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Biotechnology and its Principle

46.Which of these is used as vector in gene therapy for SCID ?

(a) Arbovirus (b) Rotavirus (c) Entrovirus (d) Retrovirus
47. DNA element with ability to change positions is called
(a) Cistron (b) Transposon (c) Intron (d) Recon
48. Molecular scissors, which cut DNA at specific site is
(a) Pectinase (b) Polymerase (c) Restriction endonuclease (d) Ligase
49. Genetically engineered bacteria are being employed for production of
(a) Thyroxin (b) Human insulin (c) Cortisol (d) Epinerphrine
50. Which one is regarded as a molecular scissor in biotechnology ?
(a) Reverse transcriptase (b) Restriction endonuclease (c) Taq polymerase (d) Topoisomerase
51. Human insulin is being commercially produced from a transgenetic species of
(a) Escherichia coli (b) Mycobacterium (c) Rhizobium (d) Saccharomyces
52. The linking of antibiotic resistance gene with the plasmid vector became possible with
(a) DNA ligase (b) Endonuclease (c) DNA polymerase (d) Exonuclease
53. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?
(a) Central dogma — Condon (b) Okazaki fragments — Splicing
(c) RNA polymerase — RNA primer (d) Restriction enzyme — Genetic engineering
54. Out of the following which is genetically engineered anti-viral protein ?
(a) Humulin (b) Interferon (c) Fumagilin (d) Griseofulvin
55. A drug obtained through genetic engineering and useful for treating infertillity is
(a) Calcitonin (b) Chorionic gonadotropin (c) Interlukin (d) Tissue plasminogen activators

56. Which of the following is obtained from genetic engineering ?

(a) Haemoglobin (b) Glucose (c) Golden rice (d) None of these

57. Which of the following is used in genetic engineering ?

(a) Plastid (b) Plasmid (c) Mitochondria (d) ER

58. Which of the following is used as a best genetic vector in plants ?

(a) Bacilius thuringensis (b) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (c) Psedomonas putida (d) None of the above

59. Transfer of any gene into a completelydifferent organisms can be done through

(a) Genetic engineering (b) Tissue culture (c) Transformation (d) None of these

60. A cybrid is hybrid carrying

(a) Genomes and cytoplasm of two different plants (b) Cytoplasm of two different

(c) Cytoplasm of two different plants but genome of one plants (d) Genomes of two different plants

61. Who disscovered recomninant DNA (r DNA) technoligy

(a) Har Gobind Khurana (b) James D Watson (c) Stanley Cohen and Herber Boyer (d) Walter Sutton and Avery
62. Study the following column and choose the correct option.

Column I Column II
(a) Synthetic seeds 1 Anther culture
(b) Gene cloning 2 Interspecific hybridsation
(c) Haploid plants 3 Polymerase chain reaction
(d) Transgenic plants 4 Recombination DNA technology
5 Somatic embryogeneis

(a) 5 3 1 4
(b) 1 2 5 3
(c) 4 1 3 2
(d) 2 5 1 4
63. What is the source of the Ti (Tumour inducing) plasmid which modified and used as a cloning vector to deliver the
desirable genes into plant cells ?

(a) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (b) Thermophilus aquaticus (c) Pyrococcus furiosus (d) Aedes aegypti

64.Hirudin is :
(a) A protein produced by Hordeum vulgare, which is rich in lysine
(b) A toxic molecule isolated from Gossypium hirsutum,
(c) A protein produced from transgenic Brassica napus which prevents blood clotting
(d) An antibiotic produced by a genetically engineered bacterium, Escherichia coli
65. Main objective of production/use of herbicide resistant GM crop is to :
(a) Encourage eco-friendly herbicides (b) Eliminate weeds from the field without the use of herbicides
(c) Reduce herbicide accumulation in food for health safety(d) Eliminate weeds from the field without the use of manual labour
66. DNA or RNA segment tageed with a radioactive molecule is called :
(a) Vector (b) Probe (c) Clone (d) Plasmid
67. Stirred-tank bioreactors have been designed for :

(a) Ensuring anaerobic conditions in the culture vessel (b) Availability of oxygen throught the process

(c) Addition of preservatives to the product (d) Purification of the product

68.Microbes found to be very useful in genetic engeneering are

(a) Esherichia coli and Agrobacterium tumefaciens (b) Vibrio cholerae and a tailed bacteriaphage
(c) Diplococcus sp. and Psedomanas sp. (d) Crown gall bacterium and Caenorhabditis elegans

69. Restriction endonuclease cuts

(a) One strand of DNA ata specific site (b) Both strand of DNA (c) Both strand of DNA at any site (d) Single strand of RNA
70. In protoplasm fusion, which chemical is used

(a) DMSO (b) Liquid N2 (c) Pectinase (d) PEG

71. The specific DNA sequence where EcoRI cuts is

72. The enzyme which is used to combine two fragments of DNA is
(1) DNA ligase
(2) Molecular glue
(3) Alkaline phosphatase
(4) Both (1) & (2)
73. Several bacteriophages are being used as cloning vectors but most commonly used is/are
(1) Lambda phage vector
(2) M13 phage vector
(3) Both (1) & (2)
(4) BAC vector
74. If desired gene segment is inserted at Sal I site in pBR-322, the resulting plasmid will confer resistance to
(1) Tetracycline (2) Ampicillin
(3) Kanamycin (4) -Glactosidase
75. Identify the vectors used in human genome project
a. pBR-322 b. -phage
c. BAC d. Phagmid
e. Pst I f. Sma I
g. YAC
(1) a, b, c, d & e (2) a, b, c & g
(3) c & g (4) a, c, d & g
76. Tumor inducing plasmid transforms
(1) Bacteria (2) Nematodes
(3) Monocot plants (4) Dicot plants
77. Characteristics of vector include all, except
(1) Presence of ‘ori’
(2) Presence of antibiotic resistance gene as selectable marker
(3) Multiple cloning site
(4) Large size
78. When the foreign DNA is inserted in the coding sequence of -galactosidase in pUC-19. It leads to
(1) Insertional inactivation
(2) Transformation
(3) Transfection
(4) Gene gun

79. Which is incorrect for a successful PCR?

(1) Nanogram of DNA template
(2) Thermostable taq polymerase
(3) Primer with complimentarity to the 5 ends of template DNA
(4) Deoxyribonucleotides
80. The ability to transform animal cells is found in
(1) Retrovirus (2) SV-40
(3) Papilloma virus (4) All of these
81. The best option for carrying large fragment of foreign DNA into host cell can be
(1) pBR322 (2) Cosmid
(3) BAC (4) Phagmid
82. After separation of nucleic acid molecules by gel electrophoresis, the agent used for visualizing the separated
molecule is/are
(1) Acridine orange
(2) Ethidium bromide
(3) Both (1) & (2)
(4) -Galactosidase
83. Blunt or flush ends are produced by, except
(1) Alu I (2) Hae II
(3) Sma I (4) Hind III
84. Which of the following enzyme is used to remove the phosphate group from the 5' end of a DNA molecule,
leaving a free 5' hydroxyl group?
(1) DNA polymerase
(2) Alkaline phosphatase
(3) DNA ligase
(4) Restriction endonuclease
85. Which GMO is being developed for testing the safety of polio vaccines before they are used for humans?
(1) Transgenic cow
(2) Transgenic sheep
(3) Transgenic pig
(4) Transgenic mice
86. Which of the following protein has been produced but not commercialized in the milk of transgenic sheep Tracy to
cure the disease emphysema?
(1) Lysostaphin
(2) CFTR
(3) Alpha-1-antitrypsin
(4) Factor IX

87. Which of the following enzymes is/are used in ELISA, to give colour with substrate?
(1) Peroxidase
(2) Alkaline phosphatase
(3) Both (1) & (2)
(4) Catalase
88. Proteins with therapeutic and industrial value have been produced in the milk of transgenic sheeps. These
sheeps are
(1) Polly and Dolly
(2) Polly and Molly
(3) Polly, Molly and Tracy
(4) Molly and Dolly
89. Golden rice is a variety rich in
(1) Biotin (2) -carotene and ferritin
(3) Vitamin B1 (4) Vitamin B10
90. Match Column I with Column II and select correct option.
Column I Column II
a. Trichoderma (i) Production of humaninsulin
b. Pseudomonas putida(ii) Production of chitinases
c. Bacillus thuringiensis (iii) Production of Bt toxin
d. Escherichia coli (iv) Scavenging of oil spills
(1) a(ii), b(iv), c(iii), d(i)
(2) a(iii), b(ii), c(i), d(iv)
(3) a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii)
(4) a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i)

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