Biodegradable Polymers: Renewable Nature, Life Cycle, and Applications

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Biodegradable Polymers:

Renewable Nature, Life Cycle, 3

and Applications

Manjusha Dake

Biopolymers are superior to synthetic polymer due to their eco-friendly
nature. Microbial biopolymers being a good substitute for conventional
plastics causing a waste management problem. Polyhydroxyalkanoates
(PHAs) produced as microbial polyesters can provide promising prospects
for food and allied industries due to their versatile properties assisting
viscosifying, gelling, and film-forming ability. Microbial and biocatalytic
production of functionalized polyhydroxyalkanoates with novel monomer
structure and tailor-made properties can be feasible by manipulating the
metabolic network in host microbes by genetic modification enabling
them to utilize a diverse range of low-cost substrate as unsaturated fatty
acid constituents. But expensive technology associated extraction and iso-
lation of PHAs is a major hindrance for their commercial applications. A
collective knowledge about PHAs as microbial biopolymers, their produc-
tion from cheap and renewable resources, metabolic pathways involved in
their production, economics of PHA production, and decisive factors
involved could possibly assist their effective utilization as a substitute to
synthetic polymers.

3.1 Introduction

Biopolymers are natural polymers originating

from plants and microbes or synthesized chemi-
cally from biological building blocks. Production
of biopolymers from renewable resources is a
promising remedy for their sustainable develop-
M. Dake (*) ment (Reddy et al. 2003; Porwal et al. 2008;
Department of Biotechnology, Dr. D.Y. Patil Kumar et al. 2009; Patel et al. 2011; Singh et al.
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Institute,
2015). They can be degraded using natural entity
411033 Pune, India
e-mail: [email protected]; as microorganisms and their integrated enzyme
[email protected] system to simpler molecular assembly recycled in

© Springer India 2015 29

V.C. Kalia (ed.), Microbial Factories, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2595-9_3
30 M. Dake

the environment itself. With a low environmental environmental advantages. Microbial degrada-
footprint and eco-friendly nature, biopolymers tion of biopolymers to CO2 and water serves as a
could also prove as asset to waste processing and potential remedy to waste processing where con-
contribute to a sustainable society (Kalia et al. ventional plastics are environmentally unfriendly
2000). In nature, biopolymers often play struc- in the public perception.
tural role and other important roles in maintaining Synthesis of biopolymers and their degrada-
cell viability by conserving genetic information, tion by composting governed by microbial sys-
by storing carbon-based macromolecules for pro- tem has proved their biodegradable nature and
ducing either energy or reducing power, and by user-friendly and environmental-friendly attri-
defending an organism against attack from haz- bute. Thus, biopolymers as renewable feedstock
ardous environmental factors (Steinbuchel 2001). fit nicely within the principles underlying green
Biocompatible and biodegradable nature of bio- chemistry. Plant-derived biopolymers include
polymers makes them superior than petrochemi- starch, cellulose, oils, polyesters, or PHAs, while
cal-derived polymers. Synthetic polymers as those from animal source are proteins, fats, and
plastics derived from nonrenewable fossil (petro- hydrocarbons. Biopolymers being of natural ori-
chemical) in spite of their desirable properties as gin and derived from renewable resources are
suitability and durability. Strength, lightness, and constantly restored through natural processes in
cost are causing environmental threats due to the spite of their constant utility for human life.
short-term convenience of using and throwing Biopolymers provide energy for microbial life
these conventional plastics. Fossil fuels are con- which in turn causes the synthesis of bio-based
sidered nonrenewable where their utilization from polymeric compounds, establishing a symbiotic
earth’s reserves without replacing them has led to association. Biopolymers are superior to syn-
the exploitation by human society and as a result thetic polymers due to their biodegradability and
created discrepancy in the nature carbon cycle by both environmental and human compatibilities
emission of carbon dioxide. which cannot be emulated by synthetic polymers.
Synthetic plastics primarily derived from non- Biopolymers can be classified according to the
renewable fossil (petrochemical) surpassed the monomers that constitute them, as polysaccha-
market by replacing the glass, wood, and other rides, polyamides (proteins and poly γ-glutamic
construction material. But lack of natural acid (γ-PGA)), nucleic acids (DNA and RNA),
enzymes and biological processes for degrada- polyesters (polyhydroxyalkanoates, PHAs),
tion of synthetic plastic has created alarming sit- polyphosphates, and polyisoprenoids (natural
uation for environment as well as human society. rubber). Biopolymers synthesized by bacteria are
So there is a worldwide demand for biopolymers applied in food, pharma, and agriculture sector.
originating from renewable raw material (Chen Natural rubber, cellulosics, and nylon-11 are the
and Martin 2012). Persistence of such synthetic most used biopolymers, while newer biopoly-
plastics in the environment is dangerous for the mers include polylactic acid, polyhydroxyal-
human community and wildlife. Thus, nonbiode- kanoate, and bio-based thermoplastic
gradable nature makes synthetic plastic waste polyurethane (Jogdand 2014). Biopolymers from
management problems. This created an urgent plants serve as energy carrier, carbon storage
need in implementing the usage of biodegradable compounds, and protective elements against
plastics for an increasing awareness among con- pathogens. Biopolymers derived from plants
sumers regarding the use of plastic-based materi- encompass diverse group of polysaccharides as
als. Thus, deleterious effects of synthetic plastic starch, cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, galacto-
derived from nonrenewable fossil fuel have cre- mannans (guar, locust bean gum), exudates gum
ated environmental awareness by one and all for (gum Arabic), and β-glucans, while seaweed
making a transition insisting demand for use of polysaccharides include alginates and
biodegradable material. Biopolymers available carrageenans. Plant polysaccharides are
on a sustainable basis have several economic and applicable in textile, leather, pharmaceutical
3 Biodegradable Polymers: Renewable Nature, Life Cycle, and Applications 31

(drug formulation and drug delivery), cosmetics and aliphatic polyesters that serve as intracellular
(moisturizing ingredient; hair shampoos), agri- reservoir for carbon and energy. Such biodegrad-
culture (plant growth regulators, soil fertilizers, able polymers derived from microbial source
antifungals, and anti-nematodals), and food have the potential to help in waste management
(thickeners, gelling agent). Starch-based plant and an alternative to conventional plastics.
sources and cellulose derivatives contribute to Intrinsic properties of biopolymers assure their
almost 80 % of the bioplastic market (Rajendran promising prospects making them suitable as a
et al. 2012). Starch-based films blended with packaging material in dairy industry and flight
thermoplastic polyesters are used as packaging catering products, protecting the product from
materials, in hygiene products and agriculture moisture with increase in its shelf life.
where 50 % starch combination can be used. Biopolymers have specialized applications in
Polylactic acid, the most widely used biodegrad- fabrics, adsorbents, biosensors, and data storage
able aliphatic polyester, is derived from cane elements.
sugar. But plant-produced biopolymers present Nanoscale biopolymers produced from natural
certain limitations as limited availability, sea- polymers such as starch and chitin are useful in
sonal price fluctuations, expensive technology, therapeutics, coatings, packaging materials, and
and the absence of rheological properties for spe- bioremediation of toxic heavy metals. Microbial
cific applications (Sutherland 2005). polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) reserve polymers
Other limitations for plant-produced biopoly- are interesting polyesters sustainably produced
mers include lower and delayed biomass produc- from renewable material and as a result can be an
tion and adverse effect on human food chain. effective substitute for synthetic plastic material.
Compared to natural polymers originating from The present chapter reveals the biopolymers from
plant sources and those synthesized from fossil microbial origin and their environmental and bio-
fuel, microbial biopolymers are more favorable medical applications. Other members of biopoly-
and advantageous on the basis of social and eco- mers include proteins (silk, collagen, elastin, poly
nomic forecast. Compared to plant-produced amino acids, soy, wheat gluten, zein, and casein),
polysaccharides, commercial production of bio- lipids, polyphenols, and natural rubber.
active polysaccharides through the process of
microbial fermentation is always preferred. A
wide range of polysaccharides synthesized by 3.2 Microbial Biopolymers
microorganisms are xanthan, gellan, curdlan,
pullulan, chitosan, and bacterial cellulose. Microorganisms as bacteria, archaea, fungi, and
Exopolysaccharides (EPPs) from bacterial and algae produce a diverse group of intracellular
fungal source are comprised of monomeric sug- and extracellular biological macromolecules
ars such as glucose, fructose, rhamnose, gluc- such as polysaccharides, polyesters, and poly-
uronic acid, mannuronic acid, and acetyl amides termed as microbial biopolymers.
glucosamine. Microbial polysaccharides are Biopolyesters (polyhydroxyalkanoates) are
valuable and cost-effective tools as thickeners, intracellular and spherical organic inclusion syn-
bioadhesives, stabilizers, probiotics, and gelling thesized by microorganisms (Singh et al. 2015).
agents in food and cosmetics (Nicolaus et al. Microbial polysaccharides may be capsular
2010; Freitas et al. 2011) and as emulsifier, bio- polysaccharides associated with the cell surface,
sorbent, and bioflocculant in the environmental or they may be exopolysaccharides loosely con-
sector (Sam et al. 2011). In bacterial polysaccha- nected with cell surface (Cuthbertson et al.
rides applicable in food industry, clinical research 2009). Microbial polysaccharides are composed
medicines include levan, alginate, dextran, xan- of various monosaccharides such as D forms of
than, and scleroglucan. Microbial biopolymers glucose, galactose, mannose, arabinose, ribose,
also encompass biodegradable polyesters such as xylose, and uronic acids. Exopolysaccharides
polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), polylactides, like pullulan, kefiran, bacterial cellulose (BC),
32 M. Dake

gellan, and levan produced by microorganisms with a molecular formula (C6H8O6) n with a
exhibit film-forming ability. The physicochemi- molar mass of ̴ 1−3 × 106 g mol−1. It is a linear
cal and rheological properties of exopolysaccha- chain of copolymers of β-D-mannuronate (1 → 4)
rides vary with the type of microbial strain. and α-L-glucuronate (Wong et al. 2000). Brown
Microbial biopolymers are applicable in food algae produce 40 % by weight of alginate
and allied industries due to their viscosifying, (Matsubara et al. 2000) (Fig. 3.1). Commercial
gelling, and film-forming properties. Microbial alginates are produced. Marine microalgae pro-
biopolymers play important roles as energy ducing alginate are Ascophyllum nodosum,
reserve materials, protective agents, aid in cell Durvillea antarctica, Ecklonia maxima, Lessonia
functioning, the establishment of symbiosis, and nigrescens, etc. Bacteria including Azotobacter
osmotic adaptation in response to changing envi- sp. and Pseudomonas sp. are producing alginates
ronmental applications (Vijayendra and Shamala as extracellular polysaccharides during late expo-
2014). nential growth phase. Alginate in Azotobacter
Improvement in properties of existing poly- vinelandii prevents desiccation under adverse
saccharides for generation of novel biopolymers environmental conditions (Remminghorst and
of great commercial interest and value with Rehm 2006). Bacterial yield of alginate is
desired properties can be done by proper design- affected by different cultivation conditions as pH,
ing and creating of new property based on aeration, and oxygen supply. The batch cultiva-
requirements through controlled synthesis. The tion process is designed for commercial produc-
microbial biopolymers can be successfully pro- tion of alginate on an industrial scale. Alginate is
duced on industrial scale accompanied with the applied in biomedical science and engineering, in
use of efficient producer strain, cheaper fermen- cell and tissue immobilization (Wang et al. 2003),
tation substrates as renewable feedstock, process and as food additives (Draget et al. 2005).
design along with optimized fermentation param- Alginate is also used as a thickener in ice creams
eters like pH and temperature, and superior tech- and as a chelator for removal of metals and in dye
nology like genetic engineering. Production of printing due to its unreactive nature.
microbial polysaccharides using cheap biomass
resources like syrups and molasses, olive mill
wastewater, cheese whey, vegetable and fruit 3.2.2 Xanthan
pomace, pulp and kernels, lignocellulosic bio-
mass like rice hull and bran, as well as carbon Xanthan is an extracellular polysaccharide pro-
dioxide has been reported with a suitable pre- duced by microorganisms belonging to genus
treatment method (Oner 2013). Production of Xanthomonas like Xanthomonas campestris,
biopolymers with customized properties by Xanthomonas malvacearum, and Xanthomonas
genetic manipulation of microorganisms is car- axonopodis through the process of microbial fer-
ried out for tissue engineering and drug delivery mentation. Xanthan has molecular weight rang-
(Rehm 2009). PHAs are potential microbial poly- ing from 2 × 106 to 20 × 106 Da mol−1. Xanthan, a
mers for drug delivery (Shrivastav et al. 2013). polyanionic heteropolysaccharide, is composed
Pullulan could be used as a reducing as well as a of glucose, mannose, and glucuronic acid form-
capping agent for AgNPs synthesized using pul- ing a repeated pentasaccharide unit (Fig. 3.2)
lulan act as strong antimicrobial agents (Kanmani where noncarbohydrate components as O-acetate
and Lim 2013). and pyruvate substitute on the terminal mannose.
Acetylation and pyruvylation of mannose
produce modified xanthan. It shows rigid rod-
3.2.1 Alginate like conformation. Xanthan shows desirable
properties like viscosity, pseudoplasticity,
Alginic acid is a linear, negatively charged, vis- thixotropy, and gellation applicable in food
cous or gel-like water-soluble polysaccharide industry. Bacteria producing xanthan gum are
3 Biodegradable Polymers: Renewable Nature, Life Cycle, and Applications 33

Fig. 3.1 Structure of alginate

Fig. 3.2 Structure of xanthan

X. campestris, X. vasculorum, X. juglandis, X. tinuous culture. Production medium with higher

fragaria, etc. Xanthan formed by Xanthomonas carbon to nitrogen ratio shows a better yield of
species serves the bacterium in acting as plant xanthan. Xanthomonas campestris is responsible
pathogen by allowing its penetration and forma- to produce xanthan by anaerobic fermentation at
tion of local lesions, soft roots, scabs, and can- a temperature of 28 °C.
cers. Production of xanthan can be achieved
using cheaper carbon sources like sugarcane
molasses, whey along with yeast extract, soymeal 3.2.3 Pullulan
peptone as a complex nitrogen source, and
organic acids as a stimulator through the process Aureobasidium pullulans is a dimorphic fungi
of aerobic fermentation in batch culture or con- producing pullulan, a homopolysaccharide of
34 M. Dake

natural glucan polymer with average molecular ses, and agro-industrial waste. Pullulan is
weight ranging from 1.5 × 104 to 1.0 × 107. It is produced by various microbes including
also known as α-1,4- and α-1,6-glucan consisting Aureobasidium pullulans (Leathers 2003),
of 0.6 % maltotetraose and a major component of Teloschistes flavicans (Reis et al. 2002), and
maltotriose (Fig. 3.3). Structure of pullulan com- Cryphonectria parasitica (Delben et al. 2006).
posed of repeating maltotriose units linked Anionic or amphiphilic pullulan microparticles
through (1–6) linkage using terminal glucose play an important role in controlled drug delivery
residue of trisaccharide, while each maltotriose system (Jeong et al. 2006).
unit is made up of three α-1,4-linked glucose
residues (Carolan et al. 1983). Production of pul-
lulan varies with culture conditions and type of 3.2.4 Levan
microbial strain that get decreased in the late sta-
tionary phase due to pullulanase production in Levan a neutral, biodegradable, and water-
medium (Pollock et al. 1992). Pullulan has adhe- soluble homopolysaccharide is a polyfructan
sive properties applied during formation of fibers, which consists of D-fructofuranosyl residues
moldings, and oxygen-impermeable films used joined by β-(2,6) linkages forming a core along
for preservation purpose (Sakata and Otsuka with β-(2,1) branching points (Fig. 3.4) (Tanaka
2009) and used for coating of food containers for et al. 1990). Levans are produced by plants
preservation of perishable fruits and vegetables. termed as phelins. Levan is produced by bacte-
It has the molecular formula (C6H10O5) n and is rial sp. like Bacillus and Pseudomonas
considered as a composite of panose or isopanose (Oliveira et al. 2007; Shih et al. 2005). Low fer-
subunits. Pullulan due to its high solubility in mentation temperature (25 °C) supports opti-
water is applied during controlled drug delivery. mal production of levan, while high temperature
Consequently, pullulan can be used as food addi- (35–40 °C) inhibits its production. Levan has
tive, flocculant, and wound healing (Cheng et al. high solubility in oil, low viscosity, high water-
2011). Pullulan shows pH tolerance from 3 to holding capacity, good biocompatibility with
8 pH and it carbonizes at 25–280 °C. The produc- surfactants, and stability to heat (Sima et al.
tion of pullulan varies with fermentation param- 2011). Levans have a high molecular weight of
eters like pH and temperature, composition of 2–100 million Da and the density 1.4 g/cm3.
production medium, and physiological state of Levan is a nontoxic and a soluble dietary fiber
microbial strain. Commercially, pullulan can be where the hydrolysates resulting from levan
produced using coconut by-products, beet molas- particularly help to improve gut function.

Fig. 3.3 Structure of pullulan

3 Biodegradable Polymers: Renewable Nature, Life Cycle, and Applications 35

Fig. 3.4 Structure of levan

Fig. 3.5 Structure of gellan

Levans can be used in foods, feeds, medicines, 3.2.5 Gellan

and cosmetics, in the chemical and biotech
industry (Rairakhwada et al. 2007; Gupta et al. Gellan gum is a linear anionic polysaccharide
2008). It is useful as encapsulating agent, thick- with a molecular mass approximately 1 × 105 Da
ener, emulsifier, and carrier of colors and fla- due to the presence of tetracyclic units (Gong
vors for food (Jang et al. 2001). Levan from et al. 2009). It is produced by the bacterium
Microbacterium laevaniformans, Rahnella Sphingomonas elodea using a fermentative pro-
aquatilis, and Zymomonas mobilis was found to cess through immersion method. It is a linear
exhibit in vitro antitumor activity (Yoo et al. polymer composed of a repeating tetrasaccharide
2004). It also shows cell proliferative and anti- unit consisting of glucose, glucuronic acid, and
inflammatory effects (Ki Ho Kim et al. 2005). rhamnose in 2:1:1 ratio (Fig. 3.5). The structure
Levan provides a better substitute for gum of gellan contains about 1.5 % acyl group as ace-
Arabic in a variety of foods, pharmaceuticals, tyl and glycerate molecules per unit. With respect
medicines, cosmetics, adhesives, paints, ink, to acyl groups, it is classified into high-acyl and
lithography, textile, and others. Production of low-acyl gellan where the natural form of bio-
microbial levan is generally carried out using polymer is high-acyl gellan and has shorter length
sucrose-based substrates like fructose, molas- than low-acyl gellan. Gellan with high-acyl
ses, and sugarcane juice. groups forms soft, elastic, and non-brittle gels
36 M. Dake

(Sworn 2000). Gellan inhibits sedimentation or 3.2.6 Kefiran

suspension of particles in fruit juices with pulps,
cacao, and non-soluble minerals where the sus- Kefiran is a water-soluble exopolysaccharide
pended particles are trapped in liquid gel struc- present in kefir grains. It is a glucogalactan with
tures (Young 2002). Gellan is an appropriate a molecular weight corresponding to 107 Da. The
biopolymer for coating and protecting the probi- heteropolysaccharide structure of kefiran mainly
otics by resisting acidic conditions and protecting consists of glucose and galactose in equal
cells from acidic damages. The gellan gum shows amounts (Fig. 3.6). Yeasts, bacteria producing
plastic flow behavior above 1.0 % concentration lactic and acetic acid, and mycelial fungi are
at 25 °C, while formation of gel requires polysac- microbial constituents of kefir grains (Witthuhn
charide concentration over 0.8 % (Tako and et al. 2005). Kefiran is produced by Lactobacillus
Nakamura 1989). Gellan reduces oil uptake due sp. like Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens (Mitsue
to its thermo-gelling property (Bajaj and Singhal et al. 1999). Exocellular kefiran recovered from
2007). It is produced by Sphingomonas elodea culture supernatant by centrifugation and recov-
through the process of aerobic fermentation using ered by precipitation of supernatant with an equal
a carbohydrate as a substrate. Gellan gum is used amount of cold ethanol. Capsular kefiran recov-
in dairy products and sugar confectionary and to ered from cells with water at 95 °C and precipi-
modify traditional gelatin dessert jellies. Gellan tated with ethanol. Kefiran has several commercial
is sold in the market with trade names Kelcogel, applications ranging from being an emulsifier,
Gelrite, Phytagel, and Gel-Gro. The thickness gelling agent, stabilizer, thickener, etc. (Cheirsilp
gellan gum can be controlled by the addition of and Radchabut 2011). Kefiran in kefir grains can
sodium and potassium salts. Plasticizers like form edible transparent films at concentrations
glycerol are added to make gellan films less brit- ranging from 5 to 10 g/kg. The addition of glyc-
tle. Gellan is applied as a novel drug delivery erol as plasticizer improved flexibility of kefiran
vehicle and in fruit products due to heat and acid film matrix compared to low density polyethyl-
stability. ene film and reduced water vapor permeability
(Piermaria et al. 2009). Kefiran films are trans-
parent showing pseudoplastic behavior, partially
soluble in water at 25–37 °C while completely
solubilized at 100 °C.

Fig. 3.6 Structure of kefiran

3 Biodegradable Polymers: Renewable Nature, Life Cycle, and Applications 37

Kefiran exhibits good potential as an edible D-glucopyranose units with β-1,4 linkages
film in the food and packaging industries (Fig. 3.7). It has a molecular formula (C6H10O5)
(Ghasemlou et al. 2011a, b). Coculture of L. kefi- n. Bacterial cellulose is preferred than plant cel-
ranofaciens and S. cerevisiae consumes lactic lulose due to its versatile properties like higher
acid, thereby lowering its concentration, which purity, tensile strength, water-holding capacity,
enhances cell growth and kefiran producing and crystallinity index making it more suitable
capacity of L. kefiranofaciens (Cheirsilp et al. raw material for paper and dessert foods (Shoda
2003). Production of kefiran by these bacteria and Sugano 2005). Unlike plant cellulose, bacte-
depends upon the cultural conditions like pH, rial cellulose does not require processing to
temperature, agitation as well as carbon and remove contaminating lignin and hemicelluloses
nitrogen source. The kefiran represents a very components (Nishi et al. 1990). Cellulose
important option as natural additive to the food accounts for its tensile strength and elastic modu-
and industry that can be used as thickeners and lus due to its fine network of cellulose microfi-
stabilizers in food. It also shows antimicrobial brils. Bacterial cellulose is applicable diet food,
properties. paper additive, skin tissue repair, vascular grafts,
and for regenerative medicines (Lin et al. 2013).
The processed cellulose membrane is highly
3.2.7 Cellulose applicable as in food packaging due to its hydro-
philic nature and continuous moisture removal.
Bacterial cellulose is produced extracellularly in Nutrient media with high carbon content and
the form of nanofibers by Acetobacter, limitation of nutrients favors cellulose produc-
Aerobacter, Alcaligenes, Rhizobium, tion (George et al. 2005). Various carbon sources
Agrobacterium, etc. (El-Saied et al. 2004). used during cellulose production include sucrose,
Microbial cellulose consists of bundles of cellu- mannitol, glucose, and xylose.
lose microfibrils 2–4 nm diameter (Nakagaito
et al. 2005). Cellulose nanofibers are arranged in
a ribbon form with 100 μm length and 100 nm 3.2.8 Haloferax Exopolysaccharide
diameters. Such network of cellulose nanofibers
exhibits biocompatibility, bioadaptability, biode- Bacterial spp. of the genera such as
gradability, and chemical stability (Moreira et al. Methanosarcina, Thermococcus, Sulfolobus, and
2009). Microbial cellulose consists of microfi- Archaeoglobus represent a valuable source of
brils which are made up of hydrogen bond linked exopolysaccharides. Molecular weight of bacte-
glucan chains. Microbial cellulose is a linear and rial exopolysaccharides ranges from 10 to 30
unbranched polymer comprised of KDa (Singha 2012). EPSs have heterogeneous,

Fig. 3.7 Structure of microbial cellulose

38 M. Dake

neutral, or polyanionic nature due to the presence in oil recovery process. Haloferax denitrificans
of phosphate, sulfate, and uronic acid residues. grows with salt concentration of 1.5–4.5 M
The polysaccharide produced by halobacterium (Parolis et al. 1999). Production of biopolymer is
Haloferax mediterranei is well studied due to its related to nutritional composition of media, pH,
film-forming property. This exopolysaccharide temperature, physiological state, and the genetics
consists of sugars such as glucose, mannose, of organism (Finore et al. 2014). The biofilm
small amount of galactose, and ribose, along with matrix prepared with exopolysaccharides exhib-
amino sugars and uronic acids (Fig. 3.8). its interesting properties such as antimicrobial
Halophilic Archaea producing EPS are Haloferax, action, preserving activity, and biodegradability
Haloarcula, Halococcus, and Natronococcus. (Mironescu and Mironescu 2006).
EPSs are produced by extremophiles in response
to biotic and abiotic stress factors (Donot et al.
2012) and serve for protection against desicca- 3.3 Polyhydroxyalkanoates
tion and predation. Exopolysaccharide from (PHAs)
Haloferax gibbonsii (ATCC 33959) consists of
neutral sugars like D-mannose, D-glucose, Biodegradable plastics can be chemically synthe-
D-galactose, and L-rhamnose. EPS produced by sized polymer, starch-based biodegradable plas-
H. mediterranei has certain rheological proper- tics, and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) (Kalia
ties like pseudoplastic and viscoelastic behavior et al. 2003; Khanna and Srivastava 2005; Singh
and flow behavior, maintaining the structure at et al. 2009). Biodegradable plastics produced
high temperature (Mironescu and Mironescu from bacterial fermentation include
2011) and also shows higher salt resistance. Due polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs).
to such remarkable resistance, EPS from H. med- Polyhydroxyalkanoates are biocompatible and
iterranei is applicable as a thickening agent and branched heteropolyesters composed of 150 dif-

Fig. 3.8 Structure of

Haloferax exopolysaccharide
3 Biodegradable Polymers: Renewable Nature, Life Cycle, and Applications 39

ferent (R)-3-hydroxyalkanoic acid monomers PHAs are storage biopolymers in prokaryotic

containing oxoester bonds joining hydroxyl and cells that occur as granular, hydrophobic inclu-
carboxyl groups. PHAs are synthesized as stor- sion bodies (PHA granules) within the cyto-
age polymers by a wide variety of bacterial spe- plasm. PHAs’ granules stored as insoluble
cies, Archaea, and recombinant bacteria by inclusion bodies are coated with lipids and pro-
metabolic transformation (Table 3.1). PHAs pos- teins termed as phasins on their surface which
sess unique properties as biocompatibility, biode- prevents coalescence where lipids involved are
gradability both in aerobic and anaerobic phospholipid monolayer. All enzymes necessary
conditions including aquatic environments, bio- for synthesis of PHB from acetyl-CoA associated
based and renewable origin, and structural diver- with PHA granule as observed in R. eutropha
sity providing a remedy to reduce pollution of the (Uchino et al. 2007). Polymers stored in granules
environment (Tortajada et al. 2013). PHAs can be remain in the amorphous state in vivo, while in
also produced from CO2 (Snell and Peoples isolated state, the polymer rapidly crystallizes.
2002). The production of various types of PHA Intracellular utilization of PHA occurs by PHA
has been using several transgenic crops, includ- synthesizing organisms, while extracellular utili-
ing corn, sugarcane, and cotton (Snell and zation of PHA released from lysed cells takes
Peoples 2009). Microbial degradation of PHAs to place into the environment.
CO2 and H2O under aerobic conditions in soil, PHAs are accumulated in cell cytoplasm when
freshwater, and marine environments (Mergaert carbon is in excess and inorganic nitrogen and
et al. 1994) or to methane and water under anaer- phosphate are limiting (Koller et al. 2010; Singh
obic conditions is also reported (Volova et al. et al. 2015). Thus, the bacterial cells switch car-
2010). Their degradation occurs more rapidly bon pool to Krebs cycle for synthesis of PHA
than degradation of synthetic polyesters and lig- under such growth-limiting conditions. PHAs are
nocelluloses. PHAs consisting of various biocompatible and responsible to regulate intra-
hydroxyalkanoic acids are developed through cellular energy flow by directing the carbon pool
biotechnological routes and show thermal prop- toward metabolic pathways and protecting the
erties similar to polypropylene. cell against stress conditions (Koller et al. 2011).

Table 3.1 Microbial strains producing PHA on industrial scale

Microbial strain Polymer produced References
Cupriavidus necator (Alcaligenes eutrophus) PHB and its copolymers Volova and Kalacheva 2005
Cupriavidus necator H16 PHB Pohlmann et al. 2006
Azohydromonas latus DSM 1124 PHA Yu et al. 1999
Rhizobium meliloti, R. viciae, Bradyrhizobium japonicum PHA Mercan and Beyatli 2005
Recombinant Escherichia coli (UHMW) PHB Nikel et al. 2006
Alcaligenes latus, Staphylococcus epidermidis PHB Wong et al. 2005
Ralstonia eutropha (Cupriavidus necator) PHB, PHBV, P3HB4HB Kahar et al. 2004
Aeromonas hydrophila mcl-PHAs Lee et al. 2000
Pseudomonas aeruginosa mcl-PHAs Hoffmann and Rehm 2004
Pseudomonas putida, P. fluorescens, P. jessenii Aromatic polymers Wang et al. 2005
Bacillus sp. PHB, PHBV copolymers Full et al. 2006
Burkholderia cepacia PHB, PHBV Nakas et al. 2004
Halomonas boliviensis PHB Quillaguaman et al. 2006
Microlunatus phosphovorus PHB Akar et al. 2006
Spirulina platensis (cyanobacterium) PHB Jau et al. 2005
Halophilic archaeal species Natrialba Han et al. 2007
Haloquadratum Legault et al. 2006
40 M. Dake

They exhibit nonlinear optical activity. The PHA phase. Several halophilic archaeal species like
types are polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), polyhy- Haloferax, Haloarcula, and Halococcus have
droxyvalerate (PHV), polyhydroxyhexanoate been also reported to produce PHAs like PHB
(PHH), and polyhydroxyoctanoate (PHO) where and PHBV.
PHB is the main biodegradable polymer (Chen Polyhydroxyalkanoates are categorized as
2009; Singh et al. 2013) (Fig. 3.9). The best- SCL-PHA (3–5 carbons), MCL-PHA (6–14 car-
known PHAs are PHB, poly-3-hydroxybutyrate- bon), and LCL-PHA (17–18 carbon). Copolymers
co-3-hydroxy valerate P(HB-co-HV), of scl-PHA like hydroxybutyrate (HB) and
poly-3-hydroxoctanoate-co-polyhydroxyhexano- 3-hydroxyhexanoate improve their mechanical
ate P(HO-co-HH) (Table 3.2). property making them comparable with conven-
Pendant R group in PHAs varies from C3 to tional plastics such as polypropylene and
C14 carbon atoms (Doi and Abe 1990). PHA has polystyrene. Mcl-PHAs such as poly (hydroxyoc-
molecular weight varying from 2 × 105 to 3 × 106 tanoate-co-hydroxydecanoate)
Da. It is synthesized by 30 % soil bacteria as well [P (HO-co-HD)] behave as a complete elastic
as other bacterial sp. inhabiting activated sludge, substance. PHB is highly crystalline due to its
high seas, extreme environments, and soil. stereospecific nature with a melting temperature
Cupriavidus necator is the most commonly stud- (Tm) 170–180 °C (Matko et al. 2005) and Tg
ied strain for PHB production (Atlic et al. 2011). around 5 °C. Unfavorable aging of PHB homo-
PHB is widely found in Bacillus; Pseudomonas; polymer can be prevented by annealing for
plant symbionts, Rhizobium; nitrogen-fixing changing its lamellar morphology and improving
Azotobacter sp.; Azohydromonas lata; and mechanical properties. Increasing porosity and
recombinant Escherichia coli (Volova 2004; surface area of PHA products enhance their deg-
Reddy et al. 2003; Kumar et al. 2013, 2014) radation rate in the environment. The control of
(Table 3.2). Microorganisms living in extreme PHA monomer composition along with new
environmental habitats accumulate endocellular processing and compounding technologies and
polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) during stationary their novel properties like moisture resistance

Fig. 3.9 General structure of

polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)
and their structural derivatives

Table 3.2 Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) and their structural derivatives based upon “R” groups
R group Polyhydroxyalkanoate Abbreviation
----CH3 Poly(3-hydroxyalkanoates) PHA
----- CH3 Poly(3-hydroxyvalerate) PHV
------(CH)2--------CH3 Poly(3-hydroxyhexanoate) PHHex
------(CH)4--------CH3 Poly(3-hydroxyoctaonate) PHO
------(CH)6--------CH3 Poly(3-hydroxydecanoate) PHD
-------- (CH2) ----- Poly(3-hydroxy-5-phenylvalerate) PHPV
3 Biodegradable Polymers: Renewable Nature, Life Cycle, and Applications 41

and oxygen impermeability will make PHAs Functionalized PHAs with tailor-made properties
more functional and expand the number of appli- can be generated by controlling monomer com-
cations for which these plastics can be used. position where the side chains in mcl-PHAs are
Processing PHAs using certain methods can reactive groups and a potential target for post-
alter their biodegradability and improve their biosynthetic modification. Higher fraction of
mechanical properties. Properties of polymers unsaturated side chains in PHA monomers cause
can be altered through the use of additives such inhibition of crystallization and subsequent low-
as fillers, plasticizers, stabilizers, reinforcers, and ering of melting and glass transition temperature.
pigments. The composition used in bioplastic Cross-linking of unsaturated PHAs can transform
film includes P(HB-co-HV) with acetyl tributyl them into rubbers (Bassas et al. 2008).
citrate as a plasticizer and cyclohexylphosphoric
acid/zinc stearate as a nucleating agent and ther-
mal stabilizer (Asrar and Pierre 2000). Drawing 3.3.1 PHA Production from Cheap
PHA fibers and films can change the physical and Renewable Resources:
structure of the polymer and alter its mechanical Renewable Nature
properties. Tanaka and coworkers developed and Life Cycle
melt-spinning technique that produced highly
crystalline and P (HB-co-HV) fibers with greater Biodegradable nature of PHA resulting forma-
strength (Tanaka et al. 2007). Gel-spinning tech- tion of carbon dioxide and water indicates their
niques have also been developed for preparation positive ecological impact making them an effec-
of high-strength PHA fiber (Antipov et al. 2006) tive substitute to synthetic plastic. PHAs can be
increased the toughness of P(HB-co-HV) films produced from renewable resources through the
by cross-linking the polymer and drying the films process of fermentation using agricultural feeds
under uniaxial strain. High degree of crystallinity as a source of sugars and fatty acids. Carbon
of PHB leads to a plastic that is strong but very source plays a predominant role in PHA produc-
stiff high Young’s modulus and brittle that limits tion reducing the cost by 50 %. The greatest chal-
the commercial potential of PHB. PHA copoly- lenge in PHA production is the use of waste and
mers have more favorable properties than PHB biowaste, mostly because of their substrate and
where the addition of HV units to the polymer contaminant contents (Fig. 3.10). Biowastes,
chain in case of PHB-co-HV resulted in a mate- namely, glycerol, pea shells, rice chaff, coconut
rial with a lower Young’s modulus and a greater oil cake, cottonseed cake, wafer residue, and cit-
extension to break (Sudesh et al. 2000). P rus pulp waste, have been tested as substrates to
(HB-co-HAMCL) copolymers are weaker than produce PHA (Patel et al. 2012, 2015; Kumar
PHB but are tougher and more flexible thermo- et al. 2015a,b; Singh et al. 2015). The use of
plastics. Strength of PHBV can be increased by defined media with carbohydrates (glucose,
lowering Tm and Tg based upon its variable HV sucrose, fructose), alcohols as methanol, alkanes
content. Higher HV content increases strength (C6–C12), and organic acids (butyrate, valerate) is
and results in reduction in Tm and Tg values expensive for industrial scale synthesis of
(Amass et al. 1998) and crystallinity. PHB serves PHA. High-volume industrial PHA production
as a promising source of biodegradable thermo- can be possible using cheap renewable resources
plastic material useful for packaging industries to as starch, lactose, fats, and oils (Braunegg et al.
solve environmental pollution problem for waste 2002).
management strategies (Mona et al. 2001). PHB production is carried using a wide vari-
Haloferax mediterranea, a denitrifying halo- ety of carbon sources including beet molasses,
phile, might present advantages for production of ethanol, methanol, wheat and casein hydrolysate,
PHB and PBV as their culture requirements in corn steep liquor, etc. Ralstonia eutropha H16, a
terms of salinity and temperature provide little promising producer of PHA showing higher yield
opportunity for growth of contaminants. of SCL-PHA (up to 80–90 %), utilize H2-CO2
42 M. Dake

Molasses: Beet molasses, Cane molasses
Polysaccharides such as starch and Cellulose

Fats & oils

Whey from dairy industry

Wastes from biodiesel production: methanol

plus glycerol exchange for heavy metal removal Organic acids

Methanol plus glycerol-a side product during

biodiesel production process

Plant and animal lipids

Sulfite liquor

Fig. 3.10 PHA production from cheap and renewable resources

mixture as a sole carbon and energy source 2007). The high cost of industrial production and
(Pohlmann et al. 2006) for production. The pro- recovery of bioplastics can be improved by opti-
duction of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) in mization of fermentation process, by the use of
Bacillus megaterium ATCC 6748 was carried out recombinant organisms utilizing cheap carbon
using renewable carbon and nitrogen source sources. This will facilitate the commercializa-
(Chaijamrus and Udpuay 2008). Synthesis of tion of bioplastic production. Zero-cost feed-
multicomponent PHAs is a very complicated bio- stocks like industrial vegetable wastes were used
technological task. Bacterial cultures cannot be by extremophiles for the production of biopoly-
grown in the presence of mixed carbon substrates mers like PHAs (Donato et al. 2011). Haloarcula
(CO2 + valerate, hexanoate, etc.) as monomers sp. IRU1 effectively used petrochemical waste
with different number of carbon atoms that can- water as a carbon source to produce PHB (Taran
not be incorporated into the polymer at the same 2011). Industrial production of PHB was suc-
rate during their synthesis. The fatty acid salts cessfully carried out from cardboard industry
added to the culture as co-substrates were found waste water as a sole carbon source using
to be toxic to bacteria. Production of PHB by a Enterococcus sp. NAP11 and Brevundimonas sp.
recombinant Halomonas campaniensis LS21 NAC1 isolates (Bhuwal et al. 2013). PHAs are
using energy-saving, seawater-based, continuous valuable biopolymers due to their renewable
open process, and cheaper substrates (cellulose, nature and life cycle (Fig. 3.11).
proteins, fat, and starch) was established (Yue
et al. 2014). Thus, it is essential to determine
maximal permissible concentrations of every 3.3.2 Metabolic Pathway to PHB
acid for every PHA producer. Bacterial strains of
Wautersia eutropha, B5786 and H16 grown with PHB synthase catalyzes synthesis of PHB from
CO2-heptanoic acid mixture, synthesize HV and (R)-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA (Fig. 3.12). Under
HB. The addition of octanoate inhibited both cul- limiting conditions of nitrogen acetyl-CoA
ture growth and polymer synthesis (Volova et al. undergoes condensation with another acyl-CoA
3 Biodegradable Polymers: Renewable Nature, Life Cycle, and Applications 43

Molasses: Beet molasses, Cane molasses

Energy Water

Carbon dioxide

Plants Water


Oxygen Carbon Sources

(Sugars and Fatty acids)


PHAs Bioplastic products

Polyhydroxyalkanoate (Packaging, implants, etc.) Composting

Fig. 3.11 Bacterial synthesis of PHAs: renewable nature and life cycle

derivative using 3-ketothiolase resulting forma- and 4-hydroxybutyrate to the production medium
tion of acetoacetyl-CoA that is stereoselectively is required.
converted to (R)-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA with the Functionalized PHAs are synthesized by feed-
help of NADPH-dependent acetoacetyl-CoA ing structurally related substrates like (R)-3-
reductase (Kalia et al. 2007). Polymerization of hydroxyacyl-CoAs, processed through
(R)-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA to form the homo- β-oxidation pathway by bacterial sp. like pseudo-
polyester (poly(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate) or monads (Figs. 3.13 and 3.14). Nonfatty acid pre-
copolyesters (poly-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3- cursors such as carbohydrate like fructose,
hydroxyvalerate) is executed by PHA synthase glucose, glycerol, acetate, and ethanol are chan-
catalyzes. These polymers are stored by the bac- nelized to PHA by the de novo pathway via (R)-
terial cell as globular granules. PHAs are depoly- 3-hydroxyacyl-acyl carrier protein intermediates
merized to monomeric components that are (Fig. 3.15). A plethora of tailor-designed mcl-
metabolized to CO2 and water along with the pro- PHAs, with highly diverse structures that include
duction of ATP under growth promoting condi- acetylthioester, acetoxy, alkoxy, amino, cyano,
tions in the presence of assimilable nitrogen. cyclohexyl, epoxy, halogenated, hydroxy, or pro-
When PHA production process aims to produce pylthiol groups, can be synthesized (Tables 3.3,
copolyesters, the addition of various precursors 3.4, and 3.5). Synthesis of mcl-PHAs with
like propionate, γ-butyrolactone, 1,4-butanediol, desired properties can be possible by using
low-cost substrates as unsaturated fatty acid con-
44 M. Dake

gation or flocculation, and the PHA can be
recovered by the use of surfactants or hypochlo-
rite to lyse the cells for release of the intracellu-
lar product. But hypochlorite can cause some
degradation of the product so that alternative
Acetyl -CoA Krebs cycle solvent extraction method is used which removes
bacterial endotoxins and causes negligible deg-
3- Ketothiolase (PhaA) radation of PHAs. Solvent extraction is the
widely accepted method to isolate PHA from
cellular mass due to its simplicity and rapidity.
acetoacetyl- CoA
In this method, cell mass is first dried by spray
drying or by lyophilisation followed by addition
acetoaetyl-CoA reductase (PhaB) of large amounts of solvent since PHA solutions
are concentrated and highly viscous. The first
step in solvent extraction method is solubiliza-
(R)-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA tion of PHA followed by nonsolvent precipita-
PHB synthase (PhaC) tion using methanol and ethanol. Most commonly
used solvents for extraction of PHA are chloro-
PHB form, 1,2-dichloroethane, ethylene carbonate,
1,2-propylene carbonate, and acetone. The use
Fig. 3.12 General pathway for the synthesis of PHB of solvents involves high capital and operational
cost. Alternative extraction method involves
stituents present in oils or fats providing an ideal chemical digestion method using sodium hypo-
opportunity for insertion of required functional chlorite and surfactants such as Triton X-100
groups in PHA. But a major challenge in mcl- and SDS that reduced the cost by 50 % (Yu and
PHA production is a more complex metabolic Stahl 2008; Dong and Sun 2000) and facilitates
network needed for diverting mixture of fatty rapid PHA recovery. Isolation of PHA from S.
acids in fats and oils toward PHA synthesis. meliloti using treatment with surfactant-chelate
Isolation, identification, and genetic manipula- (EDTA) showed 90 % purity (Lakshman and
tion of microbes which produce bioplastics with Shamala 2006). The action of protease secreted
different structures, properties, and applications by Microbispora sp. induced hydrolysis of S.
indicate a promising future for the industrializa- meliloti cells. In other methods, PHA is recov-
tion of bioplastics. ered by enzymatic digestion in which cell lysis is
carried out by the action of proteases (Yasotha
et al. 2006). Other methods applied for extrac-
3.3.3 Various PHA Recovery tion of PHA includes bead milling and high pres-
Methods sure (Bury et al. 2001), the use of
supercritical-carbon dioxide showing 89 %
The extraction procedure applied for the recov- recovery in C. necator (Hejazi et al. 2003), and
ery of PHAs can affect the molecular mass of the use of gamma irradiation as in B. flexus
PHB (Nuti et al. 1972; Senior and Dawes 1973). (Divyashree and Shamala 2009). Apart from the
Various different extraction methods have been solvents used, parameters applied during separa-
reported for PHAs (Table 3.6). Cells grown in tion of PHAs such as pH and temperature mini-
fermentation media were harvested by centrifu- mize degradation of PHAs.
3 Biodegradable Polymers: Renewable Nature, Life Cycle, and Applications 45

Step I
C16) R-CH2-CH2-CH2-C-S-CoA

O Palmitoyl- CoA

Acyl-CoA FAD

transenoyl-CoA hydratase (PhaJ)
R-CH2-C=C- C -S-CoA trans Δ2-Enoyl-CoA


enoyl-CoA H 2O

(R)-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA *MCL
R-CH2-C- CH2- C -S-CoA 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA epimerase

b-hydroxyacyl-CoA NAD+

R-CH2-C- CH2-C -S-CoA β-Ketoacyl-CoA

(R)-ketoacyl-CoA reductase (FabG)

Step II
PHA Synthase
(R)-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA MCL MCL PHAs

Fig. 3.13 Oxidation of fatty acids with even number of carbon atoms

3.3.4 Applications (Bucci and Tavares 2005; Noda 2001; Chen

of Polyhydroxyalkanoates 2009). PHA monomers can be useful synthons in
(PHAs) the pharmaceutical industry (De Eugenio et al.
2010). Small molecular weight PHAs with ter-
PHAs are natural polymers produced by numer- tiary helical structure play an important role like
ous microorganisms like bacteria and algae ion channels (Brandl et al. 1995). Functionalized
under depletion of nitrogen and phosphorous mcl-PHAs with longer side chains are promising
with excess of carbon source. and versatile candidates for high added-value
Polyhydroxyalkanoates can be an effective sub- applications.
stitute for industrial thermoplastics and are use- Bioplastics are normally highly crystalline
ful in compostable packaging, molding, and optically active, possess piezoelectric
veterinary practice, agriculture, and biodegrad- properties, and can be used as an alternative for
able rubbers and as paint binder and resorbable conventional synthetic plastic. PHAs remain as
materials for medical applications (Fig. 3.16) a resource of chiral hydroxy acid. PHA can be
46 M. Dake

(Cn) R-CH2-CH2-CH2- CH2-C-S-CoA

O Fatty acid with odd number of carbon atoms

b-oxiation of fatty acids

CH3-C-S-CoA + CH3-CH2-C-S-CoA

Acetyl CoA Propinoyl CoA

3-Ketothiolase CoASH

3-Keto-valeryl- CoA

acetoacetoacetyl NADPH++ H+
CoA reductase

3-Hydroxyl Valeryl CoA

PHA Synthase
Polyhydroxyvalerate (PHV)

Fig. 3.14 Oxidation of fatty acids with odd number of carbon atoms

a promising candidate in microsphere- or 3.3.5 Economics of the PHA

microcapsule-based drug delivery systems due Production: Decisive Factors
to their unique physiochemical and mechanical
properties. PHA microsphere or microcapsule For successful commercialization of bioplastics,
can transport antibiotics, vaccines, and steroids production cost for PHAs should be reduced by
(Orts et al. 2008). Application of PHA as a car- optimization of fermentation parameters and
rier of drug in anticancer study is reported (Lu purification procedure, cheaper and renewable
et al. 2011). PHAs are applied in medical tools carbon source, and the use of recombinant
such as sutures, meshes, implants, repair microbes (Verlinden et al. 2007). Using sheer
patches, cardiovascular patches, orthopedic diversity of microbial world to screen the
pins, nerve guides, and tendon repair devices microbes capable of producing large amount of
(Chen and Wu 2005; Valappil et al. 2006; PHB using cheaper nutrient sources is also an
Hazer 2010). Board and paper coated with bio- important aspect. Almost 50 % cost for the pro-
based material as PHB are useful for dry foods, duction of PHA is due to the feed carbon source
as these materials have relatively high water used. Waste renewable resources like lignocellu-
vapor barrier capacity as well as confer paper losics, carbohydrates, waste lipids, or alcohols
or board mechanical strength, thereby protect- are beneficial in PHAs’ production (Braunegg
ing products from breakage. Composite of et al. 1998; Solaiman et al. 2006; Khardenavis
PHA and hydroxyapatite (HA) has the poten- et al. 2007). Productivity of PHAs can be
tial to be used in hard tissue replacement and enhanced by improvements in downstream pro-
regeneration. cessing where fermentation by using the continu-
3 Biodegradable Polymers: Renewable Nature, Life Cycle, and Applications 47

Carbohydrate (glucose, gluconate) the new one by recombinant DNA techniques can
also improve the efficiency of microbes to
produce PHA enabling them to utilize a wide
range of renewable carbon sources as substrate.
Genetically modified Aeromonas hydrophila had
acetyl-CoA enhanced ability to produce poly(3-
hydroxybutyrate- co-3-hydroxyhexanoate)
(PHBHHx) (Han et al. 2004).
malonyl-CoA Recombinant E. coli strains developed by
inserting the genes for PHA biosynthesis from R.
eutropha, yielded PHB with mass of
malonyl-ACP + acyl-ACP
3–11 × 106 Da. Genes for PHA synthesis were
reported to be cloned from Alcaligenes eutro-
3-Ketoacyl-ACP phus that were successfully expressed in E. coli
synthase CO2+ACP with 80 % PHB content (Kato et al. 1996) where
the same microbial strain is currently utilized for
producing PHA on commercial scale by the
3-Ketoacyl-ACP company Metabolix in the USA (Ren et al.
reductase 2000). Other companies producing PHA on
industrial scale are Biomatera, PolyFerm
Canada, Tianan, Bio-On, Biomer, Kaneka,
Tianzhu, etc. Thus, bioplastics will capture 30 %
3-hydroxyacyl-ACP-CoA of the total plastics market within the next decade
Transacylase (PhaG) and will decrease the reliance on nonrenewable
fossil fuel.

PHA synthase
(phaC) 3.4 Perspectives
MCL PHA Polyhydroxyalkanoates representing a renewable
Fig. 3.15 De novo synthesis pathway, acyl carrier source for bioplastics can overcome the
protein petrochemical-derived synthetic biopolymers.
Cost-effective production of PHA can be possi-
ble by bioprocess design through development of
ous production mode is beneficial for high mutant microbial strain by genetic manipulation
productivity in microbial sp. like Cupriavidus capable of utilizing low-cost renewable sub-
necator DSM 545 (Horvat et al. 2013). strates as a carbon source. The major challenge in
Application of inexpensive growth additive to PHA production is the recovery process that can
enhance rate of biomass production and genetic be optimized using low-cost eco-friendly extrac-
engineering aspects involving inactivation or tion method.
modification of enzymes causing intracellular
PHA degradation will be new criteria for enhanc- Acknowledgments The author is thankful to Springer
ing volumetric productivity of the process. and the editor Dr. V. C. Kalia for giving the opportunity to
contribute a book chapter. The support from Dr. D. Y. Patil
Alteration of metabolic pathway or introducing
Vidyapeeth, Pune, is also gratefully acknowledged.
48 M. Dake

Table 3.3 Precursors used in the literature to produce functionalized mcl-PHA (branched alkyl, cyclohexyl,
mcl-PHAs Precursor Microbial strain
Branched alkyl mcl-PHA Citronellol P. citronellolis ATCC 13674
Alkylhydroxyoctanoates P. putida GPo1
Methyloctanoates P. putida GPo1
Cyclohexyl mcl-PHA Cyclohexylbutyric acid P. cichorii YN2
Cyclohexylvaleric/butyric acid P. putida GPo1
Unsaturated mcl-PHAS Alkenes (C7–C9) P. putida GPo1
Undecenoic acid P. putida KCTC 2407
Undecenoic acid P. putida GPo1
Hydroxyoctanoic acids P. putida GPo1
Dicarboxylic acids (C4–C10) P. citronellolis ATCC 13.674
Undecynoic acid P. putida GPo1
Undecynoic acid P. putida KCTC 2407
Halogens mcl-PHA Bromoalkanoic acids (C6–C11) P. putida GPo1
Chlorooctane P. putida GPo1
Fluorohexanoic/nonanoic acids P. putida GPo1
Fluorohexanoic/nonanoic acids P. putida KT2440
Fluorophenoxyundecanoic acid P. putida 27 N01

Table 3.4 Precursors used in the literature to produce functionalized mcl-PHA (acetoxy, ester, alkoxy, epoxy, thio,
cyano, nitro)
mcl-PHAs Precursor Microbial strain
Acetoxy mcl-PHA Octanone, octylacetate P. putida GPo1
Ester/alkoxy/epoxy mcl-PHA Alkylheptanoate P. putida GPo1
Alkxyhexanoic/octanoic/undecanoic acids P. putida GPo1
10-Epoxyundecanoic acid P. putida GPo1
C7–C12 alkenes P. cichorii YN2
Soybean oil P. stutzeri 1317
Thio, sulfanyl mcl-PHA Acetylthiohexanoic acid P. putida KT2442, KT24FadB
Propylthiohexanoic acid Ralstonia eutropha DSM541
Propylthioundecanoic acid P. putida KT2440
Methylsulfanylphenoxyvaleric acid P. cichorii H45, YN2
Methylsulfanylphenoxyvaleric acid P. jessenii P161
Thiophenoxyundecanoic acid P. putida 27 N01
Cyano, nitro mcl-PHA Cyanoundecanoic acid P. putida GPo1
Cyanophenoxyhexanoic acid
Nitrophenoxyhexanoic acid
Dinitrophenylvaleric acid
Cyanophenoxyhexanoic acid P. putida KT2440
Nitrophenoxyhexanoic acid
3 Biodegradable Polymers: Renewable Nature, Life Cycle, and Applications 49

Table 3.5 Precursors used in the literature to produce functionalized mcl-PHA (aromatics) group at mcl-PHA side
chain: aromatics (benzoyl, methylphenoxy, phenoxy, and phenyl)
mcl-PHAs Precursor Microbial strain
Aromatics mcl-PHA Benzoylalkanoic acids (C4–C8) P. cichorii YN2
Methylphenoxyalkanoic acids (C6, C8) P. putida KCTC 2407
Methylphenoxyalkanoic acids (C6, C8) P. putida GPo1
Methylphenoxyalkanoic acids (C6, C8) P. putida KCTC 2407
Phenoxyundecanoic acid P. putida GPo1
Phenoxyalkanoic acids (C6, C8, C11) P. putida GPo1
Phenoxyundecanoic acid P. putida BM01
Phenylvaleric acid P. putida BM01
Phenylvaleric acid P. putida GPo1
Phenyl, tolylvaleric/octanoic acids P. putida GPo1
Phenylalkanoic acids (C4–C8) P. jessenii C8
Phenylalkanoic acids (C4–C8) P. putida S12, CA-1, H4, F6, D5
Phenylalkanoic acids (C6–C11) P. putida U fadA-, ΔFadBA-PhaZ
Phenylvaleric acid P. putida GPo1
Phenylvaleric acid P. putida GPo1

Table 3.6 PHA recovery: solvent extraction methods

Extraction method Solvent used Strain used Yield
Solvent extraction Chloroform Bacillus cereus SPV 31 %
Cupriavidus necator DSM54 96 %
Acetone-water process 80–85 %
Methylene chloride C. necator 98 %
Acetone, room temperature P. putida GPo1 94 %
Nonhalogenated solvents: isoamyl C. necator –
propionate, propyl butyrate, isoamyl
Surfactant SDS Rec. Escherichia coli 89 %
Sodium hypochlorite Sodium hypochlorite C. necator DSM 545, Rec. coli –
Surfactant-sodium SDS-sodium hypochlorite Azotobacter chroococcum G-3 87 %
Surfactant-chelate Triton X-100-EDTA Sinorhizobium meliloti –
Dispersion of sodium Chloroform-sodium hypochlorite B. cereus SPV 30 %
hypochlorite and Chloroform-sodium hypochlorite C. necator, Rec. E. coli –
Selective dissolution Sulfuric acid C. necator 95 %
by protons
Enzymatic digestion Microbispora sp. culture-chloroform S. meliloti –
Enzyme combined with SDS-EDTA P. putida –
Bromelain; pancreatin C. necator –
Mechanical disruption Bead mill A. latus –
High-pressure homogenization A. latus –
SDS-high-pressure homogenization Methylobacterium sp. V49 98 %
Sonication Bacillus flexus 20 %
50 M. Dake

Table 3.6 (continued)

Extraction method Solvent used Strain used Yield
Supercritical fluid SC-CO2 C. necator 89 %
Cell fragility Chloroform B. flexus 43 %
Sodium hypochlorite B. flexus 50 %
Alkaline hydrolysis B. flexus 50 %
Gamma irradiation Radiation-chloroform B. flexus 45–54 %
Air classification – E. coli 90 %
C. necator 85 %
Spontaneous – E. coli 80 % (of autolysis)


Electronic material



Sticky tape made from Cup made from
Flow pack packaging for
Calendar case made from
made from bioplastic
Spring water bottle

fresh products

Starch based carrot


Fig. 3.16 Applications of PHAs in various fields

3 Biodegradable Polymers: Renewable Nature, Life Cycle, and Applications 51

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review of major sources and enzyme characteristics, working on applications of enzymes in bioremediation.

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