Beyond The Rim - Body Weight Jump Program PDF
Beyond The Rim - Body Weight Jump Program PDF
Beyond The Rim - Body Weight Jump Program PDF
5 6 10
THE SCIENCE: How To NUTRITION 101: Learn What To SUMMARY: How To Get The
Increase Your Vertical Jump Eat, What Not To Eat, and More Most Out Of This Program
How To Increase Your Vertical Jump
Learn What To Eat, What Not To Eat,
and More
How To Get The Most Out Of This
Your Training Starts Here!
Keep Going
Almost There
Finish Strong
12 16
How To Perform Each Exercise
Your Training Starts Here!
"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live."
by Nathanael Morton
ithin this vertical jump
training program, you will be
During this program, there exists
the possibility of abnormal blood
The author of this manual, the
contributors, and the distributors
performing body weight exercises pressure, increased heart rate, of this program accept no
that work the muscles of the legs, dizziness, fainting, joint, bone, or responsibility for any injury,
back, and core. Training intensity ligament damage, and in rare damage, or death due to training
and difficulty begin at a moderate cases, heart attack, stroke, or with this protocol. If any questions
to low level and increase to a death. remain, please contact a qualified
higher level throughout the expert prior to the start of this
program. You should undergo a complete vertical jump training program.
physical examination by a
If at any time during the program qualified physician prior to the If at any time during
you begin to experience signs of start of this program. You should the program you
excessive pain, fatigue, or inform the physician of the begin to experience
dizziness, you should stop the training protocol that you are
signs of excessive
training session immediately. It is about to begin, and ask to be
pain, fatigue, or
important for you to know that released to participate in this and
you may stop the program or any other training that you may be
dizziness, you should
refuse to perform any of the doing. stop the training
suggested exercises at any time. session immediately.
"Is it possible for me to increase my vertical jump without lifting weights?"
he question often
arises, "is it possible for me to
It is entirely possible to do
both of those things (increase
The 16 weeks is broken down
into 4-week phases. There are
increase my vertical jump your strength and increase four phases (Phase 1, Phase 2,
without lifting weights?" My your velocity) with body weight Phase 3, and Phase 4), each
answer, more often than not, training, in the comfort of your lasting one month long. During
is absolutely! own home, without the use of the month, each week has a
weights, a gym membership, series of specific
In order to increase your or a training facility. designed torecently
get youpublished
her first young
vertical jump, you need to do maximum amount of power,
adult novel, and
two things. You need to This program is set up to help strength, speed, and
in only a month,
increase your maximum you increase your strength and it has
explosiveness reached
needed tothe
New York Times
strength (increase the velocity through a series of increase your verticallist.
Bestsellers and
strength of your glutes, quads, strength training and dunk a basketball. Each week
hamstrings, calves, posterior plyometric exercises. By giving is harder, and has a greater
chain, lower back, and core), your best effort to every single number of sets, reps, and
and you need to increase exercise, you will put yourself intensity than the week before.
your velocity (increase the in a position to increase your By following through and
speed at which you can apply vertical as much as possible giving your absolute best
that strength (force) into the during these next 16 weeks. effort, you will see results
ground to get an equal and within the first week of
opposite reaction into the air). training.
By following
through and giving
your absolute best
effort, you will see
results within the
first week of
1 2 3
In order to increase your vertical The second thing you must do to Vertical Jump is nothing more than
jump, you essentially must increase your vertical jump is a test of power. The way that we
increase your strength so that you increase your speed of increase our power is by
can apply more force into the movement. We can accomplish increasing our maximum strength
ground and get an equal and this by doing specific explosive and our speed of movement. As I
opposite reaction into the air. The body weight exercises, jumps, just explained, this program will
more force that you can press into and plyometrics. This program is help you do both of those things.
the ground, the higher you will complete with the perfect What I need from you now, is
jump. Within this program you will number of sets, reps, and 100% effort and intensity with
be using body weight exercises exercises to increase your speed every single rep. You get in what
that will help you do exactly that. of movement as much as you put out. That's life. By giving
By completing this program, you possible, therefore increasing every ounce of your energy to
will increase the strength of your your vertical jump. every single rep, you will end this
legs, core, and lower back, training program bigger, stronger,
therefore increasing the height of faster, and more powerful than
your vertical jump. ever before.
“In order to increase your vertical jump, you
essentially must increase your strength so that
you can apply more force into the ground and
get an equal and opposite reaction into the air.”
"This program is complete with the perfect
number of sets, reps, and exercises to increase
your speed of movement as much as possible,
therefore increasing your vertical jump.."
"By giving every ounce of your energy to every
single rep, you will end this training program
bigger, stronger, faster, and more powerful than
ever before."
"What should I be eating to maximize my potential as an athlete?"
When it comes to
nutrition, there are
so many different
opinions and so
much contradicting
information out
there that it
becomes confusing
on where to even
hen it comes to nutrition, there is
so much contradicting information
and so many different opinions
Within this program, I will give you
this answer through a series of
practical and actionable principles
If you do happen to miss a day, do
not fear. Simply get back to the
plan and begin applying the
out there that it becomes and strategies that you can apply nutrition principles again the
confusing where to even start. to your nutrition plan right now. If following day. As the great Navy
From how much protein you you apply these principles to your Seal leader and commander Jocko
should be consuming daily, to nutrition plan, you will quickly Willink would say, "What do you
whether or not fats are good or become a bigger, stronger, faster, do when you diverge from the
bad for you, to which specific and more explosive athlete, and path? You get back on the path!"
foods you should be eating daily, your vertical jump will increase Plain and simple. Follow the plan
information is often misconstrued significantly more than if you do with the best of your ability. If you
and also very misguided, leaving not apply these principles and mess up, get back on the path as
you with a head full of knowledge strategies. quickly as possible.
but no clear direction to take.
I also want you to know that these "What do you do
The question that I am often principles and strategies must
asked, in a variety of different become habits, meaning that you
when you diverge
ways and from many different must follow them strictly and from the path?
angles, is, "what should I do to consistently every single day to You get back on the
maximize my potential as an maximize your results and get the path!"
athlete?" most out of your abilities.
should eat on page 9 of the Greek Yogurt
phone, or on a piece of paper program. Whole Wheat Pasta
throughout the day).
“ "If you don't eat according to your goals, don't expect to reach them."
"Proteins are the building blocks of muscle. If
you want to build muscle and get bigger, faster,
stronger, and more explosive, then you need to
be consuming enough protein.”
“Unsaturated fats include healthy nuts, oils,
avocado, peanut and almond butters, and
more. These are the fats that you want."
"Not all carbohydrates are created equally. In
order to maximize your performance, there are
certain carbohydrates that will give you the
greatest benefit and help you achieve your full
potential as an athlete."
Keep in mind: You do not have to buy every single one of these foods.
Just buy the foods that you are going to include in your nutrition plan.
Grass-fed Lean Ground Beef
"Water is the only drink
Ground Turkey for a wise man."
Tilapia Don't forget to get
your gallon.
Greek Yogurt
Cottage Cheese
Rolled Oats
FATS Yams & Sweet Potatoes
Brown Rice or Wild Rice
Almonds Whole Wheat Pasta
Almond Butter Quinoa
Walnuts All Fruits
Peanut Butter All Vegetables
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Chia Seeds
"Proper nutrition is the
Flax Seeds
key to unlocking your
Avacado bodies full potential."
How To Get The Most Out Of This Program
I cannot stress it enough; If you do not Eat fruits and vegetables. All of them.
If you are a beginner, then you should do take the time to properly rest and Fruits and veggies have extremely
these workouts two times per week, with recover, you will not see the results in important vitamins and minerals that
two days of rest in between (For example: your vertical jump that you are hoping your body needs to function at it's
highest peak. If you want to become a
Once on Monday, and then again on to. You need to train hard, but then
world-class Teigen
athlete, fruits and
Thursday) If you are more advanced, and you need to rest and recover just as recently published
vegetables must be a part of your
have participated in vertical jump training hard. The way that we do this is with her first young
novel, and
before, then you should do these workouts proper sleep and nutrition. You need
in only a month,
three times per week, with at least one day 7-8 hours of sleep per night, maybe it has reached the
of rest in between (For example: Monday, even more, to properly recover as NewSTOP
York Times
Wednesday, and Friday) much as possible from your training. Bestsellers list.
The catch here is: If you play your sport
(basketball, volleyball, football) more than I have personally been a victim of this
two times per week intensely, then you EAT 1 GRAM OF PROTEIN PER mistake. It was the summer in between
should only do these workouts two times POUND OF BODY WEIGHT my freshman and sophomore year of
per week, even if you are advanced. The high school. I wanted to take my game
reason why is because basketball, As stated in the nutrition section of to the next level, and figured that
volleyball, and football are already this program, proteins are the building increasing my vertical jump could help
plyometric exercises in and of themselves, blocks of muscle. In order to get me do that. I picked up a vertical jump
especially if you are playing 5 on 5 bigger, faster, stronger, and more training program, started training hard,
basketball and doing a lot of running. You explosive, and to properly recover and was able to dunk within the first
need to give your body time to rest and from intense workouts, you will need few months of the program! (Keep in
mind I was already close)
recover in order for you to build muscle and to consume 1 gram of protein per
But then, I made a critical mistake that I
increase your vertical jump. pound of body weight.
see all too many athletes do - I stopped
training my vertical jump. In my mind, I
thought that it was like riding a bike. As
soon as I could do it, I could do it
forever. I thought that as soon as I
Athletes need more water than the could dunk, I would be able to dunk
If you absolutely need to skip a workout, average human being. By drinking one forever. THIS IS NOT THE CASE. If you
then I would move the workout one day gallon per day, you can be sure to stay stop doing what you did to get the
after it was supposed to be completed (For hydrated, reach your goals, and realize results in the first place, you will lose
example: If you train Monday and cannot your full potential as an athlete. the results that you worked so hard for.
train on Thursday, then I would move your If you stop your training as soon as you
training to Friday, not Wednesday). If you EAT HEALTHY, UNSATURATED FATS see results, your vertical will go back
need to skip your workouts for a week Healthy fats do not make you fat. They down to where it originally was. You
(vacation, etc), then I would not worry do, however, help you reach your have to keep training, even after you
about it - Just come back to the training athletic goals. Walnuts, almonds, finish the program. When you are
and start where you left off. If you need to avacados, peanut butter and almond finished with this program, either start
stop training for two weeks or more, then I it over and do it again, or get another
butter, coconut oil, and seeds should
would start all over from the beginning. To more intense vertical jump training
become your best friend.
see the best results, do not skip workouts program. But please, do not stop.
at all.
On workout days, before you begin your workout, you should complete a proper warm up so that your muscles, body, and mind
are prepared and ready for an intense workout. You may do your own warm up, or you may click HERE for the warm up that I
personally use before a vertical jump training workout. 20-year-old
Marianne Teigen
recently published
Components of a proper warm up: her first young
1) Increase the body's core temperature 4) Stimulate nervous system adult novel, and
2) Increase blood flow to the muscles 5) Improve joint mobility and flexibility in only a month,
it has reached the
3) Increase heart rate 6) Decrease risk of injury
New York Times
Bestsellers list.
* You should do a dynamic warm up before your workout (running in place, jumping jacks, high knees, etc). This means that you
should warm up through movement. You should not warm up with static stretching (hamstring stretch, quad stretch, etc).
(Static stretching before your workout is not necessarily bad. Stretching and elongating the muscles can be good, but it should not
take place of a proper dynamic warm up)
Strengthening your core is extremely important while on the quest to increase your vertical jump. By strengthening your core, you can
expect an extra 1-2 inches on your vertical jump in addition to the gains that you see with the leg training. The muscles of your core
include your abs, your obliques, and your lower back. Some people even include the muscles of the upper back and chest as part of the
core. For this program, we will be focusing only on the abs, obliques, and lower back.
There are four phases of this program. Each phase gets harder than the last. The core training will also increase in difficulty as you move
throughout the program. Here is the core training for each phase:
Start HERE
When you are finished with a vertical jump workout (warm up, leg training, and core training) you should then perform static stretching
for the greatest amount of results. When it comes to increasing your vertical jump, there are only a few stretches that will really help
you jump higher. These stretches, to minimize the amount of time stretching and maximize the results, are the hip flexor stretch and the
calf stretch. After each workout, you should perform these two stretches for 60 seconds each leg, 3 times each (Example: Right calf for
60 seconds, then switch to the left calf for 60 seconds. Repeat this 3 times. Then move to the right hip flexor for 60 seconds, and then
the left. Repeat 3 times.) If you would like to do more stretching, then feel free. It will not inhibit your vertical jump - it can only help you.
Goals for Phase 1: Build Muscle Strength, Reactive Strength, Balance, Body Control, and Stability
These workouts should be done twice a week, not on consecutive days (Example: Once on Monday and then again on
The exercises to be performed are in the column furthest to the left. The sets, reps, and times should be read from top to
bottom (For example: On week 1, you will start with wall sits for 30 seconds. Then you will move20-year-old
to lunge holds for 30
Marianne Teigen
seconds each leg. You will continue down the list until you get to ski jumps for two sets of five reps each leg. You will do
recently published
this workout twice on week 1, and then proceed to week 2 using the increased sets, reps, and times).her first young
adult novel, and
in only
Be sure to test your vertical before you start. (Click HERE for a video on How To Test Your Vertical a month,
Jump At Home)
it has reached the
New York Times
Also, make sure to do your warm up, core training, and static stretching to maximize your results!
Bestsellers list.
Start HERE
Lunge Hold 30 Seconds Each Leg 60 Seconds Each Leg 90 Seconds Each Leg 120 Seconds Each Leg
Split Leg Lunge Jumps 2x5 Each Leg 2x10 Each Leg 3x5 Each Leg 3x10 Each Leg
Ski Jumps 2x5 Each Leg 2x10 Each Leg 3x5 3x10 Each Leg
Keep Going!
The major improvements come in phases 2, 3, and 4, but you should have definitely increased your vertical within this first
Strength Training + Plyometrics Marianne Teigen
recently published
her first young
Goals for Phase 2: Build Muscle Strength, Reactive Strength, Rate of Force Development, Balance, Body
adult Control,
novel, and and
Stability in only a month,
it has reached the
New York Times
Also, make sure to do your warm up, core training, and static stretching to maximize your results!
Bestsellers list.
Bulgarian Split Squats 2x10 Each Leg 2x15 Each Leg 3x10 Each Leg 3x15 Each Leg
Dynamic Step Ups 2x10 Each Leg 2x15 Each Leg 3x10 Each Leg 3x15 Each Leg
Alternating Lunges 2x10 Each Leg 2x15 Each Leg 3x10 Each Leg 3x15 Each Leg
1-Leg Ankle Jumps 2x25 Each Leg 2x50 Each Leg 3x25 Each Leg 3x50 Each Leg
1-Leg Line Jumps 2x25 Each Leg 2x50 Each Leg 3x25 Each Leg 3x50 Each Leg
Almost There!
Test your vertical!
You should be seeing major results at this point. Keep working hard and pushing yourself to the limits.
Strength Training + Plyometrics
Marianne Teigen
recently published
Goals for Phase 3: Build Muscle Strength, Reactive Strength, Rate of Force Development, Balance,herBody
first Control,
young and
adult novel, and
Stability in only a month,
it has reached the
New York Times
Also, make sure to do your warm up, core training, and static stretching to maximize your results!
Bestsellers list.
Explosive Bulgarian Split Squats 2x10 Each Leg 2x15 Each Leg 3x10 Each Leg 3x15 Each Leg
Explosive Step Ups 2x10 Each Leg 2x15 Each Leg 3x10 Each Leg 3x15 Each Leg
Alternating Lunges 2x15 Each Leg 2x20 Each Leg 3x15 Each Leg 3x20 Each Leg
1-Leg Line Jumps 2x50 Each Leg 2x75 Each Leg 3x50 Each Leg 3x75 Each Leg
High Object Touches 2x5 Each Leg; 2x5 2x10 Each Leg; 3x5 Each Leg; 3x10 Each Leg;
Both Legs 2x10 Both Legs 3x5 Both Legs 3x10 Both Legs
This last phase is the phase that will sky rocket your vertical jump the most. Give 100% intensity to every single rep.
Strength Training + Plyometrics Marianne Teigen
recently published
Goals for Phase 3: Build Muscle Strength, Reactive Strength, Rate of Force Development, Balance,herBody
first Control,
young and
adult novel, and
Stability in only a month,
it has reached the
New York Times
Also, make sure to do your warm up, core training, and static stretching to maximize your results!
Bestsellers list.
Explosive Bulgarian Split Squats 2x15 Each Leg 2x20 Each Leg 3x15 Each Leg 3x20 Each Leg
Explosive Step Ups 2x15 Each Leg 2x20 Each Leg 3x15 Each Leg 3x20 Each Leg
Alternating Lunges 2x20 Each Leg 3x15 Each Leg 3x20 Each Leg 4x15 Each Leg
1-Leg Squat Onto Chair 2x5 Each Leg 2x10 Each Leg 3x5 Each Leg 3x10 Each Leg
High Object Touches 2x10 Each Leg; 3x5 Each Leg; 3x10 Each Leg; 4x5 Each Leg;
2x10 Both Legs 3x5 Both Legs 3x10 Both Legs 4x5 Both Legs
How To Perform Each Exercise
Marianne Teigen
recently published
her first young
adult novel, and
Wall Sits Lunge Hold
in only a month,
it has reached the
New York Times
Bestsellers list.
Marianne Teigen
recently published
her first young
adult novel, and
Line Jumps Line Jumps
in only a month,
it has reached the
New York Times
Bestsellers list.
Marianne Teigen
recently published
her first young
adult novel, and
Squat Jumps Ski Jumps
in only a month,
it has reached the
New York Times
Bestsellers list.
Marianne Teigen
recently published
her first young
adult novel, and
Dynamic Step Ups Dynamic Step Ups
in only a month,
it has reached the
New York Times
Bestsellers list.
Marianne Teigen
recently published
her first young
adult novel, and
Body Weight Squats Body Weight Squats
in only a month,
it has reached the
New York Times
Bestsellers list.
Marianne Teigen
recently published
her first young
adult novel, and
Broad Jumps Broad Jumps
in only a month,
it has reached the
New York Times
Bestsellers list.
Marianne Teigen
recently published
her first young
adult novel, and
Explosive Step Ups Explosive Step Ups
in only a month,
it has reached the
New York Times
Bestsellers list.
Lateral Jumps (Over Small Object) Lateral Jumps (Over Small Object)
Marianne Teigen
recently published
her first young
adult novel, and
Kneeling Jump to Tuck Jump Kneeling Jump to Tuck Jump
in only a month,
it has reached the
New York Times
Bestsellers list.
Marianne Teigen
recently published
her first young
adult novel, and
1-Leg Squat Onto Chair 1-Leg Squat Onto Chair
in only a month,
it has reached the
New York Times
Bestsellers list.
Congratulations! If you have finished the program, I can promise you
that you are part of the 5% of people who actually invest in a fitness
program and follow it all the way through to completion. You should
be extremely proud of yourself!
Now that you have finished the program, you should have seen
tremendous results from the training. You may be thinking to
yourself, "what's next?"
If you send me a video of you dunking (or showing your increase from
the program), I will send you my next program for free. All that you
have to do is create a video using your phone or camera, tell me about
the results that you got from this program, and the next program is
Either way, I thank you for investing in yourself and in this program!
Congratulations on the action that you have taken. Please feel free to
reach out to me at any time. I would love to connect and hear about
your results!