Zinn AP Computer Science Syllabus

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(11.4160011 and 11.

4160012) Syllabus
2009 - 2010
Room: 1.267
Mr. J. P. Zinn
[email protected]
Department: Technical Education
Program Concentration: Business and Computer Science
(770) 554 -1098

Course Design:
This syllabus is for a two-semester course, assuming 30 weeks are available prior to the AP exam.
The course meets for five 55-minute class periods per week. The course includes several individual
programming projects assigned for one or two weeks each. The time after the AP CS Exam is
devoted to a team project and enrichment activities. The course includes an optional enrichment unit
on files, graphics, and GUI, which is not required for the AP exam.

Introduction to Programming or Teacher Recommendation.

Course Objectives:

• Understand the main principles of object-oriented software design and programming

• Learn to code fluently in Java in a well-structured fashion and in good style; learn to
pay attention to code clarity and documentation
• Learn to use Java library packages and classes within the scope of the AP/A Java
• Understand the concept of an algorithm; implement algorithms in Java using
conditional and iterative control structures and recursion
• Learn common searching and sorting algorithms: Sequential Search and Binary
Search; Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, and Mergesort
• Understand arrays and the ArrayList class
• Acquire skills in designing object-oriented software solutions to problems from
various application areas
• Learn the GridWorld case study and accompanying exercises and questions provided
by the College Board
• Discuss ethical and social issues related to the use of computers
• Prepare for the A-level AP exam in computer science.

Evaluation Procedures: Grading Scale

Daily Participation 30% 89.5 + =A
Tests/Quizzes 50% 79.5 – 89.4 =B
Final Exam (Objective) 10% 73.5 – 79.4 =C
Final Exam (Performance) 10% 69.5 – 73.4 =D
0 – 69.4 =F
Syllabus: AP Computer Science A 2

Each section will have tests covering knowledge of the material (Multiple Choice Test) and ability to
put the material to use (Practical/Performance test where code will have to be written demonstrating
ability to use decision structures, looping structures, variables, appropriate algorithms, etc.).

Final Exams – December 16-18, 2009; May 24-26, 2010

Texts and Supplementary Materials:

Software: Alice Software from Carnegie Mellon; Jeroo; Jeliot

Blue Pelican Java, selected readings from Chapters 1-6, 14, 15

Brown, Beth. A Guide to Programming in Java. Pennington, NJ: Lawrenceville Press, Inc., 2005

Litvin, Maria, and Gary Litvin. Java Methods A&AB: Object-Oriented Programming and Data
Structures, AP Edition, Andover, Mass.: Skylight Publishing, 2006.

Litvin, Maria, and Roger Frank, Judy Hromcik, Gary Litvin, Dave Wittry. Be Prepared for the AP
Computer Science Exam in Java, 2nd Edition, Andover, Mass.: Skylight Publishing, 2006.

Litvin, Maria, and Roger Frank, Judy Hromcik, Gary Litvin, Dave Wittry. Be Prepared for the AP
Computer Science Exam in Java, 3rd Edition, Andover, Mass.: Skylight Publishing, 2007.

Litvin, Maria, and Gary Litvin. 175 Multiple-Choice Questions in Java. Andover, Mass.:
Skylight Publishing, 2003.

Schram, Leon. Multiple-Choice & Free-Response Questions in Preparation for the AP Computer
Science (‘A’ & ‘AB’) Examination, 6th Edition, Brooklyn, NY: D & S Marketing Systems, Inc.

Schram, Leon. Multiple-Choice & Free-Response Questions in Preparation for the AP Computer
Science (‘A’ & ‘AB’) Examination, 6th Edition, Student’s Solutions Manual, Brooklyn, NY: D
& S Marketing Systems, Inc.

The College Board’s GridWorld case study.

Ancillary materials: Java Methods Student Disk, Teacher Disk, PowerPoint slides, Test Package,
additional resources at http://www.skylit.com/javamethods and

The College Board’s GridWorld Teacher Manual.

Course Outline:0

Chapter numbers for readings and exercises refer to Java Methods A&AB, AP Edition. The labs, case
studies, and projects proposed below come from Java Methods and serve only as examples of possible
assignments; the teacher’s favorites may be used instead. GridWorld refers to the College Board’s
GridWorld case study narrative.

Unit 1: Review of the Introductory Material (4 weeks)

1. Computer Components (Hardware and Software); Review of Java syntax and style (Weeks
1-2; duration 2 weeks)
Syllabus: AP Computer Science A 3

Import statements and library classes. Comments. Indentation and braces. Primitive data types.
Declaring fields and local variables. Arithmetic operators. Boolean expressions, relational and
logical operators. enum data types.

Reading and exercises: Chapters 5-7, Appendix A.

Labs: Exercises and/or free-response questions from the Test Package for chapters 5-7.

2. Review of Algorithms (Week 3; duration 1 week)

Algorithms using iterations and recursion.

Reading and exercises: Chapters 4 and 8.

Labs: Exercises and/or free-response questions from the Test Package for chapters 4 and 8.

3. Review of classes and objects (Week 4; duration 1 week)

Classes and objects. Fields, constructors and methods. An introduction to inheritance. First Steps
case study review.

Reading and exercises: Chapter 3.

Lab: “Bystander” in the First Steps (Exercise 3-12).

Unit 2: Classes, Class hierarchies, GridWorld (7 weeks)

4. An introduction to GridWorld (Week 5; duration 1 week)

Experimenting with the GridWorld GUI. An overview of the classes and objects involved. Role-play

Reading and exercises: GridWorld Part 1.

Lab: Set up a GridWorld project and run BugRunner.
Lab: Simple extensions of the Bug class.

5. Details of defining classes and using objects (Weeks 6-7; duration 2 weeks)

Public and private fields and methods. Constructors and the new operator. References to objects.
Calling methods and accessing fields. Passing parameters to constructors and methods. return
statement. Overloaded methods. Static fields and methods. GridWorld continued.

Reading and exercises: Chapter 9; GridWorld Part 2.

Lab: Snack Bar.
Lab: GridWorld exercises for Part 2 (page 12).

6. Strings (Week 8; duration 1 week)

String objects. Literal strings. Immutability. String methods. Converting strings into numbers
and numbers into strings. The Character class and its methods.

Reading and exercises: Chapter 10.

Lab: Lipograms (Section 10.8).

7. Class hierarchies, abstract classes, and interfaces (Weeks 9-11; duration 3 weeks)
Syllabus: AP Computer Science A 4

Class hierarchies. Polymorphism. Abstract classes. Invoking superclass’s constructors and calling
superclass’s methods. Case Study: Dance Studio. Interfaces.

Reading and exercises: Chapter 11, GridWorld Part 3.

Lab: Dance Studio.
Lab: Past free-response questions on class hierarchies and polymorphism.
Lab: Creating a subclass of Actor, GridWorld Part 3 group activity (p. 24).

Unit 3: Arrays, ArrayList s, searching and sorting (8 weeks)

8. Arrays (Week 12; duration 1 week)

One-dimensional arrays. Arrays as objects. Declaring and initializing. Indices. Length.


Reading and exercises: Sections 12.1-12.3.

Lab: Fortune Teller (Section 12.3).

9. ArrayLists. Array and ArrayList algorithms (Weeks 13-14; duration 2 weeks)

List interface. ArrayList’s constructors and methods. Traversals and the “for each” loop.
Finding the largest and the smallest element. Inserting and removing elements. ArrayLists in

Reading and exercises: Sections 12.4-12.9, GridWorld Part 4.

Lab: Creating an Index for a Document (Section 12.9).
Lab: Past free-response questions on arrays and ArrayList.
Lab: GridWorld Part 4 exercises (p. 32).

10. Two-dimensional arrays (Optional; Weeks 15-16; duration 2 weeks)

Declaring 2-D arrays. Indices. Accessing the number of rows and columns. Traversals.

Reading and exercises: Sections 12.10-12.11.

Lab: Chomp (Section 12.11).

11. Searching and Sorting (Weeks 17-19; duration 3 weeks)

Comparing objects. The equals method and the Comparable interface. Sequential and Binary
Search. Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, and Mergesort. The java.util.Random class.

Reading and exercises: Chapter 13.

Lab: Chapter 13 exercises (e.g., 13-4, 13-9).
Lab: Keeping Things in order (Section 13.4).
Lab: Benchmarks (Section 13.9).
Syllabus: AP Computer Science A 5

Unit 4: Enrichment (optional, 5 weeks)

12. Streams and files (Weeks 20-21; duration 2 weeks)

Text and binary files. Streams vs. random-access files. Java I/O package. The Scanner class.
Checked exceptions.

Reading and exercises: Chapter 14.

Lab: Dictionary for Ramblecs (Section 14.5).
Lab: Exercises and projects from the Test Package for Chapter 14.

13. Graphics and GUI (Weeks 22-24; duration 3 weeks)

Computer graphics concepts. The Java Graphics class. GUI components and their events.
Layouts. Handling mouse and keyboard events.

Reading and exercises: Chapters 15, 16, 17.

Lab: Pieces of the Puzzle (Section 15.7).
Programming project: Ramblecs (Section 16.6).
Programming project: Drawing Editor (Section 17.4).

Unit 5: Review (6 weeks)

14. GridWorld review (Weeks 25-27; duration 3 weeks)

Review of the GridWorld classes and interfaces. Modifications and exercises.

Reading and exercises: GridWorld Parts 1-4; Be Prepared Chapter 7.

Labs: GridWorld Enhancements (from suggested exercises for Part 4, p. 32, and Be Prepared).

15. Review and Practice for the Exam (Weeks 28-30; duration 3 weeks)

Reading: Be Prepared Chapters 1-5; Be Prepared Chapter 8 (past free-response questions and
solutions), Be Prepared practice exams, 175 Multiple-Choice Questions in Java.

Unit 6: After the AP Exam (Duration varies)

Suggested activities: a team project to implement a game (for example, the Game of SET,
http://www.skylit.com/oop or Battleship); a potentially useful project for the school;
database driven application – CD library.
Required activity: student presentations or papers on ethical and social issues related to the use of
computers (Appendix F). May include a movie about computer hackers and a reaction paper to the
Syllabus: AP Computer Science A 6

Please read, fill-out, sign, and return as soon as possible.

Classroom/Lab Contract/Agreement

I have read and understand the course syllabus including classroom/lab rules and regulations.
I have also read and understand the Grayson High School Student Handbook. I have also read
and understand the ‘Computer Network User Guidelines and Responsibilities’ and
‘Acceptable Use Policy’ on pages 14 – 17 of the Student Agenda Book. I understand I will be
using school equipment and I will take care of it in a proper manner. I understand that any
misuse of or damage to equipment on my part will result in my paying for repair costs.

Student Name (print) __________________________________________________________

Student Signature ____________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name (print) ___________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian E-mail Address _________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Home Phone Number ___________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Mailing Address ________________________________________________


Internet Usage
Internet usage by students will be restricted. Students may use the Internet only after receiving
permission from the teacher. Students that violate this rule will lose computer privileges.

Acceptable Use Policy Summary (See Agenda Book, pages 14 -17 for full policy)
All students must agree to the acceptable use policy before using computer technology at Grayson
High School. The “Acceptable Use Policy” states, “The Internet is intended for education purposes
only. It is against school policy to submit, publish, or display any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive,
obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, or illegal material.” Students
may not access e-mail, chat session, or computer hacking web sites of any kind. Students may not
upload or download any software, etc., or make changes to any part of this computer which
includes but is not limited to the hard drive. By logging into this computer, YOU ARE
ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY of what Internet sites are viewed and any other inappropriate
activities that may occur. All violations of the county and school ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY
will result in a disciplinary referral to the Administration of Grayson High School.

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