How To Develop Kpi

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How to Develop Key Performance Indicators

The means of evaluating objectives should be stated as explicitly as possible. These

measurements, or assessment procedures, should be matched to the strategies as a valid way for
concluding whether individual objectives have been accomplished. Not all strategies can be
“measured”. Some may only be judged or appraised. Qualitative measures may be as important
as quantitative ones to some units. Whether numbers, judgments, or appraisals, these measures
are the only way a unit can truly answer the question, “What are the specific results I want?”

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are statements of something observable or measurable that
indicate whether an objective has occurred, or not.
† Other Terminology for KPI: Measurement Tool / Evaluation Method/
Assessment Method
† KPIs provide us with data that allows us to evaluate progress towards an
objective/strategic direction

When we identify KPI, it’s a good idea to identify more than one for each objective/strategic
direction, if at all possible. Three KPIs for each objective/strategic direction is probably a good
number in most instances.


Measurement in education is not an exact science. It is difficult to set up situations in education

where only one thing has an effect on objectives and eliminate any other factor that might
possibly be involved.

So, what’s an educator to do?

One possibility is to evaluate the objective in different ways or from different perspectives. If we
use different perspectives and different sources of data in trying to answer the question, “Is it
working the way we want it to?” we can see whether the KPI are in agreement as to whether an
objective has occurred and how well.

For example?

If we have an objective with only one KPI, then we only know what that one KPI has to tell us.
What if it’s wrong? What if it is a weak measure of what we want to know? How would we tell
if it was misleading us?

But, if we have more than one KPI—each relying on different data—then we can be a little better
informed. If they all tend to agree or move in the same direction, then we can feel a little more
comfortable about the accuracy or our conclusions.

TIP: When developing KPI and performance standards (criterion), it is a good idea
to consider how long it will be before data about specific results will be available
and select both long-term and short-term indicators whenever possible. Both can
be important.

Long-term indicators: provide a more holistic view of objectives, but it may be years before
data about objectives are available

Short-term indicators: can provide nearly immediate feedback about how things are going.
This may be especially important if you are trying something new or developing something
through incremental steps and want to know if it’s working as expected

Examples of Long- Length of time Examples of Short- Length of time

term KPIs required for data term KPIs required for data
development development
Number of graduates At least 1 ½ times Number of students 1 semester
expected program successfully
length completing a course
Employer satisfaction At least 1 ½ times Pre- to post-test gains 1 semester
expected program as a measure of
length + 12 to 18 learning
months following
Number of years Probably 1 ½ times Cohort progress from 1 fiscal year
required to graduate expected program term-to-term

Developing Performance Standards (AKA: Criterion)

Once you have identified an objective/strategic direction and decided what will serve as a key
performance indicator for that objective/strategic direction, it is necessary to establish some level
of accomplishment for which you are aiming. This is the Performance Standard (criterion).

This is often overlooked step in the process of establishing KPI. Establishing a level identifies in
the eyes of the unit how well they “ought” to do on the objective/strategic direction. If a level or
“criteria for success” is not established prior to the reporting of the assessment results, everyone
simply says, “That is about what I thought the results should be,” and they go about their
business with little or no stretch for improvement. Establishing a specific indicator for
accomplishment of the planning/educational objective creates a cohesive target for the
faculty/staff and an interest and excitement in the assessment process. There is no stronger
motivational tool to get faculty/staff to use the results of the assessment activities for
improvement than their setting a “criteria for success” or benchmark.

There are several means through which a unit can establish realistic criteria for success. First, the
unit can use an alternative scenario approach. With this approach, an administrative unit may
select a percentage of improvement that they would like to see. Next, the staff discuss what they
would think of their services if the services reached that level. The staff then chooses two other
percentages usually one higher and one lower than the original and discusses these choices.
Discussions of this type lead the staff to select a percentage of improvement with which they are
comfortable and believe realistic given the resources and personnel available to the unit.

Second, looking to one’s peers can help identify realistic criteria in some instances. What are
other similar institutions doing, at what level?

Many people prefer to use Key Performance Indicators with Performance Standards that measure
the objective from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives. This is an excellent practice
and is encouraged in the EKU strategic planning process.

Examples of Quantitative Performance Examples of Qualitative Performance

Standards Standards
90% of students master 90% of course Students’ artistic products will be evaluated as
competencies meaningful by visiting “judge”
Random checks of data entry will reveal less Observation of data entry operators will
than 3% error for any operator indicate that each is free of environmental
distractions during data entry periods
85% of classified staff indicate they feel they Observation of classified staff, faculty and
are recognized and valued by faculty and technical staff commingling in seating and
technical staff activities at professional development day
All campuses will be 100% ADA compliant by Documentary evidence will indicate that
the end of the fiscal year reports generated were used in planning

There are two ways to win and two ways to lose when you set criteria for success. The first
“win” is, of course, to meet your criteria for success. At this point, celebrate your
accomplishments! The second way to win occurs when you do not meet your criteria for success,
but instead implement procedures for further improvements to meet your criteria at the end of the
next cycle. The first way to lose is not to do the assessment plan; failing to carry through with
their plans for assessment activities. The second type of loss is even more troubling and occurs
when units accomplish the assessment planned, but fail to use assessment information as a basis
for improvement.

TIP: Break down the process and set key performance indicators and standards
for each year so that implementation is incremental.

One of the nice things about strategic planning is that everything doesn’t have to
happen at once. It is expected that things will evolve toward better and better
outcomes (continuous improvement) over time.

Example KPI for Academic Units (educational objectives):

1) Direct Indicators of learning (the preferred type for measuring outcomes)

a. Capstone course evaluation
b. Course-embedded assessment
c. Portfolio Evaluation
d. Pre-test/Post-test evaluation
e. Thesis evaluation
f. Videotape evaluation of performance
g. Licensure exams (if taken by all graduates of a program)

2) Indirect Indicators of learning (not as useful as direct measures)

a. External reviewers
b. Student surveying and exit interviewing
c. Alumni surveying
d. Employer surveying
e. Curriculum and syllabus analysis

3) Measures that are not indicators of learning (should not be used at all)
a. GPA
b. Course or program completion
c. Rates/times of completion
d. Course grade of individual students

4) Relevant Existing Information:

a. Existing exams, assignments, or projects common to a group of students in the major
b. Writing samples completed for the UWR
c. Senior assignments accomplished as a part of a capstone experience
d. Faculty teaching evaluations
e. Graduating senior surveys

5) Relevant New information:

a. Student internships or performance
b. Capstone courses for graduating seniors
c. Portfolio analysis
d. Standardized tests
e. Surveys, interviews, or focus groups of students at entrance and exit, alumni, faculty,
employers or related to course content

Example KPI for Administrative Services (planning objectives):

Enrollment Services Office:

• Methods and successes in recruiting students
• Manner of delivering admissions information to prospective students
• Turnaround time required to process admissions and financial aid applicants
• Methods of maximizing funding for students

Registrar Office:
• Accuracy and timeliness of information given to students
• Utility of its processing procedures and staffing patterns
• Services provided to faculty in distributing academic calendar, course, and grading

Disability Services:
• Student satisfaction with range and quality of assistance offered
• Student perception that academic success was enhanced with assistance of DS
• Faculty perceptions of disability services

Student Life:
• Measured impact of SL on creating campus climate that supports retention
• Student satisfaction with co-curriculum
• Student connectedness to campus

Multicultural Student Affairs Office:

• Measured its support for the educational needs of multicultural students
• Measured success in increasing applications of scholarships

Career Services:
• Measured rates of career interest testing
• Rates of students counseled
• Rates of participation in career days
• Completion rates for graduate survey

Advising and Placement Testing:

• Student satisfaction with placement testing experience
• Effectiveness in minimizing student anxiety, helping students matriculate into college

Financial Aid and Business Office:

• Measured student satisfaction
• Measured effectiveness in sharing information on financial payments and aid
• Measured effectiveness in distribution of financial aid and scholarships
• Measured time required for students to complete financial transactions.

Network/information Services:
• Measured % of time that network servers were kept online
• Measured response time for technical assistance
• Measured addition of new equipment and services

Marketing/Public Relations, recruiting, institutional development:

• Measured effectiveness in delivering accurate and timely information to students
• Measured attendance rates at open house events in relation to number of inquiries
• Measure response time to student inquiries
• Reviewed publications for clarity and comprehensiveness
• Level of satisfaction with campus facilities by community visitors using facilities
• Measured increases in revenues from contribution campaigns
• Measured community views of the college

Facilities Management:
• Measured satisfaction (annual survey) with cleanliness, comfort, appearance
• Measured safety record for employees and users of campus facilities

Institutional Research:
• Measured satisfaction with the timeliness and accuracy of reports requested
• Measured users’ perceptions of quality of service

Example Goal, Strategic Direction, & KPI Sequence:

† GOAL: To continuously improve the programs, services, and infrastructure of the

university through the use of inclusive and innovative processes.
„ Strategic Direction: Enhance faculty and staff use of technology
„ KPI: Percentage of smart classrooms

† GOAL: To enhance customer satisfaction.

„ Strategic Direction: Reduce the number of complaints from customers.
„ KPI: Percentage of complaints in the comments box.

In transition from planning objectives to the identification of the specific means of assessment
(KPI) and criteria for success (performance standards), previously acceptable generalities such as
“increase”, “enhance satisfaction” etc., must become operationalized to the point of
measurement. An operational definition is the concrete measurement of a concept (Grimm,
1993); key performance indicators and their corresponding criterion serve as the operational
definition of an objective. It is in this process of identifying KPI that the “when”, “how,” and
“how well,” of assessment are addressed:
• “When” will assessment activities take place?
• Where will we find information that will reflect accomplishment of our
objectives/strategic directions
• Exactly “How” will the assessment be accomplished?

• “How well” should the unit perform on the means of assessment identified, if the unit is
functioning the way it should?


Objective: Increase customer satisfaction

Key Performance Indicator: Customer Feedback Form
Criterion: 80% of the customer feedback forms will indicate a satisfaction rating of 4 out of

In this example, customer satisfaction has been operationalized as a customer feedback form,
with a criterion for success set at 80%.

Identifying Appropriate KPI

The means of assessment (KPI) should flow from and remain directly related to the specific
objective/strategic direction which it is designed to measure. A well-formulated
objective/strategic direction will automatically dictate the means of assessment to be used. When
reading the objective/strategic direction, ask the questions:
“How will we know if this is being accomplished?”
“What will provide us this information?”

The answer to the question, “What will provide us this information?” leads the unit to identify
the KPI.

It is important to have multiple means of assessment whenever possible. Most assessment

activities can be categorized as: client satisfaction measures, direct counts, results of external
evaluation, and outcome measures.

Description of Measures:
1) Attitudinal Assessment
a. Client Satisfaction Measures
2) Direct Measures of unit accomplishments
a. Simple count of unit activities
3) External Evaluation
a. Examples: Auditor’s report concerning institution’s financial conditions; Fire
Marshal’s report following inspection of facilities; Health Department’s report
after inspection of food service facility, etc.
4) Student Outcome Assessment for “Outcome Oriented” objectives (for educational
support units)
a. Ex: Students will write an acceptable resume
b. Ex: Graduates will gain an appreciation of fine arts
c. Ex: Graduates will conduct themselves “professionally” during job interviews.

Examples of Direct Measures of Unit Effectiveness
Admissions Application Response Timing
Admissions Telephone Response Timing
Food Services Cafeteria Service
Human Resources Selection Processes
Facilities Services Work Order Response
Facilities Services Remodeling Process
Printing Services Bulk Mail Distribution
Printing Services Reduction of Pre-Press Time
Registrar’s Office Grade Posting
Registrar’s Office Clearing Transcript Holds

Assessment Methods & Strategies:

• By what measure(s) will you know that students are meeting program learning
• From whom, and at what points, will you gather data?
• How will the information be collected, analyzed, and used to improve the program?

Make sure your assessment methods:

• Answer questions that are important to you
• Are manageable, given available resources (including time & money)
o Comprehensive does not mean assessing everything
• Result in useful feedback that highlights accomplishments and identifies areas requiring
• Use Multiple methods
• Use multiple raters (where possible)
• Include direct & indirect measures
o Direct Methods: require students to display their knowledge and skills as they
respond to the instrument itself. Objective tests, essays, presentations, and
classroom assignments all meet this criterion.
o Indirect Methods: Such as surveys and interviews ask students to reflect on their
learning rather than to demonstrate it.
• Assess strengths and weaknesses
• Include qualitative as well as quantitative measures

Framework for Good Assessment Practice:

Learning Objectives:
Edward Keeley, Eastern Kentucky University

1. Each academic program must have end-of-program learning objectives with the following
a. Linked to EKU’s statement of mission and strategic directions
b. Developed by faculty

c. Measurable
d. Actionable
e. Built on existing course-specific outcome

2. Each program must employ direct measures of student learning objectives with the following
a. A one-to-one relationship to each program learning objective
b. Developed and used by faculty and other appropriate persons
(e.g., internship/practicum supervisor)
c. Must relate to one or more of the following: cognitive
learning (knowledge acquisition), behavioral learning (skill
acquisition), and affective learning (attitudinal development)
d. Must make sense vis-à-vis the outcome being measured
e. Must include multiple raters/evaluator

3. Each program must employ multiple measures of student learning objectives

with the following characteristics:
a. Both direct and indirect measures are used in concert to
“triangulate” and corroborate the findings
b. Each measure can be related back to program learning objectives
and be used to improve teaching and learning
c. Multiple raters are used where possible
d. New measures are introduced periodically to determine efficacy
and relationship to other measures so as to keep assessment
program relevant and up-to-date

4. Each program must analyze the results of its assessment measures, and the analysis
must have the following characteristics:
a. Faculty-driven and faculty-owned
b. Relates results back to specific program learning objectives
c. Thoroughly and thoughtfully documented
d. Evaluative as well as descriptive
e. Criteria for success are developed and used
f. Needs to be able to result in corrective action

5. Feedback from the assessment process is used to improve the program and the
teaching and learning processes within the program. This feedback has the
following characteristics:
a. Developed by faculty and department head
b. Relates back to specific program learning objectives
c. Relates both to “what we teach” (curriculum) and “how we teach”
d. Maps feedback on outcomes back to specific courses
e. Actions taken based on feedback are reflected in program planning and
budgeting processes

Framework for Good Assessment Practice:
Planning Objectives:

1. Each office must have planning objectives with the following characteristics:
a. Linked to EKU’s statement of mission and strategic directions and the unit goals and
strategic directions
b. Developed by office staff
c. Measurable, actionable and time-bound
d. Related to the services the office provides
e. Focused on quality of services and administrative processes

2. Each office must employ measures of planning objectives with the following characteristics:
a. Developed and used by staff and office stakeholders
b. Must relate to one or more of the following: processes (volume of activity, efficiency,
compliance with external standards), client outcomes (ability of clients after services
have been provided), satisfaction (overall client satisfaction or service specific
c. Must make sense vis-à-vis the outcome being measured
d. Must measure something realistic, useful and meaningful.

3. Each office must employ multiple measures of planning objectives with the following
a. Both direct and indirect measures are used in concert to “triangulate” and corroborate the
findings. Direct Measure: Turn-around time and process completion rates; data
error/accuracy rates/ participation rates in special events; % of time that network server
were kept online, etc. Indirect Measure: survey of satisfaction with services
b. Each measure can be related back to planning objectives and be used to improve
operations and services
c. New measures are introduced periodically to determine efficacy and relationship to other
measures so as to keep assessment program relevant and up-to-date

4. Each office must analyze the results of its assessment measures, and the analysis must have the
following characteristics:
a. Developed and conducted by office staff and stakeholders
b. Relates results back to planning objectives
c. Thoroughly and thoughtfully documented
d. Evaluative as well as descriptive
e. Criteria for success are developed and used
f. Needs to be able to result in corrective action

5. Feedback from the assessment process is used to improve the office and administrative processes
within the office. This feedback has the following characteristics:
a. Developed by staff and office stakeholders
b. Relates back to specific planning objectives
c. Relates both to “what we do” and “how we do it”
d. Maps feedback on outcomes back to specific activities and functions
e. Actions taken based on feedback are reflected in office planning and budgeting processes

How many KPI should I have?

Minimum of 1 KPI per objective/strategic direction

Multiple measures is better!
(3 is a good estimate)

Where do I enter my KPI into TracDat?

Access the TracDat Manual Online:

Identifying KPI Worksheet

Purpose: The purpose of this worksheet is to identify key performance

indicators for each of the objectives/strategic directions that you have identified
in your strategic planning process. Additionally, questions regarding the process
of collecting data, analyzing data, and revising your strategic plan are also

Instructions: Complete this worksheet by answering the following questions, as

you are identifying KPI for your objectives.

Your Objective/Strategic Direction:

NOTE: If your objective doesn’t have an action word in it, refer to page ____________. Add the
appropriate action word to the objective/strategic direction so that what you intend is clear.

1. Who are the stakeholders who will be affected by this objective/strategic

___ Faculty ___ Department Chair ___ Others
___ Staff ___ Other Academic Departments
___ Students ___ Other Administrative Departments

2. What is this objective/strategic direction primarily aimed at?

___ Improving efficiency ___ Monitoring progress
___ Improving effectiveness ___ Other
___ Improving quality

3. In your own words, what would tell you that you have successfully
achieved this objective/strategic direction?

4. Re-state/refine your answer(s) to question 3 so your measure of success

a. Is clearly defined (so another person in your department/office
would understand it)
b. Can be measured
c. Can be compared over time
d. Tells you (or will tell you) whether the effort made any
difference, had any impact

5. Are the data to answer question 4 (your KPI) available now? If yes, how
are you doing right now? If not, how can you get this data? Who will be
in charge of collecting it?

Data to be collected Baseline (How are Who is collecting it

or to continue being we doing right now?) (or will be) and how?

6. At Check Points Throughout the Year

a. Are we collecting the data we will need to evaluate at the end of
the year?

b. What do the data tell us right now? Are things going as planned?
Do we need to adjust our plan?

c. Questions this information raises?

7. At the End of the Year

a. How do the results compare with what we expected would
b. What have we learned?
c. What do we know about the needs of our stakeholders now?
What should we do differently in the future?
d. Will the objective/strategic direction and/or KPI stay the same or
change based on this past year’s experience?


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