Zzap - 018 (Oct 1986)

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The document seems to be a magazine or newsletter that reviews various computer and video games from the 1980s. It provides information on games for different systems like the Commodore 64, Spectrum, and Amstrad.

The publication is a 'NEWSFIELD' publication that reviews and provides information on various computer and video games from the 1980s.

The main people involved in publishing the document include Roger Kean, Oliver Frey, Franco Frey as Publishers, and Gary Penn as Editor, along with various other staff writers, sub-editors, art directors, and illustrators listed on page 3.


No.18 O c t o b e r 1986

US Gold

Fact Or Fiction?

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Publishers Roger Kean,

Oliver Frey, Fr anco Frey
Editor Gary Penn
Staff Writers Julian Rignall,
Richard Eddy, Lloyd
Mangr am, Sean Master son,
Brigitte Van Reuben, Paul
Sub-editor Massimo Valducci
Art Director Dick Shiner N O R M A L BITS
Production Controller David
Wester n
Illustrators Oliver Frey, Ian
Production Matthew
Don't miss out! Catch Lloyd's Her mes—i nacti on,
Uffindell, Gor don Druce, answer i ng the latest batch of moans and groans.
Tony Lorton, Camer on
Pound, Jonathan Rignall, 40 W W I READER'S TOP 30
Paul Torr
Advertisement Manager 41 ZZAP I CHALLE NG E 1 2 AP S P E CI AL
Roger Bennett This month Colin Redfer n and Ian Ellis bathe It out
Advertising Assistant Nick In GREEN BERET.
Subscriptions Denise 44 THE SCORELORD SPEAKETH What colour under pants does Australian pr og-
Roberts Blah, biah, blah, high scores, blah, blah, egos, rammer Greg Barnett wear? Does he even wear
Mail Order Carol Kinsey blah, blah, games, blah, blah, blah them? If so, how often does he change thorn?
None of these questions answered, and more, by
Editorial and production: 49 ZZAP I TIPS the man himself
1/2 King Street. Ludlow, The occasional, or, pinch, prod — POKE! and a
Shr opi r e SY8 1A0 few, ah, points, peaks T I P S ! from Gary Penn.
f t 0584 5851
Mail order and subscriptions 63 THE CO MP UNE T PAGE
PO Box 10, Ludlow, Shropshire Jooly Pooly flicks thr ough the pages of the 'net.
SY8 1D8
e 0584 5620 64 THE ART GALLERY
Meanwhile, Brigitte Van Reuben looks at four new
Advertising Information & wor ks of binary art.
0584 4603 or 5852 73 CHRONICLE S OF THE WHI TE WI ZARD
Printed in England by Carlisle Mr Wizzy gets to grips with whips and bondage —
Web Offset (member of the BPCC and the LEATHER GODDESSES OF PHOBOS.
Group) Newtown Trading Estate,
Carlisle, Cumbria. Colour 78 CO MP E TI TI O N RESULTS PRIZE CO MP E TI TI O NS
origination by Scan Studios,
Wallace Road, London Ni 80 NE WS FLAS H
What's new, where, when and how. 38 A WI ZARD CO MP E TI TI O NI
Distributed by COMAG, Tavistock
Road, West Drayton, Middx U87 Win a very special copy of FI REBI RD's latest
7QE game, DRUI D, or one of 20 Firebird T-Shirts,

No ma te ria l ma y be reproduced in 66 SEE Y O UR N A ME IN LIGHTSI

wha le or in part without the written Well, almost —spot the the correct number of dif-
consent at the copyright holders. We H O T STUFF FOR OCTOBE R ferences between two Oil Phi and you could find
cannot undertake to return any written
or photogra phic material sent in to yourself appearing on the cover of this year's
ZZAPI 64 magazine unless 16 BE Y O ND THE FO RBI DDE N FOREST ZZAP! Christmas Special!
accompanied by a suita bly stamped
addressed envelope, Unsolicite d Huge amounts of blood, guts and gore, courtesy 88 P ART MA N , P ART CD
writte n or photo material which ma y of US GOLD's Sizzling sequel to FORBI DDEN
be use d in the magazine is paid for at FOREST. CYBORG from CRL! 30 copies up for grabs along
our current rates with a br and spanking new Compact Disk player!
Rockford appears in ZZAPI 64 by 20 P O WE RP LAY 91 W H A T IS IT G O O D FOR7
kind permission of First Star Inc., ARCANA get their first Sizzler with this non-trivial MARTECH offer you the chance to own one of 50
whose copyright he remains. Trivia orientated boar d game. copies of their new shoot em up WAR.
Solve the Her me's typewriter ribbon mystery and
What have drugs, scientists, blasting and two- one of 50 copies of OCEAN's PARALLAX could be
speed parallax scrolling got in common? They're yours.
all part of OCEAN's latest Sizzler, that's what.
Jeff Minter's fast 'n' furious split screen shoot em
up Sizzles spectacularly.
411. 101 a • h a t t b • You can virtually feel the throb of a 750 cc engine
OLP•d... 04 C. K. A. Q M S
between your legs in this Sizzling new high speed
motor bi ke racing simulation from EPYX. The next issue of 2ZAP! goes on sale from October
Cover by Oliver Frey
the 9th. Don't deny it, buy it!

ZZAP! 64 October 1986 3

7 he Legend is born. Su mme r '84, a co mp u ter game was created, a game that mad e the
,.akV. blood of all wh o played i f fl o w through icy veins. I t travelled through the dusty
,AP) vaults of the software u n d erg ro u n d , surfacing here and there, creating a Legend.
Next month the Legend w i l l be born. Crystal Castles Dia mo n d Plateaus in Space.
Crystal Castles is a once in a lif e t ime opportunity to experience a true software legend.
A legend that w i l l continue because it is to be produced as a L imit ed Edition. N o w that
you've heard of it you mu st buy it otherwise you'll have missed a true software

- -

..-..--- _ - —
- -11
U.S. Gold Ltd., Units 2/3 Holford - •
Way, H o l i o r d , -
B i r m i n g h a m -1-111111.11r
"I liken 1 fi rst saw Cr ystal Castles, i t s shock w a r e s a l m o s t kn o cked me o f t my feet.
T h a t w as so l ong Iwo. 1 can n o t conceive th a t you w i l l ever buy i f in a shop. b e l i e v e i t
w h en 1 see i t ! " "I t's l i ke a s ta te o f manic hysh-ri a on l i fam o n d p l ateau s in deep space —
som e thi ngs are b eyo n d descri pti on;" Julian Rignall

va la bi
•Gollb;- l E L E C T R O W
1 .Nob BBC
Coming soon: Spectrum 48K
...4110111imah-dna.- " 1 11 1o 11n ; . 1 4 . "
-• I ry N a t i t a l C
1 L '
4 6 , .
SSETIL £ 9 . B 9 9 DI S K £ 1 4 . 9 9 ' 1 4 *
A m *obi: M
M G , 1 1

O CE AN S O F T WARE 6 CE NT RAL S TRE E T MA N C H E S T E R M 2 S NS TE L : 0 6 1 8 3 2 6 5 3 3 T E L E X 6 6 9 9 7 7 O C E A N S G

SPECTRUM 4 8 K E 7 . 9 5
AMSTRAD - E 8 . 9 5
H ig la n d e r Pro d u ct io n s L im it e d M E W L X X X V I . All R ig h t s R e se r wed_
T M - T r a d m a r k o w n e d b y T H O R N EM I Scre e n En t e r t a in m e n t L t d . • a n d u se d by
Oce a n S o f t w a re L t d _ u n d e r a u t h o risa t io n . M o vie a n d M e d ia M a r ke t in g L t d ..
• V O CI AN M A N C E T EL : 9 3 4 2 7 1 4 4 G E R M A N Y e lf RUS F I WARE T EL 2 1 0 1 6 0 0 4 0
L ice n sin g Ag e n t s.
'Expert: computer gimes promote violence'
• Thc humble video game is rivalling vidco navies for its adverse effects on
Crazy, but true. The Media Studies really induce people to c ommit
Centre manager for the South felonies? I certainly don't believe
Australian Education Department, this is the case — unless individu-
Mr Paul Gathercoal, feels that als such as Mr Gathercoal con-
computer games are promoting tinue to make these perverse con-
bank robberies, the killing of police nections between computer
officers, drug-taking and even games and acts of violence, then
masturbation! According to a what sounds ludicrous may well
newspiece in the Canberra Times, bec ome reality. in a similar vein:
in which Mr Gathercoai condemns For many years now Mary
Ocean's Frankie Goes to Hol- Whitehouse has been campaign-
iy wood for encouraging pill-pop- ing against violence on television
ping, the problem will worsen and pornography as a whole. And
within in the next decade. What yet, when asked on a late night
problem? Do computer games television chat show if she had
seen examples of pornographic
material to substantiate her beliefs
Mrs Whitehouse admitted that she
GAMES FflEifilnint) hadn't because she didn't want to
Arcana 1 0 4 see such things. How can shecon-
Beyond the For bi dden For est
( 16
dernn something she hasn't seen?
By means of over-the-garden- REPLACE LIDDON SHOW!
fence gossip? Admittedly, Mr
I 114 Gathercoal has seen what he is
Druid 18
S condemning. But he is condemn- Yes, Gar y Li ddon upped sticks, hi ved off to London Town in
Equinox 110 ing a product of his own fertile
Necker II 37 search of fame and fortune with Thalamus.
Note in One 26 imagination. Perhaps people like
Mr Gathercoal are attempting to He left a hole a rather large sized hole in fact, being a generously
_ l ywood Or Bust 24
oo Voodoo satisfy their consciences by con- proportioned lad — and I need it filled. Somewhere out there in the
23 demning perverse fantasies akin
Wheels 102 great wide world, there has to be another (not necessarily a Liddon
108 to their own? Popping pills in Fran- look-a-sound-a-like) w h o f eels c apable o f s t epping i n t o h i s
is Alpha (S) kie Goes to Hollywood!? To be breeches.
ght Rider 30
mi Vice honest the thought had never But hold your horses for a moment. I know it sounds easy to be a
28 crossed my mind, and I doubt Liddon replacement, but first you should be aware of the respon-
altax (S) such an idea even crossed the
erplay (S) 20 sibilities. This is no 9-5 job with morning and afternoon tea breaks
25 minds of those who bought the (despite appearances). Successful applicants will cope with review-
• ky Harold game.
or Cycle (S) 112 ing loads of games, absorbing them to their fullest, writing them up.
o on Two Basketball Mr Gathercoal goes on to say providing thoughtful criticism and generally putting them through
AR that 'any kid, four or five years old, the system. That's the start. There's also a lot of phoning involved,
old enough to carry the money into being personable with the software trade generally. some travelling
a computer software shop, could and interviewing and plenty of thinking. A lot of alternative writing
buy Strip Poker and play it in the goes into a magazine every month, so applicants must have a sound
ADVERTISERS' IN D EX privacy of their own home, c om- ability to think on their feet, work under often hard time pressure and
Arcana 81 pletely legally. if it were a film or a be able to write quickly in coherent, correct English.
Ariolasoft 9, 107 video tape, that would be an
Compumar t 87 offence'. Ah, but if it were a film or If you think you can handle that, then there's a great bob going
Databyte 67 video tape then it would be far as a Staff Writer with a good salary* for ZZAPI 64. Any takers?
Datel 70 more explicit and demand less
Domar k 90 imagination. Can you honestly Write to
Electric Dreams 34, 89 imagine a five year old child sitting G ARY PENN
Elite B A C K COVER in front of his 64, playing with him- THE EDI TOR
Euro max 53 self instead of his newly purch- ZZAP I 64 MAG AZI NE
Evesham 105 ased Strip Poker? Can a child 4
Firebird 10 really be affected by an unrealistic LUDLO
7 W
Gargoyle Games 57 arrangement of chunky pixels — SHROPSHI RE SYS 1 0 5
Gremlin Graphics 19 enough to actually commit a
Hewson crime? I've never heard of such an R
15. 31, 62 Make sure you use the above address AND PLEASE MARK THE
Imagine 39,71 incident. I will be very surprised if A
ENVELOPE wi th the wor d 'APPLI CATI ON' at the top to speed
Mancomp 93 such an incident does occur in the V sorting.
Martech 33 future.
Melbourne House 97 'Johnny, why did you kill three
Mirrorsoft polic emen and rob a bank?' 'Well, L'Salary dependent on experience and ability
Ocean 2. 6. 27. 46, 82 your honour, I've been playing this H
Odin 111 game called Cops 'n' Robbers I
PSS It sounds like yet another storrn in
Superior Software
77 a tea-cup. THE MONTHLY
Thalamus 45
93 One other thing: if you fancy a free
US Gold Split Personalities poster — an A3 STAR FOR Y O U R
4, 22, 54, 68, 72, 84. 95, 115 version of the early Splitting
Video Vault 1 3 Images advert — then send an US GOLD
SAE to Domark and they will gladly
Virgin Games
ZZAP! Mail Order
1 0 0
send you one, stocks permitting. CALENDAR
ZZAPI Ohi Posters 3 2 Thereare only 500, so you'd better
ZZAP! T Shirts/Binders 1 0 1 get a move on . .

ZZAP! 64 October 1986 7

ta• 4

P1 v
4% PIP -

RS, after my moans about the summer letter season, a much
lIl to be
b complaint meant 1 wanted more moans to dig my some goo h illirei r s
But that's not what I meant at ellt Ah me. oh my. • d w. i t h te;1.- sensible-points—.1
a ers here who are not moaning! But with the fist being the Letter of the
g writer's choice.
o -v-
letter each month in ZZAPI- Rrae- gets r"v t
f 4 1 1 I e 011%eu g e. o n i k m
m u

A M A t i t i l OF i h m i
u m

r tainment, it's FUN. Justification Great letter. Will, one of the most
Ion times over. The traditional
Dear Lloyd. is impossible and irrelevant. • deserving of being Letter of the
read with some o interest in your I computer vocabulary lends itself Month for an age in my opinion,
to the attacks of the 'serious There are many of us 'game'
issue number 14 n of Mr Jacob-
son's comments computer usee, ie game, adven- players who have to deal with the I
g on the editorial I tur a rca d e and so on. I have big issues and need the release a porting the values of ZZAPI
style of CRASH and ZZAP! — of the trivial. If Mr J is right in his •
and a pretty rabid e character he rea ' les
Inference that the 'audience for n and CC!, because you aren't
sounds, too! Sor he feels that the simple-minded pap' are simple a
sa t d think thedoing
ihd th e mse lve s then that is Igentirely viewsthat
magazines are fguilty of all.based
No, on
re abilitati n sound common sense, decency
— on any level this may i t t m . He must have other
be so, bull don't a see that this is I taffdi a
o ▪ and an understanding that most
nat a n c e , f 'ge o l l i e s ' —
a term that hasrto be looked on 11 it▪ comments based on an attempt
as an insult (although I'm sure Mr 1 as I is t
e it that - • : 4 iS•d . his Ibark n • to call something Inviar tend to
Jacobson meant way). It's • most computer pr b miss the point altogether_ Your
. of course — released today when corn g s
an old argument Mri 'J'_
at o' 4e r h a p s e E20 worth of software should be
to the big issues of life — so is
computers areEmarvellous fashion, so is Coca Cola, so is 0
he s just as tn'inal 'as t s t of us tc in the post as soon as you let
machines that vare wasted on l ta Aggie know the choice.
advertising, so is Mr Jacobson's after all — keep
2 up the good
many people who just use them work ZZAP LM
to shoot at blobs on TV screens. magazine. t h
Will Blake, d
Salisbury, Wilts u
Triviality is a means of escape. 1 ;I o
I'm sure anyone r interested in the s
this is it's attraction — it's enter-
subject has heard y this one a mill- s
o e
n mommommil o
e ogo fu
s M
oporn a
e rr
e ommon J
m s o o p t s . . . . . . . a
s .i.monn c
Mangy (mind t If I call you the reviewers — into some soil o
o of pseudo, sub-celebrities. It's u m may o r I suggest that you kindly pb the Newsfield offices, is: I shall
I am not one of those sycophan- embarrassing, ZZAPI was once abstain from this tedious 'funny- blow them up. And then you'll all
h prawns whose
tic little fawning business' as you are just making s
a useful guide for choosing be out of apt). And that will put a
letters you generally
a publish. I fools of yourselves. And if you o stop to the 'oh-so-gay n' wacky'
software, Now its just becoming must 'indulge* then kindly keepn
will Indulge v in no ego-massaging 4Ir (perhaps partly due to there antics, won't it?
it private, as we just don't want 4t We l l , there you have vt. A
(on the contrary, I may even par- 11( being such a pathetically small
e ego-throttling). to know. Thank you.
take in a little amount of decent software avail- i t couple of exposed scandals.
Have I made my position clear? i t able, but that's another story) a Now! Something else has What more do you want? I have
Good, then we can all observe a been unnerving me of late, and 4t said my piece and now I'm
medium for advertising (and bor-
little honesty for a change. ing eve y senseless in the that, my friends, is the disturbing bored. So! be off with you, foul
conspiracy which seems to exist IC plebeian; else I shall withdraw
Firstly I'd just like to clear up a * proces
small point concerning Sean between a'API and a couple of .st my subscription.
'antics' of the magazine staff. It's
Masterson. Is he really a toad on Alt s a ridiculous situation. the larger software companies. Mark Roberts, Ealing, London
disguise? Or was Oliver Frey lust ) Let me assure you that I no Now don't say it doesn't exist
having a bad day when he you naughty fellows, because it ix Ail, that Mark Roberts .
e v e r want to hear about the
sketched him? Just wondered — does' (No matter how tenuously). Which software companies
perverted 'sexploits' of that slav-
anyway, on to more important y b o hideously mean it's not even as if you are did you have in mind, and in what
things . . ering, debauched,
d y Penn, than I wish to be
Gary the worst offenders. However, manner have you decided we're
would like to express my dis- this foul practice, as manifested in cahoots with them. Please
z a of the infantile 'japes' in ZZAPI by way of several bot-
taste concerning the way in of the delicate, nubile young advise. As to blowing up the
which ZZAP! has increasingly, n y Prignall And as for the tom-slurping reviews, must Newsfield offices. half of them
Juliet cease. And if it doesn't, then I
over the past few months, p o attempts of grafting per- have moved to another building
attempted to elevate those futile shall write to my MP. And after I
u t onto the other review- so bring plenty of plastic with
talentless, unremarkable non- have written to my MP, I shall you_
i n well!! just despair. So as a take a bus to Ludlow and exer- LM
people — commonly known as message to those concerned,
g , cise a little friendly terrorism on
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


lives on Pot Noodles and GP is a
transvestite and everyone has a
spiky hairdo.
plastic sealing and labelling line
and into a Carlisle Post Office
van direct. You ought to get your
8) What happened to the second
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • copy even before the editorial
half of the 22AP! survey results? dept see one. I hope this is now
Dear Lloyd. 2) Will people ever stop rattling 9) If you can print a letter about
• I couldn't agree with you more on about LCPs? becoming the case, although
hippos you can print this. can't occasionally there are some slip
about the decline in quality of the 3) Why do subscribers receive you?
• letters pages (about the most ups. If you are receiving it late, it
• their ZZAPIs later than everyone Adrian Lowery, Clayton-lo-
exciting items in last month's
• Rrap (Ish 16) were the words • else? (Usually 2 or 3 days after
the release dale)
Woods, Lams • is worth ringing the subs number •
and complaining, 4) 'Hmm', says
• GP, 'I doubt it'. •
• SIMPLE MINDS in large letters (a 4) Will you be catering for the HUMMM-ding. Okay then.
very good pop group to which I • 128? Mils question being answers (as such) in order of
5) You obviously disagree with
• am particularly partial (intellec- • the earlier two letters then . . •
prompted by the Kik Start
tual phrase!) and the mini-pic of • review.) If so I fear you will lose
question: 6) l?
1) No, Have a heart! Sadly it's • 7) An idea under consideration •
• La Hirsch). Gone are the witty,
satirical and poignant works of
• many readers and only gain a
few. Remember it is ZZAP! 64.
only a day or two after the PCW and a possibility — maybe
Show at Olympia, which is five • sometime around Xmas. How- •
• yesteryear (sigh); so with you • 5) The Musicians' Ball was bril- very long days and tembly
pleading for a 'real humdinger' liant! Uncensored, interesting, exhausting. But Gary Penn tells • ever, will we run the risk of being e
w (whatever that may be) I resolved • accused of self-indulgence,
unclean gossip— good stuff. me he might pop up for a look
• to come to the rescue and put 6) Am I Moping behind or was round nalistic horrors???
• ego-boosting and other un-iour- ?
cliche to cliche. Anyway, to the there something fifrightfully 2) Depends whether or not 8) Good question! Poor answer
• point, here are a few (hopefully wrong with the Scorelord last you're into LCPs, (guess, if you
interesting and humdinging) month? — they got forgotten? Perhaps
• questions: are, then probably not. I'd better tell someone to dig em
7) How about a personal inter- 3) You shouldn't. ZZAP! out.
1) Will the ZZAP! team be coming view with each member of the switched printers recently. Now 9) No s o there.
• up to the Northern Commodore 2ZAP! team (SM. JR, PS. and LM
the subscriptions copies go
• Show? GP)? So we know more than JR straight from the bindery to the
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


ZZAP! 64 October 1986 9
Daringly OriginalArcadeAdventure. It's WhatYou'veCome

Available now for Commodore 64 and M AL ORDER
available soon for Spectrum 48.128 and Please stele myna V stoma, rnactona caawie el cask and cp.,araty mowed
EN:Poised coOsald Ctea.aPPO mode w o w . , h fl
Amstrad. elle,s
R E I sRe DsubseOl
S loO avalabeN
F T W Oftlersn
A g E despalched D ofP C c a m e
inclusive or VAT and pOolKie
firreir0 Is&Revibefe4 TrodeMarkalBroish loinommuntcabons PC FIRST FLOOR. 64-76 NEW OXFORD ST LON D ON WCI A le S • mo M a n y fo q u i ri kl
a•pa • •••••••••_ far. The current one is the annoy-

ing 'Girly Penn' references. A
reasonably amusing story to
satipwo:•0* start with which has degener-
WRONG ated into offensive sexism. You
ArriTuDE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
see you're using 'girly' and
accusations of femininity as an
Dear Lloyd. • round table chat which was insult, which implies females are
Dear Lloyd Mangram. I've had two of my letters printed recorded. As you can worse than males. A ioke's a
I find myself writing to you again so far and both have been in joke, but please, that's enough.
• immediately tell. the original
concerning the quality of your praise of an excellent games hours was cut down to a concise In a similar vein, articles like
magazine. I don't like having to magazine. But this time I'm 'The Musicians' Bail' are good
afraid I have a moan. • fifteen minutes or so maximum,'
complain yet I don't feel you are di If the content was dull then one offs (I found it extremely
going to change without some I am talking about 'The Musi- w perhaps that's because you fi enjoyable) but please don't
prompting. My gripes are to do cians' Ball' featured in the • the people involved dull — adopt that style for all your inter-
with your general attitude. Issue August issue. I am sure that other definitely your choice. As to the views. It would become tedious.
16(August) is a prime example of readers will agree with me that • swear words, I would consider By the way, will you be acting
this: the Green Beret review, the occasional swearword to upon the survey results? You see
Gary Liddon's comments on the liven up the magazine is accept- •g them unnecessary. even &ton- despite my criticism, if the major-
game Nexus (or should I say the able and often amusing, but the ilk article, but they are the very ity of readers love Shadowspiel
box), or Rignall on Samantha Fox language used in the said article w , or whatever, those articles being
words used by the poeple talking
Strip Poker, Now I'm all for a bit above was, in my opinion, quite •s and impart much of the flavourof in the magazine doesn't bother
of humour but surely these are unacceptable for a magazine i the conversation held. Whether me (aren't I generous?). But as
going way over the top. aimed at the 12 year-old school • anyof us thinks this is good, bad people dislike Compunet and
The attitude of CRASH is just ° v hardware features, will you keep
g e lisvery dull to read and the oroffensive doesn't alter the fact
Bail' them?
about right, but some things in •e that that's the way It went. Inci-
ZZAPI are getting silly. Person- n
juvenility of the writer only goes , dentally, the expletives were I'm not going to describe all
ally I don't find Shadowspiel of tou prove
p the gradual downhill •i very heavily censored in a lot of the things I like about ZZAPI. as
any interest whatsoever. It has a slide of the magazine since sycophancy is boring for read-
w a
Christmas. af cases—something which many
much greater potential for giving w activists would in itself consider ers. Just one point of praise I will
previews of games and the like r dI really am very surprised that •t offensive. Finally, the average of mention, because it leads on to
yet it falls to meet IL the
s . Editor let the article through ZZAPI readers is far higher than another small criticism. The
'The Musicians' Ball' con- and if this is a taste of more to •h 12, actually between 17 and 18 review presentation is very
Icome then I think I'll change to e
tained a great deal of annoying believe it or not, although clearly' attractive, I particularly like the
comments, and was particularly CUf or C&VG. Come on M P ! y there are many 12-14 year-old ratings boxes. But isn't it time to

boring and above all quite rude buck
o your ideas up. dw update the ZZAP! logo at the top
and offensive. Perhaps I RI Downer, Rayleigh, Essex 1 of the pages? The black and
u ,
shouldn't be trying to blame it all • e white drawing spoils the look of
n sorry you found it a 'dull .r just said is an answer. but at least the colour spreads. Why not take
on you, soon it will be silly season r it might help air the topic a bit.
for journalists, few games are read',
d but you can't blame 'the •Ie Anyone the CRASH lead, with their
e else with strong feelings
coming out at the moment for writer' for either it's 'dullness 'or a about 'The Musicians' Ball'? recent new look for CRASH
'the content, for it is actually and •' i LM Smashes?
you to review so you are having d
to fill the space up with other arti- T
quite clearly a transcript of a Voila my criticism. Now then,
cles and you are all finding it h • • •nra • • Lloyd and fellow readers, is it
difficult to work together in e o
CRASH/ZZAP! towers. sd Peter Steed, Weybddge, Sur-

EillEI A alaEl
t rey
You had just managed to te
wrangle me back last time I com- so
s Another sensible letter with
plained despite the meaningless u
criticism (which John Trott oc some good points. I won't say
r. anymore about Prep, other than
argued against as well). Hope- r
fully you can do it again and this
time stick to the straight and nar- CONSTRUCTIVE e
I disagree with referring to 'crap'
as bad English. True it is consi-
dered a vulgar use, but the word

row. My message to you all is
t is very sound Anglo-Saxon, as e l •
Ashley Hynds, Edgbaston, Bir- e are many expletives now consi-
mingham t dered 'rude' by the cultivated
v use of Latin and then French in
Hello again Ashley' I must say e our language. I'm not advocating
that !don't fond much wrong with e its use, but it does have a pedig-
Dear ZZAP!, crap* etc. If readers want to dis- ree.
the Green Beret review although This letter contains some criti- r
cism. I would first like to make it w agree
(and this Is a personal rather than with a review, the only Shadowspiel (another per-
editorial view) I tend to agree effective way to do so is with sonal view here)has worked very
clear however that I have been concise arguments. Further-
over Nexus. Nevertheless, after an ardent ZZAPI fan since issue h more that sort of letter is rather well when it's good and poorly
all the build up there was a deal a when it's bad. That's obvious
one, and expect to remain one pointless since, as Lloyd so
of angst over Nexus which is ca.- for the foreseeable future. ZZAPI t wisely pointed out, 'It's a matter maybe, but it is the type of col-
tarnly communicated in the com- umn that is very subject to fluctu-
is my second favourite computer I of taste I suppose'.
ments made by all the reviewers, magazine, after CRASH, and it is ations. In connection,' the survey
similarly with Sam Fox Strip ' Talking of the word 'crap', was showed Compunet very low,
because I like it so much that it really necessary for JR to use it
Poker. As for Shadowspoel, it feel the need to write in and com- v in his review of Sam Fox Strip true, but the column had only
takes up little space really and by had one month to run before the
its nature is useful on some plain. So I hope you'll print my e Poker? (Or the adjective to be survey went Out, so we believed
occasions and less so on others. precise). I'm not offended by it the results to be inaccurate and
I found issue 16 (the one with F but it's bad English. wanted to wait for another sur-
You either like it or hate st. I don't the macho cover — based on 4
think the things you refer to have I find the Shadowspiel column vey to see how it fared. You see,
you. Uoyd?) disappointing. The a bit infantile. Some of It is great: it's popularity via Compunet
anything to do with a silly sea- section which has deteriorated
son, and on fact software this funny and sometimes quite reve- (something you would not know
most is ZZAP! Rrap, Newsfield aling (like the Beyond and Barry
summer seems to be flowing unless you're on the Net) seems
Publications have always had Leitch stories). But other parts
rather better than last year if any- the best letters pages around, undoubted—how many readers
thing. The next writer also has are so childish they're boring. If that tots up to is another matter.
but some of these issues weren't it's supposed to look 'alterna-
something to say about 'The Same goes for Shadowspiel —
worth the space, and you were tive'. I'm afraid it doesn't work. next survey soon.
Musicians' Bali'. Stock with us right in riot awarding a Letter Of The same infantile humour is Both CRASH and A V M! have
Ashley, we can't be all good, but The Month Prize. The worst were
surely we're not all bad either' tending to spoil the magazine as undergone some recent spring
LM the letters such as 'your review a whole slightly. I'm not particu- cleaning, and guess ZZAP! will
of Vis absolute crap'; 'the larly boring or humourless (hon- have its turn soon.
111, graphics (in Thrust, are really LM
est) but you can carry a joke too
160 ZZAP! 64 October 1956 1 1
M O R E M O A N S v esatisfied,
r y small)I don
number willhe
t think beunder-


for 3 months about the Friday the
A N D G R O A N S s t ameans: n d s that
the word
in order
not '100%
of rank or
aThirteenth cover (surely you to this subject'. He also said in
g r Lloyd, his letter. 'So what if an enorrn-
must have seen it)? Now then, I
Dear Lloyd, It's surprising the difference one ous amount of space had been
e know what you think Lloyd year can make. This time last iven to Lucasfilm
••Flicking through my issues of
I n • • • • • • • • • • • . . . AP • • . . . . W I

dbut if these godly parents had year, this letter would have been II you what's wrong: W i e l -
several arguments I now feel seen last month's ZZAPI and full of praise. Now, I'm afraid it's
ZZAPI and CRASH I have found i aread 'The Musicians' Ball' they d favgetrilism (
unable to restrain myself on: moans and groans.
cwould have been horrified -- lagaz
a n dfleZZAP! has a duty tote
1) The letter from J Trott (ZZAPI Your magazine HAS gone to any company, regardless
14 (June)) saying that paddles rshock! horror! a FIT type cover. downhill. I accept that all ahessize, a and give ffieleam a
1 •
and analogue joysticks are virtu- except with green hat on it (and magazines can't keep up the
oblood on his face), and as for the ' ountr eof time
v and space to all
ally impossible to find, and, if you s quality of the first few issues, as s and arnes. It isinteresting
language in TMB . . • well, I *
do you have to pay t 14 for them. all the eggs are put in one basket e th V A P I dideot bottle:14
counted 15 swear words, with
He probably doesn't realise that. s to attract Ion l e r m readership. an w h i f f ! '
11although it may hold true for the the word 'pissed' used most fre- But the fright n g thing is, the
tquently. In my opinion they are
i latter, that a company speed at wh• ,s happened. 11 t ing r nWg db s e v e ra l months
supplycalled A& hbeing utterly pathetic by cancel- t been said
S Distribution paddles Firstly, I kn -IP
(Atari ones) in pairs for E6.99 (I eling orders as their children will before, but the ra t irr -, , t t e r low
know because I work there). up the language soon pages compar t o thers, is at Pd' was It n
really worth doing it, as
enough anyhow. To tell you the . ' e
2) Previews and Reviews, I have a a disgusting lev • sidering n o t h i n g seems to have been
never been confused by the two, truth I am really looking forward )b e rarcade
that o f review o r d i n g d a yo n- e about it. For instance:
g to this month's (September) r e
they are totally different from to thevrecent
i e w quest' ) are C0 go m p umnet and Shadowspiel
each other (for a start there aren't eRrap to see if any angry parents the
, second most po ,o e r e both at the bottom in the
any ratings) and as for the timing scomplain. in ZZAPI, why (on ave t i o n w popularity table but what has
of the reviews. it is hardly your B
only 1 8 a .l
o tional Karate is the best (which it I •
fault getting a game 3 months kaccording
0 to Matthew Morn t h e a t we, your readers, are not in
late. It is the companies' fault, f is) thump 'ern up and only give it (issue
/ 0 16)oalthough most peop ea, tf a v o u r of these things, but
and not the distributors' fault I a measly 91 % hmm? Everything do buy ZZAPI primarily as a p e r h a p s they are your favourites
either. In the case of Fnday the AFelse. . _ Brilliant sums your mag treview h
g i v magazine, the majority a n d so stay. Indeed your corn-
_ Thirteenth , it's not surprising o up quite nicety. e
e n be made to put up with m e n t s seem to support this.
l Mr Purnell, Witham, Essex
r Dornark gave it out to you late as r non-reviews.
q u e sjust tso a small (a A s reviews are (probably) the
a they must have surely known it s u Last first, Gary says, 'All, but as i o n n a
' would be heavily criticised. o o
mtime passes so the games age. ir er e ,
, And if Exploding Fist was
; excellent and I was glad to see h reviewed now it wouldn't do as v i
the interview on it as it enabled
3 me to broaden my knowledge of o well as lk. Quite straightforward e w
)• h o w the games originally started w when you think about it.' s
The argument that young
l (really, this part is a matter of per- c people b
will pick up the swear
u LCP). a words anyway isn't, of course, a e
c 4) Ms Van Reuben: This poor defence for using them in a publi-
n cation. However, as I've already e
a woman has already suffered n
at the hands of Rrapers y said, I think it's only fair to quote
s enough
so leave her alone! The cNEr o people in a realistic context, d
1f sonal pagesopinion, the same
are interesting goes for u otherwise we would be guilty of
(although o
i sometimes repetitive) to read. s giving a false Impression. Thank n
you for all your other well stated
l CRASH. Some readers may not a points. e
m I know of the arguments which y LIM a
gN I b
ao n o
m w t u
ec e t
so r i
:m n t
Te e ?
hs - I
et i t
sh '
ee s
ab o
ri b
- • • •••• . r

aa i
lb Dear 7 2o
lo A P t u 0 exalted ones.
u 6 4 enjoy
much . s your mail and whilst
t browsing through issue 14 sa w
some rather funny pictures of
Jaz and Gaz (Penn) (page 13) by
tee Cottreil. Thrs struck me as
bashidea. so,• decided
• to myself •
• Allan Sinns•
erh a mp ton Codsak


most important thing, perhaps Lloyd didn't give away E20 sent situation. It's arguable whether the
you could explain your obiective software in issue 16. I wouldn't Dunc an Hale, East Barnet, game scenarios are valuable or
To me the objective is to say how have bothered printing half those Hart s not, but they are a part of a
good e game is, and how play- letters. Where are all the letters reviewlust as much as the plot of
ab d enjoyable it is. But whic h start slagging-off matches Wow! (Takes a p breath). a movie is to a film review and
rec you have started to give between readers and ZZAP!? Another g er, although they help liven up what would
a lo space to the background Finally, you should also watch think a to nfair here and otherwise start to be boring. I
sto this really necessary? what you're saying_ Anyone who there (b en would, I'm won't comment of things like
With st games, it is a corn- turned to page 99 last issue (16) unbias don, P I News Flash and the Challenge,
plet te of space and totally would think that they had picked has go o w n the latter is probably more down
boring read_ For instance on up the wrong magazine. I know perh h o to personal taste than anything.
the re of Tau Ceti. almost that Samantha Fox Strip Poker is to re s? I'm and of course I agree with you
half the tten review was In itself a suggestive game, but 17 n 27 page t o the letters because!
devot a history lesson of the although the words 'If you do games reviews, 7 page in the first place b u t
scenari ere is no use exp- want mammaries to stir the loins stly arcade), a one-page ' happened —
laining th good and bad points. • do not offend me, they on Martech's next game, 3 °ening?) let-
Something, which is the whole might offend so ges previewing US Gold's
point of reviews. can ju next batch of releases, 2 pages Sa d be
The worst thing about the sa m u m , 'What concluding the Minter diary, and No almost hys I I .
that it appears not just d • s y o u r loins mean?' 3 pages on joystick tests. All to discuss or u t e r
but is to the way, how d devoted to arcade games a PP' game based on a e x
wides p 0; • - k now that • total of 63 pages in all. From an b.. symbol taking part in r a t i o
uch as News Ras . P.- situation like a strip poker
h d e c r e a s e d in g'? 50%. 28 games in all were without making some approp-
o th e s full of s
including 5 adventure riate comspentsl Better,
ra l
c omplaints after a lone • -• s review pages. On top of perha l o argue that the
t b o u ZZAP!
e bein • - u at, there was a 3-page Master wa I ) . ' unsuitable for t
and really in s t i around.
r : Blaster (largely arcade) quiz. yea d s in the first place. An in
• laming how a page is mi lower, you i l l join the increasing As I've said before, from issue your last question,
a o issue it's a matter of when and
number of computers 't eight, he isn't even
• , • • • N• ) 1 1
wrong. - n
magazines who are having to join how
f the software arrives as to 7 e 's a bit older than that,
ipoitt his -- d h e r to survive. Imagine it:
t•,• when and how it gets reviewe robably (almost certainly)
;ve my ZZAPI today. Ho -• a d o r e Zuserl I would hate Being very topical. we're St first-hand experience. I'm
2 other people's efficie

s There
p was a crease in the ou o disappear altogether, and with only guessing now, of course.,.
front cover . . ' I'm not surprised hope you can i mprov e the pre- and
4 schedules. t
e l t

w a
o g
r e
d s

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140 High St West, Glossop. Derbyshire, England
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c Copy right v ideov ault Ltd No 151085
0 0 ZZAP! 64 October 1986 1 3
••• • •—•


i t. 0 0 •
••••- •


profit and their ST is outselling I Mark Devlin, Barassie, Troon,

Dear Lloyd. until they found out that the
the Amiga.
If Commodore had reduced
the 64 price to. say, that of the
Spectrum a few years ago it
would have been the64 that took

Strong stuff Mark, and I must

say. looking back at the last few
months, what you say seems

I write to you as a very worried bungling bosses at Commodore Britain by storm. But no, they well justified as far as the con- !
and angry Commodore 64 had slapped a E1000 plus (ex- had to be greedy and charge as sumer in the street goes. Part of t
owner. Gasp! Shock!! Horrorl tI VAT) price tag on it, which no one much as they could. The man- the trouble. feel. is that you are n
could afford. agement of Commodore have dealing with a company that is
I How can this moron with the
best micro available, be worried The Commodore 128 was sat on their behinds collecting basically American (and

answer's quite simple, Firstly I'm
worried that a certain company,
after Crushing all opposition and
unveiled which was compatible
with 64 software and had better
BASIC (well it couldn't have been
worse), and what did the idiots
their substantial salaries while
people have lost their jobs and
confidence in the company
which is now non-existent. Most A
worldwide), and although Britain
may be seen as a very valuable
market (being mad keen compu-
ter owners), it's obviously a small
dominating the home computer do?They gave it a E250 price tag Commodore users feel the com- drop in the jewelled ocean as far

1market is now 'going down the

tubes', Secondly that company
isn't doing a damn thing to gel
itself out ot trouble, which makes
while the Spectrum 128 was sel-
ling for El 79. Bravo! Commo-
They put the 64 into a com-
pany just doesn't care what hap-
pens to them and their
machines. and they're probably
right. If only I had the money I
as Commodore Business
Machines are concerned (and
don't forget the 'Business'
appelatoon). The way a corpora-
t me ext 'erne' y angry. Think about pendium (not before time) and would soon sort that company tion of such size sees itself and
it for a minute. What have the
big-wigs at Commodore (the
certain company) done to stop
the slide?
have now decided to put it in a
128 case. but still the price is
El 99.99.
Score: Commodore—O. Rest
out and I'd make sure the man-
agement were ordinary Commo-
dore owners, because we know
far more about the computer
what it produces, changes as the
years go by, not always for the
best, and on this case patently for
the worst as far as the people
Oh WOW! they brought out a of Computer Industry —3. Com- industry. who supported its products are
.'wonder machine', the Amiga
and everyone was dazed by it's
brilliant graphics and sound and
pronounced it a world beater,
modore have failed to do the
obvious: reduce their prices.
Tramiel, their ex-boss did it at
Atari, and they are now making a
Hopefully someone from
Commodore will read this, which
is unlikely as they seem to have
abandoned Britain,
concerned hope someone with
some sense and foresight will
take charge before much longer. 1

I ANSWERS sop% le e • Ne e ll' %r-ogliselled"16
plays ' READY' and RETURN is
O N THALAMUS by Thalamus which would cost
Newsfield money. I'm expecting
lots of Thalamus previews, inter-
e ‹ Dear Lloyd.

1 sabled? Again, this is an origi- I was pleased to hear that you are views, etc. to enhance your
It aA Dear
A PLEASE!Lloyd, n d a , i l and not a copy. founding a new software house, already great magazine. Good
r Crawl, Crawl, Crawl . . . Now 9) Will Marble Madness, Trojan, Luck'
Gaunfierand Hang On be availa- namely Thalamus. I would like to R Watkins, Fairwater,
,1 y_ th e letter. b l e for the Commodore, and if take this opportunity to ask you Cwmbran, Gwent
so, when? to use your expert judgement

1 o and experience of computer
A A W h yondoes
u keep abouteverybody have
the decline of to 1 0 ) On the subject of software Well ca n 't comment on the
games software when releasing
A ZZAPI? p i r a c y , how can companies like handling, pricing or distribution
t a games under the Thalamus
Melbourne House, who charge label. Don't release anything not of Thalamus products since it's
h s In my opinion. it hasn't changed E l 5 for games, say they are los-
A not based here in Ludlow and is
up to Sizzler standard. It would
Z Y:
k that drastically at all — apart i n g out? For one, I would not pay
A. from
1also Tips,
A ash:
a few is
much better,
o u
v out El 5 for Lord of the Rings (al-
h I did pay it for Elec-
y trosound which is excellent), but
be a good idea to get your
reviewers to put the games from
"Thalamus to the test.
Also try to keep the price of the
a separate company in any case.
However, I do know something
about game pricing these days.
Fora start off programmers want
s 1) What will happen to Terminal i f someone offered me a copy I
e fantastic? very high rates for the job these

.Man now it has finished, as it is V would take it. So how can Mel- games down. I don't know
o l whether or not Thalamus is to days and when that's taken into
, . bourne House claim they are los- consideration with distribution
v l 2) Will it go back to CRASH, release budget games — if not
v ing out if I wouldn't pay it in the and marketing costs, there's not
then a price of E6.50 would be
e t place?
which is where it was in the first w first place? Software Houses
v take note. fine. Try to avoid the infamous much left from even the higher •
r h 3) When is the Electrosound E9.95 price tags and unless you price tags. Budget game dis-
y W e l l I have to go now as Floyd tribution has been handled on an
w e Compiler Module corning out, as t h e Droid has nearly loaded. want to price yourself out of exis-
tence, don't go over El 0 at any entirely different way from 'nor-
i I was hoping to use it for your 7 Leighton Williams, Resolven, rate. mal ' priced games. largely
music system
as it is the 23rdcompetition, but W Glamorgan
now and the clos- through the notoriously difficult
t At the moment you are possi- newstrade outlets. This has
h ing date bly thinking of not reviewing
to was theleast,
10th as
I'mI a mite At o
n s: w e r s on a postcard please, beens sown up by only two com-
miffed say the dearly Thalamus games. I for one, and
, panies with any real success —
want a Music System. A i n g h t then, in order of many others I'm sure, will not Mastertronic and Fire bird. Just
I 4) I don't see why you call Rob a p p e a r a n c e : think you're biased if you give
them good ratings. think how many other so-called
' 'mind your language, don't I get 1 ) Terminal Man II? Yes, it's a budget labels have appealed
Thalamus should remember
l everywhere' Hubbard's new p o s s i b i l i t y , but Oliver Freyhas so and vanished, simply because in Inn
scratchy music 'annoying', as I m u c h to do that the planned sec- not to write too many multi-load
l cassette-based games, disk- the end there wasn't enough
think it's cool and much better a n d senes just hasn't V margin for software distributors
g only games or 128-only games.
than stuff like Monty and Crazy m a t e r i a l i s e d yet. He keeps say- y r The odd one or two are fine for to handle the product
e still
his best.
but Thing on a Spring is t r i g it vwill, but when is an other As for ZZAP.r, we shall certainly
matter. those with a 128 or disk-drive,
t but the majority of readers are be reviewing the first Thalamus
5) Why do people always slag — 2 ) If it does, it'll be in ZZAP! as
o sorry, criticise Baliblazer, as l w e l l at the same time as in not blessed with such equip- game, Sanxion and if it deserves
ment. it, it'll be whatever it deserves to
n and at least two of my friends C R A S H no doubt, be. Your kind sentiments are
think it's the best thing since the 3 ) The Module will be on the Finally, I hope Thalamus is in
w good hands. After all. I don't passed onto Thalamus.
invention of the ZX81 door O r p h e u s stand at the P CI
wedge. LM
i show. want my favourite magazine to
, Do you know if you access set 6 ) Yes.
t go bankrupt because of an error
2Vof Forest's Rambo—the music 7 7 Yes_
system—and press 'C' then you 8 ) Take a look at this months tips
get a short ditty not in the game, 9 ) Marble Madness, Trojan —
7) Do the Crazy Comets pokes s e e NEWSFLASH. Gauntlet — ing to anwser) that lot! Back up the hill, then to tend the late run-
f ner beans in my cottage plot. Such is the life of a country hick.
from the June and July issues s e e last month's AMERICAN Actually, I'll have a go on my new Amiga this afternoon (okay,
really work as when I type in the G O L D RUSH feature. Hang On I
system code it always
is anlocks up. 1 —0 ) see the review of Super Cycle.
My Crazy Comets original Durtno. t Forbidden Forest is eating up a lot of time at the moment Hang
and not a copy. L M h the runner beans). Write to Lloyd Mangram, ZZAPI RRAP, PO
8) How do you reset International. 9 1 1 0 $i BOX 10, LUDLOW, SHROPSHIRE SYS 1DB.
Karate as when I try, it just dis-
I 'k
Enter into the world of Jeff Minter's IS ALPHA M a n o e u vr e in the bizarre
world o f h ig h speed surrealism Bombard y o u r s e n s e s w i t h
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The k e y t o y o u r survival is-ENERGY!

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ped i t s peaceful a tmo s-

T phere. something is afoot.
h smell has changed, the birds
ehave vanished, even the soft grass
has a new texture, What is this
ffearful place you have stumbled
oacross? Something awesome has
rhappened in the forest and you are
just about to find out what.
e So the scene is set for a journey
s— a journey Beyond the Forbidden
You are set alone in the middle
hof the forest with only a bow and a
aquiver of arrows to protect your-
sself. You can move left and right,
and also In and Out of the screen in
sa pseudo 3D fashion. Raster lines
uin the border indicate the elevation
dof the arrows which you fire at the
onc oming nasties.
d Suddenly, f ro m th e cluttered
eundergrowth there is a rustling
nsound a n d a h u g e sco rp io n
appears, i t ' s s o l e mo tiva tio n
lappears to be your destruction.
yHastily you run into the distance to
dget a better view of this odious cre-
ature, you see his weak spot and
raim . .. The arrow penetrates his
ohide and blood ejaculates from his
parmoured shell. Unfortunately, It is
only stunned and is soon rampag-
-ing after you again. The second
accurate shot should kill him, but if beast you will encounter in the You arrive in a system of bat
you fad you will be subjected to a forest is the Megatherium, a foul infested caverns. The bats are the
brutal death by poison. smelling liza rd wh ich pounces guardians of evil and killing one
Once dead, the scorpion van- from the undergrowth with the soul allows you to access a cave to the
ishes in a glistening cloud of col- intention of crushing you to death. far left where there lurks the hor-
our, and then — a mystic occurr- Killing the bloated reptile gives rific Hydra. Luckily your quantity of
ence: an ethereal fanfare strikes you another golden arrow. When arrows is double on entering the
up from the lofty heights and a you have amassed a minimum of caves. The Hydra is a huge, four
glowing, spinning o rb descends six a rro ws yo u ca n enter t h e headed fire breathing beast, and
and releases a golden arrow to Underworld and attempt to dis- your only hope in defeating it is to
assist you in your quest. It leaves, pose of the evil Demogorgon. shoot each head. Doing this trans-
and once again you are alone — a Swept up in a surge of powerful forms the Hydra into grey, motion-
mere mo rta l i n t h is inhumane evil th e forest vanishes a n d a less stone.
forest. warning appears... Now you encounter the biggest
The n e xt inhabitant yo u will evil of them all — the Demogor-
encounter is a Verme. The ground gon, a snake like creature whose
rumbles, announcing i t ' s p re - XXI NC 0011(IVA K. eyes shoot lightning bolts at those
sence, and then a grotesque worm Ilk Itl 0 ( P1011'; who dare to oppose him. Your only
like creature e ru p ts f ro m t h e (01k.
, Al lillk0( I I K 11,4104 hope is to locate the chink in his
ground, ja ws open wid e . Five armour and destroy him with a well
,I l KftM
K <00 110K01011<<. placed arrow, If you manage to
direct hits are required to kill the 1111
(1<01K(00III11110IV Lfll, (<1 Ilk
141t100 0
beast, but if you miss it five times 1 E l 0l. 0 1 K 1 1 0 (0 1 shoot h im in his weak spot he
0(0411411( explodes with a monstrous roar as
then it will locate you and drag you 0 011((. <III<ti Ilk NI lKk I lk M O
down into it's lair. . • the whole screen begins to resem-
0( HMI <tilti01 11(11' Mr I 011011)00, ble a slaughter house. The evil has
Once you have rid the forest of
the creature from the ground you been defeated once and for all.
think yourself safe, but a humming and the forest has once again
noise i s heard overhead a s a become a good and happy place.
This game is just so eerie — it's You are transformed onto a cloud
enormous flying creature appears so j a m as the sun rises on a new world, a
— a monstrous dragonfly with a
long proboscis capable of sucking - that it had me screaming for world of happiness, peace, and
mercy as the dragonfly drained best of all, no meanies!
you d ry o f blood i f n o t killed p ac
instantly. Lure the winged menace me ofkall my blood. I'm not quite
e d what generates the intensity
down to eye level, then launch one but
w Ii dot know that it works super-
of your arrows and watch th e bly. To be honest I'm not very
dragonfly disintegrate in a cloud of h good at actually playing this
noxious fumes.
a game,
t but watching it being
The heavenly body once more
descends and presents you with mplayed
o equals any horror film.
another sacred arrow to add to Play with the lights out and
s experience
p the most horrific
your life sustaining collection. h e game yet devised.
The fourth and final variety of
r e

16 ZZAPI 64 October 1986

The graphics are chunky and the
parallax scrolling is a little jerky.
But the intense, prevailing
atmosphere and bloody special
effects really make this game so
enjoyable to play —just like the
original when it was released
over two years ago. The music
played throughout the game is
outstanding, very atmospheric; I This must be one of the best
Particularly like the tune played games I have ever played. The
when you enter the Underworld atmosphere created by the
—a neat remix of one of the orig- parallax scrolling, the gradual
inal tunes enhanced by the change between day and night,
1i r screaming of a bat. Oh, and the and the haunting music make
• t piece of music played when con- this latest gem more an experi-
e fronting the Demogorgon — ence than a game. The only real
i ft great stuff! Fans of Forbidden problem is the silly loader
. Forest certainly won't be disap- they've tagged on — it takes
pointed with this, it's a worthy longer to get into than Conan,
follow up to a classic game. and if you die in the second sec-
tion you have to switch off the
machine and reload! This is
annoying, since it could easily
have been rectified. Still, Beyond
the Forbidden Forest is a bMI
game, one which makes me
proud to own a 64.

ation 80%
iig, but a great title
detailed instrur
is i•• up for this.
ainky but very effective
p 97%
Amazingly atmospheric
soundtracks and spot FL
Hookability 95%
c atmospheric ander]
, sfrom the outset.
8 ity 89%
,,d compelling.
al 1 • not overly vorla4
• tue For Money 8(
of exciting, blood-cur
iCtiOn for your money.
era!' 91%
1gnoping, an

ZZA P! 64 October 1986 1 7

.:voLem ?

Firebird, E7.95 cass, joystick with keys E17 0 2 0 i) 1
i tati l 1;1; U M , *
nasty creatures instantly drains
to reveal an awesome quest. energy f ro m h i s e n e rg y b a r. 1 ••• • • •• •

T Four skulls of immense evil located in the top left hand corner 1
hhave been brought to life by the of the display. Fortunately, energy )
ePrincess of Darkness — her wrath can be revitalized by standing on a
is beginning to spread. Four floors revolving Pentacle of Life; how- ( k 4
mof an eight floor tower are where ever, on later levels don't mistake 4
ithey are to be located, and you, a similar images fo r they will sap
sDruid, have been assigned th e your energy. , (
mystical task of defeating the Prin- To get to the lower vaults, you 4 ,
tcess and her monstrous minions. will need t o gain access to the
s 1 4 . 4 •
o < i o *
f ( 4 4 ,
t by pressing the
( A+ tkey.
v All sorts of make his way safely across.
This is a neat little other goodies can be found within At the end of the game you are
i •••• Although t h i s the chests, such as water, fire,
game — but only doesn't work par- given a rating ranging from Dimwit
m for t wo players, electricity, invisibility spells, and to Light Master, and this depends
ticularty well as a
e found i t v e r y one play er game, Golems. Unfortunately, only one upon h o w ma n y chests we re
spell can be extracted from any opened, and the number of crea-
s my own, s ncedifficult to play on it's r e a l l y g r e a t
it is rather tricky to one chest at a time. tures and skulls destroyed.
l move the Druid with the joystick with t wo players. Play ing t he
(also Golern minder is a real Golems are large ape—like cre-
o whilst us ing t h e k ey board t o laugh, a n d t here's plent y o f atures which help you battle it out
control t h e Go/ern. Howev er, interaction wh e n t wo play ers against your adversaries and can
w Druid is still a very good game
venture o u t t oget her. T h e be called up at any time once you
l with p l e a s a n t graphic , s a n d graphics are really good, a n d have collected a Golem spell from
y adequate s ound effects, and is show that t he offi cial Gauntlet a chest. He is controlled via the
well worth the asking price, can look very much like the origi- Commodore key, and each time it Ws pretty obvious
c nal when it's finished. The sound that t h i s i s a
is pressed it toggles between three
l is another good feature, and the commands; SEND, FOLLOW and Gauntlet derivative
but nevertheless,
e Your Druid finds himself aban- whole thing boils down to being WAIT. Alternatively, the Golem can It's not bad at all,
an enjoyable and novel program
adoned In a mysterious forest —
which is an essential purchase
be controlled by a second player
even if the playing area is verging
devoid of all humane life — with via a joystick.
ronly a few spells to his credit. The for Gauntlet fans. Another s p e ll wh ic h ra n k s on microscopic. Probably most
enjoyment can be achieved from
destruction spell is the most pow- amongst the most powerful is the a t wo play er game where one
erful and useful — this can take Chaos spell. Th is destroys a ll takes c ont rol o f t h e odious
the form of energy balls of water, meanies in the Druid's vicinity and Golem a n d s c ampers around
fire, or electricity, but Druid has to tower by locating a key. These can also bumps up his energy a fair bit. bashing all the meanies before
be selective about which one he be found in chests, which a re Death comes instantly if Druid falls they have a chance to assassi-
uses to defeat a particular demon. opened b y simply walking into into one of the many lakes— fortu- nate our beloved Druid. Not an
Making contact with any of the them and then used to open doors nately, there are bridges for him to essential buy, but i f you can't
wait f or the official version then
Druid may keep you occupied for
the time being.

D %Ik•
COLE)! et Presentation 89%
0 1 1 - Good instructions and many
R A I I NG 1 attractive features, such as the
0 a•OYS unusual two player option.
. YTI kt7A - ; Q . Graphics 82%
Clear and colourful but not that
4 I well animated.

. 1 Sound 68%
Nice title screen tune and spot
a c FX.

H ook a bility 89%

- Plenty to kill and explore.
; Lastatallity 85%
Playable and challenging —
even more so with two players.
Va lue For Money 88%
ns of this type of game won't
gripe at the price.
Overall 88%
A great two player game and a
real 'fi x
f o r
G a
18 ZZA P ! 64 October 1986 y :
W e
Footballer of the Year d fl Q a S ,
Tlle vine ID onvir every no. ,i(li a r

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This p r o m i s i n g s at
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% l i m b ri r 1°''I T V a d " n a " ' - e debut
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m uaesBemed51eurm M I A P O

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o a French clinic to obt - -
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Pn do o t at .
1 M iPE M i n - edical treatment I R Cot oe l'r t p re

" ah le
',Prim mine rs
dm krw.
t 6. xpert
1 Pierre Renoir wt tbe e w t e7 e
dm r momknee,
„as a
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a other top Eur b t l e a m' tt ue t
A Stars. i n 1 1 , 1 0
pean a n, m

A e-He bis likely

o x m
' qmu Ko w
e to return
o jus chances 9 • irm
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g r o f mI
d Pe w
1 WI
2 id edervelottsmod
, otransfer
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i i ireluctant to part with hi c
o m
t t nitedt look ed t he ma " i
A gyside in the ape T

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P Available
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GremlinGraphics Software r
, e I wo Tel: (0742) 753423 — eNovember I
e m
Arcane. E9.95 cass, E14.95 disk, joystick or keys

any of the eight adjacent squares. added to the total, it is given the wer then the opponent wins, or if
Four of the squares on the board opportunity t o mu t a t e a n d the time limit runs out and neither'
four player arcade trivia type
p game. i t is se t upon th e act as transporters and if jumped become a more powerful in d i- player h a s answered then th e
onto, t h e wa rrio r i s randomly vidual. challenger loses out. The loser has
oheights of Mount Olympus. way a chunk of points knocked off his
back in Roman times, and puts transported to another transporter When one player tries to move
w elsewhere on the board. Answer- his warrior Into a square already wisdom total and is mutated down
you in the position of one of the
eancient Gods or Goddesses who ing enough questions correctly occupied by an opponent's piece, a grade. If the player is already on
a challenge takes place. Bo th the lowest grade, his piece spins
rlive there. builds up your warrior's 'wisdom
The Go d s persistently argue rating', and if enough points are players have to press their fire but- out of existence and 'dies', playing
pover which of them is the wisest tons to show that they are ready, no further part in the game. The
land most powerful, so Zeus. sick then a question and four answers first p la ye r t o remove his/her
are printed up in the usual fashion. opponent's warriors wins the con-
aof their bickering, decides to set This is what a computer trivia test and is considered 'the wisest
However, this time both players
yup a competition to settle their game should be — fast, unclut- have to race to guess the answer of the Gods'.
arguments once and for all. After a tered, action packed and with a
igreat d e a l o f thought. Z e u s correctly. T h e fi rs t p la ye r t o
clear objective. Its only stumbl- choose t h e co rre ct answer i s
sdevised Powerplay, wh ic h i s ing point is that it has no single judged to have won the bout, but if
aplayed on the checkerboard cour- player option, but the way the a player chooses the wrong ans-
tyard in the gardens of the Temple
tof Apollo. game is played means that a
single player option would be
w Each player has direct control totally impossible anyway. Pow-
oover four warriors. When the con- erplay is brilliantly simple
test begins, both players' warriors
,appear at opposite corners of the throughout so that even compu-
ter novices can play with ease —
tboard. The first player is asked to perhaps you'll even be able to
hselect a warrior, done by moving get your Mum and Dad to chal-
the joystick to cycle through the lenge you! The graphics are
rpieces and then pressing fire but-
really good with nice screen lay-
eton to make the choice. out and great sprites. If you fancy
e Once an action has been taken, taking your family or friends on in
a question appears at the bottom a battle of wits and reflexes then
oof the screen, the subject depend-
rush out and get this —
ring upon which coloured square it's brilliant!
the warrior is standing on. Below
the question, fo u r answers are
printed on the four points of a com-
pass. Once you've decided which
answer is the correct one, you
move the joystick in the relevant
direction t o pick the answer —
don't be too slow because a time
limit constantly ticks down. If the
chosen answer is wrong, your turn
has ended: if it's correct you're
allowed to move your warrior onto

For a simple question and ans-

wer game Powerplay is superb,
but it goes far beyond that, often
becoming fast and fraught with
action. it's the extra features.
such as the mutation and the
challenges that make it sheer
excellence. The graphics are
well defined, especially the rep-
resentation of the mythological
beast/es who just add that extra
dimension to the game. This is
the best Trivia game on the mar-
ket at the moment, and it sets a
high standard which others will
have a hard job to beat.

20 ZZA P! 64 October 1986


U E S O *3P0I N
I hate Trivia games — they bore
me senseless. Powerplay, on
the other hand, is highly enjoy-
able to play and I didn't find it
dull in the slightest. This may well
bee Trivia game, but it's farmore
interesting to play than Trivial
Pursuit. The graphics are very
nice, and the jingles and spot FX
work well. Powerplay is a neat
multiplayer game which is
worthy of any Trivia players'
Presentation 96
Pleasant title screen andin the
options you ever needed —
including a question compiler --
but unfortunately there's no
restart facility.
Graphics 82%
Attractive playing area and
Sound 68%
Variety of tunes and jingles.

COMPILI 0 O W N QUESTIONS 1 Hookabillty 96%

Instantly playable and addictive.
A nice feature of Powerplay is that it gives the user the ability to create his Lastability 95%
or her own questions files which can be loaded into the game at a later With the multiplayer option and
date. The files have storage space for about 200 questions which can be question compiler you can play
about anything the user wants —computer games, pop music and soon, for months.
If a question can be asked about a subject than it can be included into the
file. Value For Money 94%
Each file must have four separate subjects to correspond with the four Although there is no one player
colours on the playing area) and each subject has four levels of question option this is still an essential
(for each level of piece). The system is incredibly easy to use and gives purchase for Trivia fanatics.
you the chance to put some really difficult questions to wreck your
friends' chances of winning the game.
Original, novel, and immensely

ZZAP! 64 October 1986 2 1

N I T- 5 M "
O M = _11

1••• a i i 0 ottit • o . 0 a A d m i •

7.•=t %


1 1 1 1
" L I


1111 d

1 1 1
Available for
1 1 1
Versions coming

1 1 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
1 V


sthe most incredible

"What a project. Infiltrator i
newgames concept to hit the market." zzAp64 m
ISK U.S.Gold Limited
CommodoreeigAssETTEL141 Birmingham 86 7AX
Telephone:021-356 3388
LPr I J L 1 i J TEST
Bug Byte,YE2.99 cass, joystick only
Ugh! What a dull
dull, and having to
do it time and time 0
Power whic h will open the portal again nearly sent me to sleep —
an easy task, risking life and into the very heart of this strange
S 1
limb to save the Earth, Uni- world. Each dagger must be col-
it's difficult and frustrating too,
just adding to the urge to switch
uverse — whatever.
1 In this case it's lected individually from the far left off t he 64. Th e graphics a n d
the evil f orc es of Kerilis IX whic h hand s ide of the scrolling playing sound are bot h poor and t he
are wreak ing1hav oc t hroughout area and then carefully carried to program is n't wort h t he £2.99
ethe land and, as usual, it 's up t o the portal to the far right hand side price tag.
A mega hero, t o of the playing area.
ryou, an intergalatic
hsave the day. -The force, who call
ethemselves the Boolalgrops, have
rcausing vast Iamount s of want on
invaded an alien planet and are

odestruction. Ther game starts with

iyou abandoned on that same alien
nplanet with a veritable armoury of
swords in your possession. How-
g l
ever, merely killing the aliens won't
you need t o locate five pieces of
hwin the war fully, there will still be garlic and five crosses which have
been s c at t ered o v e r t h e land.
atheir eminent leader to deal with —
Played on a wrap-round scrolling
sthe mighty Alien Presence.
playing area your sensors must be
n A quest has been devised that carefully monit ored as t he garlic
will lead to the total annihilation of
the leader. Y o u r fi rst t as k is t o and c ros s es a r e inv is ible. O n
vretrieve t h e s ev en Da g g e r s o f finding a n o b j e c t t h e b o r d e r
e changes c o l o u r a n d a c o d e F
flashes up t o inf orm y ou of your
r discovery. O n c e all t en obf ec t s
I f R E
have been collected you are trans-
e didn't Quite know N
srocr 000100 H I G H ported t o t he might y Alien Pre-
e what t o mak e o f W R I sence. Hi s guardians a r e inde-
this to begin with, structible, but with a good shot it is
SO I pers ev ered V A A just possible to kill him so his evil
with s o m e a l i e n Once y ou N hav
I E e collected y our Having put one dagger through wrath may never return again.
blasting and portal opening and first dagger the aliens come out in the port al y o u mu s t t hen head
now I k now that this game has t
force to try and stop you, the first back over hazardous terrain to the
serious problems which render it 9
foul batch taking the form of canis- collection point. O n s ome oc c a-
nearly unplayable. Ma i n f ault ters whic h7s lowly fl oat f rom t he sions you will fly behind buildings
number one is that the tasks are The fi rs t lev el o f
bot t om t o t he t op of the screen. making it near Impossible to keep
so laborious , o n c e y o u ' v e However, if0 y ou approac h t hem, this game is very
track o f y our actions. There are similar t o T o n y
returned one dagger then y ou and fail to blast them in time, they also s ome s wamps whic h drown
have t o g o repeat t he s ame 5 Crowther's
action six more times. The next home in on you and unless some you if y ou land on t hem. Hav ing Gryphon, b u t it ' s
task isn't much fun either, in fact nifty joystick handling is employed deposited all seven daggers in the nowhere near as good. In fact,
don't touch this with a barge pole you are doomed to failure. Luckily, mystical portal it will open and, at Hoodoo Voodoo is poor as a
ire one to be well avoided. you have been given six reincarna- last, you can fly through. whole. It's also very hard, and if it
tion spells to play with, In the second part of the game wasn't for the Game Killer lying
conveniently to hand I wouldn't
M I P U M W O O * * O N S AW S S a W a r m . . . have managed to get onto the
4 1 . . * * * 8 8 1 1 W W W * * 0 O N O MW U I W O I M O S U O N O S S O AM
ON SOOWI R M OVOU second level to find out just how
1 0 1 1 1 .4 1 .WW* * * . 1 1
- NO M * V O W
boring t h e wh o l e g a me i s .
M V O 1 8 0
* * . T O M There's not muc h else t o say
p r 1 PO U V r e about t his game ot her t han
'R o g 1 0 N PU irb
▪ a l t * . . . M WOR PS would hav e s ec ond thoughts
. s O about buying it.
M 1 e it e se AW a lt o
O1 2 . . . W WI N N O W '
S- 1 . * e s t a o a N
. S a lo p * t i S &W e e &
" WI tOw! . .
0* * * O r o u M
Presen t at io n 55%
* WW1 0 1 s e O ' m u , , "N M
i 0n s i t e e e 1 a r t . . . Fairly straightforward
.1 r n O l
1M V O . .
Al1S I R A M O T t
1 1 5 S O W '
m t r a l g . U P P
1 Graphics 42%
i 81000s a a Lacking in quality and colour.
-s , W -
M t llit e e s W
a war
. Saa
Sound 66%
,N e Good title screen tune but little
M*m •, else,
▪ 1 .1 0 1 .0 1 1 ✓1O8n WO WO Wr v
. i i :t
M O N 0 0,e0, 1 0 1 1 . * a o p f t 2 i m o a ta . . 0 1 . 1n d fi r s t dire
bit gam
is r e
. 8 . 1 8 . 8Ot1 1 1 0 0 . 1 w m p l e 1 1 . 1 1 1
.18 1 * * W O O O W S . Ho o kab ilit y 35%
W sto oft es y t t e o w em 1 •e e l tTu11n h ee o • n t o a • u s Laborious and uninteresting
* 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 from the outset.
0 1 *
01 lly
. '0 Useab ilit y 21%
t t gai•Jit a.aYst A a a A g l e A s t Y l i at i i i k a A d Difficult and challenging, but not
very absorbing or vaned.
. .
& a t a l
uric 1111 Valu e For Mo n ey 33%
. Cheap, but three quid is still too
I ts i f , 1 zotait o,n much for so little.
O verall 27%
4 1 Yet another big disappointment
from Bug Byte.
- ' woirrr a n y 1 ZZAP! 64 October 1986 2 3
1 ,
1 12 . ' 0 T :4
1 4
HOLLYWOOD OR BUST i Buster's pay, which shoots up at a
remarkable rate for every piece of
film that is taken. The set is littered
with doors and passages — some
Mastertronic, £1.99 cass, joystick only
t lead inside the film set while others
take Buster into the street scene.
From a small playing area, the
action switches to a full screen,
viewed from above, plunging Bus-

1 ter into the middle of a Keystone

Koos cu st a rd p i e shoot-out_
Before Buster can return to the set
he must wart until 1000 shots have
been taken; meantime, he must

J survive as best he can. Once more,

he mu st u se custard p ie s t o
defend himself from the Koos who
will clobber him if they collide with

him. However, if his supply of pies
run out before time there's always
the tap, situated at the top right
hand comer, which will let the cus-
tard flow through to art outlet at
the bottom left of the screen. Bus-

D ter, like most mortals, is only in

possession of one life so if he gets
bashed o n this screen then he
won't b e able t o return t o the

Custard pie games

never s e e m t o
work i n practice,
although t his one
did look promising
— but oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

It's not that this is really such a
bad game, but it is damn frustrat-
ing. If the Kops hadn't been so
attack from behind so as long as eager to clobber poor old Buster
Buster is up against a wall he'll be then it would have been much
'eml Take a trip back to the

safe. Points are awarded for the better to play. The music is very
L ights,
twenties,action! Ro ll
the Char- amount of time Buster remains on atmospheric a n d graphics are
leston and the first movies. Ah. well u p t o standard, b u t t he
set wit h o u t b e in g clobbered.
those early films —the excitement playability is still pretty naff,
There is also a window showing
of the chase, the hilarity of the cus-
tard p ie battles and the robust r -
tunes that were pounded out on
the keyboards below the screen. •
Holly wood o r Bus t at t empt s t o
capture the flavour of the twenties
i I b -
V e r -2 1 . , . . - 4 0 % - -
i maamimmoomih-*
- - ; / . . . - - i g ,t . . .
-.. , 7 1 h x . . 7 . 1 e r - -
F * -
in a madcap arcade adventure. Z
-. - 1 -1 . * .
You play the floundering Buster Il1' 6 .1 1 E 7 2k 7 r - A r -
tM r
• I 'G r.- A • , . . ,
Baloney, desperate to make his 57 r1 ,- -"m ir E C AR B1 1 1 1 :
way in t o t h e movies. Ha vin g
--- : - 1 1 , , , , ,
:7 . - 11116 1- .7:11 11 1 1 t -
walked on set, it's his task to find ;-In :r s r•- - _ 41 1 1

9 1 m 7 b 7 4 ,a t,- ,
l6 -1
five Golden Oscars which he can h%, I rt e iF:ct t„r -. A r
l0- I g.... 1 1 1-I1N - 7 9
ic-4--thor TT"1 1 -0 . 1 • 1
take home and place, with due -:ni - 7 7 1 -17 0. 1 6 - 7 . 1 6 7 .
i1 7 40- 1- q 1 ti O---Aboni e -mi -n--
-2 1 14 7i3 lRa-I Lw _3: Mm
1 0 g%r• z
care and attention, on his mantel- i1cl i-r- 1 :"I ir - 7 4 0
.- e n i 6 , .
piece. -* , a i ms- -.1 .
1u 7 1l -6r7 e k i i
As play begins, the screen is '-4mo h- o l b1 -0 0 E N ,
1- 97 t .1% 1i -n . 7 . _
split between a playing area at the m
-c3 .m..zm-. -i-u7Cmt. k. , a
top and a neat animated status a
n . l1"o19ru--.'n0 k : m e
ion .%nt.h
7n 1.cq -W . .h.r.. -: . . . -
window below. In the latter, the 1o - l u: :n. t. -_. -. . .
director waits pensively fo r the r.Wt i l t 0• 0" . .
4 5
- . 4
" N r-,- -
-r.- A7z- 7
1.1 v . ., n
.1r ,6k .-_- - ,
t-- 7 .3
action t o begin. Action! Buster . -- 1- 90 4 . .1 4 , - :
stands on a street. which scrolls -4- -5, -- -k
m . . ,. -
1 1- ,%
C ...
c tWr -i. -i_ --
- "9
.w , A
left and right according t o h is
-lr l-.t -.. .i. .. .- .
1 -
movements, and then begins his tk - 9 1 6 . 7
The graphic s are search for the Oscars. Buster's life ,9 - -10 1 1- x-.1 1
--_ 1 , 1i-" t.11ict 1 . ca4o1 , . : . 1 . , - .E11.
really nice but the is not as simple as just pottering I-- I 4
.l eih. .aa7 ' l 1s
6 0 961 . .
game i t s e l f around a film set. For one thing. A
S . 1 1 •2 . . . . _
ugh' I t ' s a wei r d n-' 1- s -
he's plagued by crazy Koos (a la -l-li i1tb4b. .r1l 0
1 1 11 6 0 4 1 . , - Y 4 k :
game wit h a mix - .11t i nk A : .1b. 1L .
Keystone) in full chase. The only g1M- rO. -0
ture of all sorts of things, none of -1.6-P 1.l bC .11
which are really worth mention- way to combat them is to throw a nO-i h o -: ",S o C o b C M 1 4
-0141 11• t6, -t1 6 -
custard pie in their direction. This k-S,0.M
ing. My main gripe is the ghosts '% 11 in1Clir-1 oa .m e ,g1o
l -i O l k .i. o
i b b 'eIltMk
e A" 1
N C g I M : M C I l i l ~ 1 1 1 7
1, 1 1 1 . 7
will stun them for a moment and :11IoI ht•-'"I W1.m.
which pile into you and terminate l.b- -lt.-1- tb ; 1,' a l k
while they spin dizzily around, it 7,-t-- -'4 ik
7 N0
the game without giving you a l5•I- b e llt•Z ' b ."C . " 7 ' -
gives Buster a chance to escape 1..V 1
m1 "%.i 0iI•b1-.b-6r••-:
chance — really frustrating, The rml)glin h.iI'_
up one of the ladders onto another k.n.6 '1 -eC
•-MIN:vbt-'91•,. l *b1 o 'o t o l.'1 6 - '.§ t - '• W AL I C • b e -
other thing is you can stay on one -.w 6Mb N
floor. -1M ,1
1 1l0: b 0 4 1 Ie gMi h O Cg I V I I I I I C I N o t • 1 4
screen a n d s c ore z illions o f -7x1.m m
1 y 1 b ,b k- • -
-a 6
• 1 1 0'1s1l
E4 b
. ,P 1e ,
g -
• i' % 1 1 •- •
points — silly. The sound is quite The se t is also inhabited b y q
1 -4 --6O
:1"6l i1i C •.
-s 1
o1lm -,h
6'. :qm
o 0b04 1 0 : •" W l i n -
jolly but the game isn't one I can ghosts and contact with them is t1'-n•1 NI io On: m .qWb t1- " 1
gM _
4 W
P l lV
0th b • 7M661 - 0 l1l i•m7 .1' 1 K 7
0 2t -. 1i e0
4.-M IO
heartily recommend, fatal. However, th e y ca n o n ly u
1 1 1be
- 9N . 6lC7, i1• 1 1 0 01 4
L E 1
h 0* :•.S
W P W k%Ct •--b 6 17 6
nk • C
m 1r t.6
4 z
b1. C
. :SRq g e , •1m b i C a l h C g k e
- -%
1 O - 1 1
6 l
- lm ' - 0
teh :m
m 11
ok.- 0,1-
1:t47 - , ia ll
l .i1s iMo1I nNl m 'Oh tadysevor-
24 7 7 A P ! 64 October 1986 s
- S
..i f.:ti0m t•1o
e- •bg, .h C M 1 -1' 4 1VOC1Nr 7.
r:.qv 1e -1m1 5 - - _ 1 1
w--1 1' . l7l 1 .1 0 W I C Al 0 R k
-.4C • : q •
mo il n
4m li4 l7kC•k6 N . 0" I 6 - 1
-.4.M 1 1 7 b s T
C.I1-.- '6t k m
- ' • 0
i-: g ." A R
n01i M l q 1 C h i eo ll b t l I m i .
studios and c ont inue his s earc h

for the elusive Oscars.

This wo u l d b e a Firebird, £1.99, joystick or keys

good g a me i f i t
wasn't s o ( u n -
difficult. A f t e r
many hours play was n' t getting
much further than the third floor
and I soon found myself becom-
ing too frustrated to continue. If
the ghosts and security guards
were less aggressive then Hol-
lywood or Bust would be fun. But
it rsn't and even at t wo quid I
wouldn't recommend it— unless
you enjoy being driven round the
bend by unplayable games,

Presentation 82%
Very pleasant
Graphics 77%
Big, bold and colourful.
Sound 84%
Several jolly ragtime tunes
create a suitable atmosphere_

Hookabilit y 60%
Despite high initial frustration
there is still the urge to explore.
Lastability 44%
You'll probably want to bust
rather than go for Hollywood.
Value For Mo n ey 52%
Another mediocre addition to tho
Mastertronic range.
O verall 46%
Nice graphics and sound let
down by an unplayable and frus-
trating garrip

wenty lives.
poor old Spiky Harold, a young
I rebel of a hedgehog if ever there Spiky's energy is meas ured by
hate this type of the a mo u n t o f liv es a r i d t i me
twas one. Harold's been getting a
platform game — remaining. E x t r a liv es c a n b e
' sleepy of late, what with all this slow a n d f ar t oo
energetic s c a mp e r i n g a c r o s s obtained b y c ollec t ing lif e f orc e
s demanding. A coins, but time w e l l , Spiky has
juggernaut infested roads, and so good p l a t f o r m
b only 24 hours in whic h to collect
he's dec ided it 's t ime f or a long game shouldn't rely so heavily his prov is ions — af t er t his t he
nap, o r hibernat ion f o r a l l y o u on pixel perfect jumps—most of
biological bads. winter f ros t s et s i n a n d h e will
e the time no skill is involved, just a perish. Poor old Spiky.
n But a whole winter is a long time lot of luck. Spiky Harold is frus-
toa go without any grub, especially trating— far too much for my lik-
for such a fatty as Spiky. So, he ing — and in a way very challeng-
has to go on a search for food, in ing. It does represent good value
o form of apples. Spiky must be
the for money if you like this sort of Presentation 76%
n t h r o u g h a laby rint h o f platform game— I don't, though, A vanety of options and an
chambers res iding u n d e r h i s adequate title screen
hedge — unf ort unat ely s o m e they're not to happy with this inva- Graphics 47%
other creatures have also taken to
sion of their privacy. Although they Simple and lacking in colour
h t h e c h a mb e r s a n d
don't actively attack Spiky, t hey .Sound 80%
a give him a bash if he touches them
r and in doing so he loses one of his Great title screen tune but
d annoying in-game soundtrack
s To b e h o n e s t , Ho o kab ilit y 51%
u Spiky Ha r o l d i s Easy enough to get into but no
m quite an attractive don't like this sort very absorbing_
-1 0 •1 1 , game, but it's too of game either. Sit-
-ihM.79•—• m frustrating. Lastability 44%
- =1 .11s
.1 eThere's very little skill involved as ting there for ages Highly frustrating to play, but
, 1 *gin lio N lh 0 waiting for a nasty there's a quite a bit to see and do
1 01• •11•741iCligl: rsuch t h e best way to complete to get to the right
it is to solve one screen at a time, if you are willing persevere
1• 1C 10t - f position so Spiky can jump isn't
I working out t he bes t possible my idea of fun, it makes the game
•% U
l r:n ia
:1 6 : oroute to follow. This is a very slow For Mo n ey 55%
i irk : . so-o-o b o r i n g t o play . T h e There are better platform games
1M INK rand laborious process. I f you graphics are exactly the same as
71 • 7 171 b available but very few are as
1gra psloghrf.ht: want a fast and furious platform the Spectrum and Amstrad ver-
1 1 0 11 1 0 game then this isn't for you, but cheap
10 sions — bland — but the sound
1 WI1 N1 Ws worth checking out if you're is OK. If you're into these sort of .O verall 48%
0 N.01IR:gin-1WkN more int o puzzles. Nic e music games have a look. If you're not.
6 -
i s t - "1
1 "- tool don't Masochistic platform freaks will
.N1 1 1
be love it.
b11~ •
1 11
1$ 1i
: 0
ZZAP! 64 October1986 2 5
Me rle a d e r Board
we're back to the
TEST really d i r e g o l f
programs. This is
really bad, maybe
with a little extra programming it
could have been good, but as it
stands it a really dull golf game.
It's also frustrating, boring and
completely and utterly NAFFl
Mastertronic (MAD), E2.99 cass, joystick or keys The graphics are verypoor — the
loading screen looks like a n
elephant man playing golf, the
main s pr i te i s completely
deformed, and the ball moves as
addition t o t h e g ro win g
H range of golf simulations for though there's a 90 mph gale on
°the 64. You start on the fairway, the course as it goes all over the
shop. Save your pennies and
l legs astride, in your Pringle jumper buy Leader Board, it ' s mo re
and checkered flares. Your caddy-
ebag is beside you and although it expensive, but miles better.
• f t e lEENI M 6 -
i may look empty, it contains a verit-
nable plethora of assorted sticks,
sorry, clubs from which to choose. club. The stroke is played by pres-
O The fi rst thing t o do, a s any sing the fire button a second time.
nexperienced golfer will tell you, is You ma y have t o play several
shots t o get the ball onto the
eto have a drink — which may exp-
lain t h e ch a ra cte r's u n u su a l green. but once you get there you
i stance, Then, choose your club can go for the hole, which is pre-
sfrom a selection o f iro n s and sented in a small window in the
Mwoods — its best to start with a bottom right hand corner of the
one wo o d . O n c e y o u h a v e screen. By correctly positioning an
aselected a club an arrow appears arrow behind the hole you should
s be able to sink the ball.
There is also an option for a two
player game where each player
e takes his or her turn as dictated by
I've never played
r Leader Board, but the rules of golf. Oh, and there's a
t it's n o t a t a l l practice option which allows you
difficult to tell that to tour the course.
r this is a third class
o rip-off. What we have here is a
n game which should be called 'Mr
i Deformed Sprite Gets Hold of a lOoked, sounded
Twig and Hits a Hydrogen-Filled
c Ball' because that's all there is to i and played more
like Leader Board
' it. What annoys me most (I was f then i t would be
s amused at first, though) is what
happens when you hit the ball f
amazing. Unfortunately, i t
into a lake: the screen redraws doesn't and isn't. With a bit more
the surroundings and you see effort Hole H in One could have
yourself standing on the surface been as good o as Leader Board
of the lake! The program then but w i th English s ty le gol f
realises this is impossible and l
courses. However, The golfer
returns you to the tee! Oh dear, looks rathert deformed, although
As far as I'm concerned, a cup of he is well animated, and the ball
movement ;i s poor — very
tea and a round of sandwiches
are far more enjoyable than a MASTERTRONIC unrealistic, II like the way the
round of Hole in One. scenery is drawn, but I don't like
r ADDED•DIMENSION Owing thengame. its a shame
Hole in One
in which the ball travels, c o n t r o l o f the club, and pulling Odoesn't look and
at the top of the screen. This can play better— it would have been
be moved to change the direction Pressing the fire button gains b a c k on the joystick swings the great. n
Presentation 64%
Reasonable title screen and
good in-game presentation
Graphics 61%
The backdrops are effective —
the golfer and ball are not
Sound 29%
A few simple ogles and spot FX_
H ook a bility 54%
Fairly addictive, despite the
unrealistic and unusual way the
game plays.
Lastability 35%
Just not playable enough to be
Value For Money 44%
The cheapest golf simulation
Overall 38%
• • but not one of the best,

26 ZZAID! 64 October1986

6:1 On%


•:),Pg5ILL,.. I JaxisALODIA2


t 061 832 6633 OCEAN FRANCE
021 01 60040 010 33 93 42 7144
Ocean, £8.95 cass, £12.95 disk, joystick with keys

infinite void of space, and

A light slowly creeps through
s misty shutters of your space
m everything becomes clear.
You have been abandoned on an
artificial wo rld with five experi-
enced astronauts. Unfortunately,
n have been spread throughout
five broad zones: Alpha, Beta,
sGamma, Delta and Epsilon.
s On investigation the inhabitants
w friendly enough. But then
you stumble across some vital
iinformation which reveals plans
r an imminent attack upon Earth,
l a desperate attempt to break
free and report the information, Neat stuff! Graphically excellent
w need to make contact with
you and if plays better than it looks.
your allies in the other zones and It's a strange mix of an arcade
l escape via the portal in adventure and a sort of shoot em
Epsilon. up which requires a fair bit of
d To enable you to move around brainwork and deft digits to sur-
this strange artificial world, you are vive. Everything has been nicely
y possession o f the spacecraft thoughtout, the scenery, the
IBIS. With this highly manoeuvera- objective and the means by
ible ship you can scoot around the which you achieve it, and the
planet's surface and locate the whole program is enjoyable and
t which will enable you t o challenging to play. I wasn't too
leave Alpha and progress onto keen on the title screen music,
Beta, and so on. Spread through- it's impressive but drawn out.
oute the world are several hangars The in-game music and sound
housing letters which build up to effects are great though. If you're
give you the password. an arcade adventurer or shoot
The letters are hidden away in em up fanatic then check it out.
huge computers — the Big Ones
— and to log onto these you need

Wow! The opening title sequ-

ence is really heavy on the eyes.
The game itself is a real dream to
watch and very exciting to play.
This is probably the most accu-
rate game to be called an arcade
adventure, as you'll need both
amazing reflexes and a fair bit of
grey matter if you are to survive.
am really impressed by the
game as a whole, A lot of careful
planning has obviously gone Mto
the playability content, as it does
not become frustrating: when
you've solved a level once you
need not do so again y o u can
simply battle on through the var-
ious levels until you finally reach
the end. But don't get too com-
placent, it's not going to be easy!

28 ZZA P ! 64 October 1986

• 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O O O O
a I 1 4
IM114 1111
1 1 1 1 1 1
I1 I1 1 1 1 1 1 1

111 "11 11 1 1 1 1 _ 1

O 1 1 1 1
W 1 1

• t x
II • • • • • e • jiji

"irkKE. ? -
a Kard. These Kards are in the pos- l turrets and aliens — witch may be
session of scientists and, as you on the surface, flying, or 'under-
can imagine, they are not exactly o
Squares . When flown through in
the correct direction they will give ground'. Some scenery cannot be
ready and willing to hand them i flown over, and extensive damage
you a sudden burst of speed; pas-
over. So, you need to stun the sci- is caused should you attempt to
sing through in the opposite
n direc- do so.
entists long enough to allow you to tion ca u se s y o u r sp e e d t o
pinch their Kard and infiltrate the decrease. Hyperspace1Ports are
computer systems. also very useful since they
2 cause
Being abandoned on an inhos-
pitable planet is obviously not a
the IBIS t o be randomly trans- Presentation 94%
ported elsewhere o n 1 the same
good start — your only friend is level_ Great title screen and many neat
money in the form of credits. You 1 on-game features.
Once you have all the pieces Of
start with a measly 20 credits, with the code word, you must 3 then
which you can buy a Bonanza Sur- Graphics 82%
locate t h e Ce n tra l Computer, Competent s p r i t e s a n d
vival Pack containing all sorts of shown by a block with a large letter
oddments that should keep you backdrops with effective paral-
C on it b u t beware some of them lax scrolling
alive . hopefully! These Bonanza are only dummies. Once a real
Packs can be bought from one of Central Computer is located you Sound 93%
the many Computashops which can then leave the ship, make your
also reside in the hangars. Luckily What a neat game. It looks good Good FX and jingles, and a weird
(the Electric Sea on level four is way to the hangar alongside the but wonderful piece of music on
the Scientists' !Cards also give you central computer and, with the the title screen.
access to their bank accounts, so cool) and sounds superb (the
title screen music is amazing, help of a drugged scientist, access
you need not go short. the terminal and type in the relev- H ook a bility 90%
Exploration is not the whole of although it does go on a bit). It's
ant code. The instructions need to be read,
the game, no, the main section of also great fun to play. The prog-
rammers have a strange sense Once the computer has proces- but it's easy enough to work out
the game is more concerned with what to do without them.
flying around the surface o f the of humour (as demonstrated by sed and accepted the code you
their fast game, Galaxibirds) can fly onto the Beta zone. Again,
zones, blasting aliens into the mid- you will have to find the code word, Lai:Lability 93%
dle of next week! Flying skills are which! found appealing —Drug-
ging Scientist (ho ho)(!). Same of but this time the layout of the artifi- Tough. demanding, a n d ve ry
also all important since landing cial world is more complicated — playable.
outside a hangar can b e quite the 'traps' are really mean on
later levels, and many a time I almost a maze.
tricky when faced with a landing found myself cursing 'Cuddly Once you have discovered the Value For Money 92%
area which is little larger than the A worthy buy — of you've got a
size of the ship. Chrix 'and 'Jovial Jops'. Parallax relevant code word for a level, you
is an unusual blend of three can enter it at any time without tenner you can still buy another
Aliens impede your progress as having t o interrogate a scientist copy ZZAP! with the change.
types of the finest genre, and!
they unleash their weaponry in an again, thus saving valuable time
attempt to damage the IBIS, and can thoroughfr recommend it to Overall 93%
anyone who likes a shoot em up and energy. Energy can also be
they must be destroyed with your preserved by inducing shields, but A neat mix between a shoot em
laser gun or avoided. Black Holes with a bit more 'up'. Licenced up and a n arcade adventure,
characters— who needs 'em these eat up your fuel at an alarm-
reside on the planet surface and ing rate. with a few other things thrown in
are represented by murky black Scores are built up by shooting for good measure.

ZZAP1 64 October 1986 2 9

KNIGHT RIDER Knight R i d e r
appears at last. but
was i t worth the
Ocean, £8.95 cass, joystick and keys wait? We ll, t h e
answer is a definite
NO! What a load of complete and
utter rubbish it is. For a start, it's
boring — really boring. Driving to
the different locations and avoid-
ing the helicopters is completely
dull and about as stimulating as
working out Pr to the millionth
decimal place. The graphics are
pathetic, the sound is a joke and
the whole game looks rushed.
The trouble is they've had six-
teen mo n th s t o program i f
Pathetic, treat it like a leper.

Once y ou arrive at t he correct

base you t hen have to attempt to
make your way across to the other
side of the room, avoiding three or
ir a c r
four highly trained killers in the pro-
cess. The base c ould be the ter-
rorist's armoury. headquarters, or
even the target of their plots. When
the screen has been completed a
tl 02:48:30 clue t o wh a t wi l l h a p p e n nex t
appears. This proc es s continues
until you have either run Out of time
or s us t ained t o o muc h damage
from enemy fire.

There i s o n e
adLO 3 C 1 4 A T L A I T q . S a R B Y 1CHRE_ cocktail I ' m n o t
advises Michael to travel to a cer- particularly fond of
and that is excess
tain city. The joystick is us ed t o hype and bad pro-
select a destination, pressing fire
duct. This is the perfect mixture
takes you to the driving screen.
if you want to produce Knight
The d r i v i n g s e c t i o n h a s a
Rider. After nearly a year and a
interesting option — you are able half I expected some kind o f
to select whet her you take control
of the steering or to hand it over to mega-game but when this pile
drivel greeted my eyes I was
KITT. If y ou c hoos e not t o drive
totally repulsed Th e concept
then you take control of the cross- isn't so bad but the execution of
hairs whic h c an be aimed at the
that co n ce p t i s v e ry p o o r.
terrorist's helic opt ers whic h a r e
Mincinumbingly p o o r graphics
trying to stop you completing your
and weak garneplay just add up
mission. When y ou arrive at t he
to a very bad product. Moss it at
next city (there is a counter to indi- ell costs.
cate how far away you are from it),
you can enter the operations base.
However, if KITT still tells you that
you need to travel somewhere else
then you have to go. Presen t at io n 40%
Barely adequate.
Graphics 34%
•i c a n ' t b e lie ve Simple and ineffective.
- it,'tOc
h eean
n ehr avvee gt oot Sound 55%
release a game as A few weak spot effects and a
bad as this — after reasonable rendition of the
has the slightest idea what the plot
really is. a year of hype all they've come Knight Rider theme tune on the
At t he beginning o f t he game up with is a piece of turgid trash. title screen.
and a l l round do-gooder,
M has b e e n as s igned y e t you can choose which mission you •The game basically consists of
wish t o attempt, such as prevent- •nothing but a very simple and Hookability 29%
ianother perilous mis s ion, a l o n g ' terminally boring driving simula- Disappointment guaranteed
cwith his trusty four wheeled c om- ing the assassination of the Prime
Minister, the Deputy President and tion which offers no challenge after only a few plays
panion, KITT — a remarkable car whatsoever — even at 240 mph
hforming t h e brains b e h i n d t h e all s ort s of high rank ing people.
ateam. De v e n , Mi c h a e l ' s c o o r - There are three main sections t o the car is a doddle to control. Lastability 15%
KITT the super N car only travels Severely lacking
edinator, has discovered a group of the game. You begin on the map
screen whic h shows several alter- „itt a maximum speed of 45 mph,
linternational t erroris t s w h o a r e 'so there's no point in letting him Value For Money 13%
threatening t o corrupt the amic a- native des t inat ions k nown t o b e Stick to the TV series, it's margi-
K centres o f t erroris m. A fl as hing drive. And anyway, shooting naff
ble relat ions hips b e t we e n Eas t helicopter sprites isn't my idea nally better and much cheaper.
nand West. It is even thought that cursor shows which city you are in
ithey are planning t o t rigger t he and c a n b e mo v e d t o indic at e Overall 16Q/O
which city you are going to. If you d have been looking forward
gbeginning o f t he World Wa r III! the game then you're going to Surely alter sixteen months
Doyen has instructed Michael and enter an operations base from the Ocean could have come up with
h very disappointed indeed,
KITT to uncover the plot and put a map s c reen a mes s age s c rolls tSteer well clear, something better than this.
tstop to it — unfortunately, nobody along the bottom of the screen and
. f
M u
r 77AP1 64 October 1986 n
M .
a I
c f

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ec repostwhen I took it

'Head of the Hijack Oivisionseemed like a s u m y back,

butthen howwas I to know that I wouldhave the president on
-46 queuingup to offer advice,
thearmyscreaming for resourco, politicians
thepress crying for stories andnow the RI and the CIAhavemoved

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Anew conceptin gamesHIJACK is aS1001COlitinatiOn ol arcade,strategycompsimulation. The

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all order)
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Available toc Fullyanimatedandindependentsupporting cast of
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Spectrum 48K/128K + (8E99) . 9 9 ) newspaperreports,personnel files, intelligence report
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Amstrad CPC Disk Twochannel 'State of the Art Spectrum soundtrack.
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Activision, E14.99 disk only, one or two joysticks

1 1 CVITOR four quarters until the final whistle
blows, wh e r e u p o n t h e winning
team is printed up on screen for all

to see.

This is a very
able b a s k
game a n d b e i
able to play with
friend on the same
team is a superb idea which
works w e l l i n p ra ct ice —
although it does lead to a fes4
arguments when a mistake is
made! However, there is one big
problem with Two on Two 688-
ketball and that is it wouldn't
work at all on cassette, and cor-11
, drive owners as it isn't a very.
w o example o f a disk o n ly
•game. I f Two o n T w o wa s a
u l load cassette game cost-
d nless then it would be worthy
of attention. Why Activision are
' t
bothering to release such a weak'
r only game to a minority mar-
, disk
e don't know. Admittedly/Met*
I g o wa s only 'available t o a
1 c
.minority of buyers, but as it was
Such a strong disk only product
m could not have been pro-
duced on cassette) it was — as
puler c ont rolled a n d t h e o t h e r Your player runs arounu bounc- Imx as I can see — worthwhile.
ketball simulation to appear directly under t he c ont rol of t he e o n Two Basketball, h o w-
T ing the ball directly under control
on the 64. Up to two players player. If one player is playing then
w p l a y wi t h o r agains t e a c h
can of the joystick. When you want him l "n , is not.
the oppos ing t eam is c omplet ely to shoot for goal keep your finger
o o r o n e play er c a n p l a y c omput er controlled. d
against a c omput er t eam. Eac h on the fire button and then let go
o Before a g a me c an begin t he when he has jumped int o the air. i
team has two members, one corn-
n players mus t go through a series Passing is achieved by pressing Presentation
t 84%
T of Options. Th e first opt ion gives the fi re button t wic e very rapidly. Comprehensive instruct ions and
you the choice bet ween having a t
w Getting t h e c omput er play er t o lots of useful options, but the
game or practising shooting and behave just how you want him to is o accessing is a real chore
o dribbling. Then, t h e n u mb e r o f another kettle of fish.
i players is decided and whether the After an attack, whet her it has Graphics 76%
game i s a league o r ex hibit ion been successful or not, y ou have Nicely animated characters but
match. Wi t h t hat s ort ed out t he the opport unit y t o select whic h the backgrounds are bland —
t program as k s y ou t o input t h e pattern o f p l a y t h e c o mp u t e r the addition of spectators would
h names o f t he t eams a n d ' ma n - player will follow. If you are attack- have helped
e ager' (the player) and which league ing perhaps you would like him to
t they c o me f r o m (Nort h, Sout h, Sound 56%
East or West). run straight for the basket, or you
h might want him t o hang back so The jingles and sound effects are
Once the teams are chosen six functional but not that impres-
i you can make a break for yourself.
elements of play, such as Jumping The s ame princ iple applies when yve
r and dribbling, are s hown and the you're defending and four different
d player is asked to donate points to play patterns are made available Hookablitty 79%
b each e l e me n t ( f r o m a p o o l o f to both computer players. Easy to play. although it takes a
twenty four). It's up to the player to The g a me c ont inues ov er t he Fair bit of practice to get the corn
a This wo u ld have sort out whic h is best, only prac- outer player to follow instruc-
s been a ,good game tise will tell. Your t eam-mat e can tions,
If i t wa sn ' t f o r be chosen from a list of ten; each
some a n n o y in g player o n t he list has a different Lastability 63%
aspects. S o m e - characteristic, s o it 's a c as e o f The computer plays a mean
This is the sort o f
times t h e co mp u t e r p la y e r working out whic h player is most game and both t wo player
behaves irrationally, lobbing the game I like to play modes offer a lot of potential
suited to your playing style, after a hard day of
ball back to you when you're in The game is played over four six
an awkward position, and then zapping aliens end
minute quart ers o n t wo 3D fl ick
--- s a v i n g t h e u n i - Value For Money 58%
there's the annoyance of lots of screens, each wit h a v iew of one Poor, especially when you con-
disk accessing. The game itself team's basket. When one screen in general. Nice relaxing sider that international Basket-
is fun. but doesn't stand up well und effects, smooth graphics,
is in operat ion t he other remains thing use of colour — in all ball is roughly a third of the price
when c ompared next t o s ome- inaccessible to any team member and is much better
thing lik e International Bas k et - until the attack fails or a basket is s rather jolly. Ira a pity it is only .
disk, because as it stands at Overall 73%

ball. Two on Two Basketball is scored. When this happens all the
good, but vastly overpriced for moment, what with the price A good basketball game which
players are put under c omput er • all, there won't be such
what it offers. has unfortunately been badly
control a n d run t o t he oppos it e t market for it
end of the pitch. • implemented •
[ •. •

ZZAP! 64 October 1986 3 5

Battle for Midway, Battle of Britain, Theatre Europe,
Falklands '82, Iwo Jima, AND NOW -

On the evening of AIR RECON MA P

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joystick control, Icon driven, Variable speed game, send a self addressed envelope (at least 11.cm X
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Game. Real time Action. FLEET CONTROLS: Main DEPT Z, PSS, 452 STONEY STANTON RD,
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Fire heavy guns, Control anti-aircrafty guns,
CBM 64/128 E 9.95 (C) E14.95 (D)
Allocate damage control via fully detailed plan
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simulator. ,arETW

E. • f
HACKER II officers i n t h e a r e a , a c t i v e
monitors and any t hing els e y ou
might have to worry about,
(fell in love with the
Activision, E9.99 cass, El 4.99 disk, joystick only The manual is des igned as if it
original v e r s i o n
and the sequel is referred t o t h e r e a l mac hinery
involved i n t he g a me and a s a
dramatic e n o u g h result i t i s quit e a mout hf ul t o
to get me excited
again. Certainly, from a technical digest. Howev er, it does cover all
point of view, the game is a mas- the functions used in the game in
terpiece. The video effects are explicit det ail a n d adds at mos -
extremely realistic, right down to phere. T h e ma n u a l i s ac t ually
the appearance o f noise bars supplied i n a n of fi c ial look ing
during p a u s e a n d p r e v i e w envelope and reflects the atmos-
modes. What I don't like about pheric nature of packaging.
this game is t he lack o f real The s c reen c ont rols are ac t i-
atmosphere, You get a very self vated by a joystick controlled hand
indulgent manual — so much so that mov es over the panel. Pres-
that it takes some understanding sing the fire button makes a finger
and a 'message from the gov- depress t he button beneath. This
ernment', but gone is the terrify- is normally highlighted in a diffe-
ing simplicity and ambiguity that rent c o l o u r . T h e a n i m a t e d
made the first game a midnight graphics are black on grey sequ-
classic. Hacker II is an impres- ences to give the effect of monoc-
sive game in every respect. But hrome monitors. The screen bor-
A n o m m i n i u s o n i in being dramatic, it 's lost the
subtlety o f t he original. I t will ders flicker when you c ome under
I 1410401 M I E S M I , probably be another big success
facEll Ø i i i i I n a E a a T l : for Activision, a n d despite t he One particularly nasty weapon
fact that the game isn't as appe- employ ed by the enemy is called
the annihilator. This can be called
aling. it's still an extraordinarily
original e x a mp l e o f S t e v e in at any time. A kind of anti-robot
Cartwrighrs talent, It's also an robot, i t hunt s d o wn a n d k ills
reviewers opened and boot ed incredibly diffi cult game. H o w MRUs. Unlik e Hacker, y ou hav e
I up a pac k age wh i c h greet ed long people will play before they three 'lives' in the f orm of MALY&
tthem s i mp l y . ' L o g o n P l e a s e . ' I'm i n t wo minds become bored is another ques- Because of the distinct plot, this
'Behind this anony mous introduc- about t his game. tion. L i k e ot hers o f it s t y pe sequel is not a series of repetitive
tion lay Steve Cart wright 's highly Yes. i t looks very though, Hacker II will establish actions needed to build up a pic-
soriginal c reat ion, Hac k er. He ' s
competent and is for itself a loyal cult of followers ture, but rather constant explora-
aback with the sequel and this time fun for an hour or forever caught up in a hidden tion a n d dec ept ion proc edures
yit's on a much grander scale. Your so — especially fiddling with the world of techno-spying. with many subtle differences.
e c omes f rom the govern- video screens — but I doubt will The s heer s c ope of t he game
ever come back to it. I found the
ament of the United States. The plot original Hacker far more intense To c omplet e t he mis s ion s uc - should provide plenty of challenge
is simple. After your exploits in the and it would s eem necessary t o
rfirst g a me b e c a me not ed, y o u and enjoyable to play than this. cessfully it is necessary to defeat a
complex s e c u r i t y s y s t e m b y devote hours of work to solving the
achieved a reputation tor being an Even t hough Steve Cart wright game. It is also a very strong hybrid
has c ome up wit h yet another avoiding or f ooling a net work of
i skilled hacker, Now it is in that it plays like an adventure
to be put t o t he test as t he CI A stunningly original game, I would security c ameras and personnel.
n have reservations i n r e c o m- To d o t his , y o u hav e a dev ic e more t han an arc ade game but
have found a mission only you are mending Hacker II to fans of the which c an monit or four cameras, relies o n graphic s o f a s uperior
ccapable of undertaking.
each wi t h t hirt y eight channels. quality to arcade adventures.
e It's believ ed that secret doc u- original, and would urge you to
look before you leap — you will Video taping facilities exist so you
ments called The Doomsday Pap- no doubt be impressed by the can tape from a camera, and then Presentation 86%
e special effects, but you may well bypass a camera with a recording,
be disappointed with the actual Very Impressive, although the
m giving y o u t i me t o manoeuv re manual is so verbose it does take
game. without being spotted. The video
u time to figure out what does
recorder allows f rame pause and what.
s The s t art o f t his
preview functions for fi ne editing
e game i s quit e a era are being held in a Siberian which is essential since each Graphics 90%
d departure from the base. The documents detail a plan recording h a s ' s y nc h' numbers The graphics are largely neat
simplistic LOGON to undermine t he Americ an gov - rather than astounding and fea-
7 which must be correctly matched
message w h i c h ernment a n d b r i n g d o w n ture some remarkable animation
7greeted you when Hacker was with live action to successfully fool
capitalism in the West, paving the the security system. effects best seen in the video
Abooted up. This one churns out way f o r Communis t ex pans ion. It's also possible to use one of sequences.
Pall sorts of Government bumph, With the aid of three mobiles (simi- the four monitor screens to display Sound 69%
but is Lust as stunning neverthe- lar to those used in the first adven-
! less. The game itself is superb the area around the MRU (Mobile
ture), y ou mus t ex plore the base Remote Unit). This display allows Reasonably good, although
and the video system totally con- nothing worth lubricating your
vincing — I spent half an hour and retrieve the plans. This should you to start creating a map for exp- lobes for.
fiddling about wit h i t wit hout allow t he CI A t o implement pre- loration purpos es . I t reveals t he
ventative measures.
even bottienng wit h The game. whereabouts o f a n y s e c u r i t y Ho o kab ilit y 81%
The games objective is quite a Intriguing but demanding right
simple one Of rather right-wing from the word go. Some will get
and repellent ) b u t a c t u a l l y immediately buried under maps
achieving it is far from easy' The while others will bury the game
instruction ma n u a l i s g o o d . itself.
though, and certainly needs t o
be read Thoroughly, ot herwis e Lastabillity 89%
you don't stand a chance. The Given the apparent flexibility of
graphics are brilliant arid t he play. it looks as though a fair
sound effects atmospheric and amount of midnight oil could get
very functional. In fact, the only burned in this one.
thing didn't like about this game
was the political implication of Valu e For Mo n ey 87%
the plot. Still, Hacker II is a bril- An impressively packaged game
liant game and one which I can for the price.
heartily recommend t o anyone O verall 88%
who fancies becoming a super
hacker. A very clever sequel but as with
all sequels, the magic has faded.

77AP! 64 October 1986 3 7

Firebird's lat es t release, DRUID,
puts you in the role of Mr Druid, out
to defeat the Evil Princess of Dark-
ness- The nasty o r princess has
unleashed her wrat h in the shape
of f our skulls (wouldn' t y ou lus t
I e
know it?) whic h have infested the
lower vaults of a huge eight storey
tower_ Mr D, along with his faithful
(but not so clever) c ompanion -Mr
Ver•VOI W t s a‘so op to s s
Golan, h a s t o fi ght z illions o f
meanies and cast spells left, right
and c ent re in order t o t rans f orm
the world into a happy and peace-
ful place. Sounds great, eh. Yes it
Anyway, s o me k ind ' n ' c lev er
chappy at Firebird had an idea —
uh huh, and a rather good one at
that. What he want s y ou oh-s o-
cool-and-artistic people t o d o is
design a fi n a l c ongrat ulat ory
screen f o r DRUID. T h e bes t es t
entry will be programmed int o a
special one-of f produc t ion c opy
by the authors of the game. Car!
Just imagine: if you win you could
own a personalised copy of a best
selling g a m e ! I m p r e s s y o u r
friends! (Nyah! Ny ah! Look what
I've got). Amaze and astound your
relatives! (Look Auntie, look what I
Tell you what, lust to give you a
few ideas what the screen c ould
look like, here are a few things that
the DRUID will hav e t o encounter
and ov erc ome t o c omplet e t he
game ••
The creatures inc lude ghosties
(eek!), s k elet ons (ooh! ), b i g • n ' ,
nasty beetles (ahl), skulls (aargh!),
witches (shriek!) and all sorts of
traditional scary thingies (sounds
like a n o r ma l d a y a t ZZA P !
Towers). When a druid arrives at .--,0 -•. . . .•_ . . - - - . .

this final screen he will have risen •

through t he rank s t o bec ome a •— ----- ? ) I ,
legendary Light Mas t er. So, g e t I
i -
your Play School Painting set out,
scribble a screen and whis k your .
emblazoned pieces of paper off to: E
Entries must arrive no later than
the 9t h of October. Best scribble
wins t heir very o wn c opy of t he
unique game. Th e nex t bes t 2 0
masterpieces e a c h w i n t h e i r
creators a Firebird T-Shirt to love
and t o hug, s o d o n ' t f orget t o
include y o u r T-Shirt s iz e. We l l
then, what are you wait ing for —
get to it!

38 Z Z A P ! 64 October 1986
E8.9 £8.95

r• a c c l p king, o m Konant J O i l game an C J C / 1 arcade n o t 4

available k o u r h o m e computer Treat your computer to only the be C r n e
,ClOwn it With the arqacte kings!
Imagigg SOrMeare(19841 Limited- 6 Ce ral Street• Manchester M2 5NS Tel, 061 83 939 Telex 669977.
ZAP! REA R ' S T P 30
WINNER (E40 worth of software plus ZZAPI T-Shirt): Allan Webbsony,
Sutton, Surrey
RUNNERS UP (ZZAPI T-Shirt and Cap): J Healey, Weeping Cross. Stat.
ford: Mark Shearburn, Colliers Wood, London; Dave Evans,
Micicleover, Derby: Grant Strong, Chelmsford, Essex

Elite.El9_95 ca n . E14.95 disk English Software, £8.95 case, C12_25 disk US Gold, £9.95 carte. C14-95 disk
ZZAPI Overall Rating. 97% ZZAPI Ove ra ll Ratingr 90% ZZAP! Ove ra ll Rating: 79%

2 12 22 (-) DRAGON'S LAIR

OS GoldlEgys, £996 case, C14-95 disk Software Protects, £9.95 ca ll. £14.16 disk
System 3,
(ZZAPOve ra ll Rating: 91% £6 50 ca n, £10.99 disk ( 8
ZZAPI Ove ra ll Rating: 97% ZZAPt Overall Rating: GO%
3 )
)3 S13 23
US 0010/Access. E9 95 case, E14.95 disk Ocean.
U £9.95 cage US
(ZZAPI 1Gold/Epyx, £9.95 case, E14.95 disk
ZZAPI Overall Rating: 90% Overall Raging: 91%
Overall Rating, 97%
1 M) 9)
14 P4
E Hewson, E8.95
)ZZAPI Overall Rating: 94% case, C12 96 disk EU
USGold/ Epyit, C9-95 cage, £14.95 disk (IZZAP!
1 Ove rfillHouse, £8.96 cage
ZZAPI Ove ra ll R e a lm 94% Pa ling: 53%
1 S
(ZZAPI Graphics, £9.96
1 Ove ra ll Rating; 97% cams, £14.95 disk T IPAsetertfonie), C299 case
(Z Z A' ()verse Rating:93'Ilo
knowne,E8 95 cass
ZZAPI Overall Rating: 94%
2) O
6 16(16) ELITE 28
O £14.95 case. El 7.95 disk IAmericana.
I £2.99 ca lla . (4 .9 5 disk
()ZZAPI Overall Raling. 98%
Novagen. £9.95 case. E12.95 disk
ZZAPI Ove ra ll Rating: 95% ZZAPI Overall Rating: 93%
)R 7 17(10) THE EIDOLON
ActhAsion/Lucestam, £9.99 case, £14.99 disk W Bubble Sus, C8.95 case
M Howson. (7 .9 5 cage. E12 .95 disk
(ZZAPI Overall Rating: 87% %ZAP! Ove ra ll Rifting: 93%
K ZZAPI Overall Rating; 97%
R )
8 18 (-) CAULDRON II 28
(C B Palace Software, £8.95 case S•( 2 £ 9 . 9 6 case, £14.96 disk
Amencana, E2 9 9 case, £4.95 disk
8E /ZAP? Overall Rating. 98% ZZAP1 Ove ra ll Rating; 94% T ZZAPI Overall Rating: 47%
2 1)
% R L
9 (/ /) SPINDIZZY (2%) 19 B
)A E E
)Electric Dreams, C9 99 case, C14 99 disk Elite
( 1 . E9.95 cage. £14.96 disk O
1 OverallE8.95 ca se
(R T ZZAPl Overall Rating 9 8 % ZZAPI Ove ra ll Rating: 77% Rating; 88%
S 4) M)
20 (30) TAU CETI B
% 10(7) THRUS T (2%)
(6O AFavolta, el 99 case O
C R t. £9.95 case, C14_95 disk J
(ZZAPI £8.95 case
2 Overall
)5 % 2 2 AP Overall Rating. 94% ZZAPI Ove ra ll Rating: 93% Rating 5 5 %
E 3)
% D M C
)A ( K
() O N O
4 G
Every month we % give away an amazing E40 worth of software to the first person whose ZZAPI - READERS TOP 30 VOTING FORM as pulled
from the bag. The wanner also receives a super ZZAP
the&form ) F
1 I T below, remembering to put your name and address down, list your five favourite games in descending order (remember they must
be released games that you have played), state which software you would like (to a total value U of ('40) should you win, and your T-shirt size
-(S.M.L1. Then send your form in to the address shown
s hirt. F o u r
r u n n e r s
g e t
I am voting for the following five games:
a (Please write in blockTcapitals) -
s Name h i r t 1
a Address n d 2
C 4 a p .
S Postcode o 5
a l l
y If I win the E40 worth o of software, the games I would like are:
Game (and software house)
h a v ZZAP! TO P 30, P O B O X '10, LUDLOW,
e My T-shirt size is S/M/L SHROPSHIRE SY8 ' MB
t o
40 ZZAP! 64 October 1986
The appoint ed day dawned and I between the table top and the
sent the ingenuous Rignall to meet floor, so Ian had to make do. Such
t hem at the station. The train even- moaning and carrying o n — I
tually arrived, a primaeval machine thought the ZZAP! team were sup-
belching s mok e and soot as the posed to be the primadonnasl
driver s hov elled pet rifi ed wo o d Once everything h a d b e e n
into its engine, and both challen- sorted out I ordered the challenge
gers emerged f rom the rusty car- to commence before the players
riages looking rather weary_ Their had a chance to gripe further.
weariness s oon dis pers ed af t er
Rignall had given them a cupful of PERIOD ONE
a foul black brew known as coffee. Both play ers started confi dently,
I think it was more of a short, sharp, especially Ian, who whistled along
shock ef f ec t t h a n a s oot hing. to t h e in-game drumbeat . I s at
relaxing 000 back to watch the proceedings.

And s o. t h e t i me o f c hallenge my computer to scan through the
comes once again. But do we see many ZZAPI challenge forms, and
a ZZAP within a few seconds it had found
1 browsing though my chroni- two readers claiming huge scores
cles of ancient c omput er history on Imagine's arcade conversion,
candh have
a decided instead to adopt Green Beret Colin Redfern, a
a p i format which pits two seventeen y ear old hailing f rom
o n ? against one another. The Heywood. near Rochdale, felt that
reason for this is that the odious he was the best wi t h a score of
Penn and Rignall have refused to over 427.050. He s ounded very
partake in any challenges in t he cock-sure and I thought him of the
near future because of 't he pres- right met t le for a c hallenge The
I of trying to get the magazine other fellow, fourteen year old Ian
h a n d w e hav en't any 'Osss Ellis from Leeds, sent in a Cohn goes through an ant l
spare time anyway'. Pathetic stuff claimed score of 329,050 whic h
a e nt N o r t h e r n
indeed (methinks they are plain 'mashes a n y ZZAP! rev iewer's
v but it gives the opportunity score into a pulp'. I am inclined to p r c hallengers
e -
Both brought wit h lan was 'really giving the fire but-
e change t he rat her t ried a n d agree with this. I arranged the date m a
Them moral t support:
c h Colin had in ton ten' and I watched with satis-
tested ZZAPI c humpion v ers us for the contest to take place and t owr his ibrother,
t uSteven,
a and Ian faction as he disposed of troop
reader challenge. waited, patiently • • his lgood friend Daniel. I explained after tro o p o f enemy soldiers.
With the new format settled I set
the rules of the contest —the high- Cohn was going great guns too
est s c ore achieved wit hin fi fteen and was making full use o f the
minutes and th e best o f three flame throwers he was collecting.
games. As soon as I had said this His use of the deadly fi re-spitting
there were whining noises coming weapon meant that he was the first
f rom bot h c amps . Colin s pot t ed to reach the final stage of the level,
that Ian had an autofire joystick the a l l
grasped in his sweaty maulers and ders. He stood his ground well
-and stabbed
was moaning that it gave him (Ian) them all to finish level
an unf air adv ant age, A s i f h e o
one u twith a score of 32,300. Ian's
needed t o tell met I consider the a t t
progress was slightly slower, but
autofire ioystick to be a wimp's his
a cscorek was almost 9.000 more
tool and forbade Ian to use it lest than Cohn's as he began to tackle
an unfair advantage b e gained. fthe r'4Intil sequence. Using the
With that issue settled I thought all o
fl ame t hrower t o its f ull potential
would g o we ll b u t no! Ian mhe frazzled all but one soldier, who
started moaning that he wanted to was quickly dispatched with a few
put the 64 on the floor so he could e
swift thrusts of his flashing blade.
use t he s pac e bar wit h his foot? As
n he started on level two I made a
What a strange being. This request note
e of his score of 41.100 and
was unfortunately impossible due was impressed.
to the length of the wit — the m Ian whistled calmly away to him-
computer lust hung t a l f w a y yself and ma d e his wa y t hrough
sZZAPI 64 October 1986 4 1
CHALLENGECAI.1 Playing too many computer games can lead to deformity. See the
evidence and believe. Cohn Redfern is on the left with Ian Ellis on

the right.

Steven holds his brother's joystick in an attempt to boost morale.

and Ian goes through his. Strange people indeed.

el t w o w h e r e h e b e c a me Suddenly, a groan f rom Colin

'Unstuck wh e n h e reac hed t h e informed me he had lost another
- S t a g e wh e r e parac hut is t s d r o p life, a silly mis t ak e resulting in a
•. d o w n f rom the t op of the screen. lead-fi lled pos t erior. Th i s mi n o r
The idiot ran straight underneath upset didn't seem to shake him in
. one, who obligingly dropped a full the slightest, although I noticed his
l o a d . . . Colin wa s still hac k ing jaw mus c les t ight ening slightly.
away, though, and was slowly but Within a f ew s ec onds of Colin's
Surely pulling ahead. I w a t e d demise Ian als o lost a life as he
intently a s h e k n i f e d t h e was set upon by a group of blood-
lusty soldiers. Bot h players were
' and then groaned inwardly as he still neck and neck as the soldiers
was shot in t he lower groin — a attacked Ian again. Swif t joystick
- t oggling and feverish presses of
the fire button failed to thwart their
fmore than time!
mov e and I wat c hed as a kung-fu
o A str ange gar bl ed m oa ni ng soldier leaped into him. Ian was on
, nois e c oming f rom Ian's monit or
o his last life and looked rather desp-
; ' a t t r a c t e d m y at t ent ion a n d I erate.
l watched as he ran into yet another
p Colin, a s t range ex pres s ion
i parachutist. Obviously this chap is
a spread ov er his visage, was still
a sa s l o w learner. I c ont inued t o
r knifing a n d d o d g i n g h a l f wa y
h through level three when he came
a the s ame mistake again but was
mdisappointed — h e c ont inued unstuck. Commit t ing hims elf t o
c climbing a ladder he was followed
, io n wa r d s t o t he end of level t wo
h i p b y a n e n e my s oldier, wh i l e
'.' sa n d k nif ed all t he dogs wit hout
u 1tf urt her loss of life. another strolled about at the t op
t 7 C o l i n plodded on and also dis- awaiting h i s arriv al. Th i s rat her
aposed of the dogs with no trouble c omic scene caused a few sparks
k at all, his score at the end of level in my humour circuits as I watched
s Colin try to battle his way out of an
et wo reading 76,000. Ian was Mak-
t -w 9 good headway and by thetirne impossible situation
st reached t h e middle o f lev el • M y c ac k ling a t h i s d e mi s e
h s eemed t o s pur him on and h e
aw three he had caught up with Cohn.
i I wa t c h e d a s t h e t w o bat t led reached the end of level three and
c together . . . it was good to see two disposed o f all t he gy roc opt ers
dt without any t rouble. Ian, o n t he
h battles within a battle.
uh 42 ZZAP
tn 1s
go 6t 4
EtrIECHA Look at the concentration w o u l d you believe that this man has
already knifed 210 innocent soldiers?
for t h e s ec ond t i me wi t h eas e,
boosting his score to 248,900 and
earning himself an extra life as he
Ian c ont inued b u t wit hin s ec -
onds he had lost his second lif e—

obviously your Earth saying 'when
did so. Ian. looking rather misera- the going gets tough, the tough get
ble by now, lost another two lives. going' did not apply to this mere
game — oh dear. He c ont inued It really wasn't going well for him
t owards the end of level one whilst mortal. Ian dec ided that the only
• b u t t hen he was fi nding out sensible option was to start afresh,
Cohn was pounding away on level what life was like in a real man's
four with a score almost ten times so h e deliberat ely k illed hims elf
world, a wo r l d wit hout aut ofi re and s t a r t e d a s e c o n d g a me .
greater. Joysticks. Meanwhile, Co h n h a d fi nis hed
Precious t i m e w a s s l i p p i n g Cohn bat t led t hrough level t wo level one wit h a score of 38,450
away when Colin lost his penulti- without loss of life and disposed of
mate life, but he continued to bat- and w a s p l o u g h i n g h i s w a y
the dogs wit h ease, piling on the through the second stage.
tle onwards and finished level four points. Ian had learned of Colin'S I strained to see whether Ian was
— and the game — making it look score and seemed to slump back having better luck, but he showed
tan smiles as he hacks his 198th soldier to death, me it clearly wasn't his day by los-
ing a life with only 12.230 scored.
A f ew s ec onds lat er anot her life
was lost to marauding soldiers and
again he was forced to start afresh
— things were looking grim far the
hapless fellow.
Cohn wa s way ahead by n o w
and even a loss of a life at 75,600
points didn't shake him, he simply
went on to kill all the dogs at the
end of level t wo and boos t ed his
score to 85,700. His opponent was
going from bad to worse — he lost
other hand, was s t ill bat t ling as a life with only 11,000 scored. The
best h e c o u l d u n d e r t h e c i r - bemused c h a p c o n t i n u e d h i , -----
cumstances a n d wa s t ry ing t o game and lost his second mail SI I W
score enough points to earn him- 22.650. Shortly thereafter, just (tit
self an ex t ra life. His t oil was in he
" . v ain, however, and I wat c hed as - arrived at the missile base. Ian
was ' done over' by a kung-fu sot-
his last life went, not with a bang, dier and was f orc ed t o start y et
but a whisper as he was kicked in another game.
I . t h e larynx by an over-enthusiastic Unaware of his opponent's mis-
- k u n g - f u soldier. Six minut es had fortune, Cohn pulled f urt her and
elapsed on my chronograph and I further ahead. A los s o f lif e at r
• r e g i s t e r e d his s c ore o f 122,000. 99,000 point s didn' t s t o mp his 1
• I a n restarted his game, a worried y1 omping progress. While Ian lost
. l o o k on his face and I noticed that
t wo lives early on in his new game, 1
Colin inc reas ed h i s s c o r e t o
143,00 until the loss of another Me
Cohn, obliv ious t o I an's t rou- incredibly easy_ Ian was still under caused him to s low down a little. . 1
bles, c o n t i n u e d h i s g a m e in his chair, knowing that within the Within seconds he'd lost another
pressure and had lost yet another impos ed lime limit rt was impossi-
unabated a n d s c o r e d 1 4 7 , 7 0 0 life s oon after starting level t wo. life and bec ame visibly annoy ed
before another life went. Ian was ble for him to catch up. He grace- with himself_ Ha! He then made his
I Meanwhile. Colin started on level fully retired leaving Cohn to battle
gurgling a wa y t o hims elf a n d I one again with a score of 209,000 final mis t ak e b y leaping int o an •
h on for the full fifteen minutes and
noticed he had lost a life right at to Ian's pitiful 49,050. enemy s oldier, t erminat ing h i s
i the v ery beginning o f h i s n e w achieve a mos t impres s iv e fi nal
Colin battled t hrough level one score of 350.700. game wi t h a s c o r e o f ex ac t ly
s First blood to Colin. and I won- 154,00_ O n l y s ev en minut es ° t end
i dered whet her Ian would be able game time had elapsed, so
The players and their moral support. What a foolish looking hat to bring hims elf out o f t he d o l - started once again.
n Cohn is wearing — what does he think he is? By now Ian had reached them
c drums. I ordered the next game to
begin immediat ely . . sue base on level one, but he failed
e miserably to negotiate the barrier_
s PERI OD TWO Fortunately, his efforts earned him
s an extra man and he tried again to
Within s ec onds of my c ry of 'let get past the end of level one. This
a the g a m e c o m m e n c e ' b o t h time he did, earning himself a total
n players were knifi ng and dodging of 56900 in the process. Cohn, on
t with a v engeanc e. I an wa s s t ill the Ot her hand, wa s doing well
looking visibly s hak en but Cohn
w again and had almost caught up
Oozed wit h confi dence, a greasy with his opponent as he rus hed
h smile of glee plas t ered ov er his through level one wit hout loss of
i features. I watched intently to see life. I an wa s s weat ing prof us ely
s if he would make the first mistake, and tried his best — which was far
and wa s highly amus ed t o s ee f rom good enough. At the end of
both players fall flat on their faces level two, wit h a score of 99,650,
l very s hort ly af t er starling, Co l i n he l o s t h i s fi nal lif e. H e t h e n
i being molested by a soldier as he realised it was impossible to beat
n ran past a truck (his score 19,100) Colin's s c o r e wi t h i n t h e t i m e
g and Ian losing a life under similar remaining and ret ired gracefully.
circumstances wh e n h i s s c ore Colin had won! Needless to say he
h read 18,450. was well rewarded •
d ZZAP! 64 October 1986 4 3
ACE (Cascade) SABOTEUR (Durell)
£99,999 Julian Smith, Sheffield
26,890 John Doyle, Kilmarnoch, Ayr- E36,800 John Trainor, Barhead, Glas-
17,750 Bruce Wood, Harworth. S Yorks gow

BOMB JACK (Elite) STARGUAKE (Bubble Bus)

1248.000 Hatt' Jarvelin, Oulu 14. Fin- 287,763 Nigel Frond, Godalming, Sur-
land rey
441,100 Andrew Maddison, Coventry 2/3,667 Per Kiellander, Stenungsund,
407,980 Chris Gues, Weymouth, Dor-
set 192,220 Carlo Iacono, St Albans, Hens
354,640 Michael Ager , Middleton. Man- 152.1305 Marc Foord, Twickenham,
chester Middx
333.740 Mark Ford, Hebbum, Tyne and 131,740 Martin Threat', Deane, Lancs
Wear 129,682 Steven Medcraft Rayleigh,
317,950 Marc Hodge, Selby, N Yorks Essex
160,170 Adrian Steen. Dukinfield, Che-
4iire SPINDIZZY (Electric Dreams)
CAULDRON II (Palace) 100% Mani Listen. Norwich. Norfolk
153.750 John Reynolds, Ouxford. Cam- 100% Ross Macdoeald, Blackburn, W
132,400 Shaun Russell. ShiWon. Co 92% Robert Troughton. Keighley W
Durham Yorks
100,250 Tony King, Eghern. Surrey
61.350 Chris Jones. Bnerly Hill, W Mid-
011 SKOOLDAZE (Microsphere)
44,110 Lars Barup Sorensen. 8800 Vib-
,,-• 611 org, Danmark
53,000 Mark Stevens. Bishops
Stortford, Herts
51,000 Jason Jennings. Solihull, Bir-
••••• •
t Greet ings ! It's gratifying to see a change to the challenge! No vile 1
• Z Z A P ! moron to antagonize me — I can just sit back and enjoy the
28,670 Paul Malley, Knebworth, Harts

SLAMBALL (Americana)
mingham 2,520,430 Theo Bradbury. Cambridge
41.050 Craig Brydon. Melrose, Scot- II proc eedings ,
land 2,505;750 Steve Worble, Coventry
• N o v listen cgrefully,_mylaithfW _followqrs . E a r l y in the New 1,867,300 David Patts, Gateshead.
40.750 Michael Agar, Middleton, Man- III Y e a r the ZZAP! CHALLENGE CHAMPI ONSHI P will take place, Over
chester Type and Wear
• t h e next few months I will be monitoring the score tables to find the 1,512,160 Gavin Burnett, WesthilL
• fi v e most consistent high scoring heroes. Then, I shall invite them to
1,888,000 Me. Crewe, Cheshire • Z Z A P I towers to battle it out in the ZZAP! reader's challenge cham- Inverness Terry Utley, Ipswich
649,900 Andy Clifford, Ayiestone, • p i o n s h i p . I'm sure the ghastly Penn and Rignall will want to partake 1,282.110 Philip Stokes. Epping, Essex
Leicester 11 i n this event too, so here is your chance to show them up for what 1,112,510 Philip Woodfield.
553,900 Mick O'Reilly. Rushton. Lanc-s s t h e y really are i n c o m p e t e n t ! Keep playing — I am watching. Rogerstone, Gwent
s i 1.103,600 Simon Perry, Woking, Surrey
GRIBBLY'S DAY OUT (Hevison) 968,870 Philip Davies. Pencoed, Mid
62,899 Peter Evans, Aberporth, Dyfed
15,729 Tim Veal. Portishead, anstol
24.776 Steve Lee, Guildford. Surrey
• Gam
900,080 Nick Webb, Christchurch,


490,900 Nigel Froud, Godalming, Sur-
SPEAKETH 894.400 Marc Jeffries, London SW16
175.700 Paul Lucas, Cambridge
430.550 Robert Hemphill. Glasgow 162,000 Steve Palett, Tile Cross. Bir • 51,175 Paul Timlin, Glasgow
427.900 Cohn Redfern, Rochdale, mingharn 43,125 Stephen Lunn, Wisbech. THRUST (Firebird)
Lancs 134.100 Tony Holland, Leicester Cambs 474.380 Chris Smith, Silver Range
329,050 Ian Ellis, Leeds 18 126.200 Mark Duncan. Edinburgh Manager, Firebird
305,150 Marcus Thomson. Broxbum, 126,600 James Taneley, Buchingham PING PONG (Imagine) 218.200 Andrew Johnson, Pudsey. W
W Lothian Bucks 57,040 Barrie Hallett. Lawrence Wes- Yorks
225,600 Chnstopher Haden, 123.000 James McGungle, Glasgow ton, Bristol 184,950 Mark Simson, Elgin, Moray-
51.300 Moog) Lschin, London W13 shire
Cleethorpes, S Humbs 137,400 Jonathan Gandy, Topsham,
197,000 S Curran, Chelmsey Wood, KLING-FU MASTER (US Gold) 32.930 Paul Smith, Stourbridge, W
4,385.990 Stephen Penne', For- Ms Devon
Birrningharn 108.900 Ado Swinson, Doncaster, S
182,450 Mark Watson, Consett. Co clingbridge, Hants 31.180 Lars Roar Johansen, 2190 Dis-
Durham 3,802,983 Andrew Dallyn, Broughton, enna, Norway Yorks
182.000 Steve Palen, Tile Cross, Bir- Devon 30.110 Jonathan Twist. Blackpool, 108,900 Neil Parkin, Sheffield
1,116.143 Bruce Wood, Harworth, S Lanes 93,700 Alex Phare, Madden, Devon
179.000 J Jasmihowski, Slough, Berks Yorks
173.300 Wayne Jelly, London SE15 PHANTOMS OF THE ASTEROID TAU CETI (CRL)
171,100 Justin Lambert, New Barnet, KORONIS RIFT (Activislon) (Mastertronle) 20.465 Robert Elliot, Middlesbrough,
Herts 128.780 Mark Tottolano, Stirling, Scot- 661.412 M A Gnst, Reading, Barks Cleveland
land 286.064 Chris Napier, Long Marston, 20,260 G Sampson, London El 5
154,950 Anand Aggorwal, Rushden, 19,1380 Paul Lennon. Craigavon, Co
Northants 96.430 Colin Burroughs. Ipswich, Suf- Hens
152,650 Alex Phare. Mandon, Devon folk 135,172 Steve Mackinoer, Hull Armagh
151.450 John White. Whitefield, Man- 19,450 D Flanagan, Agbigg, W Yorks
chester MERCENARY (Novagen) ROCK 'N' WRESTLE (Melbourne
149,000 Brian Swan, Fife. Scotland 1.909.000cr E l House) TRAP (Alligets)
Nuneaton, Werke 842.480 Jarnie Ford, Southampton 481.900 Lawry SI M, Liverpool 123
- 821.400 John White. Whitefield, Man- 429,510 Cohn Bayne, Glenrothes, Fife
GHOSTS AND GOBLINS (Elite) 1,909,000cr Paul Booth, Leyland,
Lanes chester 328,500 Robert Elliot, Middlesborough,
100.000 Philip Young. Wakefield, W Cleveland
Yorks M1,909.000cr
o r n s Ian Robinson. London N17 305,400 Jason Ford, London
100,000 Mark Ford, Hebbum, Tyne and 1,909.000cr Paul Forbes, Liverpool L8 RAMBO (Ocean)
Wear e1,909,000cr
y . Andrew Delyn, Broughton. 3,197.800 Gavin Burnett, Westhill, 290,300 Bradley Moffat, Gienrothes,
Devon Inverness Fife
90,800 Nick Webb. Christchurch,
Devon 1,909,000cr Cohn Bayne, Glenrothes• 2,691 .200 David Connor. Aintree, Lives-
Fife poet 1.30 URIDIUM (Howson)
74,800 Dalydd Sion Rees. Pwilheli, 3,428,985 Andrew Mackay, Liverpool
Gwynedd 1,909.000cr Jonathan Weciderburn, 1,113,100 Stanley Overy, Dumbarton
London N6 833,500 Fraser Walker. Dunfermline, 18
74,200 Aidan Donnelly, Dublin 14 File 1.183,610 Kim E Kier, 28e0 Soborg,
71,350 Philip Evans, North Convey, 1,909,000cr Michael Finbew, Sawston,
Mid Glam Combs 833.400 David Carter, Yeovil. Somerset Denmark
63,200 Michael Howell, Redcat. Cleve- 807,100 Nicholas Wilkins. King Lynn, 1,007,605 Russel Wallace, Dun-
land MERCENARY: THE SECOND CITY Norfolk taughaire, Co Dublin
854,000 Andrew Cranidge, Plymouth. 649,475 Alex Phare, Moreton, Devon
51,300 Michael Curran, Glasgow (Novagen)
44,800 Kelvin Clegg, Hayle. Cornwall 523,981cr Raymond Catalan. Ruislip, Devon
41,700 Jonathan Schunke, Southport. Middx v (Ocean)
RAGING BEAST (Firebird) 21,200 Danny Pratt, Southampton
Merseyside 67.092 Matthew Minshull, Great Barr, 21,100 John Doyle, Kilmamoch, Ayr-
38,400 David Carter, Yeovil, Somerset NEW YORK CITY (US Gold)
4.241 Chris Breed, Slough, Barks Birmingham shire
37,000 Daniel Cornish, Guildford, Sur- 18,100 Bruce Wood, Hanpeorth. S Yorks
rey 63,883 Matthew Dodd. Braunstone,
PARADROID (Howson) Leicester
INTERNATIONAL KARATE (System 187,055 Andrew Mackay, Uverpool 18 63.041 Stephen Lunn, Wisbech, YIE AR KUNG-FU (Imagine)
175.892 B Mainwaring. Stoke on Trent Cambs 102,562,500 Scott Grarcen, Whitley
302.000 Shazad lobal, Bury, Lanes 116,945 Andy Clifford, Aylestone. 52,973 Rick Wilson. Poynton, Cheshire Bay, Tyne and Wear
Leicester 25,224,300 Kevin Parkin, Sheffield
234,800 lan Foster, Miinsbridge. Hud-
dersfield 113,445 John Doyle. Klmamoch. Ayr- SCARABAEUS (Arfolasoft)
186,000 S Curran, Cheiresley Wood, shire 273.744 Douglas Clark. Carstairs Junc- Z (Rhino)
110,545 Mark Stevens, Bishops tion, Lanark 232,000 Arland Aggorwal, Rushcien.
Birmingham Northants
168,000 David Gill. Exmoutb, Devon Stretford, Hens 256,128 Luis Troyeno, Stockport, Chat.
167.200 Jon MullinSom, Portadown, Co 69,752 Fraser Clark. Chichester. Sus- shire 187,300 Mark Taylor, Stanford-le-
sex 74,501 lan Robinson, London N17 Hope. Essex
44 ZZAP! 64 October1986
g la t i
• • • •
• 4 1
. =



Front Office.
ist Floor Advance Works.
44 Wallace Road. London Ni 1PO

Distributed by US GOLD LIMITED, Unit 213 HoNord Way, HoBard, Bi r mi ngham B6 7AX
PIM_ 1111111111Mg

! •••


Ocean Software Limited

6 Central Street Manchester M2 SNS.
Telephone: 061 832 6633 Telex: 669977
W h e n G r e g B a r n e t t J o i n e d M e l b o u r n e H o u s e h e w a s sti l l l e a r n i n g a b o u t
t h e 6 4 . S i n c e t h e r e l e a s e o f hi s fi r s t g a m e , H U N G R Y H O R A C E , h e h a s g o n e
f r o m s t r e n g t h t o s t r e n g t h a n d has b e e n t h e fo r c e b e h i n d m a n y l e g e n -
d a r y p r o g r a m s , s u c h a s T H E H O B I 3 I T a n d W A Y O F T H E E X P L O D I N G FI S T.
N o w , a f t e r s i x m o n t h s i n t h e m a k i n g , FI S T I l l s a b o u t t o h i t t h e s o f t w a r e
s c e n e — a n d i t l o o k s as t h o u g h t M e l b o u r n e H o u s e a r e g o i n g t o h a v e y e t
a n o t h e r sm ash h i t o n th e i r h an d s. G a r y P en n g o t u p b r i g h t a n d e a r l y to
t a l k t o G r e g , w h o h a d j u s t fi n i s h e d e a t i n g h i s t e a i n s u n n y A u s t r a l i a

How near to completion is Fist IN

It's virtually complete — were just adding the
finishing touches.
Is it a true follow up to Fist?

Not really — Fist i s more of a role playing
game with karate combat. There are around
600 screens spread over caves, a town —and
so on. You meet various different characters
on your travels: Ninjas, Shoguns and animals
— panthers and snakes. You can either fight
them or run away, or even walk straight past
Are there fewer moves available than In
Well, no —there are in fact more moves; there
are less fighting moves than in Fist, but more
moves in total. Certain moves are affected by
your surroundings — for example, if you're in
water you can't somersault.
Where does the game take place?
Ah, Fist II is set a fair few centuries later than
Fist. You start as a disciple outside a volcano
and have to pass through the jungle, leap or
swim waterfalls, explore underwater caverns
that sort of thing. There are eight scrolls —
Trigrams — to be located and eight temples.
Yes— the scroll system is based on I Ching,
the art of ancient Chinese fortune telling. You
have to find the Trigram associated with each
temple and then meditate — there's a medita-
tion sequence. Each trigram has a different
property—for example, if you find the Trigram
of light and meditate at a temple you are given
the power to see in the dark caverns. It is possi-
ble to get through the game without the aid of
certain Trigrams — but it's not easy.
How does the fighting work?
Similar to Fist but with a continuous energy
system. You lose energy when fighting and
energy is replenished when you're not fighting.
But if you get poisoned — by a snake. say —
you don't get energy back, so you have to
meditate. Meditating builds up the potential for
maximum energy.
All this in one load?
YeS, it's a single load. There's continuous
scrolling — we've used two scrolling
techniques depending upon whether you're
walking or fighting. When you're walking it's
better if the player is central and the screen
scrolls with you. The screen scrolls less during
fighting so you can move across the screen
and fight as in Fist I, Even though Fist II has
karate combat, it's not just another karate
game, there's a lot more to it. We'll be giving
away an enhanced copy of Fist ion the flip side
—the graphics are better and there's a con-
tinuous energy system.
Have you seen any other karate games —
Intematoonal Karate, for example?
Yes, but they've been a long time coming —
Fist was released over a year ago now. I notice
the graphics in International Karate are very
similar to those in Fist— especially certain Olo
ZZAP! 64 October 1986 4 7
"oii*JeET INC tttsr or wka
moves. They seem like the Fist graphics with where. A lot more effort went into Rock 'n' I program on a development system for the
extra frames. Wres t le— perhaps we tried to be too innova- BBC and download from BBC to Commodore.
tive, what with all the moves and 3D movement I need the full 64K to download into, so there's
Were you aware of the leg s weep c heat in In and out of the hng. Some people can't get no way I can program on the Commodore
Fist? into the game, others persevere and find it straight. I'll soon be upgrading to an IBM sys-
great_ I suppose some people were disap- tem.
I was aware that some of the guys in-house pointed with Rod( 'n ' Wrestle because they
could do very well by leg sweeping. I notice in were expecting something more impressive Do y ou c ons ider yourself a c ompet ent
your magazine there are high scores of a mill- than, and similar to, Fist. I think it went down programmer?
ion and so on— I can't imagine people bother- better in Australia and the States because
ing to sit down for hours on end, pulling down The whole team consists of reasonably com-
wrestling is more commercial — Rook 'n'
on the joystick and pressing the fire button. Wrestle is actually based On that sort of com- petent programmers producing reasonably
That's a boring way of playing a game. We hear mercial wrestling which doesn't seem to be so competent programs.
of people who are still playing Fist properly and popular in Britain. There was a campaign to get
enjoying it. You can come home from work, Rock 'n ' Wrestle endorsed by a professional Have you become limited by the 64?
load up Fist and relieve the day's frustration. British wrestler but we didn't want that.
It's not been pushed to its limits. I think most
Rock 'n' Wrestle was a big di sappoi ntment How many people are working on Fist It?
after Fist. games in Britain today are exploiting old
techniques. At the time, Fist was using 75% of
There are two graphic artists, three guys
Well yes, that seems to be what the British the machine. Fist II is getting there. Sound
arranging the graphics screens, and a musi- techniques have improved — the music in
press thought — Rock ' n' Wrestle went cian. We had to write our own special utilities
reasonably well in Britain, though, and it's gone Thing on a Spnng was good when it first came
to handle the new scrolling routines, we don't
down really well in Australia and the States. I out — Rob Hubbard gets good sounds but
exploit previous routines, we always try to he's becoming repetitive.
suppose it may have been the graphic rep- create something new l i k e in Fist there are
resentation that put most people off_ We had the sprites and in Fist t h e r e ' s the scrolling.
to fit a lot of graphics in Rock 'n' Wrestle, more Are you going to continue pr ogr ammi ng on
the 64?
than in Fist, so we had to cut down some- What do you program on?
We're not going to discard the 64 for a while
yet. The Commodore and Spectrum will last for
quite a while. they certainly won't be dropped
overnight. I doubt that people will stop buying
games if they stop selling the machines.

Any English programmers you admire?

I thought you might ask me that — yes and no.
I admire Minter for attempting things that aren't
commercial — I admire someone who sits
down and tries something new. Andrew Brayb-
rook is professionally competent U r i d i u m
only uses 40 to 50 percent of the 64's
capabilities but it is well put together, I admire
that. But I've seen few improvements. I admire
any programmer who sits down and tries to be
What about mus ic ians ?

We hear a lot of Rub Hubbard. He's very popu-

lar but I can't understand why — yes, he used
nice instruments at first but his music hasn't
improved. The music on International Karate
sounds like the music from Thing on a Spring
slowed down — and I'm not the only one who
has this opinion over here. Rob Hubbard's
tunes are very jolly but what about atmos-
pheric music in games. Sound effects have
been neglected too. Music is a harder thing to
appreciate than games since each individual
has his or her own tastes. There's still room for
improvement, though.
Have you any favourite games?

There's one game I didn't like but it set a trend

so I admire it for that — Manic Miner it certainly
started a new wave of platform games with its
use of a cute character and so on. Some
American software is good. Archon was good
for its time— a sort of Dungeons and Dragons
game on a chess board. The Ultima s eries . . .
you certainly get your money's worth. I don't
really like any particular game — I find a few
things I like about a game, like a nice scroll
routine, that sort of thing. The people buying
games now aren't hackers or programmers,
they're more objective and stand back and
look at the game as a whole. I wouldn't mind
seeing Leader Board I ' d like to see a good
golf simulation.
Are you releasing any more adventures in
the near future?

Yes, there's the sequel to Lord of the Rings.

But I'm not involved in writing adventures, they
take a lot longer to write and require substan-
tially more effort. I quite enjoy creating
scenarios involved with adventure games,
though. We've got lots of good programs com-
ing out in the near future — five or six major
releases out before this Christmas, including
Fist Y o u may not have seen many Melbourne
House games in the charts recently, but the
situation is about to change
48 Z Z A P ! 64 October 1986

ICUPS (Thor/ Fi rebi rd)

TRAP ! (Al l i gatal
Load 'CUPS and reset your 64.
Now you can enter some POKEs Two very small 'cheats', cour -
from the Medway Boys who are tesy Of Mr A Crowther from Shef-
members of the Chatham CBM field E n t e r DEMO in the HI-
Club . . score table to see the 'hi dden'

demo (very nice), and hold down
POKE 3265,234 SHIFT and type Ft. A, T when 00
POKE 23676,234 the title screen to access some
for infinite lives. 'hi dden' options. Eeeeeeh! Reel
SYS 2064:SYS 33280 to restart. grand, tha'.


Cwipes! Won
- hints, including the complete Strangeloop solution, a map
(US Gold)
a I tips
o nfora Tau Ceti AND Mercenary — The Second City, and much, AMTI X t ec hno-s purt , Anthony Clarke, was t he fi rst in the offi ce t o
much more! Cori (Drool! Slobber!) There's even a neat new POKEs finish this great game, so I t hought it best that he tells you h o w to
i p especially
s for those lucky enough to own Trilogic's EXPERT deal wit h each nasty
t h i (See page 60). Crikey (Gasp!).
s Apologies must go to Philip Cheshire from Rother ham in South The Scorpion
Yorkshire. Philip's AMS Manic map was used to pr oduce the map
printed o last month —and I forgot to mention the fact. Sorry. Phil, but Easy this one, run as far back into the screen as possible and place the
n got
I've t a memory like one of those culinary deobries with holes in sight so that it is level with the ground. Shoot the crawling nasty as soon
h as it enters the screen and run away from it so that it just disappears off
the screen. Turn around and do it again_ Keep using this procedure until
L o there is one less bug in the world.
a d The Verme
o Stay at the back of the screen, set the sights about half an inch above the
You too can have infinite lives, thanks to Paul Carloss. Here is a listing. ground, turn around and shoot everything that slithers into view. If you
type it in miss five Verme in a row the next one will kill you, stay at the front of the
10 DATA 169, 180, 141, 243, 3. 169. 2, 141, 244, 3. 76. 13, 8, 169 screen for a nice bit of gore if you know you are going to die. Remember:
20O DATA•192. 141, 171, 138, 169. 2. 141. 172. 138, 76, 44, 138 if you have enough arrows to allow you to enter the caverns then enter
EX quickly after missing your chance wtth these meanies.
Once you've done that, ent er RUN (RETURN) then LOAD (RETURN). The Dragonfly
s play on tape' and wait until the READY prompt hits the screen. This is usually difficult to hit due to the strange aiming technique. It may
a type SYS 679 (RETURN) to load and run the game. seem as if you hit the dragonfly, but because the sights were not on the
n same level as it's proboscis (look that one up) you missed. The best idea
d is to put the sights in the centre and fire quickly when the dragonfly is
level. Sometimes its possible to shoot the winged menace even though
w M E RCE NARY it is behind you, although this is usually done by accident. Try getting kil-
BOM e BO ((lino) (No vag en ) led just to see the way your juices are sucked out when it gets you!
You l can never find a copy of a The Lizard
Oliver Mc Mullen f r o m Bent ley ,
gamel when you want one. Well, near Farnham in Surrey. W35 the
I can't, I waded t hrough u mp - Otherwise known as FATTY STOMPER around the ZZAP! office, this guy
- first pers on t o writ e to me wit h will waste no time ripping your body to shreds. Look to see which way
teen h u n d r e d c as s et t es , b u t the f ollowing tip: he's coming towards you, then run in the opposite direction firing as often
could I fi nd a c opy of Bombo? as you can. Get it right as there's usually no second chance —
No, I c ouldn' t . Timot hy Collins 'There is a large Pyramid at 79-39
to t he NorthWest of the Central ARRRRRGH! (SQUELCH! UGH!)
from Ha r t l e p o o l i n Clev eland
sent i n thi s ti p, see, a nd City area. Walk t o the middle of OK so you made it into the caverns.. Y o u should find that your arrows
Hmohl Never mind — when the this carrying only the Kitchen Sink have doubled in quantity, and will now count as the number of lives.
title scr een appear s t y pe i n and pick up the Pyramid. Now, any The Bat
SCORE and you probably won't other objects you pick up can be
get killed the next time you play. dropped and suspended at any Around you, you should see a single orange bat t h i s is the Only one
point abov e t he surface o f t he which can be killed, but the other black shadows bite so be careful. The
best place to stand is in the far left hand comer with the sight one third of
the way down the screen, and fire like crazy until you get it. This glowing
freak is just too hard to hit by chasing him around — wait until he gets in
close. Once it is dead go into the hole in the back wall on the far left hand
DAM BUS TE RS (US Gol d/ S ydney end of the cavern

1 Devel o p m en ts) The Hydra

With four fire breathing heads this is the hardest screen. You must hit one
Paul Carloss has some neat POK Es which allow you to • of the heads four times to stop all tour breathing fire, the far right hand
Fly at ground level and turn into barnage balloons. head will always breath fire though, even if they seem to have stopped,
so always run around the back of the creature to get the three other heads
Gain attitude with all four engines on fire without even extinguishing them.
Travel along an endless runway without your underc amage down. starting form the left. I find it best to 'hide' far right. nipping Out to shoot
when the opportunity arises. Once you have hit each head the Hydra
amongst other things. However , ther e are a few poi nts wor th throws a quick wobbly before turning to stone.
bearing in mind . .
In order to get up enough speed to gain attitude on Scampton field, you The Demogorgon
must still have full engines, flaps and undercarriage, What an evil beast this is, one false move and you will either fall down his
If you are flying at ground level to gain altitude you must be flying level as pit or be turned into Wollemberry Pie (made with ground adventurers'
your wing catches the ground and keeps you at ground level. bones). Run to the back of the screen and wart until the screen flashes
Type in this l i sti ng. . . and the chink in the Demogorgon's armour shows up. Mark the correct
10 DATA 169, 180, 141. 243,3, 169. 2, 141. 2 4 4 horizontal position of the chink along with the required sight height set-
20 ting_ Get yourself killed, put your man in the nght position, set the sight
7 6 ,169, 96,
1 3 141,, 97, 34, 8
141, 120, 34, 76, 0, 10
30 FORT = 679 TO 702:READ A: POKE TA: NEXT and fire straight up—if you fire from the side you will miss, and probably
Now ent er RUN (RETURN) f ollowed by LOAD (RETURN). When t he Once you get the chink, the creatures stomach will explode all over the
READY prompt appears type SYS 679 (RETURN) to load and run the screen and you are greeted with w e l l . I'll let you find that one out for
game, yourself!

ZZAP! 64 October 1986 4 9

RASPUTIN (Firebird) DRAGONS LAIR (Software Projects)
If you've got a copy of this game. Despair no longer —the princess will be yours for the taking! Thanks
load I t up and start ()toying it. to Jason Hill and Craig Wright f rom Stoke-On-Trent in Staffordshire,
Now pr ess F5 t o pause, then who were kind enough to send in the comp4ete 'solutioo'
type DJINN followed by any two The First Disk
numbers t o activate the cheat
mode. Thank you Mark Stevens Simply run towards the wind tit only appears seven times) until it disap-
from Thorley. Bishop Stortford, pears Il find it also helps to 'waggle lett and right relative to your position
Hertfordshire. OP).
Skull Hallway
Cont inually . . .
Tap forward on the joystick to avoid the skulls,
Press the fire button to shatter the first hand,
Tap forward to avoid the second set of skulls.
Press fire to destroy the two hands—one from the left, the other from the
Pull back on the joystick to dodge the bats, and then push right to avoid
the bats (they follow you down the corridor)
Push left to avoid the slime, then toward to dodge it again, and then right
to dodge it for the last time.
sTruusIGELOOP (Virgin) The Burning Ropes
Once Strangeloop has loaded press the fire button twice and pause Push up and keep your finger on the fire button until you reach the third
the game. Press S and then Fl . Depr ess the play button on the stone. Always wait until the rope nearly touches the stone before jumping
cassette deck. end then press F7 followed by RUN/STOP in conjunc- onto it When on a rope, swing twice before lumping to the next.
tion with RESTORE. Now enter these POKEs .
The Weaponry
POKE 45486,173 Continually . .
for infinite lives Press fire to dispose of the ball and chain.
POKE 44217,173 Push left to avoid the jug.
for Infinite fuel Press fire to push the wall back.
Push right to dodge the axe, and then right again to dodge the shield.
SYS 865 to restart (press • to lose a man). To make a map draw a 10 Press fire to push back the other wall.
x 25 grid. Mark the X axis 0-9 and the Y axis A-Y. Pause the game at Push left to dodge another axe.
any time to find out your current location. Now i f you're sitting Press fire to dispose of another shield
comfortably in front of your 64, joystick in hand h e r e ' s how to Push forward to avoid yet another axe
complete the game Push right to dodge the fireball before you exit.
Go to N2 and shoot the prism to kill the MEGA-SWARF and get the JET Ramps and Giddy Goons
CYCLE Go to N8 and fly through the top right hand corner of the screen Kill all the goons or you will not be able to jump to the next ramp. The
to appear in N9. Get the MAGNET. Grab the PLEASURE CIRCUIT from ramps disappear after a while, so don't linger_
U6 and give it to the MARVIN THE ROBOT at V8 t o receive a BUPA
CARD. Give the BUPA CARD to DOCTOR PSYCHO at C5 to obtain a The Tentacle Room
CIRCUIT BOARD. Go up through the far right hand column at A3, then go continually .
right and get the CBM 64 MANUAL. Go to JO and give the CBM 64 Press fire to dispose of the tentacle from the ceding_
MANUAL to the COMPUTER. Go through 06. the r EstA ROOM. to 05 Push left to move away from the tentacle which attacks from the floor,
and get the BOTTLE OF CORROSIVE ACID_ Drop the ACID onto the then push forward to dodge another_
WHITE BAR at H5 to get the SOLDERING IRON. Press tire to dispose of the two tentacles which appear. one after the
Go to: other, from the ceiNng.
E3 for the EYE SHIELDS. Push right to move Closer to the door, then nght again to dodge another
E9 for the WELDING GEAR. tentacle before you exit.
02 for the GEIGER COUNTER_
S4 for the CASSETTE OF SORCERY. The Second Disk
B7 for the ROBOT MANUAL. Not so tough. The wind doesn't blow as hard as before, but rt blows for
0 9 for the RED HERRING. twice as long and appears at least eight times
L8 for the TIME BOMB.
The Deadly Checkerboard
P2 for the 5 CREDIT COIN (fly to the far right and quickly back again). Kee() jumping onto a square next to the Knight, hitting him with your
Give the 5 CREDIT COIN to the VENDROMAT at Y7 to receive a FUSE ' o r d each time.
and 1 CREDIT change. Give the 1 CREDIT COIN to the ROBOT at L6 and
go through the new door to L7 to get the KEY. Go to J2 and face the The Dragon's Lair
blocked door. Drop the KEY to open rt. Fly to LO, the REACTOR ROOM. Get the treasure if possible. Be careful as you go for the sword e s p e -
and move up to the CENTRE DOOR. Press the fire button to get the ID cially at the edge of the cliff. Watch out for Sime's fire. Jump off the ramp
CARD. Give the FUSE and the SOLDERING IRON to the ROBOT at J5 in 411:010.0 f o r the taking •
exchange for a PAIR OF HANDCUFFS. Hover above the BLUE BAR at M
and drop the ID CARD. Enter the COMPUTER ROOM below and use the
MAGNET to destroy the ROBOT TAPES and halt the POLICE PATROL at
F3. Go to T4 and drop the CIRCUIT BOARD and SOLDERING IRON into
the GREEN BOX to activate the TRANSPORTER. Enter the TRANSPOR- CAULDRON II (Palace Software)
TER and press the fire button to appear in a SECRET ROOM. Get the OIL A quick rundown of what each object does
CAN and teleport back to T4_ Give the OIL CAN to the ROBOT at R4 to
get a FLAMEPROOF SUIT. Go to F3, put on the EYE SHIELDS and The CROWN protects you from the Witch's magic.
FLAMEPROOF SUIT, and use the WELDING GEAR to cut through the The SCISSORS are needed to cut off a piece of the Witch's hair.
door leading to the CONTROL ROOM. Enter the CONTROL ROOM and The SHIELD makes you • immune • to the skeletons.
disable the ROBOT with the HANDCUFFS. Enter the COMPUTER and The AXE allows you to break through doors.
drop the RED HERRI NG onto the RED HERRI NG SIGN. When the The GOBLET stops the hands from reversing the controls.
MONSTERS appear, drop the TIME BOMB and make yourself scarce. The WITCH'S HAIR must be put into the Cauldron whilst in possession of
Once the TIME BOMB has exploded, re-enter the CONTROL ROOM, fly the MAGIC BOOK.
up to the GLOWING OBJECT and use the ROBOT MANUAL. Jump up
and down and shout: 'Hoowayl I've done it!'
Oh yes, beware the PICK POCKETS in WO.
Thank @to Shaun Haggan from Consett• Co Durham; Gazza, Pacco
and Moo from South Belton, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk; Wayne Calver,
Addiscombe, Cr oydon, Surrey. And someone fr om Roger stone,
Newport, Gwent.

50 ZZA P ! 64 October 1986





A oe rn• Dao Dom No o n ". G a l . .
, itte ttimd e
N , ty
D e m
o f f

- E 9 . 9 5 ON CASSETTE AND E 1 4 . 9 5 AMSTRAD DISC
E MI = i 0 L = I E n E n NMI M i
Name T
Address E
Please make cheques or postal orders to VirginGames Ltd. Please do not post cash.
tions and since you've shut down your ship, they can't track you.
Thanks to John Twi ddy (the pr ogr ammer behi nd the 64 conversion One rather useful feature is the ability to alter your view to either the
of Tau Ceti) for the map and tips sides or back. This means you can circle around objects without losing
sight of them and, more importantly, you can target on objects to the rear
When you start playing Tau Ceti, it is quite easy to get the hang of, just or sides of you and missile them as you're running away. Unfortunately.
zooming around shooting the hell out of anything on screen. However, in the Skimmer isn't equipped with side lasers so you can't laser them but
order to play it effectively, you should understand how to read and use
you've got to give them a chance, haven't you? One word of warning:
the instruments properly. So. I'll start by explaining each instrument and watch the Long Range scanner for objects in your path because you can
how to use it fully still collide with them even of you can't see them (you're not an ostrich!).
The Skimmer The ion9 range scanner on the right hand side is another very useful
The mai n screen shows your view outside the Skimmer. As you fly piece of kit_ Irrespective of your current viewing angle, the top of the
scanner is always the direction in which you are heading. There are two
around, time passes and the sun moves across the sky. Obviously, it gets modes of operation, long and short range- The long range mode is as per
darker towards dusk or dawn and completely black after sunset. Luckily norm but the short range mode gives the added feature of allowing you
for you though. the manufacturer of the Skimmer was kind enough to to identify the different types of objects, although you pay for this by
install several devices to help you on your way. Firstly, you have the
losing viewing range. This means you can see the objects well before
option of changing to infra-red vision, which allows you to see anything they come on scanner_ Buildings with which you can dock are shown in
at any time of day but unfortunately things become rather fuzzy and it's black, while dangerous enemy robots are shown as white dots. This is
hard to distinguish goodies from baddies in the heat of battle. Secondly,
very useful for identifying the lethal objects from amongst the passive
you may fire flares to bathe the scene in light but you must remember that ones when in battle because time is too precious to waste_
you only have a limited number. There is a third method which could be The compass is a simple device but it is rather sensitive to vibration
used i n emergencies which involves landing your Skimmer on the and can be damaged by enemy fire. Fortunately, in addition, there are
planet's surface and waiting the appropriate time till it is daylight again two very useful ADF•S (Automatic Direction Finders) in the bottom right
(according to the STATUS report). For any sceptics out there who wonder hand comer. The top one of the two is homed in on the centre of the city.
why the robots should stop shooting you just because you're like a sitting This does not necessarily mean that it is in the centre of all the buildings
duck (they've never heard of the Geneva convention out there), then you but it allows you to locate yourself. The bottom one, however, points
should know that the robots sensors rely on detecting energy fluctua-

52 ZZA P I 64 October 1986

towards the nearest jump-pad. By using these two ADCS, it is quite
simple to find you way around, even without using the main compass.
You must remember that the city is very regular and that the jump-pads
are always located directly North. South, East or West of the centre of the
city and once you're going roughly in the right direction, the bottom ADF
can be used to home you in to the jump-pad.
In addition to these, there are two further items which make your lob
even easier still. The first is a tracking sensor which detects when you are
being probed by various alien devices who possess radar equipment,
These objects, whilst tracking you, enable any robot in the area to shoot
you far more efficiently. So these radar bases should be despatched to
the great robot graveyard in the sky as soon as possible. The second
sensor is an alert status indicator. This flashes various colours, depend-
ing whether there are Hunter crafts in the area or just enemy robots. The
rate of flashing is varied depending on whether you are being tracked or
Die! You Beastly Alien Thing . .
Having described your craft then it's down to the actual battle itself.
Although initially, it may seem sensible to blow the guts out of everything
that peeks its head above the horizon, this is not actually the case. This
is for four reasons. Firstly and most importantly, of course, is that mission
control don't want you to. The second reason is that your laser will heat
up and may be rather slow to respond when you really need it. Thirdly, if
you accidentally hit one of the dockable bases, then they tend to take
offence and tell you where to go when you want to dock. Bear in mind that
If you do accidentally do this, then leaving the city and returning makes
them forgive you (time's a good healer). Fourth and finally, there is a
particular type of alien who will happily let you go around doing your own
thing, unless you try to shoot at it in which case, I wouldn't want to be in
your Skimmer. Therefore, you will realise the important point is being
able to identify objects as soon as possible. All forms of Hunter attack
craft are reasonably easy to spot because they are fairly flat and hence
always appear below the horizon when they first appear on the screen.
The best way to shoot these is to stay as close to the ground as possible
in order that they can be lined up by the laser. Be careful you don't scrape
the barnacles off your ship by going too low or try and enter the bases at
this height. Most of the hunters are reasonably easy to shoot, although
the mark ones are hardly worth wasting a laser shot on because by the
time you've got close enough for them to see you and rise up into attack
mode, you could have rammed them anyway (I'm not recommending this
as a means of conquering the planet but it can sometimes be useful as a
last resort if your lasers get damaged). Alternatively Mk Vs are rather the
opposite, mainly because they have a lot higher fire power, faster man-
oeuvering, and also the ability to fire AMM's if you try to missile them.
Luckily, these Hunters and the control towers are the only robots that are
able to fire the AMM's. However, the ability to shoot these is an essential
skill. You should realise that the robots don't have instantaneous reac-
tions to a missile being fired so if you fly close to them before firing the
missile, it's got the best chance of not being wasted.
As the Mk V' s are fairly hardy, you should give them a couple of blasts
of laser in addition to a missile to be certain of destroying them. Some
buildings have the ability of firing missiles at you and a very wary eye
should be kept for the warning of one of these being fired since they are
fairly lethal to you. They can quite easily be despatched by one shot of
laser or an AMM though.
Once you have had a bit of practice at wreaking havoc on Tau Ceti's
surface, then you should set off on the task of collecting the fuel rods.
You should plan out a suitable route before setting off, using the map
function to determine in which positions the appropriate jump-pads from
city to city are, and to try and minimise the distance travelled and the
duplication of travelling through already examined cities. Be warned!

Although you may destroy the Hunters within a city, the supply centres
also allow the defence systems to regenerate the hunter crafts for next WARNING: – cheap imitations
time you happen to be passing through. Certain cities only have civilian of our range are available.
supply centres while others have military ones, so you should be pre-
pared and know where to got to stock up on the essential missiles and Please be careful and insist on
AMM's. One thing that is very important is to note down in the pad which our product to ensure full
cities you have already scavenged for any available rods because it can guarantee of satisfaction.
be very annoying turning up at Centralis with only 39 of the 40 rods
sections and not knowing where the last one is.
It is very useful to save the game every couple of cities because you
can then return to the previous version if you get slaughtered by a particu-
larly malevolent set of robots in the next city. Although it does improve
your score initially, it is usually better to wait till you've got as many as you Contact your nearest computer store e
can before trying to assemble them. It is easy enough to fit the rod halves for details on full range or clip
together but it can be annoying trying to find the other half to a rod which the coupon.
still hasn't been found. Also, the insertion of the rods into the reactor Prices from E13.95 — E69.95 ,
room needs to be done as quickly as possible because of the highly
radioactive state of the room. This means that it could be difficult to insert Euromax Electronics Ltd.. //e 0
FREEPOST Pinfold Lane,
them all without becoming irradiated if you enter the room to just insert
Bridlington. •
ee•c , • •• ••
one rod each time, as compared to inserting them all at the end of the • •
searching. Y016 5XR
Hopefully, for any budding starfighter, this should make it easy enough 4
to slaughter even the toughest of the poor robots so I wish you the best 6.6
,cse ),4,
of luck. 41 e 0 6
Access A c c e p t e d , t qc .12 •
• • s•t)
0 ,
0 • .
' •

2 e ZZAP I 64 October 1986 5 3
6 '
2 "
6 r
Theyknew it asHell
Youknew itas

of modemhthes.
- One of themostcontroversial
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e nof warfare.
Inthis tacticalwargametakechargea ofcthecombinedforces of theAmerican
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operations of yourmassedregiments - inlanhy,artillery, paratroopers,marines,rangersand
air cavalry insix historicalencounters. Patroldense
n jungleinsearch of theunderground
strongholds of anenemywho,likeanapparition,eappears,makesbloody contactthenslips
away toconfuseagain. Relivethebitterstreet fightiongthat ravagedthecity ofHueduringthe
Thismosttragic of humanconflicts resultedinasurprisingdefeat fortheforces of democratic
freedom.Thisis youropportunity tochangethehitstory of theworld, to halt theprogress of
thecommunistwarmachine- h
cInci ..e"
thwart theirplans for world e
l CBM 641128
i cassette Cg• 95
• disk C14-95
t ATARI disk
s E14•95

U.S, Gold Ltd.,

Units 23 Slolto •
ttf• 7AX T i
THE MU E (Mastertronl c) E Q UI NO X (MI krogen)
Unfortunately we d e s s a copy of this game, so I couldn't How about Infinite lives and the Use the DRILL to open the SAFE
test the following PO w e l l . If they work you can thank Paul solution to the first level? Yeah? and get the DYNAMITE
Cartoss from Sutton I d . K they don't - well, that's tough, I OK, here's some POKE', cour - Use the DYNAMI TE to clear the
suppose. Anyway, P O K E 43,200:LOAD (RETURN) and 'press tesy of those Medway Boys RUBBLE in 82
play on tape'. When ?SYNTAX ERROR appears type in. Load the game, reset the 64 (an Get t he TELEPORTER CREDI T
POKE 43.1 alternative method of entering from D2 via D3
110 IF F- 10 THEN POKE 792,251•POKE 793252:GOTO 10 these P O K E s w o u l d b e Pay the TELEPORTER in Cl
appreciated) and type in Gel the CANISTER from 82
. . . fol l owed by RUN (RETURN). The game will now load, but not run. Go back to Cl and teleport to Al
When the tape stops moving and the screen goes blank, press RUN! POKE 13563,234
POKE 13564,234 Dispose of the CANISTER, then
STOP in conjunction with RESTORE. You can now enter any of the teleport back to Cl
following POKEs. . . SYS 2825 to restart. Get the KEY from F3
POKE 444022 to play screen 2 Use the KEY to to open the DOOR
Now, her e's how t o compl ete In 82
POKE 4440,23 to play screen 3 the first level
POKE 4440,24 to play screen 4 Get the LEVEL TWO PASS from B1
POKE 4440.25 to play screen 5 Get the TELEPORTER CREDI T Enter the TRANS-LEVEL TELE-
POKE 4440.26 displays the final screen. from A2 PORTER at A3
Pay the TELEPORTER in Cl Exit t h e TRANSPORTER. Y o u
POKE 40500.234
Teleport to Al and get the HAND should now be on level two
POKE 40501.234 DRILL
POKE 40592,234 (Thanks to cute 'n' cuddly Hanna
Teleport back to Cl Smith - Girly Tipster for CRASH
to remove the big cat and the dinosaur from the first screen. Enter the MAGNETIC LIFT in C2 - for the above solution).
POKE 40506.234 Exit the LIFT at E2
POKE 40507,234
POKE 40508,234
to stop the dragonfly moving on the first screen.
CAUL DRO N (Palace S oftware)
POKE 40503.234
POKE 40504,234 Once agai n Ti m and I an Fraser come to the rescue. These very
POKE 40505,234 handy POKE-i -poos make the hag immune to all nasties. Simply
to replace the bird with a static piece of garbage. type in the following listing and save it out to either tape or disk for
future use (remember to check the listing for errors before you save
POKE 16215141 I t). . .
to make the balls of fire harmless on the second screen.
10 FOR I • 973 TO 980:READ A:POKE I,A:NEXT
POKE 50319,141 20 DATA 169, 130, 141, 200
to become invincible on the filth screen, 25 DATA 163, 108, 47, 0
POKE 3707,(0-4) 30 FOR I = 679 TO 767•POKE I.PEEK(I + 8192):NEXT
to choose which tune is played on the title screen. 40 SYS 686

SYS 3700 re . t i h a game. Now enter SYS 63276:POKE 830.34:POKE 832,48:SYS 62828 (RE-
TURN) (don't RUN the above listing - n o t yet, anyway). Press play on
tape and when READY appears type RUN (RETURN) to load and run
the game.

I NT E RNAT I ONAL KARATE (System Si JET SET WILLY (S oftware Projects)

Hyper Hacker One from Elumage in Manchester has found a simple Yet more useful POK Es for this ageing platform game, courtesy of
method of entering the POKEs printed in issue 16 - and It doesn't Tim and Ian Fraser from Ruilip, Middlesex. All you have to do is rewind
involve a r eset Such a nice chap. Rewincl_your 1K cassette to the
beginning (where else) and type POKE 43,255:LOAD followed by a your Jet Set Willy tape, typo in the following listing - followed by
press of the RETURN key. Depress the play button on your1541, and RUN (RETURN) - and then press play on tape. The game will load
when the READY prompt appears enter POKE 43,1:LOAD "",1,1 (RE- and r un as normal, but the Wine Cellar bug will be fixed and any
TURN). Watt for a while, and when the cursor reappears enter LOAD sprite collision detections ignored O h , and you will also have an
"",1 .1 (RETURN) to load the last part of the game. Once loaded, you infinite number of Jet Set Willies to play with. Coo.
can enter any of the POKEs from the August issue . 9 SYS 63276;PRINT CHRS(147)
10 POKE 783:I:POKE 830,34:POKE 832,48:SYS 62828:POKE
53265,PEEK(53265) AND 239
11 FOR I = 8941 TO 8955:READ X:POKE I,X;NEXT
12 FOR I - 0 TO 42:READ X:POKE 1280 + I,X:NEXT
27 FOR I - 679 TO 777:POKE I,PEEK(8192 + I)
99 DATA 0, 5, 52, 206, 76, O. 5, 137, 238, 76, 0, 5, 76, 0, 5
100 DATA 169, 27,141, 17,208.169.85, 141,98.242,169,169,141,146,
1985 (M astertronl c) 51, 169, 0, 141.147, 51
How would you like to play 1985 without any GROUND MISSILES or 1010ATA169.234, 141, 148,51.169.76,141, 119,57,169,7,141.120,
FLYING SAUCERS? I thought you might T y p e in this listing, as 57, 169,46, 141,121, 57
supplied by Paul Carloss 102 DATA 76. 160,15
1 SYS 63276:POKE 783.1:POKE 831,255
2 POKE 832,2:SYS 62828 UP 'N' DO W N (US Gold/Sega)
3 POKE 749,226:POKE 750,252:POKE 770,167:POKE 771.2:POKE
776,167 Woul dn't it be nice if all the nasty cars suddenly disappeared into
thin air. Hmm, yes it would. Tell you what, type in the following
Now enter RUN (RETURN)t o load the game. When the 64 resets, type listing, as supplied by Andrew Grit ° from Walkden in Worsely
In this listing
10 FORA - 300 TO 313:READ B:POKE Aa NE X T
1FOR G = 11264 TO 11584:POKE G,O:NOCT 20 DATA 162, 165, 160, 124. 142
2 FOR G = 27676 TO 27693:READ A 30 DATA 248, 138, 140, 248, 138
3 POKE G,A:NEXT 40 DATA 32, 132, 255, 96
4 POKE 9750,219:POKE 9753,219:POKE 9756,219:POKE 9759,219
5 SYS 20000 Rewind your Up 'n' Down cassette and type RUN (RETURN) followed
6 DATA 42, 77. 79, 68,73, 70, 73, 69, 68.32,86, 69, 82. 83, 73, 79, 78.42 by LOAD (RETURN). 'Press play on tape' and wait for the loader to
load before attempting to enter these POKEs ut•N•
Type RUN (RETURN). After a shor t pause the game will run a n d ' POKE 1011,44
MODIFIED VERSION will be displayed at the bottom of the title screen POKE 1012.1
Yeah? OK, press the fire button and play the game 4
Now type RUN (RETURN). Once the game has loaded it will run, arid
all the silly cars will have gone (apart from your own, that is).

ZZAP! 64 October 1986 5 5


0 More fives „
usual Wey ; •. ••.
, the gw.'"nif tly tipping the i;,1E9-,T0FIE
) •TwO D 0938. and then ore66:FiCrigtNI.
•. -•. •7-7-
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•. '••. : ••A.%5 Dec'


• the SPrsbi
. • EAI_EAPtiDWIriQatlat tlil*Ptesx y P I
i t r i 0 . . 0 . 0 0 . t h a 0 0 4 . 3 0 1 i 4 e l t - ,- - t h i s i s O i ! 1 ) , t s teps
t to asirlillAbt '. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . , v , _ , . ,
1i d O a l t
t RAMBO (Ocean)
0 0 7 4 . - G B L6•289 i
a i rtallty
t d " O tor
g eat
l a .n steps
g e a n d 3 as in &Aid 3 a r i e t # 4 4
t . f t eline ; i tOitild:
r erAthe
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t • t y 0 t :
o ibo a l- ........ . . . . . • • •
- O E
1 t i_ n set
1 C
•. would t o ber8 boon
EXPERT at theóepreadyto hfmetmmtlfess energy; Woll•yiketit giitit sod it —
Sa d • ,
I1 O _ : =. t
h U L iD R O N
Games on the 64. as we all know. TRiDGE, a new tape to disk ' prog- 0 ( R
'4;tisable E ,T 4
have bec ome bigger and better as ram f reez er' s y s t em whic h f ea- sprite c d f
the programmers k n o wl e d g e of tures a v ery powerf ul mac hine- 'e'At " •stoo typo,
the mac hine has grown. Unf ort u- code monit or. Wh e n a game is t L 1
p I 1 .41 P a l
r 485E029 00 AN0 4
nately f or us mere mortals, more stopped using the EXPERT no code
is lost or corrupted. and it also very i 8, MVO&
B 1I c with eS steps 6 to 6 eist type 0 00 friETURN RI step 7
and more games include levels we e
can dream about — either lives or cleverly r e me mb e r s wh e r e t h e t 59T0 1S I : MoE Tf I At 1
time run out all too quickly. game was s t opped s o it c an be x -B O M B° I
h*O ;I 1 6aT hr I VeE
tvPRN( k
A number of games have 'cheat restarted a g a i n perf ec t ly ev ery 1w
modes ' whic h allow invincibility. time. : )I O P
but as these are often used for test As owners o f t he EXPERT will glittinite
1 , )
purposes b y programmers , t hey know, it has an excellent machine- •aa
can spoil the essence of the game. c ode monit or (if the very ment ion At
This is als o t rue of dis abling t he of mac hine-c ode fi lls y o u wi t h ii step
2 C0 9 EuA:Ma
26'99.t s d t 4hDr e ixtea:Wa D(RE l l ilP l i i V step
sprite det ec t ion o r allowing t h e dread, fear not —read on, it's easy d •' • ••••••:-:::•:'•-• • •
n E
o r
s . .
24 t21fIE
t S i AR o : t 0ICU
hero t o walk t hrough walls etc. with t h e EXPERT). U s i n g t h e
After all, z apping t he nasties o r monit or facilities, y ou c an alter a , t1i 1
s v . . ;d
dicing wit h death is all part of the game and then restart it to try out At step 4 tYPA:
fun. Some of this has been over- your alterations or save it t o disk
tt tel lyi lp o
first. o
l •l• Continue
c ome by several clever hacks t o nos
give more lives or time. Unf ort u- Hopefully, each mont h we'll be sc with t o
nately, with some games, the only s howing you how to work various b
r:c N)
• ; l; 3.
way t o ex amine and modif y t he cheats on games which would be uh
e •. 7 9
code involved resetting the c om- impossible wi t h o u t t h e EXPERT ga Well that's abouttrrile:0501119.6wicitioailorta1tnyml:p4.ve
puter which could corrupt or most cartridge. Follow the step by step • 9
instructions below, be careful — An4oundmisite
likely, result in the c omplet e loss 1
of the program. Until now. typing mistakes can result in a fatal rg ,
4 more
As you may of guessed, help is error — ie, the program will hang- ne E
at hand with an excellent new pro- ow bAe who k
up when you try to restart it! 9
et crteat
duct T r i l o g i c ' s EXPERT CAR- si : o t
1ht TseA l a n d . i f
*eof i l i t a
' setklAPS 1 Ol, gAr a p
56 ZZA P ! 64 October 1986 e
, mC ihsd
d uPrice: f28,95 (ine fi lling"!!'
11 c TM
4•442b ii: tr E
lia soR e.I



LIGHTFIIRCE is the Punishment Arm of
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When a Terran-settled system at the edge of •
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SHOCK WAY RIDERS are the pick of tile

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is to go "FULL CIRCLE" - to do that,he must'
• fiofg ht th offe the2 Block
1 s Boys,the
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y negotiating
. the Speed
Traps and Rider Ramps erected by the angry
local residents!
SHOCKWAY RIDER is the most original
arcade game of the pear •


L icri- u
S SPECTRUM 1 7 9 5
- Im IlAtog
2. - s o n - Tons 4 0 . 4
3 - CNIA
+ -
Am iC ,
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2.6 s o n c t o o k
- scolo•rno•-• L u c e LI
3- 0 + • sirw+1
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2 - 40.L.1hs o w cr.rt 5- I 3 stsy
3 4 - L.Ahrb b + A X - A 4mM
3 - 6 T AAAL T
14, I S cif/km
32_ - c A
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58 Z Z A P ! 64 October 1986
EA/c, ov e

-10 cottrmY

O c
GRYPHON (OulckslIval
How would you like to see what lies beyond the wail on the first
level? You would! Well, well, well, it looks like this Is your lucky day,
'cos Paul Carloss has some POKEs which can help. Type in this
10 SYS 63276:POKE 783,1:POKE 829,43
20 POKE 830,42:POKE 831.58:POKE 832.42
THE SECOND CITY (Novageni 30 SYS 62828:POKE 1004.0
Christopher Hester from Baildore use it! Confused? Well, it's locked 40 FOR G - 795 TO 810:POKE G,PEEK(G 1 0 0 0 0 )
W Yorks managed to finish this in a room where you can enter, but
game in a week! Here is a list of not exit. As you know, the cheese Rewind your Gryphon tape and type RUN (RETURN). 'Press play on
the new featur es he has di sco- is realty a fast ship that doesn't tape' and wait for a few seconds W h e n the screen clears and
vered, al ong wi th some hel pful require the Power amp. I t's very READY is displayed in the top left hand corner of the screen type
hi nt s . . . useful t o ha v e , s o h a s P a ul GOTO 40 (RETURN). The screen will go blank for a second, then the
Woakes locked it away for good? READY prompt will reappear allowing you to type in SYS 49400 to
a) a c he a t r oom , accessi bl e Fear not! The Cheese is also dis- load the next part of the game. When the opportunity arrises enter
through any triangular door. Only SYS 1010 to load the rest of the game. Now you can enter any of
guised — i n the Palyar Briefing these POKEs
one problem — no key! Room as the TABLE! Assuming you
b) permanently dark rooms which have the Antigrav, go pick it up — POKE 49272.234
even the PHOTON EMITTER cannot and fly away. POKE 49273,234
light up. These appear orange_ k) the ANTIGRAv is realty useful — POKE 49274,234
c) not all traps are marked by a more so than before — since a lot disables sprite collision detection b u t you can't shoot anything.
skull and crossbones, so you will of objects are 'TOO HEAVY', includ- POKE 49305,234
have to try each door to see if it's ing the TABLE. COFFIN and BED! POKE 49306,234
safe. I) the last maj or change is that POKE 49307,234
d) a room where the only lines visi- there a r e sever al . dark r oom s makes you invincible —AND you can shoot the nestles.
ble are those of the floor — not the which must be explored if you are POKE 6866,76
walls — it's basically one of three to progress. However, the Photon POKE 6867,222
prisons! Emitter isn't as easy to obtain as POKE 6868,26
e) changeabl e l ayouts! Real l y before — it's in a room in the Col-
mean these — all skills are needed makes flying easier —you will Only go down if you push down.
ony Craft, a nd to get there you
to comprehend them. Rooms you need to use a transporter —a one- POKE 49244.234
thought were there suddenly dis- POKE 49245,234
way transporter. T h e r oom i n POKE 49246,234
appear and other r ooms appear which the Photon Emitter resides
instead! How e v e r , t h e r e a r e has only two exits — one is a trian- lets you to pass through the walls separating each level.
always t w o s e t s o f l ayout t o gular door, so you can't use that. FOR A = 49220 TO 49226:POKE A.234:NEXT
explore, and certain rooms I call the other is marked with a skull arid speeds up the game by at least ten times!
'tngger' r ooms since they swap crossbones — the only true exit! SYS 4700 starts the game.
the layouts over. Go through this door and you will
1) there's a strange object up in the find yourself falling toward the city
sky a bov e t he COLONY CRAFT. — but don't despair! Simply drop
Using the fastest ship I could get, I all obj ects and press CTRL-0 to len — the layout has changed! entered t he room, you can see
only managed 85,000 feet — after QUIT — this will give you a new ship Consult t he m a p for alternative where The exit is!
this the altitude was climbing so plus the Photon Emitter! rooms, b u t bewar e — cer tai n
slowly it woul d be impossible to rooms reset the trigger effect, so To get through the maze of blue
reach the object. I have tried to keep checking the hangar. Using and gr een rooms, either use the
take t he PALYAR COMMANDER'S General Hints
the alternative layout you can get map, or enter from the hangar (13-
BROTHER-IN-LAW'S NEW SHIP, but I In one of the dark rooms there is a the ANTENNA a n d t h e METAL 08) and go SOUTH, SOUTH, EAST,
failed and I don't believe it's possi- key, and in another, a wall featur- DETECTOR. Back underneath the NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, NORTH.
ble because. . . ing six doors of different shapes, city, there is a transporter (marked WEST to get out! If you get stuck
g) the KITCHEN SINK no longer ena- so the Photon Emitter's really quite I on the map) which acts as a 'trig- drop objects and attempt to map
bles you to pi ck up any object. useful! If you enter a dark room and ger' room. Using this to enter han- your way Out.
Before, you coul d even l ake the don't ha v e the Photon Emitter, gar 13-08 gives you an alternative
mysterious ship and the PYRAMID here's a hint which should help you layout. The door leading t o the One o f t h e tel eponer r oom s
that l i e outsi de t he city. Mor e get around dark room will now lead to the end REVERSES t h e g a m e — EAST
importantly, y ou coul d ge t t he In a lit room, face a wall from a of the orange maze, and you will becomes WEST and so on. Thi s
COBWEB and use it as a skeleton few steps away. Turn 20 degrees, find a key there. Note, that in the happened in the original Mer ce-
key. You don't seem to be able to then push forward until you hit the alternative layouts you cannot use
take the COBWEB in the Second nary, but in the Second City you
wall — keep pushing forward and the elevators. have to go through the teleponer
City — the reason i s simple: i t you will see that you can sl i de if you are to finial the game, as it is
would enable you to get through a along the wall until you reach a Make sure you save your game the only way out of a room contain-
triangular door, and hence enter door, wher e you can force your position before attempting a 'chal- ing a key. I 'm afraid this makes
the Cheat Room — what this room way through! Of course, you can lenge' — one r oom ha s ei ght mapping difficult, and I apologise
.• does. I hope Novagen reveal soon1 see t he door anyway, but thi s doors along a wall, all unmarked, if par ts of the above maps ar e
h) there are two devilish mazes. At technique is extremely useful in a and seven of them l ead t o the occasionally the wrong way round.
first, one appears to be a trap bet- dark room. You will have to really PRISON! You can also end up there The r e
ween a blue and a green room, but make use of the compass a nd by over -use o f t he transporter —
by dropping objects in each room rooms! - whichever way round you draw
slide along each wall! the
I discovered it is a maze of eight s map it will be the wrong way
round at some stage of the game!
rooms similar to a maz e usually When you find a valuable object, A trick for the orange maze, or any nSimply
o t use the pattern of doors to
found in adventure games. At the such as the Energy Crystal, don't other orange room where the walls h i n where you are.
end o f t he maz e i s t he PASS, drop it in the first room that offers are invisible — simply dr op a n g I found this reversal effect goes
needed to enter a hangar outside a reward. Save the game and then object as soon as you enter, then after a while, so some rooms must
the city. try t o dr op the obj ect i n similar y
move on until you hit a wall. Drop change things back to how they
The second maze consists of a Palyar and Mechanoi d rooms, to another obj ect. W h e n y ou' v e o
were originally. T h e r oom that
set of orange wall-less rooms that find out who offers the best price. dropped obj ects at each of the ureverses the map is marked H and
appear blank to the eye i t ' s quite For i nstance, t h e LARGE BOX four walls you can see the dimen- c part of a yellow room that could
a challenge to get through them! fetches a hefty 202. 600 credits sions of the room! Also, since you be
(Unless you use the map above!) a anywher e, a s ther e i sn't a
when pl aced i n the Mechanoi d dropped a n obj ect w he n y o u nearby hangar!
i) I couldn't find the GOLD. In the Stores, whereas the Palyars offer n
brief instructions to the Second a rneasily 25 credits! d
City it states that the price of gold o
has risen, a hundredfold. Maybe As I mentioned earlier, there are SIEVE! That's It I ' v e got a memory
a like a bucket.
it's t he hei ght that ha s r i sen? certain 'tr i gger ' r oom s w hi c h Well, it's au revoir from me — until next month, anyway. Send all
Perhaps the gold is the mysterious change around the layout. I n the b
those crucial ti ps, hi nts a nd POKEs to: ZZAP I TI PS, ZZAP I
object in the sky. Unfortunately, I Colony Craft there is a dark room MAGAZI NE, PO BOX 10, LUDLOW, o SHROPSHI RE SYS 1DB —
couldn't confirm this. North of the hangar which appears and don't forget the ZZAPI MAG AZI u NE bit, 'cos I don't think Mr
j) another major change concerns empty. This is a 'trigger' room, The Smith and Ms Rignall would appreciatet receiving tips for the Corn-
the CHEESE — it appears TWICE! only way to tell is to leave your ship MOCICWO 64.Corne to think of it, I wouldn't appreciate them receiving
Firstly, it appears up on the Colony In the hangar, enter this room, then ZZAPI TIPS either, 'cos they'd only wipe their noses on them or eat
Craft, where you can happily take them — or both. Ugh. See you next month
return. You will see that the ship is
it or dr op it — but you can never no longer there! It hasn't been sto-

60 Z 2 A P ! 64 October 1986


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demo featured Jean-Michel Jarre
Uddon f ro m t h is humble music, but since it is to feature on
S ZZAPI vestibule I've actually the Compunet DEMO disk (more
Ihad the chance to use this Com- about this next month) it had to be
npunet modem thingy — and quite changed (due t o th e copyright
a exciting little doobrie it is too. laws) and now features an original
cMind you, it hasn't been the best Electrosound track. The screen
eof months, upload wise — there displays a great picture o f the
tcertainly seems to be a distinct Rendezvous album cover, com-
lack of them when you consider plete with moving mouth uttering
hjust how busy some months have 'Rendezvous a n d a now-stan-
You might have seen the Transputer version of this
ebeen. Still, the quantity may well dard sprites-in-the-border me s- on Tomorrow's Wor d- this one's better 'cos it's
dhave dropped, but the quality cer- sage. got music AND a scrolly message!
tainly hasn't. Also in the DEMOS DIR Is UZ &
e One of the best progettes I've CUJO, a little offering from (would
pseen recently is the TRANSPUTER you believe it) Lizard and Cub°. It
aDEMO, a slightly (to say the least) features a nice black and grey
scaled down version of the trans- Lizard piccy of a Satyr (?) along
rputer program which was shown with an Electrosound ditty from
ton Tomorrows Wor l d s ome CO .
umonths ago. It's a sort of surrealis- Last mo n t h w e mentioned
tic Newton's Cradle suspended URIDIBAD — this month we have
rabove a chequered floor and fea- the 'real' thing in the form of the
etures quite a jo lly Electrosound URIDIUM DEMO from Howson,
opiece. GOTO DEMOS and BUY it. found in the SCORCHER DEMOS
Another nice demo in the DEMO DIR. It's not brilliant, but it still
fDIR is XESS1 RENDEZVOUS, a might convince the three Commo-
Gteam product from Stu Taylor, El dore owners who haven't got the
aStocko and Shandor. The original game to go out and add it to their
rSam Wade's sensible message to all

It's woolly scaweel The MONSTER SHOW k m

Reset 86: Hugh Riley. Spidey, Kit and u m
Mar c COOS he's a MANIAVtli

software collection, to-middling version of Blue Mon-

MONSTER SHOW is the latest day, complete with a simple piccy.
upload into MANIAC'S DEN, and whilst the others — ingenuously
quite a cast it boasts too: 'con- titled RATTSDEM0(1) (2, 3, 4 and
cept' b y Maniac (whatever that 5) — are 'sixteen sprite scroller'
means), sp rite s b y Spidey, a jobbies complete wit h strange
screen piccy by Hugh Riley and a tunes b u rb lin g a lo n g i n t h e
version o f Bach's Toccata and background. Not the best demos
Fuge by Kit, all going by the name around b u t then again (cliche,
of Reset 86. m u s t say that the cliche) they're not the worst.
Riley piccy isn't one of his better 'DON'T SMOKE!' is the mes-
Another scary picture, this time from Lizard. We
couldn't photograph the Cujo music so you'll have ones, but it's quite jolly all the sage from Sam Wade (ID: VEN-
to imagine same. By the way, Alex. ol ' pal, ol' TURE). Well, that's the name of his
mate. o r chum, we didn't vote (or her) latest piccy. found on the
one, j u s t lik e y o u s o n ice ly 'pages' of JUNGLE IL Featuring a
requested. reasonable picture of a packet of
If you GOTO MARKII and DIR (whisper) Benson and Hedges, DON'T
your way to the Wolverines direc- SMOKE has a rather blatant mes-
tory then you'll be able to BUY the sage for those who pay homage to
NEPTUNE d e mo , I t ' s a re a lly the great god nicotine — IT CAN
pleasant bas-relief piccy with two KILL! Forceful stuff indeed!
scrolling messages and the (very That's i t f o r th e moment —
good) music from Hocus Focus. perhaps the wintry weather will
Good stuff Co ry and Gary, o r force programmers back to the
should that be Yorc and Yarg? keyboards of their 64's and there
Young Anthony Crowther has will b e a g lu t o f demo's next
plonked six new tunes into his DIR, month. We shall see..
found in the We MUSIC directory
1601). WE DEMO (7) B.M. is a fair-

ZZAP! 64 October1986 6 3
Sensuousness is the theme of this month's An Gallery and all four works are AS II'S SUMMER by feminine form is rep-
loosely connected by that pervasive embrace. It is mistakenly thought that Rob Mason resented in a man-
art critics are an astringent, denaturated lot. We are not. We too have Jackson, master of ner designed to be
feelings. Do we not bleed vermillion when we are cut? For my part, I can the m i x e d ogled, s h e i s
metaphor, fi r s t reduced t o a
sway in sympathetic ecstasy with the coiled worms and stabs of naked
offers us a blatantly cypher. Here we are
colour in a late Van Gogh, I can wrap myself in the body-warm blankets of efOtiC subject, a not looking a t a
Gauguin's brushwork and sizzle with the exotic imagery and electric pig- time-honoured female person, but a
ments of Chagall. Rob Jackson's rainbow period screen work turns me on rendition o f t h e sex-phantasy object
too. Sensuousness is riot merely an erotic function, it is one of physical female anatomy but and As it's Summer
pleasure in general — the sense of enfolding security in coming home to a presented In a mod- is to the female form
warm house on a harsh winter's night, this too is sensuous. Colour, warmth, em way. The pop art what Calvin Klein's
erotica and movement — these are the elements this month. is the epidermis of famous New York
this work, echoes of six-storey high Y•
Brigitte van Reuben advertisement fronts advertisement
hoardings and sun- was to the male. It is
tan lotion commer- a beautifully posed
cials give an uneasy form however, and
edge artistically, you c a n almost
bringing a n Imagine this female
intended tai nt o f cypher walking off
sexist attitudes_ I n towards the beach,
Jackson's work the out of the picture.

RAINBOW MAKER the star above the is suggesting that we

by Rob lactoon biblical d e s e r t contain all of this;
Jackson's s e c ond above? Is the this the the rainbow enters
work is quite diffe- light side? But then, the back of Minter's
rent from the first. what is colour if not head and is re-inter-
Colour here, rather light and dark? It is preted as white light
than acres of naked white light that splits to be yet again split
flesh, sounds the to make the spec- Into its component
sensuous cl ar i on trum colours and colours — a dream
call to the soul. Jeff absence of light that weaver, a rainbow
Minter i s t h e is darkness. Jackson maker.
painter's s ubj e c t
and the unmistake-
ably s t r o n g l y
aquiline profile of
the famous prog-
rammer is dashingly
rendered. For the
METAL BAR I I by in a devilish sensu- opposite e n d o f that one suspects is rest of the canvas, a
Mat ousness as though Minter's zoological relished for its own narrative compila-
This artist's wor k they longed to hurl spectrum — t he sake, as if the artist tion of associated
harps heavily o n themselves off the incubus of hate and were sayingtous, go ideas is woven bet-
comic strip/musical canvass and wrap loathing eviscerated on, try it for yourself ween visual el e-
themes, presented up the viewer In a Born t he gut o f — you may even ments of the rain-
with all the violence less t ha n l ovi ng human psyche and enjoy it. bow spectrum (in-
of pos t - Ha i ght embrace. These cre- made flesh before terestingly a compu-
Ashburyism. T h e atures of the night- our eyes_ There is an ter f or whi ch I
brush marks writhe mare ar e a t t he unhealthiness here believe Minter holds
little a f f e c t i on) .
Pyramids a r e
associated w i t h
camels, a n d t he
pyramidal shape is
echoed lower down
again, it is the furi- in the prism which
ous suggestion o f split t h e l i ght
movement created emanating f r o m
by the florid brush Minter's eye. The
strokes that gives image is, of course,
this work its feeling derivative of Pink
of sensuousness. Floyd's Dark Side of
We a r e n o t the Moon album,
expected to penet- •music to which the
rate the iron-clad subject is known to
defences o f thi s be partial. Lower still
man's spectacles are the heads of a
and yet by the very sheep, a llama and a
presentabon, we are camel — t h e
invited to do so. The favoured heraldic
artist plays with our Minter devices. But
emotions, mocking what are we to make
yet tempting, draw- of the satanic goat?
ing us further into his Is this the dark side
canvas t h e n of Minter? And for
rebuffing us wi th that matter, what
glacial technique, should we make of
eschewing t h e
. andy-coated tidbit
that might just be
glimpsed thr ough
the glasses c on-
tained in the barely
seen eyes — but
TANGERINE Music is an indirect has been for s o then again, are they
DREAM b y Steve inspiration for this many Ar t Gallery eyes, or are they
fakatiG striking image, as it pictures. Once reflected images?

64 ZZAP! 64 October 1986

••'"' . . . . I 1!!!11 ,1 l
• •
::•: .:t 1 1
m E1G1A0s4 m
tt° V E R N 1 H
l r1
TWO UNIQUE s what w e wa n t all y o u ev er-s o-
clever people to do is to ring all the
Christmas time, what with virtually differences you can find. Once you
Christmas isFREY FANTASY
n't t hat f ar away ,
all t h e art work t o d o f o r t hree think you've found all the changes
fill in the form and post it off to . . .
and t h a t me a n s o n e o f t hos e So this year, instead of trying to
incredibly f ull and t at editions of THE M O S T A M A ZIN G
So ya wanna be s t a r , eh? a g
m conjure s o m e G o t h i c c reat ure
Think you're made ot the stuff that ZZAP1 N o w , a s y o u p r o b a b l y f rom his f ert ile grey stuff, ZZAP! C O M P E T I T I O N
know, our very own art s upremo propos ed t o devise a cover wit h EVER, ZZA P! 6 4 , ZZA PI
appears on a ZZAPI cover? (Not
too difficult considering the ZZAP! ,Oliver Frey , i s a n ov erwork ed an ev en mo r e hideous mons t er
,underpaid a n d desperately f rus - than has ever been seen before —
TOWERS, P O B O X 1 0 ,
crew have had their ugly rnugs dis- LUDLOW,
played on the front page on more
trated sort of guy (only once every
month. mi n d ) — es pec ially a t
a ZZAP! reader! 1138. SHROPSHIRE
than o n e oc c as ion). J e l l t hen,
loyal minion watchers, this c ould SO WHAT DO First out of the correct entries bag
be your lucky clayl I HAVE TO DO? gets the chance to appear on the
cover of the Chnssy Special. But
It you cast your minds back to last don't des pair if you don' t win —
year's Chris t mas s pec ial y ou' ll the senders of the next two correct
recognise t h e c o v e r p i c t u r e s entries drawn will win a special Oli
below. However. Ohs got hold of
one of t hem and has made some piccy, aut ographed b y Mr Frey
teensy we e n s y alt erat ions , s o

' P
4 A
ADDRESS . . . . . . .................. w s
... . .
e t
. .....
. . .......................
. .......... ••••••
t r
. . . . .
. . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . ••••••••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
o 6
. . . . .
d ,
. .POSTCODE ............................
. .
. NUMBER . . . . .
. .
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We keep a VERY limited stock of back numbers to
ensure your collection is complete, after all, we
wouldn't want any gaps in those ZZAP! Binders. Here's
a quick look at what you're missing . .
nin1 mei, Ism
ColleCtoes Pie ce ' t 3 2 PaCkad Pages No 1
Medail N o le ss tha n N I N E Scone
OF b

C a uld
shadownre' Bounty t a , - - 1 , , Toc ! Ellie Goa l I l A e pPractical Paper Paged %-itiNan Alunell• on the
--4 ,
,- r - SrlZiere! C o rv iel r ! No Gelid Medal? THREE111621log Sizzlers!
111* F4 -
1116 Minder! Z o rd s! E ig g iss Prewewl Game OtIllertPrgrameners
0 1 .ch 1 nernath Magi A look at SIX haus , 04 lop 54, E g 1o s Abound - ZZAP! Superstar Challenge! FIVE

• ; And
I , OfTernficTipst P a g9 e s of Transcendent Tips! r i m Four Levels of
No a 2 June 1985 ic Utilities Cr, E i d 8o l o o Mapped! 2.2AP, Readers Awertts Results!
. . . . g
n r More! M i n d sEm e a r Preview!' WildSOU11411 From 'four 64 —
e .P Surnrotir
EIGHT Date Digodrum and Sound SampfeezzARBACKI
,orh -w
__i F ST.C2G,y
d I
n mama.%mail m e Shadowspiell
t a l Man, And More
MOW Fabulous Compunat Art! Aw-
eEr f
Minter' And Mors et QUIZ! US Gold los! Pilatop N r i 13 May 1986
,- .iP
No P3 July 1985
Protiel Jeff 1 1 8 Pretentious Pages! After Ego Gold Medal/TWO
a,a , , Sharp Siz z rs! Thrust! Super Rowe Picture of the
116ggf Pundly
r i Pages' 0 NO Em
Gorgeoua Claire H I
m,ei : o zEntOmbed
Roetheckfo "rd'so Ri-g
ne Mao' Fe ..'"'a ge nC of
, a Mintert Infocom Interview Pa rt il 2 2 AP I n-
aA s,So!_ k t I I l4 " •• eges
Part — otTop TiT SE CN h t Paiges
m e
r tlPk j % i l l e L:onversion* of the 84 Afka rzzie rs ' S E V o f Tryptychosgue rip s! Charier*
nor si War-
T_ h i Chess Ptays My Chess It' And Mc, ,,ps!P
kir Girth M ol SiAh N aD
dDo w
h i 4n
eRounder t0 yiMaps!
t t Palace
a r &AWN ', Previewa!
1" h- r i F Jeffe' Minton
o A P n T f I e s s i o n !
lTaugust 1965 L l a m
No 4 •
z eM .
ol - to
ACK! magine Interview! Miles for Nine s 1
a12! Terminal Man! And More! More! Morel
I t eLeevad PaulPages!
Weds Sumner
Chris Anderson
Jowls the 2 2

No— 14 J une 1
s 9 8D1 5 i r e
The, rFourth e
, i Protocol Gold Medal! FOUR SAND Bob 1 2 4) Psychedelic Pages! S O U , ., . Gold Medal! SIX
Sizzlers!W c
Thing on a Spring!Geach Head II !C r e w! S a u c y S iz z lers! Inte r na tiona l Karate! Caiddron III
ther Esplocting
Z i F lip Corthizionl SEVEN iP ,
l twining S t a rq u a ke t Speltboundl 22AP!TIONAIRE Results!
e r ripe!' Shadow/he MaP! ClantonG ! I A* of ' M o s c o n i Interview Part ill Steve Evens Interview!
l ' Birth of a Paradroid Part ill Getter age, o f E I G H T Pa ge s o f Terrestrial Tips! D oor's:la rk'.
Fromw Letter RP eev e d nShade
g e Map!• Last Eight La , .... of E
JAsnericatEtrian Bloodase lick J And.o l
rs ap
S September 1983 •Ga ry Licidon's lkichnical 13rt in
e d Ph. Middle!
Terminal HamRignair
And Loses Chakengel zzAa re Ack.
116 Pretty e Pages! Summer Games 0 ANDiFrankie
Goes t o Hoilywood Gold M edals! FOUR No15 July 1998
l Se e y
Sizziorol M ilyperaporrer Rescue on Erect/Wu' Fin-
Pars Ri e 124 Profound Pagest Leader (M arti Gold Moder!
Commodore Clinics! Atorcenery AND Spy V3 u Spy01 FOUR Subrime Sizzlers! 8oulderdash WI &emboli!
o P e rne
Previews! Encounter Past &aster! Birth OfaePared- Hes Game,! Sentinel' Budget Reviews Bonanza!
S kPert
rola Yt Mt FOUR Pages of Titilating Tipal
Moral e Penn Win s Challenge! Eurome sS MOUSE, a n d
f o r
Simulators e Round-Up Pa rt I! Terminal Man! C And Cheese! SIX Pages of Tenger rips rStarquako Men!
d r More Outstanding C
No 6 October 1985 h Minter
S e ! o m p Diary? u n s tGa ry Liddon'a lechnocal Sit in the
a Man!
Mkkest And More!
t t - A r t Shadowspiell
! C R L Pre vie ws! Terminal
132 Siz
Perfect Pages! t h
No Gold Reeder! Six Scrumpb- l
e r zforat - M onty on e Run! Racing Destruc- D a i l y
lionL Se lf ,Pinball Construction Set! Nodes of * sod! L l a m
e t AND Ouake Minus One AND Nesus Pre . a
views! Little Computer People Discovered! EIJK- m
t e —!woul d like to order the following ZZAPI 64 BACK NUMBERS
tronic Pe ncil Company interview! a m Pages g of
r Please tick the correct box
Top-Hole Tips! Rocke t Roger Reap! Z2APISTICK e
Joystick Reviews!Eleth ofa Pardrold 1 1 0 Right G
lenge! r Terminal R oundlip
Man! AndPart It! Rignall Loses Chal-
Morel 4
o E
No 7 November 1985 e
s 5
132 Prestigeotra Pages! Se a n M a ste rson AN D • Order THREE or FOUR issues at the same time and get 40
t L
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SEVEN c Pages of Tantamount Tips! Node of 'resod
r 1
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No 8 D e s n •T ALL BACK ISSUES NOW £1.20 EACH (including P&P)
- g •A OVERSEAS ORDERS: £2.00 per magazine they cost a small
e mProlific
ber Pa ge s! Ele ctrosound Gold M edia! J
ro t s' spirting &wpm!' Scarobaitual &m ir e Who fortune
C to send)
1 9 8 e
Dares Wins A C E I Zolds AND Eiektraglode Pre -
views! A Look a l Software for kids! FIVE Pages of f N
f Name
view! Penn Tips! Loses Sabre WW1 Map!
Challenge! David CraneTe
zzanrsTICKI I trn*
, ,M.n
i •••••••••••••••••••

Nu 9 Dr es tntas S.Deelal 1965/86 n 0

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ZZAP! 64 October 1986 6 9


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l' Wh i t e y h a d Unusually, f o r Infocom. t h e When yo u discover that th e that easily. Th e game, wh ich
hardly recovered game uses three levels o f play, goddesses w a n t y o u f o r
from Brian Mor- involves lime travel as you try to
though these are n o t difficulty experimentation. even you agree change the course of history and
iarty's Trinity hit- levels as such. They a rc Tame. that sexual freedom can go too far prevent the Third World War, is
ting t h e stands Suggestive and Lewd. Each level and so , accompanied b y y o u r the second in Infocom's Interac-
when n e ws o f uses naughtier (mo re a tmo s- sidekick, you set about trying to tive Fiction Plus range. designed
Steve Meretzky's pheric?) text than the last. some make a n anti-leather goddesses for sixteen bit micros and ported
latest cre a tio n , of the language becomes more machine to save Earth from the
The Leather God- downwards where possible. As a
explicit as well as more detailed imminent invasion. Other charac- result, only owners of a Commo-
desses of Phobos, arrived at my hum- descriptive passages. Even then ters in the game have their sex
there a re limits. On e scene is dore 128. disk drive (any model)
ble abode. As the title suggests, this decided by your own choice at the and 80 column monitor will be
is like no other Infocom game, merely described as using a lot of beginning of the game. able to run the program. Ah well,
though Steve's humour is obvi- lubricant, some rubber hosing and Packaging is always an itnpor- it looked nice.
ously at work. It's the first 'adult a yak. It is up you to imagine the taM way of adding atmosphere in
game to have come from this stable rest an Infocom game, and some origi-
and, having seen a preview copy. Before long, you find yourself in nal ideas have been used including
I'm intrigued. Very!
You play the role of an average
more traditional settings, wander-
ing the ruins and canals of Mars in
a scratch ' n ' sniff card and a 3D
colour co mic showing o f f t h e
male or female human (your sex is
determined when you go to the
true John Carter fashion. The sex-
ual overtones arc less obtrusive
'finer points' of the goddesses. The
first i n Infocom's n e w comedy
toilet at the start of the game — I here. Coming across the throne of series, Th e Leat her Goddesses o f
kid you not). Inexplicably, you are King Mitre (otherwise known as Phobos is sure to make its mark. It
kidnapped by aliens and taken to Midas) to discover that rather than does wonders for your whiskers. Following t h e t a ke -o ve r o f
Phobos, th e largest o f th e t wo change things to gold. he turned especially at 124.951 illf(KOM by Activision, the latter
moons o f Mars. There yo u dis- them to forty-live degree angles organisation is now responsible for
cover the Leather Goddesses. For for some fetish satisfaction, proves the marketing of their games. This
some reason, they plan t o turn that both Meretzky's humour and
Earth into their latest sexual playg- the spicy nature o f t h e game MEANWHILE means that everybody should now
be able to get hold of their favour-
round. It is your task to prevent remain deeply inbedded in th e tie titles via their nearest Activi -
them (though wh y yo u should program. In fact, an interplanetary sion dealer. No doubt my mailbag
want t o i s a n o t h e r ma t t e r tour takes place, littered wit h will increase in size as a result of
Interested adventurers may n o t
entirely), heated distractions. necessarily be able to play Trinity the infOCOM availability.
ZZAP! 64 October 1986 7 3

Ariolalsoft, £12.95 bisk
apis enough to lose yourself in. There
Philesophorum is are places to visit, induding a pub,
the f u ll title o f a market and some workhouses.
the newest crea- There are also the cryptic mumbl-
tion f r o m t h e ings of non-player characters to be
German overheard, but this is definitely an • 1
Ariolasoft p ro g - adventure rather than a n Role MD000% T O t w e l O t t t M k I M A M I som new es o r v
ramming te a m. Playing Game. Also, the tavern has In A AORIKOAMOLV 6.11mcction. xmlicx
It's a disk based, a rather unusual use which, while *ti ti totl e t4 l t0 I P TI P I T O 1 ' 1141 9 • 0 • 1 / M U M S p A t i l a n t i k
graphic and te xt adventure f o r WTIMMOIROM t M 1 S S 0 1 1 y t o t p o s s i o m e . T ' M O M i s .
not being astounding, is at least g. t I L L s o m e G M C C V 1 1 1 1 0 e S •
those who can't live without their different f ro m the cliched 'B u y i
fix of fantasy, The plot is simple: a drink, give tip, get hint' routine. t
good King rules the state but his The graphics arc reasonably well t
wicked stepson (interesting t u r- drawn and use plenty o l cross- P
naround , . ) has poisoned him in hatching to give the effect of hav- R
an attempt to usurp the throne. ing more colours whilst avoiding T
You are the only person capable of low-res. The character set too, is
seeking out a cure for the king's typically redefined. It is generally
illness. To do this, it transpires that T
easy to read but 'N's and 'H's are
a white powder like substance is easily confused and the ' X ' was M
required called 'The Philosopher's only discernible by default. .
Stone' is required. The packaging p ro mise s a M
Life is never simple. The produc- 'huge' vocabulary though I did not T
tion o f the substance is known sense its presence. There was also L
only t o a fe w monks (wot, n o only the ability to express single conucnsina solcm outf,- A t TMC RAM.
V ( b k trir ) • x • i 1 1 1 - A k t i l t ! . 1
wizards?) i n t h e mo n a ste ry commands in the simplest fashion. o
' tm CMS S I T A T T A U L C S ATM. 0 1 1 1 C t L v
known as Lapis Philosophorum. Hardly magical stuff. Still, despite ti CE UR O M I T I M S .
The monks have no intention of disk access for every screen, there A
letting their secret become known was at least a reasonable buffer D
to outsiders. Apart from overcom- and play flowed quite rapidly. It S
ing this obstacle, the king's son is needed to. I kept dying. The only O
win — n o t ways. The various you would be far better off buying
aware of your quest and the reason solution to being spotted by guards methods
U ma y therefore, fo llo w a similarly priced Infocom game if
for it. He has therefore made your whenever I tried to leave was to very
T narrow and inflexible courses you really had to get rid of the
task more difficult by making sure wait u n t i l nightfall. However. of0 actions. This adventure really money.
the guards do not let you out of the there was no wait' command. Nor isn't w o rt h t h e asking p rice .
city. Too many obvious attempts did the day seem to progress in any though it's not a total flop. The
at leaving and you die. M
way, as if time was frozen until you presentation i s good co mp le te At m o sp h ere 65%
Not s urpris ingly t hen, t he fi rst escaped. with competent loading music and In t eract io n 58%
part of the game is spent trying to The b lu rb o n t h e packaging title screen) but ultimately, I found
escape from the city. Wandering refers to 83 illustrations. Not a bad it monotonous and shallow. There Lasting Int erest 59%
around is fairly easy. The city is laid number for games of this type. It is nothing in th is game that I Valu e For Mo n ey 55 ciin
out i n blocks a n d is n ' t la rg e also mentions several 'routes' to haven't seen better elsewhere and O verall 56*/o
Rebel Planet
11146m t
a I ' OW
1 0.1i R obin ‘N
0, O l e o '104 1,100 -
,I c o l art- 4.44111.. 1 - , I

he Wiz first gave

you a glimpse of
this g a m e a
couple of months
ago a n d
promptly g o t a
slapped w r i s t
from A d v e n -
ts111111WM. u re sof t, w h o
didn't like being associated with
the now defunct Adventure Inter-
national. They especially disliked
the references to Brian Howarth
when he had nothing to do with
the game. Even Wizards make
mistakes. A n ywa y, t h e y h a ve
invited me to pay them a visit soon
to see h o w t h e ir games a re
designed, so stay tuned
And on to the game. The first
thing I noticed about the Commo-
dore version (having had a Spec-
trum copy for the preview) was
the increase in graphic quality and
the speed of response. The former
aspect is to be expected hut the
previous version had taken some
time t o respond t o commands
whereas interaction was almost
instantaneous o n t h is one la s stock up with supplies and tools
indeed it should be). before you land on the first planet. .1
For those of you who missed out After that you have to keep track po••••-• s- 410,- 4p4.
•= , 0 .-
on the plot last month, you play of yo u r personal status (energy , 0111.411, .1 1 1 .0 •
tablets may be carried to sustain 0 4•41P••
the role of an agent for the Earth .4110. 1
based o rg a n isa t io n S A R O S this) and the scheduled take off 0Om* 4P 1111. A b e
(Search And Research Of Space) time f o r yo u r vessel. I I you're '- ..411 N
which is trying to break free of the really stuck, you can retard take i 0 -r
grip o f the expanding Arcadian off time but this feature may only P .•• , -
Empire. You are on a mission to be used once, so be careful. P• • 4
the planet Arcadian itself disguised Rebel Planet is a fairly standard O •• ••
as a Merchant. Once there, you effort and though I mentioned the •1
must destroy the central computer parser before, at least it now has 1Omo o -
controlling t h e min d s o f t h e AND, THEN and IN usage (which 1
enemy troops. First yo u mu st does prove useful). The graphics .
travel to two other worlds to mis- are pleasantly drawn as well so 1
lead the Arcadians. Then, on arri- those who don't have the neces- 1
val at the homeworld, seek out sary imagination to view their sur- 1
allied spies who have information roundings i n adventure games •
on h o w to access the computer should not be disappointed. Those
with a series o f number codes. who are more interested in the
Simple eh? Still, it's better than flexibility of the plot and interac-
average. tive capability of the game may be.
As mentioned In the preview. There are some good points.
the game is based on a book by Using a time limit works well, it
Robin Waterfield which forms part adds a bit of pace to the setting
of Ian Livingstone's and Steve from which the adventure benefits
Jackson's Fighting Fantasy series. greatly. The location descriptions
Whether reading th e book will are always visible on the screen,
help you with the game. I don't which cuts out the necessity to re-
know. I doubt it would be much type 'look' every time you want to
use after previous experience. The inspect the surroundings, and the
game is neatly packed in a double screen display itself is very neat.
cassette case with a decently sized There's v e ry lit t le atmosphere
instruction leaflet. though, the game relies too heav-
Games like this never seem to ily on its graphics for my liking. All
have a reasonable vocabulary or this comes down to taste. Yer pays
parser. When the computer gave yer Zorkmids and takes yer choice.
me a yes or no prompt and I typed I can th in k o f plenty o f other
in 'N• it said, 'You cannot go that games I'd rather spend my hard
way.' i t understood la se r' and earned Zorkmids on.
'sword' for laser sword but only
understood ' a m p o u l e ' f o r Atmosphere 5 2To
analgesic ampoule. Some of the Interaction 54 %
responses were a bit non-sensical 99‘
aswell. Lasting Interest
Ah well. It takes some time and Value For Money 5 39/0
a very precise course of actions to Overall 5 2 56
ZZAP! 64 October 1986 7 5


OK, Mortal Members of tile Gob-
lins Dungeon Appredation Sud-
ety. this is where you find salvo- The Hobbit, Red Moon, and Volcano of RakA run Himalo vat]
don. The following brave ativen- Spidennan, Odyssey, Oasis ii Shalimar, Castle
rurers have joined together t o Tim Storey, The Mount, of Mydor, Adventure Quest.
bring yo u t h e benefit o f t h e ir Chelston„ Wellington TA2 I.ordsolTjnu.', Colossal Cave. etas
immense power and prestige, not 9HP sic Adventure, Escape from Raka
to mention their timely tips o n Tel: Wellington 6237 aft er 5pm To a to st City. King aolornons
adventure games, to ger you out of and all day Sunday. Mines. Mysterv bland. Scroll of Old
trouble. If you're stuck, these are AkbarKhateThelnaitute, Critical
the tads and lassies to run to for Hobbit, Price of Maglk, and Mass, Infidel. Death in the Carib- 170
help. And If you want your name Hacker. bean, Wizard and the PrifiCtSS, Offer
to shine for evermore in the annals Gary Moffat, 66 Manbrook Withbringer, &irk I. II, and 113. books
of Wizzardry, get the games you•ve House, Master Gunner Place, Secret of H e s t o n maps u
completed down on paper ta post - Baker Road, Woolwich. Lon- pended.
- 3isaues,
card preferably) and send them to: don 5E18 Margot n o r Stuckey, 14 Morampo
THE WHITE WIZARD'S DUN- Tel: 01 319 3451 8pm to ItIpm , NSW 2148, BAG —
GEON, PO BOX 10. LUDLOW, Mon-Sat. aAustralia
n d Games
SHROPSHIRE SY8 IDS. S u s - A new club lot ad
Castle of Terror. Spiderman, Hulk, Heroes of learn, Empire of Karat to Lesley Ma
Lords of Midnight, Quest for the Cry 5i als of Canis, Jewels of Bab). - Road. A l fr e to
Help Offered Hilly Grail. Voodoo Castle. Upper Ion. Subatinle Seabase Delta. DES 7JT
Gumtree, Ativentureland, Circus, Worm in Paradise, Voodoo Castle.
Supergran, and Pirate Adventure Tenonnollnos, Mordons Quest, Adventurers A
Zork I, II, and III, Seastalket, Antony Leadbetter, 36 Neverending Stor Mindshadow.
Enchanter, Deadline, Adventure Dayyhulme Road, Adventure d u b and
Urban Upstart. • Contact Riversdale
550. Ultima I, II„ and HI, Ulysses, Dayyhuhne, Manchester M31 wood.
New Adventure, Serpent Star, R o t eHampstead.
n Wizard of Street, Bungay, Su
213Q A kre . Hobbit, Time Machine, Cit • I HE
Death in the Caribbean, Pirate ocuef Arrow of Death, Emerald Isle
Adventure, The Count, Pyramid of Castle of Terror. Terronnohnos, S h e r -
Doom, Spiderman, Dallas Quest. it f Adventure Crackin
System 15000, Hacker, Holy Grail,
Sorceror, Planetfall, Suspended, and Subsunk. 'rert M o o t ' , A he - C o n t a c t G
Woifenstein, Questron„ Mask of Martin Rintrner, 81 Pinfold t 25
Sun, Blade of Blackpool, Lane, Ainsciale, Southport, A '
Mindshadow, Secret Mission, of
Strange Odyssey, Ghost Town,
Merseyside P1(8 3QL i' t the Ri tate
C Big Cave Adven
Golden Voyage. Sorceror of Twin Kingdom Valley, .Quest of yItalia. Golden Baton,
Claymorgue Castle. Cutthoats. Merravid, Atiamis Adventure, nr
Power. Adventureland, C
Wimess, Starcross, Dark Disk Hobbit, and Hitchhikers. Adventure.
d Quest
Crystal, Wizard and the Princess. E
Russell Wallace, 24 Lower Hulk, Price of M
Transylvania, Adventure in Time, Georges Street, Dunlaoghaire, dIEden, Snowball,
and Borrowed Time. Co Dublin, Ireland xs
Queen, Espionage
Asif Din, 37 Deeplish Road, Curse,
Rochdale OL I I IPH pa Kentilla.1-1
y Ship of
Hobbit, Lord oldie Rings, Zim Sala rSpiderman,
Biro. Castel of Terror. Merry
Most games. eo n rids En d.
R Shepherd_ 1136 Hightleld Christmas. Spiderma re Quest for f
limited help on many
Street, Coalville, Leicestzr. the Holy Grail, Erik the Viking,
Ringof PONVer. and Danger Mouse John
t Barnsley, Ad
In the Black Forest Chateau. cue. 32 Merriyale Road,Ititing
Hobbit. Nu n it Protocol. Voodoo S
Brook. Stafford, ST17 9E.11
Castle, Valhalla. and Lord of the Colin Hayward. Tel: 01 885 o
Rings. 4662 5-10pm Please Note: Re u r i c
Graham Robson. 71 Pair Reid r
Rise, Kirkburton, Hud- Castle of Tenor, Dallas Quest, c they areBy
you u
dersfield HD8 OSS Hobbit, Hulk, and Terrormolinos.
Tel: (0484) 604631 between 4 Arts Parlapat„ 18 Pyrsinella
Street, Ioannina, Greece bothr your gta
and S pm Man-Fri only. sideration.
oOpm learner' if
Twin Kingdom Valley, Hobbit,
Return to Eden, Worm in Paradise. Heroes of Karn, Hulk, Sorceror of r
tioned a b o ve )
Red Moon. Gremlins, Perseus and Claymorgue Castle. Castle of Ter- enclose a stamped a
Andromeda, Heroes of Kant, ror, Collossal Caves, Bored of the envelope if you want
Hulk. Spiderman. Exodus Ultima Rings, Quest for the Holy Grail, pOst.
HI. Nine Princes in Amber, Bal- Magicians Ball, Return to Eden,
lyhoo, Endiaiiter, Sorceror, and Mindshadow. Emerald Isle. and
Spellbreakee Red Moon. CLUBS GALORE!
Guy Thomas, 17 Borstal Phil Symonds. 29 Goliath
Whitstable, Kent CT5 4NA Close, Roundshaw, Wal- The White Wizard see
Tel: (0227) 274646 9tmt to 9pm lington, Surrey SMS 9IIN tins more
any day. month f
Aztec Tomb, Hobbit, Adventure- adventor
Adventureland, Voodoo Castle, land. Pirate Adventure, The ing that
Mystery Funhouse, Savage Island Count, Voodoo Castle, Heroes of must fall
Land 11, The Hulk. Pirate Island, karn, Empire of Kane Enchanter, all, there
78 ZZAP! 64 October 1988

Scene —
Escape trom the dunge on
Scene 2 —
Battle wirtti the gua rds
Scene 3 - S c e n e
l 4— S c e n e 5-
Protect ycyur ca me ls on the desert F l y i n g carpets ond wont Roc birds T h e sultan transtorms hirrisott into
crossing a dragon
THE LEGEND OF SINMD for the Commodore 64/128* I G a m e Author:JasonBenham.
COMMODORE Set in the golden age of Caliph Al-Rashid, you play the role of the brave adventurer Sinbad the Sailor. You have been kidnapped and

64/128 your way post the guards and vultures through the serpent-infested tunnels. a
thrown into the dungeon Of Sultan Solabirrft fortress Bul, retrieving your plundered treasure you escape from the dungeon by baffling

Once post the two dungeon gates, you stumble across a discarded sword. Just in time. because a second troop of fortress guards appear
and a terrifying battle ensues
Conquering the guards, you now head for home transporting your valuables on a caravan of camels across
camels against the incessant attacks of the deadly beasts of the sand.
i the scorching desert to Baghdad. Bravely, you defend the
l the towers of the city.
The Sultan Sa labIm, furious at your escape orders his personal bodyguards aboard flying carpets and summons the giant Roc birds. Together, they form a cordon
around Baghdad. Undaunted, you take to the skies, and the scene Is set for a dramatic showdown high above
The sultan hos one remaining card to play. He can magically transform himself Into a lire-breathing dragon spfifing huge fireballs towards you
Con Sinbad triumph in this titanic struggle?
Features include: 5 screens of action - each is a separate game in itself, 5 haunting tunes beautiful graphics, Improsshe on/motion, and a
lngenlow pOSSWDrd feature allowing you to skip screens which you have already completed once
PRICE: E9.95 (cassette), Ell .95 (disc).
It you complete the garmA you can enter our competition. The prizes include a beaufflul carpet, a curved knife and a hand-carved wooden
horseman (all genuine Arabian products), and ESO in consolation prizes
Closing date: 31st March, 1987.

• Wit m ai I o n i e l l o re
closet:itched within 24
Dept. Sl, Regent House
Skinner Lane Immo Flours b y ilre -Ce lle p o rt

• % W o g * on@ p c: I C
Leeds LS7 lAX - el fre e
•ki n
Fgo u lly co n ce rts.; an d
Telephone: 0532 459453. ANSWERING SERVICE Fop C E P S d i scs we ll b e ne s:skive d
e n re e d le e lle t
MELBOURNE HOUSE were offer- O'Ne ill. Lanarkshire, PALI2 BAD: David
ing a hologram and 50 copies of Hickson, Durham, OH1 4141, M artin Robert
The Hobbit to the ZZAP! readers Smith, We st Midlands, DY4 ORH, Ala n Dic•
kinson, Shotton Coll, County Durham;
who could come up with the most Anthony Glaboume, We st Midlands, WVI O
impressive portraits of the Muddle 7HR: E Howell, Bristol, 6 5 4 3 5 0 ; gla ze d
Earth reviewers. Lee William lobe', Bury, Lanes; Ca rl Potts, Cumbria,
LAI 1 138J; Da vid Pyri„ Lancs, WN5 WA;
Price from Warwickshire, CV11 Thomas PacCreery, Scotland, 067 4 JE;
61h1 has won himself a hologram Adrian Seymour, Cornwall, I R S ODX;
Michael Duncan, Edinburgh, EHR 8432;Paul
of one of the Riders of Nazgul. Well Humphries. Kent, M E10 4UW: M a rk Poin-
done, Lee. The following runners ton, Cheshire, CW8 2 0 0 ; J Swindells,
up all get a copy of The Hobbit: Tameside, SK1 5 1R0-, Ja me s Portsmouth,
Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE3 I RO, Jonathan
Anthony Hughes, Shropshire, TF12 SEO; Pitcher, Surrey, KTI 7 4P1D, Stephen
M a rty. Oakley, Norfolk 5, N M 0 3NN; Graham, Cumbria, CA2 7 0 B: M a rtin Lee,
Jonathan Cottam, Che she e .SK I 2 ELL; St .• Devon, EX2 5NS: David Hardy, Nottingham,
van Cunningham, County Durham, DL5 teGS 4LA, K M urphy, Fife, KY1 1 PX, Angus
5Ahl; Daniel Pohvarth, Essex, IG8 7RG; Pa ul Lee, Scotland, A8 2 44JB. Willia m Chetwynd,
Spa n...mine , North Humberside, H1012 Works, C910 00R, Howa rd Talbot, Orre ll,
GAF: M artin O'Gorman, Cheshire, SKI O Nr Wigan, WN5 8 RW; Steven M ille r, Lance,
2J13;M a rk Holden, Lance, 816 6L11;Sean 018 813X;R Mc Laddan, Ayrshire , LA108AN:
Miles, Sheffield 5, S5 RFS; Graham Plevin, Alan Benson, Yorkshire , 158 3PU; J POMO!.
Guernsey, Cl: Justin Cleator, Christchurch. Tyne and Wear, NE3 2RW; Jonathan Parry,
Dorset; Samantha Janes, Surrey, 5M6 BI N ; North Yorks, TS9 SOD: John Smith. Leices-
lestyn Jones, Gwent, NP2 SHE; M a rk ter, LE7 9P14, Ne il M cNichol', Londonderry,
Spume, Ea st Susse x, TN35 W A: Ke ith 8146 SUX; Steven Green, Dorset, BH23
Reynoldsort, Harts, AE1 0 9-JU; Jonathan 2 0 0 : Billy Bann, Clievetand, 1526 7PN
Mummery, Susse x, BN4 APO: K Kle ron

6Erli42 -
A 1 R 1N
_ t a c t ...•

T A U CETI Denmark, 8362 Homing; Rodney Cowman.

Wa rwickshire , C VI I 4 N Y; S Jayarraman,
CRL were rather chuffed with the Merseyside, LAG 644X; Chris Willis.
Middlesborough, TS5 5131), Robert M a cin-
Sizzling review of Tau Ceti— so tyre, Cheshire, 5 K8 3 AT; Andre w M onca s-
much so that they wanted to give ter, Lincs, LN11 9 AJ; M ichael Duncan, Edin-
away 50 copies of it to the first 50 burgh, E148 8 0 2 ; Andre w Whitfield, Salop,
TF9AE; David Evans, Oxtordshire, 0 X2
people who could find all 16 words GPLI, Robert Nash, Birmingham, 823 7 HE;
in the special wordsguare. Spe- O Smith, Essen, CM14 4 Y0 ; R Andre w'',
cial, because only 15 words could Leics, LEG 6 8 H; Steve Carr, East St114031,
be found — GALCORP was mis- BN21 RU; Christopher Langton, De rby-
shire, DE5 OHL; Stua rt Adrian, North York-
sing! (Humblest apologies to all). shire, H0 2 I M P; David Silverwood, Devon,
Still, this didn't prevent the entries PL6 5NC1:Cohn Hutt, Suffolk, NR32 4 0 A;
Sean C rKine , kire la nd, 0148 7RY: Christ-
from flooding in, and the following opher Griffin, Esse x, 5 5 I 7 7 LP; M lle s
50 readers each win a copy of Tau 'Tumor, W.M ids, 1393 9LE; M a rk Sexton,
Cetr: W,Suesex.EI14150EG; Wayne Kerr, London.
SEG I EW; A Sharp. Devon. EX3 I 4 8 0 : A J
Andrew Fraser. Staffordshire, ST14 0041: Lowery, Lancs, PRO 75FII; Nigel Hood. Nor-
Stephen Conway, M iddx. U614 9 0 0 ; Stet' eno folk. NR19 2 BI ); Julie n Smith, She ffie ld 5 9
Da lo x, London N3, 143 I PS; Matthew I ON; I Benuelloun, H a ils, ALS 7 0 P:
Wheeler, Worce ste r, WR2 STE; Robert N Stephen Rayner, Manchester, M18 BOW;
Hancock, Ba th. BA3 I BU: Andre w Davis, M e rlin Salt, Wa rwickshire , CV35 9 PX; Paul
Herbs, A l l I T N ; M a rk Thurlow, Be rk, RG4 Timis% Scotland, 0 3 3 1 0 Y; Engin Hassan.
91,G;David Porter, Essex, RM5 2PT; R S Ronvford, RM3 7EX; M artin Gibbing, Derby-
Clay, Shropshire . TF2 88 L; Gavin Ja ckson, shire, DES 4 A0 ; Robert Keating, Liverpool
Avon, EI520 SUR; Ala n Coombes, GwenL 19, L19 3 P$ ; Julia n Newsgrash, Cheshire,
NP7 0138: Ba rry Bolton, Cleveland, TS2 WAI 5 EtTR, Simon Heraty. W_Mide, W910
3 I 0 W; M Eye rs, Kent, TN25 SPE; K M itchin• BEN; C M uni. Cleveland, TS5 BAF
son, H e rts. AL8 9 TX: Pe r Oundi Jensen.

78 ZZA P ! 64 October1986
ELECTRIC D R EA MI N G idea for a one or t wo player head
ELECTRIC D R E A M S w e r e to h e a d head-but t ing g a me —
/ interested in seeing just how fertile
your i ma g i n a t i o n s w e r e , a n d
KOSHA — has won him a Commo-
dore 1702 monitor and a 1541 disk
asked you to design a game. There drive. Ten runners up each get a
were hundreds of entries — some copy o f A c t i v i s i o n ' s G A M E
stunning, s ome clever, some sim-
ple, and some not so good — and Gethyn Edwa rds, Sonning C ommon, N r
it's b e e n f a r f r o m eas y s ort ing Reeding, Be rks. R 0 4 9 TO; P C o r n h iii,
Kings Lynn, N orfolk, PE3 3 9 H L: D a vid E
through t h e m a l l ! A f t e r m a n y Howells, Wa stbury-On-Tryrn, Bristol, BSO
months o f head-s c rat c hing a n d 3P1, T H owla nd. Gillingha m, Ke nt, M E8
careful c ons iderat ion, t h e Spik y 9AW; Ne il Graham, Ca rlisle , Cumbria, C A2
Ones came to the conclusion that 7013; An d re w H u m m . C la cton-On-Se a ,
Essex, C 0 1 5 3 H T ; M a t t h e w M e rre t t ,
R Todd from Sutton Coldfield, Orpington, Ke n t BR 6 BAY; la in M u rra y.
West Mi dl a nds , B 7 5 6 1 3 T Dunfermline, F if e . KY1 1 S AE , Ste phe n
Owen. High Wycombe , Bucks, HP13 ?BD ;
supplied t he best, mos t play able Paul Gooch, Halstead, Essex, CO9 25H
concept f or a game. M r Todd' s

NAME - 1 3C.604-MreS H E S 6 1
oF 5 e ..L 8 —a o r
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PLAYER51 ' 1 9varcel i g rrof e INFoerlovno0 clAIER o e
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, Escbsy b u r
\ m t . 5u.r1-046 S tA r ptAvEeltANNWest Soatike nteier — To -
t o u s t • 0 . 4 1M0 r e a l , rEa t% i v r e e l l v i s t e A c tge s o a c e t p 1 0
&hot.. ACCE S— S tC t T i IE 0
7 1k , 6 t o 13004r2r l l t i &H a n n T15 e r r onto ra m , n E
RP iturrkir 4 1 1 1 1 EmEesy tow
l i Bt t i r l P a t e t
P t i r i t
e Y
l t i f
f P
E o

m !ME L
TalinFOL 2

( ta ttiO
n )•

Bug Byte were feeling very gener-
r ous and put a portable Technics
o Compac t Disk player and fifty
copies of Olio I & II up for grabs.
z Richard Bull from Edmorton,
A London was first out of the correct
entries bag and wins himself a CD
R player for his troubles. Copies of
E Olio I & II go t o . .
A Andrew Weeks, Lance, FY8 211: Ada m
Brake, Dorset, 0 1 9 SLZ, Pa ul Hester,
) Southampton, 5 0 1 l3FP; Da rryl Stokes,
Herefordshire, HR6 9H1A:M an-Wai Chan,
London N.1, 6J14; S Reeves, Birmingham,
7NP; Steven Graham. Sc011end, KY12 8 0 0 ;
Jonathan Willia ms, M erseyside, L63 DNA;
M Clements, Avon, BA1 2 Y8 : Robert Ather-
ton, Le ics, LEI S 9LL; Ale n Coombes,
Gwent, NP7 003B; Ashok M a he , Birmin-
gham, B2 4 9430, Gre y D Hewitt-Long,
Devizes and Wiltshire , SN10 2RF; C A
M itchell, Staffs. S i l l OAE; Ale n M ine ,
Scotland, A8 5 3RP; M ark Denys, M erse-
yside, L48 SDA, Dominic Skeet, Edinburgh,
EH4 6140; Kevin Morns, Scotland, CrEl 4 RJ;
T HE M I N D SM EA R Eric Forste r. Tyne and We a r. NE28 8 YJ;
Philip Windrow, Avon, 8 A2 2011, 5.r
CULTURED CO MP Dunnington,
. n o n Tyne and Wear, NE33 SPIN;
D.Hallisworth, Lance, °L e 8 EZ;
Tumor, Devon, EX17 20H, Gizmo, Worcs,
(FO R A CHANGES WR14 2ML, M a rk Pe te rson. London NW4
I IIT, Stephen Roche, Scotland, P M 6E111:
M I N I O N S G EMS After muc h intensive and pensive Nigel Parr, Middlesex, TW1 7 OSF1:R K Paul,
t imm' ing a n d ' h a ' i n g Ra c h e l Chester, CH2 41.N, Richa rd Light, Ka te ,
Thank y o u f o r all y our luvverly (Davis), Richard (Joseph) and Gary $84 944W; David Woodbridge, Kant, 8R2
jewelry designs — some of them I (Penn) c ame t o c onc lus ion t hat OPO, M icha e l Chamberlain, M erseyside,
135 BPS; Stephen Careless, Bedfordshire,
will most definitely have to put into Anthony Lees from Great Har- 5019 2 PX; C M Jones, Merseyside, L37
practice! RAINBIRD were willing to wood, N r Blackburn, La nc e 7 A0 ; SarneeKheri, London. E 4 6NB, David
give away some equally luvverly H Connor, Liverpool, 130 1PO, Da vid Willett,
supplied the best composition and Cheshire, SY14 7HH: Steven Barnes, Nor-
Samuel jewelry v ouc hers t o t he so wins t he Co mmo d o r e Mus ic folk, PE30 305, Edmund Bra dbury. Bucks,
creators of the three best designs. Expander. C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s HP16 ONR: A Sharp, Devon, EX31 413G;
Jonathan Twist from Blackpool, Christopher Hudson, Merseyside, L23 OSO;
Anthony. A pat on the back and a Richard Ward, Birmingham, B3 0 112, Alan
Lancs, FY5 1PS wins E125 wort h copy o f RAI NBI RD's Adv anc ed Norman, London, SW19 EIHF:Sean O'Kane,
of v ouc hers . G a r y S mi t h f r o m Music System go to the f ollowing N.Ireland, 8T48 7RY, John Overall, Essex,
Notts. NG9 1 0 A gets 5 0 worth, 557 5 X0 , W A Button, Hereford, HR4 O M ;
five runners up: Choroic t Demon: Semi Khan, London, TW3 4 A0 ; M ark Wa l-
and S te phe n Thom a s fr o m Barry Leitch; Ma tt Perry; Mick ters, W.Susses„ P0 1 9 4TY: Darren Priest,
Stockton-On-Tees. Cle v e la nd O'FIlley, Rishton, Nr Blackburn, Gloucester, GL I 5,38; Howard Be nne tt Su ,
gets £25 worth. Well done, lads. Lancs. ray, 0 0 4 7 0 6 ; Matthew Lindsey, Bucks.

ZZAP! 64 October1986 7 9

r r • •

Me l

Gremlin's c u l t Sp e ctru m a n d be released before Christmas.
Amstrad game Jack the Nipper will Also due to be pumped Out of
shortly be available for the 64. It's
an arcade adventure in which you
play the part of naughty Jack —
the Gremlin pipeline before Christ-
mas are a Snook er and Pool dou-
ble p a c k (s imulat ions o f t h e
the nipper. The object of the game respective sports) and Foot baller
is to be naughty — very. For exam- of the Year (another one of those
ple, as Jack you have to round Foot ball Manager t y pe s t rat egy
town shooting (people with your games). Interestingly e n o u g h ,
pea shooter), killin g (Da d d y's Addictive Games are releasing an
plants in his allotment) and gluing enhanced ve rsio n o f Fo o tb a ll
(together p a irs o f false teeth), Manager in the very near future.
amongst other equally obstreper- Hrnm
ous 'oh he'll grow out of it' things.
If you can't wait to get caught have
have your botty spanked, then nip
over to the Gremlin stand and see
if you can buy a copy of the game.
Other goodies on display are
Future Knight , anot her arc ade
adventure o n ly t h is t ime wit h A r g 4 b A t A i / 1 1 %M :
Ghosts ' n ' Goblins ovedones. You
a ME
16".mh.. a g u r w . r , - - •

play th e part o f a bold knight

whose loved one has been stolen
away and is in need o f rescue. Tops!
There are twenty levels of devious
platform arrangements t o pass
through and many nestles to hin-
der progress. Future Knight won't
be available until after this PCW
show, but no doubt you will be able
to get an early glimpse if you pop
along to the Gremlin stand.
Local (ish) lad Shaun Southern
has nearly completed the 64 con-
version of his stunning C16 game COUNT'
Trailblazer — a sort of very loose
cross between Ballblazer a n d
Bounder wit h h ig h speed 3 D
action f o r e ith e r o n e o r t w o
players. A demo is on display on
the Gremlin stand — have a look
and see if you think it's as playable
as Mr Penn says it is . .
Bad news if you're expecting to
be able to buy Pentacle, the 3D
forced perspective adventure for
arcade players. in the near future.
'cos it won't be released until after
Christmas due to 'technical prob-
lems'. Boo
Avenger is the title of the follow
up to Way of the Tiger, only it won't
be just another fightin' and fumpin'
game, oh no. Yes, there will proba-
bly be a bit of 'Gle tha' stitched,
Jimmaer, b u t Gremlin hope t o
make Avenger more of an arcade
adventure than its predecessor. In
the g a me y o u hav e t o av enge
(hence t he title) the death of your
foster father, Nalfishi, who was kil-
led b y s o m e g e e z e r c a l l e d
Yaemon, Grandmas t er of Flame.
The whole t hing is v iewed f rom
above (sort of) and the pace will be
fast and funous. Hopef ully , it will
80 Z Z A P ! 64 October 1986
P of BBC software ..." -
o Computer World Feb '86
w The graphics in the game are
marvellous T h e most original
rof all such (quiz) games . . " -
A&B Computing March '86
a'I was impressed with this game
the graphics are truly excellent
y the questions are interesting
and vaned i t is highly original
s interesting -
Micro User May 86
o Your copy of POWER PLAY could also
t AMSTRAD CPC464/66416128 B B C C O M M O D O R E 64/128
a Cassette E9.95 D i s c Only £14.95 C a s s e t t e E9.95
n Disc E14.95 D i s c 04. 95
i ARCANA Please rush me a CASSETTE/DISC*
version of Powerplay for my
g SOFTWARE Amstrad/BBC/Commodore 64*
DESIGN I enclose cheque/P.O. for E

• Do wn s as sp Dro re talm

Avadable at all o c c l com ut er stores or doeot from the facto u S i n c o u p o n above.

1E1E911 o m n o i9 5
Q o
9 0

t\ANCHE5TEP tv\Q 5N5 •TM and 0 1984
- Universal City Studios, Inc.
TELEX 00QQ77 All Rights Reserved.
Licensed by Merchandising Corporation of America, Inc.

(Sorry, in-jok e). St arline i s t h e
work ing title of one of -
T h areleases
l a m u sand wit h any luc k IW WIN

f a k
Raid 2000, f rom Mirrorsoft, is a using this you can plan Out where there is a demo running on one of F Mt
shoot em up c um strategy game to at t ac k o r def end nex t . I t all wire
the s t ands at t his v ery moment offrditi
set i n t he not -t oo-dis t ant f ut ure sounds like exciting stuff — fortu- (that is, if you are at the PCW show
(fourteen y ears t o b e precise). WerAi•
nately, it's on display at the Mirror- at t his v ery moment ). it ' s appa-
Earth is under threat from a power- soft stand so you can see if it is. rently a thinking man' s shoot em
ful and well-mean alien force and

e t
Also on display is Strike Force up and is being programmed by
there's Only one t hing t hwart ing Harrier, a fl ight s imulat or written Kinetic Des igns , a t alent ed n e w
their complete domination Of Earth around t h e a s s u me d wa r t i me programming tearmfrom Scotland
— y ou. Commander-in-Chief o f antics of a Harrier VIOL Jump Jet. consisting of dynamic duo Robert
Earth's defences, and your Rapid The game originally appeared on Stevenson a nd Dougl a s Ha r e
Deployment Task Force, Your fleet the B B C and Ams t rad and was (Compunet artistes and program-

• p h
consists of three classes of ship: very w e l l r e c e i v e d o n b o t h mers extraordinaire). If Starline is
highly ma n o e u v r a b l e Hy p o t e t machines. The 64 copy residing in anything like their demos then it's
fighters, i mme n s e l y p o w e r f u l the office at the moment has quite
Strafe( craft, and special mission going to be something really spe-
a few nasty bugs, but once they're cial.
Bombers. removed — whic h s hould b e in
A world map shows whic h ter- Sanxion i s v irt ually c omplet e from Da v i d Whit t ak er. S t a v r o s
time for the s how — it should be

ritories t h e aliens hav e inv aded and d u e f or release on Oc t ober Fasoulas, the Finish programmer
pretty good.
and t he land y ou still c ommand, 10th. It will probably be on display behind Thalamus ' fi rs t releas e,
as you read this. If not w e l l , it Sanxion, c omment ed: ' I s g o o d
boasts TWO new piec es of Rob wideo game. I wary pleased wit h
Hubbard music (which are appa- it. I hope you too like Sanxion. You
rently his most unusual, innovative

ELITE'S don't —Is tough. My memory, she
and impres s iv e y et ) a l o n g wi t h is full — I can't do no more. Errn,
some ' a ma z i n g ' s o u n d ef f ec t s fine.

If you're into arcade conversions
then beetle over to Elite's stand —
it should be very busy indeed. On
display are demos of no less than
than Warrior is another up-and-
c oming arc ade c onv ers ion. I t ' s
relatively new in the arcades and is
FIVE f ort hc oming arcade conver-

a t w o p l a y e r Co mma n d o t y pe
sions, an offi cially licenced game game which offers you the oppor- If you read last month's US Gold
and TWO sequels. tunity t o y omp over various land- feature you will k now of s ome of Boats a n d ammunit ion depot s ,
The c onv ers ion t hat will b e of scapes and drive about in a t ank There are plenty of Options where
the things on display at t he US
interest to mos t people is Paper- whilst dis pos ing o f hundreds of Gold stand (Ws the massive stand you can select your weaponry, the
boy, t h e g a me wh i c h h a s y o u enemy s oldiers i n t r u e Ra mb o with ' US Gold' emblazoned over type of plane you'd like to fly and

mounting y our trusty bicycle and style. John Twiddy, whos e pedig- every extremity), F o r t he unin- which mission you'd like to tackle.
delivering news papers a l o n g a ree includes the stunning conver- itiated there are quite a number of Coo, sounds good
rather weird, diagonally scrolling sion of Tau Ceti, is writ ing it s o it goodies being shown to the pub- Three Epyx titles are also being
neighbourhood (well, t he inhabit- should be good. lic, bot h arcade conversions and shown. Mo vie Monster, Wo rld
ants are c ert ainly strange). Elit e The o t h e r c onv ers ion wh i c h original stuff. Games a n d Ch a mp io n sh ip
plan t o launc h t he game at t his should be on display is Tatsumi's The t wo arcade conversions in Wrestling The former puts you in

show. s oil all goes well you should
be able to buy it here!
Another addition to the Capcom
conversion series is 1942, a verti-
cally scrolling shoot em up set in
Buggy Boy, a strange sort of race
game. The idea of t he game is to
drive y our beach buggy into flags
and through gates to earn yourself
question are Gauntlet and Xevt-
ous_ Wh a t c a n w e s a y about
Gauntlet? — t he Innovative four
player, top grossin". brill sounclin',
ace lookin', fun playin', all singin',
the role of one of five horribly evil
monsters w h o c a n r o mp a n d
stomp a b o u t a f a mo u s c it y ,
demolishing buildings and eating
people. Naturally the humans are
points and extra time, It plays well

World W a r I I o v e r t h e Pac ifi c in the arcades, but whet her it will all dancin' arcade machine which trying to thwart your fun, but you're
ocean. T h e g a m e i s q u i t e convert well to the 64 is an entirely should translate very well indeed not
way,going to let them get in your
are you?
different matter to the Commodore.
straightforward — intercept a n d
By t h e eay, the rt a l Arcade ip m e 15 on /ma World Games is a sports simula-
shoot all enemy planes and ships Also a t t h e Elit e s t and t here
before t hey hav e t he c hanc e t o Play Bu t don't tell anyone ot they a all went to lion not too dissimilar to the clas-
should b e p r e v i e ws o f t w o So y
blow y ou out of the skies. Shoot sequels, A irwolf II and Commando sic Sumtneritellinter QUM* series.
XOWOUS is a oldie-but -goodie Featuring such roily antics as bar-
em up fans keep your eyes peeled. — see what you think (if they're
Has anyone seen a sit-in arcade there!). shoot em up whic h appeared in rel lumping a n d c lif f div ing, i t
game perc hed a t o p a mas s iv e Oh yes, t he Officially lic enc ed the arcades no less than four years sounds
sluff. as if it will be pretty decent
hydraulic system? If you have then ago. II hasn't really aged that much
game i t ' s Sc ooby -Doo— hon- and is easily on a par with some- It's pretty obvious what the final
you've p r o b a b l y s e e n S e g a ' s est! we'v e seen the Amstrad ver-
Space Ha rrie r, a n innovative thing much newer like I 942(whic h Epyx of f ering i s — a wres t ling
sion. The program was originally is a )(emus style game anyway). If game if you're too dim to guess.
arcade game sporting more than going t o b e s omet hing lik e t he you're at the stand you can have a Fabbo graphics, lot s o f brilliant
its fair share of stunning graphics home c omput er equiv alent o f a look at t he Commodore version animation a n d a n int et ac t iv e
and amaz ing s ound effects. Elite laser disk arcade game, but within and play the real thing to see how crowd areal! part and parcel of this
have bravely decided to tackle the a f ew week s it bec ame apparent they compare — they've got a real self one — go and have a look for your-
task of converting it — well, Chris that t he task was an impos s ible machine there.
Butler has, aut hor of Ghosts and one and the protect was dropped The unofficially hailed follow up The ot her game On display is
Goblins, Commando and Z (to for many months. It was revitalised to Sidney Dev elopment s ' Da m- Tenth Frame, a t en pin bowling
name but three of his games). Just when Elite made a deal wit h Gar- busters s Ace of the Aces and is simulation writ t en by Bruc e and
about everyone has gone 'YAH! ' goyle Games, who have program- premiered at the stand, It's a verti- Roger Carver, authors of the brit.
at the idea of attempting to c ram med t h e g a me , a n d i t ' s n o w cal scrolling shoot e m up set in liant golf simulation Leader Board
the game int o t he 64, but Chris bec ome an arcade adventure cum World War li which gives you the If it's anything like their last game
admits to being 'quietly confi dent' beat e m up. That 's the story, g o chance t o c arry out dangerous then it should be more than lust a
— fi n d O u t f o r y o u r s e l f i n good simulation'
and see the end product. missions, such as blowing up U-

ZZAP! 64 October 1986 8 3

Utilis 2/3 Hollord Way, HoHord,

Birmingham R 7AX. Tel: 021 356 3388.
POWER-FULL be any naught y romps , ah, dis -
plays. What there will be, however,
APOLOGY is a (non-blue) v ideo demons t ra-
tion of Bangkok Knights (an orien-
tal arc ade adventure wit h lots of
Um, there were, ah, t wo (mumble) yer actual fi ghtin' and f umpin) and
errors in our rev iew of t he K CS
The Las t W O (yet more fi ghtin'
Power Cartridge. Firstly, the pric e and f umpin' but wiv a bit more to
rs £39.95, not £45 as quoted. Sec- it, like). Bot h games are d u e t o
ondly, it is in fact possible to view
under t he k ernel RO M a n d I / O appear before the end of this Year.
Also in the pipeline is a fist fighting
area. Sorry. KCS — if you see Gary game c a l l e d K n u c k l e s w h i c h
Liddon wa n d e r i n g a r o u n d t h e
show you've got our permission to should b e av ailable early n e x t
year. Mo r e det ails i n t h e n e a r
slap his wris t for making the mis - future..
,-, /PC ,DAN DARE LTD 79,98
ZOOMIN' Dan Da r e i s n e a r a s darnmit certainly one of the most attractive

Well, well, well. Sy s t em 3' s one

AROUN' finished and only needs to be play-
tested and debugged before it is
released, Hooray! It's been a year
arcade adv ent ures we ' v e ev er
seen — it looks and play just like a
and only Mark Cale reckons he's in the making — but has it been comic strip. Pay a visit to the Virgin
Zooms of t should be around here stand and see for yourself — it's
got four new games games under s omewhere s howing Firs t St ar's worth the wait? After seeing a pre- well-worth the shoe leather expen-
way, one of whic h — Dominator: three l a t e s t r e l e a s e s . M o n - production copy we think the ans- diture,
The Legend Begins — is (and I tezuma's Revenge isn't exactly a wees most defi nitely. Y E S ! It's
quote) 'not just a computer game. 'new product', it's been out on the
It's goin' t o appear as s omefi n ' Atari f or yonks and t he Commo-
else wot ' s nev er bin done in t he acclaimed mi n i mega-hero, h a s to finish it. You could even mak e
dore f or quit e s o me t ime n o w, certainly starred in more than his
computer indus t ry bef ore: Coo. although it wasn't available in your money Out of It—bet him a tanner!
Mark wouldn' t ex pand upon this fair share of games and is about to
average c omput er stores. I t ' s a Spy Vs Spy Ill — The Arctic
though, a n d o n l y a d d e d , ' i t ' s feature in yet another. Well, sort of
nice little arc ade adventure star- — it 's a 'ut ilit y ' in fact, Boulder- Caper c ould we l l b e mak ing a
comin' out early next year,' Thank ring a c ut e character who has to guest appearance at the Zoomsoft
you. Mark. dash Construction Set. The prog- stand. Following the capers of the
make h i s w a y a r o u n d a h u g e ram allows y ou t o construct and
System 3 a r e p a r t o f t h e meany-infested s y s t e m o f t wo MAD spies, it carries on f rom
immense Activision s t and at this caverns. play your very own caves, so now where the last one left off and will
year's PCW show, so there won't you can build the most horrendous
Rockford, Z Z A P ! ' s s e l f - of caves and challenge your friend no doubt feature similar gameplay


There's plenty of stuff on display pilots who try to go for the rank of different lands c apes t o reac h a
at the Ocean stand, including the 'top gun', t h e bes t pilot i n t he pleased to know that Imagine have
be fi nis hed i n about t hree vicious multi-armed demon which announced t hat dev elopment o f
USAF. The game will be a very fast he has t o dispose of. The land- Yie AT Kung-Fu II (not the same as
weeks — honest!' classic Street vector graphic arc ade s imulat or
Hawk! Yup! Julian saw a copy of it scapes are pretty varied and range The Edge's Shaohn's Road) is well
which plot s y our progress as as from an underwat er environment
when he visited the Ocean offices underway. The game will feature
you t ry t o achieve t he ' t op gun' to a brick town and a metallic city! eight new characters as well as
some months ago, and it has since ranking. There are videos at t he
been finished. Yes, you did hear Another game featuring a robot enhanced graphic s a n d s o u n d
show so you can see a preview of is NOMAD, although this particular effects. There should be a video of
that c orrec t ly — fi nito! G o and the film too.
have a gander and see if it's been droid is out t o destroy the mos t the game on the stand, program-
Short Circ uit I s anot her fi l m evil arch criminal the universe has
worth the wait. mers permitting.
which will be a Christmas release ever s een. T o c o mp l e t e t h i s
Of film tie-ins there area-plenty. Other n e w releas es i n t h e
in Britain, and is already going well difficult t as k y ou hav e t o mak e
The fi rst is Highlander, a s word arcade conversion range include
in America. The film tells the story your w a y t h r o u g h t h e m a n y Konami's Hy per Rally, a rat her
fighting game set over several dif- of a very advanced and powerful
ferent t ime periods. It's a one or screens o f t h e v illain' s h u g e ancient arc ade rac e game, a n d
war robot called Number Five. He spacecraft and avoiding the nas-
two player game featuring 's t un- goes around blowing t hings u p Terra Cresta, a vertical scrolling
ning s t at e o f t he art ' animat ion ties. In Other words, it's an arcade shoot em up. The latter is reported
where y ou have to whizz around and all the rest of it but suddenly adventure cum shoot em up. It was to be 'a real cracker' with graphics
gets s t r u c k b y light ning a n d very good on t he Spec t rum ano
various time periods chopping off develops human emotions (I wish 'just like the arcade game'. Both
people's heads . Dec apit at ion i s Amstrad, and Mr Bracey reckons the arcade game and 64 conver-
that would happen to Rambo, but the 64 version is just as impres-
the name of t he game and it all sion are present at t he s how s o
it hasn't), Naturally, h e does n't sive.
sounds pret t y good f un — and want to kill anymore, and there's you can judge for yourself.
rather gory with it Mag Max is t he first in a new Ocean certainly had t heir ton-
much heart rending and tear jerk- series o f I magine/ Mit s ubis hi gue fi rmly planted in their cheek
Another film tie-in is Cobra, the ing as h e t ries t o s ort out t his
film of gratuitous violence where arcade conversions. This one is a when they announced they were
dilemma. Th e g a me will b e a n scrolling shoot em up which stars
Rambo gets his Police badge. The to release an 'offi cially licenced'
arcade adv ent ure w h e r e y o u — believe it or not — a great fat
game is not going to be completely It's a Knockout computer game,
DON'T g o round s hoot ing any - robot (Imagine and Ocean seem to
unlike Green Beret, and you c an thing, even if it's horrible and evil! Although sounding very silly, Gary
bet your boots it'll be chock full of have something of a robot fixation Bracey told us 'Ws a load of fun,
Sounds lik e an interesting c on- at the moment). Anyway, there's
deranged ps y c hot ic mat ies jus t cept. rather like a Decathlon game with
itching t o k ill y ou. St ill, y ou' re the arcade game at the stand so silly events'. It certainly sounds as
Onto s ome original stuff, now, you can have a bit of a binge and
Cobra, M r Ha r d M a n Ex t raor- with Great Escape. No , it ' s not if it's going be funny!
dinaire, who's made a career out see if you like it. The o n l y b a d n e ws i s t hat
based o n t he fi lm, alt hough t he Another long-await ed arc ade Imagine/Ocean hav e announc ed
of mac hine gunning down man- object of the game is t o escape
iacs, a n d y ou' re going t o b l o w conversion is Mikie, which is pre- there are no plans to release Bat-
from pris on. I t 's a s c rolling 3 D miered a t t his v ery s how. Th e man or MOVIE in the near future —
THEM all away — aren't you? game being designed by Denton game f ollows t h e ant ic s o f an due t o programming problems .
More fi l m t ie-ins inc lude To p Designs. Gary Brac ey , Oc ean's
Gun and Short Circuit, Top Gun is American schoolkid who' s intent Once they get round them there's
new technical geezer, reckons it's
at present t he bigges t gros s ing the best thing they've ever done — on disturbing lessons and mauling sure to be a game, but until then
film in America this year, it's box teachers just to get a message to you'll just have to mak e do wit h
ever. Sounds promising. his girlfriend. Th e arc ade game what's listed above!
office receipts totalling £120 mill- Gal van is another original game was shown at last years PCW, this
ion dollars at the t ime of writing. and features a fatty robot who has year you can see the 64 version.
The fi lm is about t he F14 Strike
to s t omp his way through lots of Yoe A r Kung-Fo f ans wi l l b e

ZZAP! 64 October 1986 8 5




/ Trivial Pursuit and Gladiator are
• simulaticdt both finished a nd due t o b e
" Champ, a surfing released within the next couple of
E package for the Spectruma (co weeks. The former is based on the
V plete with keyboard overlay
• 'su best-selling board game of the
board'), is being converted to t same name (how it compares with
E 64 and will be availableS within a Powerptay we don't know as yet
R matter of weeks. and the latter is a beat em up set in
• a Roman arena,
S •

Chain Reachon is a 3 0 Ultimate
4 . m m E l lag o . . . Style arcade adventure in which
" • you have to prevent a nuclear
power station from blowing up. It
• shot*, appear around September.
Pub s3Gfrrieslithe sport's Stfrialt3Ort The Vikings is a Danish beat em up
' w i th a dttletende, n e a h n g corn- • toll of fighteng, burning, pillaging
pletiOn and 'is no doubt featuring, (no raping) and thieving, and will
on the nAlligata
t s stand.
, There %Obit§ •
be available in October. Saboteur
eight Pub eve a r n o n g s t theft% It (Avenging Angel) is the Second
bat billkards, table tooty,dorninoes episode in the Sabofeursertes and
and a couple o f card games. has you Playing the pan of the Nin-
Shounds loteresriting • . , i s i ov _ jas beautiful sister on a vengence
mission (her brother got killed
shortly after Saboteur, you see)-
Finally. there's Sigma Seve,,. a
mixture of 3D shoot em up and
platform action, d u e o u t e n
November. Check out the Dwell
Stand for demos Of the games.

A whole host of goodies should be
appearing b e fo r e Christmas,
amongst them Flash Gordon. It's
arcade game based on the cult
cinema classic and consists of
many different types of game,
such a s arcade adventure and
shoot em up, along with a Rob
Hubbard soundtrack or two.

MARTECH w i l l b e showing ARIOLASOFT

finished versions of WAR and Uchi
The cult arcade classic
Meta along with demos of four new Madness is currently being co
products under development — verted to the 64, courtesy of El
Cosmic Shock Absorber (a multi-
directional fast-action 3 D shoot ORPHEUS tronic Arts. How does it comp
em up). Nimitz (a strategy simula- it you happen to be passing the with the original? Time will only t
tion in which you control the USS Orpheus stand why not have a One thing's for sure if it's any-
Nemitz, the most powerful fighting gander a t We b a nd The First thing like the Amiga version — it's
Starlighter, t w o n e w arcade going to be multiload •
ship ever built) Catch 23 (a highly
interactive 3 D fi rs t-pe rs on games tor 64. Orpheus are also The follow up to Scarabaeus.
perspective graphic adventure) promising conversions to a nd ingeniously titled Scarabaeus 11, is
and SDI (an arcade strategy game more importantly, from the Nin- due to hit the 64 early next year.
tendo arcade console — WHO- It's b e i n g progra mme d b y
based o n President Reagan's OPEEI We might see Super Mario Andromeda (who did the original)
*Star Wars' project). Brothers on the 64 yeti and from what we've seen so far it
looks pretty damn good.

86 ZZA P ! 64 October1986

Palace Sof t ware will b e s howing designed t h e g a m e a n d t h e

their next release for the 64 (which graphics — and very impressive
was prev iewed way back in issue they are too, as you can see from
13) — Th e Sacred Armour o f this s c reen s hot . Unf ort unat ely ,
Antinad, an arcade adventure from you won' t actually be able to buy
roughly t h e s a me programming Ant idad until lat e September. Ah
team that brought you Cauldron 11. well, that's life
This t i m e . D a n M a l o n e h a s

3"CF2 Plicrodisks
E.32-Op Se'15PO43„%x#L
Please send cheques/poslai orders lo:
1* t#9, . e co194°‘ 9 0
11 4199_ rig 26225
6, • i- - " 4 - t i - - - - i ll
ni C t8
,Falcon Street, Loughborough, 05w , s E
W / % L e i c s , LEI! 1E14
,, 1 o
bm 7e m
p ZZAP! 64 October1986 8 7
r u
CYBORG i s p a r t ma n , p a rt
machine. CYBORG is a man (?)

U N N 11 4 11 0 1 t
with a mission. CYBORG is the title
of CRL's latest icon driven arcade •

t O t NNINI•
game in which you play the part of
a CYBORG! (Bet that surprised
you). S o w h y i s CYBORG a

of 30 copies of 01130RGI.
CYBORG? Well, it's quite simple,

really: he was involved in a crash_
Not a straightforward outright
death crash — no, it was one of
those ' a man barely alive' crashes.
Fortunately, he was found by a lost
Galcorp Patrol (this I can believe

— I lost Galcorp in a wordsquare a
couple of month's back) who put
him back together again. (Sounds
suspiciously like Humpty Dumpty
to me).
CYBORG, the game, has you
wandering around a huge under-

ground c o m p l e x i n s i d e a n
asteroid, on a search for a group of
missing scientists. You are equip-
ped with all the latest in trendy
gadgets, such as laser guns and
scanning devices — quite fortu- T -

nate. 'cos there are loads of nasty
alien types out for your blood
Anyway, you can read more about
CYBORG in the full review next
month's ZZAP!
But in the meantime H o w do
fancy owning one o f them n e w
fangled Co mp a ct D i s c p la ye r
doobries? Digital sound and all
that. Y o u d o ! We ll that's lu st
dandy, 'cos CRL a willing to give
one away —the Toshiba Compact
Disc player seen on this very page.
They'll also throw in £20 worth of
vouchers so you can buy a couple
of discs and get your Compact
Disc collection rolling!
So what d o you have to do?
Well. I thought after all this sweaty
business of running around shoot-
ing aliens and rescuing scientists.
Mr Cyborg would appreciate a
break — a weekend in Bognor
Regis, that sort of thing. So how
about designing a few luxury add-
ons for him? Take yer average
Cyborg and tart h im u p a bit.
Maybe he'd like a built in Compact
Disc player? Or a drinks cabinet in
his chest ? The most imagina-
tive drawing will win the Toshiba
CD player and vouchers. Thirty
runners up will get a copy of the
game. Sounds good to me . .
Send your designs to: PART
MAN, P A R T C D , Z Z A P !
SHIRE SYS 1 DO They must arrive
before the 9th o f October to be
eligible — so get cracking!

88 Z Z A P ! 64 October 1986
o. pwA n
e, 0.1 0 1
1 czt
- 4,c• ,,) ; ,
i l, l
or/ •

TEt (rm23) 5041683
Scrootn shcift ongsaloon from the 0 64 verinm
'1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Without music, graphics
and sound the Board
Game has become the
ost popular in the
Now it has them.

"Over 3,000 questions of no vital importance."

Available now on
Spectrum 48/128K Commodore 64/128K John M e l i n a


1 3 ' Cassette and Disk
and all local stockists

VI AL PURSUIT is a Tradc Mark owned and licensed by Horn Abbot International Ltd
Published by Domark Limited. 204 Worpk Road. London S1720 81'N. Tel: 01-947 5624.
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 E1 4 L IS1 TIOITL IMIllau u
s Trivial Pursuit was programmed by Oxford Digital Enterprises.
Destruction is the name o f the
game in MARTECH's latest offer-
ing, WAR. The theme of the game
is to DESTROY the evil EMPIRE
which i s waiting pensively t o
attack and EXPLODE your craft to
ANNIHILATE all resistance, If you
manage to survive their LASERS
and DEFENCE systems then you
can hold your HEAD up high and
return home a HERO. VICTORY
will b e yours. S o head fo r the
STARs (t win kle t win kle ) a n d
LAUGH (ha h a ) in th e face o f
, Below is a specially adapted
word square designed b y your
ever faithful minion in the eternal
struggle to bring you punters lots
of freebies. This time those cheer-
ful chaps down at Martech are
giving away 5 0 copies o f their
game WAR, which is reviewed this
month. Once you have found 81114
words p o p yo u r entry in to a n
envelope and post it off to: WHAT
IS I T G O O D FO R? , Z Z A P I
Get them in by October I lt h and
you'll soon find yourself going to

i ciect )4


0 4 4 o;s PA A E M P I R E

a 1 E t E L O N V O R P B T
:H E R 0 1 A E A H A

KAZI a• r
- 1

L,A! M , I I Y O L

R ( P D O A Y
1111 : A E

u J
0 1 Z
4 1 4 tL I

to 1 R

A W ilo• • • • • • • • • • • • •

H — I
A ZZAPI 64 October 1986 9 1
Virgin Games Centre, Top Man, Oxford Fast Forward, 2.9 Smith Street. War- DIRECTORY
Circus, 172 Oxford Street, London WI wick, Warwickshire, K S SCA
01-927 7826. Key Suptolersot.
Fast Forward, 39 Parsons Street. Ban- Hardware
bury. Oxon. H S SCA Software
Nor t h West rot
ComputaCenta, 17 Campbell Street, Amstrad
Stewart Electronics, 83 Penny Meadow, Belper. Derby DES IAP. K S SCA Commodore
Ashton-under- Lyne, Lancs. la 061-339 D.J.S. Micros (Mail Order), 18 High St,

0504. K S SCA Harrington, Northants NN6 9NU.
P_V, Microcomputers, 1 0 4 Abbey
Street, Accrington. Lancs. H S SCA Gordon Harwood Computers, 69/71 The Computer Shop. 7 High Friars,
McSoft, Unit 46, Moorgate Indoor Mar- High Street, Alfreton, Derby DES 7DP Eldon Square. Newcastle upon Tyne
MS SCA NEI 7XG, . 091 2616260. M S SCA
ket, Moorgate, Ormskirk, Lancashire.
KS SCA Northampton Home Computer Centre,
I Aandon/South E41St The Computer Shop, 224 High Street,
Mach I I , Langam's. St George'', Pre- 58a Wellingborough Rd, Northampton. Northallerion, N. Yorks DL7 8LU,
Chips cinct. Preston. M S SCA HS SCA HS SCA
- Worthing, Sussex BNI I 5NB.
HS SCA Lancashire Micros, 89 Euston Road, The Software Centre, I Lock Up Yard. C,F1.1.1)_& Computer Shop. 151-153
D i Morecambe, Lancs. M S SCA Derby. M S SCA Linthorpe R o a d , Middlesbrough,
Ultima, Uni t 28, White Lion Walk, Cleveland '1St 4A0, K S SCA
r e
Guildford, Surrey. M S SCA Computer World (UK) Ltd, 208 Choi- Allen James Computers, 831 Stratford
Icy Old Road, Bolton, Lanes BL I 38G. Road. Sparkhill, Birmingham 1311 Virgin Games Centre. 94-96 The Brig-
c t
Suburbia, 268 Streatfield Road, Kern oil. 4DA.111 (T21-778 5737. M S SCA
Middlesex HA3 9B Y H S SCA MS SCA gate. Leeds LS1 6BR. IR 0532 432606,
Book Bargains, 31 St Andrew's Road Comtazia, 204 High St. Dudley. West Topsoil Co mp u t e r Sof t ware, 3
Speedysoft, The Blacksmiths, Radnage South, St Annes, Lancs, S SCA Midlands DYI I Q ° u S SCA Hambletonian Yard. Stockton-on-Tees,
t 0240 High Wycombe, Bucks HPI4 Cleveland M S SCA
4D1 2 6 3703. M S SA A.A. Di s c o u n t Sof t ware, 1 1 2 Bull Ring Computers Ltd, I Waterloo
a Marlborough Street, Ashton-u-Lyne, Terrace, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 Ikast
Software Plus, Liberty Shopping Mall, Lanes OL7 OH A, 061-330 2376. S S 4EG, K S SCA
L Sq, Basildon, Essex; 316Chartwell
t Southend, Essex; 72 North Bit Byte Computers. 144 Witton Street. R & B Computer Software, 6 Waterloo Sudbury Micro Systems. 6 4 Nor th
Street, Romford, Essex; 22 St Matthews Northwich, Cheshire CW9 5N9. MS Road, I linckley, Leics, M S SCA Street, Sudbury. Suffolk. M S SA
St, Ipswich, Suffolk; Boulevards. Har- Computer Market. 27 Goosegate, Not- Logic Sales Ltd. 6 Midgate, Peter
, Centre, Bedford, Beds; 49 High
put tingham. 586454. M S SCA borough PEI I TN r e 0733 49696.
City Software, 66 Lime Street, Liver- , HS SCA
5 Gillingham, Kent. 8 SCA pool LI LIN, S SCA Honeysett Computers Ltd. 17 Union St.
3 City, 47 Cheap Street, New- Hereford HR I 2BT, M S SCA Micro Phone, 14 Plowright Place, Swaf-
bury. Berks. RG14 513X. S SCA Computer Games Shop, 3 Royal Oak
R Buildings. Waterloo Road, Blackpool Intoto. I Heathcoat Street, Mickley. fham. Norfolk, and Aldiss Furnishing
FY4 2AQ. 02, 53 48738, S S A Nottingham NG I 3AF. M S SCA Centre, Norwich Rd. Eakenham, Nor-
u Computers, 245 High Street folk K S SCA
Slough. auks SL I 1Ba 2 1 5 9 4 .
g MS SCA The Littlewoods Organisation pi e, Long Eaton Software Centre, 91 Col-
Church Street, Liverpool L70 1AO land lege Street, Long Eaton, Nottingham Viking Computers. Ardney Rise. Nor-
b Computer Services, 221 Tot- NGIO 40E. H S SCA wich, Norfolk, M S SCA
selected stores). l a SCA
tenham Coun Road, London W I R
y 01. 8003156.
9AE K S SCA H & B Software. Uni t 191, Upper Microware. 5 St Peter's Lane, Leicester.
, t1 r,
Rochdale Market. Arridale Centre, Also at Venture House, 7 Leicester Rd,
Saga Systems Ltd, 2 Eve Road, Woking. Manchester M4 2EB. 8 SCA Loughborough, and Fords, 191/195 Vic- Camelot Software, Cae Ymryson, Caer-
Surrey 0U21 4.1T. K S toria Centre, Lower Parliament St, Not- narvon, Gwynedd LL.55 2LR, S S
H & D Services. 1338 Ashton Old Road,
Readers Dream, 100a Harlington Road Higher Openshaw, Manchestei M II tingham, K S SCA
West, Feltham, Middx. 2 01-844 0780. Cwmbran Computer Centre, 3/4 Ven-
IJG. 8 SCA Virgin Games Centre, 98 Corporation tnor Road. Old Cwmbran, Gwent.
HS SC Street, Birmingham B4 6SX l a 021-236 MS SCA
I 1577
Barry Paul. Leather Lane Music Shop, Liverpool
- LIS 5 A1-1 O C I -731 1135 R. M. Ehrenzeller, Sounds Good, I
67 Leather Lane. London EC1. e 01- S SCA Middleton Street, Llandrindod
405 1270. S SCA 1 Powys. 8 SCA
N o r t h F :a sil
Octopus Software, Unit 31, In-Shops, W
High Road, Wealdstone, Middlesex. Sout h/ Sout J.C.G. Software, 23 The Courtyard,
. U. K. Software Exchange Club. SAE to Riverside Mar ket, Haverfordwest,
HS SCA h 7 7 East Street. South-
Kash-Kuts, 15 Tunwell Greave, Sheffield S5 9GB
L 8 SC Dyfed, i t 0437 2543. K S SCA
The Mi cr o Workshop, 1 2 Station ampton. W e s t 8 SCA
u Treasure Chest, 220 Beverley Road. Merthyr Computer Centre, 110 High
Approach, Epsom, Surrey KT19 8ES. Computerbase Co., 21 Market Ave, Street, Merthyr Tydfil, Mid Glamorgan
WiTel• Epsom 21533. H S SCA x Centre, Plymouth PLI 1P0, /20752
City Hull, N. Humberside HUS !Act f t 0685 82230 M S SCA
Harlow Computer Centre, 17 Staple 672128.
Tye. Harlow. Essex, CM18 7LX, Tomorrow's World, 15 Paragon Street, Seutlaricl
Gateway Business Svstems Ltd, 6 Sta-
tion Hull, N. Humberside HUI 3NA.
N M Computers, 7 Winsor Street, n Road, New
61U. M
Milton, Hams BH25
S SCA KS SCA James Clark, 6 Bridge Street, Dun-
Uxbridge, Middx UB8 IA13, MS SCA , fermline, Fife. S SCA
Gerard 'a Software at Corsham D I. Y. Thirsk Home Computer Centre, Royal
Games World. 129 King Street, Ham- 2 Oak Yard, Market Place, Thirsit. N. The Computer Depot, 205 Buchanan
mersmith, London W6 91.1G. 0 1 - 7 4 1 Centre, 8 The Precinct, Corsham, Wilts Street, Glasgow G I 2.1Z. l a 041-332
3 OAS. *0249 712650. H S SCA Yorkshire Y07 0 8 4 5 25332.
4467. H S SCA MS SCA 3944. K S SCA
Montage, 8 Holyrood Street, Chard, Inverness Computer Centre, 5 Meal-
Gallery Software. 1st floor. 141t the Somerset TA202AH. $ SC System 7 Electronics, 664 Aniabv High
Arndale Centre, Wandsworth, London S Rd, Hull, No Humberside 111)360Z, at market Close, Inverness I VI I HI •
SW18. H S SCA Manor
m Park Enterprises, 82 Mellstock 0482 508687 H SC 226205. K S SCA
Avenue. Dorchester, Dorset. HS SCA
M. D. Cooper. Computer Software and i A & A C Stobbs (Computer Dept), 39/ The Micro Shop, 257 Dumbarton Road,
Retail Sales. 63 High Street. Kempston. Kt & K Computers, 32 Alfred Street. 40 Upper Precinct. Blaydon-on-Tyne. Partick, Glasgow GI I 6AB. 2 04 1-314
Beds_ *11234 852017. M S SCA Weston-s-Mare Avon, '11'0934 419324. Tyne& Wear NE 2 1 5 1 3 1 6163, M S SC
CillIVCV Software, Harmer Arcade. - Mobile Micros (Marketing) Ltd. I East
Roman Road, London El. M S SCA d
Kintech Computers. St Tudy. Bodmin. Stockton
. 1 1 0 9 1 Software Ltd. 14 West Row, Back Street. Bishopmill, Elgin, Moray.
o PL30 3N1-I, K S SCA Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland •I •518 HS SCA
Canvey Software, Canvey Market High 4IBT_
1 11
4 0642
3 1 606166.
0 7 M S SCA
Street, Canvey Island, Essex. MS ludya
w Records & Computer Software. Soft Centre, 2 Bruntsfield Place, Edin-
Unit 29, Exmouth Indoor Market, Starsoft. 2c Walnut Road, Thorne, Don- burgh EHIO 4HN. S SCA
Alan Bedding Photography/Software, n
Exmouth, Devon. * Exmouth 264593. caster, S. Yorks DN8 4HW. 2 0405
17 Mile End Road, Colchester, Essex R S SCA 816970. S SCA Software Connection, Argyle Centre
I t 0206 851030. M S SC Market, Argyle Centre, Glasgow G2
o Computers, 8 St Georges P.E.A.K. Electronics, 222 York Road, 8AU. S SCA
Bracknell Computers, 44 The Broad- Arcade, Falmouth. Cornwall. HS SCA
way, Bracknell. Berks, RG12 1AG, a Hartlepool, Cleveland. M S SCA Vies, Independent Computer Supplies,
HS SCA Games
d I nc . 9 Fr ankfor t G a t e , Microtron, 9 Gillygate. Pontefract. W. 31/33 South Street, Perth PII2 RPD.
Plymouth, Devon, PLI 10A. 8 SCA Yorkshire. K S SCA S0738 36704. K S SCA
Nimbus Computing, 6 Station Road, ,
West Wickham. Kent. * 0I-777 3160. The Fuse Box, 67 Sidwell Street, Exeter, Microbyte Software Shop, 36 County Virgin Games Centre 172 Union Street,
MS SCA Devon. M S SCA Arcade, Leeds LSI 6BH. and I9a Lower Aberdeen AB1 10T. . 0224 645851
Discount Software. 120 Lord Street, Computer Services, 9 The Green, Credi- Warrengate, Wakefield, W. Yorks, Virgin Games Centre, 28-32 Union
Hoddesdon.Herts ENI I 8NP. HS SCA tor'. Devon EXI7 3L14. S SC 8 SCA Street, Glasgow Cl 30X. 0 4 1 - 2 0 4
Virgin Games Centre, 18 Merchant 0866
MarCliff Computers, 43 Stockton Road.
Logic Sales Ltd, 19 The Broadway, The Street. Bristol BSI 3ET, *0272 294779, Sunderland SRI 3NR. Sunder l and
Bourne. Southgate, London NI 4 . . 01- 78975. K S SCA
g82 4942, M S SC Virgin Games Centre, 103-105 Armada -
Way, Plymouth. 2 075 2262817 David Llewellyn, 24 Winchester Close, Charly's Computer
r Corner, Clareab-
Virgin Games Centre, 100 Oxford bey, Clarecastle,
Street, London WI N 9F13. • 01-637 Great Lumley, Chester-le-Street, Co. s Co. Clare. 2 065)
Durham. S S 2MI6. SCA
7911 Mid l

lan Darryn Reid. Leisure

a World, Romanos
Virgin Games Centre, 157-161 Western Soft Spot Ltd, 5 George Street. Ban- Ken Gr een (News & Computer Building, 6 Queen
t Street, Belfast, N.
Road, Brighton BN1 2.1313. a t 0273 Software), 26 Fowler Si, South Shields, Ireland.
d s6 9YT. 0 2 9 5 68921
bury, Oxon 0XI Tyne & Wear. K S SCA oM S SCA
725313 HS SCA l
Datamate Ltd, 2 Delaval Terr, Blyth, Ab r o a d
Virgin Games Centre, do Burtons, 140- Honeysett Computers Ltd, 17 Union St. Northumberland NE24 IDL, 365846
144 High St. Bromley, Kent. 2' 4606895 Hereford, K S SCA MS SCA C o m p u t e r S t u d i o , K i Y i a l l e i d C V V e r1 4 4 :
la, 11000 Beograd, Yugoslavia S SCA
92 ZZA P ! 64 October 1986
mintalIVEXPERT A c r i o N a m o m E m m a l
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_ The
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S ,cor,
(We do not charge you
Ofor our
fancy premises by charging
Emeryparce sent by
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for returnJourney!
(Pm next aay delivery irciuoe E0:0-
I 50 Vy V y
high 'fixed prices!) R (Securicor by prior arrangementO
. When a magazine is rising in circulation (being new, ZZAP!
Reputations take time to build, I.8.M.'s andmostmakes of printers
biso available. is doing this) and so sells Out immediately, you may
we have been repainng ZX 515.
Guaranteed iehr response! experience difficulty in obtaining your copy every month.
Spectrums, QL's, Apples and
So the best thing to do is place a regular order with your
BBC's professionally, for 2'/2 WHY DELAY O U R ESTIMATES ARE
years - who Is coming second? FREE AND WITHOUT OBLIGATION IF local newsagent, which you can do by handing him this
inauU.K with While-uwait repairs! WE WILL RETURN THE COMPUTER
INCURRED' ollE Emil u m m a I m o No mu
repair companies Sinclair User' spoke MANCOMPLTD
to, MANCMAP seemedthe MOST
PROFESSIONAL when it came to advice
(Dept Z 10 1 Please place
ZZAPI me a regular monthly order for
64 Magazine. I
and a helpful a ttitude AUG EIS Pnntensras Lana Levenshuirne
Manchester M I 9 3 0
FOR HONESTY W e let you watch
your compute( being repaired and if Phone 081 .224 1888 Name
there is nothing wrong with it. we mil DR 061224 9888 Address
tell youlll OPENMON SAT gam to 7pm
"I havecomeacrossa firm that will be
more than willing toadvise youas to ChaRmES. HOSPITALS. ETC!
to reme IMPandas wei a5 Hardware arid software des:71
I T o the Newsagent:
m faulty computers are au probems7 Contact us for the III Z Z A P I 64 Magazine is published in the middle of every
quite willing todiscuss your problems complete senxte. from desogn
A g
with youuandr offer reasonablycheap through to manufacture. Shropshire SY8 lAG. Tel: 0584 5851, and distributed to the
p rmoreo b importantly CORRECT
What we do today I newstrade by COMAG (08954 44055). Please check with
e r i n WEEKLY _IANB5
COMPUTING others do tomorrow! m
T h o supply,
e ZZAP! 64 October 1986 9 3
It was a dark, stormy night as the
team le ft ZZAPl Towers. They
it? It's mine — mine, my precious.'
This could only mean one thing —
ZZAP! Towers had been invaded
were tired and the local wenches
were calling them. Meanwhile, by an awesome force T H E
back in the top room of the towers,
under a lonely spotlight, huddled
in a comer with scarf around his
Yes, there was proof: a note
hammered to the door but in an
ancient joystick code.
neck, sa t Uo yd busily bashing
away at his 1922 Hermes typewri-
ter. He only had a few hours before
the deadline was up and the mail
mound didn't seem to be getting
any smaller.
Suddenly, he heard a window
smash and the sound of footsteps
coming down the creaky wooden
steps. No w you know Lloyd —
,-a 4!
7L2 ' , 1 2 , L g i ;
such a hero, but he had his own
interests a t heart and promptly
scampered off. Out the door he
went, along the corndor (pant,
pant), down the first flight of wood-
worm ridden stairs (pant, puff,
wheeze), through a hole in the floor
5- Luckily, the combined talents of
Gazza, Jazza and Dicky (which
(I), out through another hole in the doesn't amount to much really!)
floor, and through the portcullis
(pant, pant, wheeze, gasp!). He
was last seen heading in the direc-
01 managed to decode it to read:

tion of the nearest pub (no fool is

our Lloyd).
On entering the office the next 11
morning. Gazza. Jazza and Dicky
came across the biggest pile of WE'VE O T
mess they had ever seen — well,
Z: Re8og 51vE F I F T Y
since last thursday at least_ Tapes
were scattered o ve r th e floor, -
monitors smashed to the ground,

Girly Penn's Pet Black Hole was in
tears, Jazza's Boys Own divers
watch had been swiped from his

MY D ' S
desk, and poor Dicky was abso-
lutely aghast — his pet plasticine Fifty copies of PARALLAX! - we
hedgehog. Humphrey, had been had to agree.
squashed into a deformed pulp. Next morning a mysterious note
Tears were pouring from the eyes
of the mutant reviewers. However,
this wa s nothing compared t o
EH E appeared through the letterbox.
written in the same code. Unfortu-
nately. it has baffled the team, so
Lloyd's misfortune, He was found, this is what they're willing to do
crouched a n d distraught, i n a
corner muttering, 'It's gone. stolen
— my beautiful Hermes typewriter
Below i s t h e second coded
message. We want you to decode

ribbon has been stolen! Where is itoffand.
to . ! Towers so the team

ican solve the mystery.

Z is

TYPE R I T E R % s
E n

a g l
i s
• • m• •
cracked the code! This is what the translation says.
......... *.. ........................
m • I n • • • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . m . • . a • • • • i m• • • m • • . - - . • - - . - - • - 1
Hey! I've — ............................
t r Once you've decoded it. fill In
a the
n form and post it off to:
.......... . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • ....................... . s l

NAME .....................-
- - .......... . .........................
4 i

t P O B O X 1 0 , LUD-
............ —. .................................. .— .................---.....
. ..... • n The first fifty correct entries drawn
. . . . . . . ....................
................... . _ . ..... ..— ..... - .............. I
- .................... . .......... . ............... - - - - . ............... 1
from t h e n o w not—so—Black
Hole will win their very own copy of
PARALLAX, courtesy o f Ocean,
....................................... - .......... - ............... - - - ........................ • which i s Sizzling a t t h is ve ry
. . . ZZAP!
... 64 October 1986 4
.......................... - - . . . I moment.
• ••

- E
. . .



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e r s tootouster
o a kw s flying
h e nicks in year
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o f merm-n. m-rotra RollsKuser engine in flaws. Cot hack your bon sad tluottle• His the e ognothet Wore thr fur
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e 1
g u m . free
1 odars plasability. US Geld hasdome its pan. 1 he rest is up to saw
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r o c k
1 64/128 £9.99TapeSpectrum 48K 18.99Tapc
e t s h 114.99 i*k Amstrad 1 9 . 9 9 Tapc
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ZZAPI 64 October 1986

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y ZZAIDI 64 October 1986 9 9
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Ne w s ti e l d Ltd. publisher s of this m agaz ine,
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- Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..............
Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . Postcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
enclose E . . . . . . made payable to 11..API'
Cheques or postal orders only, please.
US Gold/Epyx, £14.95 disk only, joystick only

begin t o control Bob, th e gas

of Skidmark Sam standing in a attendant. Walk him to the pump
1 nvery
Wheels you take the part
showroom. In and then with a quick flick of h e
front of you is a selection of six fire button fill the tank, which is dis-
flashy cars, ranging from a dash- played at the bottom of the screen.
ing blue Corvet to a maroon Austin Having checked the tyre pressure.
Martin. However, if Sam doesn't Bob can then go back to his hut for
like the look of any of the original a nice cuppa and Sam can con-
cars, he can always do it himself.
All you have to do is pop along to
the factory and build a car to your
personal specifications. Stationed
at the production line, Sam can
assemble a car with front, pas-
senger and end sections o f his
own choice. Then it's off to the
paint shop for a quick technicolour
spray lob and he's ready to go!
Once on the streets, Sam can
begin to get to grips with his new
megamobile. H e discovers t h e
horn and the rather jovial screech-
ing sounds as he slams on the
breaks or changes direction when
travelling a t ra t h e r excessive
The package consists of several
mini 'games any of which can be
accessed at anytime during play.

I thought t h i s
might be a sort of
race game based
around t h e c a t s
you c o u l d buy_
Unfortunately, it's not — it's a
kiddy game, and not a very good
one at that. I think your bog stan- *-••
dard kid would prefer a whole - •
pile o f Matchbox cars than an • :-- :•• : - • : - - •
uninspiring and dull computer
game — but perhaps I'm wrong. tinue on his iourney. along in the shiny red engine, Sam
The graphics are pretty dull and When the oil stops dripping, you
encounters a house on fire. He refill the oil pan until the dipstick
the sound gives the same sort of FIREFIGHTING rushes to the rescue. brakes sque- shows 'maximum'. Lower the car
effect as a kid banging on a tin Sam is a part-time fireman and so
drum. Yawn_ aling a s h e grinds t o a h a lt and Sam can happily drive away.
has access t o th e fi re station alongside a fire hydrant. A pres- Servicing can also be done at the
where h e can p ick u p the fire sure hose gracefully emerges from tune—up Station wh e re y o u r
engine and drive it away. Hurtling the top o f the engine. Pressing engine g e t s t h e o n c e o v e r
DEMOLITION DERBY 'fire' unleashes a spurting let of automatically.
Once you've got to grips with the water which Sam can aim at the
car, it's time to find out how much relevant flame-filled windows. If he
of a competent driver you really succeeds in putting out the fire Presentation 65%
are. There are three other cars also before the water runs out, he can
Many, many, many Lots of options, but the disk
competing and they all want to years a g o I return home a hero. I f not, the accessing is annoying.
mash Sam into little bits. The car house is burnt to a cinder leaving
remember settling
becomes slightly more difficult to down in the after- only a n area o f charred grass Graphics 58%
control due to the dirt-track and where the house once stood. Bright and jovial but not very well
noon playing with
slides to and fro. Can you beat the my plastic multi-storey garage, drawn.
other cars and emerge the victor? OIL CHANGE
pushing those little cars along Sound 48%
If you do, Sam's car will get very going v v v v r 0 0 0 0 m m , If you have ever changed the oil in
dirty and will no doubt need a .... weeeeeeee. W h y a l l t h i s a car you will know what a messy Reasonable tunes and spot FX.
reminiscing? Well, Ho t Wheels business it is and this is no excep-
CAR WASH tion. Once the car has been raised H ook a bility 61%
doesn't s e e m t o g o mu c h
Simply drive round t o the Ca r beyond that — it's not so much a on the hydraulic lift work can begin Quite jolly for an hour or so.
Wash a n d l e t t h e automatic in earnest. Walk the mechanic to
game as an activity toy and, to
machinery take over. After the be f a ir, t h a t ' s w h a t E p y x the right of the car and watch the Lastabllity 32%
rinse and blow dry, Sam's car will dipstick measure the amount of oil But after that there's little to do.
describe it as. Fo r the young
emerge gleaming. The light will Sam has le t Once done, Sam can
child it can be great fun exploring Value For Money 32%
turn from red to green and off you then see how much oil is collecting
the to wn , fi g h tin g fi re s a n d For what it really offers. poor
go again along the highway. changing the oil, but it has very in the container at the bottom of
GAS STATION limited appeal in terms of testa- the screen. Try and catch as much Overall 40%
bility. Playing it was fun for an oil i n t h e b a rre l a s possible
After a l l t h is hurtling around, A game for the very young — or
hour or so but I doubt very much because if you let any spill, the
Sam's car will be in need of some those wishing to reminisce about
If I shall return to it again_ poor old mechanic will go head
gas. At the gas station you can over heels and crash to the floor. the 'good old days'.

102 Z Z A P ! 64 October 1986

embark on searching out the mis-
M I A M I VICE I've n e ve r b e e n
erable hangouts where the drug
pushing hoods spend their days.
All the locations where you're
Ocean, £8.95 cass, joystick only able to sit through likely to meet someone are named,
a whole episode of and it is only possible to enter the
Miami V ice — I
named ones. To do this, stop on
either end up fat- the side of the road, press 'fire'
able t o p u t th e heat o n their hng asleep or just throwing up. If followed by a push 'left' and the
from Miami, Crockett and suppliers a n d wo rk yo u r wa y the game is anything to go by, screen will automatically switch to
T Tubbs, are on the beat again through the evil net until you man- don't th in k th a t I 've misse d the desired location. Once there,
— much. Fo r the amount o f time
h not on foot, by golly, no. When age to break it. you can wander about inside, gun
Miami Cops do it they do it in style The car is picked up outside City you a re supposed t o spend in hand. In some buildings there
in the form of a flashy black lotus. hurtling around a very dubious are evidence bags and these are
Some nasty old drug pusher is in Miami (bas-relief buildings!), the collected by trundling over them.
town car is far too uncontrollable. The
w — the infamous Mr J — and Should you encounter a crook
the corners are always tight ninety
o word is out: he's brought a one There a re so me in your travels, a window will light
million pound shipment o f con- similarities b e t - degree turns a n d more often up and his name will be displayed.
traband with him. Midnight, Sun- than not I ended up splattered
ween t h is g a me He can be apprehended by catch-
i is the collection date. Your against a pavement. It's about ing or trapping him and when he
and G i v e m y time Ocean cleared u p t h is
mission is to put the squeeze on Regards to Ekoad eventually surrenders the option
p network of dealers, starting at fiasco of crummy licensing deals
the Street: driving around a city. mode is automatically selected. If
c bottom with the men who will and came up with the goods —
becoming fru stra te d b y a n your interrogation is successful,
o the beans for a measly $1 O. If the punters won't stand it much then you should be able to dis-
uncontrollable car and meeting
you longer. I won't, that's for sure.
o managefrom to extract the correct the right people at the right time cover a name, place, time and the
information them you will be _Actually_ the car isn't that value o f deal. On ce you have
l uncontrollable, it's just the other The road is bordered with all the finished your interrogation, pop
t cars and scenery which are at the meany back in the car and
shrubbery that stars in th e TV
r fault; if they were less destructive show; however, It's a dam sight whisk him back to City Hall where
e and you could get away with the more lethal. If you come off the he will be impounded and your
I thought t h e occasional bump, then the game score will be increased.
n road, you explode in a cloud o f
Miami V i c e T V would be much more playable. Timing is very important. If you
series w a s b a d , But, as it stands, Miami Vice is blue smo ke a n d a re instantly
d returned to the start, outside City enter a building ju st before a
i but I ' d prefer t o little more than a boring and very Hall, where you have to begin your rendezvous, the drugg les will spot
watch • t e n annoying (to play) TV tie-in with mission again. your car and abandon the meet-
eepisodes rather than have to play some outstanding mu sic (the ing. Ideally, you need to arrive in
Miami traffic is pretty dangerous
sthe 'o ffi cia l computer g a me ' piece played on the 'title screen' mid-meeting, when all the wheel-
too. Drivers have absolutely n o
again_ Boring, dull and unplay- (or when you enter a building) is respect for other road users and ing and dealing is taking place.
able t h e words with wh ich ! amazing!). Ocean should forget Doing that will either lead to you
about all this TV/film tie-in rub- drive, quite happily, into your car
describe it — it's another TV tie- capturing a crook carrying the evi-
bish and instead concentrate on even when they see it coming.
in disaster which proves that dence or to obtaining the evidence
Luckily, Crockett is quite nifty with
companies find it impossible to sourcing good, original product, itself. Unfortunately, if you arrive
such as Parallax. the old revolver and can hang Out
link a good computer game and the window and give the other cars twelve minutes after a meeting has
an official TV series or movie. The taken place, you will be too late.
a quick blast. One problem is that
only good thing about the prog- Hall from where you can begin to when in fire mode it is impossible So, to help you get to the meetings
ram is the music on the 'title explore the town. The car acceler- for the car to turn, either into a side promptly, th e re 's a timetable
screen', which is truly stunning, included in the instructions.
ates at an alarming rate so you street o r just to avoid the other
but nobody wants to pay nine have to keep a careful watch on cars. Once you've coped with the Scores are achieved by captur-
quid for a good bit of music . . your speed. To o fast, and you hazardous s c e n e r y , t h e ing a crook and returning him to
do they? won't be able to turn corners: too monomaniacal drivers a n d t h e City Hall, returning evidence o r
slow, and you just grind to a halt. blasting cars. The game is over
ever so sharp bends, you can then when Crockett and Tubbs a re
dead or when they have success-
fully busted the drugs network and
captured the mysterious Mr J.

Presentation 64%
No title screen, but good instruc-
tions and adequate in-game pre-

Graphics 49%
Simplistic, but crisp and colour-
Sound 98%
Two soundtracks — one stun-
ning, the other very good.
H ook a bility 27%
Far too frustrating to be addic-

Lastability 25%
Severely lacking in playability
and interesting gameplay.
Value For Money 26%
Nine pounds is a high price to
pay for some great music and lit-
tle else.
Overall 30%
Fans of the TV series are in for a
big disappointment

O c
New Generation Software/Virgin, E7.95 cass, joystick only

led with a locked clasp and can

quest, one more mighty and not be opened until the Shedding
B mystical than has ever been Moon Eve, the Autumn Equinox. didn't know that
aknown before. Th e people o f Your quest begins outside the Virgin h a d t h e
castle fortifications. To the far left
lEstarion. the Land of the Bright n'ghts to produce
Elves, have selected you to save is the entrance to the labyrinth, but another A r t h u r
utheir land fro m the ever-so-evil to get there you will need to cross Pendragon game. and half hours game-time. Your
dking Valarequil who rules the land the battlements where you will be Well, they've produced a game status is measured by life force,
from Ca stle Arcane. Y o u r lif e attacked b y a flying witch — a that looks, sounds and plays which slowly dissipates as time
aendangering task is to penetrate
quick bolt of energy should finish exactly like something that Ulti- goes on, and each time you are
rthe Castle and recover the legen- her off though, leaving you unhin- mate would have brought out a attacked it drops considerably.
h dered to enter the very depths of year ago. Th e game itself is Some doors in the castle can be
Castle Arcane. pretty dull, mo re o f the same opened automatically, whereas
Once you are inside the castle from a rather mediocre type of others require a key or substantial
s you will be plagued by the evil min- game. W h y t h e programmer force to open them. There is also
b On first sight this ions o f Valarequil. Luckily t h e can't produce something origi- an ancient transport mechanism
looks like a direct magician of Estarion has equipped nal I don't know h e ' s obvi- which no-one knows how to use
e copy o f an Ult i- you with magic bolts of luminous ously got the talent. — but there is a way. There are
e mate game, a n d energy. These can be shot in any thirty rooms scattered through out
n on further investi- of the eight standard directions to
gation it still does.
a and occasionally sounds It looks, plays dispose of a majority of the guar-
exactly dians.
s like an Ultimate production. It's The castle i s displayed in a
s not that enthralling and the quest
soon become tedious due to the
difficulty in the accuracy of finng,
g which only leads to all your life can s t i l l
n force being drained. Maybe this remember G e o f f
should be called The Entombed Sumner's fi r s t
Staff o f Dra g o n sku lle i n game, A m a z o n
d Blackviyche, b e ca u se t h a t ' s Warrior, w h i c h
a basically what it is. I'm not impre- was a Forbidden Forest clone,
ssed. and not a particularly good one
at that. No w Mr Sumner has
done it again, only this time he's
clary Dark Clavical, a invaluable produced a game similar to an
book o f the most potent black Ultimate arcade adventure — 1 1 7 4 0 3 l i

magic which is currently in the •

I FOR fl r ' n ; ' s s r
W : •
very similar. Even some of the 4 1 N I A
dastardly clutches of Valarequil. spot effects sound the same! W e i g l
Valarequit's ambition is great However, it must be said that a
1 tk k d 1 '4 1
• • i
and his power is terrible — he Arcane isn 't t o o b a d and i s

t 0

greatly desires the secrets of the adequate fodder for those who
1 ! A S !
psuedo 3D style, showing the halls
l a '
the complex, search each each of
Dark Clavical. The book is hidden of the castle which are littered with
l a
them carefully — any object may
in a chamber deep inside th e are starved of this type of game. .

don't h'ke it, but then I'm bored various authentic artifacts. T o
• hold a helpful secret. Even if you
labyrinth of the Castle and is heav- of Ultimate's arcade adventures
- .
solve the quest and retrieve the can't fi n d a n object fi rst time
ily guarded b y seven mig h ty anyway. Dark Clavical you must locate the
round, go back later — objects
demons. The Dark clavical is sea- L
Great Hall of Valarequil in only two
A previously found may reveal some
A deep mysterious clue. Can you
. locate the Dark Clavical and save
. the land from the dark shadow of

l Valarequil?
' a

Presentation 65%
a b
k i e
l l Simple title screen and a few
P ;
Graphics 55%
Average backdrops and sprites
Sound 43%
Simple Ultimatesque title screen
music and spot FX.
H ook a bIllty 46%
As addictive as any recent Ulti-
mate offering
Lastability 44%
And lust as absorbing.
Value For Money 44%
Certainly worth the asking price
anommommournwinaltra„: I r o W l
' 4 i P it you like this sort of game.
Overall 45%
o W e
STATU S E I R C M R G I C T W I L I G H T L C E T 2 : 2 9 Will appeal mainly to ardent fans
L I F E F OR C E 0 8 6 7 . T A L I S M A N S . O H * of Uttimate"s arcade adventures
who want more of the same.

104 Z Z A P ! 64 October 1986


CIOMI i l i tbe e n #-• e n e m a t a o i l e r
ta L
,W1O 1 / ;WM _
" m e at M O M l I I K P r i n t : 1 ? ?
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9p "
4' 1Pael ls x''''CsaiLt _
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Wial, n o — t h i t isles
' Now me W e i l ge ne ra tion of the country s lo a d in g arse
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l de ny snots -
motected discs.
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t i
, us
e ece ON "PAR AM COPIER mmtth adds Me vital secret
oN n g
t d e t ri at M ee N g riv l y p ro t e t t e 0 b i t t g ra M i M e e k f o r I l i t o 1 1 t h e
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e n
e wrti. m smprogram a « p e e virt u a lly e ve iry disc progra m
Il toe
r to n in g including the W e r t in games a nd
bushiest a scratsa a as•
M p
- a te l toste wwrt b a ck. opt. lescreporatet device nuenow change
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t h e
-g T
w e
ercgrams o l
finClucting iviuNt poet loa de rs. A very useful utility that
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A k e
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Copy. iR Inde x, e tc.. e tc.
R b e Cilag e it M e n u cle rve rt an d h e t its ossm ra g b o o t syste m
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lo t yo u r co n ve n e / we P ays fo r U r i , th e fi rst clay stra m e rm e n
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s ONLY 129. . 5
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lR t
e g rad u l e re C a r a I I an d 1 3 re 1 1 co mi c. . . co o l . I n 6 4 m o d e

i ltA M i N O M T h e b e st C u rr. , • 0 0 M re a0 y lartn te r
wvm a ontgling n y 1 20cut Mae moat. 2/cpsmeatWeergummy,
11,07 M OKI fricoonfeed with sew necrnatit eagle sheet tree
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,you o
u i tu n cr To sm atte r make 01 r me mo ir, yo u t. rm i y p ratn e te
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t, n o ise in yo u r O w
Like everyone that has had the pleasure of seeing this system in
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, , 4
I mu s t s a y I ' m
really d i s a p -
pointed wit h this.
The o n l y r e a l l y
good bits are the
way M e g a me i s pres ent ed
(sprites in the border arid all that),
the bonus screen which pops up
after completion of a sheet, and
the fabulous music. The game
it's way through space on an awe- itself is a really dull one — just
the escape portal, which links one sitting around wait ing f or The
ers of misty space, amongst some mission. Mov ing in a little cylinder to another. Unfortunately

I F the flotsam and jetsam, lies a closer, t he fine detail of t he inner the inhabit ant s h a v e h a d t h e time limit t o finish s o you can
land. Shooting loads of dots arid
r — a mec hanic al art ifi c ial surface of each fantastic cylinder foresight t o install a security sys- the occasional craft isn't my idea
oworld. Des igned by genius, built bec omes clearer. You have penet- tem — but it can be cracked. The of fun. The graphics aren't too
by craftsmen, inhabited by nihilis- rated their surrounding protective screen fills with squares of several bad, it's just the game is lacking
utic, a n a r c h i c d e a t h mac hines _ fi eld i n y our milit ary s pac es hip. colours whic h scroll f rom right t o any freneticism or panic, qual-
tTheir world is perfect. It is a world Now you have been assigned the left and a colour is displayed in the ities whic h are essential i n a
ifree f r o m nat ural dis orders a n d mission o f def eat ing t he enemy border. T o c rac k t he c ode y ou shoot em up.
ndisease, where the dangers posed wit hin. • must position two cursors over the
Several mis s ions hav e already
tby the elements are vanquished. failed to deter the invaders — this
squares c orres ponding wit h t he
border c olour a n d blas t t hem. more difficult. Your overall ambi-
Unfortunately, they have one flaw:
htheir religion is war and the c on- is the last chance before the immi- When they are hit the squares turn tion in the game is t o destroy all
equest of other planets — Earth is nent destruction of Earth begins. black. To open the entrance to the twenty cylinders by annihilating all
mtheir next destination. There are twenty cylinders in all, next cylinder all the squares of the the meanies a n d building u p a
Their mec hanic al wo r l d t ak es each one serving a specifi c pur- correct colour must be hit. massive score in the process.
the shape of an enormous chain of pose — s ome residential, s ome Once inside the next cylinder the
rcylinders each rotating at such a military, o t h e r s Gov ernment al. inhabitants launc h t heir at t ac k s
kspeed t o induc es t h e required Your actions in one cylinder deter-
Present at ion 94%
more v ic ious ly a n d s adis t ic ally
ycentnpetal force to act as a form of mine t h e o u t c o me i n anot her making a n y f urt her penet rat ion Superb. although there is no
depending u p o n t he amount o f restart. option
bgravity. From a distance this chain
takes t he f orm of an enormous . Droidians d e f e n c e robots — are
hideous caterpillar gently winding destroyed.
Graphics 63%
c Nothing new or impressive to
The game is viewed from above, inspire.
k looking d o wn u p o n t h e ac t ion, !get the feeling I've
w - with a s t at us w i n d o w p l a c e d seen t h i s g a m e Sound 98%
above t he main ac t ion s howing before, only i n a Outstanding Rob Hubbard sound-
a slightly dif f erent ,
I W A R of f ers v ery players, l i v e s ( y o u b e g i n wi t h track and spot FX
t little on the way of three), s c o r e , e n e r g y , c u r r e n t more impres s iv e
- originality o r t rue cylinder, and t wo bars whic h are form. Urklium looked great when Ho o kat illit y 65%
challenge. T h e very important. The first, on the left it first appeared but there wasn't Simple to play and mildly addic-
graphics are not at hand s ide of the screen, indicates really much variety and depth to tive.
all innovative, b u t t h e s ound the target zones and the second, the game. WAR is very similar to
proves t o be quite interesting. Play (wait for a time limit to tick Lastability 42%
positioned on the right, shows the down bef ore tackling a s ub-
The best bit of the whole game time remaining. If you are killed or But not vaned enough to enthrall
was the puzzle section where a game) and I've seen and become for any great length of time
collide wit h an impas s able object bored of it all before, so I didn't
bit of brain work, as well as some
before y our time runs out then a enjoy the experience as muc h Valu e For Mo n ey 41%
nifty blasting, is required. Overall
life is lost. However, if you are still the second time round. I do like Hardly worth starting a war tor.
this game seems a bit to simple
for thel e it is really aimed surviving af t er the t ime limit then the presentation, mu s i c a n d
at, except fort he few occasions the area t urns blue allowing y ou sound effects, a n d t h e s ub- O verall 44%
access the next section. But if you're bored and wnat
when y ou die f or no apparent game. But I don't find the game
reason. No t a s hoot e m u p Having t emporarily s hut d o wn itself particularly enthralling and something simple to pass the time
would recommend, I'm afraid. the s hip' s reac t or y o u mus t fl y compulsive to play. then you may find WARappealing
under the surface until you reach

106 ZZA P ! 64 October 1986



h Nsisvol444-1
COMINGSOONfor C64 Disk £14.95 C64 Cassette £9.95
Liamasottillawson E8.95 cass, £12.95 disk, joystick only

Switching f r o m o n e planet. When a ayaxian is shot,

anywhere, a good jo b really doppleganger to the other is done its energy i s transferred t o the
I when you consider its turbulent by shooting a Zzyaxian and flying Gilby fighter and is displayed on a
rsocial structure a n d t h e w a y through the spinning ring that it bar chart a t the bottom o f the
physics as we know it ceases to leaves behind, although you must screen. There are two of these bar
ibehave as it should. Two races live have your linger off the fire button charts, o n e f o r e a ch o f t h e
don this hell-hole of hassle: the col- to be able to transfer to the other dopplegangers. These increase as
iourful but ultimately stupid a y a - side of the planet_ Consequently, more and more Zzyaxians are dis-
sxians and the more intelligent and its advisable to keep the fire but- posed of, although if one crashes
passive Gilbies. ton depressed otherwise you will into Gilby then a certain amount of
A The Zzyaxian race consists of find yourself jumping fro m one energy is lost.
lmany se p a ra t e su b -cu ltu re s, side of the planet to the other Willy The energy condition of Gilby is
ranging from the BO Lyk Birds to nilly. represented by it's colour — the
pthe Bleurgh Faces, b u t a ll a re The Gilby Robot Fighter has two lighter the colour the more energy
hunited behind one cause — the modes of operation — flying and it has on board. If it's white then
adestruction of the Gilloy race and stroll. Switching from one to the the energy needs to be offloaded,
their home planet. The Gibes, on other is done by finding a piece of done by flying over the 'Core Area'
ithe other hand, aren't so stupid land and either landing if you're in of the planet (a stretch o f land),
sand just wish that they could lead flight mode or jumping Into the air going into stroll mode and remain- Once again Jeff has come up
aa peaceful existence. Unfortu- and keeping the fire button depre- ing motionless for a second or two. with an original approach to the
nately f o r th e m, t h e Zzyaxian ssed if you're in stroll mode_ In Gilby's energy level is very critical ageing shoot em up format. And
lthreat is such that they've been both modes you have the ability to — it can only carry so much before
oforced to build powerful living war once again I am very impressed.
fire which is essential to combat it overloads, and too many colli- India Alpha looks like a night-
nmachines in th e fo rm o f G ilby the threatening Zzyaxians which sions with Zzyaxians and a com- mare, but plays like a dream. The
gRobot Fighters (GRF) to take the fly, bounce o r roam about the plete loss of energy have the same graphics are neat — the nestles
Zzyaxians on at their own game. consequences. are varied and colourful, and
w The b ig problem is this: th e
If you transfer enough energy very well defined — and the
aZzyaxians are stealing the energy back into the core, you're allowed sound effects are powerful and
ygenerated by India Alpha, a situa- to take part in a little bonus game suit the game well. A must for all
tion which could lead to the planet in the form of the Gilby's favourite shoot em up fanatics.
fimploding i f enough energy i s
sport, point to point racing. Here
rtaken. To remedy the situation, the you must race up a vertical scrol-
oGilbies have adapted their wa r ling screen as fast as you can. The
machines to retneve the energy quicker you get to the end of the
m This process of dumping energy
from the bodies of the Zzyaxians course the more bonus points will and partaking in the bonus games
and inject it into the planet's core. be added to your 'bonus bounty' continues throughout the game. If
This process o f energy retrieval score total (which is added to your you offload enough energy you're
kills the Zzyaxian victim, but there total sco re when yo u r current given the ability to warp to another
are a huge amount of them so it game ends).
doesn't really matter that much.
The Zzyaxians attack in sepa-
rate waves, and when a wave is
disposed o f i t doesn't return.
There are twenty waves to each What we have here is the best
pan of the planet and all these
shoot ern up on the 64. The
have to be destroyed before India
Alpha is considered saved. speed at which everything takes
Now here comes the weird bit place is astonishing, and when
. . _ Each Gilby inhabitant of tridis you first encounter the game it
seems like you've got no chance
has a doppleganger, yo u rse lf of actually being able to control
included, and this doppleganger what's going on. On playing,
lives on the underside of the planet
(which just happens to be a mirror however, it soon becomes appa-
rent that you DO have complete
image o f the surface). Only one control over what you do and it's
doppleganger can be active at one incredibly easy to be come com-
time and this activity has to be
switched between the two. The pletely wrapped up in the game.
reason why the activity switch has The graphics are astounding and
to take place is because when one the Zzyardan meanies are varied
doppleganger is active, the pas- and numerous. Amongst my
sive one begins to decay — its favourites are the Efieurgh Faces
entropy status is shown at the bot- arid the Star Gate refugees —
tom of the screen as an icon which but I haven't seen them all yeti
The sound effects are com-
changes in colour. When the icon
is black it means that the passive pletely stunning and are about
doppleganger is in a terminal con- the best I've heard. The laser hit-
dition a n d i f t h e activity isn 't ting home noise is brilliant, and
switched between the two then just wait until you finish a bonus
both Gilbies will die. When the screen — the sound is amazing!
activity is switched, the entropy Like a majority of Jeff's games it
status i s reset and th e decay won't appeal to most, but if you
begins afresh. The game is nice like shoot em ups then you just
and kind to the player and for the can't afford to miss this tasty
first three levels you don't have to slice of action — it does for your
worry about the entropy status, Commodore what glucose does
but after that the full entropy busi- for the tongue.
ness comes into effect.

108 ZZA P ! 64 October 1986

appears at regular intervals during
the 'wa rp gates wh ich appear the game when a certain number
series of icons at the bottom of the along the planet surface. of aliens are cleared.
section of Inds Alpha. Each sec- screen show which planets can be Throughout the game you can If the constant action tires you
tion of the planet has its own group warped t o . a n d wa rp in g i s call u p a progress chart which then you can relax by playing the
of aliens and energy has to be achieved by flying through one of shows how much energy has been
deposited in th e same way. A pause mo d e game, Ma d e I n
deposited o n each part o f the France, which is a nice and relax-
planet by means of a series of bar ing reflex game There's also a
charts. This progress chart also pause mode for M1F, called DNA
which goes into the same category
as Psychedelia since it's a pleas-
ant visual entertainment.

Presentation 97%
Stunning. Two pause modes and
great highscore table, amongst
other things,
Graphics 94%
Brilliant sp rite s. n e a t mirro r
imaging, and several fast scrol-
ling backdrops.
Sound 96%
Incredible sound effects and a
Indis Alpha is at first appearance weird fractal title screen tune.
a fast action, mindless killing
Defender f ype game. But on H ook a bility 94%
further investigation It becomes Initially tricky to gel into due to
apparent that a great deal of the concepts within the game
quick thinking and strategy are
required. It's fast, it's chafieng-
ing, it's mino'blowing — it's also Lastability 95%
ruddy difficult. In fact, Indis But once you get the hang of
Alpha is an excellent game. But them only skill and reflexes can
for the likes of me, and my fellow take you further.
sluggish types, it really is OTTon Value For Money 94%
the action front. If you're an
addict of Defender I would have For what it offers you can't quib-
ble over the price.
no hesitation in recommending
it, but steer clear if you're more Overall 95%
suited to a quiet afternoon with Another stunning and innovative
Spindizzy. How about some- Minter release which earns itself
thing for us peaceful types, Jeff? the position of the best shoot ern
up on the 6410 date

ZZAP! 64 October1986 1 0 9
/ 4)\
Mikro-Gen, £9.95 cass, joystick or keys

the game you must locate and dis-

mining c ommunit y bas ed pose o f t he radioactive was t e in
A l in wa
t h
s egoing
h o l lwe
o wl lefdor- otuhe
t the lead-lined bins on the bot t om
asteroid called Sury-Ani 7, until the level of the asteroid.
canisters o f radioac t iv e mat erial be disposed of first — rt they are transporter systems. It t here are
Naturally it's not a s imple task left t oo long t hey explode, s uc - none in t he immediat e area then
used to fire their nuclear generator and t he mis s ion is dogged wit h cessfully terminating you and your the droid can rely on an in-built jet
began t o leak. The pollution they problems. O n e o f t h e bigges t game.
emitted f o r c e d t h e h u ma n s t o pack, although using it eats away
problems i s t h a t t h e fl e e i n g The dis pos al d r o l d t rans port s at t he droid's energy (whic h can
abandon their mining project and humans forgot t o switch off their itself around the flick screen c om- be replenished by picking up the
flee t o ot her nearby as t eroids , automatic def enc e s y s t em a n d plex b y means of lifts and t ele- correct object).
leaving Sury-Ani 7 to become bar- consequently the place is crawling The visual display panel at the
ren heavenly body once again. with security droids, out to destroy
Not want ing t o giv e u p t heir top o f t he screen allows y ou t o
anything t hat mov es . A n y c olli-
sions with them knock a chunk off keep a check on the process your
good wo r k wit hout a fi ght t h e disposal droid is making. The first
humans c ont ac t ed Rent -a-Droid your energy, s hown as a diminish- window on t he left s hows whic h
to hire a disposal droid specifically ing b a r c hart at t h e t op o f t he This is an unusual object the droid is carrying and the
to clear the radioactive mess and screen. Luckily the drold has been at t empt a t a n second shows how many back-up
make the place suitable for human equipped wi t h a powerf ul las er action p a c k e d droids you have left (you start the
habitation onc e more. You play which can destroy the nestles, but shoot em up. Nifty game wit h three). Ot her informa-
that very disposal droid and to win it runs o n a p o we r s upply t hat joystick wielding is tion displays show how much time
diminishes wit h eac h laser burs t not the whole of it and there are the droid has left before the canis-
fired ( a l t h o u g h i t c a n b e s ome dev ious puz z les t o b e ters explode, along with the thrust
replenished b y pic k ing u p b a t - sorted out as well. Th e g a me
tenes). fuel and las er energy remaining
looks good on screen and is just and your score.
I f o u n d Equinox The as t eroid has eight levels, as ex c it ing t o play. Sound has
Instantly appealing accessible only if the relevant pass also been well implemented with
and playable. I t is is in y our possession. Problems a smart little ditty at the start and
well presented and arise in the process of trying to get s ome i n t e r e s t i n g e f f e c t s
visually and aurally the relev ant pas s es , a n d mu c h throughout. My only gripe wit h
attractive. The pac e is fast and picking up and dropping of objects this game is that teleporting has There's plent y o f
the game involves a lot more kil- is required t o enable the droid to to be done with care as the trans- action in this prog-
ling and quick thinking than most negotiate the various barriers arid ram — s hoot ing.
hazards whic h hav e been left t o porting credits are hard to come
arcade adventures. Equinox i s by. Still, if you enjoy fast moving, puzzle solving and
onginal, unusual and great fun — stop intruders. On each level there action p a c k e d arc ade adv en- Just t ry ing t o s ur-
don't miss it. is a particularly unstable canister tures then this is a must. vive the hostile conditions, The
of radioactive waste which should game is c ert ainly t ric k y and it
took quite a number of plays just
to wo r k o u t wh a t s hould g o
where. It's not only fast reflexes
that are required, t he s peed of
the game means that the old grey
matter has to work overtime too!
The graphics are quite nice and
the sound is fine. If you like these
sort of games then take a look at

Presentation 81%
. 1, : Plenty of options and the in-
l i game information display is
fe 4 ,,,-, L
1 great.
Graphics 81%

' tX X X X X ' X X X
5 Lots of imaginative sprites and
plenty of varied backdrops.
* Sound 66%
N Pleasant title screen ditty and
i l s ome good spot FX.
a H oolta bility 85%
The shoot ern up action makes
l i
the game instantly playable..
c Lastability 82%
• and there are plenty of
IC a devilish puzzles to solve against
an ever diminishing time limit.
Va lue For Money 79%
A lenner for 128 screens of fast
ov e r a ll 83%
A great game for arcade adven-
turers and shoot em up fanatics

110 7 7 A P ! 64 October 1986


An • I m i ;;Ah m . . • • • • • • •

SA1ES01-379 6755 7
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01-240 9334 COMPUTER

A m m e m o d
r 11 01APHICS LTD.
4 M M E
INTERNATIONAL 44-1-379 6755 1 " 1 • • •
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US Gold/Epyx, E9.95 cass, E14.95 disk, joystick only

the race track it's time,

A once more, to take up the
s of the racing circuit. You
awake after a hard night of celeb-
trating your last success in tradi-
tional style, and realise you have
e a few minutes to whip over to
the garage and pick up your bike.
sLuckily time allows you to respray
your bike — now what shall it be
n subtle green? A shocking pink?
A putrid purple?

Me. I'm no biker g i v e me four

wheels and some bodywork
around me any day, and you can
see why. The times I've ended
up base over apex in this game.
But for sheer adrenalin pumping,
this game takes some beating.
After a record breaking run on
level 3 (he he he) I come away
from the game feeling a physical
wreck. As if that wasn't enough,
all the little details are beautifully
done: the flag at the start, the
road obstructions, even the way
the back of the bike bounces up
and down when riding down the
hard shoulder. Go for Revs if you
want a simulator, but for sheer
exhilaration and excitement, go
for Super Cycle—it's unbeata-

Whatever colour you choose,

you will most certainly need a new
set of leathers to match, or clash,
which ever suits you best. Once
kitted o u t w i t h y o u r ne w l y
resprayed bike and shiny leathers
you can take your place on the
track, ready to race.
Having selected one of the three
levels o f play the countdown
begins, the starter waves his flag,
and you're off
The screen is split between the
playing area — which shows your
bike, the track and competitors —

112 ZZA P ! 64 October1986 cc

and a n illu stra tio n o f t h e to win, so long as you finish the
dashboard which indicates your circuit in time.
speed, rev counter and gear. The The tracks increase with diffi-
gears are represented b y three culty a s you progress_ Oil spil-
lights i n t h e ce n t re o f t h e lages, puddles, ice, and cones
dashboard. When a gear has been cause hazards, especially when
There have been a great deal of selected the light turns from blue on the bridge circuit which spans a
to yellow. river.
racing games infiltrating the mar-
ket lately, and it is good to see The first track is a fairly simple
one with its fair share of curves and
one from the top end of the pile.
Super Cycle is a fast. exciting, obstacles. Whizzing round at the
and most importantly, enjoyable maximum speed of 140 mph isn't
racing simulation. All the little too difficult and s o leads yo u
quickly onto the desert circuit. This
extras are great fun too— espe-
cially being able to have a purple track is lined with cacti — colliding
bike with a pink and lime leather with these causes a nasty blow—
out and costs valuable time. How-
jacket. Mmmm, nice! The high
score table's good too as it is ever, if you do manage to com-
possible to save it on the disk plete this track you have a chance
and leave little obscene mes- to boost your score on the first
bonus track.
sages for everyone to see . . .
Move over,lufian, 1 wannanother The bonus tracks are basically
go! normal tracks, but scattered along
them are various flags which flap
quite happily in the wind until you
run over them, toting up your score
as you do SO. Epyx have excelled themselves
and come up with the most
Each track is played against the
clock, so no matter how many addictive and exhilarating race
times you crash it is still possible game yet; I was surprised to find
that even Pitstop I l
l sbly slower in comparison! All
three skill levels am highly addic-
o and
n s challenging
i d e r — more so
- any other race game availa-
ble — and I've found It difficult to
tear myself away. Definitely one
for the collection — you would
be silly to overlook it.

Presentation 92%
Concise Instructions and many
neat options with a huge hi-
score table.

Graphics 93%
The bikers are well defined and
clear, and the 3D effect of the
track and obstacles is excellent.
Sound 85%
Nice title screen ditty and racy

H ook a billty 96%

Instantly exhilarating and addlc •

Lastability 94%
Ten race tracks and three skill
levels to keep you racing for
many months to come-
Va lue For Money 92%
Plenty of long term challenge for
your money
Overall 95%
An outstanding race game —the
best to date.

ZZAP! 64 October1986 1 1 3
S Few -
4 I E
I t I T fi l l 1

magic. In this mode Zen is yellow section of bridge in any direction.

destructive one at that. His and it is only now he can turn t he Each screen must be completed
Z sole ambit ion i n lif e i s t o sticks blue. However, some sticks within a given time limit. As if this
Puzzle freaks wi l l are too high for Zen to reach, so he wasn't b a d e n o u g h t h e r e a r e
eknock d o w n a n y r e m o t e l y love t h i s b u t has to use a little bit of mole magic always t wo nestles prAsent and
norganised o b j e c t s h e c o m e s people w h o l i k e contact with either of them results
iacross. Weil, t his game is s heer their action in a dif- Pressing the fire button puts Zen In the loss of 100 units of time. For-
delight for him — 96 screens full of ferent form won' t
sstick constructions, all wait ing t o into magic mode, and in doing so tunately, Zen can k eep t he crea-
It's one of those types of games he t urns red. Zen c an t hen fl oat tures a t bay wit h a s prink le o f
abe collapsed,
where you can see quite clearly about horizontally, alt hough if he magic dust, and extra time can be
m As Ze n arriv es a t e a c h n e w what you have to do but try and needs t o manoeuvre vertically he gained by collecting jewels which
oscreen he is presented with a net- work out how to do it. It's a good has t o work his way onto a stick occasionally appear on screen.
work o f grey s t ic k s a n d s t ripy laugh, but not what I would call
l and bounc e upwards — only pos-
inspiring stuff. The graphics and
e sound are pretty grotty. but there sible in y ellow belly mode. To get
to certain sticks he needs to con-
, is a game t here and it 's one Presentation 78%
worth look ing at i f you're int o struct bridges , a n d f o r t his h e
a needs a bit more mole magic. He Simple loading and title screens
This looks dreadful arcade puzzles. but you can start from any level
n can then cast a spell to construct a
and I was n't t oo and up to four people can play.
impressed o n
a playing for the first bridges. First, he has t o work all
Graphics 27%
v tome. H o w e v e r , the sticks loose, done by s imply Quite dull and lacking in colour
e several g a me s l a t e r I w a s walking over t hem and in doing so Although Collapse .Sound 19%
hooked and couldn't leave the turning t hem blue. Onc e Zen has started o u t as a
r A f ew simple spot effects and lit-
game alone. I t 's a s imple but turned all t he sticks blue he can rather unins piring tle else
y highly addictive arcade puzzle — game i t wa s n ' t
set his lit t le magic Rot ix on t he
and? love it. All of the screens move. Th e Rot ix work s it s way long before I was Ho o kab ilit y 80%
demand fast reactions and quick around a d j a c e n t b l u e s t ic k s , totally addicted. It's one of those It doesn't look much but it plays
thinking — some more so than smashing them into oblivion in the maddeningly frustrating arcade well
others. if, like me. y ou enjoy a puzzles whic h mus t appeal to
decent arcade puzzle then Col-
There are basically two different everyone. The graphics aren't up Lastability 84%
lapse is a wort hy purchase at modes of control, t he fi rst being to much, nor is the sound for that 96 challenging screens to col-
only two quid. matter, b u t nevertheless what lapse.
when Zen is not in possession of
the game does have in it's favour
is fast moving, and often highly Valu e For Mo n ey 90%
The cheapest d r ca de puzzle
COLLAPSE frenetic, action coupled with a
fair amount of strategy But don't available
tet that put you off — it really is O verall 85%
worthwhile, a n d at t wo quid it
Firebird, El .99 cass, joystick only deserves to do well. and definitely one of the best

• • • *NW

4. 4 • * M e

A N Mir • • 4 iliW

• &NV * • • • M V

• WM • 4 • * MEW

41 O W • O W • W e e • W W 4 lee I W * iNtiM
1 • ' N W
t i t i M i l
114 ZZA•P ! 64 October 1986 "5
A l I N 1
4 6
O h N g
Any more realistic
and you'd need insurance
to ride it
Thereare twoguys in front. Onecoming bumped.He's flying.Youpush on. bike in front are kicking gravel right in
upfrom behind. And another just off Takeyoureyes off the road for a your...your...
yourelbow.Thescreams of the bikes are millisecond, andyoucouldendupa part minute.This isn't abike. It's achair. It all
deafening. of the road.
Thewind is pulling your face off your It's all a blur. No time to think. You've comesback now.Yes.You'rehome.The
head.Your adrenaline is pumping like just gotta pump it. Thenext tum's the pizza's here. The computer's on. hooks
HooverDam. steepone. Rank,bank! Thecurve's wide like it's going to be another quiet night
after all.
Youkick your bike to the right. He's open, but the screechingwheels of the

OnSuperCyclem If it were any

more realistic, you'd need insurance to
ride it.

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