Parcial Final de Ingles

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Read the sentences and choose the correct option to complete them.
[ Seleccionar ]

1. I get really              ["", "", ""]             when

taking public transport because they push me a lot.
[ Seleccionar ]

2. It is common to feel              ["", "", ""]             

when our family members are far away.
3. How much does the bus              ["", "", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

[ Seleccionar ]

4. My friends              ["", "", ""]             go to the

doctor because they do not like to get prescriptions.
[ Seleccionar ]

5. Let´s go to the              ["", "", ""]             . There

is a great play to see.
6. Could you please get me some              ["", "", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

 to clean this mess?

7. Grandmas prefer homemade remedies to alleviate              ["", "", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

because they believe in traditional medicine.

8. I do not understand why people get              ["", "", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

 for parking. They should simply follow the

[ Seleccionar ]

9.              ["", "", ""]             are a good choice

because they have extra space for the legs.
10. Going shopping in December is very expensive but you can still find             ["",
[ Seleccionar ]

"", ""]           
11. My boyfriend gets angry when he has to              ["", "", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

 for me too much time.

12. I told him to stop telling me lies. I am absolutely              ["", "", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

with that lack of honesty.

13. Wherever you travel, you need to be careful because bad people might             ["",
[ Seleccionar ]

"", ""]             your stuff.

14. Remember to take a cold shower when you              ["", "", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

[ Seleccionar ]

15. I love chocolate              ["", "", ""]             ,

escpecially with some milk.
[ Seleccionar ]

16. Taking so many              ["", "", ""]             can

be dangerous for your health. You have to consult a doctor.
17. I normally prefer to have              ["", "", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

 food because I need to control my glucose

18. It is important to wear a jacket, scarf and mask in case you have             ["", "", ""] 
[ Seleccionar ]

[ Seleccionar ]

19.              ["", "", ""]             rolls is a great idea

for some afternoon snacks.
[ Seleccionar ]

20. I need to decide              ["", "", ""]             to get

a taxi to get to my destination.

Marcar esta pregunta
Pregunta 230 ptos.
Complete the text with the correct word.  

1. I was surprised   see all my family together to celebrate my birthday with

a party.

2. Our teacher told us   study very hard for the final exam.
3. Yesterday, I was doing exercise   my friend called me and asked me to
give her some advice.

4. My pet   always happy when I give him a prize.

5. I hate   wake up early!

6. Finding a place in Bogotá is difficult. Sometimes, foreigners have to ask  

to get to their destinations.
7. Tomorrow I have a job interview in English. I am really good at it. I think I am

 to get good results.

8. My neighbor is   soccer next weekend. He already bought a ball and his

9. I’m not sure but maybe it   be a good day.

10. I sometimes forget things easily. I need to learn to   faces, names and
numbers more effectively.

Marcar esta pregunta
Pregunta 330 ptos.
Organize the following sentences in order to have a coherent conversation. On each
sentence, select the number from 1 to 6.
- Would it be possible to order one for me?               ["", "", "", "", "", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

- I'm afraid that's impossible.               ["", "", "", "", "", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

- I'm sorry. We sold the last one last week.              ["", "", "", "", "", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]
- How soon do you need it?               ["", "", "", "", "", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

- Hi. Do you have this jacket in white?              ["", "", "", "", "", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

- Tomorrow morning.               ["", "", "", "", "", ""]         

[ Seleccionar ]

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Pregunta 430 ptos.
 The invisibility coat and the car used cameras.              ["", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

 The coat was very comfortable.              ["", ""]         

[ Seleccionar ]

 The car was 100% invisible.              ["", ""]         

[ Seleccionar ]

 Flying cars are very popular.              ["", ""]         

[ Seleccionar ]

 The writer doesn't want lots of traffic in the sky.              ["", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

 Teleporting doesn't use transport.              ["", ""]         

[ Seleccionar ]

 Solid objects don’t contain atoms.              ["", ""]         

[ Seleccionar ]

 Scientists can't move atoms across distances.              ["", ""]         

[ Seleccionar ]

 Robots for the home are cheap.              ["", ""]         

[ Seleccionar ]

 The new robot can do everyday jobs.              ["", ""]         

[ Seleccionar ]

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Pregunta 515 ptos.
 2.00x
 1.50x

 1.00x

 0.75x

 0.50x


Minimizar contenido incrustado

Listen to an interview about James Cameron and the Mariana Trench. Select the correct
1. How many kilometres is it to the bottom of the Mariana Trench?             ["", "", ""] 
[ Seleccionar ]

2. How long was James Cameron’s journey to the bottom?             ["", "", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

3. What does James plan to make?              ["", "", ""]         

[ Seleccionar ]

4. Who is Don Walsh?              ["", "", ""]         

[ Seleccionar ]

5. Where was Don when Cameron went down?              ["", "", ""]         
[ Seleccionar ]

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Pregunta 615 ptos.
 2.00x

 1.50x

 1.00x

 0.75x

 0.50x


Minimizar contenido incrustado

Listen again to the interview and complete the gaps with one word.

1. “But the film director and National Geographic Explorer, James Cameron, has

travelled   to the bottom of the Mariana Trench”.

2. “First of all, how     is the Mariana Trench?”

3. “And how   he travel here?”

4. “How well he   see?”

5. “How much did James Cameron   on this?

Evaluación guardada en 11:20 Entregar evaluación

 ContestadoPregunta 1
 ContestadoPregunta 2
 ContestadoPregunta 3
 ContestadoPregunta 4
 ContestadoPregunta 5
 ContestadoPregunta 6

Tiempo de ejecución: Esconder
Intento vencido: 16 dic en 11:29

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