Propensity Models

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Modelling the Purchase Propensity: Analysis of a Revolving Store Card

Author(s): G. Andreeva, J. Ansell and J. N. Crook

Source: The Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 56, No. 9 (Sep., 2005), pp.
Published by: Palgrave Macmillan Journals on behalf of the Operational Research Society
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journal of the Operational Research Society (2005) 56, 104 1-1050 ? 2005 Operational Research Society Ltd. All rights reserved. 0160-5682/05 $30.00

Modelling the purchase propensity: analysis

of a revolving store card
G Andreeva*, J Ansell and JN Crook
Credit Research Centre, University of Edinburgh, UK

We investigate the incremental roles of information that becomes available only after a revolving loan has been granted
in explaining and predicting the time taken until the borrower makes a second purchase. Using data relating to a store
card, granted around the time of first purchase and used in Belgium, we find that characteristics of a first purchase and
remaining credit available for use enhance the explanatory and predictive power of application characteristics. The
relationship differs between good and poor payers.
Journal of the Operational Research Society (2005) 56, 1041-1050. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jors.2601933
Published online 16 February 2005

Keywords: credit scoring; survival analysis; risk; banking

Introduction swiftly if they were to return. Hence, once past a certain time
they were unlikely to return. Older and more sophisticated
Historically, credit scoring has concerned itself with asses-
customers tended to continue to respond over a longer
sing which individuals are a good risk and which are a poor
period and there was no obvious cutoff point.
risk, primarily focusing on the probability of default at any
The objective of the current study is to develop a model
point within a given time period after receiving a loan. A
that explains and predicts the time taken by the holder of a
number of authors now appreciate that a second aspect of
revolving credit product to make a second purchase. The
the risk of default, which is relevant to profitability, is the
analysis relates to a store card and its use in Belgium. The
time between the initial granting of credit and the time to
card is normally taken out at the time of a first purchase.
default."'2 Some high-risk applicants can generate a sig-
This has two benefits for the store: a purchase is made and a
nificant profit if they use the credit product actively and pay
relationship can develop. The credit relationship may also be
interest and charges for long enough before going into
attractive to the store and the lender. Clearly, the store will
default. On the contrary, low-risk applicants may pay the
be keen that the customer will return to make further
full balance every month, thus keeping the revenues from
purchases and this may be in the interest of the lender. The
such 'good' accounts low.
issues then are which individuals return and when they
This observation has led many to use techniques devel-
return. Such knowledge will give the opportunity to plan a
oped in survival analysis to predict the time to default.3-8 It
strategy to enhance the relationship and to gain mutual
has been found that survival analysis, especially Cox
benefit from the relationship for the store, the lender and the
Regression,9 compares well to logistic regression in provid- customer.
ing an ability to predict default, but it also gives insights into
In this study, we are particularly interested in the
the time to default. This can be particularly helpful in
explanatory and predictive power of information that
determining the profitability of a client.
becomes available after the card has been issued but which
Only a small number of studies have used a survival
is received in time to make future predictions. Stepanova an
analysis to predict the time to the next purchase of a
Thomas5 found that the importance of application and
product. Ansell et allo considered the behaviour of clients of
behavioural data in predicting time to default varied
an insurance company. The aim was to characterize their
throughout the age of the loan. In the current study, we
behaviour to decide on the marketing strategy for the
find that the combination of application, purchase and
individuals. The approach was to segment the population
behavioural characteristics predicts time to second purchase
into defined groups and then explore the behaviour of these
well, with behavioural characteristics becoming most im-
segments. They found that generally the less sophisticated
portant over time. Our analysis has to be read with slight
and younger segments tended to come back reasonably caution since it is based on a limited period.
A noteworthy finding is that the difference between the
*Correspondence. G Andreeva, Credit Research Centre, University of
Edinburgh, 50 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9JY, UK. credit limit and the outstanding balance, therefore the
E-mail: [email protected] available credit to spend, has a major effect on the time until

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1042 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 56, No. 9

a second purchase. We also find that future defaulters are Our research strategy is to model the hazard function
less likely to make use of the card than non-defaulters. using predictor variables that are available at each sequential
The structure of the paper is as follows. The next section stage of a customer's behaviour. First, we consider as
presents the basic model. The following three sections predictor variables only information available to the lender
present the effects of introducing information sequentially at the time of application. Second, the predictor variables are
gained by a lender during and after the application process. those available at the time the customer makes a first
Then we consider differences between good and poor payers. purchase, and third the predictor variables are those
The subsequent section examines the predictive performance available after the first purchase has been made.
of the variables and the final section concludes. The proportional hazards model that we use can be
described as follows. Let T be the time until a customer

Basic model makes a second purchase. The hazard function can then be
defined as
One can consider the information available to predict a
P(t < T < t + Atl TT >t)
customer's behaviour as being revealed in a series of h(t) At
sequential stages. First, there is the application for credit,
which provides the application data. At this stage bureau
That is, it is the instantaneous potential fo
data may also be available. At the next stage, there is extra
second purchase-to occur in the next instant
information in terms of the nature of the purchase and the
that it has not previously occurred. The prop
type of agreement entered into. This provides further insight
approach assumes
into the potential behaviour of the customer. Finally, there is
the customer's behaviour after he/she has been granted the h(t) = eP'Xho(t)
credit. In this study, our interest is focused on furtherwhere P is a vector of parameters to be estim
purchases and primarily the second purchase. baseline hazard. As was shown by Cox (1972)
Each individual in the analysis applied for a storecard,
can be estimated without knowledge of h
was given the card and has made the first purchase. The which the event did not occur within the obs
customer may then, within the observed time, either make a censored and the parameters can only be
second purchase, or make no further purchases and/or
non-censored cases.
default. Both 'Second Purchase' and 'Default' can be well The data used relate to a store card that is used in three
defined. Our definition of default is '2 consecutive missed
European countries, but our analysis considers its use only in
payments'. Figure 1 displays the behaviour of five typicalBelgium. After data cleaning, 25792 observations were
customers. Customer A makes a purchase within the study available for analysis. All card holders in the sample had
period and then continues on potentially to make furthersuccessfully applied for a card within a 14-month period in
purchases. Customer B defaults and does not continue.the late 1990s. The observation period ranged from 12 to 25
Customer C does not make a further purchase within themonths after the month of first purchase. The behaviour of
study period. Customer D defaults but then makes repay-some cardholders was not observed for the full 25 months
ments and so can make a further purchase before the end ofbecause they defaulted or they were issued with a card
the study period. Customer E makes the second purchase between periods 2 and 14 or because they closed their
and defaults afterwards. The simplest model would be to account within the observation period. The composition of
consider time to the second purchase ignoring the impact of
the sample between those whose observed purchase beha-
default. In this formulation, there is a single form ofviour was censored and those for whom it was not is shown
censoring by time. in Table 1. The predictor variables available at each of the
three stages described above are shown in Table 2. Their
values/levels were coarse-classified according to similarity in

Customer A - Purchase -- pi, where pj denotes the probability that those cases within a
coarse category, j, make a second purchase, and were
Customer B I Default
transformed into binary dummy variables, see Thomas
Customer C et al." Model parameters were estimated using a randomly
selected training sample (18040 cases) and the predictive
Customer D ------+ Defau
performances of the estimated models were tested on the
Customer E 0- Purchase
remaining 7752 cases. -*

Time Initial stage

Time of the first End of Study
purchase The purpose of the analysis is to make predictions of
Figure 1 Time sequences. behaviour to help a lender make profitable strategic

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G Andreeva et a/-Modelling the purchase propensity 1043

Table 1 Sample used in the analysis status. The self-employed are less likely to purchase than
other groups and those working part-time are more likely
Performance Total 2nd purchase Censored % Censored
than others. One may say, however, that those renting and
Good 22 708 16 648 6060 26.69 those only recently at the address are more likely to purchase
Bad 3084 1634 1450 47.02
on the card. These might be explained in terms of the
Total 25792 18282 7510 29.12
individuals' financial context, that is, these customers can be
credit constrained.
The baseline survival curve in Figure 2 shows that 50% of
Table 2 Variables used the
in the have
customers analysis
made a second purchase within 7 months
and about 30% have not made a second purchase after 25
Application variables
Home telephone Time in employment months. These percentages will be affected by those
Residential status Type of business customers who have defaulted and those who have not been
(manufacturing, banking,
observed over the whole period.
catering, etc)
From a marketing view it would be helpful to know
Marital status Employer's phone
Occupation (full-time, part-time, Spouse age either of these two groups could be differentiated.
self-employed, etc) The former group is making use of the card; the latter might
Age Number of dependents be deemed non-users.
Time at address since 18 years old

Initial purchase variables

Product code Card insurance Immediately after purchase
Product price Credit insurance
Payment date Contract type After purchase, more information becomes available. This
information included the nature of the initial product, its
Credit behaviour variables price, the contract type, date of payment and whether the
Difference between the outstanding Delinquency status customer took out insurance on either the card or credit. The
balance and credit limit at period i at period i
result of fitting both application and purchase data together
Percent of outstanding balance
repaid at period i using a stepwise model is presented in Tables 3 and 4,
column 2. This model accounts for considerably more
variation than the previous model, see Table 5. The previous
decisions concerning the lender-customer relationship. A model accounted for an improvement of 99 in Log
warning should be given about a potential problem of the Likelihood (which measures the model fit) above the no-
consistency in decision-making over time. Since in credit covariate model, compared with 1078 for the current model.
scoring the analysis is based on historic data, the conditions It is notable that the variables previously included appear
at the time of model development may change by the time of again with only minor modification in the parameter
model application. This is part of a general problem, estimates. The main changes are the introduction of Age
discussed elsewhere.8,12 and Spouse's age, and the downgrading of Time at address.
At the initial stage, the only information available to make Obviously, these variables are often found to be collinear
predictions derives from the application variables and and this may be the effect seen here. Younger individuals are
potentially bureau data. The results of applying stepwise more likely not to make a second purchase as are those
proportional hazards using just the application data arewithout a spouse, and hence the effect of Time at address is
shown in Tables 3 and 4, column 1. Table 3 reports theseen.
parameter estimates obtained from fitting the model to the All the purchase variables enter the model. N
training sample. Table 4 indicates the corresponding hazard card insurance seems to be an indicator of a smaller
ratios. Since a stepwise variable selection procedure is used, likelihood of making a further purchase, whereas no cre
the table reports the variables that are significant at the 0.05 insurance implies a greater chance of purchase. Type
level. product bought also seems to affect the potential f
The results are similar to standard credit scoring results subsequent purchase with those buying computers less lik
with Marital status, Residency type, Employment status, than those buying phones to make the second purcha
Industrial sector and Time at address entering. TheThose who purchase relatively low cost items initially a
interpretation of the results seems unsurprising. Widows more likely to make a second purchase on the card. This
are more likely to make further purchases on the card than may be explained in terms of their need for credit. This
other marital groups; the hazard ratio for the Widowedreinforced when contract type is considered. Those usin
category is 1.118 (see Table 4, column 1), which means that budget plans are much more likely to make furthe
the hazard of making the second purchase is nearly 12% purchases on the card, than those with other contract typ
higher for widows than for other categories of MaritalThe payment date has an effect on the likely purchase w

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Table 3 Parameter estimates of propor

App + App + App + Purchase + From 2nd Purchas
Application + Purchase
Purchase + Purchase
ATS,=f ATS_ A + ATSt_
TSt-2 I + period-m
variables Goods
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Phone number given 0.264

One child 0.3
Widowed 0.111 0.118 0.135
Renting room, parents 0.086 0.079 0.086 0.104 0.119 0.114
Renting house/flat 0.104 0.084 0.096 0.081 0.137 0.161 0.142
Retired -0.078
Self-employed -0.226 -0.122 -0.102 -0.126 -0.133 -
Type of business-unknown 0.139 0.089 0.121
Type of business-21 0.188 0.115 0.082 0.109 0.147 0.117 0.077
Age: under 21 -0.129
Age: 22-27 0.069
No spouse -0.077 -0.069 -0.059 -0.
Time at address: 6 months 0.061 0.062 0.119 0.136 0.086 -
Time at address: 60 months-i year 0.104 0.052 0.105 0.045 0.151 0.166 0.116
Time on job: 1 year 0.062
Allowance 0.120 0.088 0.175 0.136
No card insurance -0.076 -0.078 -0.061 -0.107 -0.124 -0.083
No credit insurance 0.121 0.088 0.128 0.128 0.106
Pay date 01 -0.319 -0.314 -0.300 -0.328 -0
Pay date 08 0.169 0.137 0.158 0.334 0.328 0.1
Pay date 14,15 0.372 0.351 0.360 0.221 0.206 0.363
Product type-computers -0.118 -0.117 -0.217 -0.201
Product type-TV -0.061
Product type-householdl
Product type-household2
Product type-phones 0.056 0.047 0.055 0.073 0.090
Price = 0 0.280 0.149 0.589 0.483

10 000 < 10 000
Price < 16BEF 0.630
000 BEF 0.208
0.487 0.085 0.487 0.706
0.367 0.529 0.695
0.471 0.110 0
16 000 <Price < 20 000 BEF 0.328 0.224 0.316 0.274
20 000 < Price < 40 000 BEF 0.205 0.153 0.246 0.227 0.058
Contract type-budget 0.726 0.854 0.775 0.452 0.675 0.878
ATSt-,--over credit limit -1.095 -3.867 -4.607 -2.540 -1.107
ATSt_ 1 = 0 -0.235 0.574 0.624 1.223 -0.171 -0
ATS,_1 5000 -0.423 -0.318 -1.156 -0.451 -0.359 -

5000 < ATS,_ 1 < 10 000 -0.222 -0.315 -0.194 -0

10,000 < ATSt_1 < 20 000 -0.128 -0.1
ATSt_2-over credit limit 0.878
ATSt-2 =0 0.956
ATSt-2 < 5000 0.517
5000 < ATSt-2 - 10 000 0.142
One missed payment -4.855
Two missed payments -4.339

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Table 4 Hazard ratios of proportional hazard models wit

App + App + purch

App + App + Purchase
Application + purchase
purchase A TS, A TS,+I A
purchase + A
TS,_2 variables Go
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Phone number given 1.302

One child 1.3
Widowed 1.118 1.125 1.144
Renting room, parents 1.090 1.082 1.090 1.110 1.127 1.120
Renting house/flat 1.109 1.088 1.101 1.085 1.147 1.174 1.152
Retired 0.925
Part-time 1.111
Self-employed 0.798 0.885 0.903 0.881 0.876 0
Type of business-unknown 1.149 1.093 1.129
Type of business--21 1.206 1.122 1.086 1.115 1.158 1.124 1.080
Age: under 21 0.879
Age: 22--27 1.071
No spouse 0.926 0.934 0.942 0.8
Time at address: 6 months 1.063 1.063 1.126 1.146 1.090
Time at address: 6 months-1 year 1.110 1.054 1.111 1.046 1.163 1.181 1.123
Time on job: 1 year 1.064
Allowance 1.128 1.092 1.191 1.146
No card insurance 0.926 0.925 0.941 0.899 0.883 0.921
No credit insurance 1.129 1.092 1.136 1.136 1.111
Pay date 01 0.727 0.731 0.741 0.721 0
Pay date 08 1.184 1.146 1.171 1.397 1.389 1
Pay date 14,15 1.450 1.421 1.433 1.247 1.229 1.438
Product type-computers 0.888 0.890 0.805 0.818
Product type-TV 0.941
Product type-household I
Product type -household2
Product type-phones 1.058 1.048 1.057 1.076 1.094
Price = 0 1.324 1.161 1.802 1.621
Price < 10 000 BEF 1.878 1.231 1.628 2.026 2.003
10,000 <Price 16 000 BEF 1.627 1.089 1.444 1.697 1.602 1.116
16,000 <Price 20 000 BEF 1.388 1.251 1.372 1.315
20,000 <Price 40 000 BEF 1.227 1.166 1.279 1.255 1.059
Contract type-budget 2.068 2.349 2.171 1.571 1.963 2.406
ATS,_ --over credit limit 0.334 0.021 0.010 0.079 0.331
ATS, 1 = 0 0.790 1.775 1.867 3.399 0.842 0
ATSt_, 1 5000 0.655 0.727 0.315 0.637 0.699
5000 < ATS,_ < 10000 0.801 0.730 0.823 0
10,000 < ATStI ?<20 000 0.880 0.87
ATS,_2--over credit limit 2.406
ATS,_2= 0 2.601
ATSt-2 5000 1.677
5000 < ATSt-2 < 10000 1.153
1 missed payment 0.008
2 missed payments 0.013

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1046 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 56, No. 9


e 0.8

- 0.6



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I 15s 16 17I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 6

Figure 2 Baseline survival distribution function with 95% confidence intervals, application data.

Table 5 Log Likelihood statistics for models with different information levels

Model Log L df Log L difference

No covariates -120 280
Application -120181 9 99
Application + product -119 202 23 1078
Application + product + ATS at period 1 -118 904 23 1376
Application + product + ATS time-varying -117 999 20 2281

those later in the month more likelyis to

Age leaves
the and Time again.
card on job enters,
It along with
may be that payment date is relatedATS,
to=. the borrower's
As expected, own
the ATS,=f variables enter with those
salary date. with the highest difference between outstandings and credit
limit being the most likely to make the second purchase. The
least likely are those with a negative difference (their
Beyond first purchase outstanding balance is above their credit limit). Technically
if ATS is zero, no second purchase should have been
Amount to spend
possible. Yet the data contained such cases. It is possible that
The behaviour of the borrower after the card has been issued the lender applied a 'shadow' credit limit, which exceeded
is the last piece of information to become available. the variable labelled 'credit limit'. The latter may have been
Variables representing this behaviour vary with time and the value that the lender led the borrower to believe applied.
therefore there is a need to decide how they should be fitted While the ATS at application provides insight, it seems
into the model. The difference between the outstanding more likely that the individual will be influenced in second
balance and the credit limit, which we call 'Amount to (and future) purchases by their most recent ATS. Hence the
spend' (ATS), when the storecard is issued, represents the second model contemplated was to include the ATS for the
credit availability to the customer when he/she first takes out period preceding the second purchase into the model as a
the credit agreement. This will be known at the time of the time-varying variable, ATS,_I. The model to be estimated
first purchase, f. We denote this value of ATS as ATSt f. then took the following form:
The results when using this variable are presented in Tables 3
and 4, column 3. Again there is an improvement in Log
h(t) - ep'x + ho(t)
Likelihood by 1376 as compared to the no-covariate model
(Table 5). Variables similar to those entering the initial
model appear again although there are some slight where z is time-varying ATS and x is a vector of static
modifications in parameter estimates. The major difference application variables.

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G Andreeva et ai-Modelling the purchase propensity 1047

The results are presented in Tables 3 and 4, column 4. The dynamics. Therefore, additional information was included
improvement in Log Likelihood over the no-covariate model into the analysis. For each period of time, three more
is 2281, emphasizing the importance of recent ATS overvariables were added: an indicator of one missed payment,
initial ATS. Marital status and Credit insurance leave the
an indicator of two or more missed payments (our definition
model, and while other variables are affected by inclusion of
of default) and the percentage of the outstanding balance
ATS,_1, their coefficients change only slightly. that was repaid during the period preceding the purchase.
To check the character of ATS, the model was fitted withFigure 4 shows a slow decline in the impact of the
ATS two periods before the purchase, ATSt-2, andapplication
both score. This is expected since the information
ATS 1 and 2 periods before the purchase. Table 6 compares
becomes more historic. This highlights the difference
the Log Likelihood statistics for the model with ATS lagged
between this investigation and previous work on defaults
and not lagged, applied to the sample of cardholders onthat
fixed terms loans (see Stepanova and Thomass). The
make the second purchase, starting from period 3. behavioural aspects become of greater importance over time.
The inclusion of both lagged and current ATS results Percent
in a repaid becomes significant at period 4 but loses its
quite notable increase in the amount of variation accounted
significance temporarily at period 7. Delinquency status,
for, and both variables are significant (Tables 3 and
both 4,
1 and 2 periods, remains significant through all 10
column 5). This suggests that ATS cannot be used simply in Period 10 was the last period for which a model was
the model as a first-order markovian variable. estimated because the risk set became too small for
subsequent periods.
Investigating the dynamics of A TS The model with time-dependent behavioural variables w
fitted to the risk set of cardholders who make a second
The importance of behavioural variables in describing the
time to the second purchase called for closer investigation of
purchase at period 3 and beyond. The parameter estimates
and hazard ratios are shown in Tables 3 and 4, column 6. It
the dynamics of ATS. A dynamic model was developed,
where parameters were re-estimated for each period of time.5 is interesting to note that Percent repaid was not selected by
The model that was estimated can be written as the stepwise procedure. This reflects its unstable behaviour
in the dynamic model where it was initially not significant
hs(t) = eP'(s)x+Y(s)zt hs(t) and later became significant.

where s indicates the number of time periods elapsed since

the first purchase. Good versus Bad
Since the number of people falling into the category of
'No amount to spend' was rapidly decreasing with time, it Given the results of the last section, it is worth exploring
was decided to group this category with 'Over credit limit'. whether there is a difference between those who default
The results for the first 6 months are shown in Figure 3. The during the observation period after first purchase and those
same value of application score was included for each who do not. Figure 5 gives baseline survival curves for
period. Goods and Bads. Goods have a higher chance of making the
As can be seen from Figure 3 all groups, except the second purchase, as expected.
group 'No amount to spend', demonstrate a proportional The sample was split into those who did not default in the
effect at each time point. The 'No amount to spend' observation period after first purchase (Good) and those
group includes those individuals who are at or beyond who did default (Bad). The Bads were divided into Bads
their credit limit. The figure suggests this group is less after second purchase, 1213 cases, and Bads before second
likely to make the second purchase over time, which is as purchase, 422 cases (the lender did not close an account
expected. when two payments were missed). Separate models were
applied to each of the samples using application, purchase
and ATS variables. One should, however, treat the results
Incorporating additional behavioural information
with a degree of caution since, as usual, the number of
Starting from period 2, more behavioural information defaulters is low. This will affect the robustness of estimation
becomes available: delinquency status and repayment and of the significance tests of the variables. Since the groups

Table 6 Log Likelihood statistics for the ATS lagged and not lagged

Model Log L df Log L difference

No covariates -72778
Application + product + ATS time-varying 1 period before the purchase -71 590 23 1188
Application + product + ATS time-varying 2 periods before the purchase -71 678 24 1100
Application + product + ATS time-varying 1 and 2 periods before the purchase -71 183 22 1595

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1048 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 56, No. 9

001-10000 BE10,001-20000 BE


0i -e PLOT No amount to spend ----5000 BEF


I 2 3 ' I 6 7 8 9 10

PLOT " " " No amount to spend 1-5,000 BEF

5- ----5,001-10,000 BEF ' ' 10,001-20,000 BEF
Figure 3 Parameter estimates from dynamic model for amount to spend.


2 3 I
6 5 6
9 7 810
9 10

PLOT " Application score e--e Percent repaid

--- I missed payment Z+ 2+ missed payments
Figure 4 Parameter estimates from the dynamic model. Application score, delinquency, percent re

were small, the estimation was carried out using the to that previously seen. For Bads, however, th
and hold-out samples combined. models appear with the entry of whether a person h
phone 7-9.
The results are presented in Tables 3 and 4, columns for both categories of Bads, while Number of ch
There are differences between the models arising appears
from thefor those who default before purchase.
samples. As might be expected, the model for the Good is status, Industrial sector, Card and Credit

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G Andreeva et al-Modelling the purchase propensity 1049




.... .... ............ ..... . .. .... ..............




S 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1I 15 16 1I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 e6
Ti u(e

Bad ---.Good
Figure 5 Baseline survival distribution function for good/bad with 95% confidence intervals.

Table 7 Area under the ROC-curve for models with different information levels


Model 1 (7752) 2 (5725) 3 (5120) 4 (4688) 5 (4405) 6 (4167)

Application 0.553
Application + product 0.689
Application + product + ATS at period 1 0.715 0.652 0.626 0.608 0.596 0.586
Application + product + ATS time-varying 0.710 0.662 0.638 0.621 0.610 0.600
Application + product + all behavioural info time-varying 0.643 0.638 0.658 0.647 0.648
Dynamic model, ATS,_1 0.670 0.654 0.649 0.641 0.635
Dynamic model, all beh. variables 0.669 0.658 0.654 0.654 0.650

insurance do not appear in the models

4) were testedfor thesample
on a hold-out Bad sample.
from the full risk set.
Hence, there does seem to be clear dynamic models were tested between
on separate hold-out
Good and Bad, and such information samplesmay
be usefulto the periodin of time
creditthey were
control. It may suggest that spending pattern
developed for. be
Thus, the size of taken
hold-outs into
was shrinking with
account when assessing risk. time, and became too small for robust results after period 6.
Table 7 summarizes
Equally, there seems to be a difference between the results.the
The hold-out
models sample number
indicates and
for those who default before purchase the timewho
period, and the numberafter.
default in brackets gives
the size
Again a slight warning is applicable of the hold-out.
that those Thewho
table entries report the area
under the ROC
before second purchase will be expected to curve,
provides a measure
time of
classification accuracy,
to second purchase. This result emphasizes not dependent
that it would on any threshold
be or
inappropriate to treat the problem as one rate.'3 Itof
the to the Wilcoxon or Mann-
risks. Whitney or U statistic, which estimates the probability that a
ranking of a randomly selected bad account will be less than
or equal to a ranking of a randomly selected good account.14
Prediction The results in Table 7 indicate that at the period of the
first purchase, the best prediction is obtained by including
The predictive ability of some of the models was tested on the Amount to Spend available right after the purchase. This
hold-out samples. Models 1 to 4 (Tables 3 and 4, columns 1- may be helpful in identifying customers, who are going to

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1050 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 56, No. 9

make the second purchase immediately in the next period. The use of the card also indicates the likely behaviour of
As time progresses, behavioural information gives a lot of the individual. Defaulters who may be credit constrained are
additional predictive power. For example, the difference in less likely to use the card than non-defaulters. There seems to
the area under the ROC curve between each application, be differentiation between models for prediction for the
product and ATS model and, for the same time period, the Good and for the Bad, hence again indicating different
same variables plus behavioural information, increases as we behaviour. For the Bad, there are also differences between
consider future time periods. Thus for hold-out 2, the those who default before the second purchase and those who
difference between AUROC for the model including default after second purchase. Such differences may also
application, product and all behavioural variables and help in identifying patterns so that action can be taken to
AUROC for the model including application, product and protect the lender.
initial ATS is (0.643-0.652)= -0.009, which means that
adding behavioural variables at this stage does not improve
the prediction, but makes the model less parsimonious. Acknowledgements-GA is grateful to the University of Edinburgh
and Credit Research Centre for financial support during this work, and
Whereas for hold-out 6 the same difference is
to ESRC for dissemination funding (PTA-026-27-0216). We are
(0.648-0.586) =0.062, which means that a probability
grateful to the of
referees for their useful and constructive comments
on the
randomly selecting a good account with a higher orpaper.
ranking as compared to a randomly selected bad account,
has increased by 6.2%. The best results can be achieved by
incorporating all behavioural information dynamically. The
model with the largest area under the ROC curve for each
hold-out is identified in bold. Four out of five of these occur
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