Efficacy of Adductor Canal Block in Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review
Efficacy of Adductor Canal Block in Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review
Efficacy of Adductor Canal Block in Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review
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4 authors, including:
Steve Coppens
Universitair Ziekenhuis Leuven
All content following this page was uploaded by Steve Coppens on 22 January 2018.
Summary : Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is associated popularity for knee surgery, despite limited
with significant postoperative pain, frequently im- evidence for its efficacy and efficiency. Two studies
pairing recovery and delaying discharge from the compared the quadriceps muscle strength in healthy
hospital. Adductor canal block (ACB) could enhance volunteers after FNB or ACB and found that FNB
postoperative recovery. This systematic review highlights decreased quadriceps muscle strength by 48-89%,
that the evidence for ACB use in TKA is sparse. ACB is
as compared to only 5-8% for ACB (7, 8).
associated with adequate analgesia. Although evidence
Recently, a meta-analysis comparing ACB
suggests that ambulation ability with an ACB is better
preserved as compared to placebo, it remains unclear as to FNB has concluded that ACB is superior to
compared to a femoral nerve block. FNB regarding pain control and ambulation
ability (9). This meta-analysis has however been
Keywords : Anesthesia, Conduction ; Arthroplasties, heavily criticized for methodological issues (10).
Replacement, Knee ; Nerve block. To overcome these limitations, we performed a
systematic review of the available literature, in order
to assess whether ACB for primary TKA is effective
during the postoperative in terms of morphine
Introduction consumption, muscle strength, ambulation ability,
and hospital LOS.
Quality assessment for randomization,
blinding, and withdrawal was performed using
the Jadad scale (13). This yielded 8 studies with a
maximum score of 5/5 and 2 studies with a score
of 3/5 due to inadequate blinding. Primary and
secondary outcome measures were clearly defined
in 9 out of 10 studies (Table 1).
Author Study groups Additional analgesia Morphine consumption ( mg) Quadriceps muscle strength Hospital length of stay (LOS)
Jenstrup (20) CACB Spinal anesthesia (10 mg hyperbaric 40 ± 21 vs 56 ± 26 (Mean ± SD, TUG na
compared to bupivacaine) P = 0.006) at 24h 36 ± 17 vs 50 ± 29 s (Mean ± SD) at 24h
placebo Morphine-PCA 33 ± 20 vs 41 ± 27 s (Mean ± SD) at 26h
Acetaminophen 1g/6 h orally
Ibuprofen 400 mg/6 h orally
Andersen CACB Spinal anesthesia (12.5-15 mg hyperbaric 67 (22-159) vs 68 (20-163) na 3.1 (2.4-5) vs 3.1 (1.8-5.2) days
(19) compared to bupivacaine) (Median + range) on the 3th (Median, range) P = 0.68
placebo LIA (100 ml ropivacaine 2 mg/ ml + POD
epinephrine 10 µg/ ml)
Acetaminophen 1g q 6 h orally
Morphine ER 10 mg q 12 h orally
Jaeger (6) CACB Spinal anesthesia (10-15 mg hyperbaric 22 ± 9 vs 22 ± 21 (Mean ± SD) MVIC at 24 h postoperatively (% of na
compared to bupivacaine) P = 0.94) at 24 h baseline value):
CFNB Morphine-PCA 52 (9-92) vs 18 (0-69) % (Median, 95%
Acetaminophen 1g q 6 h orally CI), P = 0.004
Ibuprofen 400 mg q 6 h orally
TUG at 24 h postoperatively
37 ± 22 vs 39 ± 16 s (Mean ± SD)
Hanson (21) CACB Orally Acetaminophen 975 mg, celecoxib 46.7 (95% CI, 34.86-58.5) vs Quadriceps strength (maximum pounds na
compared to 400 mg and gabapentin 900 mg 63.4 (95% CI, 51.89-74.83) of force)
placebo Sedation with 0-250 µg fentanyl and 0-5 mg (Least-square mean) at 48 h (Mean ± SD)
midazolam IV POD1: 24.9 ± 20.5 vs 23.3 ± 20.1, P =
FNB with ropivacaine 0.5% 20 ml + 0.746
epinephrine 1/40.000 POD2: 34.3 ± 25.3 vs 21.2 ± 17, P =
Spinal anesthesia (12.5 mg plain bupivacaine) 0.01
Varied practice: LIA (30 ml bupivacaine
0.25% + morphine 10 mg)
Kim (14) ACB Meloxicam 7.5 mg or 15 mg orally 6-8 h: 36.5 ± 17,9 vs 35.8 ± 20.7 Dynamometer readings (Mean ± SD) 3.7 ± 0.8 vs 3.6 ± 0.8 days
compared to preoperatively (Mean ± SD) 6-8h: 7.3 ± 5.4 vs 2.2 ± 3.8 (kilogram- (Mean ± SD) P = 0.73
FNB CSE (spinal anesthesia 12.5 mg hyperbaric 24 h: 50.3 ± 30.8 vs 50.4 ± 33.1 force unit)
bupivacaine, epidural top-ups with lidocaine (Mean ± SD) 24h: 3.9 ± 4.2 vs 4.0 ± 4.0 (kilogram-
2%) force unit)
Epidural-PCA No difference of the non-operatively leg
Oxycodone/acetaminophen 5/325 mg q 4 h at any given time
orally as needed
Meloxicam 7.5 mg/d or 15 mg/d orally
paracetamol 1000 mg q 8 h IV
Acetaminophen 500 mg q 6 h orally
Tramadol 50 mg IV (rescue)
et al.
Machi (17) CACB Spinal anesthesia (10-15 mg hyperbaric Similar intravenous opioid TUG (% of treatment group) Discharge readiness criteria as
compared to bupivacaine) or general anesthesia) requirements POD1 morning: 79 vs 31% median (25th-75th IQR)
CFNB LIA (30 ml ropivacaine 0.5%, epinephrine POD1 afternoon: 100 vs 65% POD1: 55 (42-63) vs 61 (49-
10 μg/ml, ketolorac 30 mg and tranexamic 69) h
acid 2g) Hospital LOS as median
Lidocaine 2% 10 ml perineural or SR (25th-75th IQR):
oxycodone 5-10 mg orally on PACU if 74 (69-76) vs 73 (70-77) h. P
needed = 0.97
Acetaminophen 975 mg q 6h orally
Celecoxib 200 mg q 12 h orally
SR oxycodone 10 mg q 12 h orall
Li (18) MIA Celecoxib 200 mg q 12 h orally 3 days Opioid consumption (Mean ± TUG POD 1 and 2: Postoperative hospital days
compared to preoperative SD): ACB = FNB, P > 0.05 (mean ± SD):
FNB and Diclofenac 50 mg q 12 h orally MIA: 32.5 ± 21.7 MIA: 3.6 ± 0.8
ACB SR oxycodone 10 mg q 12 h orally FNB: 38.3 ± 22.6 FNB: 5.2 ± 1.0
Parecoxib q 12 h intramuscular ACB: 37.9 ± 20.6 ACB: 4.9 ± 0.8
Pethidine 50 mg intramuscular on PACU if P < 0.05 P < 0.05
efficacy of adductor canal block in total knee arthroplasty 69
consumption for the ACB, but only when compared motoric effects highly vulnerable to bias. Second,
to placebo (20,21). The other 6 studies showed no the limited number of RCTs, their non-homogenous
benefit of the ACB as compared to the respective designs, and a lack of uniform outcome parameters
control group (Table 2). also precluded a statistical meta-analysis of the
It is difficult to draw valid conclusions from aggregated data. Third, the studies included in our
these data as, concomitant analgesia protocols review had sample sizes varying from 40 to 100
varied widely in each individual study. Moreover, patients. As a consequence, the studies clearly
the studies lack a uniform control group, making lacked power to detect differences in most of the
quantification and comparison of the effects secondary outcome parameters (25).
nearly impossible. As least common denominator, Forth, the individual studies included in
the studies suggest that ACB decreases opioid our systematic review suffer from a lack in con-
requirements when compared to placebo. When sensus regarding the exact anatomical location
added to LIA, it is equipotent when compared to of the adductor canal (Table 1). A recent meta-
FNB, but might be inferior to MIA. analysis from Hussain et al. also highlights this
Nine out of 10 studies reported muscle strength limiting factor, suggesting a better definition of its
and/or ambulation ability, albeit using different anatomical location (26). Some authors recommend
outcome parameters. All studies assessing muscle to use a subsartorial approach with blockade of
strength found ACB to be superior to the control the vastus medialis branches of the femoral nerve,
group (6,14,21). When assessing ambulation ability together with the saphenous nerve (27). Others have
with a TUG test, three studies found ACB to be suggested that the real ACB is located in the Hunters
superior to the control group (15,17,20) while four canal, beneath the vastoadductor membrane, hence
other studies showed no benefit of ACB as compared much lower than the position that can be reached
to the control group (6,16,18,22). Compared to by the mid-thigh approach (28). It has been brought
placebo, an ACB seems to enhance ambulation, forward that only at this location, there is dispersion
possibly due to lower pain scores (19-21). of the injectate into the popliteal fossa (29). How-
Again, the unambiguous interpretation of these ever, the efficacy of ACB close to the hiatus may
results is difficult, as endpoints were not unifor result in a lower success rate when compared to the
mly assessed. Every single trial used a different more traditional subsartorial mid-thigh ACB (27,
method to study ambulation ability. Data suggest 30).
that ACB preserves muscle strength better than the In conclusion, the use of ACB in TKA is
comparators. This is especially true in volunteer apparently associated with adequate analgesia
studies (8). Whether this translates into better and maintenance of quadriceps strength, without
ambulation ability in a postoperative setting, where conclusive evidence of enhanced ambulation ability.
surgery and the use of a tourniquet also causes The data show a trend toward ACB being superior
quadriceps dysfunction, has still to be unequivocally as compared to placebo and at least non-inferior
demonstrated. as compared to FNB. Based on the heterogeneity
A total of 6 studies report hospital LOS with of the available data, it is impossible to exactly
only 1 study finding ACB to be superior to the quantify these effects. Further adequately powered
control group (15) and 1 study showing that ACB is clinical trials with uniform outcome parameters and
inferior to MIA in that respect (18). The remaining definitions are warranted.
4 studies found ACB to be equivalent to the control
group (14,19,22). Of note, the only study that was
specifically powered for the assessment of LOS did References
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