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Data Converter Book Index F PDF

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A 12-bit 35-µs SAR ADC, 1.39-40, 1.51,
A-law, 3.26 3.41, 4.12, 6.49
AA Alkaline Battery Discharge Characteristics, block diagram, 1.40
9.197 AD580, precision bandgap reference, with Brokaw
Aaron, M.R., 3.37 cell, 7.5-6
Aasnaes, Hans Bent, 3.108 AD620:
Aavid 573300, 7.56 data sheet, 8.26
AAVID Thermal Technologies, Inc., general overvoltage protection,
catalog, 9.139 circuit, 9.106
Aavid TO-220, heat sink, 7.56 CM clamping, 9.107
Absorption, within shielding material, 9.149 precision in amp, 8.9
Absorptive switch, 7.79 AD629, high voltage in-amp, circuit diagram, 9.98
ACCEL Technologies, Inc., 9.213 AD670, 8-bit 10-µs ADCPORT, 1.51
Accuracy: AD671, 12-bit 2-MSPS ADC, 1.60
absolute, 2.97 AD673, 8-bit complete ADC, 1.51
logarithmic DAC, 2.97 AD674, 12-bit 15-µs ADC, 1.51
relative, 2.97 AD768:
Acker, David E., 8.104 16-bit BiCMOS DAC, 6.73
ACLR, adjacent channel leakage ratio, 2.46, data sheet, 6.77
2.57-58, 2.98 single-ended interface, diagram, 6.73
ACPR, adjacent channel power ratio, 2.57-58, 2.98 AD770, 8-bit 300-MSPS flash ADC, 1.52
Acquisition time, 2.98, 7.102 AD797, low-noise buffer, 6.15-16
Active lowpass filter, audio DAC, 6.75-76 AD815 high output current differential driver,
AD2S90, integrated RDC, 3.103 data sheet, 9.139
AD260, digital isolator, 9.114 AD830, AD8129, AD8130, data sheets, 6.45
AD260/AD261: AD850, thin-film resistor network, 1.25, 1.41,
digital isolator, 3.16-17
circuit, 9.114-115 AD872:
key specifications, 9.115 12-bit 10-MSPS BiCMOS sampling ADC, 1.63
AD261, digital isolator, 9.114 diagram, 1.61
AD376, 16-bit 20-µs SAR ADC, 1.53 AD974, SAR ADC, 6.18
AD390, quad 12-bit voltage output DAC, 1.50 AD976, SAR ADC, 6.18
AD431, XFET, circuit, 7.25 AD977, SAR ADC, 6.18
AD480, op amp, 4.12 AD76xx-family, single-supply SAR ADC, 6.18
AD550, 4-bit binary-weighted µDAC quad switch, AD77xx-family:
1.25, 1.38, 1.41, 3.15-17, 4.6 24-bit sigma-delta ADC, 3.126-127
AD558, 8-bit 1-µs bipolar/IIL DAC, 1.50 characteristics, 6.15
AD561, 10-bit 250-ns LWT current-output DAC, equivalent input circuit, 6.16
1.38 AD92xx-family, CMOS ADC, 6.29-30
AD562, 12-bit 1.5-µs DAC, 1.35, 1.38, 1.41, AD185x-family, audio DACs, data directed
1.42 scrambling, 3.133
AD563, IC DAC, 1.41 AD746x-family, low voltage single-supply ADC,
AD565: 6.18
12-bit 200-ns LWT current-output DAC, 1.38, AD771x-series, 24-bit sigma-delta measurement
1.39-40, 1.41 ADC, 1.63
circuit diagram, 1.36 AD789x-family, 12-, 14-bit 8-channel
AD569, 16-bit segmented double-buffered voltage single-supply ADC, 6.18-19
output BiCMOS DAC, 1.50 AD789x-series, LCCMOS SAR single-supply
AD570, 8-bit 25-µs SAR ADC, 1.39 ADC, 1.62
AD571: AD813x-family:
10-bit 25-µs SAR ADC, 1.38, 4.12 differential amplifier, 6.75
diagram, 1.39-40 block diagram, 6.31
AD572, 12-bit 25-µs SAR ADC, 1.42-43, 4.6-7 configurations, 6.33-34
AD574: feedback diagram, 6.31

Index 1

AD813x-series, data sheets, 6.77 SigmaDSP 3-channel 26-bit signal processing

AD922x-family, single-ended DC-coupled level DAC,
shifter and driver, circuit, 6.22-23 block diagram, 8.68
AD978x-series, 16-bit interpolating TxDAC evaluation interface, 8.69
family, AD1955:
key specifications, 8.135 16-/18-/20-/24-bit 192-kSPS sigma-delta DAC,
AD985x, high speed DDS synthesizers, table, 8.171 8.66
AD1170, modular ADC, VFC architecture, 3.96 functional diagram, 8.67
AD1175, 22-bit integrating ADC, 1.53-54 schematic, 3.134
AD1332, 12-bit 125-kSPS sampling ADC, 1.53 data sheet, 8.74
AD1377, 16-bit 10-µs SAR ADC, 1.53-54 AD1985, data sheet, 8.74
AD1382, 16-bit 500-kSPS sampling hybrid ADC, AD5170:
1.64 8-bit two-time programmable digital
AD1385, 16-bit 500-kSPS sampling potentiometer, block diagram, 8.54
autocalibrated hybrid ADC, 1.64 data sheet, 8.58
AD1580: AD5172:
reference circuit, 7.7 data sheet, 8.58
shunt mode IC reference, 7.6-7 three-terminal potentiometer, 8.53
AD1582-1585: AD5172/AD5173, one-time-programmable digital
bandgap references, potentiometer, block diagram, 8.53
circuit diagram, 7.9 AD5173, rheostat, 8.53
specifications, 7.8 AD5231, 10-bit digital potentiometer, 5.11
series connection diagram, 7.9 AD5235:
AD1671, 12-bit 1.25-MSPS BiCMOS sampling 10-bit digital potentiometer, 5.11, 8.52-53
ADC, 1.63 block diagram, 8.52
AD1674: data sheet, 8.58
12-bit 100-kSPS sampling SAR ADC, 1.63 AD5245:
diagram, 1.59 data sheet, 8.58
AD1839A: digital potentiometer bandwidth model, 8.55
24-bit 96-kSPS sigma-delta codec, block AD5246, data sheet, 8.58
diagram, 8.69 AD5247, data sheet, 8.58
data sheet, 8.74 AD5300, 8-bit buffered voltage output DAC, 8.42
AD1853: AD5310, 10-bit buffered voltage output DAC, 8.42
data sheet, 6.77 AD5320:
sigma-delta audio DAC, 6.75-76 12-bit buffered voltage output DAC, 8.42-43
AD1856, 16-bit audio BiCMOS DAC, 1.50 diagram, 8.43
AD1857, 16-bit serial sigma-delta audio DAC, data sheet, 8.48
1.57-58 AD5322:
AD1858, 18-bit serial sigma-delta audio DAC, 12-bit 100-kSPS dual DAC,
1.57-58 block diagram, 6.63
AD1859, 20-bit serial sigma-delta audio DAC, serial input interface, 6.62-64
1.57-58 data sheet, 6.67
AD1860, 18-bit audio BiCMOS DAC, 1.50 AD5340:
AD1862, 20-bit DAC, diagram, 3.33 12-bit 100-kSPS DAC,
AD1865, dual 18-bit stereo DAC, 1.56 block diagram, 6.65
AD1871: parallel data interface, 6.64-65
24-bit 96-kSPS stereo multi-bit sigma-delta to ADSP-2189M, 6.65
ADC, 3.124 data sheet, 6.67
block diagram, 8.66 AD5379:
digital filter, 3.126 14-bit 40-channel parallel/serial input
key specifications, 3.125 voltage output DAC, diagram, 8.45
data sheet, 8.74 data sheet, 8.48
AD1879, dual audio ADC, 3.123 AD5380, 40-channel multiple DAC, 1.65-66
AD1896: AD5381, 40-channel multiple DAC, 1.65-66
192-kHz stereo asynchronous sample rate AD5382, 32-channel multiple DAC, 1.65-66
converter, block diagram, 8.73 AD5383, 32-channel multiple DAC, 1.65-66
data sheet, 8.74 AD5390, 16-channel multiple DAC, 1.65-66
AD1953: AD5391, 16-channel multiple DAC, 1.65-66
data sheet, 8.74 AD5516:

Index 2

12-bit 16-channel voltage output DAC, diagram, AD7240, 12-bit voltage mode CMOS DAC, 1.50
8.44 AD7245, 12-bit double-buffered voltage output
data sheet, 8.48 LCCMOS DAC, 1.50
AD5533B: AD7450, 12-bit 1-MSPS ADC, evaluation board,
32-channel precision infinite SHA, 8.45-46 9.210
diagram, 8.46 AD7450A, 12-bit 1-MSPS 3-V ADC, 6.35
data sheet, 8.48 AD7450A/AD7440, data sheet, 6.45
AD5535, 32-channel 14-bit high voltage DAC, AD7466:
evaluation board, 9.210, 9.211 12-bit 200-kSPS SAR ADC, 6.17
AD5541, 16-bit DAC, 8.47 input circuit, 6.17
AD5545/AD5555: timing diagram, 6.51
16-/14-bit R-2R current-output DAC, 6.74 AD7466/AD7467/AD7468, data sheet, 6.45, 6.67
interface circuit, 6.74 AD7467, successive approximation ADC, 6.17
data sheet, 6.77 AD7468, successive approximation ADC, 6.17
AD5570, data sheet, 8.48 AD7520:
AD5660, data sheet, 8.48 10-bit 500-ns monolithic multiplying CMOS
AD6521: DAC, 1.36-37, 1.38, 4.13
voiceband/baseband mixed-signal codec, 8.141 current-mode R-2R architecture, 1.36
block diagram, 8.142 AD7524:
AD6522, DSP-based baseband processor, 8.141 8-bit 150-ns LWT multiplying DAC,
AD6624/24A, 8.136 buffer latch, 1.38
AD6644, 14-bit 65-MSPS XFCB ADC, 3.85 diagram, 1.37-38
AD6645: AD7528, dual 8-bit buffered CMOS MDAC, 1.50
14-bit 80-/105-MSPS ADC, aperture jitter, 6.83 AD7535, 14-bit double-buffered LCCMOS
14-bit 80-/105-MSPS BiCMOS ADC, 6.27-28 MDAC, 1.50
input common-mode voltage, 6.38-39 AD7541, 12-bit 1-µs LWT multiplying DAC,
RF transformers, 6.29 1.36-37, 1.38
transformer coupling, 6.28 AD7545, 12-bit buffered CMOS MDAC, 1.50
14-bit 80-/105-MSPS XFCB ADC, 4.12 AD7546, 16-bit segmented CMOS voltage mode
thermally enhanced package, 9.137 DAC, 1.50
14-bit 80-MSPS XFCB ADC, 3.77-78, 3.85 AD7550, 13-bit quad slope ADC, 1.38, 1.140
characteristics, 2.51-53 AD7568, 12-bit octal CMOS DAC, 1.56-58
NF calculation, 2.64-66 AD7570, 10-bit 20-µs CMOS SAR ADC, 1.38,
SFDR, 2.52, 2.56-57 1.40
SNR versus jitter, 2.73 AD7572, 12-bit 5-µs SAR LCCMOS ADC, 1.51
wideband CDMA channel, 2.58 AD7575, 8-bit 5-µs SAR LCCMOS sampling
14-bit 105-MSPS XFCB ADC, 1.65-66, 3.85, ADC, 1.51
8.146 AD7579, 10-bit 50-kSPS LCCMOS SAR sampling
aperture jitter, 6.97 ADC, 1.51
circuit, 7.107-108 AD7582, 4-channel muxed input 12-bit CMOS
diagram, 3.78 ADC, 1.51
data sheet, 6.45 AD7621, 16-bit 3-MSPS PulSAR ADC, 1.65-66,
signal sampling frequency, 8.125 3.61
subranging pipelined ADC, 8.128 AD7664, 16-bit 570-kSPS ADC, 1.65
dithered and undithered DNL, 8.128-129 AD7674, 18-bit 800-kSPS PulSAR ADC, 1.65-66,
dithered and undithered SFDR FFT, 8.130 3.61, 6.42-43
DNL errors, 8.128 AD7675, 16-bit 100-kSPS PulSAR ADC, 3.61
two-tone intermodulation performance, 8.123 AD7676, 16-bit 500-kSPS PulSAR ADC, 3.61
AD7001, CMOS GSM baseband converter, 1.62, AD7677:
1.63 16-bit 1-MSPS PulSAR ADC, 3.61, 6.41-42
AD7008: diagram, 3.61
10-bit 50-MSPS DDS DAC, 1.57 data sheet, 6.45
diagram, 1.58 AD7678, 18-bit 100-kSPS PulSAR ADC, 3.61
AD7111: AD7679, 18-bit 570-kSPS PulSAR ADC, 3.61
LOGDAC monolithic multiplying DAC, 2.112, AD7730:
3.27 24-bit bridge transducer sigma-delta ADC, 1.63
diagram, 3.27 evaluation board, 9.210
AD7226, quad 8-bit double-buffered voltage 24-bit sigma-delta single-supply ADC, block
output BiCMOS DAC, 1.50 diagram, 8.3

Index 3

24-bit single-supply sigma-delta ADC, 6.79 AD7880:

bridge application, 3.131 12-bit 66-kSPS LCCMOS sampling SAR ADC,
calibration modes, 3.130-131 1.59, 1.63
design component, 8.10 diagram, 1.60
design evaluation, 8.12 AD7890, data sheet, 6.45
diagram, 1.62, 3.128 AD7890-10, 12-bit 8-channel ADC, input circuit,
digital filter, 3.129, 8.4 6.18-19
external voltage reference, 3.131 AD7908/AD7918/AD7928:
high impedance input buffer, 6.15 8-, 10-, 12-bit 1-MSPS successive
internal digital filter, 3.128-129 approximation ADC, 8.34-35
key specifications, 8.5 block diagram, 8.34
oversampling, 3.128 data sheet, 8.48
ratiometric operation and Kelvin sensing, AD7938/AD7939:
8.5 12-, 10-bit 1.5-MSPS successive approximation
resolution, 8.10-11 ADC, 8.35-36
settling time, 3.130 block diagram, 8.35
weigh scale analysis, 8.6, 8.6-12 data sheet, 8.48
AD7730/AD7730L, data sheet, 8.26 AD7943, multiplying DAC, 3.2
AD7739: AD8001, high speed current-feedback
24-bit sigma-delta ADC, 8.36-38 amplifier, evaluation board, 9.207-209
block diagram, 8.36 AD8016:
timing, 8.38 20-lead PSOP3 package, heat sink, 9.131
data sheet, 8.48 BATWING package, 9.131
AD7793: PSOP3 package, 9.130
data sheet, 8.26 AD8016 low power high output current xDSL line
dual channel 24-bit sigma-delta ADC, 8.12-14 driver, data sheet, 9.139
block diagram, 8.13 AD8017 dual high output current high speed
AD7820, 8-bit 1.36-µs half-flash sampling amplifier, data sheet, 9.139
ADC, 1.51 AD8017AR:
AD7821, 8-bit 1-MSPS half-flash sampling ADC, 8-pin SOIC op amp,
1.51 maximum power dissipation data, 9.127-128
AD7840, 14-bit double-buffered voltage output Thermal Coastline IC package, 9.130
LCCMOS DAC, 1.50 thermal rating curves, 9.129
AD7846, 16-bit segmented voltage output AD8021:
LCCMOS DAC, 1.50 data sheet, 6.45
AD7853/AD7853L: op amp, 6.41-43
12-bit 200-/100-kSPS SAR ADC, 6.55 AD8027, data sheet, 6.45
diagram, 6.55 AD8027/8028, op amp family, pin-selectable
interfacing, 6.56 crossover threshold, 6.8
data sheet, 6.67 AD8031, 6.43
AD7853L, serial ADC output timing, 6.56 AD8038, differential amplifier, 6.37
AD7854/AD7854L: AD8055, dual supply op amp, 6.72, 6.74
12-bit 3-V 200-/100-kSPS parallel output ADC, AD8055/AD8056, data sheet, 6.77
6.59-61 AD8057:
block diagram, 6.59-60 high speed op amp, 6.12
data sheet, 6.67 distortion versus frequency, 6.14
AD7865: distortion versus output voltage, 6.15
14-bit 4-channel SAR ADC, 8.39-40 key specifications, 6.13
block diagram, 8.39 thermal ratings, 9.133-134
data sheet, 8.48 AD8057/AD8058, data sheet, 6.45
AD7870, 12-bit 100-kSPS LCCMOS SAR AD8058:
sampling ADC, 1.51 dual high speed op amp,
AD7871, 14-bit 83-kSPS LCCMOS SAR ADC driver, 6.29-30
sampling ADC, 1.51 distortion versus frequency, 6.14
AD7873: distortion versus output voltage, 6.15
12-bit SAR ADC, key specifications, 6.13
touchscreen digitizer, 8.102-103 thermal ratings, 9.133-134
application circuit, 8.103 AD8061:
data sheet, 8.105 data sheet, 6.77

Index 4

op amp, 6.72-73 AD9005, 112-bit 10-MSPS sampling ADC, 1.53-54

rail-to-rail output, 6.23 AD9006/AD9016, 6-bit 500-MSPS flash ADC,
AD8108/AD9109, crosspoint switch, 7.82 1.52
AD8110/AD8111, buffered crosspoint switch, 7.82 AD9008, DDS DAC, 1.58
AD8113, audio/video crosspoint switch, 7.82 AD9012, 8-bit 100-MSPS TTL flash ADC, 1.52
AD8114/AD8115, crosspoint switch, 7.82 AD9014, 14-bit 10-MSPS modular ADC, 1.64
AD8116: AD9020, 10-bit 60-MSPS flash ADC, 1.52
buffered video crosspoint switch, 7.82-83 AD9028/AD9038, 8-bit 300-MSPS flash ADC,
diagram, 7.83 1.52
AD8130, differential receiver, 6.34 AD9032, 12-bit 210-MSPS sampling ADC, 1.65-66
AD8131, AD8132, AD8137, AD8138, AD8139, AD9042:
data sheets, 6.45 12-bit 41-MSPS ADC, 1.63, 1.64, 3.85, 4.12
AD8132, differential ADC driver, 6.35 circuit, 7.106-107
AD8137, differential amplifier, 6.35 functional diagram, 1.61, 3.75
AD8138: AD9048, 8-bit 35-MSPS flash ADC, 1.52
differential ADC driver, 6.36-37 AD9054, 8-bit 200-MSPS ADC, 1.62
noise calculations, 6.37 AD9054A, 8-bit 200-MSPS MagAMP ADC, 3.86
AD8139: AD9058, dual 8-bit 50-MSPS flash ADC, 1.52
differential amplifier, 6.38-39, 6.42-44 AD9060, 10-bit 75-MSPS flash ADC, 1.52
DC coupled driver for ADC, circuit, 6.39 AD9220, 12-bit 10-MSPS CMOS ADC, 1.61, 1.63
AD8152: AD9221, 12-bit 1-MSPS CMOS ADC, 1.61, 1.63
3.2-Gbps asynchronous digital crosspoint AD9223, 12-bit 3-MSPS CMOS ADC, 1.61, 1.63
switch, 7.83-84 AD9225:
circuit, 7.84 12-bit 25-MSPS CMOS ADC, 6.20-21, 6.24
AD8170, bipolar video multiplexer, 7.80 diagram, 3.76
AD8174, bipolar video multiplexer, 7.80 single-ended input, 6.21
AD8180, bipolar video multiplexer, 7.80 AD9226, 12-bit 65-MSPS ADC, SINAD and
AD8182, bipolar video multiplexer, 7.80 ENOB, 2.49
AD8183, video multiplexer, 7.80-81 AD9229:
AD8183/AD8185, triple 2:1 video multiplexers, quad 12-bit 65-MSPS ADC, 6.52-53
7.81 serial outputs, 6.53
AD8185, video multiplexer, 7.80-81 AD9235:
AD8186, single-supply video multiplexer, 7.80-81 12-bit 20-/40-/65-MSPS ADC, 6.36-37
AD8187, single-supply video multiplexer, 7.80-81 12-bit 65-MSPS CMOS ADC, 3.69
AD8346, quadrature modulator, 4.25 diagram, 3.77
AD8349, 800-MHz to 2.7-GHz quadrature timing diagram, 3.70
modulator, 8.134-136 data sheet, 6.45
AD8351: AD9236, 12-bit 80-MSPS ADC, sinewave
data sheet, 6.45 histogram
single-ended to differential converter, 6.40 DNL and INL, 5.43-44
key features, 6.39-40 AD9245:
performance, 6.40 14-bit 80-MSPS 3-V CMOS ADC,
AD8370: packaging and heat sink, 9.135
data sheet, 6.45 power dissipation versus frequency,
variable-gain-amplifier, 6.41 9.134-135
AD8402, 2-channel 8-bit DAC, 1.58 AD9289:
AD8403, 4-channel 8-bit DAC, 1.58 data sheet, 6.67
AD8515, single-supply rail-to-rail op amp, 6.18 quad 12-bit 65-MSPS ADC, 6.52
AD8517, single-supply rail-to-rail op amp, 6.18 timing diagram, 6.53-54
AD8531/8532/8534, CMOS op amp family, 6.7 AD9410, 10-bit 210-MSPS ADC, 3.51-53
AD8551, chopper-stabilized amplifier, 9.50 AD9430:
AD8628: 12-bit 170-/210-MSPS BiCMOS ADC, 6.26-27,
chopper-stabilized op amp, 6.74 6.57-59, 9.136-137
data sheet, 6.77 block diagram, 6.57-58
AD8631, single-supply rail-to-rail op amp, 6.18 demuxed CMOS output timing, 6.59
AD8800, TrimDAC, 1.58 diagram, 3.77
AD9000, 6-bit 75-MSPS flash ADC, 1.52 FIFO evaluation, FFT output, 5.61-62
AD9002, 8-bit 150-MSPS flash ADC, 1.52 LVDS driver, diagram, 9.176
AD9003, 12-bit 1-MSPS sampling ADC, 1.53 NPR, 2.60, 5.70

Index 5

packaging and heat sink, 9.136-137 broadband communications, 4.29

pipelined, 3.69 for broadband wireless OFDM modem, 4.29
supply current versus sample rate, 9.136 AD9877/AD9879, set-top box mixed signal front
timing, 6.58 end, 4.25
transformer coupling, 6.27 AD9887A:
12-bit 210-MSPS ADC, 8.146 8-bit 170-MSPS dual flat panel interface,
evaluation board, 9.211 functional diagram, 8.93
data sheet, 6.45, 6.67 data sheet, 8.105
AD9433, 12-bit 105-/125-MSPS BiCMOS ADC, AD9888:
6.41 8-bit 100-/140-/170-/205-MSPS analog flat
AD9480, 8-bit 250-MSPS ADC, 3.49 panel interface, diagram, 8.92
AD9700, 8-bit 125-MSPS video ECL DAC, 1.50 data sheet, 8.105
AD9712, 12-bit 100-MSPS DAC, 1.57 AD9898:
AD9720, 10-bit 400-MSPS DAC, 1.57 CCD signal processor, block diagram, 8.99
AD9726: data sheet, 8.105
16-bit 600+-MSPS DAC, AD9954:
block diagram, 6.66 14-bit 400-MSPS 1.8-V DDS, 8.171-172
LVDS input, 6.66 block diagram, 8.172
data sheet, 6.67 key specifications, 8.172
AD9744, 14-bit 165-MSPS TxDAC, spectral AD10242, dual 12-bit 41-MSPS AD9042 ADCs,
output, 5.22-23 1.64
AD9772A, data sheet, 6.77 AD10678, 16-bit 65-/80-/105-MSPS multichip
AD9773, 12-bit TxDAC, oversampling ADC, 1.65-66
interpolating, 2.89 AD12400:
AD9775: 12-bit 400-MSPS ADC, 1.65-66, 8.152-155
14-bit 160-/400-MSPS TxDAC, 3.22 Advanced Filter Bank, 8.152-154
CMOS DAC core, structure, 3.22 block diagram, 8.153
oversampling interpolating, 2.89 AD74122:
AD9777: 16-/20/24-bit 48-kSPS stereo voiceband codec,
16-bit 160-MSPS TxDAC, 8.65
oversampling interpolating, 2.89 block diagram, 8.65
power dissipation, 9.138 data sheet, 8.74
SFDR, 2.84-86 AD20msp430:
smart partitioning, diagram, 4.25 chipset, composition, 8.141
AD9786, 16-bit 160-MSPS TxDAC, block SoftFone chipset, 8.140-141
diagram, 8.134 AD1671, 12-bit 1.25-MSPS sampling BiCMOS
AD9814, 14-bit 3-channel CCD front-end, 8.99 ADC,
AD9816, 12-bit 3-channel CCD front-end, 8.99 diagram, 1.60
AD9822, 14-bit 3-channel CCD front-end, 8.99 Adage, 1.21, 1.23-24
AD9826, 16-bit 3-channel CCD front-end, 8.99 Adams, R., 3.137
AD9833, low power 50-MSPS DDS synthesizer, Adams, Robert, 3.137
key features, 8.167 Adams, Robert W., 3.36, 3.137
AD9834: Adams, R.W., 3.137
low power 50-MSPS DDS synthesizer, ADC:
block diagram, 8.167 1-bit comparator, 3.42-45
key features, 8.167 3-bit binary ripple, input and residue
AD9850, 10-bit 125-MSPS DDS DAC, 1.57 waveforms, 3.80
AD9851, 10-bit DDS DAC, spectral outputs, 5.22 3-bit folding,
AD9857: based on Chasek design, 3.83
14-bit 200-MSPS quadrature digital single-ended waveforms, 3.83
upconverter, 8.173 block diagram, 3.82
block diagram, 8.173 input and residue waveforms, 3.82
AD9858: 3-bit serial-binary, diagram, 3.80
10-bit 1-GSPS DAC DDS, 1.65-66, 8.168-171 5-bit counting, 3.88
block diagram, 8.169 developed by Reeves, 1.9
key specifications, 8.170 Reeves, 3.88
single loop upconversion, 8.170 6-bit subranging error corrected,
AD9860/AD9862: diagram, 3.68
mixed-signal front end, diagrams, 3.66

Index 6

7-bit 9-MSPS recirculating pipelined, diagram, single-ended circuits, driving, 6.21-23

3.74 switched capacitor, driving, 6.19-23
7-bit pipelined, proposed, 3.75 differential nonlinearity, details, 2.18
8- to 16-bit, theoretical maximum NPR, 2.60 differential phase, 5.78-83
10-, 11-, 12-bit, theoretical NPR, 2.59 digital interface, 6.47-67
12-bit, digital output, grounding, 9.37-38
noise floor, 2.43 digitally corrected subranging, 3.65
testing methods, 5.33 drive circuit, 6.2
16-bit, requires 16-bit driver, 6.42 driver,
16-bit sigma-delta, 1.51 differential amplifier, 6.29-44
50-kSPS vacuum-tube based, 1.21 selection criteria, 6.3
absolute accuracy, 2.97 driving, 6.15-44
analog bandwidth, 2.50 dual slope,
using FFT, 5.75 diagram, 3.96
analog input, high frequency BER test, 2.80 integrator output waveforms, 3.97
analog signal, BER test, 2.79 dual slope/multi-slope, 3.96-98
analyzer configuration file, inputs, 5.62 dynamic performance analysis, 2.42
aperture delay time, 5.73 dynamic range, 6.1
aperture jitter, 6.83 dither, 8.126-131
locked-histogram test method, 5.70-72 increasing using dither, 8.126-131
using FFT, 5.73-75 dynamic testing, 5.45-86
architecture, 3.39-108 back-to-back, 5.45-49
counting and integrating, 3.87-103 setup, 5.45
timeline, 3.87 FFT, basics, 5.51-59
design issues, 3.78 manual, 5.45-49
audio, high performance, 8.66-69 manual "back-to-back", 5.45-49
back-to-back static testing, 5.31-33 ENOB using sinewave curve fitting,
BER, 2.76-80, 3.45, 5.83-86 5.49-50
testing, 2.77-78, 5.83 error corrected, 3.61-78
BiCMOS, 6.5 external reference, diagram, 3.39
binary, single-stage transfer function, feedback subtraction, 1.28, 3.54
diagram, 3.79 FFT analysis, 2.41
bipolar process, 6.1 flash, 1.40, 3.46-53
bit error rate, 2.76-80 4-, 6-, 8-bit monolithic, 1.41
buffered differential input, 6.26 8-bit 20-MSPS, SHA, 2.26
buffering, against logic noise, 9.60-62 monolithic, 1980s, 1.52-53
charge run-down, 3.89 PCM patent, 1.6
code center, 5.28, 5.29-30 folding, 3.78-87
code density test, function, 2.1
code density test, 5.40 gain and ENOB versus frequency, 2.50
DNL integration, 5.40 generalized bit-per-stage architecture,
linear ramp input, 5.38-44 diagram, 3.79
code transition noise, 5.38 grounding, 9.30
code transition points, test setup, 5.29-30 high-impedance differential input,
combined pipelined and multibit, diagram, 3.71 transmission accuracy, 9.52
conversion using one stage per bit, 3.78 high-resolution, using VFC and frequency
counting and integrating, 3.87-113 counter, 3.92
architecture timeline, 1.29 high-speed,
crossplot measurements, linearity, 5.33-35 architectures, 3.46-87
crossplot test, 5.34 timeline, 1.29, 3.87
static errors, major code transitions, 5.35 back-to-back testing, 5.46
differential amplifier, CMOS latched buffer, 9.61-62
driving, 6.29-44 pipelined, CMOS process, 4.15
fully integrated driver, 6.31-34 histogram test, linear ramp input, 5.38-44
differential gain, 5.78-83 hybrid,
differential input, 1970s, list, 1.43
driver, 6.23-29 1980s, 1.53-54
drivers, 6.35-44 1990s, 1.64
integrated differential driver, 6.35-44 hybrid and modular,

Index 7

1980s, 53-54 practical, noise, 2.43-44

1990s, 1.64 processing gain, FFT output, 5.55
high performance, 1980s, list, 1.53 quantization noise, 2.37-45
ideal bipolar, transfer function, 2.10 quantization uncertainty, 5.28
input and output, definition, 2.1 ramp run-up, 3.89-90
input impedance, equal to source resistance, recirculating subranging, 3.74
2.62 reference input terminal, buffered, 3.40
input protection, circuit, 9.109 reference value, 3.39
integrating, frequency response, 3.98 reference with buffer, diagram, 3.40
integrating and counting, 3.87-113 relationship to DAC, 2.1
linearity, resolver-to-digital converter and synchro,
crossplot measurements, 5.33-35 3.99-103
testing methods, 5.46 sampling, 2.112, 7.92
metastable states, 2.76-80 internal SHA, 9.30
modular, sample-and-hold function, 5.45
1980s, 1.53-54 simultaneous sampling system, 8.39
1990s, 1.64 sampling clock input, 3.41
early 1970s, 1.44 SAR, 3.91, 6.50
monolithic, algorithm, 3.57
1970s, 1.38-40 algorithm analogy, 1.27
summary, 1.40 development summary, 1.28
1980s, 1.51 diagram, 1.28
list, 1.51 fundamental timing, diagram, 3.53-54
1990s, 1.59-64 switched capacitor DAC, 3.55
list, 1.63 timing, 3.54-55
multistage subranging, design, 3.78 serial bit-per-stage binary and Gray-coded,
N-bit two-stage subranging, 3.78-87
diagram, 3.62 serial interface to DSPs, 6.55-56
residue waveforms, 3.63 serial output interface, 6.51-54
noise, 2.43-45 servo-loop tester, computer-based, 5.36-38
noise and distortion sources, 2.44 servo-loop transition test, 5.35-36
noise figure, settling time, 2.112, 5.76-77
model, 2.61 SFDR, 2.41
oversampling and process gain effects, 2.65 sigma-delta, 2.112
from SNR, sampling rate, and input power, architecture timeline, 1.30
2.64 digital filter, 2.74
summary, 2.68 high resolution, 3.127-131
non-monotonic, missing code, 2.19 driving, 6.15-16
non-monotonicity, 2.18-19 high speed clock, 9.30
trimming, 2.19 performance:
nonlinearity, using beat frequency and chop mode disabled, 8.183
envelope tests, 5.49 normal, 8.182
Nyquist-type, 8.1 switched capacitor input, circuit, 7.22
offset and gain error, measurement, 5.31 synchronization, 8.40
optical converter, 3.98-99 sign-magnitude, 2.15
output, error codes, 2.76 single-supply,
overvoltage recovery time, 5.77-78 CMOS, 6.5
parallel output interface, 6.51, 6.57-61 driver, fundamental application circuit,
timing, 6.57 6.4
pipelined, 2.113, 3.61-78, 6.49-50 input protection, circuit, 9.109
1-bit per stage, diagram, 3.72 scaled input, driving, 6.18-19
1.5-bit per stage: SNR, 2.63
error corrected range, 3.73 sampling clock jitter, 5.60
residue waveform, 3.73-74 sparkle codes, 2.76-80
error correction, 3.72 specifications, 5.27-28
stages, diagram, 3.71 static, 5.28-44
timing diagram, 3.69 back-to-back, testing, 5.32
power meter, application, 8.22-25 testing, 5.28-44
power-saving modes, 3.41 static transfer, DC errors, 2.12-21

Index 8

subranging, 1.53-54, 2.19, 2.113, 3.11, ADG467, octal channel protector, 9.110
3.61-78 ADG508F, trench-isolated multiplexer, 7.89
improper trimming, errors, 2.20 ADG509F, trench-isolated multiplexer, 7.89
missing codes, 3.63 ADG528F, trench-isolated multiplexer, 7.89
pipeline stage design, 3.67-68 ADG708:
successive approximation, 3.11, 3.53-61, 3.91 8-channel multiplexer,
5-bit 8-kSPS, 3.58 crosstalk versus frequency, 7.72
dynamic transient loads, 7.23-24 off-isolation versus frequency, 7.68
single-ended input, driving, 6.17-18 ADG801/ADG802, CMOS switch, resistance
superposition, 5.34 versus
testing, 5.27-91, 5.28 input, 7.64
back-to-back static, 5.31-33 ADG918, absorptive CMOS switch, 7.79
dynamic, 5.45-86 ADG919, reflective CMOS switch, 7.79
FFT, 5.51-59 ADG32xx-series, bus switches, 7.84
time-interleaved, block and timing diagrams, ADG324x-series, unidirectional interfaces, 9.191
8.147 ADG3231:
total effective input noise, from SNR, 2.63 low-voltage bus switch, 9.188-189
total SNR, equation, 2.72-73 low voltage logic level translator, diagram,
tracking, 3.90-91 9.191
transfer function, ADG3233:
endpoint measurement, 5.35 low voltage logic level translator and bypass
referred noise, 5.37 switch, 9.191-192
transient response, 2.73-74, 2.73-75 functional block diagram, 9.192
trimmed, 3.39 modes, 9.193
unipolar, transfer function;, 2.5 ADG3246:
video testing, 5.78-83 bus switch,
voltage-to-frequency converter, 3.91-96 hot-plug application, 9.194
ADC-12QZ: hot swapping, 9.194
12-bit 40-µs SAR ADC, 1.44, 1.46 ADG3257:
quad-switch ICs, 4.6 quad 2:1 Mux/Demux bus switch, 9.186-188
ADC-12U, 12-bit 10-µs SAR ADC, eye diagrams, 9.188
Pastoriza, 1.24-25 maximum pass voltage versus input voltage,
ADC analyzer software: 9.188
Coherent Sampling Calculator, 5.63 resistance versus input voltage, 9.187
single-tone input, 5.65 Adjacent channel leakage ratio, 2.57-58, 2.98
two-tone input, 5.65 Adjacent channel power ratio, 2.57-58, 2.98
ADC/DAC, DNL errors, 2.47 Adler, Joseph V., 6.98
ADC FIFO evaluation kit, ADC evaluation boards, ADM1023:
9.211-212 data sheet, 8.26
ADC80, 12-bit 25-µs SAR ADC, 1.43 microprocessor temperature monitor, 8.19-22
ADC1130, 14-bit 12-µs SAR ADC, 1.46 block diagram, 8.21
ADC1140, 16-bit 35-µs SAR ADC, 1.53 input conditioninc circuits, 8.20
ADE775x-series, energy-metering IC, 1.63 key specifications, 8.22
ADE7755: on-chip temperature sensor, 8.21
data sheet, 8.26 ADM3311E RS-232 Port Transceiver, data sheet,
energy metering IC, 8.23-25 9.126
block diagram, 8.23 ADP33xx-series, LDO architecture, diagram, 9.70
current and voltage sense connections, 8.25 ADP330x family:
pulse output, 8.24 anyCAP topology, 7.40-41, 7.43
ADF4360: merged amplifier-reference design, 7.40-41
PLL with internal VCO, 6.93 ADP333x family:
phase noise and jitter, 6.93 anyCAP topology, 7.40
ADG200-series, switches and multiplexers, 7.62 merged amplifier-reference design, 7.40-41
ADG201-series, switches and multiplexers, 7.62 ADP3300:
ADG439F, trench-isolated multiplexer, 7.89 basic 50-mA LDO regulator circuit, 7.46
ADG465: evaluation board, capacitor size, 7.48
channel protector IC, circuit diagram, 9.98 ADP3310:
single channel protector, 9.110 anyCAP LDO regulator controller,
ADG466, triple channel protector, 9.110-111 current limiting, 7.57

Index 9

features, 7.52 data sheet, 8.105

functional diagram, 7.52-53 triple 8-bit 330-MSPS DAC, 8.88-89
LDO linear regulator controller, 9.79-80 functional diagram, 8.89
ADP3310-3.3, fixed-voltage LDO controller, ADV7160/ADV7162:
9.77-78 220-MSPS video RAM-DAC, diagram, 8.90
ADP3310-5, PMOS FET LDO regulator controller, data sheet, 8.105
circuit, 7.53 ADV7183A:
ADP3331, LDO, adjustable, 9.73 10-bit video decoder, 8.82-83
ADP3605, voltage inverter, 9.76 block diagram, 8.83
ADP3607: data sheet, 8.104
voltage doubler, 9.76 ADV7310:
functional diagram, 9.76 12-bit video encoder, 8.83-84
ADP3607-5, charge-pump, application circuit, 9.77 block diagram, 8.84
ADR01/ADR02/ADR03, data sheet, 6.77 data sheet, 8.104
ADR39x: Advanced digital post processing, 8.151
bandgap reference specification, 7.10 Advanced filter bank, 8.146, 8.151-155, 8.152
connection diagram, 7.10 block diagram, 8.152
ADR290-ADR293 series: design, 8.152-155
circuit, 7.12 digital post-processing, 8.151-155
specifications, 7.13 Advanced Filter Bank technical description, 8.157
ADR430-ADR439 series, specifications, 7.13 Advanced Micro Devices, 1.25, 1.28, 1.33, 1.40,
ADR510, shunt reference, 7.5 1.45, 1.52
ADR512, shunt reference, 7.5 Advanced Mobile Phone Service, 8.108
ADSP-2106L, SHARC DSP, 9.170 AFE, 1.66
ADSP-2189, 75-MHz DSP, 6.60-61 Agilent Labs, 8.146
ADSP-2189M: Agilent press release, 8.157
data sheet, 6.67 Aging, resistor, 9.14
DSP, 6.55-56 Air-gap discharge, ESD testing, 9.121
ADSP-21160, SHARC with internal PLL, 9.43 Akazawa, Yukio, 2.90, 3.105
ADT1-1WT, Mini-Circuits RF transformer, 6.26-27 Alfke, P., 9.197
ADT4-1WT, Mini-Circuits RF transformer, 6.24-25 Aliasing, 2.26, 2.98
ADT7301: in direct digital synthesis, 8.163-165
13-bit digital temperature sensor, 8.17-19 implications;, 2.27
circuit, 8.18 in time domain, 2.28
key specifications, 8.18 All-0s, all bits off, 2.105
data sheet, 8.26 All-1s, all bits on, 2.104
ADu7xxx-series, microconverter, based on ARM7 All bits off, 2.105
processor, 8.187-190 All bits on, 2.104-105
ADuC-series, MicroConverters, 1.65-66 All-parallel ADC, 3-bit converter, 3.46
ADuC70xx-series, development system, 8.189 Aluminum electrolytic capacitor, 9.8
ADuC702x-series, ARM7-based MicroConverters, AM685, 1.40
8.188 ECL latched comparator, 3.43-44
ADuC812 MicroConverter, precision analog IC comparator, 1.41
microcontroller, 1.63 AM685/687, 3.49-50
ADuC814, reduced pin-count low cost SAR AM687, 1.40
MicroConverter, diagram, 8.179 dual ECL comparator, 1.45
ADuC834, MicroConverter, in bridge transducer, high-speed comparator, 3.63
8.184-185 IC comparator, 1.41
ADuM1100A: AM6688:
digital isolator, 9.112-114 4-bit 100-MSPS flash ADC, 1.40, 1.45, 1.52
characteristics, 9.113 4-bit 100-MSPS flash converter, Advanced
ADuM1100B: Micro Devices Inc., 3.49
digital isolator, 9.112-114 Ammann, Stephan K., 3.108
characteristics, 9.113 Amplifier:
ADV453, video RAM-DAC, 1.50 differential,
ADV471, video RAM-DAC, 1.50 fully integrated driver, 6.31-34
ADV476, video RAM-DAC, 1.50 voltage levels, 6.32
ADV478, video RAM-DAC, 1.50 feedback, patent, 1.14
ADV7125: intercept points, definition, 2.54

Index 10

output stages, 6.8-10 LDO regulator,

performance, 6.3-15 functional diagram, 7.45
rail-rail input stages, 6.5-8 thermal considerations, 7.46-51
Amplifier output: LDO series devices, 7.43-44
EMI/RFI, 9.162-163 low current, 7.44
voltage phase-reversal, 9.101-102 "paddle-under-lead" packaging, 7.50
AMPS wideband digital receiver, 8.117 thermal coastline packaging, 7.49
noise, 8.120 thermal performance, 7.48
sensitivity, 8.119 LDO topology, benefits, 7.43
spurious requirements, 8.118 low dropout regulator family, 7.39-51
Analog bandwidth, 2.46, 2.98 pole-splitting topology, 7.42-43
ADC, 2.50 pole splitting topology, 7.42-43
data converter, 6.3 anyCAP LDO regulators, 9.70, 9.72
using FFTs, 5.75 Aperture delay, 2.69
Analog computing circuitry, 2.2 sample-to-sample variation, 2.70
Analog connector, high-end receiver, 8.81 SHA, 7.96-97
Analog Devices, 1.33 Aperture delay time, 2.68-72, 2.98
Analog Devices, Inc., founding, 1.24 ADC, 5.73
Analog Dialogue, 1.47 measurement, using locked-histogram test, 5.73
Analog Dialogue magazine, 1.33-34 SHA, 7.96-97
Analog-Digital Conversion Handbook, 1.34 Aperture jitter, 2.68-72, 2.99, 6.83, 9.39
Analog-Digital Conversion Notes, 1.34 ADC, locked-histogram test method, 5.70-72
Analog Front End, 1.66 calculation, using locked-histogram test, 5.72
Analog-front-end integrated devices, 8.99 degradation in SNR, 5.74
Analog front ends, 1.55 effects, 2.70
Analog full scale, 2.14 RMS noise, 5.72
Analog ground, in mixed-signal IC, 9.35 sample-to-sample variation, 2.70
Analog ground plane, PCB, 9.37 SHA, 7.97
Analog multiplexer, diagram, 8.28-31 test setup, 5.74
Analog power supply, systems, 9.65-91 using FFTs, 5.73-75
Analog switch: Aperture time, 2.68-72, 2.98
application, 7.73-78 SHA, 7.95
dummy switch in feedback, 7.76 Aperture time jitter, 1.49
dynamic performance, 7.74 Aperture uncertainty, 2.99
minimizing on resistance, 7.75-77 SHA, 7.97
and multiplexer, 7.61-89 ARM7, TDMI microcontroller, 8.141
unity gain inverter, 7.74 ARM7TDMI, MCU core, 8.187
Analog-to-time conversion, using PTM, 1.8 Armstrong, Major Edwin H., 8.108
Analog variable, 2.2 Aspinall, D., 3.106, 7.111
Analogic, 1.23 Asynchronous digital subscriber line, 9.194
Analogic Corporation, 1.33 Asynchronous VFC, 3.91
Analogic, Inc., 4.2 Audio, digitall, 8.59-74
Anderson, Robin N., 3.108 Audio codec, multichannel, 8.69-70
Andreas, D., 3.137 Audio DAC, multichannel, 8.69-70
Andrews, James R., 5.25 Audio DAC family, chart, 8.67
Anti-ballistic missile system, 1.22-23 Audio Engineering Society, standards, 8.60
Anti-imaging filter, 8.163 Audio Precision, 5.25
digital audio, 8.64 Audio Precision, System Two, analyzer, 5.19
Antialiasing filter, 2.29, 3.115 Automatic zero, 2.99
design and requirements, 2.30 Avalanche diode, 7.3
dynamic range, 2.30 AWG2020, Tektronix, 5.17
elliptic, TTE Inc., 2.31 AWG2021, Tektronix, 5.17
position, op amp noise, 6.38
transition band, 2.30 B
undersampling, 2.33-34 B4001 and B4003 common-mode chokes, 9.178
anyCAP: Back-to-back testing, ADC, for large-signal
design features, 7.40-42 input, 5.48
functional diagram, basic LDO regulator, Baird, Jon, 8.175
7.45-46 Baker, Bonnie, 9.63

Index 11

Baker, R. Jacob, 2.117, 3.140, 5.89, 5.91 Best straight line method, integral linearity
Baldwin, Eugene E., 5.25 error measurement, 2.16
Ball-grid array, 1.55 Best, R.E., 6.98, 8.175
Ball-grid-array, packaging, 4.17 Beyschlag Resistor Products, 9.24
Ball grid array package, 9.200 Bias current, 2.99
Ballistic trajectory computation, 1.21 BiCMOS, 1.49
Ball, W.W. Rouse, 1.32, 3.105 Bin width, in FFT, 5.54
Bandgap reference, 6.80, 7.4-10 Binary code:
basic, 7.4 shadow mask, 1.12
characteristics, 7.14 unipolar, 2.4
Bandpass filter, 5.70-72, 6.92 Binary-coded decimal code, 2.11-12
Bandpass sampling, 2.31-32 table, 2.12
Bandpass sigma-delta ADC, 3.132-133 Binary-coded shadow mask, 3.47
Bandwidth: Binary number, 2.3
aliasing, 2.98 Binary ripple ADC, 3.81
analog input small-signal, 2.99 Binary-to-Gray code, conversion, 2.8
effective resolution, 2.99 Binary transfer function, 3.78
full-linear, 2.99 Binary-weighted DAC, 3.9-12
full-power, 2.98, 2.99 Binary-weighted voltage-mode DAC, 3.9
full width, 2.98 Bipolar code:
sampling, rule, 2.32 4-bit converter, table, 2.9
Bardeen, J., 1.18, 4.9 relationships, table, 2.11
Bardeen, John, 1.15, 4.3-4 Bipolar converter, 2.14-15
Barnes, Erik, 8.105 Bipolar mode, 2.100
Barney, K. Howard, 3.107 Bipolar offset, 2.100, 2.110
Barrow, Jeff, 9.63 Bipolar processes, 4.11
Barr, P., 1.31, 5.87 Bipolar zero error, DAC, 5.2-4
Bartow, Doug, 8.105 Bird's nest breadboard, 9.201
Baseband antialiasing filter, 2.29-31 Bit error rate, see BER
Baudon, J.M.E., 1.4 Bit-per-stage ADC, 3.88
Baudot code, 1.3 BJT RFI rectification, 9.157-158
BCD, coding scheme, 2.14 sensitivity, 9.159
Beat frequency test: Black, Harold S., 1.14, 1.18, 4.1, 4.9
ADC linearity, 5.46-47 Black, H.S., 1.11, 1.18, 2.90, 4.9
test setup, 5.47 Blackman, window function, 5.57-58
Beckman Instruments, 1.24 Black, W.C., Jr., 8.157
Bedingfield, Robert C., 1.23 Blair, Jerome, 5.89
Bell Laboratories, 1.14-16, 1.22-23, 4.3-4 Blanking, 1.53
Bell Labs, 7.91 Blattner, Rob, 7.60
Gray code, 2.6 Bleaney, B., 9.24, 9.63
nonlinear DAC, 3.26 Bleaney, B.I., 9.24, 9.63
Bell µ-255 standard, 3.26 Block conversion, 8.115
Bell System, 1.3 Blood, William R., Jr., 9.179
Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1.10-11, 1.17, 8.59 Bloomingdale, Cindy, 9.179
Bell Telephone Labs, 3.109 Bode plot, 7.67
Bell Telephone system, 4.1 Bogatin, Eric, 9.178, 9.179
Bell, Alexander Graham, 1.3, 1.17 Bondzeit, Frederick, 3.108
Bell, Barry A., 5.25 Bootstrapping, 7.103
Benjamin, O.J., 3.137 Bordeax, Ethan, 9.181
Bennett, W.R., 1.18, 2.37, 2.90 Boser, B., 3.137
BER, 2.76-80, 3.45 Bowers, G.G., 1.31
ADC, 2.76-80 Boyce, David E., 5.89
bit error rate, 2.76-80, 3.45, 5.83 BPF, bandpass filter, 3.132
tests, 5.83-86 Brahm, C.B., 3.111, 3.136
high-frequency test, analog input, 5.84-85 Brannon, Brad, 2.90, 6.98, 8.156, 8.157
low-frequency test, analog signal, 5.84 Brattain, Walter, 1.15, 4.3-4
PC-based test, test setup, 5.86 Brattain, W.H., 1.18, 4.9
tests, 5.83-86 Breadboarding, 9.199-213
and time between errors, 2.80 and prototyping, 9.199-213

Index 12

Bridge, ratiometric, 8.9 impedance-balanced drive, 9.154

Bridge output, 2.2 Cable driving, 9.1
Broadband aperture jitter, 6.83 Cables and shields, 9.151-155
Brokaw cell, 7.5-6 Cage jack, 9.31, 9.205
bandgap reference, 7.33-34 Calibration process, 4.8
Brokaw, A. Paul, 1.47, 4.19 Candy, J.C., 2.116, 3.37, 3.112, 3.136, 3.137,
Brokaw, Adrian Paul, 1.47, 3.36 3.139, 5.90
Brokaw, Paul, 1.35, 1.40, 1.47, 3.18, 4.12, 7.26, Capacitance, 4.15
7.60, 9.63, 9.91, 9.179 parallel plates, diagram, 9.58
Bruck, Donald B., 2.116, 3.139, 5.87, 5.90 Capacitance-coupled noise, reduction, 9.144-145
Bryant, James, 2.1, 2.37, 2.93, 3.1, 3.39, 3.108, Capacitive coupling:
3.109, 4.11, 4.19, 7.1, 9.1, 9.25, 9.30, 9.63, 9.93, EMI path, 9.142
9.125, 9.141, 9.178, 9.199 equivalent circuit, 9.59
Bryne, Mike, 9.126 Capacitive noise, 9.59, 9.59-60
BTL, standards, 9.184 Capacitor, 9.2-8
Buchanan, James E., 9.23 ceramic, 9.82, 9.84
Bucklen, Willard K., 3.105, 8.104 comparisons, 9.8
Buckley, Kevin, 8.105 decoupling, 9.36, 9.41, 9.43
Buffer, ADC digital output, 9.37 dielectric absorption, 7.101, 9.3-4
Buffer amplifier, 3.18-19 circuit diagram, 9.3
Buffer latch, 1.35 dissipation factor, 9.5-6
Buffering: electrolytic, 9.7, 9.82, 9.83
AC analog outputs, 6.69-77 equivalent circuit, 9.84
ADC reference, 3.40 failure mechanisms, 9.7
BiCMOS ADC, 6.25-26 film, 9.82, 9.83
complementary bipolar ADC, 6.25-26 general purpose aluminum, 9.83
DAC analog output, 6.69-77 leakage, 9.5
internal, 6.1 materials, 9.2
Bulk metal resistor, 9.16 noise reduction, 9.82-85
Buried Zener, 6.80, 7.11, 7.14, 7.16, 7.19 organic semiconductor, 9.83
Burkhardt, Andrew, 9.178 parasitic waveforms, 9.84
Burr Brown, 1.23, 1.33 parasitics, 9.2-3, 9.5-6
Burst mode, 6.49-50 passive component, 9.1
Bus, 2.100 polarized, 9.7
Bus switch: power supply noise reduction and filtering,
advantages, 9.187 9.82-85
hot swap and hot plug applications, 9.193-194 series impedance, 9.5
low voltage, 9.190 stacked-film, 9.83
NMOS FET, for interfacing, 9.186-190 switching, 9.83
Buss wire, 9.31 tantalum, 9.83
Busy, ADC status, 3.41 temperature, 9.6
Butterworth filter, 2.30 tolerance, 9.6
noise bandwidth, 2.62 types, 9.2, 9.4, 9.82
two-pole, SNR, 2.87 Carbon composition resistor, 9.9, 9.16
Buxton, Joe, 9.93, 9.125, 9.178 Carbrey, R.L., 3.37
Bypass/decoupling, local high frequency, 9.89-90 Card entry filter, 9.87-88
Byrne, Mike, 9.30 circuit diagram, 9.87
Byte, 2.100, 2.112 power supply noise reduction and filtering,
low, 2.100 9.87-88
ringing, 9.87
C Carrier, and harmonic distortion, 2.48
Cable: Cascaded network, two-stage, diagram, 2.67
electrically long, 9.151 Cattermole, K.W., 1.2, 1.17, 2.22, 2.90, 2.116,
electrically short, 9.151 3.139, 5.90
ground loops, in shielded twisted pair, 9.152 CAV-1040, 10-bit 40-MSPS sampling ADC,
improper use of shielding, 9.151 1.53-54
mutual inductance, 9.19 CAV-1220, 12-bit 20-MSPS sampling ADC,
shielded, 1.53-54
hybrid grounding with passive sensor, 9.153 Caveney, R.D., 3.106

Index 13

CB, 3.85 Clamping diode:

CB processes, 4.12 leakage, 9.95-96
JFET used, 4.12 reverse bias current, 9.95
CCD: Clamping diode leakage, 9.95-96
kT/C noise, 8.97 Clelland, Ian, 9.91
output stage and waveforms, 8.96 Clock distribution:
thermal noise, calculation, 8.97 end-of-line termination, 9.174
CCD array, linear and area, chart, 8.95 source terminated transmission lines, 9.174
CCD image processor, 1.55 Clock generator, "hybrid", 6.94-95
CCD imaging electronics, 8.94-99 Cloninger, Chris, 8.156
CDMA, spread-spectrum system, 8.112 Closed-loop SHA, circuit, 7.103-104
CDMA system, signals, chart, 8.123 CM choke, 9.146
Çeçen, Kâzim, 1.17 CM overvoltage protection:
Cecil, Jim, 4.13 amplifier output voltage phase reversal,
Cell phone, handsets, 8.136-139 9.101-102
Cellular radio system, 2.40 CMOS channel protectors, 9.98-99
Cellular telephone: high CM voltage in-amp, 9.99-100
ADC and DAC, handsets, 8.139-145 inverting op amp, 9.100-101
handsets, 8.136-139 CMOS, 9.181
ADCs and DACs, 8.139-140 process, 4.13-15
receiver, direct conversion architecture, standards, 9.184
8.143 CMOS ADC:
Cellular telephone system, 8.108 differential input, transformer coupling, 6.25
Ceramic capacitor, 9.82 equivalent input circuit, 6.19-23
Chain code, 1.3 SHA, 6.19-20
Changeover switch, 3.3 single-ended drive circuit, 6.21-23
Channel protector, for dual-supply in-amp, CMOS channel protector, 9.98
circuit, 9.107 CMOS IC output driver, configuration, 9.183
Channel-to-channel isolation, 2.100, 2.102 CMOS logic, 1.41, 2.2
Channelizer, 8.115 CMOS process, 3.11
Charge-balance VFC, 3.91 CMOS processes, 4.13-15
diagram, 3.93 CMOS switch, 3.4, 5.35
Charge-coupled device, 8.94-99 1-GHz, attributions, 7.78-79
Charge coupling, 7.71 absorptive, 7.79
Charge injection, 2.100 adjacent, equivalent circuit, 7.65
reducing, 7.104 basics, 7.62-64
Charge injection model, 7.69 charge injection, 7.69
Charge-pump circuit, 9.74 charge injection effects, 7.70
Charge-pump voltage converter, 9.74-75 complementary pair technology, 7.63
advantages, 9.74-75 DC performance, factors, 7.66
characteristics, 9.75 diode protection, 7.87
regulated output, 9.75-77 dynamic performance,
Charge run-down ADC, 3.89 charge injection, 7.69
Charge transfer, 2.100, 2.111 off isolation, 7.68
Charged Device Model, ESD model, 9.121 transfer accuracy versus frequency, 7.67
Charpentier, A., 3.137 error sources, 7.65-73
Chasek, N.E., 3.82, 3.106 input protection, external Schottky diodes,
Chesnut, Bill, 9.91 7.88
Chip area, voltage tolerance/compliance, 9.196 junction-isolation, cross-section, 7.86
Chip enable, 6.57 latchup prevention, 7.87
Chip-on-Lead packaging, 7.49-50 MOSFET technology, 7.62-63
Chip-scale package, 1.55 off isolation versus frequency, 7.68
Chip-scale-packaging, 4.17 on-resistance versus signal voltage, 7.64
Chip Select, ADC edges, 3.42 overcurrent protection, 7.88
Chopper-stabilized amplifier, 8.20 parasitic latch, equivalent circuit, 7.86
Chroma signal, 8.79, 8.82 parasitic latchup, 7.85-89
Chrominance, 5.78 reflective, 7.79
Circuit, effective input impedance, 6.32-33 settling time, 7.72
Circuit inductance, ground plane, 9.49 single-pole, settling time, table, 7.73

Index 14

transfer function, Bode plot, 7.67 solutions, 9.144

trench-isolation technique, 7.89 Common-mode choke, 9.162
CMR, 2.101, 6.74 Common-mode error, 2.101
input transient currents, 6.24 Common-mode overvoltage protection:
Coaxial cable, 9.154 CMOS channel protectors, 9.98-99
shielding, 9.155 high CM voltage in-amp, 9.99-100
Code: Common-mode range, 2.101
binary, unipolar, 2.4 Common-mode rejection, see CMR
binary-coded decimal, 2.11-12 Common-mode voltage, 2.101
binary-to-Gray, conversion, 2.8 Compact PCI Hot Swap Specification R1.0, 9.197
bipolar, 2.8-12 Companding, 3.26
offset binary, 2.8-9 Comparator:
center, 2.4 1-bit ADC, 3.42-45
complementary, 2.12 in flash ADC, 3.46
fractional binary, 2.3 latched, 2.76
Gray, 2.4, 2.6-8 metastability, 3.50
Gray-to-binary, conversion, 2.8 metastable output states, error codes, 3.51
integer binary, 2.3 metastable state errors, diagram, 3.45
meaning, 2.3 µA711/712, 3.49
missing, 2.107 in parallel ADC, 3.46
MSB, error, 2.7 structure, 3.42
ones complement, 2.8, 2.11 diagram, 3.43
reflective-binary, 2.6 Comparator ADC, 1-bit, 3.42-45
resolution, Complementary bipolar, see CB
flicker-free, 2.45 Complementary bipolar processes, 4.12
noise-free, 2.45 Complementary code, 2.12
sign-magnitude, 2.8, 2.11 Compliance voltage, 6.71
sparkle, ADC, 2.76-80 Compliance-voltage range, 2.101
twos complement, 2.8, 2.9, 2.11 Complimentary metal oxide semiconductor,
unipolar, 2.3-5 see CMOS
Code center, 5.28 Component analog video standard, 8.79-80
data converter, 2.14 Composite video signal, 8.79
Code-center testing, misleading results, 5.29-30 Composite video testing, test setup, 5.78
Code density test: Compound monolithic, 4.7-8
ADC, 5.38-44 Computer Labs, 1.23, 1.33
data display, 5.39-40 Computer Labs, Inc., 1.24, 1.41, 1.43, 1.44,
setup, 5.39 4.4-5
Code-division-multiple-access, see CDMA Conduction, EMI path, 9.142
Code resolution: Conductive wrist strap, for ESD protection, 9.120
flicker-free, 2.109 Conductor:
noise-free, 2.106, 2.109 ground plane, skin effect, 9.47
Code transition noise, 2.100 Ohm's law, 9.27
DNL, 2.20 resistance, 9.26-27
Code width, 2.100 skin depth, 9.47
Codec, 1.55, 5.27, 5.78, 8.59, 8.61, 8.82 Conductor resistance, in PCB, 9.26-27
voiceband, 8.65 Connelly, J.A., 9.63, 9.125
Coder-decoder, 1.55, 5.27 Contact discharge, ESD testing, 9.121
Coding, quantizing, 2.1-22 Contact-image sensor, 8.94-99
Coherent sampling, FFT output signal and waveforms, 8.98
harmonics, 5.63 Continuous-aperiodic signal, in FFT, 5.52
Cold junction compensation, thermocouple, 8.14 Continuous-periodic signal, in FFT, 5.52
Collins, Niamh, 8.175 Continuously available output, ADC, 3.91
Color difference, 8.79 Continuously converting, temperature sensor
Colton, Evan T., 1.32, 3.106 output mode, 8.15-16
Comfort noise insertion, 8.138 Conversion complete, 2.101, 2.102
Common-impedance, EMI path, 9.142 Conversion rate, 2.101
Common-impedance noise: Conversion relationship, meaning, 2.3
reducing, 9.143-144 Conversion time, 2.101, 2.112
reduction, 9.143-144 Convert command, for ADC, 8.29

Index 15

Convert-start command, ADC, 3.41 diagram, 3.16

Converter: 4-bit cyclic serial, diagram, 3.30
optical, 3.98-99 5-bit binary-weighted, diagram, 3.9
sub-ranging, 2.104 5-bit counting,
Convolutional coding, 8.137 developed by Reeves, 1.10
Conway, Paul, 8.191 diagram, 3.29
Cooley, J.W., 5.89 6-bit binary-weighted, diagram, 3.10
Copper, resistance, 9.47 6-bit nonlinear segmented, characteristics,
Copper conductor, resistance calculation, 9.26 3.27
Correlated double sampling, 8.97-98 7-bit segmented, test codes, 5.12
Cost, 4.23 8-bit, 8-kSPS data converter, 3.26
Counting ADC, 3.88 12-bit, sampling clock to output ratio, SFDR,
Counting and integrating ADC architectures, 8.166
3.87-113 12-bit current-output, with cascaded binary
Counting DAC, monotonic, 3.29 quad switches, diagram, 3.17
Counting pulse-width modulated DAC, 3.28-29 12-bit monolithic, with quad switch, problems,
Counts, Lew, 9.23, 9.125, 9.178 3.18
Coupling, within signal cabling, 9.19 architecture, 3.1-38
Coxeter, H.S.M., 1.32, 3.105 low-distortion, 3.31-33
Craven, Bob, 1.35 monotonic, 3.4
Craven, Robert B., 1.47 audio, high performance, 8.66-69
Critical components, assembly, 9.7 basic structures, 3.3-4
Crook, David, 6.98, 8.175 Kelvin divider, 3.4-6
Crosspoint switch: binary-weighted, 3.9-12
digital, 7.83-84 currents switched to load, 3.14-15
video, 7.82-83 electro-mechanical, 3.9
Crosstalk, 2.101-102, 7.71-72, 8.28 voltage-mode, 3.9
adjacent switches, equivalent circuit, 7.72 bipolar process IC, 1970s, 1.34-36
digital, 2.102 bipolar zero error, 5.2-4
noise interference, 9.144 buffer, selection criteria, 6.3
Crystal oscillator, low phase jitter, 9.39 buffered reference input terminal, 3.2
Crystal Oscillators: MF Electronics, 9.63 buffered reference output terminal, 3.2
Crystal Oscillators: Wenzel Associates, Inc., buffering analog output, 6.69-77
9.64 capacitive binary-weighted, in successive
Crystal Semiconductor, 1.51 approximation ADC, 3.12
CSZ5316, monolithic sigma-delta ADC, 1.51 capacitive coupling, 3.34
Current limiting, 7.30 CMOS IC, 1970s, 1.36-38
Current-mode binary-weighted DAC, 3.10-11 communications, 5.13
Current output thermometer DAC, 3.7 compound monolithic, 1.35
Current-steering multivibrator VFC, 3.91 counting,
Current-steering VFC, diagram, 3.92 monotonic, 3.29
Curtin, Mike, 6.98, 8.175 pulse-width modulated, 3.28-29
Cushing, Richard, 8.175 current-mode, 3.12
Cutler, C.C., 3.109, 3.111, 3.136 current-mode binary-weighted, 3.10-11
Cyclic serial DAC, 3.29-31 current-mode R-2R ladder network, 3.14
current output, general model, 6.70
D cyclic serial, 3.29-31
DAC: DDS, distortion, 2.85
1-bit changeover switch, 3.4 deglitching, 7.93
3-bit binary-decoded, linearity error, demultiplexed, data distribution, 8.41
superposition, 5.9 differential nonlinearity, 5.2, 5.5
3-bit capacitor, 3.55-56 details, 2.18
3-bit nonideal, digital input interface, 6.61-66
DNL and INL, superposition, 5.7 digital interface, 6.47-67
transfer function, superposition, 5.6 digital output interface, 6.61-66
4-bit, DNL and INL, superposition, 5.7 distortion,
4-bit binary-decoded, superposition, bit measurement, 5.17-18, 5.17-24
tests, 5.8 test setup, 5.18
4-bit binary-weighted, R-2R ladder network, DNL, measurement, 2.17

Index 16

DNL and INL, multiple, data distribution, 8.41

no superposition, 5.10-13 multiplying, 3.2, 3.24-25
via superposition, 5.6-10 current-mode R-2R ladder network, 3.25
double-buffered, advantages, 3.33-34, 6.61-62 diagram, 3.25
dynamic performance, 81-89, 2.81-91, 5.13-25 non-monotonicity, 2.17
end-point errors, 5.2-5 nonlinear, 3.25-26, 3.28
even harmonics, 5.23 normal mode, 3.12
four-quadrant, 3.24 odd harmonics, 5.24
full-scale settling time, measurement, 5.14 offset coding, bipolar zero error, 5.4-5
fully decoded, 3.6-9 offset error, 5.1, 5.2-4
no superposition, 5.10 output, 3.3, 3.5
gain error, 5.1, 5.2-4 deglitching, 3.32
glitch, 2.102 voltage or current, 3.3
glitch impulse area, 2.82-83, 5.15 output settling time, 2.81-82
oscilloscope, 5.15-17 output spectrum, sin(x)/x frequency rolloff,
grounding, 9.30 2.87
high-speed, oversampling interpolating, 3.23-24
alternative loading, 3.35 diagram, 3.24
buffering using differential amplifier, patents, 3.23
6.75 parallel input interface to DSP, 6.64-66
clock rate, 3.34 R-2R, 3.12-18
high speed, R-2R 3-bit binary, 3.26
SFDR performance trends, 4.16 R-2R ladder,
update rate trends, 4.16 current mode, 3.14
high speed communication, CMOS process, 4.15 equal current sources, 3.14-15
history, hydraulic, 1.1 voltage mode, 3.13
hybrid, R-2R thin-film resistor, 3.11
1970s, list, 1.43 reference input terminal, buffered, 3.2
1980s, 1.53-54 reference output terminal, buffered, 3.2
1990s, 1.64 reference voltage, 3.2
hybrid and modular, references, 3.1-2
1980s, 53-54 references and buffer, diagram, 3.3
1990s, 1.64 relationship to ADC, 2.1
high performance, 1980s, list, 1.53 resolution, definition, 5.1
hydraulic, 1.1 segmented, 3.18-23
ideal bipolar, transfer function, 2.10 all-codes testing, 5.11
input and output, definition, 2.1 current-output, structure, 3.21
integral nonlinearity, 5.1, 5.2, 5.5 voltage-output, 3.19
intentionally nonlinear, 3.25-26 serial input interface, 6.62-64
interpolating, oversampling, 2.87-89 to DSP, 6.62-64
inverted mode, 3.12 settling time, 2.81-82, 2.112, 5.13-14, 5.16
linearity error, 5.5 oscilloscope, 5.15-17
superposition, 5.9 SFDR, measurement, 2.85, 5.19
logic, 3.33-35 SFDR and SNR, 2.83-86
low distortion, 5.2 sigma-delta, 3.33, 3.133-134, 5.12
mid-scale glitch, 2.83 sign-magnitude, rare, 2.14-15
mid-scale settling time, measurement, 5.14 skew glitch, 3.20
modular, SNR, measurement, analog spectrum analyzer,
1980s, 1.53-54 2.86-87
1990s, 1.64 static error,
monolithic, basic test method, 5.1-2
1970s, summary, 1.38 measurement methods, 5.1
1980s, 1.49-51 static linearity, testing, 5.12
list, 1.50 static transfer functions, DC errors, 2.12-21
1990s, 1.56-58 string, 3.4, 3.18
list, 1.58 INL trimming, 3.6
bipolar process IC, 1.34-36 no superposition, 5.10
monotonicity, 5.1 resistors, 3.6
INL and DNL, 5.10 unbuffered, segmented, 3.19-20

Index 17

superposition, 5.5-6 commercial,

errors, 5.5 1950s, 1.21-22
testing, 5.1-25 history, 1960s, 1.22-26
dynamic performance, 5.13-25 data sheet importance, 2.93, 2.95
static, 5.1-13 distortion, 2.47-48
thermometer, 3.4, 3.6-9 DNL error, 2.17
two-quadrant, 3.24 dynamic performance, 2.46-80
unipolar, transfer function;, 2.5 quantifying, table, 2.46
vacuum tube, binary, 3.9 dynamic performance specifications, 6.3
very high speed, 3.20 early processes, 4.1-10
voiceband and audio, 5.12 ENOB, 2.48-50
voltage-mode, 3.12 evaluation board, 9.209-212
voltage-mode binary-weighted resistor, 3.10 gain error, 2.15
voltage-output thermometer, 3.4 general specifications, 2.93-96
DAC-12QZ: high resolution, low noise references, 7.24-25
12-bit DAC, 1.46 high speed, CMOS process, 4.14
12-bit modular DAC, 4.8 history, 1.1-66, 5.27-28
DAC80, 12-bit DAC, 1.41-43 1950s, 1.21-22
DAC1138, 18-bit DAC, 1.46 1950s and 1960s, 1.21-32
DAC08: 1950s to 1960s, 1.21-32
8-bit 80-ns DAC, 1.38 1970s, 1.33-47, 1.33-49
8-bit 85-ns IC DAC, diagram, 1.34 1980s, 1.49-54
IC DAC, 1.41 1990s, 1.55-64
Daigle, Paul, 8.26 2000s, 1.65-66
Daisy chain, temperature sensor output mode, 8.15 early, 1.1-19
Daisy-chaining, 6.62 telegraph to telephone, 1.3-5
Dammann, C.L., 3.37 hybrid, 1.33, 4.3-8
Damping resistors, high-speed DSP 1970s, 1.41-44
interconnections, 9.172 hybrid and modular components, 1970s, list,
Dark current, 8.95 1.41
Dark signal, 8.95 ideal N-bit, theoretical quantization
Darlington connection, 9.68, 9.70 noise, 2.37-43
Darlington NPN, pass device, 7.31-33 ideal transfer characteristics, 2.13-14
Data acquisition system: integral and differential nonlinearity
on a chip, 8.34 distortion, 2.46-47
on chip, 8.33-36 intercept points, 2.54-56
configurations, 8.27-28 interfacing, 6.1-98
filtering, 8.31-33 intermodular distortion, 2.53
diagram, 8.31 internal control registers, initialization,
multichannel, 8.27-48 6.48
design, 8.27 linearity errors, 2.15
multiplexing, 8.28-31 logic, 2.95-96
PGA and SAR ADC, diagram, 8.29 logic interface issues, 2.94-95
timing diagram, 8.31 low power, sleep, and standby modes, 6.48-49
Data converter: measurement and control, 2.13
8-bit 10-MSPS, 1.23 modern, trends, 6.1-2
2000s, list, 1.66 modern processes, 4.11-19
absolute maximum ratings, 2.93 modular, 1.33, 4.3-8, 4.6
AC errors, 2.37-90 1970s, 1.44-46
ADC transient response, 2.73-75 milestones, 1.46
analog bandwidth, 2.50 monolithic, 1.33
analog full scale, 2.14 1970s, 1.34-40
aperture time, delay, and jitter, 2.68-72 monolithic DAC, 1980s, 1.49-51
applications, 8.1-192 multi-tone SFDR, 2.56-57
architectures, 1.27-30, 3.1-140 noise filter and noise figure, 2.61-68
feedback subtraction, 1.27 NPR, 2.58-60
bipolar processes, 4.11 offset error, 2.15
code centers, 2.14 overall considerations, 2.93-94
coding schemes, 2.14 packages, examples, 4.18

Index 18

PCM, 1.5-6 direct digital synthesis, 2.84

phase noise, 2.71 flexible, diagram, 8.161
popular reference options, 6.80 frequency planning, 8.165-166
power-on initialization, 6.47-48 for integrated DAC, 4.22
process technology, 4.1-30 low power 400-MSPS product family, table,
processes, summary, 4.15 8.173
processes and architectures, 4.15-18 modern integrated systems, 8.166-174
summary, 4.18 schematic, 8.160
reconstruction systems, 2.13 tuning equation, 8.161
sampling frequency, DDS I/Q quadrature modulators, table, 8.174
burst mode, 6.49-50 DDS synthesizers, low-power, chart, 8.168
minimum, 6.49-50 De Forest, Lee, 1.13, 1.18, 4.1, 4.9
single-shot mode, 6.49-50 De Jager, F., 3.136
sampling systems, 2.13 Dead time, DAC, 2.81
SFDR, 2.51-53 Deadbug prototyping, 9.200-202
SINAD, 2.48-50 breadboard, 9.201
SNR, 2.48-50 power busses, 9.202
solid state, 4.3-8 short decoupling paths, 9.200
specifications, 2.93-96 DEC PDP minicomputer, 5.27
definitions, 2.97-117 Decimation, 3.111, 3.116
specifications and testing, history, 5.27-28 GSM channel, 8.112
structure, 2.93 Decimation filter, on ADC, 4.22
supply current, 2.94 Decoder, digital video, 8.81-84
support circuit, 7.1-112 Decoupling, and grounding, diagram, 9.38
testing, 5.1-91 Decoupling capacitor, 9.36, 9.41, 9.43
THD, 2.47-48 Deglitcher, 2.102, 2.105
THD+N, 2.47-48 Deglitching, 3.31-32
theoretical quantization noise, 2.37-45 Del Signore, B.P., 3.137
thermal considerations, 9.134-138 Delay constant, microstrip, 9.167
transfer functions, 2.17 Deloraine, E.M., 3.109, 3.136
vacuum tube, 4.1-3 Delta modulation, 3.109
voltage, 2.93 changes, 3.109
voltage reference, 7.1-26 for quantization, 3.110
voltage reference considerations, 6.81 in sigma-delta ADC., 3.113
voltage references, 6.79-81 versus differential PCM, scheme, 3.110
wideband CDMA, 2.57-58 Delta phase register, 8.160
worst harmonic, 2.47-48 Delta-sigma architecture, 3.112-113
Data distribution system, 8.41-45 Demler, Michael J., 2.116, 3.139, 5.88, 5.90
with infinite SHA, 8.45-47 Demodulation, 8.137
multiple programmable voltage sources, 8.41 analog, 2.32
Data ready, 2.101, 2.102, 6.57 Dempsey, Dennis, 3.20, 3.37
ADC status, 3.41 Demultiplexed data bus, 9.177
Data valid, 6.57, 6.59 Demuxed CMOS output data, 6.58
Datel, 1.33 Derating curves, 9.130
DATRAC, 3.59-60 Derjavitch, B., 3.109, 3.136
11-bit 50-kSPS SAR ADC, picture, 3.60 Designing for EMC, 9.178
11-bit 50-kSPS vacuum tube converter, 5.27 Dickinson, Arthur H., 3.107
11-bit 50-kSPS vacuum tube SAR ADC, 4.2-3 Dielectric, PCB design, 9.165
Datrac converter: Dielectric absorption, 7.100-101, 9.3-4
11-bit 50-kSPS vacuum tube ADC, 1.22 capacitor, 9.2
from Epsco, 1.21 PCBs, 9.57
Dattorro, J., 3.137 SHA applications, 9.4
DCS, digitally corrected subranging, 2.113 surface guarding, 9.57
DDS, 1.57, 8.159-176 Dielectric hysteresis, 9.3
aliasing, 8.163-165 Differential analog input capacitance, 2.102
graph, 8.164 Differential analog input impedance, 2.102
anti-imaging filter, 8.163 Differential analog input resistance, 2.102
architecture, signal flow, 8.163 Differential analog input voltage range, 2.102
digital dither, 8.166 Differential circuit, 9.28

Index 19

Differential current-to-differential voltage Digital phase wheel, 8.162

conversion, 6.75 Digital post-processing:
Differential gain, 2.102, 5.78-83 advanced, 8.151
ADC, 5.78-83 architecture, 8.151
digital measurement, 5.81 Digital potentiometer, 1.58, 8.49-58
test signal, 5.80, 5.82 AC considerations, 8.55
Differential input ADC driver, 6.23-29 advantages and applications, 8.57
Differential linearity, 2.107-108 applications, 8.55-57
error, 2.15 circuit applications, 8.56
definition, 2.17 CMOS, characteristics, 8.51
Differential nonlinearity, see DNL modern, small packaging, 8.50-51
Differential overvoltage, 9.104 nonvolatile memory, 8.51-53
Differential PCM, 3.109 one-time-programmable, 8.53-54
versus delta modulation, scheme, 3.110 from string DAC, 3.5
Differential phase, 2.102, 5.78-83 tiny packaging, 8.50-51
ADC, 5.78-83 Digital receiver:
digital measurement, 5.81 AMPS wideband, 8.117
test signal, 5.80, 5.82 multicarrier, chart, 8.131
Differential single-ended conversion, 6.70-73 narrowband, 8.110-114
Differential to single-ended conversion, 6.70-73 narrowband IF-sampling, 8.110-114
Differential transformer coupling, 6.71 GSM/EDGE, 8.110-114
DigiPOT, 1.58, 8.56 single carrier, chart, 8.131
Digit grounder, 3.57, 3.59 software radio, 8.110
Digital audio, 8.59-74 wideband, 8.114-126
48-kSPS sampling, 8.62 wideband IF-sampling, 8.114-126
ADC and DAC, 8.63-65 Digital synthesis, direct, 8.159-176
trends, 8.63-65 Digital temperature measurement, direct, 8.14-19
anti-imaging filter, 8.64 Digital video:
CD, circuit diagrams, 8.64 ADC and DAC, decoders and encoders, 8.81-84
key specifications, 8.61 basics, 8.75-77
PCM, 8.63 black box, 8.78
sampling rate and THD+N, 8.60-63 decoders and encoders, 8.81-84
studio quality recording, 8.66 display electronics, 8.75-105
THD+N and sample rate, 8.62 formats, 8.77-81
Digital baseband, software radio, 8.109-110 serial data interfaces, 8.81
Digital circuit: signal generation, model, 8.79
cost efficiency, 4.23 standard broadcast television interlace
standard voltage level, 9.181 format, 8.75
Digital converter, Advanced Filter Bank Digital videodisc, 8.63
compensation, 8.154 Digital videotape recorders, development, 8.78
Digital corrected subranging, 3.64 Digital voltmeter, 2.15
Digital crosspoint switch, 7.83-84 Digitally corrected subranging ADC, 2.113
Digital crosstalk, 2.102 Digitizing, SHA function, 2.26
Digital Display Working Group, 8.105 Diniz, George, 8.105
Digital down converter, 8.115 Diode:
Digital error correction, 3.64 protection network, circuit diagram, 9.97
Digital filter, 3.111, 3.116, 3.125-126 unbuffered, 7.20
GSM channel, 8.113 Diode reference circuit, 7.3
for sigma-delta ADC, 3.125-126 DIP package, prototyping, 9.206
Digital ground, in mixed-signal IC, 9.35 DiPilato, Joe, 3.138, 8.157
Digital ground plane, PCB, 9.37 Direct digital synthesis, 1.58, 2.84, 6.48,
Digital IC, fabrication process geometry, 4.23 8.159-176
Digital interface, ADC and DAC, 6.47-67 aliasing, 8.163-165
Digital isolation, 9.111-116 frequency planning, 8.165-166
LED/photodiode optocoupler, circuit, 9.113 modern integrated systems, 8.166-174
LED/phototransistor optocoupler, circuit, see also DDS
9.112 Direct IF-to-digital conversion, 2.31-32
Digital isolator, overvoltage protection, Discontinuous transmission, 8.137-138
9.111-116 Discrete Fourier transform, 5.51-53

Index 20

applications, 5.51 output, 6.72

characteristics, 5.53 Duff, David, 2.90
outputs, conversion, 5.53 Dummer, G.W.A., 9.24, 9.63
sampled-periodic time domain signal, 5.52 Duracell Inc., 9.197
Discrete time Fourier series, 5.51-52 Duracell MN1500 AA alkaline battery, discharge
Discrete time sampling, 2.24 characteristics, 9.182
Discriminator, 3.43 DVD, sampling, 8.63
Displacement current, 9.143 Dynamic range, digital audio, 8.60-61
Display electronics, 8.85-90 Dynamic response, 2.104
graphics resolution and pixel rates, table, Dynamic settling time transient:
8.86 from charge coupling, 7.71
Dissipation factor, 9.5-6 during multiplexing, 7.71
Distortion measurement, 5.17 Dynamic stability, 2.113
DAC, 5.17-24 Dynamic testing:
Distortion products, location, 2.48 ADC, 5.45-86
Dither, 2.42, 8.126-131 low-distortion sinewave inputs, 5.66-68
out-of-band, to improve SFDR, 8.127
used to randomize ADC transfer function, 8.127 E
Dither noise, 8.126 EIA RS-170, monochrome television standard, 8.76
generation, 8.129 Earnshaw, J.B., 3.104
Dither sinewave, 5.81 Eccles-Jordan bistable multivibrator, 3.88
Divider buffer, 3.18-19 Eckbauer, F., 3.137
DNL, 2.72, 3.32, 5.2 ECL, 1.41, 2.2, 9.175
DAC, 5.2, 5.5 emitter-coupled logic, 3.43
due to encoding process, 2.46-47 high-speed, invention, 1.24
error, 2.17 standards, 9.184
randomized, 8.129 Edge rates, 9.163
temperature coefficient, 2.114 Edson, J.O., 1.11, 1.18, 1.31, 2.22, 3.84, 3.104,
DNR, digital audio, 8.60-61 3.106, 7.111
Edwards, D.B.G., 3.106, 7.111
Dobkin, Robert C., 7.60 EEMEM family, digital potentiometer, 8.52
Doeling, W., 9.23, 9.63 Effective aperture delay time, 2.69, 2.98
Doernberg, Joey, 5.88 measurement, and ADC input, 2.70
Dominant pole, 7.37 SHA, 7.96-97
Dooley, Daniel J., 2.116, 3.139 Effective input noise, 2.103, 2.106
Dorey, Howard A., 3.108 Effective number of bits, see ENOB
Double-buffered DAC, advantages, 3.33-34 Effective resolution, 2.45, 2.103, 2.109, 8.8
Double throw switch, 3.4 Effective resolution bandwidth, see ERB
Doublet glitch, DAC, 2.82 Effective series inductance, 9.5
Downconversion, 8.142 Effective series resistance, 9.5
DPO, digital phosphor scope, 5.15 Efstathiou, Dimitrios, 8.156
Drakhlis, Boris, 6.98 EIA RS-343A standard, electronic display, 8.85
DRDY, data ready, 3.41 EIAJ ED-4701 Test Method C-111, 9.125
Drift, 2.102-103, 7.16, 7.18 8051, 1.63
Droop, 6.50 Electrolytic capacitor, 9.82
rate, 2.102-103 ceramic, 9.84
SHA, 7.99 film, 9.83
Dropout voltage, 7.27-28, 7.31, 9.66 general purpose aluminum, 9.83
inverting mode pass device, 9.68 impedance, graph, 9.85
DSO, digital storage scope, 5.15 organic semiconductor, 9.83
DSP: stacked-film, 9.83
grounding, internal PLL, 9.43-44 switching, 9.83
output rise and fall times, graph, 9.170 tantalum, 9.83
serial interface, 6.51 Electromagnetic compatability, see EMC
Dual-slope conversion, 2.111 Electromagnetic interference, see EMI
Dual-slope converter, 2.103 Electromagnetic radiation, EMI path, 9.142
Dual-slope integration, in ADC, 3.97 Electromechanical Compatibility level, European
Dual slope/multi-slope ADC, 3.96-98 Community, 9.121
Dual supply op amp, differential DC coupled Electromechanical rotating commutator,

Index 21

multiplexing, 1.4 ENOB, 1.49, 1.55, 2.103, 5.28

Electron beam coder: of ADC, using sinewave curve fitting, 5.49-50
Bell Labs, 3.48 calculation using SINAD, 5.50
modes, 2.6 data converter, 6.3
shadow masks, 2.7 degradation, in comparators, 3.50
Electron beam coding tube, 1.11-12 effective number of bits, 2.46, 2.48-50,
Electronic Concepts, Inc., 9.91 2.103, 3.115
Electrostatic discharge, 2.94 FPBW, 2.99
see also ESD jitter, 6.84
Elliott, Michael, 3.107, 7.111 and SINAD, 6.84
Elliott, Michael R., 3.107 Envelope test:
Elliptic filter, TTE, 2.30 ADC linearity, 5.46
EMC: lower input frequency, 5.47
described, 9.141 test setup, 5.47
emissions, 9.141 EOC, 2.101, 3.41
EMI: ADC status, 3.41
coupling paths, 9.142 Epsco, 1.33
noise sources, 9.142 Epsco Engineering, 1.21, 4.2
EMI path: Equivalent input referred noise, 2.43-44
high impedance ground connection, 9.143 Equivalent series inductance, capacitor, 9.2
summary, 9.143 Equivalent series resistance, capacitor, 9.2
EMI/RFI, 9.141-179 ERB, 2.99, 5.75
amplifier outputs, 9.162-163 Erisman, Brian, 9.91
common-mode choke, for in-amps, 9.162 Error:
considerations, 9.141-179 gain, 2.97
coupling paths, 9.142 linearity, 2.97
damping resistors, fast logic edges, 9.171 sources, 2.97
flexible common-mode and differential-mode zero, 2.97
filter, 9.161 Error code, 1.52
general purpose common-mode/differential mode Error corrected ADC, 3.61-78
filter, 9.161 Error correction, quantization levels, 3.64
mechanisms, 9.142, 9.142-179 Error voltage, 8.148
noise coupling mechanisms, 9.143 digital current in analog path, 9.32
noise filter, op amp circuit, diagram, 9.160 Esaki diode, 3.48
noise sources, 9.142 ESD, 9.116
op amp and in-amp outputs, long cable driving, damage, 9.118
9.163 data sheet statement, 9.119
and passive components, 9.146-147 models and testing, 9.121-124
rectification sensitivity, op amp and in-amp, packaging and labeling, 9.118
9.155-157 prime sources, 9.116
reducing system susceptibility, 9.147-148 protection and prevention, buyer and seller,
shielding, review, 9.148-151 9.120
susceptibility, 9.141 summary, 9.124
system susceptibility reduction, 9.147-148 testing methods,
Emitter-coupled-logic, 2.2, 2.94 differences, 9.122-123
design, 6.96 waveforms, 9.123
Emitter-coupled logic, see ECL voltage sources, 9.117
Encode, sampling clock, 2.103 ESD Association Draft Standard DS5.3, 9.125
Encode command, 2.103, 2.112 ESD Association Standard S5.2, 9.125
ADC, 3.41 ESD Prevention Manual, 9.125
Encode pulsewidth/duty cycle, 2.103 ESD protection, 9.195
Encoder, 2.24, 3.41 ESI, 9.5
digital video, 8.81-84 capacitor, 9.2
nonsampling, input frequency limitations, 2.24 ESL:
End-of-conversion, see EOC capacitor loss, 9.83
End point method, integral linearity error filter loss, 9.84
measurement, 2.16-17 ESR, 9.5
Engelhardt, E., 3.137 capacitor, 9.2
ENIAC computer, invention, 1.21 Eubanks, John M., 1.23

Index 22

Euler's equation, 5.53 to compute discrete Fourier transform, 5.54

European Broadcast Union, standards, 8.60 dynamic ADC testing, 5.59-65
Evaluation board, 9.206-212 FPBW, 2.99
data converter, 9.209-212 processing gain, 2.42
characteristics, 9.209 sinewaves, 5.56
dedicated op amp, 9.207-209 single-tone sinewave testing, 2.42
general purpose op amp, older, 9.207 spectral analysis, ADC, 5.50
Expandor, 3.26 test setup, 5.59-65
External components, 4.22 configuration and measurements, 5.59-65
diagram, 5.60
F verifying accuracy, 5.65-66
Fabrication process: Fiedler, Udo, 3.107
geometry, Film capacitor, 9.82
and cost, 4.24 Filter:
for digital IC, 4.23 advanced, 8.152
Fagen, M.D., 1.17, 1.32 analog, oversampling, 2.88
Failure, resistor, 9.14 anti-imaging, 3.23, 8.163
Fair-Rite Linear Ferrites Catalog, Fair-Rite for digital audio, 8.64
Products, 9.91 antialiasing, 3.115, 8.32
Fair-Rite Products, 9.91 baseband, 2.29-31
Fairchild, 1.24, 1.33 position, op amp noise, 6.38
Fairchild Semiconductor, 1.15, 4.3-4, 4.11 in undersampling, 2.33-34
Far-field interference, EMI path, 9.142 undersampling, 2.33-34
Faraday shield, 9.20, 9.58-61, 9.59-60, 9.144 attenuation, 7.19
floating, 9.60 bandpass, 5.70-72, 6.92
impractical location, 9.60 Butterworth, 2.30
operational model, 9.60 noise bandwidth, 2.62
Farmer, M.B., 1.4 two-pole, SNR, 2.87
Fast Fourier transform, see FFT bypass/decoupling, 9.89-90
FASTRON GmbH, 9.91 card entry, 9.87-88
FASTStep mode, for AD7730, 3.130 power supply noise reduction and filtering,
Fault-protected multiplexer, 9.99 9.87-88
FDM, telephone, 1.8 custom analog, firms, 2.31
FDMA, frequency division multiple access, 2.58 damping, 9.85
Feedback amplifier, patent, 1.14 data acquisition system, 8.31-33
Feedback coder, 1.25, 3.57 differential, 6.72
Feedback subtraction, 1.27-28, 3.56 digital, 3.125-126
Feedback subtraction ADC, 1.28 implications, 3.125-126
Feedback subtractor coder, 1.25, 3.57 sigma-delta ADC, 2.74
Feedthrough, 2.103, 7.101 elliptic,
SHA, 2.103 11-pole, characteristics, 2.31
Feedthrough error, 2.103 TTE, 2.30
Felix, Micheal O., 5.89 Gaussian active, buffering for audio DAC, 6.76
Ferguson, P.F., Jr., 3.137, 3.138 interpolation, 3.23
Ferrite: loss via ESR, 9.82-83
characteristics, 9.86 lowpass, audio DAC, 6.75-76
filter inductor, 9.86-87 lowpass/bandpass, 2.23
power supply noise reduction and filtering, noise, power supply, 9.81-90
9.86-87 notch, 2.59, 2.109
Ferrite bead, 9.38, 9.42-44, 9.86, 9.89, 9.160, minimizing analyzer overdrive, 5.68
9.164 passive components, EMI reduction, 9.147
FET RFI rectification, 9.158-159 rail bypass/distribution, 9.88
Fetterman, Scott, 3.106 power supply noise reduction and filtering,
FFT, 5.54 9.88
accuracy, 5.65-66 single-pole, settling time, table, 8.32
ADC analog bandwidth, 5.75 type, EMI reduction, 9.147
ADC aperture jitter, 5.73-75 Finite amplitude resolution, due to quantization,
analysis, 2.23 2.24
basics, 5.51-59 Fisher, J., 3.137

Index 23

Flach, Donald R., 5.88 diagram, 3.7

Flash ADC, 1.40, 2.112, 3.46, 3.88 Fundamental frequency, 2.50
4-, 6-, 8-bit monolithic, 1.41 FVC, 2.104
5-bit, diagram, 3.47
monolithic, 1980s, 1.52-53 G
Flash converter, 2.103-104, 3.48 Gailus, Paul H., 3.138
3-bit all-parallel, diagram, 3.46 Gain, 2.105
ADC, 3.46-53 Gain error, 2.15, 2.97
comparator, 2.76 DAC, 5.1, 5.2-4
electronic, 1.11 measurement, 5.31
interpolating, 3.52 Gain nonlinearity, 2.110
output latches, 3.70 Gain tempco, 2.114
power dissipation, 3.51 Gaines, W.M., 1.31, 5.87
Flash SADC, 3.64 Gallium arsenide, data converter role, 4.17
Flat panel display, 8.90-94 Gallium arsenide process, 3.50
analog and digital interfaces, 8.91 Gamma unit, 8.79
electronics, 8.90-94 Ganesan, A., 3.137
Flat-pulse generator, 5.76-77 Garcia, Adolfo, 9.125, 9.178, 9.213
Fleming, Tarlton, 9.23 Gardner, F.M., 6.98, 8.175
Flexibility, 4.23 Gate-drain capacitance, 7.70
Flicker-free code resolution, 2.45, 2.109 Gaussian active filter, buffering for audio DAC,
Floating shield, 9.60 6.76
Flutter, 5.29 Gaussian-filtered minimum-shift keying, 8.145
Flyers, 3.45 Gaussian frequency distribution, 6.83
ADC, 2.76 Gaussian noise, 2.38, 2.58, 2.109, 5.44, 8.8,
Flynn, George, 1.31 8.124
Folding ADC, 3.42, 3.78-87 General Electric, 1.23
Folding converter, 3.81 General Instrument Corp., 1.23
Folding stage, functional equivalent circuit, Gentile, Ken, 8.175
3.81 George A. Philbrick Researches, Inc., 1.34, 4.2, 4.9
Folding transfer function, 3.78, 3.84 Gerber file, 9.46, 9.204, 9.209
using rectifier amplifiers, diagram, 3.84 Gerke, Daryl, 9.178
Four-element-varying bridge configuration, Germanium transistor, invention, 1.14
8.6 Gilbert, Roswell W., 3.108
Four-quadrant, 2.104, 2.108 Giles, James N., 3.44, 3.104
4000-series, CMOS logic, RCA, 1.24 Giles, Jim, 1.40
Fourier analysis, 5.51-59 Glitch, 2.102, 2.105, 2.109
Fourier series, 5.51-52 DAC, 2.102
Fourier transform, 5.51-52 net impulse area, calculation, 2.83
FPBW, 2.50, 5.75 Glitch charge, 2.106
Fraschilla, J.L., 3.106 Glitch energy, 2.102, 2.106, 5.15
Freeman, J., 1.31, 5.87 DAC, 2.82
Freeman, Wes, 9.93, 9.125 Glitch impulse, 2.106
Frenzel, Louis E., 8.156 Glitch impulse area, 1.49, 2.102, 2.105-106
Frequency division multiple access, 2.58 DAC, 2.82-83, 5.15
Frequency division multiplexing, see FDM measurement, 5.15-17
Frequency synthesis, 8.159 net impulse area, calculation, 2.83
Frequency-to-voltage conversion, see FVC Gold, B., 5.89
Friis equation, for noise figure, 2.67 Goldberg, A., 8.104
FS-125, modular op amp, Computer Labs, 1.23 Goldberg, A.A., 8.77
FSEA30, Rhode and Schwartz, 5.18 Goldberg, Bar-Giora, 6.98
FSR, full-scale range, 2.104 Goodall, W.M., 1.11, 1.18, 3.105
Fu, Dennis, 3.108 Goodenough, Frank, 7.60, 9.91
Full-power bandwidth, see FPBW Goodman, D.J., 3.112, 3.136
Full-scale, 2.104 Gorbatenko, G.G., 3.106
positive or negative, 2.104 Gordon Engineering, 1.33
Full-scale input power, ADC, 2.104 Gordon, Bernard M., 1.21, 1.22, 1.25, 1.28, 1.31,
Full-scale range, 2.97, 2.104, 2.107 1.32, 2.116, 3.36, 3.59, 3.105, 3.106, 3.107,
Fully decoded DAC, 3.6-9 3.139, 4.2, 5.27, 5.87, 5.88, 5.90

Index 24

Gorman, Christopher, 3.20, 3.37 linear and switching regulators, 9.78-81

Gosser, Roy, 3.106, 4.12, 7.111 mixed-signal, 9.40-41
Goto, 3.104 mixed signal system, 9.30-46
Graham, M., 9.197 multicard mixed-signal systems, 9.33-34
Grame, Jerald, 9.63 multicard systems,
Grant, Doug, 8.139, 9.23 high digital currents, summary, 9.42-43
Graphics control system, signal generation, 8.87 low digital currents, summary, 9.41-42
Graphics display, RGB video levels, 8.89 PCB, 9.25
Gratzek, Tom, 8.156 sampling clock, 9.38-41
Gray bit, 3.81 separating analog and digital, 9.34-35
Gray bit output, 3.81 signal routing, for LDO, diagrams, 9.80
Gray code, 1.3, 1.12-13, 2.4-8, 3.47-48, 3.51, single-card, for multicard system, 9.40-41
3.81, 3.99 summary, 9.44-45
ADC architecture, 3.42 Grown-junction silicon transistor, 4.3
in ADC architecture, 3.84 GSM-900MHz system:
coding scheme, 2.14 sensitivity requirements, 8.121
decoding, errors, 3.52 spurious requirements, 8.120-121
latched, 3.51 GSM/DCS cellular telephone handset, functional
LSB error, 1.13 diagram, 8.140
Gray code MagAMP design, 3.85 GSM digital cellular telephone system, block
Gray code shadow mask, 3.47 diagram, 8.137
Gray-coded ADC, 3.78-87 GSM/EDGE, European multicarrier time-division
Gray-to-binary code, conversion, 2.8, 3.51 multiplexed-access system, 8.111-112
Gray transfer function, 3.78 GTL, standards, 9.184
Gray, Elisha, 1.13, 2.6, 3.47 Guard rings, 7.99
Gray, Frank, 1.13, 1.18, 2.6, 2.22, 3.47, 3.104 Guard shield, in PCB, 7.100
Gray, G.A., 2.90 Guarding:
Gray, J.R., 3.106, 7.111 basic principles, 9.54
Gregg, Christopher, 9.178 inverting mode, diagram, 9.53, 9.56
Grift, Rob E.J. van de, 3.107 MINIDIP layout, 9.55-56
Groshong, Richard, 8.156 non-inverting mode, diagram, 9.54, 9.56
Gross, George F., Jr., 3.106 PCB, 9.53
Ground, 2.2 Gustavsson, M., 8.157
analog and digital, Gustavsson, Mikael, 2.117, 3.140, 5.91
separation, 9.34-35
diagram, 9.35 H
isolation techniques, 9.50-52 Hageman, Steve, 9.91
PCB, layers, 9.32-33 Hamming, window function, 5.57-58
return current, 9.28 Hanning, window function, 5.57, 5.63-64
Ground current, amplifier degradation, 9.50 Hardware:
Ground isolation amplifier, 9.51 design,
differential input, 9.51 cable driving, 9.1
Ground isolation techniques, 9.50-52 overvoltage protection, 9.1
Ground loop, digital isolator, 9.111 passive components, 9.1-24
Ground noise, 9.39 receiving, 9.1
Ground plane, 9.30-32 shielding, 9.1
breaks, 9.49-50 Hardware design, 1-213
circuit inductance, 9.49 Harmonic distortion, 2.46-48, 5.17
current flow, 9.49 2nd, 2.106
in mixed-signal multicard system, 9.33-34 3rd, 2.106
summary, 9.33 data converter, 6.3
Grounded-input histogram, 2.44 total, 2.106
for input-referred noise, 5.44 plus noise, 2.106
Grounding, 9.30-45 Harmonic sampling, 2.31-32
ADC digital output, 9.37-38 Harmonic telegraph, 1.3
decoupling, 9.35-36 Harmonics, 2.48
and decoupling, diagram, 9.38 Harris, Fredrick J., 5.89
double-sided versus multilayer PCBs, 9.32-33 Harrison, R.M., 3.106
ground plane multiple connections, 9.81 Hartley, R.V.L., 1.17, 2.27, 2.35

Index 25

Harvey, Barry, 5.25 Hold mode settling time, SHA, 7.95

HAS-1201, 12-bit 1-MSPS sampling ADC, 1.53 Hold-to-track transition, specifications, 7.102
HAS-1202, 12-bit 2.2-µs SAR ADC, 1.43 Holloway, Peter, 1.35, 1.47
HAS-1409, 14-bit 1.25-MSPS sampling ADC, 1.53 Homodyne, 8.108
Hauser, Max, 3.109 Horizontal sync, 8.76
Hauser, Max W., 3.136 Horna, O.A., 3.106, 7.111
HDG-series, 4-, 6-, 8-bit 5-ns video ECL DACs, Horvath, Johannes, 9.181
1.53 HS-810:
HDS-1240E, 12-bit 40-ns ECL DAC, 1.53 8-bit 10-MSPS ADC, 4.4-5
HDS-1250, 12-bit 35-ns DAC, 1.43 Computer Labs, Inc., 1.24
Heat sinking, 9.128, 9.129 using Gray code, 3.84
Heinzer, Walt, 8.49, 8.58 HTC-0300, 300-ns SHA, 1.43-44
Heise, B., 3.137 HTS-0025, 25-ns SHA, 1.43-44
Hendrickson, Gary, 9.179 Human Body Model, ESD model, 9.121, 9.123
Hendriks, Paul, 3.138 Hybrid clock generator, 6.94-95
Henning, H.H., 1.18, 1.31, 2.22, 3.84, 3.104, Hybrid data converter, 4.6
3.106 Hybrid ground, cable shielding, 9.153
Henning, H.O., 7.111 Hybrid regulation, 9.77
Henry, J.L., 3.137 Hybrid SHA, 7.92
Hensley, Mike, 3.107, 7.111 Hybrid Systems, 1.33
Herring, G.J., 1.31 Hygroscopicity, PCB, 9.25
Higgins, Richard J., 5.89 Hysteresis, 2.104, 3.43-44
High K capacitor, 9.8
High megohm resistor, 9.16 I
High performance hybrid and modular DACs and IC, 4.4
ADCs, 1980s, list, 1.53 ESD-sensitive, workstation environment, 9.119
High-performance mixed-signal circuit, invention, 1.14
specialized processes, 4.27 Ichiki, H., 3.104
High resolution measurement sigma-delta ADC, iCoupler technology, 9.112
3.127-131 Idle tone:
High-speed ADC: in sigma-delta ADC, 3.121-123
architecture, 3.46 sigma-delta converter, 3.121-123
FIFO Evaluation Kit, 5.60-61 IEC-1000-4, ESD standard, 9.122
High-speed logic, 9.169-177 IEC-1000-4-1, ESD standard, 9.122
EMI/RFI, 9.169-177 IEC-1000-4-2:
High-speed thermometer DAC, current outputs, 3.8 compliance testing methods, 9.121
Higher order loop, 3.123 ESD standard, 9.122-123
sigma-delta converter, 3.123 IEC-1000-4-3, ESD standard, 9.122
Histogram, grounded-input, 2.44 IEC-1000-4-4, ESD standard, 9.122
Histogram test: IEC-1000-4-5, ESD standard, 9.122
ADC, 5.38-44 IEC-1000-4-6, ESD standard, 9.122
buffer memory constraints, 5.41 IEC-1000-4-x, 9.121
data display, 5.39-40 IEEE-488 bus, 5.27
sampling protocols, 5.41 IEEE Standard 746-1984, 5.81, 5.88, 8.104
setup, 5.39 IEEE Standard 1057-1994 (R2001), 5.88
sinewave, 5.42 IEEE Standard 1241-2000, 5.21, 5.25, 5.81, 5.88
A History of Engineering and Science in the Bell IEEE Standard 1596.3-1996, 9.179
System, 1.3 IF sampling, 146-155, 2.31-32, 8.107
Hnatek, Eugene R., 2.116, 3.36, 3.139, 5.90 software radio receiver and transmitter,
Hodges, D.A., 8.157 diagram, 8.107
Hodges, David A., 5.88 time-interleaved, 8.146-155
Hoerni, Jean, 1.15, 1.19, 4.3-4, 4.9 IF sampling receiver, 1.55
Hoerni, Jean A., 1.19, 4.9 IF-to-digital conversion, direct, 2.31-32
Hoeschele, David F., Jr., 2.116, 3.139, 5.90 Ikeda, K., 3.104
Hold mode, 2.100 ILC/Data Device Corporation, 1.33
Hold mode distortion, 7.101 Image spurs, 8.147, 8.150, 8.153
measurement, 7.102 Images, aliases, 2.28
Hold mode droop, 7.99 Imaging system, diagram, 8.94
Hold mode noise, 7.102 IMD:

Index 26

intermodulation distortion, 2.53, 2.106, 2.108 Integrated-injection-logic process, 4.12

third-order products, 2.54-56 Integrating and counting ADC architectures,
slope, 2.54 3.87-113
Impedance: Integrating servo-loop ADC tester, diagram, 5.36
in grounding system, 9.29 Integration, 4.21-26
input, 2.106 levels, trends, 4.26
Impedance mismatch, 9.149 Intel, 4.26
Impulse, 2.105 Intentionally nonlinear DAC, 3.25-26
In-amp: Intercept points, amplifier, definition, 2.54-55
input, 9.160-162 Interconnection stability, resistor, 9.11
rectification, 9.160-162 Interface bandwidth, 4.22
overvoltage protection, 9.105-109 Interfacing:
RFI rectification sensitivity, tests, 2.5V/1.8V, 9.190-193
9.155-157 3.3V/1.8V, 9.190-193
single supply, protection, circuit, 9.108 3.3V/2.5V, 9.188-190, 9.190-193
In-circuit overvoltage: analysis, 9.190
general input common-mode, 9.93-95 5V systems to 3.3V systems, using NMOS FET
protection, 9.93-116 bus switches, 9.186-190
summary, 9.116 bidirectional, NMOS FET, 9.186
In-circuit voltage protection, 9.93-116 Interference, associated impedance, 9.148
general input common-mode limitations, 9.93-95 Interlacing, television, 8.75
In-phase signal processing, 8.38 Intermodulation distortion, 2.106, 2.108
Incremental optical encoder, 3.98 data converter, 6.3
Inductance, 4.15, 9.17-21 Internal compliance and tolerance, CMOS IC,
mutual, 9.17-20, 9.17-21 diagram, 9.195
ringing, 9.17-20 Internal high voltage generation, 9.196
stray, 9.17 International Telephone and Telegraph
wire and strip, calculations, 9.17 Corporation, 1.8, 1.10, 8.59
Induction, skin effects, 9.46-48 Interpolation, 3.51
Inductive coupling: Interpolation filter, on DAC, 4.22
basic principles, 9.18 Intersil, 1.33
EMI path, 9.142 Intersymbol interference, 3.8
Inductor: Inverse Fourier transform, 5.51
parasitic effects, 9.21 Inverting-mode op amp protection, 9.100-101
Q (quality factor), 9.21-22 Irons, Fred H., 2.91
quality factor, 9.21-22 IS-136, US multicarrier time-division
ringing, 9.20 multiplexed-access system, 8.112
Infinite ground conductivity, 9.29 ISI, intersymbol interference, 3.8
Infinite SHA, 8.45-47 ITT Laboratories, 3.109
INL, integral nonlinearity, 5.2 ITU-Recommendation BT.601, 8.104
Inose, H., 3.136 ITU-Recommendation BT.656-4, 8.104
Input differential protection, 9.104-105 ITU-Recommendation BT.709-5, 8.104
Input impedance, 2.106 ITU Recommendation ITU-R BT.1204, 5.89
Input multiplexer, 1.55
Input noise, 2.72 J
Input-referred noise, 2.103, 2.106, 5.71, 5.76 Jager, F. de, 3.136
grounded input histogram, 5.44 Jantzi, S.A., 3.138
Instantaneous power, 8.22 Jayant, Nuggehally S., 2.116, 3.139, 5.90
Instantaneous real power, 8.22 J.B. Rea, 1.21
Insulation resistance, capacitor, 9.2 JEDEC, 9.197
Integral linearity, 2.107-108 JEDEC standards, 9.184-185
error measurement, 2.15-16 JFET RFI rectification, sensitivity, 9.159
Integral nonlinearity, 2.107-108 Jitter:
DAC, 5.1, 5.5 aperture, 9.39
Integrated circuit, see IC calculation, from phase noise, 6.88
Integrated circuit ground pin, 9.31 oscillator, 6.86-94
Integrated Device Technology (IDT), Inc., 9.197 Johns, David A., 2.116, 3.139, 5.90
Integrated function, 1990s, table, 1.64 Johnson noise, 9.14-15, 9.100
Integrated-injection logic, 1.38 Johnson, H., 9.197

Index 27

Johnson, Howard W., 9.63 Krabbe, Hank, 4.13

Joint Electron Device Engineering Council kT/C noise, 2.43, 2.109
(JEDEC), 9.197 CCD, 8.97
Jump size, 8.163 Kurosawa, N., 8.157
Junction field effect transistor, extra Kurth, C.F., 2.116, 3.139, 5.90
implantation, 7.11-14 Kurz, Dov, 9.125
Junction-to-ambient, thermal resistance, 9.127 Kwan, Tom W., 3.36, 3.137
Jung, Walt, 1.1, 3.108, 4.2, 4.19, 6.79, 7.1,
7.26-27, 8.157, 9.1, 9.25, 9.65, 9.91, 9.93, L
9.127, 9.139, 9.141, 9.178, 9.199 LabVIEW, 5.89
Jung, Walter G., 1.17, 2.90, 2.117, 3.140, 4.9, Lackey, 8.156
4.19, 5.91, 6.77, 8.26, 9.23 Lane, Chuck, 3.105
Lapham, Jerome F., 4.19
K Laser wafer trimming, 4.12
K2-W op amp, 4.2 Latch:
K2-W Operational Amplifier, data sheet, 4.9 in double-buffered DAC, 3.33
Kaiser, Harold R., 3.105 output, 3.70
Kaiser, H.R., 3.59 Latched comparator, 2.76, 3.43
Kaneko, H., 3.37 Latchup, 9.35
Kearney, Paul, 8.105 Latency, 2.106
Kelvin divider, 3.8 Lateral PNP, 4.11
DAC, 3.4, 3.4-6 LCCMOS, 1.49, 4.13
DNL, 5.10 LDO, 7.27
no superposition, 5.10 adjustable voltage, 9.72-74
Kelvin feedback: advantages, 9.66
in PCB, 9.27-28 architectures, 7.35-39, 9.70-74
signal leads, 9.27-28 DC and AC design issues, 7.38
Kelvin sensing, 7.8, 7.17, 7.20, 7.58, 8.5, 8.9 zoned load capacitor, effects, 7.39
Kelvin-Varley divider, 3.18 device selection, voltages, table, 9.72
Kelvin, Lord, 3.4 fixed-voltage, 9.71-72
Kemet Electronics, 9.91 grounding, 9.78-79
Kemet T491C-series, tantalum capacitor, 7.48 signal routing, diagram, 9.78-79
Kerr, Richard J., 8.175 regulator controller, 9.73
Kessler, Martin, 4.21 LDO regulator:
Kester, W.A., 5.88, 8.104 board layout guidelines, 7.47
Kester, Walt, 1.1, 1.49, 2.1, 2.23, 2.37, 2.90, thermal considerations, 7.46-51
2.97, 2.117, 3.1, 3.39, 3.109, 3.140, 5.1, 5.88, LDO regulator controller, 7.51-59, 7.51-60
5.89, 5.91, 6.1, 6.45, 6.47, 6.67, 6.69, 6.77, 2.8-V/8-A, 7.59
6.83, 7.1, 7.61, 7.91, 8.26, 8.27, 8.49, 8.59, diagram, 7.59
8.75, 8.107, 8.157, 8.159, 9.1, 9.25, 9.30, basic, 7.53-54
9.63, 9.65, 9.91, 9.93, 9.125, 9.139, 9.141, copper resistance design, table, 7.58
9.178, 9.181, 1.55, 1.65, 4.1, 4.11, 9.199 pass device, 7.54-55
Kester, Walter, 5.88 PCB layout issues, 7.58
Kester, Walter A., 5.87, 8.104 PMOS FET pass device, 7.51
Khairolomour, Peter, 8.58 sensing resistor, 7.57-58
Kilby, Jack, 1.15, 4.3-4 sensing resistors, 7.57-58
Kilby, J.S., 1.19, 4.9 thermal design, 7.55-57
Kimmel, William, 9.178 LE1182-series elliptic filter, TTE Inc., 2.31
King, Grayson, 8.177 Leaded ferrite bead, 9.86
Kinniment, D.J., 3.106, 7.111 Leakage current, output, 2.106
Kirchoff's law, 9.17, 9.28 Leakage resistance, static effect, 9.52
Kitchen, Charles, 9.125, 9.178 Least-significant bit, see LSB
Kitchen, Chuck, 9.178 Lee, Hae-Seung, 5.88
Kitsopoulos, S.C., 3.106, 7.111 Lee, Seri, 9.139
Kiyomo, T., 3.104 Lee, Wai Laing, 3.137
Klonowski, Paul, 3.108 Lee, W.L., 3.137
Koch, R., 3.137 Left-justified data, 2.107
Kovacs, Gregory T.A., 7.60 Lewis, Stephen H., 3.106
Kovar lid, 9.60 Li, Alan, 7.60, 8.58

Index 28

Li, Harry W., 5.89 EMI/RFI protection, 9.164

Lindesmith, John L., 3.108 Logic gate, 6.85
Line sensitivity, 7.17-18 RMS jitter, 6.86
Linear compatible CMOS, 4.13 Logic IC, characteristics, 9.183
Linear IC regulation, 9.66 Logic interfacing, low voltage, 9.181-197
Linear mode regulation, 9.65 Logic noise:
Linear post regulator: ADC buffering, 9.60-62
low noise, 9.78 buffering ADC, 9.60-62
switching supplies, 9.77-78 CMOS latched buffer, 9.61
Linear predictive coding, 8.137 Lohman, R.D., 3.104
Linear ramp input, 3.79 Lohman, Robert D., 3.48
limitations, 5.41 Long term prediction, 8.138
Linear regulator: Looney, Mark, 8.146, 8.157
low dropout, 7.27-60 Lorber, Matt, 4.11
architectures, 7.35-39 Low byte, 2.100
Linear resistance, calculation, 9.26 Low-distortion DAC, 3.31-33
Linear settling time, DAC, 2.81 Low-distortion sinewave, generation, test setups,
Linear voltage regulator: 5.66-67
basics, 7.27-31, 9.66-68 Low dropout linear regulator, 7.27-60
block diagram, 9.68 Low dropout regulator:
negative leg series, 9.66 architectures, 7.35-39
pass device, 9.68 definition, 7.27
positive leg series, 9.66 see also LDO
three-terminal circuit, 9.67 Low-glitch architecture, DAC, 3.5
Linearity, 2.107 Low-glitch segmented DAC, 3.31-32
differential, 2.107-108 Low noise, 7.24-25
error, 2.15, 2.97 Low power mode, 6.48
integral, 2.107 Low-voltage-differential-signaling, see LVDS
Linearity tempco, 2.114 Low-voltage logic, interfaces, 9.181-197
LM309, fixed-voltage regulator, 9.68 Lowpass filter, audio DAC, 6.75-76
LM317, adjustable-voltage regulator, 9.69 LPKF Laser & Electronics, 9.213
LM109, basic bandgap reference, 7.4 LSB, 2.13, 2.100, 2.107
LM109/309, bandgap voltage reference, 7.33 peak-to-peak, 2.109
LM309: rms, 2.109
voltage regulator, 7.33-35, 7.37 Luma signal, 8.79, 8.82
schematic diagram, 7.34 Luminance, 5.78, 8.79
LM311: LVDS, 3.76, 6.52, 6.54
comparator, 1.38 for high speed interfaces, 4.22
IC comparator, 1.41 logic, 2.2
LM317: output driver, 6.54
adjustable voltage regulator, standards, 9.184
schematic diagram, 7.34 LVDS logic, 9.175-176
topology, 7.35 LVTTL, standards, 9.184
LM361, IC comparator, 1.41 Lyne, Niall, 9.125
LO-PADS, 9.202
Load sensitivity, 7.17-18 M
Local high frequency bypass/decoupling, 9.89-90 Machine Model, ESD model, 9.121
layouts, 9.89 MacKenzie, I. Scott, 8.191
Locked-histogram test, 5.70-72 Maddox, C.L., 3.37
ADC aperture jitter, test setup, 5.71 MagAMP, 3.81
Logarithmic transfer function, 3.26 3-bit, folding ADC, 3.81-82
LOGDAC, functions, 3.27-28 architecture, advantages, -86
Logic: current-steering, differential gain-of-two,
interface, 2.94-95 diagram, 3.85
standards, summary, 9.184 Gray code, 3.86
types, 2.2 Magnetic field, reflection loss, 9.149
Logic circuit, low voltage, interfacing, 2.95 Magnetically-coupled noise, reduction, 9.145-146
Logic device: Magnetically coupled noise, reduction, 9.145-146
choice and noise problems, 9.164 Mahoney, Matthew, 2.116, 3.139, 5.88, 5.90

Index 29

Malaeb, Mark, 8.58, 8.191 definition, 8.177

Mangelsdorf, Christopher W., 2.90, 3.104 development tools, chart, 8.186
Mannion, Patrick, 8.156 family, characteristics, 8.178-183
Manolakis, Dimitris G., 5.89 RTD interfacint, 8.185
Mark/Space ratio, ADC, 3.91 sigma-delta ADC architecture, 8.182
Markow, John, 8.26 summary, 8.183
Mark, W., 9.23 MicroConverter 12-bit SAR-based, summary, 8.180
Mark, W, 9.63 MicroConverter SAR ADC performance, 8.179
Martin, Ken, 2.116, 3.139, 5.90 MicroConverter sigma-delta ADC architecture,
Martin, Steve, 3.108 8.180-182
MAS-1202, 12-bit 2-µs SAR ADC, 1.44, 1.46 Micronetworks, 1.33
MASH: Microprocessor supervisory products, 8.19
multistage noise shaping, 3.126 Microstrip:
sigma-delta ADC, block diagram, 3.127 delay constant, 9.167
Mathcad, 5.89 guidelines, 9.167
MATLAB, 5.89 Microstrip PCB layout, two pairs of LVDS signals,
Matsuya, Y., 3.137 9.177
Matsuzawa, A., 2.90, 3.105 Microstrip transmission line:
Matsuzoe, Nobuhiro, 8.191 characteristic impedance, 9.166
Maximum conversion rate, 2.108 controlled impedance, termination techniques,
Maxwell, Darragh, 8.191 9.173
MC1650, IC comparator, 1.41 general parameters, 9.48
McCarthy, Mary, 8.58 on PCB, 9.166-167
McClaning, Kevin, 2.90 MICROWIRE, serial interface, 6.51
McDaniel, L.D., 3.37 Mid-scale settling time, 5.14
McDaniel, Wharton, 7.60 Mierlo, S. Van, 3.109, 3.136
MCM, 4.7 MIL-883B, 4.6
MDAC, 3.2 MIL-M-38510, standard for 12-bit DAC, 1.35
current-mode R-2R ladder network, 3.25 MIL-STD-883 Method 3015, 9.121, 9.125
diagram, 3.25 MIL-STD-883B, 1.42
external voltage reference, 3.24 MIL-STD-883B Method 3015.7, ESD test method,
MDS-1250, 12-bit 50-ns DAC, 1.46 9.122-123
Meacham, L.A., 1.18, 3.37, 3.105, 7.111, 8.59, Milled PCB prototyping, 9.203-205
8.74 board, 9.204-205
Melliar-Smith, C. Mark, 1.18, 4.9 Millman, S., 1.17
Memory, non-volatile, 4.14 Miner, Willard M., 1.4, 1.17
Mendelsohn, Alex, 8.191 Mini-Circuits, 6.45
Mercer, Doug, 4.19, 8.157 Mini-Circuits RF transformer, 6.24-27
MESC series RFI suppression chokes, 9.91 Mini-Mount, breadboarding system, 9.202
Metal film resistor, 9.16 Minidac, 1.24-25
Metal foil resistor, 9.16 12-bit, with op amp, quad switches, thin film
Metal migration, 9.94 resistor network, diagram, 1.26
Metal-on-silicon device, 4.13 MINIDIP guard layout, 9.55-56
Metastability, 2.76, 3.44-45 Minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris, window
Metastable comparator output, errors, 2.77 function,
Metastable state, 2.76-80 5.57, 5.63-64
ADC, 2.76-80 Minimum conversion rate, sampling, 2.108
Meyer, F.C., 5.87 Minimum sampling frequency, 6.49-50
MF Electronics, 9.39 Missing code, 2.107, 2.108
Miao, Kai, 8.191 errors, 2.20-21
Mica capacitor, 9.8 MIT Lincoln Labs, 1.23
Micro Power, 1.52 Mitola, Jim, 8.156
Micro Power Systems, 1.33 Mixed-signal front ends, 1.55
Microcontroller, 8.16 Mixed-signal grounding, problems, 9.40-41
precision analog, 8.177-191 Mixed-signal IC:
MicroConverter: grounding, 9.30
applications, 8.184-186 internal digital currents, diagram, 9.36
based on ARM7 processor core, 8.187-190 low internal digital currents, diagram,
characteristics, 8.178-183 9.41

Index 30

grounding and decoupling, 9.35-36 comparator, Fairchild, 1.24

low voltage, summary, 9.182 comparators, Fairchild, 1.23
Mixed-signal system: µA710 comparator, 1.25
grounding, 9.45 µA710/µA711, comparator, 4.11
multicard, 9.33-34 µA711, IC comparator, 1.41
partitioning analog and digital circuits, 9.46 µA711/712, comparator, Fairchild, 3.49
PCB layout guidelines, 9.45-46 µA741, op amp, 4.11
MOD-815: Multi-bit sigma-delta ADC, 3.123-125
8-bit 15-MSPS ADC, 1.44-45 block diagram, 3.123
8-bit 15-MSPS subranging ADC, Computer Labs Multi-tone intermodulation distortion, 2.46
Inc., 3.64 Multi-tone SFDR, 2.56-57
8-bit 15-MSPS video sampling ADC, 1.46 Multibit sigma-delta converter, 3.123-125
MOD-1020, 10-bit 20-MSPS sampling ADC, Multicard, mixed-signal systems, 9.33-34
photograph, 1.45-46 Multicard system:
MOD-1205, 12-bit 5-MSPS sampling ADC, grounding, high digital currents, diagram,
1.45-46 9.43
MOD-4100, 4-bit 100-MSPS flash ADC, using grounding mixed-signal devices, 9.41-42
AM685 Multicarrier CDMA2000 receiver, RF spectrum,
comparator, 3.49-50 8.117
Modern data converter processes, 4.11-19 Multicarrier receiver, chart, 8.131
Modular data converter, 4.6 Multicarrier transceiver, summary, 8.136
Modulation, 8.137 Multicarrier transmitter, chart, 8.135
Moghimi, Reza, 3.104, 8.58 Multichannel audio codecs and DACs, chart, 8.70
Monochrome, television, 8.76 Multichannel data acquisition system, 8.27-48
Monolithic ceramic capacitor, 9.8 Multichannel data distribution, 8.42
Monolithic dual FET, matched, 1.41 Multichannel system, two-tone intermodulation
Monolithic transistor array, 1.41 distortion, 8.122
Monotonic, DAC, 3.5, 5.1 Multichip module, 4.7, 4.17
Monotonicity, 2.107, 2.108, 3.89 Multimode cellular chipset, l, 4.22
Montrose, Mark, 9.64, 9.178 Multiplexed Front End, 1.66
Moore, Gordon, 4.26 Multiplexer, 7.80-82, 8.37
Moore's Law, 4.26, 4.30 analog, diagram, 8.28
Moreland, Carl, 3.85, 3.107, 7.111 from Analog Devices, 7.84-85
Moreland, Carl W., 3.107 dual source RGB,
Morrison, Ralph, 9.63, 9.178 using AD8183/AD8185/AD8186/AD8187, 7.81
MOS, 4.13 using three AD8170, 7.81
MOSFET, switch, on-resistance versus signal fault-protected, 9.99
voltage, 7.63 for dual-supply in-amp, circuit, 9.107
Moss, Brian, 8.191 key specifications, 8.28
Most significant bit, see MSB MOSES-8 MOSFET Multiplexer, 7.61
Motchenbacher, C.D., 9.63, 9.125 output, 2.73, 3.125
Motherboard, PCB, in mixed-signal system, settling time, 2.74, 7.73
9.33-34 SHA, dynamic signal input processing, 8.30
Motorola, 1.33 triple dual input, 7.82
Motorola MC1650, 3.49 Multiplexers and analog switches, 7.61-89
Motorola MC1650 dual ECL comparators, 3.65 Multiplexing, 1.4, 8.28-31
MP7684, 8-bit 20-MSPS flash ADC, 1.52 inputs to sigma-delta ADC, 8.36-38
MSB, 2.2, 2.108 Multiplying DAC, 2.108, 3.24-25
error, electron beam coder, 1.12 current-mode R-2R ladder network, 3.25
µ-law, 3.26 diagram, 3.25
Mu-metal: external voltage reference, 3.24
shielding, 9.20 feedthrough, 2.103
shields, 9.146 Multipoint ground, diagram, 9.34
µA702, monolithic op amp, 4.11 Multistage noise shaping:
µA709: sigma-delta ADC, 3.126-127
IC op amp, Fairchild, 3.49 sigma-delta converter, 3.126-127
op amp, Fairchild, 1.24 Multisync, 8.86
µA710, IC comparator, 1.41 Multitone spurious free dynamic range, 2.108
µA710/711: Murakami, J., 3.136

Index 31

Murden, Frank, 3.85, 3.106, 3.107, 4.12, 7.111 Noise bandwidth, definition, 2.62
Murphy, Eva, 9.181, 9.197 Noise coupling, mechanisms, 9.143
Musmann, H.G., 3.37 Noise factor, 2.61-68
Muto, Art, 5.88 Noise figure, 2.46, 2.61-68
Muto, Arthur S., 5.88 cascaded, using Friis equation, 2.67
Mutual inductance, 9.17-20, 9.17-21, 9.143 Noise-free code resolution, 2.45, 2.103, 2.106,
within signal cabling, 9.19 2.109, 8.8, 8.11
MxFE, 1.66, 4.25 Noise immunity, 3.103
Noise power ratio testing, 5.69-70
N Noise reduction, power supply, 9.81-90
N1 SADC gain error, 3.67 Noise reduction pin, 7.19
N1 SADC linearity error, 3.67 Noise Shaped Video techniques, 8.83
N1 SADC offset error, 3.67 Noise shaping, 3.111, 3.112, 3.116
N1 SDAC offset error, 3.67 Non-coherent sampling:
Nahman, Norris S., 5.25 FFT output signal and harmonic leakage, 5.64
Narrowband, definition, 8.114 leakage, 5.63
Narrowband digital receiver, 8.110-114 Non-Linear Systems, Inc., 1.21
Narrowband GSM receiver bandpass sampling, Non-monotonic ADC, errors, 2.20
diagram, 8.112 Non-monotonicity, 3.19
National LM361, 3.49 Nonlinear DAC, 3.25-26
National Semiconductor, 1.25, 1.28, 1.33 Nonlinearity, 2.107, 2.110
Naylor, Jim R., 5.25, 5.87 offset, 2.111
NDB6020P, 7.53, 7.56, 7.59 Nonlinearity error, resistor, 9.10
NDP6020P, 7.53-56, 7.59 Nordenberg, H., 9.63
NDP6020P/NDB6020P, data sheet, 7.60 Normal mode, 2.110
NE521, IC comparator, 1.41 Normal mode rejection, see NMR
Near-field interference, EMI path, 9.142 Normalization, 2.2
Neary, Eamon, 8.191 Norton, Mark, 1.47
Neelands, Lewis J., 3.108 Notch filter, 2.59, 2.109
Negative full-scale, 2.104 minimizing analyzer overdrive, 5.68
Neil, Martin, 5.88 Nova Devices, 4.11
Net glitch area, 5.15 Noyce, Robert N., 1.15, 1.19, 4.3-4, 4.9
New TxDAC Generation, 8.157 NP0 ceramic capacitor, 9.8
NF, noise figure, 2.61 NPR, 1.49, 2.58-60
Nguyen, Khiem, 3.36, 3.137 ADC testing, 5.69-70
Nicholas, Henry T., III, 8.175-176 measurements, 2.58
Ninke, W.H., 3.37 noise power ratio, 2.46, 2.109, 5.69-70
NMR, 2.110 test setup, 5.69
No missing codes resolution, 2.109, 2.112 NTSC, 5.78-79, 5.81
Noise, 2.97 composite color video line, 8.76-77
capacitance-coupled, reduction, 9.144-145 signal characteristics, 8.77
common-impedance, reduction, 9.143-144 videotape recorders, 8.62
conducted type, 9.82 Numerically controlled oscillator, 8.115,
equivalent input referred, 2.43-44 8.160-161
excess, 9.14-15 Nyquist ADC, 3.111
Gaussian, 2.109 high resolution, 3.112
input-referred, 2.44 Nyquist band, 3.116
input referred, grounded input histogram, 5.44 sigma-delta ADC, 3.115
Johnson, 9.14-15 Nyquist bandwidth, 1.61, 1.64, 2.28-29, 2.38-39,
KT/C, 2.109 2.41, 2.63, 2.86-87, 2.98, 3.76, 5.19, 8.32,
magnetically-coupled, reduction, 9.145-146 8.113, 8.120, 8.122, 8.133, 8.160, 8.165
magnetically coupled, reduction, 9.145-146 Nyquist conditions, 2.64
from near-field interference, 9.144 Nyquist criteria, 2.27, 2.27-29, 8.163
peak, 2.109 Nyquist frequency, 2.30, 2.49, 5.48, 6.37,
random, 2.109 8.148-149, 8.164
RMS, 2.109 Nyquist operation, 3.133
signal-to-quantization ratio, 2.39 Nyquist range, 3.23
thermal, 9.14-15 Nyquist rate, 3.110
voltage reference, 7.18-20 Nyquist sigma-delta ADC, 3.112

Index 32

Nyquist theorem, PCM, 1.7 diagram, 6.11

Nyquist-type ADC, 8.1 gain-of-two, 3.84
Nyquist zone, 2.28-29, 2.33-34, 2.58, 8.112, input, 9.159-160
8.118, 8.153 rectification, 9.159-160
first, 2.31-32 input bias current, 6.7
frequency translation, 2.32 input common-mode voltage, 6.5
undersampling, 2.31-32 input differential overvoltage protection
Nyquist, Harry, 1.6, 1.17, 2.27, 2.35 network, 9.104
inverting-mode protection, 9.100-101
O low bias current FET input I/V converter,
OA-125, modular op amp, Computer Labs, 1.23 block diagram, 9.100
O'Brien, Paul, 6.98, 8.175 in low voltage rail-rail references, table,
Octal DAC, 1.56 7.21
Off-channel isolation, 8.28 noise, antialiasing filter, 6.38
Offset, bipolar, 2.110 noise figure, 2.61
Offset binary code, 2.8-9, 2.14 open-loop gain, 6.9
bipolar 3-bit ADC, 2.9-10 output stages, diagram, 6.9
bipolar 3-bit DAC, 2.9-10 overvoltage, CM protection circuit, 9.94
Offset error, 2.15 performance factors, 6.2
DAC, 5.1, 5.2-4 PNP, PMOS, or N-channel JFET stages, 6.5-6
measurement, 5.31 push-pull output, 6.8
Offset nonlinearity, 2.111 rail-rail input, 6.5-8
Offset spurs, 8.147 diagram, 6.6
Offset step, 2.100, 2.110, 2.111 rail-to-rail,
Offset tempco, 2.115 "almost" output, 6.10
Ohmite Victoreen MAXI-MOX Resistors, 9.23 for single-ended level shifter with gain,
Ohm's law, 9.27 6.13
Oliver, Bernard M., 3.107 and regenerative repeaters, 1.13-16
Oliver, B.M., 1.18, 2.90 RFI rectification sensitivity, tests,
Olshausen, Richard, 3.108 9.155-157
O'Mara, Brian, 8.191 single-supply, grounding, 9.56
On-Chip tools, resources, 8.189 slew rates, 6.8
On-resistance, 8.28 specifications, key specifications, 6.4
On-resistance modulation, 8.28 specifications and requirements, 6.13-15
ON Semiconductor, 6.98 thermal resistance considerations, 9.131
One shot, temperature sensor output mode, 8.15-16 video driver, power dissipation, 9.133
1-dB compression point, 2.54 Op Amp Applications, 1.1, 4.2, 4.19
1N821-1N829 series, Zener references, 7.3 Op Amps Combine Superb DC Precision and Fast
1148, IC switcher, 9.77-78 Settling, 4.19
1408: OP177, low-noise buffer, 6.15-16
8-bit bipolar process IC DAC, 1.34 OP184/284/484:
IC DAC, 1.41 bias input currents, 6.7
O'Neill, E.F., 1.17 rail-rail input stage, 6.7
Ones complement, code, 2.11, 2.14 OP191/291/491, common-mode voltage, 6.7
Ones-density, 3.117 OP275, data sheet, 6.77
Op amp: OP1177, low-noise buffer, 6.15
applied feedback, 6.9 Open-loop SHA, 7.102-104
bipolar input, output phase-reversal, 9.103 circuit, 7.103
for buffering DAC output, 6.69 using diode bridge switch, 7.103
dual, Oppenheim, V., 5.89
driver, 6.29-30 Optical converter, 3.98-99
driving, 6.29-30 ADC, 3.98-99
dual supply, differential DC coupled output, Optical encoder:
6.72-73 incremental, 3.98
evaluation board, incremental and absolute, illustration, 3.99
1990s, 9.207 Opto-isolator, 8.14
dedicated, 9.207-209 Optocoupler, 9.112
FET, output phase-reversal, 9.103 architecture, 9.112-113
gain and level-shifting circuits, 6.10-13 Optoisolator, 9.112

Index 33

OS-CON, organic semiconductor capacitor, 9.83 out-of-circuit, 9.93

OS-CON Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor power supply sequencing, protection, circuit,
Technical 9.111
Book, Sanyo, 9.91 protection, 9.93-126
Oscillation, 3.43 CMOS channel protectors, 9.98-99
Oscillator, 3.89 recovery time, 2.46, 2.75, 2.110, 5.77-78
broadband phase noise comparison, 6.90 test waveform, 5.77
phase noise and jitter, 6.86-94 Overvoltage overrange, 2.110
phase noise versus frequency, 6.88 Overvoltage protection, 9.1, 9.93-126
power spectrum, phase noise, 6.86 CMOS channel protector, 9.110-111
quartz crystal, 2.71 CMOS channel protectors, 9.110-111
resolution and input frequency, 6.94 digital isolators, 9.111-116
Wenzel, 6.90-91 ESD models and testing, 9.121-124
jitter calculations, 6.91 in-amps, 9.105-109
Oscilloscope, sensitivity, 5.16 in-circuit, 9.93-116
Oscilloscope measurement, settling time and out-of-circuit, 9.116-124
glitch impulse area, 5.15-17 Owen, Frank F.E., 2.116, 3.139, 5.90
Othello direct conversion radio, 4.22
Othello radio, dual band GSM architecture, 8.144 P
Othello radio chipset, 8.140-145 p-epi CB process, 4.12
Virtual-IF transmitter, 8.142 Packaging, data converter, 4.17
Othello radio chipsets, 8.140-145 PADS Software, Advanced CAM Technologies,
Ott, Henry, 9.178 Inc.,
Ott, Henry W., 9.24, 9.63, 9.91 9.213
Out-of-circuit overvoltage, protection, 9.116-124 PAL, 5.78-79, 5.81
Out-of-circuit voltage protection, 9.116-124 signal characteristics, 8.77
Output, digital, signal quantization, 2.12 videotape recorders, 8.62
Output amplifier, 1.35 Panasonic, 9.91
Output glitch, 3.21 Parallel ADC, 3.46-53
Output latches, flash converters, 3.70 Parallel latch, 3.21
Output leakage current, 2.106 Parallel plate capacitor, 9.58
Output phase-reversal, fixes, 9.103-104 Parasitic capacitance, 9.11
Output phase-reversal test, 9.102-103 Parasitic coupling, 9.57
Output propagation delay, 2.110 Parasitic diode, 2.94
Output ripple, 2.104 Parasitic effect, 7.37-38
Output ripple voltage, voltage regulator, 9.76 pin socket, 9.205
Output settling time, 2.112 Parasitic inductance, 9.11
Output spectrum, DAC, sin(x)/x frequency rollout, Parasitic resistance, 4.15
2.87 Parasitic thermocouple, 9.12
Output voltage phase-reversal, 9.101-102 Parasitics, 1.56, 9.200
illustration, 9.102 capacitor, 9.2
key points, 9.103 copper wire, 9.12
prevention, 9.103-104 Partitioning, 4.21-30
testing, 9.102-103 chip set, progress, 4.28
Output voltage tolerance, 2.110 developments, 4.27-30
Overdrive, settling time, 5.15 necessity, 4.26-27
Overlap bits, 3.64 smart, 4.21-30
Overload, 2.110 diagram, 4.24
Overrange, overvoltage, 2.110 purposes, 4.26-27
Oversampling, 2.40, 3.111, 3.112, 3.115-116, versus complete integration, 4.21
3.116 Parzefall, F., 3.137
audio DAC, 6.75-76 Pass device, 9.68
baseband antialiasing filter, 2.29 associated tradeoffs, 7.31-35
for digital audio, 8.64 pros and cons, 7.32
interpolating DAC, 2.87-89, 3.23-24 for voltage regulator, types, 7.31
sigma-delta ADC, 3.115 Passive component, 9.1-24
and undersampling, process gain, 2.40-41 capacitor, 9.1, 9.2-8
Overvoltage: EMI path, 9.146-147
in-circuit, 9.93 error analysis, 9.22

Index 34

inductance, 9.17-21 Western Electric, 1.5

PCB, 9.1 mathematical foundations, 1.6-8
potentiometer, 9.1, 9.15 mathematics, 1.6
resistor, 9.1, 9.9-16 historical summary, 1.8
versus EMI/RFI, 9.146-147 nonlinear DAC, 3.26
Pastoriza division of Analog Devices, 7.92 Nyquist theorem, 1.7
Pastoriza Electronics, 1.23, 1.24, 1.44, 4.11 patent, 1.6
Pastoriza, James, 1.23, 1.25 patents, 1.8-10
Pastoriza, James J., 1.31, 3.16-17, 3.36 reinvention by Reeves, 1.8
Pattavina, Jeffrey S., 9.63 solid state repeater, Wrathall, 1.15
PCB: theory, 1.5-6
capacitive noise, 9.59-60 voice channels, copper cable pairs, 1.15
conductor resistance, 9.26-27 PCM DAC, architecture, 3.30
continuous ground plane, 9.50 PCM facsimile system, patent, 3.47
design, 9.25-64, 9.163-164 Peak glitch area, DAC, 2.82
controlled impedance traces, 9.164-166 Peak spurious component, 2.115
EMI/RFI protection, 9.163, 9.163-164 Pease, Bob, 9.125
double-sided, Pease, Robert A., 9.23, 9.213
from HS-81, 4.5 PECL, 2.2, 6.96
versus multilayer, 9.32-33 standards, 9.184
double-sided versus multilayer, 9.32-33 PECL low-jitter receiver/driver, 6.96
dynamic effects, 9.57-62 Pedestal, 2.110, 2.111, 2.112
Faraday shield, 9.59-60 Pedestal error, SHA, 7.95
floating shield, 9.60 Pedestall, 2.100
grounding, in mixed systems, 9.30-45 Peetz, Bruce E., 5.88
guard pattern, MINIDIP package, 9.55 Pericom Semiconductor Corporation, 9.197
Kelvin feedback, 9.27-28 Personal digital assistants, 8.100
layout, 7.58-59 Peterson, E., 1.18, 3.37, 3.105, 7.111, 8.59
mixed-signal system, 9.45-46 Peterson, J., 1.47, 3.105
layout guidelines, for mixed-signal Phase accumulator, 8.160
systems, 9.45-46 Phase-frequency detector, 8.144
microstrip transmission line, as controlled Phase jitter, in sampling clock, 9.39
impedance conductor, 9.48 Phase-locked loop, 6.92-94, 8.145, 8.159
microstrip transmission lines, 9.166-167 design, 6.94
moisture sensitivity, 9.53 Phase noise, 2.71
multilayer, versus double-sided, 9.32-33 definition, 6.86
passive component, 9.1 jitter, calculation, 6.88, 6.90
precision circuit performance, 9.25 oscillator, 6.86-94
signal leads, voltage drop, 9.27-28 sampling clock, sinewave, 6.87
signal return currents, 9.28-30 Phased array radar receiver, 1.23
skin effect, 9.46-48, 9.48 Phillips Laboratories, 3.109
SOIC guard layout, 9.56 Pierce, J.R., 1.18, 2.90
static effects, 9.52-56 Pin count, 4.21
guard layouts, 9.55-56 Pin socket, 9.31, 9.205, 9.207
stray capacitance, 9.58-59 parasitic effects, 9.205
symmetric stripline transmission lines, Ping-pong high-speed DAC, 3.35
9.167-168 Pipelined ADC, 2.113, 3.61-78, 3.88
trace resistance, 9.27 Pipelined architecture, 3.68
transmission lines, 9.48-49 Pipelining, 2.106, 2.111
PCB design: Pixel, 8.85
controlled impedance traces, 9.164-166 Planar process, 1.14-15, 4.4
embedded traces, 9.169 Plassche, R.J. van de, 3.136
for EMI/RFI protection, 9.163-164, 9.164 Plassche, Rudy J. van de, 3.107
low impedance reference plane, 9.165 Plassche, Rudy van de, 2.116-117, 3.139, 3.140,
PCM, 3.109 5.90-91
from Bell Labs, 1.11 PLL, grounding DSP, 9.43-44
and Bell System, history, 1.10-13 PMOS:
Bell System work, 1.21 pass device, 7.31-32
invention, 1.5-6, 4.2 transistor current switch, 3.22-23

Index 35

PN4117, JFET diode, 9.95 Precision Monolithics, 1.33

PNP/NPN, pass device, 7.31-32 Precision Resistor Co., Inc., 9.23
Pohlmann, Ken C., 8.74 Preston Scientific, 1.24
Pole-splitting, 7.42 Principles of Pulse Code Modulation, 1.2
Pole splitting, 9.71 Printed circuit board, see PCB
anyCAP topology, 7.42-43 Proakis, John G., 5.89
basic topology, 7.42 Process gain, 2.40, 8.113, 8.118
Polycarbonate capacitor, 9.8 ADC, FFT output, 5.55
Polyester capacitor, 9.8 DAC, 5.20
Polypropylene capacitor, 9.8 Process support protection, 9.195
Polystyrene capacitor, 9.8 Programmable gain amplifier, 1.55
Positive emitter coupled logic, see PECL alternate configuration, 7.78
Positive full-scale, 2.104 poor design, 7.77
Positive-true, 2.104-105 Prototyping, 9.199-213
Potentiometer, 2.2, 9.15 analog, key points, 9.199
digital, 6.48, 8.49-58 and breadboarding, 9.199-213
3-bit CMOS string DAC, diagram, 8.50 deadbug, 9.200-202
passive component, 9.1 milled PCB, 9.203-205
trimming, 9.15 PCB design, 9.206
Poulin, Michael, 8.74, 8.104 solder-mount, 9.202-203
Poulton, K., 8.157 summary, 9.212
Power Consideration Discussions, 9.139 Pseudo-color, 8-bit RGB graphics system, 8.87-88
Power conversion efficiency, 9.65 Pseudo-Gray code, 1.13, 2.7, 3.48
Power-down, ADC status, 3.41 PSpice diode models, 9.95-96
Power line decoupling, resonant circuit, 9.20 PSRR, 2.111
Power measurement, basics, 8.22-23 PTM, constant pulse amplitude, 1.8
Power meter, ADC application, 8.22-25 Pulldown resistor, 6.8
Power-on circuitry, 6.47 PulSAR family, SAR ADCs, 3.53
Power plane, 9.30-32 PulSAR series, 3.60
Power supply: Pulse code modulation:
analog, 9.65-91 digital audio, 8.63
regulation priorities, 9.65 see also PCM
analog ready, 9.87 Pulse current response, 7.22-24
analog systems, 9.65-91 Pulse Engineering B4001 choke, 9.162
conditioning, summary, 9.90 Pulse Engineering, Inc., 9.178
filter, ferrite, 9.86-87 Pulse time modulation, see PTM
linear IC regulation, 9.66 Pulse-width-modulated, pulse control, 3.88
low dropout regulator, 9.70-74 Pulse width modulated, see PWM
noise, 9.65 PWM, pulse-width-modulated, 3.28-29, 3.88
reduction and filtering, 9.81-90 PWM DAC, 3.28-29
noise reduction and filtering, 9.81-90 PWM pulse, in Reeves' ADC and DAC, 1.10
bypass/decoupling, 9.89-90
capacitor, 9.82-85 Q
card entry filter, 9.87-88 QS3384 data sheet, Integrated Device Technology
ferrite, 9.86-87 (IDT), Inc., 9.197
rail bypass/distribution filter, 9.88 QSPI, serial interface, 6.51
pass device, 9.66-68 Quad-slope architecture, in ADC, 3.97
regulator with adjustable voltage ICs, 9.68-69 Quad-slope converter, 2.111
switching, noise, 9.81-90 Quad switch, 3.16-17
voltage regulator, 9.66-68 DAC with thin film resistor network, diagram,
Power-supply rejection ratio, see PSRR 1.26
Power-up sequencing, 9.195 Quadrature modulation, 8.145
Poynton, Charles, 8.104 Quadrature signal processing, 8.38
Pratt, Bill, 5.87 Quality factor, inductor, 9.21-22
Preamplifier, 3.52-53 Quantization:
Precision analog microcontroller, 1.63, 8.177-191 error, 2.14, 2.38, 2.111
Precision measurement: root-mean-square, 2.38
sensor conditioning, 8.1-26 sigma-delta ADC, 3.115
sigma-delta ADC, applications, 8.2-6 table, 2.13

Index 36

uncertainty, 2.4, 2.14, 5.28 Recirculating subranging ADC, 3.74

using delta modulation, 3.110 Recovery time, DAC, 2.81
Quantization noise, 2.37-45, 2.59-60, 2.72, Rectangular, window function, 5.58
3.119, 8.126, 8.165-166 Redcor Corporation, 1.23-24
frequency content, 2.41 Redmond, Catherine, 9.181, 9.197
function of time, 2.38 Redundant bits, 3.64
sigma-delta ADC, 3.115 Reeves Instruments, 1.24
Quantizing uncertainty, 2.97, 2.111 Reeves, A.H., 3.28, 3.37, 7.91, 8.59
Quartz crystal oscillator, 2.71 5-bit counting ADC, 3.88
QuickStart, MicroConverter development tool, Reeves, Alec Harley, 1.8-10, 1.18, 3.105, 4.9,
8.186 7.111, 8.74
QXGA, electronic display standard, 8.86 Reeves, Alec Hartley, 4.2
Reference noise:
R bandwidth, 7.18
R-2R DAC, 3.12-18 performance, circuit, 7.20
3-bit binary, 3.26 requirements, table, 7.19
resistor ladder network, diagram, 3.12 Reference white, 1.53
R-2R ladder network, trimming, 3.19 Reflected binary code, 1.13, 3.47
Rabbits, 3.45 Reflection, off shielding material, 9.149
ADC, 2.76 Reflective switch, 7.79
Rabiner, L.R., 5.89 Regeneration time constant, 3.45
Rack, A.J., 3.30 Regular pulse excitation, 8.138
Radiation, Inc., 1.23 Regulated output charge-pump voltage converter,
Radio frequency interference, see RFI 9.75-77
Radix-2 algorithm, 5.54 Regulator controller, differences, 7.52-53
Rail bypass/distribution filter, 9.88 Reichenbacher, P., 9.23, 9.63
diagram, 9.88 Rempfer, William C., 9.63
power supply noise reduction and filtering, Repetitive code patterns, ADC testing, 5.41
9.88 Residue amplifier offset error, 3.67
Rainey, Paul M., 1.5, 1.17, 3.9, 3.36, Residue output, 3.78
3.47, 3.104 Resistor:
Raltron Electronics Corporation, 6.98 aging, 9.14
RAM-DAC, high-speed video, 1.49 comparison, chart, 9.16
RAM-DAC family, 1.57 comparisons, 9.16
Ramachandran, R., 3.106 discrete, 9.16
Ramirez, R.W., 5.89 excess noise, 9.14-15
Ramp run-up ADC, 3.89-90 failure mechanisms, 9.14
diagram, 3.90 mismatched, error source, 9.9
Ramp voltage, 3.88 network, 9.16
Random noise, 2.109 parasitics, 9.11-12
Rappaport, Andy, 9.23 passive component, 9.1
Raster scan, 8.86 power dissipation, error source, 9.10
Ratiometric, 2.111 ratiometrical precision, 4.11
Ratiometric converter, 2.111 temperature-related errors, 9.11
Raytheon Computer, 1.23-24 thermoelectric effects, 9.12-14
RCD Components, Inc., 9.23 types, 9.9
RDACs, 9.15 voltage sensitivity, 9.14
RDC: Resistor noise, 2.43
resolver-to-digital converter, 3.91, 3.99, Resistor-transistor-logic, see RTL
3.101-102 Resolution, 2.112
diagram, 3.102 DAC, 5.1
tracking, 3.103 no missing codes, 2.109, 2.112
type-2 servo loop, 3.103 Resolver, 2.2
Reay, Richard J., 7.60 diagram, 3.100
Receive signal processing, in wideband receiver, Resolver-to-digital converter, 3.91, 3.99-103
diagram, 8.115 ADC, 3.99-103
Receive signal processor, 8.107 Resonant circuit, power line decoupling, 9.20
Receiver design, 8.109 Resonator, replacing integrator, for bandpass
digital processing at baseband, 8.109-110 sigma-delta ADC, 3.132

Index 37

Retrace factor, 8.86 Sampled-aperiodic signal, in FFT, 5.52

Reverse junction breakdown, 9.104 Sampled data system:
RF transformers, noise figure improvement, 2.66 block diagram, 2.23
RFI, rectification, sensitivity, 9.155 fundamentals, 2.1-117
RFI rectification, 9.155 Sampled-periodic signal, in FFT, 5.52
device susceptibility, 9.156 Sampling:
op amp and in-amp, bandpass, 2.31-32
sensitivity, summary, 9.157 harmonic, 2.31-32
sensitivity testing, 9.155-157 IF, 2.31-32
proportional to interfering signal amplitude, Nyquist criteria, 2.27-29
9.158 SHA need, 2.24-26
reduction, using op amp and in-amp circuits, theory, 2.23-25
9.158 Sampling ADC, 2.112
RFI Rectification Test Configuration, 9.156 Sampling clock, 2.112, 6.83-98
Rheostat, 8.50 ADC input, 3.41
Rich, Alan, 9.63, 9.178 circuitry, grounding, 9.38
Right-justified data, 2.112 differential,
Ringing, 9.17-20, 9.20 driving input, 6.995-997
voltage reference, 7.23 input driving, 6.95-97
Risetime, DAC, 5.16 distribution, digital to analog ground planes,
Ritchie, G.R., 3.37 diagram, 9.40
RMS input noise, 2.45 encode, 2.103
RMS jitter: generation, 6.83-98
calculation, 6.89 grounding, 9.38-40, 9.38-41
versis analog input frequency, ENOB, 6.85 "hybrid" generator, 6.94-95
RMS noise: jitter, 2.72, 6.83
aperture jitter, 5.72 effect on ADC SNR, 9.39
measurement, 5.75 effects, 2.70
RMS quantization error, 2.38 low jitter single-ended to differential,
RMS quantization noise, 3.115 diagram, 6.96
Roberts, Neil, 6.98 phase jitter, 9.39
Robertson, Dave, 4.19, 4.21, 8.156 phase noise, sinewave, 6.87
Robin, Michael, 8.74, 8.104 pulsewidth/duty cycle, 2.103
Rohde & Schwarz, Inc., 5.25 ratio to input frequency, SFDR, 2.42
Rohde, Ulrich L., 6.98, 8.175 ratio to output frequency on 12-bit DAC SFDR,
Rollenhagen, D.C., 5.87 8.166
Root-mean-square, see RMS summary, 6.97
Rorabaugh, C. Britton, 5.89 Sampling frequency, 2.112
Ross, Ian M., 4.9 Sampling rate, 2.108
Rotating transformer, 3.100 criteria, 1.5
RS-232, 9.121 Sampling system, simultaneous, 8.38-40
RTL, in anti-ballistic missile system Sampling theory:
electronics, 1.23 basics, 2.23
Ruscak, Stephen, 8.156 discrete time sampling, 2.24
Ruscak, Steve, 2.90 finite amplitude resolution due to
Rutten, Ivo W.J.M., 3.107 quantization, 2.24
Samueli, Henry, 8.175-176
S Sanyo, 9.91
S/N+D, see SINAD SAR, 2.114
"S" series surface mount current sensing logic function, implementation, 3.59
resistors, 7.60 SAR ADC, 3.11, 3.53-61, 3.91, 6.50
SADC, subranging ADC, 3.64-65, 3.67 algorithm, 3.57
Sallen, R.P., 3.78 algorithm analogy, 1.27
Sample-and-hold, see SHA with capacitive binary-weighted DAC, 3.12
Sample-and-hold amplifier, see SHA development summary, 1.28
Sample rate converter, 8.70-73 diagram, 1.28
concepts, 8.71 dynamic transient loads, 7.23-24
Sample-to-hold offset, 2.100, 2.111, 2.112 fundamental timing, diagram, 3.53-54
Sample-to-sample variation, in CCD, 8.97 by Schelleng, 3.58

Index 38

single-supply, resolution/conversion times, function of time constant, 2.75

table, 3.60 measurement, 5.76
superposition, 5.34 oscilloscope, 5.15
switched capacitor DAC, 3.55 multiplexer, 2.74
terminology, 3.57 output, 2.112
timing, 3.54-55 overdrive, 5.15
SAR logic IC, invention, 1.25 Settling time error, SHA, 7.95
SAR MicroConverter products, 8.178 74ACTQ240, Fairchild driver, 9.172
SAR register logic IC, invention, 1.25 74FCT3807/A, IDT driver, 9.172
Sauerwald, Mark, 9.63 7400-series TTL logic, 4.11
Sawtooth error waveform, 5.32-33 7400TTL:
Scaled reference, 7.20-22 transistor-transistor-logic, 1.23
Schafer, R.W., 5.89 RCA, 1.24
Scharf, Brad W., 4.19 SFDR, 1.49, 1.55, 2.46, 2.51-53, 2.84, 2.113,
Schelleng, J.C., 3.57-59 3.32, 5.17
Schelleng, John, 3.9-10 12-bit DAC, sampling clock and output
Schelleng, John C., 3.36, 3.105 frequency, 5.22
Schindler, H.R., 3.104 ADC, 2.41
Schmid, Hermann, 2.116, 3.139, 5.90 clock frequency, worst harmonic, 5.24
Schmitt trigger, 8.37 DAC, 2.83-86
Schoeff, John A., 3.37 measurement, 2.85
Schoenwetter, Howard K., 5.25 data converter, 6.3
Schottky diode, 1.24, 1.41, 2.94, 5.16, 5.76, measurement in DAC, 5.19
6.96-97, 7.88, 7.103, 9.34, 9.42-44, 9.94-96, measurement with analog spectrum analyzer,
9.103, 9.108-109 2.86-87
Schownwetter, H.K., 5.87 multi-tone, 2.56-57, 2.108
Schreier, Richard, 3.138 two tone, 2.115
Schultz, Thomas W., 8.191 SHA, 1.55, 2.24-26, 7.91
Scott-T transformer, 3.101 acquisition time, 8.33
SDA6020, 6-bit 50-MSPS flash ADC, 1.52 in ADC, FFT processing gain, 2.43
SDC, synchro-to-digital converter, 3.91 amplifier, function, 2.24-26
SDC1700, synchro-to-digital converter, 1.46 aperture delay, 7.96
Sears, R.W., 1.11, 1.18, 2.22, 3.47, 3.104 aperture delay time, 7.96
SECAM, 8.77 aperture jitter, 7.97
Segmentation, 3.18-23 aperture uncertainty, 7.97
Segmented ADC, 8.59 applications, 7.108-110
Segmented current-output DAC, diagrams, 3.21 architectures, 7.102-105
Segmented DAC, 3.18-23, 8.59 open-loop, 7.102-103
Segmented unbuffered string DAC, 3.20 basic operation, 7.93-94
Seitzer, Dieter, 3.107 circuit, 7.91-111
Selector, 3.57, 3.59 DAC deglitcher, 7.109
Semiconductor, junction temperature, 9.127 dielectric absorption, 7.100, 9.4
Semiconductor process, range, diagram, 4.28 differential switching, 7.104
Sensitivity, 8.119 driving ADCs, 7.108
Sensor, conditioning, 8.9 droop error, 3.67
Sequential coder, 1.25, 3.57 effective aperture delay time, 7.96
Serial bit-per-stage binary ADC, 3.78-87 error sources, 7.94
Serial data interface, 8.81 function, 2.25
Serial-Gray converter, 3.81 hold mode, 2.25
Serial output, 2.112 hold mode specifications, 7.99-102
Servo-loop tester, 5.36 internal circuit, for IC ADCs, 7.104-108
computer-based, 5.36-38 minimizing DAC glitches, 7.108
diagram, 5.37 multiple,
Servo-loop transition test, ADC, 5.35-36 data distribution system, 7.110
Settling time, 2.46, 2.115, 3.80, 5.16-17, for simultaneous sampling, 7.109
5.76-77 output, jitter effects, 7.98
ADC, 2.112, 5.76-77 in pipelined delay, 7.110
DAC, 2.81, 2.81-82, 2.112, 5.13, 5.13-14 sample mode, 2.25
full-scale, definitions, 5.13-14 in sampling, 2.24-26

Index 39

in SAR ADC, 3.53 benefits, 8.1

settling time error, 3.67 timeline, 3.112
specifications, 7.94 architecture timeline, 1.30
stray capacitance, 7.101 bandpass, 3.132-133
switched capacitor CMOS, circuit, 7.106 basics, 3.114-120
synchronous sampling clock delay, 7.97 characteristics, 3.115
track mode specifications, 7.94-95 on chip features, 8.2
bandwidth, 7.94 choice of name, 3.113-114
distortion, 7.95 CMOS process, 4.15
gain, 7.94 decimation, 3.114
noise, 7.95 for digital audio, 8.64
nonlinearity, 7.94 digital filter, 2.74, 3.114, 3.125-126
offset, 7.94 in digital temperature sensor, 8.14
settling time, 7.95 first-order,
slew rate, 7.95 diagram, 3.117
track-to-hold mode specifications, 7.95-99 modulator, idling patterns, 3.122
versus THA, 2.25 high-density digital VLSI, 3.114
virtual ground design, guard shield, 7.100 high resolution, 3.127-131, 8.1
waveforms, 7.96 applications, 8.3
definitions, 2.69 driving, 6.15-16
SHA circuit, 7.91-111, 7.93 high speed clock, 9.30
applications, 7.108-111 linear, 8.59
architectures, 7.102-105 modulator, 3.117
basic operation, 7.93-94 ENOB, 3.120
history, 7.91-93 frequency domain linearized model, 3.119
hold mode specification, 7.99-102 quantization noise shaping, 3.120
hold-to-track transition specifications, 7.102 repetitive bit pattern, 3.122
internal circuits, 7.105-108 waveforms, 3.118
internal timing, 7.96 modulator loop, higher order, 3.123
track mode specifications, 7.94-95 multi-bit, 3.123-125
track-to-hold mode specifications, 7.95-99 multiplexing inputs, 8.36-38
Shadow mask: oversampling, 3.114
binary-coded, 1.12-13, 2.7 performance,
electron beam coder, for binary and Gray code, chop mode disabled, 8.183
1.12 normal, 8.182
Shannon decoder, 3.31 precision measurement, 8.2-6
Shannon-Rack decoder, 1.11, 3.31 quantization noise shaping, 3.114
Shannon, C.E., 1.17, 1.18, 2.35, 2.90, 3.30 second-order,
Shannon, Claude, 2.27 modulator:
Shannon, Claude E., 3.107 block diagram, 3.120
SHARC DSP, 9.170, 9.174-175 idling patterns, 3.122
bi-directional transmission, source single and multibit, 3.111
termination, 9.175 SNR versus oversampling, loops, 3.121
Sheet resistance, calculation, 9.26 switched capacitor input, circuit, 7.22
Sheingold, Dan, 1.33-34, 1.47, 2.1, 2.22, 2.91, synchronous voltage-to-frequency converter,
2.97, 2.116, 3.108, 3.112-113, 3.139, 4.2, 5.1, 3.118
5.25, 5.87, 5.88, 5.90, 7.26 Sigma-delta architecture, summary, 3.134-135
Shielding, 9.1 Sigma-delta converter, 3.109-140
absorption loss, 9.149 ADC basics, 3.114-120
effectiveness, calculation, 9.150 bandpass, 3.132-133
magnetic field, 9.20 DAC, 3.133-134
review, 9.148-151 high resolution measurement ADC, 3.127-131
Shockley, W., 1.19, 4.9 higher order loop, 3.123
Shockley, William, 1.15, 4.3-4 history, 3.109-114
Shunt, voltage reference, 7.2 idle tone, 3.121-123
Siemens, 1.52 multibit, 3.123-125
Sigma-delta ADC, 2.112 multistage noise shaping, 3.126-127
advantages, 3.112 Sigma-delta DAC, 3.133-134
architecture, 3.112 CMOS process, 4.15

Index 40

for digital audio, 8.64 Single-slope conversion, 2.113

interpolation filter, 3.23 Skew glitch, 3.20
linear, 8.59 Skin effect, 9.46-48, 9.49
schematic, 3.133 PCB, 9.46-48
Sigma-delta MicroConverters, 16-/24-bit, 1.65-66 Skinny connection, 9.32
SigmaDSP family, audio DACs, 8.68 Slattery, Colm, 8.175
Sign-magnitude code, 2.11, 2.14 Sleep, 6.48-50
Sign-magnitude converter, 2.14 ADC status, 3.41
Signal: Slew rate, 2.113
aliasing, 2.27 Slewing time, DAC, 2.81
in FFT, 5.52 Slope clipping, 3.110
undersampled, Nyquist zone, 2.34 Small signal bandwidth, 2.50
Signal return current, 9.28-30 Smith, B., 3.37
in PCB, 9.28-30 Smith, B.D., 1.28, 3.9-10, 3.13, 3.26, 3.36,
Signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio, see SINAD 3.59, 3.81, 3.105, 3.106
Signal-to-noise ratio, see SNR Smith, B.K., 3.9
Signal trace routing, 9.18 Smith, Bruce K., 3.36
correct, 9.19 Smith, D.B., 3.78
Signetics, 1.33 Smith, Steven W., 5.89
Signetics 521, 3.49 SMPTE 125M, 8.104
Sikimoto, T., 3.37 SMPTE 170M, monochrome television standard,
Silence descriptor, 8.138 8.76
Silicon germanium, data converter role, 4.17 SMPTE 244M, 8.104
Silicon transistor, 4.4 standard for NTSC signals, 8.78
Siliconix PAD/JPAD/SSTPAD series low leakage SMPTE 259M, 8.104
Pico-amp diodes, Vishay/Siliconix, 9.125 standard for NTSC signals, 8.78, 8.81
Simpson, Chester, 7.60 SMPTE 292M, 8.104
Simultaneous sampling system, 8.38-40 Snelgrove, M., 3.138
SINAD, 1.49, 1.55, 2.46, 2.103, 2.113, 5.28 SNR, 1.49, 1.55, 2.72, 5.17, 5.28
calculation from SNR and THD, for DAC, 5.21 ADC,
data converter, 6.3 aperture and sampling clock jitter effects,
FFT, noise and distortion, calculation, 2.71
5.64 sampling clock jitter effect, 9.39
FPBW, 2.99 and broadband aperture jitter, 6.83
signal-to-noise-and-distortion, 2.46, 2.48-50, DAC, 2.83-86
2.103, 2.113 spectrum analyzer, 5.20
Sinewave, probability density function, 5.42 data converter, 6.3
Sinewave converter, 8.72 degradation from jitter, 9.39
Sinewave curve fitting: digital audio, 8.60-61
for ADC ENOB, 5.49-50 FFT, values, 5.66
test setup, 5.50 measurement with analog spectrum analyzer,
Sinewave generator, 5.82 2.86-87
Sinewave histogram DNL and INL, for ADC, sampling clock jitter effects, 7.98
5.43-44 signal-to-noise ratio, 2.39, 2.46, 2.48-50,
Sinewave input, low-distortion, 5.66-68 5.17
Singer, Larry, 2.90 theoretical, 2.39
Single-carrier narrowband system, 8.122 total, equation, 2.72-73
Single-carrier receiver, chart, 8.131 without harmonics, 2.113
Single-ended current-to-voltage conversion, Soakage, 9.3
6.73-75 Socket, 9.200, 9.205-206
Single-ended single-supply DC-coupled level low-profile, 9.205
shifter, diagram, 6.12 problems, 9.205-206
Single-ended to differential conversion, using Sockolov, Steve, 9.23
RF transformer, 6.97 Sodini, C.G., 3.137
Single loop upconversion, 8.170 Softcell family, 8.134, 8.136
Single NPN, pass device, 7.31-32 SoftFone chipset, 8.140-145
Single PNP, pass device, 7.31-32 SoftFone radio chipsets, 8.140-145
Single-pole switch, 3.4 Software radio, 8.107-145
Single-shot mode, 6.49-50 ADC dynamic range, dither, 8.126-131

Index 41

evolution, 8.108 SHA, 7.101

IF sampling, 8.107-157 Stray inductance, 9.17
receiver, digital baseband processing, String DAC, 3.4, 3.18
8.109-110 architecture for digital potentiometer, 8.49
SOIC guard layout, 9.56 INL, 5.11
Solder-Mount: INL trimming, 3.6
breadboarding system, 9.202 no superposition, 5.10
prototyping, 9.202-203 resistors, 3.6
board, 9.203 unbuffered, segmented, 3.19-20
Solid-state: Strip inductance, 9.17
key developments, 1.15, 4.4 Stroud, Tim, 8.105
and op amp, history, 1.13-16 Submicron CMOS, 4.14
Solomon, Jim, 7.60 Subranging ADC, 2.113, 3.11, 3.61-78, 3.88
Sonet/SDH OC-48, using AD8152, 7.83-84 Subranging converter, 2.104
SOT-223 packaging, reduction, 7.51 Substrate PNP, 4.11
Souders, T. Michael, 5.88 Successive approximation, see SAR
Souders, Thomas, 5.87 Superheterodyne, 8.108, 8.142-143
Southern and F-Dyne film capacitors, 9.23 Superhomodyne, 8.142-144
Span, 2.104 Superposition:
Sparkle code, 1.52, 2.76-80, 3.45 DAC,
ADC, 2.76-80 bit errors, 5.5
SPDT switch, 3.3 DNL and INL, 5.6
Specification MIL-PRF-123B, 9.23 Supply range, 7.17-18
Specification MIL-PRF-19978G, 9.23 Supply voltage, 4.21
Specifications, definitions, 2.97-117 shrinking, effects, 4.27
Spectral leakage, ADC testing, 5.55 Susskind, Alfred K., 2.116, 3.139, 5.90
Spectral output, code-dependent glitches, effect, SVFC:
2.84 clock frequency, 3.94
Spectrum: nonlinearity, 3.95
in-band SFDR, 2.51 problems, 3.94
out-of-band SFDR, 2.51 quantization, 3.95
Spectrum analyzer: synchronous VFC, 3.93-94
DAC distortion and SNR measurement, 5.20 temperature stability, 3.94
sensitivity to input overdrive, 5.68 waveforms, 3.95
Speech decoder, 8.136 SVGA, electronic display standard, 8.86
Speech encoder, 8.136 Swanson, E.J., 3.137
SPI, serial interface, 6.51 Swart, Leland K., 3.36
Sprague, Clarence A., 3.36 Sweetland, Karl, 3.36, 3.137
Spread-spectrum, 8.116 Switch:
Spurious free dynamic range, 2.113, 5.17 from Analog Devices, 7.84-85
Stability, 2.113 CMOS,
Staffin, R., 3.104 1-GHz, 7.78-79
Staffin, Robert, 3.48 application, 7.73-78
Staircase, 2.113 basics, 7.62-64
Staircase generator, 5.82 error sources, 7.65-73
Standard IPC-2141, 9.178 CMOS and DMOS, 1.41
Standby mode, 6.48, 6.50 digital crosspoint, 7.83-84
ADC status, 3.41 hold mode, 6.19-20
Staniforth, Alan, 9.178 track mode, 6.19-20
Star ground, 9.31, 9.34 video, and multiplexers, 7.80-82
Stata, Ray, 1.24, 1.33, 1.47, 4.11 video crosspoint, 7.82-83
Static error, DAC, measurement methods, 5.1 Switch capacitance, 7.70
Status, 2.101 Switches and multiplexer, CMOS process, 7.62
Stewart, James W., 8.191 Switching regulator, 9.79-80
Stop, Russell, 3.107, 7.111 analog ready, 9.82
Straight binary, coding scheme, 2.14 capacitor, 9.82-85
Strain gage, 2.2 peak amplitudes, 9.82
Stray capacitance, 9.58-59 power supply noise, reducing, 9.82
PCBs, 9.57-59 Switching time, 2.114, 8.28

Index 42

DAC, 2.81 offset, 2.115

Switching transients, charge-balance VFC, 3.93 Temperature, capacitor, 9.6
SXGA, electronic display standard, 8.86 Temperature coefficient, 2.113, 2.114
Symmetric stripline, 9.167 Temperature measurement, digital, direct, 8.14-19
capacitance, 9.168 Temperature retrace, resistor, 9.11
transmission line, 9.167-168 Temperature sensor, microprocessor substrate,
formation, 9.168 8.19-22
Sync, 1.53 10 percent white, 1.53
Synchro, 2.2, 3.99-103 Testability, 4.22
diagram, 3.100 Tewksbury, Stuart K., 5.87
Synchro ADC, 3.99-103 Texas Instruments, 1.15, 1.24, 4.3-4
Synchro-to-digital converter, 3.91 THA, 2.25
Synchronous sampling clock delay, SHA, 7.97 for deglitching DAC, 3.32
Synchronous VFC, 3.91, 3.93 Thandi, Gurgit, 9.91
System Management Bus, 8.21 THD, 2.46-48, 2.106, 3.32, 5.17, 5.28
data converter, 6.3
T THD+N, 2.46-48, 2.106, 5.17
T-1 carrier system, Bell Labs, 1.16 data converter, 6.3
T-Carrier digital transmission system, 8.137 digital audio, 8.60-61
T-Tech, Inc., 9.213 Theoretical SNR, jitter, 6.84
Tadewald, T., 9.23, 9.63 Thermal basics, 9.127-128
Talambiras, Robert P., 1.31, 3.36, 3.105, 3.107 Thermal Coastline packaging, 7.39, 7.48-49
Tan, Nianxiong Nick, 2.117, 3.140, 5.91 Thermal EMF, 9.12
Tan, N.N., 8.157 Thermal management, 9.127-139
Tantalum and Ceramic Surface Mount Capacitor basics, 9.127-128
Catalog, 9.23 Thermal noise, 8.124, 9.14-15
Tantalum capacitor, 9.8 Thermal rating curves:
Tantalum Electrolytic and Ceramic Capacitor for BATWING and PSOP3 packages, 9.131
Families, 9.91 for standard and ADI Thermal Coastline 8-pin
Tant, M.J., 2.90 SOIC pppackages, 9.130
Tartaglia, mathematician, 3.56 Thermal relationships, table, 9.128
TDC-1007J: Thermal resistance, 9.127
8-bit 30-MSPS video-speed flash ADC, 1.40, considerations, 9.131
1.45, 1.52 junction and ambient air, 9.128
TRW LSI Division, 3.49 Thermal tail, 2.115
TDC-1014J: Thermal turbulence, 9.14
6-bit 30-MSPS video-speed flash ADC, 1.40, Thermocouple, 2.2
1.45 conditioning, 8.12-14
TRW LSI Division, 3.49 effect, 9.12
TDC-1016J, 6-bit 30-MSPS flash ADC, 1.40, 1.52 EMF, effects, diagram, 9.13
TDC-1048, 8-bit 30-MSPS flash ADC, 1.52 measurement design, 8.13-14
TDM, telegraph, 1.4 resistor, diagram, 9.13
Teal, Gordon, 4.3-4 type K, conditioning, 8.12-14
Teflon capacitor, 9.8 Thermoelectric effect, 9.12-14
Tektronix, Inc., 5.25 Thermometer DAC, 3.6-9
Teledyne Philbrick, 1.33 3-bit, in current-output segmented DAC, 3.21
Telegraph, electric, history, 1.3 current output, diagram, 3.7
Telegraph multiplexing system, 1.3 high speed, current outputs, 3.8
Telephone: Thevenin impedance, 9.172
cellular, handsets, 8.136-139 Thick film resistor, 9.16
most significant communication event, 1.3 Thin film laser trimming, sigma-delta ADC, 3.124
NPR, 5.69 Thin-film resistor, 9.16
patent, 1.4 in in-amp, 9.105
Television, standard interlace format, 8.75 process, 4.11-12
Telmos, 1.52 Thin-film wafer trimmed resistor, 4.12
Temes, Gabor C., 2.116, 3.137, 3.139, 5.90 Threshold, 2.104
Tempco: THS-0025, 25-ns SHA, 1.46
gain, 2.114 THS-0300, 300-ns SHA, 1.46
linearity, 2.114 TIA/EIA-644-A Standard, 9.179

Index 43

Time division multiplexing, see TDM Trimpot, 9.15

Time-interleaved ADC: Triple-slope architecture, in ADC, 3.97
digital post-processor, 8.146-155 TRW LSI Division, 1.33, 1.40, 1.45, 1.52
matching requirements, 8.150 TTE, elliptic filters, 2.30
Time interleaving, 8.146, 8.154 TTE, Inc., 2.35
Time-skew, 2.102 TTL, 1.41, 2.2
Timing, data converter, 2.95-96 standards, 9.184
TLM1070, 7-bit 20-MSPS flash ADC, 1.52 Tukey, J.W., 5.89
TMP05/TMP06: Tunnel diode, 3.48
data sheet, 8.26 Turney, William J., 3.138
digital output sensor, 8.14-17 Two-converter interleaved FFT plot, 8.149
circuit, 8.15 Two-converter time-interleaved 12-bit 400-MSPS
output format, 8.15 ADC, 8.148
TMP06, digital output sensor, interfaced to Two-tone intermodulation distortion, 2.46, 2.53
microcontroller, 8.16 Two-tone SFDR, 2.115
Tolerance, 7.15, 7.18 2N5457, JFET diode, 9.95-96
capacitor, 9.6 2502:
Total harmonic distortion, see THD 8-bit serial SAR IC, 1.41
Total harmonic distortion plus noise, see THD+N Advanced Micro Devices and National
Total unadjusted error, 2.115 Semiconductor, 1.25
Touchscreen: 2503:
construction, 8.100 8-bit serial expandable SAR IC, 1.41
digitizer, 8.100-103 Advanced Micro Devices and National
voltages, absolute and ratiometric Semiconductor, 1.25
measurements, 8.101 2504:
Touchscreen digitizer, 8.100-103 12-bit serial expandable SAR IC, 1.41-42
Trace, embedding, 9.169 Advanced Micro Devices and National
Track-and-hold, see THA Semiconductor, 1.25
Track-and-hold circuit, 7.91 Twos complement code, 2.9, 2.11, 2.14
Track mode distortion, 7.101 TxDAC, 1.57, 1.58, 4.25, 6.66, 6.70
Tracking ADC, 3.90-91 clock-rate dependent power dissipation, 9.138
Transfer function: CMOS process, 4.15
data converter, graphs, 2.14 communications, 5.13, 5.18
folding stage, 3.81 current switching, 3.22
Transformer coupling, 6.24 interpolating, oversampling, block diagram,
Transient error, SHA, 7.95 2.89
Transient response, 2.73, 2.73-75, 2.115, 8.33 testing, 5.46
Transient voltage suppressor, 9.109, 9.124 in wideband radio, 8.132
Transistor, germanium, invention, 1.14 Type 5MC Metallized Polycarbonate Capacitor,
Transistor-transistor logic, 2.2 Electronic Concepts, Inc., 9.91
Transmission line, 9.48-49, 9.165 Type EXC L leadless ferrite bead, 9.91
clock distribution, 9.174 Type EXCEL leaded ferrite bead, 9.91
PCB, as controlled impedance conductor, 9.48 Type HFQ Alumninum Elecrolytic Capacitor,
single, end termination, 9.175 Panasonic, 9.91
symmetric stripline, PCB, 9.167-168 Type K thermocouple, 8.12-14
termination guidelines, 9.169-170
Transmission Systems for Communications, 1.17
Transmit DAC, 1.58 U
TransZorb, 9.124 U-matic, videotape recorders, 8.62
clamp, 9.106 Undersampling, 2.31-32
General Semiconductor, Inc., 9.126 antialiasing filter, 2.33-34
Travis, Bill, 8.191 and oversampling, process gain, 2.40-41
Trench-isolation, 9.111 Understanding Common Mode Noise, 9.178
CMOS switch, 7.89 Unipolar converter, 2.14-15
Triboelectric effect, 9.117 zero TC, 2.114
TrimDAC, 1.58, 9.15 UNIVAC computer, invention, 1.21
Trimming, 4.8, 4.11 Upmall, 8.156
ADC, 3.39 UXGA, electronic display standard, 8.86
laser wafer, 4.12

Index 44

Vocoder, 1.10
V Voice activity detector, 8.138
Vacuum tube: Voiceband ADC, sigma-delta, 8.139
data converter, 4.1-3 Voiceband codec, 8.65, 8.139
invention, 4.1 Voiceband digital audio, beginnings, 8.59
patent, 1.13 Voiceband telcom digital audio:
and op amp, history, 1.13-16 diagram, 8.60
Vacuum tube binary DAC, 3.9 standards, 8.60
Van de Grift, Rob E.J., 3.107 Voldicon VF7, 8-bit 1-MSPS sampling ADC,
Van de Plassche, R.J., 3.136 Adage,
Van de Plassche, Rudy, 2.116-117, 3.139, 3.140, 1.24
5.90-91 Voltage-adjustable regulator, 9.68-69
Van de Plassche, Rudy J., 3.107 Voltage compliance, 9.185
Van de Weg, H., 3.136 voltage tolerance, 9.185
Van der Veen, Martien, 3.107 internal, 9.195-196
Van Doren, A., 1.31, 5.87 Voltage-controlled crystal oscillator, 6.91
Van Mierlo, S., 3.109, 3.136 phase noise, 6.92
Variable frequency oscillator, see VFO Voltage converter:
Variable phase shifter, in locked-histogram ADC charge-pump, 9.74-75
test setup, 5.71 regulated output, 9.75-77
Vassalli, Luca, 8.191 Voltage doubler, 9.74
VCXO, voltage-controlled crystal oscillator, 6.91 Voltage drop:
Vector Electronic Company, 9.213 analysis, 9.28
Vectorscope, 5.80 signal leads, 9.27-28
Veen, Martien van der, 3.107 Voltage follower protection circuit, 9.96-98
Velazquez, S., 8.157 Voltage inverter, 9.74
Verster, T.C., 3.64, 3.106 Voltage-mode binary-weighted resistor DAC, 3.10
Vertical sync, 8.76 Voltage reference, 1.35
VFC, 2.104, 3.91-96, 8.14 architectures, characteristics, 7.14
applications, 3.96 capacitive decoupling, 6.81
charge-balance, 3.91 data converter, 6.79-81, 7.1-26
current-steering multivibrator, 3.91 DC specifications, table, 7.18
waveforms, 3.95 design specifics, 6.81
VFO, 3.91 drift, 7.16, 7.18
VGA, electronic display standard, 8.86 large capacitive load, 7.23
VHS-630, 6-bit 30-MSPS flash converter, line sensitivity, 7.17-18
Computer load sensitivity, 7.17-18
Labs Inc., 3.49 low noise, 7.24-25
VHS-675, 6-bit 75-MSPS flash converter, noise, 7.18-20
Computer precision, 7.1-2
Labs Inc., 3.49 issues, 7.1-2
Video, analog and digital standards, 8.80 pulse current response, 7.22-24
Video crosspoint switch, 7.82-83 scaled reference, 7.20-22
Video DAC, properties, 8.88 shunt, 7.2
Video decoder, specifications, 8.85 specifications, 7.15-25
Video encoder, specifications, 8.85 standard hookup, diagram, 7.15
Video RAM-DAC, 8.87, 8.90-91 supply range, 7.17-18
Video switch, 7.80-82 temperature drift, accuracy, table, 7.16
Video testing, 5.78-83 three-terminal, 7.2
ADC, 5.78-83 tolerance, 7.15, 7.18
Vishay/Dale Resistors, 9.24 transient loads, 7.23
Vishay/Siliconix, 9.125 trim, 7.14
Viswanathan, T.R., 3.106 two-terminal, 7.2
Viterbi coding, 8.137 types, 7.2-4
Viterbi decoding, 8.137 Voltage regulator:
Vito, Tom, 2.90 block diagram, 7.30
VLSI mixed-signal CMOS processing, 8.33 current underload, 7.29
VM-700, Tektronix, 5.19 grounding, 9.78-81
VM-5000, Tektronix, 5.19 linear,

Index 45

basics, 7.27-31, 9.66-68 characteristics, 5.58

low dropout, 7.27-60 comparison, 5.59
low dropout, 9.70-74 frequency response, 5.58
adjustable voltage, 9.72-74 Windowing, to reduce spectral leakage, 5.57
fixed voltage, 9.71-72 Wire inductance, 9.17
pass device, types, 7.31 Wire microstrip, 9.165
pole-splitting topology, 7.42 Wireless air interface standards, wideband ADC
positive leg series style, 7.27 requirements, table, 8.126
thre terminal, circuit, 7.28 Wireless communication:
Voltage sensing, feedback, 9.27-28 evolution, chart, 8.116
Voltage sensitivity, resistor, 9.14 standards, 8.116
Voltage-to-frequency converter, see VFC Wirewound resistor, 9.16
Voltage tolerance, 9.185 Witte, Robert A., 2.90
voltage compliance, 9.185 Wold, Ivar, 1.47, 3.108
internal, 9.195-196 Wold, Peter I., 3.36
Wong, James, 9.23, 9.178
W Wong, Thick C., 5.88
Wadell, Brian C., 9.179 Woodward, Charles E., 2.90, 3.104
Wainwright Instruments, 9.202 Wooley, B.A., 3.137
Wainwright Instruments GmbH, 9.213 Wooley, Bruce, 3.137
Wainwright Instruments Inc., 9.213 Word, 2.2
Waldhauer, F.D., 3.106 Worst harmonic, 2.46-48
Waldhaur, W.D., 3.84 data converter, 6.3
Waltman, Ron, 2.90 Worst other spur, 2.115
Water metering system, binary weighted, 1.2 Wrathall repeater, germanium transistors, 1.14-15
Waveform generator, 5.17 Wrathall, L.R., 1.14-15, 1.19
WCDMA, 2.57-58 Wurcer, Scott, 9.23
Weaver, Lindsay A., 8.175
Weg, H. Van de, 3.136 X
Weigh scale: XFCB:
analysis, using AD7730, 8.6-7 high-speed complementary bipolar process, 1.61
design analysis, 8.6-12 for producing converters, 4.12
load cell characteristics, 8.7 XFET, 6.80
fullscale output, 8.7 reference, 7.11-15, 7.16
Welland, D.R., 3.137 characteristics, 7.14
Wenzel Associates, Inc., 6.98, 9.39 XGA, electronic display standard, 8.86
Wesco film capacitors, 9.23
Western Electric, 1.14 Y
Wheable, Desmond, 3.108 Yasuda, Y., 3.136
Wide code, errors, 2.20 Yester, Francis R., Jr., 3.138
Wideband, definition, 8.114 Yield, 4.22
Wideband DCMA, 2.57-58 Young, F.M., 1.31
Wideband digital receiver, 8.114-126 Young, Joe, 3.107, 7.111
Wideband radio:
transmission, 8.132-136 Z
transmitter, 8.132 Zeltex, Inc., 1.24, 1.33
architectures, 8.132 Zener diode, 1.24, 1.35, 1.39, 1.41, 1.42, 3.17,
Widlar, Bob, 1.24, 4.11, 7.26, 7.60 7.3-4, 7.11, 7.19, 9.96-97, 9.106, 9.109, 9.124
Wikner, J. Jacob, 2.117, 3.140, 5.91 monolithic, 7.3
Wikner, J.J., 8.157 Zeoli, G.W., 2.90
Wilhelm, Tim, 5.88 Zero error, 2.97
Williams, Jim, 9.213 Zero TC, 2.114
Williamson, Russell, 8.191 Zuch, Eugene L., 2.116, 3.139, 5.87, 5.90
Williams, Tim, 9.178 Zumbahlen, Hank, 8.58
Window function, 5.57-58

Index 46


AD2S90, 3.103 AD780, 6.23, 7.5, 7.15, 7.17-18, 7.18, 7.24,
AD29x, 7.20 8.47, 8.184-185
AD38x, 7.15 AD781, 7.91
AD39x, 7.15 AD783, 7.91, 7.92
AD42x, 7.20 AD795, 9.100-101
AD43x, 7.20 AD797, 6.15, 7.20, 9.105, 9.156
AD52xx-series, 1.58 AD817, 9.133
AD260, 9.114 AD820, 8.47, 9.97
AD261, 9.114 AD820/822, 7.21
AD376, 1.53 AD827, 9.156
AD386, 7.92 AD845, 9.156
AD390, 1.50 AD850, 1.25-26, 1.41, 3.16-17
AD431, 7.25 AD872, 1.61, 1.63
AD480, 4.12 AD974, 3.60, 6.18
AD510, 7.21 AD976, 6.18
AD512, 7.21 AD977, 6.18
AD550, 1.25-26, 1.38, 1.41, 3.15-17, 4.6 AD51xx-series, 1.58
AD558, 1.50 AD76xx-series, 6.18
AD561, 1.35, 1.38 AD77xx-series, 6.15-16, 7.24-25, 9.30
AD562, 1.35, 1.38, 1.41, 1.42, 4.8 AD92xx-series, 6.21, 6.29-30
AD563, 1.35, 1.41 AD158x-series, 7.18
AD565, 1.35, 1.38, 1.39-40, 1.41, 4.8 AD185x-series, 3.133
AD565A, 1.35 AD746x-series, 6.18
AD569, 1.50 AD771x-series, 1.62, 1.63
AD570, 1.39 AD789x-series, 1.62, 6.18, 6.19
AD571, 1.38, 1.40, 4.12 AD813x-series, 6.31, 6.33-34, 6.75
AD572, 1.42, 4.6-7 AD922x-series, 6.22
AD574, 1.39-40, 1.51, 1.59, 2.24, 3.41, 4.12, AD974x, 8.136
6.49, 7.24, 7.92, 8.29 AD976x, 1.57
AD574A, 1.63 AD976x-series, 6.70
AD580, 7.5-6 AD977x, 1.57
AD582, 7.92 AD977x-series, 3.22, 6.70
AD583, 7.92 AD978x, 8.136
AD584, 7.6 AD978x-series, 8.135
AD585, 7.92 AD985x, 8.171
AD586, 7.16, 7.18, 7.20 AD985x-series, 3.22, 9.138
AD587, 7.19, 7.20 AD987x, 1.57
AD588, 7.15-16, 7.17-18 AD1170, 3.96
AD589, 7.5, 7.6, 7.20-21 AD1175, 1.53, 1.54
AD592, 8.184-185 AD1332, 1.53
AD620, 8.9, 9.105-107, 9.161-162 AD1377, 1.53, 1.54
AD621, 9.161-162 AD1382, 1.64
AD622, 9.161-162 AD1385, 1.64
AD623, 9.52, 9.108, 9.161 AD1580, 7.5, 7.6-7, 7.20-21
AD627, 9.108, 9.161 AD1582, 7.7
AD629, 9.51, 9.98-99 AD1582-1585 series, 7.5, 7.7, 7.15, 7.17, 7.23
AD670, 1.51 AD1671, 1.60, 1.63
AD671, 1.60 AD1674, 1.59, 1.63
AD673, 1.51 AD1833, 8.70
AD674, 1.51 AD1833C, 8.70
AD680, 7.5, 7.17 AD1834, 8.70
AD684, 7.91, 7.92 AD1835A, 8.70
AD688, 7.17 AD1836A, 8.70
AD768, 6.73 AD1836AC, 8.70
AD770, 1.52 AD1837A, 8.70

Index 47

AD1838A, 8.70 AD6624, 8.111, 8.131

AD1839A, 8.69-70, 8.70 AD6630, 8.131
AD1852, 8.67 AD6633, 8.135, 8.136
AD1853, 3.134, 6.75-76, 8.67 AD6634, 8.111, 8.131, 8.136
AD1854J, 8.67 AD6635, 8.131, 8.136
AD1854K, 8.67 AD6636, 8.131, 8.136
AD1855, 8.67 AD6640, 8.131
AD1856, 1.50 AD6640/44/45, 8.136
AD1857, 1.57, 1.58 AD6644, 3.85, 8.131
AD1858, 1.57, 1.58 AD6645, 1.65-66, 2.51-53, 2.56-57, 2.58,
AD1859, 1.57, 1.58 2.64-66, 2.73, 3.77-78, 3.85, 4.12, 6.27-28,
AD1860, 1.50 6.38-40, 6.83, 6.97, 7.107, 8.117-120,
AD1862, 3.32-33 8.122-125, 8.128-129, 8.131, 8.146, 9.137-138
AD1865, 1.56 AD6650, 8.111, 8.131
AD1871, 3.124, 8.66 AD6652, 8.111, 8.131
AD1879, 3.123 AD6654, 8.131
AD1890, 8.72 AD7001, 1.62, 1.63
AD1896, 8.72 AD7008, 1.57-58
AD1938, 8.70 AD7111, 2.112, 3.27-28
AD1953, 8.68 AD7226, 1.50
AD1955, 3.134, 8.66, 8.67 AD7240, 1.50
AD5170, 8.54 AD7245, 1.50
AD5172, 8.53-54 AD7311, 8.84
AD5173, 8.53-54, 8.56 AD7450, 9.210
AD5227, 8.56 AD7450A, 6.35
AD5231, 5.11 AD7466, 6.17, 6.51-52
AD5235, 5.11, 8.52-53 AD7467, 6.17, 6.51
AD5245, 8.50-51, 8.55 AD7468, 6.17, 6.51
AD5246, 8.50-51 AD7482, 3.60
AD5247, 8.50-51 AD7484, 3.60
AD5251, 8.52 AD7490, 3.60
AD5252, 8.52 AD7500-series, 7.62
AD5253, 8.52 AD7520, 1.36, 1.38, 4.13
AD5254, 8.52 AD7524, 1.37-38, 1.38
AD5300, 8.42 AD7528, 1.50
AD5310, 8.42 AD7535, 1.50
AD5320, 8.42-43 AD7541, 1.36, 1.38
AD5322, 6.62-64 AD7545, 1.50
AD5340, 6.64-65 AD7546, 1.50
AD5379, 8.44-45 AD7550, 1.38, 1.40
AD5380, 1.65-66 AD7568, 1.56-57, 1.58
AD5381, 1.65-66 AD7570, 1.38, 1.40
AD5382, 1.65-66 AD7572, 1.51
AD5383, 1.65-66 AD7575, 1.51
AD5390, 1.65 AD7579, 1.51
AD5391, 1.65 AD7582, 1.51
AD5516, 8.44 AD7621, 1.65-66, 3.60, 3.61
AD5533B, 8.45-46 AD7664, 1.65
AD5535, 9.210, 9.211 AD7674, 1.65-66, 3.60-61, 6.42-43
AD5541, 8.47 AD7675, 3.61
AD5545/AD5555, 6.74 AD7676, 3.61
AD5570, 8.43 AD7677, 3.60, 6.41-42
AD5660, 8.43 AD7678, 3.61
AD6521, 8.141 AD7679, 3.61
AD6522, 8.141 AD7710, 7.24-25
AD6600, 8.111, 8.131 AD7730, 1.62, 1.63, 3.127-130, 6.15, 6.79,
AD6620, 8.111, 8.131, 8.136 8.2-6, 8.6-12, 8.9, 9.210
AD6622, 8.135, 8.136 AD7732, 8.37
AD6623, 8.135, 8.136 AD7734, 8.37

Index 48

AD7738, 8.37 AD8180, 7.80, 7.85

AD7739, 8.36-38 AD8182, 7.80, 7.85
AD7793, 8.12-14 AD8183, 7.80-81, 7.82
AD7820, 1.51 AD8184, 7.82, 7.85
AD7821, 1.51 AD8185, 7.80-81, 7.82, 7.85
AD7840, 1.50 AD8186, 7.80-81, 7.82, 7.85
AD7846, 1.50 AD8187, 7.80-81, 7.82, 7.85
AD7853/AD7853L, 6.55 AD8346, 4.25-26
AD7853L, 6.55-56 AD8349, 8.134-135, 8.136
AD7854/AD7854L, 6.59-61 AD8350, 8.131
AD7865, 8.39-40 AD8351, 6.38-40
AD7870, 1.51 AD8370, 6.41
AD7871, 1.51 AD8402, 1.58
AD7873, 8.102 AD8403, 1.58
AD7880, 1.59, 1.63 AD8515, 6.18
AD7890-10, 6.18-19, 9.109 AD8517, 6.18
AD7908/AD7918/AD7928, 8.34-35 AD8531, 6.7
AD7928, 3.60 AD8531/32/34, 7.21
AD7938/AD7939, 8.35-36 AD8532, 6.7
AD7943, 3.2 AD8534, 6.7
AD8001, 9.207-209 AD8541/42/44, 7.21
AD8016, 9.130-133 AD8551, 9.50, 9.56
AD8017, 9.133 AD8610, 9.103
AD8017AR, 9.127-130 AD8628, 6.74
AD8018, 7.82 AD8631, 6.18
AD8021, 6.41-43 AD8800, 1.58
AD8027, 6.8, 6.23 AD9000, 1.52
AD8028, 6.8, 6.30 AD9002, 1.52
AD8031, 6.23, 6.43 AD9003, 1.53
AD8032, 6.30 AD9005, 1.53, 1.54
AD8038, 6.37 AD9006/AD9016, 1.52
AD8055, 6.72, 6.74 AD9008, 1.58
AD8057, 6.12, 6.13-15, 6.23, 9.133 AD9012, 1.52
AD8058, 6.13-15, 6.29-30, 9.133 AD9014, 1.64
AD8061, 6.23, 6.72-73 AD9020, 1.52
AD8062, 6.30 AD9028/AD9038, 1.52
AD8074, 7.85 AD9032, 1.65-66
AD8075, 7.85 AD9042, 1.61, 1.63, 1.64, 3.75-76, 3.85, 4.12,
AD8091, 6.23 7.106-107
AD8092, 6.30 AD9048, 1.52
AD8108, 7.85 AD9054, 1.62
AD8109, 7.85 AD9054A, 3.86
AD8110, 7.82, 7.85 AD9058, 1.52
AD8111, 7.82, 7.85 AD9060, 1.52
AD8113, 7.82, 7.85 AD9100, 7.92
AD8114, 7.82, 7.85 AD9101, 7.92
AD8115, 7.82, 7.85 AD9109, 7.82
AD8116, 7.82-83, 7.85 AD9220, 1.61, 1.63
AD8130, 6.34 AD9221, 1.61, 1.63
AD8131, 6.35 AD9223, 1.61, 1.63
AD8132, 6.34, 6.35 AD9225, 3.76, 6.20-21, 6.24
AD8137, 6.35-36 AD9226, 2.49, 8.131, 8.136
AD8138, 6.35-37 AD9229, 6.52-54
AD8139, 6.35, 6.38, 6.38-39, 6.42-44 AD9235, 3.69, 3.76-77, 6.36-37
AD8150, 7.85 AD9235/38, 8.131
AD8151, 7.85 AD9236, 5.43-44
AD8152, 7.83-84, 7.85 AD9244, 8.136
AD8170, 7.80, 7.85 AD9245, 9.134-135
AD8174, 7.80, 7.82, 7.85 AD9245/AD9444, 8.131

Index 49

AD9289, 6.52-54 ADC80, 1.43

AD9410, 3.51-53 ADC1130, 1.46
AD9430, 2.60, 3.69, 3.76-77, 5.61-62, 5.70, ADC1140, 1.53
6.26-27, 6.57-59, 8.146, 9.136-137, 9.176, 9.211 ADE775x-series, 1.63, 8.22
AD9432, 8.131 ADE7755, 8.23-25
AD9432/33, 8.136 ADF41xx-series, 6.92
AD9433, 6.41 ADF4001, 6.92
AD9444, 8.136 ADF4360, 6.93
AD9444/45, 8.131 ADG2xx-series, 7.85
AD9480, 3.49 ADG4xx-series, 7.85
AD9700, 1.50 ADG5xx-series, 7.85
AD9712, 1.57 ADG6xx-series, 7.85
AD9720, 1.57 ADG7xx-series, 7.85
AD9726, 6.66 ADG8xx-series, 7.85
AD9744, 5.22-23, 8.135 ADG9xx-series, 7.85
AD9754, 8.136 ADG200-series, 7.62
AD9772, 8.135 ADG201-series, 7.62
AD9772A, 8.135, 8.136 ADG412, 7.71
AD9773, 2.89 ADG438F, 7.85, 9.99
AD9775, 2.89, 3.22 ADG439F, 7.85, 7.89, 9.99
AD9777, 2.84-86, 2.89, 4.25-26, 8.135, 9.138 ADG465, 9.98, 9.107, 9.110
AD9784/86, 8.135 ADG466, 9.98, 9.110-111
AD9786, 8.133-134 ADG467, 9.98, 9.110
AD9814, 8.99 ADG508F, 7.85, 7.89, 9.99
AD9816, 8.99 ADG509F, 7.85, 7.89, 9.99
AD9822, 8.99 ADG528F, 7.85, 7.89
AD9826, 8.99 ADG708, 7.68, 7.72
AD9830, 8.168 ADG725, 7.61
AD9831, 8.168 ADG726, 7.61
AD9832, 8.168 ADG731, 7.61
AD9833, 8.167, 8.168 ADG732, 7.61
AD9834, 8.166-168, 8.168 ADG801/ADG802, 7.64
AD9835, 8.168 ADG918, 7.78-79
AD9850, 1.57, 8.171 ADG919, 7.78-79
AD9851, 5.22, 8.171 ADG3xxx-series, 7.85
AD9852, 8.171 ADG12xx-series, 7.85
AD9853, 8.174 ADG14xx-series, 7.85
AD9854, 8.171 ADG32xx-series, 7.84
AD9856, 8.174 ADG314x-series, 9.189
AD9857, 8.171, 8.173, 8.174 ADG324x-series, 9.191
AD9858, 1.65-66, 8.168-171, 8.171 ADG3231, 9.188-189, 9.191
AD9859, 8.173 ADG3233, 9.191
AD9860/AD9862, 4.29 ADG3241, 9.190
AD9877, 4.23, 4.25 ADG3242, 9.190
AD9879, 4.23, 4.25 ADG3243, 9.190
AD9887A, 8.93-94 ADG3245, 9.190
AD9888, 8.91-92 ADG3246, 9.190, 9.194
AD9898, 8.99 ADG3247, 9.190
AD9951, 8.173 ADG3248, 9.190
AD9952, 8.173 ADG3249, 9.190
AD9953, 8.173 ADG3257, 9.186-189
AD9954, 8.171-172, 8.173 ADMxxx-E series, 9.124
AD10242, 1.64 ADM1023, 8.19-22
AD10678, 1.65-66 ADM8830, 9.75
AD12400, 1.65-66, 8.152-154, 8.152-155 ADM8839, 9.75
AD74122, 8.65 ADM8840, 9.75
AD20msp430, 8.140-141 ADP33xx-series, 9.70-71
ADC-12QZ, 1.44, 1.46, 4.6 ADP330x-series, 7.39-40
ADC-12U, 1.24, 1.25 ADP333x-series, 7.39-40

Index 50

ADP3300, 7.43-46, 7.48, 9.71-72 ADSP-218x, 8.141

ADP3300-5, 7.46 ADSP-2106L, 9.170
ADP3301, 7.43-44, 9.71-72 ADSP-2189, 6.60-61
ADP3302, 7.43-44 ADSP-2189M, 6.55-56, 6.63-65
ADP3303, 7.43-44, 9.72 ADSP-21160, 9.43-44
ADP3303A, 9.72 ADSX34, 7.85
ADP3307, 7.43-44, 9.72 ADT7301, 8.17-19
ADP3308, 7.44, 9.72 ADu7xxx-series, 8.187-190
ADP3309, 7.44, 9.72 ADuC7xxx-series, 8.187-190
ADP3310, 7.51-52, 7.54, 7.57, 7.58-59, 9.78-80 ADuC8xxx-series, 8.187-190
ADP3310-3.3, 9.77-78 ADuC70xx-series, 8.189
ADP3310-5, 7.53 ADuC702x-series, 8.188
ADP3330, 7.44, 7.49, 9.72 ADuC812, 8.178, 8.180, 8.186
ADP3331, 7.44, 7.49, 9.72-73 ADuC812 MicroConverter, 1.63
ADP3333, 7.44, 7.50, 9.72 ADuC814, 8.179-180, 8.186
ADP3334, 7.44, 9.72 ADuC816, 8.183, 8.186
ADP3335, 7.44, 7.50, 9.72 ADuC824, 8.183, 8.186
ADP3336, 7.44, 7.50, 8.56, 9.72 ADuC831, 8.178, 8.180, 8.186
ADP3338, 7.44, 7.50-51, 9.72 ADuC832, 8.178, 8.180, 8.186
ADP3339, 7.44, 7.50, 9.72 ADuC834, 8.180-182, 8.183, 8.186
ADP3605, 9.76 ADuC836, 8.183, 8.186
ADP3607, 9.76 ADuC841, 8.178, 8.180, 8.186
ADP3607-5, 9.77 ADuC842, 8.178, 8.180, 8.186
ADR01, 7.5, 7.15, 7.18, 7.20 ADuC843, 8.178, 8.180, 8.186
ADR02, 7.5, 7.15, 7.18, 7.20 ADuC845, 8.180-182, 8.183, 8.186
ADR03, 6.74, 7.5, 7.15, 7.18, 7.20 ADuC847, 8.181, 8.183, 8.186
ADR29x, 7.15, 7.17-18 ADuC848, 8.181, 8.183, 8.186
ADR29x-series, 7.23 ADuC7020, 8.188
ADR38x, 7.17-18 ADuC7021, 8.188
ADR38x-series, 7.5, 7.8 ADuC7022, 8.188
ADR39x, 7.17-18 ADuC7024, 8.188
ADR39x-series, 7.5, 7.8 ADuC7026, 8.188
ADR42x, 7.18 ADuM1100A, 9.112-114
ADR43x, 7.15, 7.17-18 ADuM1100B, 9.112-114
ADR43x-series, 7.23 ADuM1300, 9.113
ADR290, 7.12 ADuM1301, 9.114
ADR290-ADR293 series, 7.12 ADuM1400, 9.113
ADR291, 7.12 ADuM1401, 9.114
ADR292, 7.12 ADV453, 1.50
ADR292E, 7.20 ADV471, 1.50
ADR293, 7.12 ADV476, 1.50
ADR380, 7.9 ADV478, 1.50
ADR381, 7.9 ADV7125, 8.88-89
ADR390, 6.35, 7.10 ADV7160/ADV7162, 8.90
ADR391, 7.10 ADV7183A, 8.82-83
ADR392, 7.10 ADV7310, 8.83-84
ADR395, 7.10 AMP03, 9.51, 9.100
ADR430-ADR439 series, 7.13 CAV-1040, 1.53, 1.54
ADR431, 6.23, 6.42, 7.24-25 CAV-1220, 1.53, 1.54
ADR433, 7.24 DAC-12QZ, 1.46, 4.8
ADR510, 7.5, 7.7, 7.21 DAC08, 1.38, 1.41
ADR512, 7.5, 7.7, 7.20-21 DAC80, 1.41-43
ADR520, 7.7 DAC1138, 1.46
ADR525, 7.7 HAS-1201, 1.53
ADR530, 7.7 HAS-1202, 1.43
ADR540, 7.7 HAS-1409, 1.53
ADR545, 7.7 HDG-series, 1.53
ADR550, 7.7 HDS-1240E, 1.53
ADSP-21xx-series, 6.62 HDS-1250, 1.43

Index 51

HTC-0300, 1.43, 7.92 OP275, 6.76

HTS-0025, 1.43, 7.92 OP279, 6.7, 7.21, 7.22
LOGDAC, 2.112 OP281/481, 7.21
MAS-1202, 1.44 OP284, 6.7, 7.21
MOD-815, 1.44, 1.45, 3.63, 3.64 OP291, 6.7
MOD-1020, 1.45 OP297, 9.156
MOD-1205, 1.45 OP484, 6.7
MOD-4100, 3.50 OP491, 6.7
MOSES-8, 7.61 OP777, 7.21, 9.98
OP27, 7.20, 9.104 OP1177, 6.15-16
OP42, 9.156 REF01, 7.5
OP80, 9.156 REF02, 7.5
OP113, 7.20 REF03, 7.5
OP113EP, 7.20 REF43, 7.15, 7.17
OP177, 6.15, 9.13 REF19x, 7.15, 7.17, 7.18, 7.23
OP181/281/481, 7.22 REF19x-series, 7.5
OP184, 6.7, 7.20 REF195, 7.15, 7.17, 7.18
OP184/284/484, 7.21 SHA1, 7.92
OP191, 6.7 SHA2, 7.92
OP193/293, 7.21 TMP05/TMP06, 8.14-17
OP193/293/493, 7.22 TMP06, 8.16
OP196/296/496, 7.21 Transmit TxDAC family, 2.85
OP200, 9.156 TxDAC family, 1.55
OP213, 7.71 VHS-630, 3.49
OP249, 9.156 VHS-675, 3.49

Index 52

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