Mirhabibi v86 2017 Spi p550 558

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Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, Vol. 86, special edition, 2017, p.

550 - 558

Modeling and simulation of photovoltaic systems and responsive loads in

smart grid

Hamed MIRHABIBI1, Seyed Mehdi HAKIMI2,*

Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch,
Damavand, Iran, [email protected]
Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch,
Damavand, Iran
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

In this paper, the methods of forecasting output at different times and applications within the
smart grid photovoltaic system (PV) systems will be investigated method of calculations used in
this short amount of solar radiation to consider the reduction in average for a few hours to
compensate for power fluctuations and power reserve or battery operation and supply and
demand balance is forecast. In this paper, the Monte Carlo simulation is used to predict the long-
term average. Usually the use of the smart grid PV system problems and even load variation
problems within the system are accountable in this study, and surpassed Weather amount of
output power into a smart grid system used PV is the case in the field of innovation and new
research in this paper uses three software HOMER, GAMS and MATLAB simulation of
photovoltaic systems within a network smart look and accountability in the network will be
supplied by the PV system will be examined.

Keywords: PV, smart grid, load-responsive

1. Introduction
In recent years, photovoltaic (PV) modules have become an increasingly more popular
source of energy in both commercial and residential applications. This is partly a direct effect of
the increased government incentives (tax credits and renewable energy credits, etc.) as well as a
growing interest in diverting mankind's energy dependence on carbon fuels and other non-
sustainable sources. It can be expected that the popularity of solar power and other sustainable
sources of energy will continue to grow until the need for fossil fuels as a primary form of
energy is significantly reduced. However, despite the many advantages of harnessing the sun's
energy through the use of PVs, widespread deployment has been limited by economics in many
locations of the world. This is due to a number of factors including, but not limited to; high
upfront cost of installation, long payback period of the investment, inefficiencies of PV modules,

Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, Vol. 86, special edition, 2017, p. 550 - 558

and general lack of knowledge about the subject by the public. Currently, most photovoltaic
arrays are installed by general contractors with little or no knowledge of the nature of PV
cells/modules in operation and how they effectively generate power. These contractors often face
a strict limit on the area available for a PV installation. As a result, modules are often arranged in
a way that maximizes the density of modules per unit area rather than maximizing the efficiency
of the modules’ output. This area maximization will in many instances cause an increased
incidence of shading of many modules in the array. This can be due to many sources; local
obstructions on the building roof, adjacent buildings, natural obstructions such as trees, etc. [1].
The most common occurrence of shading from this maximization, however, on flat roof systems
is caused by modules being shaded by the module rows in front of them. Although it is known
that this shading causes significant efficiency loss, a direct transference of this knowledge to
design guidance has been inadequately reported in the scientific literature. This paper attempts to
elucidate how shading caused by subsequent rows of photovoltaic modules affects the efficiency
of modules and the entire array as a result. While shading impacts are minimal when the sun is
high in the sky, they become increasingly pronounced in the morning and evening, the latter
period of keen interest to those investigating grid optimization and Smart Grid as these hours
represent the peak demand period for many of the world’s electrical systems. Numerous in-situ I-
V tests were run by our research team at the Center for Sustainable Design in which a PV
module’s power output was measured under varying levels of horizontal row shading across the
lower cells of the module. Module power production was measured by systematically varying
resistance of the load on the module and recording the product of the voltage and current.
Sensors detecting and reporting insolation normal to the module and module temperature were
also employed for each run to help take into account other sources that may be responsible for
the changing power output. By expanding our understanding of the relationship between partial
shading and module efficiency, optimization of the balance between maximum module density
per area and minimum module shading can be achieved to maximize power output during peak
demand which will eventually become a significant value driver in Smart Grid applications of
PV. This knowledge can lead to the development of key Smart Grid guidelines for this important
renewable power source that will assure these typically intermittent resources have a greater
potential for availability during summer peaking utility’s peak demand periods. This data can be
used to optimize all the important design parameters with respect to inter row shading for grid-
connected, roof and ground mounted PV systems. Practical and feasible systems have tool for
become electric globally power accepted generation. As a Researchers' efforts for facilitating PV
systems utilization and their integration to currently available systems have been always inspired
by the national goal of having renewable and clean energy sources. These efforts successfully
solved many of the problems that are attached to PV systems [1]. Generally, PV systems are of
two types; grid-connected and stand-alone PV systems. Although grid-connected PV systems are
designed to operate in parallel with the utility network, grid-connected PV systems may feed
local loads independently from the utility grid in an islanded mode during outages. Moreover,
they may involve battery storage or other generating sources in order to increase the overall

Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, Vol. 86, special edition, 2017, p. 550 - 558

reliability of the system. On the other hand, stand-alone PV systems are designed to supply
power to certain loads independently from the utility Moreover, these PV systems can supply AC
loads but in this case an added DC-AC inversion has to be involved. Generally, there are three
types of stand-alone PV systems, PV-powered water pumping systems, Remote residential PV
systems and PV-powered lighting systems. One of the major problems of PV systems is that the
output voltage of PV panels is highly dependent on solar irradiance and ambient temperature.
Moreover, the voltage/power characteristics of PV arrays are nonlinear [2]. An algorithm has to
be implemented to track the maximum power point (MPP). Different algorithms have been
proposed in literature for maximum power point tracking [3],[4]. Hence, loads cannot be directly
connected to the output of PV panels. Different power electronic converters have to be used as
interfaces between the PV array and the loads. These converters are usually called power
conditioning units (PCU).
Smart grid structure
Microgrid used in this project is shown schematically in Figure 1. The micro-grid connected
upstream is in original condition and Fashion Island is also able to provide the required 80
percent of the time. The micro-grid to model the demand response program (DR) of variable load
is applied. The microgrid components include the following. in Figure 1 shown the microgrid

Fig 1: Smart grid structure

2. The main design criterion value

This criterion is, in fact, mean uncertainty of each project. This criterion is the most
important criterion is weighted more to this standard makes the plan less than the initial cost of
pollution or other designs better than other projects selected. It took more risks, and on the other
hand is a better design choice. After weighing the various designs of the different criteria to

Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, Vol. 86, special edition, 2017, p. 550 - 558

arrive at the optimal design of the layout is better. The idea is number 3. The proposals 1 and 2
of this project are better, but because of the use of all technology initiatives (3) is selected. Plans
relative to each other are worth as Figure 2.

Fig 2: Bar graph value projects to each other

This article includes a photovoltaic system, eight wind turbines, diesel generators power output
is 1000 and the converter. In this system, the ability to buy and sell electricity from the grid is
available, but the quantity is limited. Sure, you can view a different look to it that to do so at a
higher level, has developed a decision tree.

Fig 3: Study different designs based on three criteria to evaluate the indicators

The operation of the microgrid within 24 hours

The operation of the network has been designed using GAMS code. The program has a few
things to be considered. A non-linear operation for optimal target (nlp) is considered. This
program is not implemented in the unit commitment and the reason for this is that the programs
that are considered to be the unit commitment, to factors such as minimum when the units,
minimum stay off units, the cost of power units, The increase or decrease in production capacity
and ... be considered. In this design, these factors are not considered. However, adding these
constraints and binary variables can be solved minlp Imagine program.

Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, Vol. 86, special edition, 2017, p. 550 - 558

Wind turbine and photovoltaic units are considered as renewable sources. Due to low production
of these units, these resources as a source of control outputs have been considered. It can be used
to define the minimum and maximum production sources, such as generators operation. This
photovoltaic system will fail. LIMITATION sales network has been around 20% load Intended
load on the first day of summer is considered. The prices of electricity purchased from the grid
and sold to the network are placed in 3 groups. Note that unlike plan is in the HOMER software.
Because the purchase price and the sale of electricity and the price of electricity sold to the grid
defined separately rather than buying it. To solve the program, the program has been used nlp
using solver IPOPE. Note that by reducing the restrictions on the purchase and sale of the
network and the network to increase the range of the purchase of additional time provided by the
network. The resulting output of operation 24 hours a day on the pictures below are available.
Figure 4 shows a bar graph of time.

Fig 4: Bar graph load

Fig 5: Bar graph of output power PV

Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, Vol. 86, special edition, 2017, p. 550 - 558

Fig 6: Output power of the wind turbine

Fig 7: Output power of grid

Fig 7: Designed Micro-grid

Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, Vol. 86, special edition, 2017, p. 550 - 558

3. Result

Fig 8: Inverter output voltage of the solar cell

Note that when the frequency is above 60Hz, the second load began to grow, and with it goes
60Hz frequency level. Due to transient conditions and to limit the input power from the grid
frequency is 60Hz in the first seconds can not be fixed.figure 9 shows this matter.

Fig 9: Network frequency 5s

Frequency graph shows the frequency not to remain constant over time. In any case, note that the
fluctuation is ± 1Hz. These changes microgrid for low inertia and larger networks, these changes
are less. Another important point is that at that load to the network, the frequency falls and it at
times 2s and 4s happened. Figure 10 shows this matter.

Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, Vol. 86, special edition, 2017, p. 550 - 558

Fig 10: Frequency loss due to sudden load changes

Figure 11 related to speed synchronous generator, and the turbine is located. In fact, maximum
power output of the wind turbine is determined by the wind, but that is how much electrical
power output of wind turbines can be determined. This is done by setting speed asynchronous
generator. Note that the main producer and supplier in the micro-grid wind turbine is done by the

Fig 11: Speed synchronous generator ranged 5s

4. Conclusion
In this paper, the fluctuation is ± 1Hz. These changes microgrid for low inertia and a
larger network this change is less and microgrid goes to the island. Increased frequency means
that DGs, the network is considered as a burden and inject energy to the grid. With a network
outage, the microgrid taken time and frequency increase, followed by the electric generator
speed increases. The Times also consists of two parts: the main bar and the second time Second
time is the time that is sensitive to changes in the network. This time, in fact, balanced network.
Where production is greater than consumption, the load and to increase the voltage level setting.
Second and fourth times per second, a sudden increase in the load circuit through breakers and
connect it with the 2s and 4s breakers at a time is possible.

Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, Vol. 86, special edition, 2017, p. 550 - 558

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