ELEG 220L (Spring 2020) Lab (7) : Title: RC Circuits
ELEG 220L (Spring 2020) Lab (7) : Title: RC Circuits
ELEG 220L (Spring 2020) Lab (7) : Title: RC Circuits
Student name:
Scope: Chapter (7)
The aims of this project are:
E1) For the circuit shown, assuming the switch is opened construct a Multisim circuit and perform
Transient Analysis. Build the circuit and adjust the input level to 1-V P (square wave) and a suitable
period (20τ).
1. Obtain screenshots (for two cycles) of the response of the oscilloscope for the RC circuit, showing
v1, v2 and v1-2.
2. Show the calculations of τ, on a single-cycle screenshot of the oscilloscope, for the RC circuit.
(Calculate 𝑣𝜏 and take a screenshot with the cursors to show how you obtained τ based on this)
E2) Adjust the input frequency to 1 KHz with the switch closed. Vary the value of R2 and draw the
relationships between R2 (on the horizontal x-axis) vs. τ and vC (∞) (on the vertical y-axis). You
should obtain 2 separate graphs (plot on MATALB or Excel). Use transient analysis.
Object 6
vc () RC
20% 0.358 0.166 104
30% 0.462 0.236 104
40% 0.571 0.285 104
50% 0.667 0.333 104 0
60% 1 0.75 0.375 104 0
70% 0.8 0.824 0.411104 0
90% 0.6 0.997 0.473 104
0.4 0
0 0
20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
This lab helps us in understanding the work of RC circuit. Also we were able to analyze the effect of
resistance on energy stored in capacitor. Also the time constant behavior was analyzed under the
efficiency of resistance.
Post-Lab Questions:
For RC circuit
Q2) In E1 , derive expressions for the energy stored in the capacitor.
Q4) In E2 , what is the time constant of the circuit, when R2 = 0%? Explain.