Course Outline: Learning Outcomes

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Course Code: SEE2523 Electromagnetic Field Semester: 1

Theory Academic Session: 2011/2012
Total Contact Hours: 42 hours

Lecturer : Norazan Mohd Kassim

Room No. : P03-408
Telephone No. : 35309
E-mail : [email protected]

Synopsis : This course introduces students to some major views and theories in the area
of electrostatic, magnetostatic and electromagnetic fields. This elementary
electromagnetic field theory is summarized in Maxwell’s equations for static
and time varying fields in integral and differential forms, and also a time
domain analysis of wave propagation.

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

Taxonomies Assessment
No. Course Learning Outcome and Methods
Determine the electric and magnetic fields and
CO1 energies stored due to specified charge and PO1 C2 T, Q, F
current distributions.

Perform analysis of materials including the

C4, P4, A2,
CO2 boundary conditions, in the presence of PO3 T, Q, F
electric and magnetic fields.

Work with Maxwell’s equations in differential

and integral form for the solution of C3, P3, A2,
CO3 PO3 T, HW, F
appropriate problems involving static as well as CTPS1-3
time varying fields.

C3, P4, A2,

Solve problems relating to electromagnetic
CO4 PO3, PO8 CTPS1-3, T, HW, F
wave propagation in various types of medium.

(T – Test ; PR – Project ; Q – Quiz; HW – Homework ; Pr – Presentation; F – Final Exam)

Prepared by: Certified by: (Course Panel Head)

Name: Norazan Mohd Kassim Name:
Signature: Signature:
Date: 5 September 2011 Date:

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Course Code: SEE2523 Electromagnetic Field Semester: 1

Theory Academic Session: 2011/2012
Total Contact Hours: 42 hours


Teaching and Learning Activities Student Learning Time (hours)

1. Face-to-Face Learning
a. Lecturer-Centered Learning
i. Lecture 39
b. Student-Centered Learning (SCL)
i. Tutorial
ii. Student-centered learning activities – Active 3
Learning, Project Based Learning

2. Self-Directed Learning

a. Non-face-to-face learning or student-centered learning 28

(SCL) such as manual, assignment, module, e-Learning,
b. Revision 28
c. Assessment Preparations 16.5
3. Formal Assessment
a. Continuous Assessment 3
b. Final Exam 2.5
Total (SLT) 120


- Lecture, tutorial and class discussion.

- Individual Assignment, Written Test and Final Examination.

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Course Code: SEE2523 Electromagnetic Field Semester: 1

Theory Academic Session: 2011/2012
Total Contact Hours: 42 hours


Week 1 : Vector Analysis

Revision on vectors. Orthogonal coordinate systems.
Week 2 ~ 3 : Electrostatic Fields
Introduction to electric charge distribution. Application of Coulomb’s law to
determine electric field intensity for line charge, surface charge and volume
charge distributions.
Week 4 : Flux Density and Divergence Theorem
Introduction to electric flux density. Application of Gauss’s law to determine
electric field intensity for symmetric charge distributions. Introduction to
divergence concept and Divergence theorem.
Week 5 : Potential Difference and Energy Density
Introduction to the concept of potential difference and absolute potential.
Expose to the method to calculate energy storage in a field. Energy Exchange.
Gradient and Energy in a system of charges.


Week 6 : Electrostatic Field in a Medium

Introduction to the concept of current and Ohm’s law to determine resistance.
Observe the effect of conductor and dielectric materials under the influence of
electric field. Application of dielectric-dielectric boundary condition.
Introduction to capacitance concept.
Week 7 : Laplace and Poisson’s Equation
Introduction to uniqueness theorem. Solution of electrostatic problems using
Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations.
Week 8 : Mid-Semester Break
Week 9 : Magnetostatic Field
Application of Biot Savart’s law to determine magnetic field intensity for
arbitrary current distributions
Week 10 : Magnetostatic Field
Application of Ampere’s circuital law to determine magnetic field intensity for
symmetric current distributions. Curl concept and Stoke’s theorem. Magnetic
flux density.


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Course Code: SEE2523 Electromagnetic Field Semester: 1

Theory Academic Session: 2011/2012
Total Contact Hours: 42 hours

Week 11 : Magnetic Material and Influence

Magnetic force. Polarization. Effects of magnetization. Energy density. Energy
storage in a field
Week 12 : Electromagnetic Field
Faraday’s law and its applications in a case of static circuit time varying field,
moving circuit static field and moving circuit time varying field.
Week 13 : Electromagnetic Field
Application of Maxwell’s equation to explain displacement current density.
Applications of Maxwell’s equation in good dielectric and lossy dielectric


Week 14 : Wave propagation

Plane wave propagation in free space, lossy dielectric, lossless dielectric.
Week 15 : Wave propagation
Plane wave propagation in conductor. Application of Poynting vector.
Week 16-18 : Revision Week and Final Examination



1. Sadiku, M.N.O. 2007, Elements of Electromagnetic, 4th Edition, Oxford University Press.
2. Hayt, W.H. and Buck, J.A. 2005. Engineering Electromagnetics, 7th Edition, Mc Graw Hill.
3. Marshal, S.V. and Skitek, G.G. 1996, Electromagnetics Concepts and Application, 4th Edition,
Prentice Hall.
4. Ulaby F.T. 2007, Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, 5th Edition, Pearson Education.
5. Fatimah, Siti Zaleha, Rozeha and Abu Sahmah, 2005. Modul Pengajaran: Teori Medan Elektromagnet,
Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik

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Course Code: SEE2523 Electromagnetic Field Semester: 1

Theory Academic Session: 2011/2012
Total Contact Hours: 42 hours


Item Mark(%) No of test/quiz/assignment Duration

Assignments 20 5

Test 1 10 1 1 hour

Test 2 10 1 1 hour

Test 3 10 1 1 hour

Final Exam 50 1 2.5 hours

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