Part V
Part V
Part V
Import and export of hazardous substances are approved by the DENR through the
EMB Central Office when all the requirements indicated below are met. The
import/export clearance shall be issued after the consent of the importing and exporting
countries have been received by the EMB. An import clearance shall have a validity of
six (6) months. Unless otherwise specified by the approval of the importing country, an
export clearance shall also have a validity of six (6) months.
(2) Requirements for exporters of hazardous waste or recyclable materials
containing hazardous substances
Chapter 8
Prohibited Acts and Penalties
In addition to the above common violations, the following shall apply to:
Waste generators:
a) failure to submit a completed copy of the Hazardous Waste PhP 50,000.00
Manifest Form to the DENR;
b) performs the functions of a TSD Facility without the PhP 50,000.00
appropriate TSD Facility Permit
Waste transporters:
a) conveys or transports hazardous wastes without the proper PhP 50,000.00
manifest forms;
b) conveys or transports hazardous wastes without the proper PhP 50,000.00
labels and placards
TSD Facilities:
a) accepts hazardous wastes without the proper manifest; PhP 50,000.00
b) stores, recycles, reprocesses, treats or disposes of hazardous PhP 50,000.00
wastes at a TSD facility without the appropriate TSD facility
c) failure to notify the DENR of the residuals generated as a PhP 10,000.00
consequence of its recycling, reprocessing or treatment
Chapter 9
The EMB Central Office shall serve as the oversight agency and shall resolve all cases
of non-compliance with transport manifest requirements and appropriate treatment and
disposal procedures.. It shall also monitor the importation/exportation of recyclable
materials containing hazardous substances in the country.
The EMB Regional Offices shall monitor the transport/movement of hazardous waste
based on submitted Waste Generator Registration Form, Transport Manifest, Quarterly
Report, TSD Annual Report, Certificate of Treatment and other document submitted by
Generators, Transporters and TSD facilities. The EMB Regional Offices shall also
conduct actual inspection of facilities.
The EMB Regional offices shall regulate the issuance of Transport Manifest and
monitor compliance thereof. The manifest shall only be issued to Generators after the
payment of the prescribed fees and submission of pertinent documents.
Chapter 10
Schedule of Fees
The following shall be prescribed fees for the various activities related to Republic Act
6969. In this regard, paragraph B of DENR Memorandum Circular No. 2000-12 is
hereby amended as follows;
As such the above fees shall be collected by the Authorized Collecting Officers of the
Environmental Management Bureau upon release of the registration