Physical and Photo-Electrochemical Properties of Mgfe2O4 Prepared by Sol Gel Route: Application To The Photodegradation of Methylene Blue
Physical and Photo-Electrochemical Properties of Mgfe2O4 Prepared by Sol Gel Route: Application To The Photodegradation of Methylene Blue
Physical and Photo-Electrochemical Properties of Mgfe2O4 Prepared by Sol Gel Route: Application To The Photodegradation of Methylene Blue
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The spinel M gFe2O4 synthesized by sol gel method, was characterized by physical and electrochemical methods. The thermal
analysis (TG) gives an optimal synthesis temperature −
of 650 °C where the X-ray diffraction pattern exhibits a single phase
crystallizing in a cubic symmetry (Space Group: Fd3 m) with spherical crystallites (~ 0.45 µm). The morphology observed
through the SEM image shows elliptical and spherical grains of ~ 0.8 µm. The spinel possesses a direct optical transition
(2.16 eV) due to electrons transfer F e3+: d−d transition, coming from the crystal field splitting in agreement with the red color.
The low electrons mobility is assigned to a narrow conduction band of Fe3+: 3d parentage with activation energy (0.14 eV)
in conformity with a conduction mechanism by small polaron hopping. The semi-logarithmic plot confirms the chemical
stability of oxide. Unlike other spinels, the capacitance plot exhibits n type conduction confirmed by chrono-amperometry
with a flat band potential ( Efb) of 0.27 V. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy displays a semi-circle attributed
to the bulk behavior. As application, the photodegradation of methylene blue (10 mg L− 1) was successfully on the spinel
suspension; 87% are eliminated after 2 h of exposure to sunlight irradiation.
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
exposition of MgFe2O4 to solar light. Nanoparticles were data were collected with a Specord 200 Plus spectropho-
used as photocatalysts, with 99 and 50% of MB degradation tometer equipped with an integrating sphere. The specific
after 60 min irradiation of UV light [19, 20]. surface area was evaluated by the BET method was using the
It is well known that the photocatalysis is efficient at low ASAP 2010 Micromeritics equipment and N2 gas in liquid
concentrations and can be used at the end of the treatment state (− 196 °C) as adsorbat. Before the measurement, the
chain. It is also an alternative energy to decrease the impact powder was degassed under vacuum at 150 °C overnight.
of fossil energy and greenhouse gases emission. According The equilibrium pH of a solution containing an excess
to WHO, the MB concentration does not exceed 0.4 ppm in powder in suspension permitted to determine the point
water. To this effect, we study the photocatalysis by varying of zero charge (pzc = 11.3). For the transport properties,
the concentration of MB, pH and catalyst dose. MgFe2O4 the powder was pressed into discs (∅ = 13 mm, thick-
fulfills the photo-electrochemical conditions i.e. friendly ness ~ 1 mm) and then sintered at 950 °C to get good
environmental characteristics, a chemical inertness and a mechanical properties (compactness ~ 90%). The electrical
forbidden of ~ 2 eV, permitting the conversion of half of the conductivity was measured by the two probes technique
solar light. Indeed, the solar energy meets a high demand in using GW Instek (GDM 8255A) equipment, the pellets was
the energy conversion and the photo-catalysis is an environ- sandwiched between two copper electrodes and heated up
mentally friendly alternative for the water treatment. Moreo- to 420 °C. For the electrochemical measurement, the elec-
ver, the dyes are toxic by themselves and weaken the light trical contact was realized with copper wire onto the back
penetration in water, thus disturbing the photosynthesis for pellet after putting conductive silver paint; then the pellet
concentrations as low as 5 mg L − 1. In this optic, the present was encapsulated in a glass holder and isolated with epoxy
contribution aims at determining the physical and electro- resin. The electrochemical analysis was carried out in KOH
chemical properties of MgFe2O4. As application, the spinel (0.1 M) solution under N2 bubbling in a three electrodes cell,
is successfully tested for the photo degradation of methylene with MgFe2O4 working electrode, Pt counter electrode and a
blue (MB) under sunlight. saturated calomel electrode (SCE). The potential was moni-
Unlike other spinels which exhibit p-type behaviour, tored by PGZ 301 potentiostat (Radiometer), the intensity-
MgFe2O4 is a narrow n-type semiconductor with a valence potential J(E) curves were plotted at a scan rate of 10 mV
band anodic enough to generate •OH radicals responsible of s−1; the capacitance measurement was done at a frequency of
the MB under solar light. The energy band diagram, estab- 10 kHz. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
lished on the base of physical and photo-electrochemical was studied in the range (10−3–105 Hz), both in the dark and
characterizations, confirm that OH∙ is responsible of the MB under illumination (tungsten lamp, 200 W) after stabilization
photodegradation. of the open circuit potential EOCP (− 0.41 V).
The photocatalysis is efficient at the end of treatment and
is used as tertiary treatment; it was performed in double
2 Experimental wall batch reactor using methylene blue as reaction test. The
photo activity was studied in a Pyrex reactor equipped with
The photo catalytic performance is dependent on the syn- a cooling system; the temperature was maintained constant
thesis conditions and is considerably enhanced by using sol (25 ± 1 °C) thanks to a thermo stated bath. Before starting
gel route, which allow to get, a large specific surface areas tests, the solution was purged of air by bubbling through
i.e. small crystallites size. So, we adopt this method to syn- nitrogen. The reactor was directly exposed to solar light irra-
thesize the spinel M gFe2O4. Stoichiometric mixture of Mg diation (830 mW c m−2). The photo-catalytic experiments
(NO3)9(H2O) (Biochem, 98%) and Fe(NO3)9(H2O)3 (Merck, were realized in stirred powder suspension under magnetic
98%) in a molar rapport (Mg/Fe: ½) was dissolved in dis- agitation at ambient temperature. The MB photo-degrada-
tilled water, to which agar agar (1 g L− 1) was added. The tion was followed by plotting the UV–visible spectra of MB
mixture was heated at 70 °C under agitation until apparition (λmax = 665 nm).
of a gel. The solution was dehydrated and treated at 100
and 300 °C. The amorphous powder was ground in an agate
mortar and the thermal analysis was studied in a thermo ana- 3 Results and discussion
lyser (Setaram Lab Sys TG DTA). Finally, the powder was
fired at 800 °C with intermediate regrinding. The phase was 3.1 Characterization
identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD) using Cu Kα radia-
tion (λ = 0.154178 nm). Attenuated total reflection (ATR) The TG plot of the initial mixture after evaporation (Fig. 1)
analysis of the powder was recorded with a Becker Alpha T, shows small weight losses, the first one at 120 °C (D1)
while the microstructure was analyzed by scanning electron is attributed to water deshydratation while the loss (D2)
microscope (SEM, Phillips XL30). The diffuse reflectance at ~ 150 °C is due to the elimination of organic matter
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Intensity (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
JCPDS N° 00-036-0398
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Fig. 2 XRD pattern of MgFe2O4 and the JCPDS sheet below (left). Crystal structure of MgFe2O4.The Mg atoms in tetrahedral position within
yellow color and Fe atoms within the green color and octahedral position (right). (Color figure online)
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
C -O conductor behavior:
40 M g -O σ = σ0 exp(− ) (2)
20 The slope of the linear plot gives an activation energy
F e -O (Ea1) of 0.134 eV (Fig. 6), much higher than the thermal
0 energy kT (~ 26 meV at 300 K) indicating that only a small
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500
W a v e n u m b e r (c m ) part of the charge carriers contributes to the conduction.
The value E a1 is the energy of electron hopping between
Fig. 4 Infrared spectrum of oxide MgFe2O4 obtained by ATR method octahedral sites ( Fe2+ ↔ Fe3+). Curiously and in contrast to
other spinels, MgFe2O4 is the only one that exhibits n type
conductivity, due to F e2+ ions insertion in the crystal lattice.
and in agreement with the red colour of M gFe2O4. The The low electron mobility µe (2 × 10−6 m2 V−1 s−1) calcu-
gap Eg corresponds to the electronic transition: Fe3+oct: lated from the relation (σ = n e µe), shows that the carriers
t2g → Fe2+oct: eg attributed to the crystal field splitting of charges move in a narrow conduction band deriving from
Fe3+ in octahedral coordination [25]. A further indirect Fe3+: 3d orbital, beyond 360 K the increase of the activa-
transition (2.13 eV, m = 0.5) is assigned to lattice vibra- tion energy (0.44 eV) indicates a change in the transport
tion due to crystallographic defects, where the electron mechanism [28].
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
-4 Vbp =0,27 V
-8 0,0
-2 -1 0 1 2 -1,0 -0,5 0,0 0,5 1,0
Potential (V) Potential (V)
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Fig. 8 Chrono-amperometry 60 3.5
profile of MgFe2O4 with 20 s
switch on, switch off time dura- 3.0
tion (left). The impedance spec-
40 2.5
troscopy diagram of MgFe2O4
J( µA/cm²)
0 200 400 600 800 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (Sec) Zr (k Ω cm2)
pairs while the plateau region above 0.67 V corresponds to carriers, corroborates the fast reduction at the interface
a depletion region. The electron density ( ND = 1.94 × 1017 semiconductor/electrolyte.
cm−3), calculated from the slope, reveals an oxide slightly The physical and electrochemical parameters ( Eg, Ea and
doped with an extended depletion width (~ 220 nm): Efb) allow us to draw the energy band diagram of the junc-
tion MgFe2O4/electrolyte (Fig. 9) and to predict which radi-
cal is formed to contribute to the photoactivity:
( )0.5
2ϵϵo 𝛥V
W= (5)
eND EBC = 4.75 − eEfb − Ea (7)
W extend on several crystallite unit cells, ΔV is the opti- EBV = EBC − Eg (8)
mal band banding at the interface semiconductor electrolyte
The energy levels are pH-independent due to their cationic
(~ 0.5) which should give to a zero recombination [29].
character, 4.75 is energy of SCE with respect vacuum.
EIS permits a correlation between the morphology and
the electrical properties and the response as a function of
3.4 MB application
the perturbation frequency can reveal the internal dynamics.
In the dark, the Nyquist diagram (Fig. 8 right) reveals one
Currently, the solar energy is employed for both the energy
depressed semi-circle assigned to the bulk resistance (Rb). It
supply and environmental protection. In this regard, the
is centred below the real axis (Zreal), associated to existence
photocatalysis is an attractive alternative and the semicon-
of no ideal capacitor and the existence of a constant phase
ducting oxides are selected on the basis of their low cost,
element (CPE):
friendly characteristics, chemical stability and forbidden
Zc = [C(jw)n ]−1 , (n = 1−2q∕p) (6) band, conditions fulfilled by the spinel MgFe2O4. The oxide
With0 ≤ n ≤ 1 , CPE is attributed to surface states and formed with atoms of low electronegativity, is promising in
roughness of the electrode [30]. The minimal pulsation (ω) photocatalysis owing to the shift of the flat band potential
is used to determine the life time of electrons (τ = ω min−1). toward the cathodic side where the electrons in the conduc-
The offset near the origin is due to electrolyte resistance (Rel) tion band possess a high reducing ability. Therefore, the con-
and does not vary upper irradiation. An electrical equivalent duction band is cathodic enough to generate an interfacial
circuit (Fig. 8 right, Inset) is established by using the Zview band bending for the separation of (e−/h+) pairs.
software. The kinetic parameters are gathered in Table 1 The hole transfer at the interface SC/solution occurs ener-
after circular regression fitting of the electrochemical param- getically and the ability of a semiconductor material to drive
eters in the dark and under illumination. The decrease of the O2•− formation, is governed by the potential of •OH/H2O
the resistance Rb under light confirms the semiconducting (EOH•/H2O = 2.04) [31], compared to the valence band (VB)
behaviour while the decrease of the short life time of charge which is favourable in this case. On the other hand, the for-
mation of O 2•− is unfavorable due to evolution of O 2/H2O
Table 1 Impedance properties of M
gFe2O4 in KOH (0.1 M) solution
Electro chemical parameters Efree (V) Rel (Ω cm2) Rb (Ω cm2) θ (°) CPE(µF/cm2) N fmin (Hz) t (s)
In the dark − 0 .626 79.19 5.387 − 14.9 525.8 0.83 0.42 0.71
Under illumination − 0.277 78.41 4.929 − 15.6 574.6 0.8 0.63 0.27
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
0 -4.75
Eg = 2.13 eV Products
Fe3+ : 3d5
EVB = -6.73 2.281
Valence band (Fe2+ : teg)
0 -2
200 400 600 800 0 50 100 150
Wavelength λ (nm) Time (min)
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