Илтгэлийн сэдэв: Who is a mechanical engineer?

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Илтгэлийн сэдэв: Who is a mechanical engineer?

Шалгасан багш:

Гүйцэтгэсэн: Х.Сарантуяа В171080052


Mechanical engineering is the name of an engineering profession that has

been completed with a degree in mechanical engineering. The main work
depending on the field of study, the scope of work of mechanical
engineering engineers includes not only classical mechanical engineering,
but also design engineering, mechanical engineering development, industry
and automotive engineering, precision instrumentation, materials science,
flow mechanics, thermodynamics, mechanics, control and such as
calibration techniques and others.

Training at the University of Mechanical Engineering usually lasts 3.5 to

4 years, followed by a bachelor's degree in engineering and a master's
degree in engineering in 1.5 to 2 years. The curriculum is based on
mathematics, natural sciences and engineering. Mathematics is primarily
concerned with describing a problem and helping to find a solution, while
physics and chemistry help to understand the general relationship between
the basics. Informatics has also become an important part of training in
recent years, making it difficult to imagine CAD, FEM (finite element
method) and CFD without the many components of mechanical

The core of the course, of course, consists of engineering subjects such

as mechanics, materials science, design theory, electrical engineering,
thermodynamics, flow mechanics, and measurement-, control-, and
calibration techniques.

All subsequent specializations are based on them, and the techniques and
procedures used are the basis for learning to use them later. In addition to
learning more about the machine, its parts, and materials, you will learn
about the relationships between them and how to find solutions to
problems. It is important to teach future engineers how to think in terms of
systems and how to recognize and decipher them.

This teaches the ability to disassemble a complex system, such as a

power plant, car, or aircraft, into all its small parts, and then return it to the
system as a whole after finding the optimal solution.

In the professional field mechanical engineers work in various parts of

the company. These include sales, sales, design, production, service,
logistics and even marketing. In addition to the design engineer, these
departments also hold company positions, department-, branch-, group-,
team, or project leaders.

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