details, they will be not be redirected to
access the application. When a customer search for a automobile, if the stock of the
automobile is available, they will be taken to a page that shows the details of the automobile
including automobile title, automobile ID, quantity, price etc in order for sale.


Features of the proposed project are as follows.

 Stock management as well as automobile management is done very quickly as well as

efficiently in proposed project.
 Another feature added in the project is, when the regular customers purchase items
from automobile, software will automatically give them discount offers.
 Prepares and produces accurate outputs
 Reduces the time needed and expenses
 Makes the information flow efficient
 Easy report generation is possible
 Provides attractive user interface.
 Efficient searching of automobile details by just entering automobile code is possible.



Flat File Database

A flat file database is a database designed around a single table. The flat file design
puts all database information in one table, or list, with fields to represent all parameters. A
flat file may contain many fields, often, with duplicate data that are prone to data corruption.
If data between two flat files have to be merged, it is needed to copy and PSMte relevant
information from one file to the other. There is no automation between flat files.

If two or more flat files that contain client addresses, it is required to manually modify
the address parameters in each file that contains that client’s information. Changing
information in one file has no bearing on other files. Flat files offer the functionality to store
information, manipulate fields, print or display formatted information and exchange
information with others, through email and over the Internet. Some flat files may be attached
to external files, such as text editors, to extend functionality and manage related information.

Relational File Database

A relational database, on the other hand, incorporates multiple tables with methods for
the tables to work together. The relationships between table data can be collated, merged and
displayed in database forms. Most relational databases offer functionality to share data:

 Across networks
 Over the Internet
 With laptops and other electronic devices, such as palm pilots
 With other software systems

Designing flat file databases is simple and requires little design knowledge. Flat files
can be developed using just about any database engine. Flat files can be created in relational
database engines by not taking advantage of relational design concepts. Designing a
relational database takes more planning than flat file databases. With flat files, it is possible
to add information, as you deem necessary.

With relational databases, it is required to be careful to store data in tables such that
the relationships make sense. Building a relational database is dependent upon the ability to
establish a relational model. The model must fully describe how the data is organized, in
terms of data structure, integrity, querying, manipulation and storage. Relational databases
allow defining certain record fields, as keys or indexes, to perform search queries, join table
records and establish integrity constraints.

Search queries are faster and more accurate when based on indexed values. Table
records can be easily joined by the indexed values. Integrity constraints can be established to
ensure that table relationships are valid. If the project is able to establish a one-to-many
relationship in the data tables, relational database should be used because a flat file is not
sufficient to handle the data processing needs. Relational databases offer more robust
reporting with report generators that filter and display selected fields.

Relational databases offer the capability to building own reporting modules. Most
relational databases also offer the capability to import and export data from other software.
There are three primary relational database systems, proprietary, open source and embedded.
Proprietary relational databases require the use of proprietary development languages, often
times, to complement SQL. Microsoft Access, for example, combines Visual Basic with
SQL. Open source databases, such as MySQL, are distributed freely to encourage user

Embedded, relational databases are packaged as part of other software packages, such
as with tax-preparation software packages. The vendor supplies the database, and all
manipulation tools, to control the database structure. These databases are, often times,
accompanied with tools to provide audit trails of transactions. Proposed project uses
relational database files implementing SQL queries in MS Access. So 1 to many relationships
can be established between tables and the table data can be accessed soon even in the non-
indexed locations.


Input is any data or instructions entered into the memory of a computer. Two types of
input are data and instructions. Data is a collection of unorganized items that can include
words, numbers, pictures, sounds, and video. A computer processes data into information,
which is organized, meaningful, and useful. Instructions can be in the form of programs,
commands, or user responses.

A program is a series of instructions that tells a computer how to perform the tasks
necessary to process data into information. A command is an instruction given to a computer
program. A user response is an instruction you issue to the computer by responding to a
question posed by a computer program. Any hardware component that allows entering data,
programs, commands, and user responses into a computer is an input device. Inputs of
Automobile Management System are eid, ename, qualification, automobileid, brand, cusid,
cusname and salary.


Output design involves specifying how production of on-screen reports and paper
based reports will occur. Output may occur to database or file for storing information entered
or also for use by other systems. Output is data that has been processed into a useful form
called information. Four types of output are text, graphics, audio, and video. Text consists of
characters (letters, numbers, punctuation marks, or any other symbol requiring one byte of
computer storage space) that are used to create words, sentences, and paragraphs.

Graphics are digital representations of non-text information such as drawings, charts,

photographs, and animation (a series of still images in rapid sequence that gives the illusion
of motion). Audio is music, speech, or any other sound. Video consists of images played back
at speeds to provide the appearance of full motion. An output device is any computer
component capable of conveying information to a user.


Database is designed to manage large bodies of information. The management of data

involves both the definitions of structures for the storage of information. In addition the data
base system must provide for the safety of the information solved, despite system crashes or
due to attempts at unauthorized access. For developing an efficient database proposed project
have to fulfill certain conditions such as controlled redundancy.

 Defining the data

 Inputting the data
 Locating the data
 Accessing the data
 Communicating the data
 Revising the data

Objectives of Database design

In database design several objectives are designed such as:

 Ease of use
 Control of data integrity
 Control of redundancy
 Control of security
 Data independence (logical & physical)
 Data storage protection
 System performance
 System functions
 System compatibility

For achieving the above mentioned criteria’s we have to make use of various features that
are available with the RDBMS by enforcing integrity constrains, it is possible to ensure data
integrity and reduce data inconsistency to a great extent.

Database Backups

Another area that often gets lost in the layers of security is the critical area of database
backup and recovery. As a part of whatever backup type is used, testing recovery of data is
mandatory. Further, check pointing has been improved to be done more frequently, also
easing the recovery process. With frequent check pointing, as well as transaction logging
and making regular backup copies, backup and recovery of databases is made more

Specifically, the InnoDB transactional model allows for commit, rollback and crash
recovery. By adding locking capabilities for users, having many users access the database at
the same time becomes faster and more stable. To ensure that InnoDB is available with your
installation, configure your package with the ‘with-innodb’ flags. You will also want to
specify InnoDB options in your ‘my.cnf’ file. Details on these set-up options can be found at
the MySQL Documentation on InnoDB Start-up Options.

The following Fig 3.3 describes the Xampp Control Panel Application form which
shows the start the MySQL connectivity.

Fig 3.3 Xampp Control Panel Application

Privileges in MySQL Server

The privileges can get very granular, so it is important that they are used in a well-
planned fashion. The types of privileges include:

 Alter
 Delete
 Create
 Drop
 Execute
 Select
 Update

Once a database is completely set up, these privileges should be reviewed prior to going
to any usage of the database to ensure that the privileges were set up appropriately.

Create a Database in MySQL Server

The CREATE DATABASE statement is used to create a database table in

MySQL.We must add the CREATE DATABASE statement to the mysql_query () function to
execute the command. The following form describes to create a database named "product

The Fig 3.3.1 describes how to create a new database in the My_SQL database. It
contains the database name and also the locations were the database is created and where it is

Fig 3.3.1 Creating a New Database in MySQL

Create a Table in the MySQL Server

The CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a table in MySQL. We must add the
CREATE TABLE statement to the mysql_query () function to execute the command. The
following figure describes how to create a tables in the database.

The following Fig 3.3.2 describes to create a new table in the database job scheduling.
It includes the table name and the entities used in the table, its size and also its type.

Fig 3.3.2 Create a New Table in the Database

There are several GUI consoles available to make the management of MySQL
database easier. For instance, MySQL Explorer allows several management processes to be
done via an interface that runs on several windows platforms. The MySQL team also has a
version in beta called MySQL Control Center.

Insert Data Into a Database Table

The INSERT INTO statement is used to add new records to a database table. The
following form describes to create a new data into the database table which is already created.

Fig 3.3.3 Insert a data into a Database Table



Modules of the automobile management system are as follows :

 Login module
 Registration module
 Customer module
 Automobile module

 Sales module
 Delivery module
 Supplier module
 Reports module

Login Module

It is used for logging in the automobile showroom management. It is used for

verifying the user. Once the user is authenticated, they can access the system.

Registration Module

New user can register in order to use the full features of this system. Normal users can
also access the proposed system but with limited features. Only the registered users can get
more priorities than the unregistered guest user. Once the guest users register to this system,
they can also get full access to this system.

Customer Module

It is used for adding new customers and for updating existing customers. It is used for
storing new customers as well as for updating the customer’s details. The module is very
useful to find the number of customers who paid bill. Some customers might not pay the bills
on time.

Customer details can be easily searched, so it will be easy to find bill payment details.
It has a primary key field named customer_no. The file is very useful for maintaining

Automobile Module

It is used for adding new automobiles and for viewing, editing and deleting existing
automobiles. It is used for searching items in this system. Here the admin have the privileges
to search items in this system. Automobile details are stored with their brand name. When a
particular brand is being liked by people, that particular brand will be purchased and kept in
stock with large quantity.

Sales Module

It is used for adding sales details to proposed system. Here the admin have privileges
to add details in automobile showroom management. Sales reports can be viewed overall as
well as date wise, month wise and year wise.

Delivery Module

It is used for storing details of new deliveries in the automobile showroom

management. Admin can perform operations like monitoring automobile stock details,
customer order details and delivery details. Delivery reports can be viewed overall as well as
date wise, month wise and year wise.

Supplier Module

It is used for maintaining supplier details like supplier ID, name, contact person and
address and phone number. Supplier or dealer can be cancelled when their items are not being
sold out. It is very essential in order to get good stock items for a company.

Reports Module

It is used for generating various reports like cash order report, credit order reports and
payment reports. Sales and delivery reports can be viewed date wise, month wise and year
wise. Reports can be viewed based on the user’s choice.



The most important phase in system development life cycle is system testing. The
number and nature of errors in a newly designed system depends on the system specification
and the time frame given for the design.

A newly designed system should have all the subsystems working together, but in
reality each subsystems work independently. During the phase, all the subsystems are
gathered into one pool and tested to determine whether it meets the user requirements.

Testing is done in two level-Testing of individual modules and test the entire system.
During the system testing, the system is used experimentally to ensure the software will run
according to the specification ns and in the way the user expects. Each test case is designed
with the intent of finding errors in the way the system will process.

Testing is vital to the success of the system. System testing makes a logical assumption
that if all the parts of the system are correct; the goal will be successfully achieved non-
testing leads to error that may not appear until months later. This creates two problems.

 The time lag between the cause and appearance of the problem.
 The effort of system error on files and records within the system.

The Testing Steps are:

 Unit testing
 Integrated testing
 Validation testing

 White Box testing


The system has been designed and developed according to the current requirements of
the user. At the same time the system is very flexible and extensible, Hence, future
enhancements, if needed can be made without much difficulty, so new applications can be
developed and it be integrated with the existing one very easily.

The following future enhancements may be worthwhile to make the tool usable to a
wider section of users.

 Currently only text-based reports are handled. It can be extended to include graphics
and images. Also music and audio clips are considerable.
 User level authentication and authorization may be of use in certain circumstances.


System implementation is the process of developing the system based on the user
requirement that has to be enforced in any system while development. Security window
prohibits unauthorized users entering the system. Implementation is the stage of the project
when the system design is turned into fully working system. This stage consists of following

 Testing the developed program with the sample data.

 Detecting and correction of internal errors.
 Testing the system to see if it meets the user requirements.
 Feeding the real time data.

 Making changes as desired by the user.
 Training user personal.

The purpose of System Implementation can be summarized as follows: making the new
system available to a prepared set of users (the deployment), and positioning on-going
support and maintenance of the system within the Performing Organization (the transition).
At a finer level of detail, deploying the system consists of executing all steps necessary to
educate the Consumers on the use of the new system, placing the newly developed system
into production, confirming that all data required at the start of operations is available and
accurate, and validating that business functions that interact with the system are functioning
properly. A key difference between System Implementation and all other phases of the
lifecycle is that all project activities up to this point have been performed in safe, protected,
and secure environments, where project issues that arise have little or no impact on day-to-
day business operations. Once the system goes live, however, this is no longer the case.

Unit Testing

Testing of individual programs or modules is known as unit testing. Unit testing is

done both during documentation and testing phase. Unit testing focuses on verification of
effort on the smallest of software design. Modules using the detailed design description as a
guide, important control paths are tested to uncover errors within the boundary of the module.
The relative complexity is test and errors detected as a result are limited by the constraints
scope established for unit testing. Unit testing is always white box oriented and the step can
be conducted in parallel for multiple modules.

Integration Testing

Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure

while at the same time conducting test to uncover errors associated with interfacing. The
objective is to take unit - tested modules and build a program structure that has been
dictated by design. Careful test planning is required to determine the extent and nature of
system testing to be performed and to establish criteria by which the result will be

Validation Testing

The most common web application security weakness is the failure to properly
validate input coming from the client or environment before using it. The weakness leads to
almost all of the major vulnerabilities in web applications, such as cross site scripting, SQL
injection, interpreter injection. Data from an external entity or client should never be trusted,
since it can be arbitrarily tampered with by an attacker. Validation doesn't just mean putting
your pages through some web driven testers. It also means test-driving it with friends,
relatives, co-workers, and strangers. Everyone has a different system and way of working, so
ask for others to test-drive your styles or themes before you make them public.

White Box Testing

White box testing is a test case method that uses control structure and procedural design
to drive test cases using white box testing method. Software engineer can test cases that:

 Exercise all logical decisions on their true or false sites.

 Guarantee that all independent paths with a module have been exercised at least once.
 Exercise internal data structure to ensure validity.
 Execute all loops at their boundaries and their operational bounds.

White box testing sometimes called as glass box testing is a test case design method that uses
the control structures of the procedural design to derive test cases.

Using White Box testing methods, the software engineer can derive test case, that
guarantee that all independent paths with in a module have been exercised at least once,
exercise all logical decisions on the true and false sides, execute all loops at their boundaries
and within their operational bounds, exercise internal data structures to ensure their validity.
“Logic errors and incorrect assumptions are inversely proportional to the probability that a
program path will be executed“. Black Box Testing: Black box testing, also called as
behavioral testing, focuses on the functional requirements of the software. That is, black box
testing enables the software engineer to derive sets of input conditions that will fully exercise
all functional requirements for a program.

Black box testing focuses on the fundamental requirements on software and on input
and output of the module. It enables the software engineers to derive set of input condition

that will truly exercise all functional requirements of a program. Black box testing is rather
a contemporary approach that is likely to uncover different class of errors.

It attempts to find out errors in the following category:

 Incorrect and missing functions

 Performance errors
 Initialization and termination errors


The system is completely menu driven and extremely user friendly since it is
developed in an efficient front end tool VB. Appropriate error messages are also provided too
guide the user in a proper and user friendly manner.

The software “Automobile Utilization” has been developed in windows 2007

environment using PHP as front end and My SQL as back end. Time consumptions reduced
to a great extent and user as less complexity in handling it database.

The project is fully fledged and user friendly, End users will be lightened in using it
software because it is easy to have bills and reports and mostly all contents to be entered are
to selected from combo box. It reduces the calculating efforts to be carried out by the staff.



[1] James. A Senn, ‘System Analysis and Design’, 2005.

[2] Pressman, ‘Software Engineering’, 2010, pp.200-230.

[3] Elias Award, ‘System Analysis and Design’, 2006.

[4] S.S. Ipress, ‘VB, 2006, pp.1-180.

[5] S. Parthasarathy, B. W. Khalakar, ‘System Analysis, Design and Introduction to Software

Engineering’, 2010, pp.39-80.









Level 0

Login process



Level 1

Admin Login

Customer 23

Customers Product Product

Level 2

Admin Login

Customer Supplier Supplier

Product Product


Sales and

Sales Order Delivery
reports reports and

Table name : Login

Primary key : username

Field name Data type Description

username Text Username
password Text Password

Table name : Customer Info

Primary key : cid

Field name Data type Description

Cid Text Customer ID
Cname Text Customer name
Caddress Text Address of the customer
Cgender Text Gender of the customer
Ccity Text City of the customer
Cpincode Number Pin code of the customer
Cphone Number Phone number of the customer
Clandline Number Landline number of the customer
Cemail Text Email ID of the customer

Table name : Automobile Details

Primary key : vid

Field name Data type Description

Vid Text Automobile ID
Model Text Model of the automobile
Color Text Color of the automobile
Chassisno Text Chassis number
Engineno Text Engine number
Paymentoption Text Payment option
Srprice Number Selling price

Table name : Booking Info

Foreign key : cid, eid

Field name Data type Description

cid Text Customer ID
Cname Text Customer name
Caddress Text Address of the customer
Srid Text Showroom ID
Ino Text Insurance number
Eid Text Employee ID
Date Date/time Date of booking
Time Text Time of booking
Model Text Model of the automobile
Color Text Color of the automobile
Srprice Number Showroom price
Aprice Number Advance price
Bamount Number Balance amount

Table name : Insurance

Primary key : policyno Foreign key : cid, eid

Field name Data type Description

Cid Text Customer ID
Cname Text Customer name
Caddress Text Address of the customer
Cphone Number Phone number of customer
Vid Text Automobile ID
Model Text Model of the automobile
Color Text Color of the automobile
Chassisno Text Chassi number of the automobile
Eid Text Employee number
Nname Text Nominee name
Iname Text Name of the insurance
Address Text Insurer address
Relationship Text Relationship with the nominee
City Text City of the insurer
Pincode Number Pin code of the insurer
Email Text Email ID of the insurer
Premium Number Premium amount
Vfrom Date/time Insurance from
Vto Date/time Insurance end date
Srid Text Showroom ID
Policyno Text Policy number

Table name : Employee Details:

Primary key : eid

Field name Data type Description

Eid Text Employee ID
Ename Text Employee name
Designation Text Designation of the employee
Fname Text Father name
Paddress Text Address
City Text City of employee
Pincode Number Pincode of employee
Mno Number Mobile number
Lno Number Landline number
Picture Text Picture of an employee

Dob Date/time Date of birth
Gender Text Gender of employee
Age Number Age of an employee

Table name : Loan

Primary key : loanno Foreign key : cid, eid, vid

Field name Data type Description

Cid Text Customer ID
Cname Text Customer name
Vid Text Automobile ID
Model Text Model of the automobile
Chassisno Text Chassis number
Engineno Text Engine number
Srprice Number Showroom price
Loanamount Text Loan amount
Downpayment Text Down payment
Instaa Number Installation amount
Loanduration Text Loan duration
Loanno Number Loan number
Eid Text Employee ID
Date Date/time Date
Time Text Time


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