Ooad Through Uml Lab

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1). Design an UML class diagram for a telephone billing system. Possible classes in your diagram
are TelephoneCall, TelephoneNumber, etc.

2).Design an UML Use Case diagram for a ATM.

3). Design an UML activity /Sate diagram for Telephone Call Receiving scenario.

Problem Description
In the exercise below, the context is a menu-driven, command-line interface based Banking
Application of ABC bank. The customers use it to view account balances in their chequeing and
saving accounts and execute a monetary transaction, which is transferring money between
chequeing and savings account. We assume that a customer at least has a chequeing account.
No customer can have more than one account of the same type, for example, a customer John
Deo cannot have two chequeing or two saving accounts. The bank also has a manager who has
administrator privileges. In the application, a customer or a manager is represented by a user
profile that contains the user name, password and role. The role can be either “customer” or
“manager”. The active user profile object are stored in a database when a customer tries to
login through the command – line interface, the customers name and password are
authenticated using the information stored in the database. The user profile of the manager
(username: admin, password:admin, role:”manager) is created in the database during the
starter of the application. Only the manager of the bank has the authority to add or delete a
customer profile. When the manager adds a profile for a customer, she or he must create the
accounts(chequing, savings) of the customer as well with a minimum of the 20 dollar balance
for an account. When the manager deletes a customer profile, all the associated accounts
should get deleted as well. It is assumed that no two users can have the same user name.

PLEASE NOTE : A UML diagram might need to be revisited if required to fine-tune the
information. For example, if you have finished the class diagram and currently doing a sequence
diagram, it is possible that you should to consider a new message in the sequence diagram and
therefore you might have to get back to the class diagram to incorporate the method
corresponding to the message.

4). Create a UML use case diagram that shows the following actors and use cases:

a) customer communicates with authenticate use case to login to the system.

After valid authentication, a customer can communicate with the following use cases:

a)Enquire balance use case to obtain balance of an account.

b)Transfer money

b)Manager communicates with authenticate use case to login to the system as an


After valid authentication, the manager can communicate with the use cases:

a)Add a customer profile

b)Delete a customer profile

5). A) Identify at least six classes and their attributes and methods.

B) Create a UML class diagram containing those classes.

C) Show relationship among the classes where relevant.

6). Create UML activity diagrams for the following transactions:

a)Balance enquiry transactions

b)Transfer money transactions

7). Create a sequence diagram illustrating the collaboration of objects to accomplish at least th
following transactions:

a)Balance enquiry transactions

b)Transfer money transactions

Problem description
The cinema booking system

“The cinema booking system should store seat bookings for multiple theatres. Each theatre has
seats arranged in rows. Customers can reserve seats and are given a row number and seat
number. They may request bookings of several adjoining seats. Each booking is for a particular
show (i.e., The screening of a given movie at a certain time). Shows are at an assigned date and
time, and scheduled in a theatre where they are screened. The system stores the customers
telephone number.”

8). Design UML use case diagrams

9). Design UML class diagrams

10). Design UML activity diagrams/sequence diagrams

11). Design UML package and development diagram for above problem

12). Design an UID for an internet-based polling booth for public elections.

13). A Program reads three integer values. The three values are interpreted as representing the
length of the sides of a triangle. The program prints a message that states whether the triangle
scalene, isosceles, or equilateral. Develop a set of test cases that you feel will adequately test
this program.

14). A simple digital watch has display and two buttons to set it, the A button and the B button.
The watch has two modes of operation, display time and set time. In the display time mode,
the watch display hours and minutes, separated by a flashing colon.

The set time mode has two submodes, set hours and set minutes. The A button selects
modes. Each time it is pressed, the mode advances in the sequence: display, set hours, set
minutes, display etc. within the submodes, the B button advances the hours or minutes once a
each time it is pressed. Buttons must be released before they can generate another event.
Prepare a state diagram of the watch.

15). Draw the state diagram for programmable thermostat.

16). Identify at least 10 use cause for the windows Explorer. Just list them textually and
summarize the purpose of each use case in or two sentences.
17). Prepare an activity diagram for awarding frequent flye credits. In the past, TWA awarded a
minimum of 750 miles for each flight. Gold and red card holders received a minimum of 1000
miles per flight. Gold card holders received a 25% bonus for flight. Red card holders received a
50% bonus for any flight.

18). For the ATM application Draw the following

1. . Use case diagram that describe the functionality of a system into a small
number of discrete units.
2. Sequence diagram for the process transaction scenario
3. Activity diagram for the card verification
4. ATM application model with domain classes which are necessary for

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