Data Converter Book Index F PDF
Data Converter Book Index F PDF
Data Converter Book Index F PDF
A 12-bit 35-µs SAR ADC, 1.39-40, 1.51,
A-law, 3.26 3.41, 4.12, 6.49
AA Alkaline Battery Discharge Characteristics, block diagram, 1.40
9.197 AD580, precision bandgap reference, with Brokaw
Aaron, M.R., 3.37 cell, 7.5-6
Aasnaes, Hans Bent, 3.108 AD620:
Aavid 573300, 7.56 data sheet, 8.26
AAVID Thermal Technologies, Inc., general overvoltage protection,
catalog, 9.139 circuit, 9.106
Aavid TO-220, heat sink, 7.56 CM clamping, 9.107
Absorption, within shielding material, 9.149 precision in amp, 8.9
Absorptive switch, 7.79 AD629, high voltage in-amp, circuit diagram, 9.98
ACCEL Technologies, Inc., 9.213 AD670, 8-bit 10-µs ADCPORT, 1.51
Accuracy: AD671, 12-bit 2-MSPS ADC, 1.60
absolute, 2.97 AD673, 8-bit complete ADC, 1.51
logarithmic DAC, 2.97 AD674, 12-bit 15-µs ADC, 1.51
relative, 2.97 AD768:
Acker, David E., 8.104 16-bit BiCMOS DAC, 6.73
ACLR, adjacent channel leakage ratio, 2.46, data sheet, 6.77
2.57-58, 2.98 single-ended interface, diagram, 6.73
ACPR, adjacent channel power ratio, 2.57-58, 2.98 AD770, 8-bit 300-MSPS flash ADC, 1.52
Acquisition time, 2.98, 7.102 AD797, low-noise buffer, 6.15-16
Active lowpass filter, audio DAC, 6.75-76 AD815 high output current differential driver,
AD2S90, integrated RDC, 3.103 data sheet, 9.139
AD260, digital isolator, 9.114 AD830, AD8129, AD8130, data sheets, 6.45
AD260/AD261: AD850, thin-film resistor network, 1.25, 1.41,
digital isolator, 3.16-17
circuit, 9.114-115 AD872:
key specifications, 9.115 12-bit 10-MSPS BiCMOS sampling ADC, 1.63
AD261, digital isolator, 9.114 diagram, 1.61
AD376, 16-bit 20-µs SAR ADC, 1.53 AD974, SAR ADC, 6.18
AD390, quad 12-bit voltage output DAC, 1.50 AD976, SAR ADC, 6.18
AD431, XFET, circuit, 7.25 AD977, SAR ADC, 6.18
AD480, op amp, 4.12 AD76xx-family, single-supply SAR ADC, 6.18
AD550, 4-bit binary-weighted µDAC quad switch, AD77xx-family:
1.25, 1.38, 1.41, 3.15-17, 4.6 24-bit sigma-delta ADC, 3.126-127
AD558, 8-bit 1-µs bipolar/IIL DAC, 1.50 characteristics, 6.15
AD561, 10-bit 250-ns LWT current-output DAC, equivalent input circuit, 6.16
1.38 AD92xx-family, CMOS ADC, 6.29-30
AD562, 12-bit 1.5-µs DAC, 1.35, 1.38, 1.41, AD185x-family, audio DACs, data directed
1.42 scrambling, 3.133
AD563, IC DAC, 1.41 AD746x-family, low voltage single-supply ADC,
AD565: 6.18
12-bit 200-ns LWT current-output DAC, 1.38, AD771x-series, 24-bit sigma-delta measurement
1.39-40, 1.41 ADC, 1.63
circuit diagram, 1.36 AD789x-family, 12-, 14-bit 8-channel
AD569, 16-bit segmented double-buffered voltage single-supply ADC, 6.18-19
output BiCMOS DAC, 1.50 AD789x-series, LCCMOS SAR single-supply
AD570, 8-bit 25-µs SAR ADC, 1.39 ADC, 1.62
AD571: AD813x-family:
10-bit 25-µs SAR ADC, 1.38, 4.12 differential amplifier, 6.75
diagram, 1.39-40 block diagram, 6.31
AD572, 12-bit 25-µs SAR ADC, 1.42-43, 4.6-7 configurations, 6.33-34
AD574: feedback diagram, 6.31
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12-bit 16-channel voltage output DAC, diagram, AD7240, 12-bit voltage mode CMOS DAC, 1.50
8.44 AD7245, 12-bit double-buffered voltage output
data sheet, 8.48 LCCMOS DAC, 1.50
AD5533B: AD7450, 12-bit 1-MSPS ADC, evaluation board,
32-channel precision infinite SHA, 8.45-46 9.210
diagram, 8.46 AD7450A, 12-bit 1-MSPS 3-V ADC, 6.35
data sheet, 8.48 AD7450A/AD7440, data sheet, 6.45
AD5535, 32-channel 14-bit high voltage DAC, AD7466:
evaluation board, 9.210, 9.211 12-bit 200-kSPS SAR ADC, 6.17
AD5541, 16-bit DAC, 8.47 input circuit, 6.17
AD5545/AD5555: timing diagram, 6.51
16-/14-bit R-2R current-output DAC, 6.74 AD7466/AD7467/AD7468, data sheet, 6.45, 6.67
interface circuit, 6.74 AD7467, successive approximation ADC, 6.17
data sheet, 6.77 AD7468, successive approximation ADC, 6.17
AD5570, data sheet, 8.48 AD7520:
AD5660, data sheet, 8.48 10-bit 500-ns monolithic multiplying CMOS
AD6521: DAC, 1.36-37, 1.38, 4.13
voiceband/baseband mixed-signal codec, 8.141 current-mode R-2R architecture, 1.36
block diagram, 8.142 AD7524:
AD6522, DSP-based baseband processor, 8.141 8-bit 150-ns LWT multiplying DAC,
AD6624/24A, 8.136 buffer latch, 1.38
AD6644, 14-bit 65-MSPS XFCB ADC, 3.85 diagram, 1.37-38
AD6645: AD7528, dual 8-bit buffered CMOS MDAC, 1.50
14-bit 80-/105-MSPS ADC, aperture jitter, 6.83 AD7535, 14-bit double-buffered LCCMOS
14-bit 80-/105-MSPS BiCMOS ADC, 6.27-28 MDAC, 1.50
input common-mode voltage, 6.38-39 AD7541, 12-bit 1-µs LWT multiplying DAC,
RF transformers, 6.29 1.36-37, 1.38
transformer coupling, 6.28 AD7545, 12-bit buffered CMOS MDAC, 1.50
14-bit 80-/105-MSPS XFCB ADC, 4.12 AD7546, 16-bit segmented CMOS voltage mode
thermally enhanced package, 9.137 DAC, 1.50
14-bit 80-MSPS XFCB ADC, 3.77-78, 3.85 AD7550, 13-bit quad slope ADC, 1.38, 1.140
characteristics, 2.51-53 AD7568, 12-bit octal CMOS DAC, 1.56-58
NF calculation, 2.64-66 AD7570, 10-bit 20-µs CMOS SAR ADC, 1.38,
SFDR, 2.52, 2.56-57 1.40
SNR versus jitter, 2.73 AD7572, 12-bit 5-µs SAR LCCMOS ADC, 1.51
wideband CDMA channel, 2.58 AD7575, 8-bit 5-µs SAR LCCMOS sampling
14-bit 105-MSPS XFCB ADC, 1.65-66, 3.85, ADC, 1.51
8.146 AD7579, 10-bit 50-kSPS LCCMOS SAR sampling
aperture jitter, 6.97 ADC, 1.51
circuit, 7.107-108 AD7582, 4-channel muxed input 12-bit CMOS
diagram, 3.78 ADC, 1.51
data sheet, 6.45 AD7621, 16-bit 3-MSPS PulSAR ADC, 1.65-66,
signal sampling frequency, 8.125 3.61
subranging pipelined ADC, 8.128 AD7664, 16-bit 570-kSPS ADC, 1.65
dithered and undithered DNL, 8.128-129 AD7674, 18-bit 800-kSPS PulSAR ADC, 1.65-66,
dithered and undithered SFDR FFT, 8.130 3.61, 6.42-43
DNL errors, 8.128 AD7675, 16-bit 100-kSPS PulSAR ADC, 3.61
two-tone intermodulation performance, 8.123 AD7676, 16-bit 500-kSPS PulSAR ADC, 3.61
AD7001, CMOS GSM baseband converter, 1.62, AD7677:
1.63 16-bit 1-MSPS PulSAR ADC, 3.61, 6.41-42
AD7008: diagram, 3.61
10-bit 50-MSPS DDS DAC, 1.57 data sheet, 6.45
diagram, 1.58 AD7678, 18-bit 100-kSPS PulSAR ADC, 3.61
AD7111: AD7679, 18-bit 570-kSPS PulSAR ADC, 3.61
LOGDAC monolithic multiplying DAC, 2.112, AD7730:
3.27 24-bit bridge transducer sigma-delta ADC, 1.63
diagram, 3.27 evaluation board, 9.210
AD7226, quad 8-bit double-buffered voltage 24-bit sigma-delta single-supply ADC, block
output BiCMOS DAC, 1.50 diagram, 8.3
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subranging, 1.53-54, 2.19, 2.113, 3.11, ADG467, octal channel protector, 9.110
3.61-78 ADG508F, trench-isolated multiplexer, 7.89
improper trimming, errors, 2.20 ADG509F, trench-isolated multiplexer, 7.89
missing codes, 3.63 ADG528F, trench-isolated multiplexer, 7.89
pipeline stage design, 3.67-68 ADG708:
successive approximation, 3.11, 3.53-61, 3.91 8-channel multiplexer,
5-bit 8-kSPS, 3.58 crosstalk versus frequency, 7.72
dynamic transient loads, 7.23-24 off-isolation versus frequency, 7.68
single-ended input, driving, 6.17-18 ADG801/ADG802, CMOS switch, resistance
superposition, 5.34 versus
testing, 5.27-91, 5.28 input, 7.64
back-to-back static, 5.31-33 ADG918, absorptive CMOS switch, 7.79
dynamic, 5.45-86 ADG919, reflective CMOS switch, 7.79
FFT, 5.51-59 ADG32xx-series, bus switches, 7.84
time-interleaved, block and timing diagrams, ADG324x-series, unidirectional interfaces, 9.191
8.147 ADG3231:
total effective input noise, from SNR, 2.63 low-voltage bus switch, 9.188-189
total SNR, equation, 2.72-73 low voltage logic level translator, diagram,
tracking, 3.90-91 9.191
transfer function, ADG3233:
endpoint measurement, 5.35 low voltage logic level translator and bypass
referred noise, 5.37 switch, 9.191-192
transient response, 2.73-74, 2.73-75 functional block diagram, 9.192
trimmed, 3.39 modes, 9.193
unipolar, transfer function;, 2.5 ADG3246:
video testing, 5.78-83 bus switch,
voltage-to-frequency converter, 3.91-96 hot-plug application, 9.194
ADC-12QZ: hot swapping, 9.194
12-bit 40-µs SAR ADC, 1.44, 1.46 ADG3257:
quad-switch ICs, 4.6 quad 2:1 Mux/Demux bus switch, 9.186-188
ADC-12U, 12-bit 10-µs SAR ADC, eye diagrams, 9.188
Pastoriza, 1.24-25 maximum pass voltage versus input voltage,
ADC analyzer software: 9.188
Coherent Sampling Calculator, 5.63 resistance versus input voltage, 9.187
single-tone input, 5.65 Adjacent channel leakage ratio, 2.57-58, 2.98
two-tone input, 5.65 Adjacent channel power ratio, 2.57-58, 2.98
ADC/DAC, DNL errors, 2.47 Adler, Joseph V., 6.98
ADC FIFO evaluation kit, ADC evaluation boards, ADM1023:
9.211-212 data sheet, 8.26
ADC80, 12-bit 25-µs SAR ADC, 1.43 microprocessor temperature monitor, 8.19-22
ADC1130, 14-bit 12-µs SAR ADC, 1.46 block diagram, 8.21
ADC1140, 16-bit 35-µs SAR ADC, 1.53 input conditioninc circuits, 8.20
ADE775x-series, energy-metering IC, 1.63 key specifications, 8.22
ADE7755: on-chip temperature sensor, 8.21
data sheet, 8.26 ADM3311E RS-232 Port Transceiver, data sheet,
energy metering IC, 8.23-25 9.126
block diagram, 8.23 ADP33xx-series, LDO architecture, diagram, 9.70
current and voltage sense connections, 8.25 ADP330x family:
pulse output, 8.24 anyCAP topology, 7.40-41, 7.43
ADF4360: merged amplifier-reference design, 7.40-41
PLL with internal VCO, 6.93 ADP333x family:
phase noise and jitter, 6.93 anyCAP topology, 7.40
ADG200-series, switches and multiplexers, 7.62 merged amplifier-reference design, 7.40-41
ADG201-series, switches and multiplexers, 7.62 ADP3300:
ADG439F, trench-isolated multiplexer, 7.89 basic 50-mA LDO regulator circuit, 7.46
ADG465: evaluation board, capacitor size, 7.48
channel protector IC, circuit diagram, 9.98 ADP3310:
single channel protector, 9.110 anyCAP LDO regulator controller,
ADG466, triple channel protector, 9.110-111 current limiting, 7.57
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Baker, R. Jacob, 2.117, 3.140, 5.89, 5.91 Best straight line method, integral linearity
Baldwin, Eugene E., 5.25 error measurement, 2.16
Ball-grid array, 1.55 Best, R.E., 6.98, 8.175
Ball-grid-array, packaging, 4.17 Beyschlag Resistor Products, 9.24
Ball grid array package, 9.200 Bias current, 2.99
Ballistic trajectory computation, 1.21 BiCMOS, 1.49
Ball, W.W. Rouse, 1.32, 3.105 Bin width, in FFT, 5.54
Bandgap reference, 6.80, 7.4-10 Binary code:
basic, 7.4 shadow mask, 1.12
characteristics, 7.14 unipolar, 2.4
Bandpass filter, 5.70-72, 6.92 Binary-coded decimal code, 2.11-12
Bandpass sampling, 2.31-32 table, 2.12
Bandpass sigma-delta ADC, 3.132-133 Binary-coded shadow mask, 3.47
Bandwidth: Binary number, 2.3
aliasing, 2.98 Binary ripple ADC, 3.81
analog input small-signal, 2.99 Binary-to-Gray code, conversion, 2.8
effective resolution, 2.99 Binary transfer function, 3.78
full-linear, 2.99 Binary-weighted DAC, 3.9-12
full-power, 2.98, 2.99 Binary-weighted voltage-mode DAC, 3.9
full width, 2.98 Bipolar code:
sampling, rule, 2.32 4-bit converter, table, 2.9
Bardeen, J., 1.18, 4.9 relationships, table, 2.11
Bardeen, John, 1.15, 4.3-4 Bipolar converter, 2.14-15
Barnes, Erik, 8.105 Bipolar mode, 2.100
Barney, K. Howard, 3.107 Bipolar offset, 2.100, 2.110
Barrow, Jeff, 9.63 Bipolar processes, 4.11
Barr, P., 1.31, 5.87 Bipolar zero error, DAC, 5.2-4
Bartow, Doug, 8.105 Bird's nest breadboard, 9.201
Baseband antialiasing filter, 2.29-31 Bit error rate, see BER
Baudon, J.M.E., 1.4 Bit-per-stage ADC, 3.88
Baudot code, 1.3 BJT RFI rectification, 9.157-158
BCD, coding scheme, 2.14 sensitivity, 9.159
Beat frequency test: Black, Harold S., 1.14, 1.18, 4.1, 4.9
ADC linearity, 5.46-47 Black, H.S., 1.11, 1.18, 2.90, 4.9
test setup, 5.47 Blackman, window function, 5.57-58
Beckman Instruments, 1.24 Black, W.C., Jr., 8.157
Bedingfield, Robert C., 1.23 Blair, Jerome, 5.89
Bell Laboratories, 1.14-16, 1.22-23, 4.3-4 Blanking, 1.53
Bell Labs, 7.91 Blattner, Rob, 7.60
Gray code, 2.6 Bleaney, B., 9.24, 9.63
nonlinear DAC, 3.26 Bleaney, B.I., 9.24, 9.63
Bell µ-255 standard, 3.26 Block conversion, 8.115
Bell System, 1.3 Blood, William R., Jr., 9.179
Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1.10-11, 1.17, 8.59 Bloomingdale, Cindy, 9.179
Bell Telephone Labs, 3.109 Bode plot, 7.67
Bell Telephone system, 4.1 Bogatin, Eric, 9.178, 9.179
Bell, Alexander Graham, 1.3, 1.17 Bondzeit, Frederick, 3.108
Bell, Barry A., 5.25 Bootstrapping, 7.103
Benjamin, O.J., 3.137 Bordeax, Ethan, 9.181
Bennett, W.R., 1.18, 2.37, 2.90 Boser, B., 3.137
BER, 2.76-80, 3.45 Bowers, G.G., 1.31
ADC, 2.76-80 Boyce, David E., 5.89
bit error rate, 2.76-80, 3.45, 5.83 BPF, bandpass filter, 3.132
tests, 5.83-86 Brahm, C.B., 3.111, 3.136
high-frequency test, analog input, 5.84-85 Brannon, Brad, 2.90, 6.98, 8.156, 8.157
low-frequency test, analog signal, 5.84 Brattain, Walter, 1.15, 4.3-4
PC-based test, test setup, 5.86 Brattain, W.H., 1.18, 4.9
tests, 5.83-86 Breadboarding, 9.199-213
and time between errors, 2.80 and prototyping, 9.199-213
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Murden, Frank, 3.85, 3.106, 3.107, 4.12, 7.111 Noise bandwidth, definition, 2.62
Murphy, Eva, 9.181, 9.197 Noise coupling, mechanisms, 9.143
Musmann, H.G., 3.37 Noise factor, 2.61-68
Muto, Art, 5.88 Noise figure, 2.46, 2.61-68
Muto, Arthur S., 5.88 cascaded, using Friis equation, 2.67
Mutual inductance, 9.17-20, 9.17-21, 9.143 Noise-free code resolution, 2.45, 2.103, 2.106,
within signal cabling, 9.19 2.109, 8.8, 8.11
MxFE, 1.66, 4.25 Noise immunity, 3.103
Noise power ratio testing, 5.69-70
N Noise reduction, power supply, 9.81-90
N1 SADC gain error, 3.67 Noise reduction pin, 7.19
N1 SADC linearity error, 3.67 Noise Shaped Video techniques, 8.83
N1 SADC offset error, 3.67 Noise shaping, 3.111, 3.112, 3.116
N1 SDAC offset error, 3.67 Non-coherent sampling:
Nahman, Norris S., 5.25 FFT output signal and harmonic leakage, 5.64
Narrowband, definition, 8.114 leakage, 5.63
Narrowband digital receiver, 8.110-114 Non-Linear Systems, Inc., 1.21
Narrowband GSM receiver bandpass sampling, Non-monotonic ADC, errors, 2.20
diagram, 8.112 Non-monotonicity, 3.19
National LM361, 3.49 Nonlinear DAC, 3.25-26
National Semiconductor, 1.25, 1.28, 1.33 Nonlinearity, 2.107, 2.110
Naylor, Jim R., 5.25, 5.87 offset, 2.111
NDB6020P, 7.53, 7.56, 7.59 Nonlinearity error, resistor, 9.10
NDP6020P, 7.53-56, 7.59 Nordenberg, H., 9.63
NDP6020P/NDB6020P, data sheet, 7.60 Normal mode, 2.110
NE521, IC comparator, 1.41 Normal mode rejection, see NMR
Near-field interference, EMI path, 9.142 Normalization, 2.2
Neary, Eamon, 8.191 Norton, Mark, 1.47
Neelands, Lewis J., 3.108 Notch filter, 2.59, 2.109
Negative full-scale, 2.104 minimizing analyzer overdrive, 5.68
Neil, Martin, 5.88 Nova Devices, 4.11
Net glitch area, 5.15 Noyce, Robert N., 1.15, 1.19, 4.3-4, 4.9
New TxDAC Generation, 8.157 NP0 ceramic capacitor, 9.8
NF, noise figure, 2.61 NPR, 1.49, 2.58-60
Nguyen, Khiem, 3.36, 3.137 ADC testing, 5.69-70
Nicholas, Henry T., III, 8.175-176 measurements, 2.58
Ninke, W.H., 3.37 noise power ratio, 2.46, 2.109, 5.69-70
NMR, 2.110 test setup, 5.69
No missing codes resolution, 2.109, 2.112 NTSC, 5.78-79, 5.81
Noise, 2.97 composite color video line, 8.76-77
capacitance-coupled, reduction, 9.144-145 signal characteristics, 8.77
common-impedance, reduction, 9.143-144 videotape recorders, 8.62
conducted type, 9.82 Numerically controlled oscillator, 8.115,
equivalent input referred, 2.43-44 8.160-161
excess, 9.14-15 Nyquist ADC, 3.111
Gaussian, 2.109 high resolution, 3.112
input-referred, 2.44 Nyquist band, 3.116
input referred, grounded input histogram, 5.44 sigma-delta ADC, 3.115
Johnson, 9.14-15 Nyquist bandwidth, 1.61, 1.64, 2.28-29, 2.38-39,
KT/C, 2.109 2.41, 2.63, 2.86-87, 2.98, 3.76, 5.19, 8.32,
magnetically-coupled, reduction, 9.145-146 8.113, 8.120, 8.122, 8.133, 8.160, 8.165
magnetically coupled, reduction, 9.145-146 Nyquist conditions, 2.64
from near-field interference, 9.144 Nyquist criteria, 2.27, 2.27-29, 8.163
peak, 2.109 Nyquist frequency, 2.30, 2.49, 5.48, 6.37,
random, 2.109 8.148-149, 8.164
RMS, 2.109 Nyquist operation, 3.133
signal-to-quantization ratio, 2.39 Nyquist range, 3.23
thermal, 9.14-15 Nyquist rate, 3.110
voltage reference, 7.18-20 Nyquist sigma-delta ADC, 3.112
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Vocoder, 1.10
V Voice activity detector, 8.138
Vacuum tube: Voiceband ADC, sigma-delta, 8.139
data converter, 4.1-3 Voiceband codec, 8.65, 8.139
invention, 4.1 Voiceband digital audio, beginnings, 8.59
patent, 1.13 Voiceband telcom digital audio:
and op amp, history, 1.13-16 diagram, 8.60
Vacuum tube binary DAC, 3.9 standards, 8.60
Van de Grift, Rob E.J., 3.107 Voldicon VF7, 8-bit 1-MSPS sampling ADC,
Van de Plassche, R.J., 3.136 Adage,
Van de Plassche, Rudy, 2.116-117, 3.139, 3.140, 1.24
5.90-91 Voltage-adjustable regulator, 9.68-69
Van de Plassche, Rudy J., 3.107 Voltage compliance, 9.185
Van de Weg, H., 3.136 voltage tolerance, 9.185
Van der Veen, Martien, 3.107 internal, 9.195-196
Van Doren, A., 1.31, 5.87 Voltage-controlled crystal oscillator, 6.91
Van Mierlo, S., 3.109, 3.136 phase noise, 6.92
Variable frequency oscillator, see VFO Voltage converter:
Variable phase shifter, in locked-histogram ADC charge-pump, 9.74-75
test setup, 5.71 regulated output, 9.75-77
Vassalli, Luca, 8.191 Voltage doubler, 9.74
VCXO, voltage-controlled crystal oscillator, 6.91 Voltage drop:
Vector Electronic Company, 9.213 analysis, 9.28
Vectorscope, 5.80 signal leads, 9.27-28
Veen, Martien van der, 3.107 Voltage follower protection circuit, 9.96-98
Velazquez, S., 8.157 Voltage inverter, 9.74
Verster, T.C., 3.64, 3.106 Voltage-mode binary-weighted resistor DAC, 3.10
Vertical sync, 8.76 Voltage reference, 1.35
VFC, 2.104, 3.91-96, 8.14 architectures, characteristics, 7.14
applications, 3.96 capacitive decoupling, 6.81
charge-balance, 3.91 data converter, 6.79-81, 7.1-26
current-steering multivibrator, 3.91 DC specifications, table, 7.18
waveforms, 3.95 design specifics, 6.81
VFO, 3.91 drift, 7.16, 7.18
VGA, electronic display standard, 8.86 large capacitive load, 7.23
VHS-630, 6-bit 30-MSPS flash converter, line sensitivity, 7.17-18
Computer load sensitivity, 7.17-18
Labs Inc., 3.49 low noise, 7.24-25
VHS-675, 6-bit 75-MSPS flash converter, noise, 7.18-20
Computer precision, 7.1-2
Labs Inc., 3.49 issues, 7.1-2
Video, analog and digital standards, 8.80 pulse current response, 7.22-24
Video crosspoint switch, 7.82-83 scaled reference, 7.20-22
Video DAC, properties, 8.88 shunt, 7.2
Video decoder, specifications, 8.85 specifications, 7.15-25
Video encoder, specifications, 8.85 standard hookup, diagram, 7.15
Video RAM-DAC, 8.87, 8.90-91 supply range, 7.17-18
Video switch, 7.80-82 temperature drift, accuracy, table, 7.16
Video testing, 5.78-83 three-terminal, 7.2
ADC, 5.78-83 tolerance, 7.15, 7.18
Vishay/Dale Resistors, 9.24 transient loads, 7.23
Vishay/Siliconix, 9.125 trim, 7.14
Viswanathan, T.R., 3.106 two-terminal, 7.2
Viterbi coding, 8.137 types, 7.2-4
Viterbi decoding, 8.137 Voltage regulator:
Vito, Tom, 2.90 block diagram, 7.30
VLSI mixed-signal CMOS processing, 8.33 current underload, 7.29
VM-700, Tektronix, 5.19 grounding, 9.78-81
VM-5000, Tektronix, 5.19 linear,
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