Tips Essential For Student Drive Part 2

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1. Studying doesn’t have to be miserable.
Do what you can do to make your studying experience more
fun. Do you like having music on in the background? Is there
a favourite food or beverage that you can reserve for study
times? Is there a relaxing place that you can go? Work out
what you can do to make the studying experience more fun.

2. Remind yourself that this won’t go on

In the university, I met a lot of students who were really
overwhelmed and wanted to throw in the towel at one time
or the other. If you’re in this situation, remind yourself that
this won’t go on forever, that everything will change for better
and all you need to do is just persevere.

3. Acquire doggedness and si ngle -

No matter how interesting your course in the university is,
there will be times when you need to study something that is
not all that fun. The more you can become mentally tough by
having a great deal of personal determination, the more likely
you can overcome the challenge.
4. Use inspirational
Read inspirational stories about real people who have
achieved success through effort. Discover what they did that
was special and what made them tick. Act like them. Listen to
motivational speakers such as Eric Thomas, Brian Tracy,
Grant Cardone and Fela Durotoye. As well, have motivational
quotes handy. Write the quotes where you can see them as
you study.

5. Change your perspective.

In truth, your studies are the foundation for your future. A
strong foundation must include a good mix of ingredients.
You see, you may not believe that you’ll need your calculus
skills later in life, but calculus sets the stage for understanding
principles of science, economics and business. Will you have
to compute the area of a circle every day of your professional
life? No, but you will have to do analytical problem-solving.
Will you need to know the cultures and histories of different
countries to make more money? Probably not, but you will
benefit from being able to put yourself in the shoes of others.
Does it really matter whether you have a good essay on a
novel you read in English? Long term, it probably won’t, but
it will be extremely valuable to know how to communicate
effectively. So, the actual content of what you learn will not
be nearly as important as your ability to learn. Remember:
you are learning skills.
6. "Put Satan behi nd you!" Get ri d of
If you are surrounded by things you would rather do than
study, you will probably do those things instead of studying.
Try to do your work when and where no one can bother you.
Turn your back on social media. Get as many tempting
distractions out of your study environment as possible. Don’t
try to multitask by studying a little and having fun a little.
Focus 100% on studying and you will be much more efficient
and effective. Thereafter, you can focus 100% on enjoying

The above nuggets are extracted from the book: The

Firstclass You. For more, you can download the book
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