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Journal of Business & Economics Research – August, 2010 Volume 8, Number 8

Project Financing Versus Corporate

Financing Under Asymmetric Information
Anton Miglo, University of Bridgeport, USA


In recent years, financing through the creation of an independent project company or financing by
non-recourse debt has become an important part of corporate decisions. Shah and Thakor (JET,
1987) argue that project financing can be optimal when asymmetric information exists between
firms’ insiders and market participants. In contrast to that paper, we provide an asymmetric
information argument for project financing without relying on corporate taxes, costly information
production or an assumption that firms have the same means of return. In addition, the model
generates new predictions regarding asset securitization.

Keywords: asymmetric information, non-recourse debt, project financing, asset securitization


E xisting literature studies the effect of asymmetric information on many aspects of debt financing, including
debt maturity and seniority, collateral, liquidation rights, convertible debt, income bonds and sinking funds. 1
Less is known about the effect of asymmetric information on firms' incentives to issue non-recourse debt.
The intention of this paper is to shed new light on this issue.

Project financing (non-recourse debt) differs from corporate financing in two ways: 1) the creditors do not
have a claim on the profit from other projects if the project fails, while corporate financing gives this right to the
investors and 2) it typically has priority on the cash flows from the project over any corporate claims. In recent years,
financing through the creation of an independent project company, or financing by non-recourse debt, has become an
important part of corporate financing decisions. For example, Esty (2003, 2004) reports that total project-financed
investments have grown from less than $10 billion per year in the late 1980s to more than $100 billion per year in
2001-2003. Within the United States, firms financed $68 billion in capital expenditures through project companies in
2001, approximately twice the amount raised in initial public offerings (IPOs) or invested by venture capital firms.

Existing literature suggests several explanations for project financing. Most of this literature is based on
agency or moral hazard problems. 2 This literature usually assumes that a firm's insiders and investors have the same
information at the beginning of the project. However, Flyvbjerg, Holm and Buhl (2002) found that the costs of most
large infrastructure projects are underestimated. The authors argue that project initiators almost always provide
misinformation. This suggests that there exists asymmetric information between insiders and outsiders. Similar
conclusions can be found in Mao (1982), Merrow, McDonnell and Arguden (1988) and Miller and Lessard (2000).
Also, the free cash flow and underinvestment problem arguments usually predict that project financing enhances
performance. Some authors show that large projects often fail and argue that this is not consistent with "pure" agency
explanations (see, among others, Flyvbjerg, et al (2002) and Vilanova (2006)). Recent examples include EuroDisney
and Eurotunnel which appeared to be structured to mitigate agency problems. Many other large projects have
experienced financial distress (Iridium, Globalstar, Passific Crossing Cables, etc.).3

See, for example, Allen and Gale (1992), Bester (1987), Diamond (1991a,b), Flannery (1986), Houston and Verkamataran (1994),
Kim (1990), Stein (1992), Wu (1993) and a review by Allen and Winton (1995).
Kensinger and Martin (1988), Esty (2003, 2004), Finnerty (1996), Grinblatt and Titman (2003), Chemmanur and John (1996),
John and John (1991).
For additional evidence on project financing see, for example, Finnerty (1996).
Journal of Business & Economics Research – August, 2010 Volume 8, Number 8

The present paper is based on asymmetric information between insiders and market participants. The extent
to which the asymmetric information approach can be used to analyze project financing depends on many factors
which are responsible for risk and uncertainty. These include technology transparency, availability of licensing
documents and other contracts, etc. In some industries, such as power generation, technological risks are relatively
small (Chen, Kinsinger and Martin, 1989). However, large projects have many other aspects of risk, including political
risk, regulatory risk, country risk, etc. It is noteworthy to mention, for instance, Calpine Corporation (power company)
which was recently reorganized under Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code (this project is described in Esty, 2001).
While a risky or uncertain environment does not represent per se a sufficient condition for asymmetric information, it
definitely increases the probability of this situation and its potential extent. Flyvbjerg, et al (2002) suggest a number of
policy applications including legislative and adminstrative control that can reduce asymmetric information problems.
However, these options are not always available or efficient.

In Myers and Majluf's (1984) pecking-order theory, the underinvestment problem occurs because of
asymmetric information about the value of both assets-in-place and the investment project. The authors provide an
intuition that the underinvestment problem can be resolved by a spin-off project company. However, in this setting, a
potential spin-off cannot resolve the adverse selection problem or the underpricing problem that arises in the pooling
equilibrium. In the present paper, we focus not on the underinvestment problem (investments are always efficient in
our model), but on the adverse selection problem, the resulting misvaluation of firms, and the existence of equilibria
resolving or mitigating this problem. Esty (2004) noticed that Myers and Majluf's (1984) insight cannot explain the
nature of project financing or financing by non-recourse debt as compared, for instance, with standard senior debt
which would have the same effect on the underinvestment problem.

Shah and Thakor (1987) analyze optimal financing in the presence of corporate taxation. In their
model,projects have the same mean of return, the owners have private information about risk and investors may
acquire (costly) information about the parameters of firms' risks. If the benefits from information production are
relatively high, project financing is optimal because the cost of screening a separately incorporated project is low.
Alternatively, project financing can result in higher leverage and provide greater tax benefits. This is because, under
corporate financing, leverage is below the optimal level. In the absence of bankruptcy costs, the first-best financing
method is "pure" debt. However, firms reduce leverage in order to provide a credible signal about risk.

Note that in many cases, projects are located in different states or countries, they are very long term, the
corporate tax rates and their dynamics may differ across the projects, and the uncertainty surrounding the real tax
advantage of project financing is large. For example, recently the Venezuelan government increased the corporate tax
rate from 34 to 50%. In addition, it introduced a new oil tax. All this seriously affected the value of claims issued for
the Petrozuata project (Esty, 1998). The present paper does not rely on tax considerations, transaction costs or an
assumption that firms have the same mean of return. In contrast to Myers and Majluf (1984) and Shah and Thakor
(1987), the firm has two projects available and must choose optimal financing for both of them. 4 Projects'
performances are not necessarily positively correlated and the extent of asymmetry regarding different projects can be
different. Among the reasons for this, note the following: projects can belong to different industries, projects can be
managed by different management teams, and projects can have different geographical locations, including different
countries, etc. We analyze the effect of different informational structures on firms' financing decisions.

When high-profit firms have larger expected cash flows for both projects than low-profit firms, a separating
equilibrium does not exist; low-profit firms always mimic high-profit firms. However, when the extent of asymmetric
information regarding firms' total values is relatively small and that regarding the profile of performance across the
projects is relatively large, this equilibrium may exist. 5 The following explains the main ideas behind the separating
equilibrium. First, it is well known that in a separating equilibrium, each financing strategy is chosen by the worst
possible type of firm for that strategy (from the investor's viewpoint). 6 Otherwise, the firm will be mimicked by other

This idea is related to literature with multidimensional signalling (see, for example, Chen (1997), Gertner, Gibbons and Sharfstein
(1988), Grinblatt and Hwang (1989), Miglo (2007)).
In Miglo and Zenkevich (2006) and Miglo (2007) the order of different types of firms may change over time but not across the
Brennan and Kraus (1987).
Journal of Business & Economics Research – August, 2010 Volume 8, Number 8

firms which will benefit from the overvaluation of issued securities. The value of corporate claims depends on the
firm's total value and not on the profile of performance across the projects and the value of non-recourse debt relies on
the expected performance of the project. If a firm with a high overall value issues corporate debt, it will be mimicked
because of the high value of this claim. However, if this firm issues non-recourse debt to finance the project with lower
expected performance than that of other types of firms, and if the amount of investment in this project is sufficiently
large, a separating equilibrium may exist. The adverse selection effect in valuing non-recourse debt may be larger than
that of corporate claims issued for other projects. This may prevent firms with low overall values from mimicking. We
also analyze the pooling equilibrium. We show that pooling with corporate debt minimizes mispricing if the
asymmetry of information is uniformly distributed across the projects. However, if one of the projects contains less
asymmetry than another, the pooling equilibrium that minimizes mispricing may be issuing non-recourse debt for this

The model's results are consistent with some important phenomena surrounding non-recourse debt, such as
the high leverage in project financing and the high risk of projects financed by non-recourse debt. In addition, the
paper generates some new predictions regarding the link between the structure of asymmetric information between
firms' insiders and market participants and the choice between corporate debt and non-recourse debt. For example, we
argue that 1) financing by non-recourse debt is more probable when the extent of asymmetric information regarding
firms' total values is small enough and performance profiles across the projects is large enough, 2) the quality of firms
issuing at least one claim without recourse is higher than that of firms issuing only corporate claims, and 3) when the
asymmetry regarding firms values is large, then issuing corporate claims is more probable if the asymmetry is
uniformly distributed across the projects; and non-recourse debt must be issued if the asymmetry is not uniformly
distributed. We discuss different strategies for testing these predictions. We also discuss the opportunities to apply the
results to debtor-in-pocession claims and asset-backed securities.


Consider a firm with two investment projects available indexed by i = 1,2 . In project i an amount ki
must be invested. Each project can be either successful or unsuccessful. There are two types of firms: for type g
firms the probability of success for project i equals  gi and for firm b it is  bi . The cash flow of type x = g , b
from project i is denoted by c xi . In the case of success cxi = 1 , otherwise cxi = 0 . Total expected cash flow for
type x over both projects is then vx =  x1   x 2 . We assume the  's are restricted to the interval k ,1, which
implies that each project has a positive net present value. Let  x be the probability that cx1 =  and cx 2 = 
and  x be the probability that cx1  cx 2 =  . We have:  11
x   x =  x1 x 2 ,  x =  x1 (1   x 2 ) ,
2 10

 x01 = (1   x1 ) x 2 ,  1x =  10
x  x
and  x00   x0 = (1   x1 )(1   x 2 ) . We assume that the total cash flow of
type g first-order dominates that of type b:

 g2 > b2 (1)

 g0 < b0 (2)

(1) and (2) obviously imply that the total value of firm g is higher than firm b:

vg > vb (3)

The firm's profit is observable and verifiable. There exists universal risk-neutrality and perfect competition
among investors. This implies zero market profit and risk-neutral valuation for any security issued. The firm's type is

Journal of Business & Economics Research – August, 2010 Volume 8, Number 8

revealed to the entrepreneur in period 0 while financing and investments take place in period 1 . The firm's initial
capital structure is 100% equity (which all belongs to the entrepreneur). Throughout this article, we use the concept
of Perfect-Bayesian equilibria. We also use minimal mispricing criterion to refine the equilibrium when multiple
pooling equilibriums exist. The usage of this criterion in a game without repetition where the informed party moves
first is quite common in existing literature. 7

Financing Strategies

For each project firm x = g , b may issue debt with recourse (denote this strategy by d ) and debt without
recourse ( n ).

Strategy d . The firm raises standard corporate debt (with recourse) totaling k1  k2 . The face value of debt
is denoted by F dd . If cx1 = cx 2 = 1 , the creditors are paid in full. If cx1 = 0 and cx 2 = 1 or when cx1 = 1 and
cx 2 = 0 , two situations are possible. If F dd < 1 the creditors are paid in full. Otherwise they get 1 .8

Strategy dn . For the first project the firm issues debt with recourse with face value F1dn and for the second
project the firm issues non-recourse debt with face value F2 . If cx1 = 1 the creditors are paid in full. If cx1 = 0
and cx 2 = 1 two situations are possible. If 1  F2dn  F1dn the creditors of project 1 are paid in full. Otherwise they
get 1 F2dn . The second project creditors are paid in full if cx 2 = 1 and get nothing otherwise. The firm can also
use strategy nd . This is similar to dn except that in this case non-recourse debt will be used for the first project.

Strategy nn . For the first project the firm issues non-recourse debt with face value F1nn and for the second
project the firm issues non-recourse debt with face value F2 . If cxi = 1 the creditors of project i are paid in full.
Otherwise they get nothing.

While we have chosen standard debt with recourse to model corporate financing, the model' results can also
be interpreted in terms of other forms of corporate financing (equity for instance). The first project under strategy dn
can be seen as the parent company (financed totally by equity) and the second project is one financed by non-recourse
debt. All major features of project financing and corporate financing (in terms of payoffs under different scenarios)
remain the same as in the model. Strategy dd can be seen as one project being financed by non-recourse debt and the
parent company is financed by non-secure corporate debt (such as the case when the parent company defaults but the
project company is successful, the creditors of the parent company have no recourse to profits from the second

Signalling with Different Kinds of Debt

LetVstj be the expected payoff to the entrepreneur of type s if the strategy j, j {dd , dn, nd , nn} is
played and the type is perceived by the market as type t , s, t {g , b} . A separating equilibrium is a situation where

See, for instance, Myers and Majluf (1984) or Nachman and Noe (1994).
Since both projects are financed by standard corporate debt there is no need to distinguish between creditors whose funds are used
for financing project 1 or project 2. The payoff to the creditors only depends on the firm's total performance and not on the
performance of a particular project. This can be interpreted as all creditors having claims with the same seniority. An alternative
way of modelling this strategy is to assume that the projects are financed by different creditors which have different priority. We
omitted this possibility for brevity given that the seniority issue is not the focus of the paper and it does not affect the main results.
Journal of Business & Economics Research – August, 2010 Volume 8, Number 8

type g plays strategy j1 , type b plays strategy j2 and no type has an incentive to mimic the other type:

Vgb2  Vgg1
j j

Vbg1  Vbb2
j j

Vstj function is crucial. The value of Vstj depends on the

Thus, it is clear that the analysis of the
performance of type s and the prices of issued securities. Denote the prices of securities issued by type x under
symmetric information with a subscript x . For instance, Fx1 denotes the face value of non-recourse debt for the
first project when strategy nn is played. Consider strategy dd . We have: if 1 < Ft dd , then

Vstdd =  s2 (2  Ft dd ) (6)

and otherwise

Vstdd =  s2 (2  Ft dd )   s1 (1  Ft dd ) (7)

Let us turn to strategy dn . If 1  Ft1dn  Ft dn

2 and 1  Ft1dn then

Vstdn =  s2 (2  Ft1dn  Ft dn
2 ) (8)

If 1  Ft1dn  Ft dn dn
2 and 1 > Ft1 then

Vstdn =  s2 (2  Ft1dn  Ft dn
2 )   s (1  Ft1 )
10 dn

and if 1 > Ft1dn  Ft dn


Vstdn =  s2 (2  Ft1dn  Ft dn
2 )   s (1  Ft1 )   s (1  Ft1  Ft 2 )
10 dn 01 dn dn

For strategy nn we get the following.

Vstnn =  s1 (1  Ft1nn )   s 2 (1  Ft nn
2 ) (11)

The following lemma determines the prices of issued securities under symmetric information that are
necessary for the analysis of the Vstj function.

Lemma 1: If information is symmetric then, for type x = g , b :

Journal of Business & Economics Research – August, 2010 Volume 8, Number 8

 k1  k 2   1x
 , k1  k 2  1   x0
Fxdd = 
x 2
 1  k02 ,
k1  k 2 < 1   x0
 1   x
 k1 k1 k
 ,  2 1
1 x 0
1   x  x2
1 =  (13)
k  ( x 2  k 2 )(1   x1 ) k1 k
 1 ,  2 >1
  x1 1   x  x2

2  Fx 2 = k1/ x1
Fxdn nn

2 = k 2 / x 2
Fxnn (15)

(Proofs of all lemmas and propositions are omitted for brevity and are avilable upon request). Also note that
F x1 and Fxnd2 are omitted for brevity - their formulas mirror those for Fxdn2 and Fxdn
1 respectively by substituting
the parameters of the second project with those of the first one and vice versa).

As one can see from Lemma 1 the values of different securities depend in different ways on the firm's
expected performance in each period. Since each type performs differently in each project the value of securities
issued by different types are different. To avoid mimicking, firms will issue securities which have a lower value for
investors than if they were issued by the other type. In this sense the following remarks about Lemma 1 are useful.

From (14) and (15) the non-recourse debt face value is positively linked to the amount of financing and
negatively related to the expected performance of the project for which the debt is issued. If corporate debt is used for
both projects, the payoff to the debtholders depends only on the total earnings c1  c2 and thus the value of debt
depends only on the probabilities attributed ot the firm's total earnings (equ. (12)). If strategy dn or nd is used the
value of debt with recourse relies on the cross-probabilities of default in both projects or that of success in both

It follows from Lemma 1 and the definition of Vstj that Vssj =  k1   k 2  k1  k2 ,

j {dd , dn, nd , nn} , s {b, g} . The right side shows the expected payoff of type s under symmetric
information: it equals the total expected cash flow minus the costs of investment which is not surprising in this
Modigliani-Miller environment. This can be proven by substituting the prices of securities under symmetric
information into the expressions for Vstj .

Lemma 2: If  g1  b1 and  g 2  b 2 a separating equilibrium does not exist.

It follows from Lemma 2 and Corollary 1 that if one type has higher performance in both periods than the
other, a separating equilibrium does not exist: the type with higher value will always be mimicked. Thus, we consider
the case where type b has higher profitability in one of the projects. Without loss of generality we assume:

 g1 > b1; g 2 < b 2 (16)

Proposition 1: A separating equilibrium where g plays dd does not exist.

Journal of Business & Economics Research – August, 2010 Volume 8, Number 8

Proposition 1 is based on Lemma 1 and (1) and (2). An explanation for this result is as follows. Since the
corporate debt represents a monotone claim on the firm's total cash flow and since the total cash flow of type g
first-order dominates that of type b , a separating equilibrium is impossible (Brennan and Kraus, 1987).
From (16) type g appears to have a "lemon" advantage with regard to the second project: lower profits in
this project mean that this type of firm can capitalize on the adverse selection problem. On the other hand, in the first
project, the "lemon" advantage belongs to type b . Generally speaking, for g to separate from b , g must issue
claims with a value which depends heavily on the second-project expected performance where g is weak. When
asymmetric information regarding firms' total values is large, a separating equilibrium does not exist: the type with a
low value mimics that with a high value. When asymmetric information regarding firms' total values is relatively low
and that regarding the earnings profiles is relatively high, a separation may exist. In this case the types can be separated
by issuing claims on the cash flow without cross pledging (at least for one project).

Proposition 2: A separating equilibrium where g plays nd does not exist.

Proposition 2 is based on Lemma 1. An explanation for this result is as follows. Since the price of corporate
debt depends on the value of the firm, and not just second-project-performance, g cannot benefit from its " lemon"
advantage in the second project. Moreover, g will lose in the first project because of b 's " lemon" advantage.

b1 
Proposition 3: A separating equilibrium where g plays nn exists if and only if k1 (1  )  k 2 ( b 2  1) .
 g1 g2

Consider the interpretation of Proposition 3. From (16)  g 2 < b 2 and  g1 > b1 . Thus the condition
b1 
k1 (1  )  k 2 ( b 2  1) holds if: 1)  b 2 is sufficiently greater than  g 2 and k 2 is sufficiently large and/or 2)
 g1 g2
when  b1 is sufficiently close to  g1 and k1 is sufficiently small. It assures that an adverse selection problem
concerning the second project (large amount of investments and uncertainty about the project's performance) where
type g has "lemon" advantage is more important than that concerning the first project. This makes mimicking type
g unattractive to type b .

Now consider the separating equilibrium where g plays dn . The intuition here is similar to that of
Proposition 2.

Proposition 4: A separating equilibrium where g plays dn exists if one of the following holds: 1)
k1 k 1  b0  k1 k
 2 1 and k1 (1  )  k 2 ( b 2  1) ; 2)  2 >1 and
1 g g2
1 g 0
g2 1 g g2

b1 b1 (b 2 g1   g 2   g 2 g1 ) b 2 g1  b1 (b 2 g1   g 2   g 2 g1 )

k1 (1  )  k2 (  1)  .
 g1  g1 g 2  g1

1  b0  k1 k
The interpretation of condition k1 (1  )  k 2 ( b 2  1) is as follows. If  2  1 then
1 g 0
g2 1   x  x2

1 > Fgdn1  Fgdn2 (see the proof of Lemma 1). Thus 1   g0 shows the probability of solvency for type g . Also from

Journal of Business & Economics Research – August, 2010 Volume 8, Number 8

 b 2 1  b0
(16)  g 2 < b 2 and from (2) 1   g0 > 1  b0 . Thus the condition 2 <  holds if b2 is
 g 2 1   g0
sufficiently greater than g2 and/or when 1  b0 is sufficiently close to 1   g0 and/or k1 is sufficiently small.
This means that a separating equilibrium exists when the asymmetry regarding the firm's credit rating (probability of
default in both projects) is sufficiently small while the asymmetry regarding the project (assets), for which the firm
issues non-recourse debt, is large and/or when the amount of investment in project 2 (financed by a non-recourse debt)
is sufficiently greater than that in project 1. The spirit of second part of Proposition 4 is similar. The asymmetry
regarding the first project and the amount of investment in that project must be sufficiently low in order for a
separating equilibrium to exist. This is because type b has "lemon" advantage in the first project.

Additional insights can be discovered if one consider the casek1 = k2  k . In this case the extent of
asymmetric information regarding different projects can be easily compared using  . Let rx =  x1/ x 2 . This ratio
can be used to compare the profiles of project profitability. From (16) we have

rg > rb (17)
The greater the difference between the firms' rx , the greater the difference between firms' profitability
profiles across the projects. The firm's performance can be described by a pair ( v x , rx ) . The probabilities of success
in each project are then:

vx rx v
 x1 = ; x 2 = x (18)
1  rx 1  rx

For our purposes it is suitable to present a set of exogenous parameters describing the model as
(vg , rg , vb , rb , k ) .

Corollary 1: If rg = rb a separating equilibrium does not exist.

Corollary 1 follows immediately from Lemma 2. It means that if firms have the same proflies of performance
accross the projects and differ only in their total values a separating equilibrium does not exist.

Consider the interpretation of Proposition 3. Two ideas underline the analysis below. First when the
difference between firms' total values is large enough a separating equilibrium does not exist because the type with a
low total value will mimic the high value type. Secondly, a large difference in the firms' rates of earnings growth
contributes to the existence of a separating equilibrium by making it possible for g to design debt claims which will
not be mimicked by b . To see this let us rewrite the condition in Proposition 3 as follows:

vb (1  rg )(rg  rb )
2 (19)
vg (1  rb )rg

Corollary 2: A separating equilibrium exists if and only if the following holds: 1) v g is sufficiently small (other
parameters being equal); 2) vb is sufficiently large; 3) rg is sufficiently large; 4) rb is sufficiently small.

Corollary 2 follows directly from (19) by analyzing the partial derivatives of left side.

Journal of Business & Economics Research – August, 2010 Volume 8, Number 8

Figure 1 illustrates Propositions 3 and 4 and Corollary 1 and 2. Here v g = 1.6 , rg = 1.5 ,  g1 = 0.96 ,
 g 2 = 0.64 k1 = k2 = 0.2 . The figure shows the values of rb and vb for which separating equilibriums
may exist. In the space below both thick lines ( A ) both separating equilibria (one where g plays nn and one
where g plays dn ) exist. In B only the separating equilibrium where g plays dn exists. Note that for any
value of vb a separating equilibrium exists if rb is low enough and for any rb a separating equilibrium exists if vb
is high enough. In other words a separating equilibrium exists if asymmetric information about rate of earnings growth
is more important than that concerning the firms' total values. Also note that a separating equilibrium does not exist
when rb = rg = 1.5 for any value of vb as was discussed previously.

Projects’ spread ratio

for low-quality firm, rb

1.5 ( v g ; rg )


0.5 A

1.0 1.6

The value of low-quality firm, vb

Figure 1: Separating Equilibria with Non-recourse Debt

Pooling Equilibria

LetVsj be the expected payoff to the entrepreneur of type s if strategy j, j {dd , dn, nd , nn} is
played and the market perceives the type as g with probability  and respectively as type b with probability
1   . A pooling equilibrium is a situation where both types play strategy j1 , off-equilibrium beliefs about
observing strategy j2 are that the type is g with probability  ( j2 ) and for each type i  b, g

Vi2( j )  Vi1
j j

Journal of Business & Economics Research – August, 2010 Volume 8, Number 8

Consider the Vsj function. Denote the prices of securities when the proportion of type g firms is  with
a subscript  . For instance, Fnn1 denotes the face value of non-recourse debt for the first project when the
equilibrium is pooling with nn . Note that the case when  = 1 corresponds to the symmetric information prices for
type g from the previous section and  = 0 corresponds to the symmetric information prices for type b .
Consider strategy dd . If 1 < F , then

 =  s (2  F )
Vsdd 2 dd

and otherwise

 =  s (2  F )   s (1  F )
Vsdd 2 dd 1 dd

Let us turn to strategy dn . If 1 < Fdn1  Fdn2 and 1 < Fdn1 then

 =  s (2  F1  F 2 )
Vsdn 2 dn dn

If 1 < Fdn1  Fdn2 and 1 > Fdn1 then

 =  s (2  F1  F 2 )   s (1  F1 )
Vsdn 2 dn dn 10 dn

and If 1 > Fdn1  Fdn2

 =  s (2  F1  F 2 )   s (1  F1 )   s (1  F1  F 2 )

Vsdn 2 dn dn 10 dn 01 dn dn

For strategy nn we get the following.

 =  s1 (1  F1 )   s 2 (1  F 2 )
Vsnn nn nn

The following lemma determines the prices of issued securities that are necessary for the analysis of the Vsj
function. The bar will mean the average value of the parameter. For example, 1 =  g1  (1   )b1 ,
 0 =  g0  (1   ) b0 .

Lemma 4:

 k1  k 2   1
 , k1  k 2  1   0
  2
Fdd = (27)
 1  k2 ,
k1  k 2 < 1   0
 1   0

Journal of Business & Economics Research – August, 2010 Volume 8, Number 8

 k1  k 2 k1  k 2 k2
 ,  <1
 1   0
1  0 2
Fdn1 =  (28)
 k1    k 2 (1  1 ) , k1  k 2
 1
 1 1  0 2

Fdn2  Fnn2 = k2 / 2 (29)

Fnn1 = k1/1 (30)

As one can see, Lemma 1 and Lemma 4 have a lot in common.

From (29) and (30) the face value of non-recourse debt is positively linked to the amount of financing and
negatively related to the expected performance of the project. The value of debt with recourse also relies on the
cross-probabilities of default in both projects or that of success in both projects.

From Lemma 1 any claim issued by type g has a higher value than those issued by type b . Therefore, in a
pooling equilibrium type g is underpriced. Thus, we will look for a pooling equilibrium which minimizes
k1  k 2 k1 k1  k 2 k2
mispricing for type g . Let us consider the case k1  k2 < 1   0 ,  < 1 and  < 1.
1  0 1 1  0 2

Other cases are omitted for brevity. They do not change the main results (the proof is available upon

 g1  g 2 (1   b 2 )
Proposition 5: Pooling with dd minimizes mispricing if and only if < and
 b1  b 2 (1   g 2 )
 g 2  g1 (1   b1 )
< .
 b 2  b1 (1   g1 )

An explanation for this result is as follows. Since the price of corporate debt depends on the firm's overall
performance, and not just the performance in one project (as in the price of non-recourse debt), it does not make sense
to issue non-recourse debt if asymmetry is uniform: corporate debt will better. This is the case when the values of
 g1/b1 and  g 2 /b 2 are close. However, if the amount of asymmetry in one project is smaller than that regarding
the second proejct, issuing non-recourse debt for this project is beneficial. In the extreme case, when private
information is one-dimensional, the equilibrium is pooling where the project with known profitability is financed by
non-recourse debt and the second proejct is financed by corporate debt: by pledging earnings from the project with
known profitability the firm mimimizes adverse selection problems in financing the second project.

Figure 2 illustrates Proposition 5. Here  = 0.5 , b 2 = 0.5 ,  g 2 = 0.64 and k1 = k2 = 0.2 . The
figure shows the values of  b1 and  g1 for which a pooling equilibrium with corporate debt minimizes mispricing:
this is the space between thick lines ( B ). In this space the extent of asymmetry concerning the first project (  g1/ b1 )

Also we have verified that off-equilibrium beliefs survive Cho and Kreps' (1987) intuitive criterion.
Journal of Business & Economics Research – August, 2010 Volume 8, Number 8

is sufficiently close to that in the second project (  g 2 / b 2 ). In spaces A and C a pooling equilibrium where at
least one project is financed by non-recourse debt minimizes mispricing.


The analysis in this paper reveals some insights about how different structures of asymmetric information
(regarding firms' earnings potentials) between insiders and market participants affects firms' incentives to issue
non-recourse debt versus standard debt with recourse.

Quality of project 1
for high-quality firm

 g1

0.64 ( b 2 ; g 2 )

0.5 B

0 0.5

Quality of project 1 for

low-quality firm,  b1
Figure 2: Pooling Equilibria with Corporate Debt/Non-recourse Debt

1. If the extent of asymmetric information regarding firms' total values is small enough (compared to the extent
of asymmetric information regarding performance profiles across the projects) a separating equilibrium may
exist. Financing both projects with standard debt with recourse will never allow the good type to signal its
quality. However, a separating equilibrium may exist where the good type issues non-recourse debt (for at
least one project). Proposition 4 describes separating equilibria with the most frequently observed financial
structure involving project financing: one project (parent company) is financed by corporate claims and one
project is financed by non-recourse debt. As follows from Proposition 4, the existence of this equilibrium is
probable when the amount of investment financed by non-recourse debt is sufficiently large with regard to
corporate investment. The results of Proposition 3 are similar. Also, as follows from Propositions 3 and 4, the
uncertainty regarding the performance of projects financed by non-recourse debt is greater than that of
projects financed by corporate debt. While a complete test of the separating equilibria and implications of
these equilibria must be based on identifying firms with low asymmetry regarding total firm value and high
asymmetry regarding performance profiles across the projects there exists some evidence consistent with the
Journal of Business & Economics Research – August, 2010 Volume 8, Number 8

spirit of the above predictions. Brealey, Cooper and Habib (1996), Esty (2003, 2004), McGuinty (1981), and
Nevitt (1979) argue that non-recourse debt is typically used for financing large, capital-intensive, projects
and that the leverage ratio of project companies is typically larger than that of parent companies. Also, this is
consistent with the evidence that project financing is usually used for financing risky projects (see for
instance: Esty (2002, 2004), Flybjerg et al. (2003), McGuinty (1981), Merrow et al. (1988), Miller and
Lezard (2000), and Nevitt (1979)).
2. Since, in a separating equilibrium, non-recourse debt is issued by the good type (while the financing policy of
the bad type is irrelevant) this equilibrium implies that the quality of firms issuing at least one claim without
recourse is higher than that of firms issuing only corporate claims. The same prediction can be found in John
and John (1991). There also exists literature that analyzes debtor-in-pocession financing (DIP) which has a
lot in common with project financing. For example, Dahiya, John, Puri and Ramirez (2003) show that firms
which emerge from bankruptcy and which use DIP financing have higher quality than firms which do not use
DIP financing.
3. Several empirical predictions which have not been tested in existing literature follow from Propositions 3, 4
and 5. The model predicts that: 1) if the extent of asymmetric information regarding firms' total values is high
enough, a separating equilibrium does not exist, and 2) if the asymmetry is uniformly distributed across the
projects, the pooling equilibrium which minimizes mispricing for the good type is one where both types issue
corporate debt for both projects. However, if the asymmetry is not uniformly distributed, the equilibrium
which minimizes mispricing is one where both types issue non-recourse debt for at least one project. This is
implied by Proposition 5. If, on the other hand, the degree of asymmetric information is uniform across the
projects then there is no need for project financing.

The existence of separating equilibria and the issuance of non-recourse debt should more frequently be
observed when asymmetric information regarding the profile of earnings across the projects is larger than that
regarding the total cash flows (Corollary 2). Possible tests of this prediction will be based on the following. One can
use the spread in analysts' valuations of firms' shares as a proxy for the extent of asymmetric information regarding the
firms' total values. Also, firms investing in different industries or in different countries can be seen as ones with a high
degree of asymmetric information regarding the profile of earnings across the projects. The same holds for firms
manipulating earnings since earnings management can often be seen as a redistribution of earnings (between periods
and projects) rather than accounting fraud (small effect on the extent of asymmetric information regarding firms' total

Note that Schipper and Smith (1983) found that 72 out of 93 firms in their sample of spin-offs involved parent
companies and subsidiaries with different industry membership (cross-industry spin-offs). Strategy nn and dn can
be interpreted as involving a spin-off because they contain financing by non-recourse debt and the creation of an
independent company respectively. Thus, Schipper and Smith's (1983) results are consistent with the spirit of the
present paper (points (1) and (3)). In addition to point (2) note Daley, Mehrotra and Sivakumar (1997). They found
that value creation occurs in cross-industry spin-offs due to the parent company "taking out the trash" by separating
poor performing units. This is consistent with our separating equilibria where a firm with high overall expected
performance creates a stand alone company for at least one of the projects and this project has high risk.

The results of the paper can also be applied to asset-backed securities (ABS). Suppose that the firm can issue
ABS to finance the first project. If the project fails then the creditors (or the holders of ABS) do not have any legal rights
of recourse to the assets of the firm. In addition, there is a bankruptcy remoteness condition. If the parent company
fails it cannot use the assets of the project company. Therefore, formally this debt is analogous to the case of
non-recourse debt issued for both projects in the model. ABS are now used by many corporations as a financing
method. The standard explanation in existing literature is that these securities exist primarily for regulatory reasons
(for instance, banks were trying to avoid minimal capital requirements). However, recent empirical literature
(Calomaris and Mason, 2004) argues that securitization seems to be motivated more by reasons related to efficient

Journal of Business & Economics Research – August, 2010 Volume 8, Number 8


This paper has analyzed the choice between project financing (with non-recourse debt) and corporate
financing in situations where corporate insiders have private information about the qualities of their firms' investment
projects. The paper explains how asymmetric information can affect firms' financing policies. The model's results are
consistent with some important phenomena surrounding non-recourse debt, such as the high leverage in project
financing and the high risk of projects financed by non-recourse debt. Also, the model predicts that financing by
non-recourse debt is more probable when the extent of asymmetric information regarding firms' total values is small
enough and performance profiles across the projects is large enough; the quality of firms issuing at least one claim
without recourse is higher than that of firms issuing only corporate claims; when the asymmetry regarding firms
values is large, then issuing corporate claims is more probable if the asymmetry is uniformly distributed across the
projects; and non-recourse debt must be issued if the asymmetry is not uniformly distributed.


I would like to thank R. Preston McAfee, Konstantin Ribakov, Harinder Singh, Haluk Ünal, Laurent
Vilanova and the participants of the 2005 CEA, the 2005 WEAI, the 2007 EFMA and the 2007 FMA annual meetings
for the helpful discussions and comments. I also appreciate the editing assistance of Peter Huffman.


Anton Miglo was born in Saint-Petersburg, Russia in 1970. He graduted from Saint-Petersburg State University in
1992. Anton defended his doctoral degree in economics in 1997 and continued his studies in North America
aferwards. He obtained his Ph. D with excellence in financial economics from the University of Quebec in Montreal.
During his studies he was awarded a prestigous scholarship from the Canadian Council of Social Science Research. In
2004 he was hired as a Lecturer (became Assistant professor in 2005) by the department of economics in the
University of Guelph. In 2009 Anton Miglo was hired as an Associate Professor of economics and finance by the
School of Business at the University of Brigeport in Connecticut. He is the author of 13 academic publications,
including articles in The Journal of Economics (Springer), Manchester School (Wiley-Blackwell) and Quarterly
Journal of Economics and Finance (Elsevier), two book chapters and numerous conference proceedings. His area of
expertise includes the economics of contracts and information and corporate finance.


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