Sherab Gyaltsen: Samanta Bhadra Source of All Buddhas and The Great Bliss
Sherab Gyaltsen: Samanta Bhadra Source of All Buddhas and The Great Bliss
Sherab Gyaltsen: Samanta Bhadra Source of All Buddhas and The Great Bliss
ཨ་ཨཱོཾ་ཧཱུཾ། ཨཱ་ཨ་དཀར་སལེ་འོད་ཨ་ཡང་ཨཱོཾ་འདུ།
AH represents the primordial Buddha, the changeless Essence, the Void. A The second short A represents the ceaseless clarity. KAR means the purification of
negative emotions, the two obscurations, and all karmas. SA-LE means beyond all limitations of words and concepts. WOD literally means light, but its
significance here means beyond conceptual obscurations and grasping mind. A represents Buddha mind, the omni-consciousness that perceives all instantly.
YANG normally represents the air element, but in this case it is associated with the wisdom prana—that which activates wisdom within oneself and removes
obscurations. OM represents the Five Buddha Families, the Five Wisdoms, and the Five Embodiments. DU essentializes everything into oneness, the tigle
nagchig, or single sphere.
Though the meaning can be broken down syllable by syllable, one should understand that the ultimate meaning of the mantra is the essence of one’s own
mind. The particular benefit of the mantra is to remove obstacles of meditation and develop clarity of the view. It is known as the mantra of the dharmakaya
or Samantabhadra, or the mantra that develops the view. It is the essence of the actual deity Samantabhadra, so as you recite it you become more closely
identified with this deity and all of his perfected qualities. When you recite the mantra, visualize that you transform yourself into Samantabhadra, Kuzang
Gyalwa Dupa, or Shenla Odkar, who are all manifestations of pure Buddha mind. You should visualize that you are the umdze, or chant master, leading all
sentient beings in reciting this mantra, and in this way benefiting not only yourself, but all beings.
This essence mantra embodies the energy of Lord Tönpa Shenrap Miwoché and Sherap Chamma, the Wise Loving Mother as well as Buddha’s six
enlightened manifestation in each of the Six Realms: hell, hungry ghosts, animal, human, demi-gods, and god.
Du Tri Su is a powerful mantra for healing and the transformation of suffering. It strengthens our vital energy and clears obstacles in our
own life and in the lives of others.
Through the practice of Ma Tri we clear the suffering of the six realms and transform the afflictions of ignorance, anger-hatred, desire-
attachment, jealousy, envy, and pride into wisdom.
The practice of Sa Le Od is the meditation on the nature of the mind. It helps us to reconnect with this pure nature and abide in non-dual
During these two days of teaching and practice, Tempa Lama will offer teachings, instructions on the practice of the Three Heart Mantras, and
guide us through the practice of each mantra.
Посвящение заслуг
Тогда великий Учитель бон задумался и, сочтя ее слова справедливыми, предложил ей на выбор
три варианта своих действий. Если три года он, обладая одной унцией золота, будет практиковать
ритуал пу, а потом метнет особое устройство — сор, которым может быть любой предмет,
заряженный в ходе ритуальной медитации сконцентрированной энергией мага, — то весь Тибет
будет стерт с лица земли. Если же, обладая половиной унции золота, он будет три месяца
практиковать ритуал кюнг, а затем метнет сор соответствующей конструкции, то будет уничтожен
только район Ярлунга, а также царь Трисонг Дэуцэн со всей своей свитой. Можно также, имея
лишь одну десятую унции золота, ровно неделю практиковать ритуал туб, и тогда убит будет
только царь.