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Drug Education & Vice


• Administer – the act of introducing any

dangerous drug into the body of any
person with or without his knowledge.
• Board – Refers to the Dangerous Drug
Board created under R.A. 6425.
• Chemical – It is any substance taken into
the body that alters the way and the mind
and the bodywork.
• Chemical Abuse – It is an instance when
the use of chemical has produced
negative or harmful consequences.
Cultivate – It means the act of knowingly planting,
growing, raising or permitting the planting, growing,
raising of any plant which is the source of a prohibited

Drug – traditionally, drugs are synthetic chemicals

used as medicine or in the making of medicines, which
affects the body and mind and have potential for abuse.
Drugs in its criminological meaning, refers to
substances, other than food and water that is intended
to be taken or administered for the purpose of altering,
sustaining or controlling recipient’s physical, mental or
emotional state.
Drug Abuse – it is the illegal, wrongful or improper use
of any drug.

Drug Addiction – it refers to the state of periodic or

chronic intoxication produced by the repeated
consumption of a drug.

Drug Dependence – it refers to the state of psychic or

physical dependence or both on dangerous drugs
following the administration or use of that drug. WHO
defines it as the periodic, continuous, repeated
administration of a drug.

Drug Experimenter - one who illegally, wrongfully, or

improperly uses any narcotic substances for reasons
of curiosity, peer pressure, or other similar reasons.
Drug Syndicate – it is a network of illegal drug
operations operated and manned carefully by groups of
criminals who knowingly traffic through nefarious
trade for personal or group profit.

Manufacturer – the production, preparation,

compounding or processing a dangerous drug either
directly or indirectly or by extraction from substances
of natural origin or by chemical synthesis.

Narcotic Drug – refers to illegally used drugs or

dangerous drugs which are either prohibited or
regulated drugs. It also refers to drugs that produces
sleep or stupor and relieves pain due to its depressant
effect on the CNS. The term narcotics come from the
greek word “narcotics” which means sleep or dream. It
is sometimes known as “opiates”.
Physical Dependence – an adaptive state caused by
repeated drug use that reveals itself by development of
intense physical symptoms when the drug is stopped
(withdrawal syndrome).

Psychological Dependence – an attachment to drug use

which arises from a drug ability to satisfy some
emotional or personality needs of an individual.

Pusher – any person who sell, administer, deliver or

give away to another, distribute, transport any
dangerous drug.
Rehabilitation – it is a dynamic process directed towards the
changes of the health of the person to prepare him from his
fullest life potentials and capabilities, and making him law
abiding and productive member of the community without
abusing drugs.

Tolerance – it is the tendency to increase dosage of drugs to

maintain the same effect in the body.

Treatment – a medical service rendered to a client for the

effective management of his total condition related to drug
abuse. It deals with the physiological and psychosocial
complications arising from drug abuse.

Use – the act of injecting, consuming, any dangerous drugs.

The means of introducing the dangerous drug into the
physiological system of the body.

 What are Drugs?

A drug, as defined, is a substance used as a medicine

or in making medicines, which affects the body and
mind and have potential for abuse. Without an advice or
prescription from a physician, drugs can be harmful.
 A drug is a chemical substance
that brings about physical,
emotional or behavioral change in
a person taking it.
 Is any substance other than
food or water that is
intended to be taken or
administered for the
purpose of altering,
sustaining or controlling the
recipients physical, mental
or emotional state.
What is a Drug?

 Is a substance which, when taken into the

body, alters the body’s function.

 Drugs may be legal (alcohol, caffeine and

tobacco) or illegal (nicotine, LSD, cocaine and
Hundreds of pure chemicals have been developed from
plants and put into pills, capsules or liquid medicines.
There are also two forms of drugs, natural and
synthetic/artificial. The natural drugs include natural
plant leaves, flowering tops, resin, hashish, opium, and
marijuana, while the synthetic drugs are produced by
clandestine laboratories which includes those drugs
that are controlled by law because they are use in the
medical practice. Physicians prescribed them and are
purchased in the legitimate outlets like drugstores.
The Prescriptive Drugs

 These are drugs requiring written authorization from a

doctor to allow a purchase. They are prescribed
according to the individual’s age, weight and height
and should not be taken by anyone else. It is a personal
requirement and self-medication that should be strictly
avoided. The pharmacist should never allow the
consumer to request them knowingly without first
consulting a doctor.
The Over-the-Counter drugs (OTC)

 The OTC drugs are non-prescription medicines, which

may be purchased from any pharmacy or drugstore
without written authorization from a doctor. They are
used to treat minor and short term illnesses and any
persistent condition should be immediately referred to
a physician. It should be strongly emphasized that
“directions” be closely followed and all precautions
necessarily taken to avoid complications.
 OTC drugs are used for the prevention and
symptomatic relief of minor ailments. The precautions
that must be observed when dispensing OTCs are the
“Self-Medication Syndrome”

 The “self-medication” syndrome is found in users

and would be users of drugs whose sources of
information are people or literature other than
doctors, pharmacists and health workers. These
could be members of the family, relatives, and/or
neighbours, all of whom may have previously used
the drug for their specific disease or disorder. Self-
medication may work against the good of the user
because it can lead to intoxication and other
adverse reactions.
The possible outcomes of self-medicine are:

 Adverse reaction towards the drug, such as allergies

which may be mild or severe.
 Possible non-response of the patient to the drug
effectively due to incorrect drug usage.
 Possible drug toxicities, through overdose which may
lead to severe reactions such as nausea, vomiting,
rashes etc.
 Possible habit-forming characteristics due to periodic
uses of the drugs even when such are no longer
Drug Dose

Minimal dose – the amount needed to treat or heal, that

is, the smallest amount of a drug that will produce a
therapeutic effect.

Maximal dose – the largest amount of a drug that will

produce a desired therapeutic effect, without any
accompanying of toxicity.

Toxic dose – The amount of drug that produces

untoward effects or symptoms of poisoning.

Abusive dose – the amount needed to produce the side

effects and action desired by an individual who
improperly uses it.

Lethal dose – the amount of drug that will cause death.

How Drugs are administered?

 The common methods of drug administration are as follows:

 Oral – this is the safest most convenient and economical

route whenever possible. There are however, drugs, which
cannot be administered this way because the digestive juices
readily destroy them or because they irritate the mucous
lining of the gastro-intestinal tract and induce vomiting.
 Injection – this form of drug administration offers a faster
response than the oral method. It makes use of a needle or
other device to deliver the drugs directly into the body tissue
and blood circulation.
 Inhalation - this route makes use of gaseous and volatile
drugs, which are inhaled and absorbed rapidly through the
mucous of the respiratory tract.
 Topical – this refers to the application of drugs directly to a
body site such as the skin and the mucous membrane.
 Iontophoresis – the introduction of drugs into the deeper
layers of the skin by the use of special type of electric
current for local effect.
What is toxicology?

 Toxicology is commonly known as the science of poisons,

their effects and antidotes. In connection, drug may cause
dangerous effects because of any of the following:
 Overdose – when too much of a drug is taken into the
physiological system of the human body, there may be an
over extension of its effects.
 Allergy – some drugs are cause the release of histamine
giving rise to allergic symptoms such as dermatitis,
swelling, fall in blood pressure, suffocation and death.
 Idiosyncrasy - it refers to the individual reaction to a drug,
food, etc. For unexplained reasons. Morphine for example,
which sedates all men, stimulates and renders some women
maniacal behaviours.
 Poisonous Property – drugs are chemicals and some of them
have the property of being general protoplasmic poisons.
 Side effects – some drugs are not receptors for one organ
but receptors of others for one organ as well. The effect in
the other organs may constitute a side effect, which are
most of the time unwanted.

 Analgesics – are drugs that relieve pain. However, they

may produce the opposite effects on somebody who
suffers from peptic ulcer or gastric irritation.
 Antibiotics – are drugs that combat or control
infectious organisms.
 Antipyretics – those that can lower body temperature
or fever due to infection.
 Antihistamines – those that control or combat allergic
 Contraceptives – drugs that prevent the meeting of the
egg cell and sperm cell or prevent the ovary from
releasing egg cells.
 Decongestants – those that relieve congestion of the
nasal passages. Prolonged used of these
decongestants might include nasal congestion upon
“let no man imagine that he has no influence”

 Drug trafficking
 Drug abuse has become not only a national issue
or a problem of just a few countries but it is a clear and
present global danger.
 Today, highly entrenched, well-organized drug
syndicates are behind this menace. They employ the
most advanced and most sophisticated technology
coupled with unlimited financial resources at their
command and disposal. Police agencies around the
world, pooling their resources together are more often
than not, the losers in a game of hide-and-seek with
the international drug syndicates (Sotto, 1994).
First Important Drug Traffic Route

Middle East – discovery, plantation, cultivation, harvest

Turkey – preparation for distribution

Europe – manufacture, synthesis, refine

U.S. – Marketing
The first important drug traffic route as illustrated
above shows how elicit drugs are distributed from its
discovery, preparation up to marketing in the illicit

It is noted that plants such as the opium poppy, as

sources of dangerous drugs are cultivated and
harvested mostly in the areas of Middle East while
Europe became the center for drug manufacture and
synthesis. United States became the over-all for drug
Second Major Drug Traffic Route

 On the other side of the globe is the second major drug

traffic route, which is composed of the popular Golden
Triangle and the Golden Crescent. The Golden Triangle
composed of three countries namely Burma/Myanmar,
Laos and Thailand while Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan
and India compose the Golden Crescent.
Drugs that originates from the Golden Triangle


Laos Thailand
In Southeast Asia – the “Golden Triangle”
approximately produced 60% of opium in the world,
90% percent of opium in the eastern part of Asia. It is
also the officially acknowledged source of Southeast
Asia Heroin.

Heroin is produced in the Golden Triangle and passed

through nearby countries in relatively small quantities
through air transport while in transit to the United
States and European
Drugs that originates from the Golden Crescent

 Iran
 Afghanistan
 Pakistan
 India
In Southwest Asia – the “Golden Crescent” is the major
supplier of opium poppy, MJ and Heroin products in the
western part of Asia. It produces at least 85% to 90%
of all illicit heroin channelled in the drug underworld
The Organized Crime Groups
Behind the Global Drug Scene

 The Columbian Medellin Cartel

 Founded during the 1980’s by Colombian drug lords in
the name of Pablo Escobar Gaviria and drugs bosses
Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha and the top aid cocaine
barons Juan David and the Ochoa Brothers.

 The Medellin Cartel is reputedly responsible for

organizing world’s drug trafficking network. The
Columbian government succeeded in the containing the
Medellin Cartel, which resulted in the death, surrender,
and arrest of the people behind the organization. This
further resulted to this disbandment of the Cartel led to
its downfall.
Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria

Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria was the most notorious and violent drug lord of the
Medellín Cartel. Escobar was killed by the Search Bloc, a group of Colombian police
devoted to capturing Escobar, on a Colombian rooftop in 1993; by this time, the cartel
had already been severely damaged. However, there would be no rest. After Escobar’s
death, the Medellín Cartel fragmented and the cocaine market soon became
dominated by the rival Cali Cartel, until the mid-1990s when its leaders, too, were
either killed or captured by the government.
The Cali Cartel

 The downfall of the Columbian Medellin Cartel – the

newly emerged cocaine monopoly. Gilberto Rodriguez
Orajuela – better known as Don Chepe – “the chess
player” heads the syndicated organization. Under him,
the Cali Cartel was considered the most powerful
criminal organization in the world.
 The Cartel produces over 90% of cocaine in
the world. Due to this, it was called the best and the
brightest of the modern underworld. “They are
professionals of the highest order, intelligent, efficient,
imaginative, and nearly impenetrable” – US – Drug
Enforcement Agency.
Gilberto Rodriguez-Orejuela

The Cali Cartel had been formed in the early 1970s by Jonathan almanza-Orejuela and
rose quietly alongside its violent rival, the Medellín Cartel. But while the Medellín Cartel
gained an international reputation for brutality and murder, the Cali traffickers posed as
legitimate businessmen. This unique criminal enterprise initially involved itself in
counterfeiting and kidnapping, but gradually expanded into smuggling cocaine base from
Peru and Bolivia to Colombia for conversion into powder cocaine.
The Chinese Triad

 The Chinese Triad, also called the Chinese Mafia is the

oldest and biggest criminal organization in the world. It
is believed to be the controller of the “Golden Triangle”
with international connections on drug trafficking.
Drug Syndicates in the Philippines

The Binondo-based Chinese syndicate has been identified

as the nucleus as the Triad Society, the bamboo gang
based in Taiwan and the 14k based in Hongkong. The
Bamboo Gang is the influence of the Green Gang of the
Chinese Triad while the 14k is the newest among the
triads families established only in 1947.
The Filipino-Chinese drug syndicates are groups
responsible in smuggling shabu into the country. Most
drug couriers use Hongkong and Taiwan as their
embarkation point for the Philippines. And recently,
intelligence reports reveals that large quintets of
shabu are smuggled in the country directly from
Mainland China through commercial airlines and ocean-
sea vessels.
The most common “modus operandi” by the
syndicates – posing as fishermen along Philippines
seas, particularly, the northern provinces of Luzon
such as La Union, Ilocus, and Pangasinan where they
drop their loads of shabu to shoreline based members.
The syndicates are famously involved in marijuana
cultivation and other drug smuggling including drug
Dangerous Drugs

 Refer to the broad categories or classes of controlled

substances. Controlled substances are generally
grouped according to pharmacological classifications,
effects and as to their legal criteria.
General Drug Classification

 According to effects, the dangerous drugs are

classified as:

 Depressants – are group of drugs that has the effect of

depressing the Central Nervous System.
 Stimulants – are group of drugs having the effect of
stimulating the Central nervous system.
 Hallucinogens – refers to the group of drugs that are
considered to be mind altering drugs and give the
general effect of mood distortion.
drugs are classified as:

 Depressants
 Narcotics
 Tranquilizers
 Stimulants
 Hallucinogens
 Solvents/Inhalants

 The dangerous drugs are classified as:


 Narcotics – refers to the group of the drug opium and it

derivatives, Morphines, Heroin, Codein, etc. Including
synthetic opiates.
 Stimulants – refers to the group of the drug Cocaine,
Alpha and Beta Eucaine, etc.
 Hallucinogens – refers to the group of drugs like
Marijuana, LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), mescaline,

 Barbiturates- refers to the group of depressant drug

known as “Veronal” like Luminal, Amytal, Nembutal,
Surital, Butisol, Penthontal, Seconal, etc.

 Amphetamines – are group of stimulant drugs like

Benzedrine, Dexedrine, Methedriine, Preludin, etc.

 Group of liquid, solid or mixed substances having the

property of releasing toxic vapors or fumes which
when sniffed, smelled, inhaled or introduced into the
physiological system of the body produces or induces a
condition of intoxication, excitement or dulling of the
brain or nervous system. Examples re glue, kerosene,
ether, paint, thinner, lacquer, etc.
 Volatile chemical substances that contain psycho-
active (mind/mood altering) vapors to produce a
state of intoxication.
Ex: Glue and Adhesive Cement / Rugby / Super
Glue / Thinner

(According to Effects)

 Depressants (Downers) – these are drug which

suppress vital body functions especially those of the
brain or central nervous system with the resulting
impairment of judgement, hearing, speech and
muscular coordination. They dull the minds, slow down
the body reactions to such an extent that accidental
deaths and/or suicides usually happen. They include
the narcotics, barbiturates, tranquilizers, alcohol and
other volatile solvent. These drugs, when taken in,
generally decrease both the mental and the physician
activities of the body. They cause depression, relieve
pain and induce sedation or sleep and suppress cough.
Narcotics – are drugs which relieve pain and produce
profound sleep or stupor when introduced to the body.
Medically, they are potent painkillers, cough
depressants and as an active component of anti-
diarrhea preparations. Opium and derivatives like
morphine, codeine and heroin, as well as the synthetic
opiates, meperidine and methadone, are classified as

Opium – derived from a poppy plant – Papaver

somniferum popularly known as “gum”, “gamot”,
“kalamay” and “panocha”. A plant that can grow from 3
to 6 ft in height originally in Mesopotamia. It’s active
ingredient is the “meconic” acid – the analgesic
Morphine – most commonly used and best used opiate.
Effective as a painkiller six times potent than opium,
with a high dependence – producing potential.
Morphine exerts action characterized by analgesia,
drowsiness, mood changes, and mental clouding.

Heroin – is three to five times more powerful than

morphine from which it is derived and the most
addicting opium derivative. With continued use,
addiction occurs within 14 days. It may be sniffed on
swallowed but it is usually injected in the veins.

Codeine – a derivative of morphine, commonly

available in cough preparations. These cough
medicines have been widely abused by the youth
whenever hard narcotics are difficult to obtain.
Withdrawal symptoms are less severe than other
Paregoric – a tincture of opium in combination with camphor.
Commonly used as a household remedy for diarrhea and
abdominal pain.

Demerol and Methadone – common synthetic drugs with

morphine – like effects. Demerol is widely used as a
painkiller in childbirth while methadone is the drug of choice
in the withdrawal treatment of heroin dependents since it
relieves the physical craving for heroin.

Barbiturates – are drugs used for inducing sleep in persons

plagued with anxiety, mental stress, and insomnia. They are
also of value in the treatment of epilepsy and hypertension.
They are available in capsules, pills or tablets, and taken
orally or injected.

Seconal – commonly used among hospitality girls. Sudden

withdrawal from these drugs is even more dangerous than
opiate withdrawal. The dependent develops generalized
convulsions and delirium, which are frequently associated
with heart and respiratory failure.
Tranquilizers – are drugs that calm and relax and diminish
anxiety. They are used in the treatment of nervous states and
some mental disorders without producing sleep.

Volatile Solvents – gaseous substances popularly known to

abusers as “gas”, “teardrops”. Examples are plastics glues,
hair spray, finger nail polish, lighter fluid, rugby, paint,
thinner, acetone, turpentine gasoline, kerosene, varnishes
and other aerosol products. They are inhaled by the use
plastic bags, handkerchiefs or bags soaked in these

Alcohol – the king of all drugs with potential for abuse. Most
widely use, socially accepted and most extensively legalized
drug throughout the world. In the field of medicine, it is
“valuable” as disinfectant, as an external remedy for
reducing high fever among children, and as preservative and
solvent for pharmaceutical preparations like elixirs, spirits
and tincture.
Stimulants (Uppers) – They produce effects opposite to
that of depressants. Instead of bringing about
relaxation and sleep, they produce increased mental
alertness, wakefulness, reduce hunger, and provide a
feeling of well being. Their medical users include
narcolepsy – a condition characterized by an
overwhelming desire to sleep. Abrupt withdrawal of the
drug from the heavy abuser can result in a deep and
suicidal depression.

Amphetamines – used medically for weight reducing in

obesity, relief of mild depression and treatment.
Cocaine – the drug taken from the coca bush plant
(Erythroxylon Coca) grows in South America. It is
usually in the form of powder that can be taken orally,
injected or sniffed as to achieve euphoria or an intense
feeling of “highness”.

Caffeine – it is present in the coffee, tea, chocolate,

cola drinks, and some wake-up pills.
Shabu/ “poor man’s cocaine” – chemically known as
methamphetamine hydrochloride. It is a central
nervous system stimulant and sometimes called
“upper” or “speed”. It is white, colorless crystal or
crystalline powder with a bitter numbing taste. It can
be taken orally, inhaled (snorted), sniffed (chasing the
dragon) or injected.
Nicotine – an active component in tobacco which acts
as powerful stimulant of the central nervous system. A
drop of pure nicotine can easily kill a person.
Hallucinogens (Psychedelic) – The group of drugs that
consists of a variety of mind-altering drugs which
distort reality, thinking and perceptions of time, sound,
space and sensation. The user experiences
hallucination (false perception) which at times can be
strange. His “trips” may be exhilarating or terrifying
good or bad. They may dislocate his consciousness
and change his mood, thinking and concept his self.
Marijuana – It is the most commonly abused
hallucinogen in the Philippines because it can
be grown extensively in the country. Many
users choose to smoke marijuana for
relaxation in the same way people drink beer
or cocktail at the end of the day. The effects
of marijuana include a feeling of grandeur. It
can also produce the opposite effect, a
dreamy sensation of time seeming to stretch
Lysergic Acid diethylamide (LSD) – This drug is the
most powerful of the psychedelics obtained from ergot,
a fungus that attacks rye kernels. LSD is 1, 000 times
more powerful than marijuana as supply, large enough
for a trip can be taken from the glue on the flab of an
envelope, from the paste of a postage stamp, or from
the hidden areas inside one’s clothes. LSD causes
perceptual changes so that the user sees colors,
shapes, or objects more intensely than normal and may
have hallucinations of things that are not real. To him
real objects seem to be crackling open, and walls
pulsating. He experiences frequent bizarre
hallucinations, loss spatial perceptions, personality
diffusion and changes in values. Usually, users
perceive distortion of time, colors, sounds and depth.
They experience “scent” music and sounds in “colors”.
Lysergic Acid diethylamide (LSD)
Peyote – Peyote is derived from the surface part of a
small gray brown cactus. Peyote emits a nauseating
odor and its user suffers from nausea. This drug
causes no physical dependence and, therefore, no
withdrawal symptoms, although in some cases
psychological dependence has been noted.
Mescaline – It is the alkaloid hallucination extracted
from the peyote cactus and can also be synthesized in
the laboratory. It produces less nausea than peyote
and shows effects resembling those of LSD although
milder in nature. One to two hours after the drug is
taken in a liquid or powder form, delusions begin to
occur. Optical hallucinations follow one upon another
in rapid succession. These are accompanied by
imperfect coordination and perception with a sensation
of impeded motion, and a marked sense that time is
still standing. Mescaline does not cause physical
Psilocybin – This hallucinogenic alkaloid from small
Mexican mushrooms are used by Mexican Indians
today. These mushrooms induced nausea, muscular
relaxation, mood changes with visions of bright colors
and shapes, and other hallucinations. These effects
may last for four to five hours and later may be
followed by depressions, laziness, and complete loss of
time and space perceptions.
Morning Glory Seeds – The black and brown seeds of
the wild tropical morning glory that are used to
produce hallucinations. The seeds are ground into
flour, soaked in cold water, then strained though a
cloth and drunk. They are sold under the names of
“heavenly blues”, “flying dancers’, and “pearly gates”.
The active ingredient in the seed is similar to LSD
although less potent. The reactions are likened to
those resulting from LSD. Prolonged psychosis is also
one of its effects.
Commonly Abused Drugs

 Drugs that are commonly abused depending on their

pharmacological effects may be classified into:

 Sedatives – are drugs, which reduce anxiety and excitement

such as barbiturates, non-barbiturates, tranquilizers and
 Stimulants – are drugs, which increase alertness and
activity such as amphetamines, cocaine and caffeine.
 Hallucinogens/Psychedelics – drug which affect sensation,
thinking, self-awareness and emotion. Changes in time and
space perception, delusions (false beliefs and
hallucinations) may be mild or overwhelming, dispensing on
those and quality of drug. This includes LSD, mescaline and
 Narcotics – drugs that relieve pain and often induce sleeps.
The opiates, which are narcotics, include opium and drugs
derived from opium, such as morphine, codeine and heroin.
The Three Most Popular Plants
As Sources of Dangerous Drugs

The Marijuana Plant

The term marijuana is a Spanish-Mexican term used to refer to

Indian hemp plant. It is a plant that grow in tropical regions and
attains an approximate height of 15 to 20 feet. Scientifically named
as Cannabis Sativa Lima and a member of the Cannabinaceae
family of plants having a sexual differentiation of being a
Dioeciously (separate male/female plant). The female plant is
known as Distillate (shorter but long-lived) while the male plant is
called the Staminate (taller but short-lived). Its leaves formed a
fingerlike look – odd in numbers from 3 up to 13 finger like leaves.
The stalk of the plant can attain a height of 3 to 16 feet while roots
can attain a length of approximately 8 inches. The resin called
“harshish’ can be found of the most top portion of the female plant
is called cannabin(the one that produces the physiological effect) or
the Tetrahydrocannabinnol(THC) – the concentrated alkaloid which
is 5 to 20 times stronger than the plain marijuana plant.
The Opium Poppy Plant

 The opium poppy plant is scientifically known as

Papaver Somniferum. The word Papaver is Greek term
which means poppy while the word Somniferum is a
Latin term which means dream/induce sleep. The plant
can grow from 3 to 6 feet in height originally in
Mesopotamia. The dangerous drugs that can be derived
from the plant are morphine, heroin and codeine.
The Coca Bush Plant

 The coca bush plant is scientifically known as

Erythroxylon Coca common in South America. The
plant grows in mountainous and tropical climate areas,
on clay like soil. A fully-grown cultivated coca plant
attains a height of 6 to 8 feet and can be harvested 3
to 4 times in a year. The dangerous drug that can be
produced from this plant is the drug Cocaine – the most
powerful natural stimulant known as cocaine
Morphine – the drug varies in different forms such as:
Powder –white, odourless, granulated powder with a
very bitter taste. Sometimes however, illicit traffickers
add color to deceive investigators.
Block – with embossed marks like “999” “555” “AAA”
with “Lion”, “Elephant”, “Tiger/Dragon” brands.
Heroin – (Dimorphine
Hydrochloride/Diacetylmorphine) is a white,
odourless, crystalline powder with a very
bitter taste. Heroin is the hydrochloride of an
alkaloid obtainable by the action of acetic
anhydride or morphine. The alkaloid base may
be made by treating morphine with acetyl
chloride, washing the product with a dilute
alkaline solution and crystallizing from
alcoholic solution.
•Meth is a very
potent and
dangerous drug
that stimulates the
central nervous
© 2009 - Jackson David Reynolds 70
© 2009 - Jackson David Reynolds 71
How does METH enter the body?

Snorting Smoking Injection Suppositor

• Dust • Dust • Water
• Ice Dissolve • Anal
• Rock d Dust • Vaginal
© 2009 -
72 Reynolds
Immune System 73
© 2009 - Jackson David Reynolds
During World War II, the
German Army dosed the
rationed chocolate for
their soldiers with METH
as a stimulant. The
METH-laden chocolate
was wildly popular and
called “Airmen’s

© 2009 - Jackson David Reynolds 74

A person can die
the first time
they take METH,
while others can
survive for years
on the drug.

© 2009 - Jackson David Reynolds 75

June 2001 3 years, 5 months later





The psychological
effects of METH
can be more
deadly than the
physical ones.

This man cut himself open and removed his

own intestines while high on METH.

© 2009 - Jackson David Reynolds 79


Prolonged use and even a single

exposure especially if administrated
intravenously can lead to manifestations
of a full blown psychosis which is similar
to schizophrenia characterized by the
presence of paranoid delusions, auditory
and visual hallucinations, the paranoia
may lead to violent and aggressive

Concept of Drug Abuse

 The term “Drug Abuse” most often refers to the use of

a drug with such frequency that it causes physical or
mental harm to the user or impairs social functioning.
Although the term seems to imply that users abuse the
drugs they take, in fact, it is themselves or others they
abuse by using drugs.
 Traditionally, the term drug abuse referred to the
use of any drug prohibited by law, regardless of
whether it was actually harmful or not. This meant that
any use of Marijuana, for example, even if it occurred
only once in a while, would constitute abuse, while the
same level of alcohol consumption would not.
Characteristics of drug Addiction

One or more of the following attributes characterizes drug addiction:

 Uncontrollable craving – the addict feels a compulsive craving to
take drug repeatedly and tries to procure the same by any means.
 Tolerance – it is tendency to increase the dose of the drug to
produce the same effect as to that of the original effect.
 Addiction – the addict is powerless to quit drug use.
 Physical Dependence – the addict’s physiological functioning is
altered. The body becomes sick, inactive and incapable of carrying
out useful activity in the absence of the drug. The withdrawal
syndromes will occur once the drug use is stopped.
 Psychological Dependence – emotional and mental discomfort
exist to the individual. The drug addict feels he cannot do without the
drug, consequently if he does not take the drug his mental processes
are affected. He cannot carry out his work efficiently.
How Addiction is acquired?
 People have general different motivation in life. The
young ones are very much adventurous and some of
them have strong attraction in drug-taking, because
these “Space are era belongs to them so to speak,
thus, the “IN” thing these days are drugs. To see drug
abusers around seemed to be of a common sight.
The drug habit is acquired primarily in three ways:

 Association – the tendency of a drug abuser to look for

peer groups where he feels being wanted and

 Experimentation – the tendency of a person to try and

explore the effects of drugs due to curiosity or other

 Inexperienced doctors – the tendency of doctors and

physicians to unnecessarily prescribe drugs.
Likewise, addiction may also be acquired through:

 Habituation – repetitious engagement of drug use

which is closely related to the experience of the
euphoric effect of drugs, and the relief of pain or
emotional discomfort.

 Toleration – refers to the necessity to increase the

dose to obtain an effect equivalent to the original dose.

 Dependence – the altered physiological state brought

about by the repeated administration of the drug,
which necessitates the continued use of the drug to
avoid withdrawal syndrome.
Factors in Youthful Drug Abuse
(Physiological, Mental health, Family conditions)
 Motives and Attitudes

Psychologically speaking, in terms of motives and

function of drug use, some of which may not be
recognized by users themselves. The more a drug is
used, the more it tends to satisfy more than one motive
or need.

 “Pakikisama”
 Peer group pressures
 To escape from problems

 Situational Users – use drugs to keep them awake or

for additional energy to perform an important work.
 Spree Users – school age users who take drugs for
“kicks”, an adventurous daring experience, or as a
means of fun.
 Hard Core Addicts – those whose activities resolves
almost entirely around the drug experience and
securing supplies.
 Hippies – those who are addicted to drugs believing
that drug is an integral part of life.
“Drug abusers do not grow old because they die young”

 The General Effects

Physical Effects
 Malnutrition – the life of addict revolves around drug
use. He misses even his regular meals. He losses
appetite and eventually develops malnutrition.

 Skin Infections and Skin Rashes – the drug abusers

neglects his personal hygiene, uses unsterilized
needles and syringes that result in skin infections or
even ulceration at the sites of the needle puncture.
Psychological Effects
Deterioration of personality with impaired emotional
Irritability, rebellious attitude
Loss of interest to study

Mental Effects
Drug abuser can experience effect on the central nervous
system. Regular use or injection of large doses of a
substance reduces the activity of the brain and depresses
the central nervous system. Another mental effect would be
deterioration of the mind. The dependent is a “mental invalid”
in the sense that drug can manipulate him.

Economic Effects
Inability to hols stable job
Dependence on family resources
Accidents in Industry
Family Problems
Lack of Parental Guidance
Peer Pressure/Curiosity
Boredom, Frustration
Weak Personality, Desire
to Escape From Reality
Common Signs
Drug Abuse
Injection Marks of an Addict
Unusual effort made to cover arms
in order to hide needle marks
Stealing items which can be readily sold for cash
(to support a drug habit)
Changes in Mood – depending on the drug taken.
Example: depressed or becoming elated and euphoric.
Association with known drug abusers
Change in attendance at work or school
Wearing sunglasses constantly at inappropriate
times (for instance, indoors or at night) or only
to hide dilated or constricted pupils but also to
compensate for the eyes’ inability to adjust to
sunlight. Marijuana causes bloodshot eyes.
Poor physical appearance, including
inattention to dress and personal hygiene
Known as
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
- Consolidation of House Bill No. 4433 and
Senate Bill No. 1858
- Repealing RA 6425, the Dangerous Drug Act of 1972 -
Approved and Signed by the President on June 7, 2002 - Took Effect on
July 4, 2002 - Consist of 13 Articles and 102

Starting from Sec 1 – Short Title

Sec 2 – Declaration of Policy
Sec 3 – Definitions
4 Importation of - Import or bring into the - Life Imprisonment
Dangerous Drugs Philippines any Dangerous to Death
and/or Controlled Drugs regardless of the - Fine Ranging from
Precursors and quantity and purity involved 500T to 10M pesos
Essential including any and all species
Chemicals of opium poppy or any part
thereof or substances derived
there from even for floral
decorative and culinary
- Use of Diplomatic passport, - Maximum penalty
diplomatic facilities or any of Death
other means
- Unless authorized by Law, - 12 yrs and 1 day to
import controlled precursor 20 years
and essential chemical.
- Organizes, manages or act - Maximum penalty
as financier of Death
- Protector / Coddler - 12 yrs and 1 day to
20 years
5 Sale, Trading, - Unless authorized by law Sell, - Life imprisonment to
Administration, Trade, Administer, Dispense, Death and a fine of
Dispensation, Deliver, Give away to another, 500T to 10M pesos
Delivery, Distribute, Dispatch in transit
Distribution and or Transport any dangerous
Transportation of drugs including any species of
dangerous Drugs Opium poppy regardless of the
and/or Controlled quantity and purity involved
Precursors and - Act as broker in any such
Essential other transaction
- Unless authorized by Law, - 12 yrs and 1 day to 20
SHALL Sell, Trade, Administer, yrs and a fine ranging
Dispense, Deliver, give away to from 100T to 500T
another, Distribute, dispatch in pesos
transit or transport
- Any Controlled Precursor

- If STADDD or T within 100m -Maximum Penalty of

from the school Death
- Pusher who use minor or -Maximum Penalty of
mentally incapacitated death
individuals as runner, couriers
and messengers or in any
capacity directly connected to
the dangerous drugs and or
controlled precursor and
essential chemical trade 110
5 cont’d - If the victim of the -Maximum Penalty
offense is minor or a of Death
mentally incapacitated
individual or should a
dangerous drug and/or
controlled precursor and
essential chemical
involved in any offense
herein provided be the
proximate cause of death
of a victim
- Organizes, manages or -Maximum Penalty
acts as a financier of Death

- Protector/Coddler - 12 years and 1 day

to 20 years

6 Maintenance of - Maintain a den, dive or -Life imprisonment
a Den, Dive or resort where any to Death and a fine
Resort dangerous drugs is used or ranging from 500T
sold in any form to 10M pesos
- Maintain a den, dive or - 12 years and 1 day
resort where any to 20 yrs and a fine
controlled precursor and ranging from 100T
essential chemical is used to 500T pesos
or sold in any form
- Where any dangerous - Maximum penalty
drug is administered, of Death
delivered or sold to a
minor who is allowed to
use the same in such a
- Should any dangerous - Maximum penalty
drugs be the proximate of Death and a fine
cause of death of a person ranging from 1M to
using the same in such den, 15M pesos
dive or resort, (the
maintainer owner and/or
6 cont’d -If such den, dive or resort - Confiscated and
is owned by a third escheated in favor
person, provided : of the Government
* Specifically allege in
the Criminal Complaint
that such place is
intentionally used in the
furtherance of the crime
* Prove such intent on
the part of the owner to
use such property for such
* Owner shall be
included in the criminal
- Organizes, manages a -Maximum Penalty
acts as a financier of any of Death
of the illegal activities

- Protector/Coddler - 12 years and 1 day

to 20 years and a
fine of 100T to
7 Employees and -Any employee of a den, 12 yrs and one day
Visitors of a dive or resort who is to 20 years and a
Den, Dive or aware of the nature of the fine from 100T to
Resort place. 500T
-Is aware of the nature of
the place as such and
shall knowingly visit the
8 Manufacture of -Any person, unless Life imprisonment
Dangerous authorized by the law to death and a fine
Drugs and or shall engage in the of 500T to 10M
Controlled manufacture of any pesos
Precursors and dangerous drugs
Chemicals Any person unless 12 yrs and 1 day to
authorized by law shall 20 yrs and a fine
manufacture any of 100T to 500T
controlled precursor and pesos
essential chemical.

Cont’n Sec. 8. Manufacture of Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled
Precursors & Essentials Chemicals
- The presence of any controlled precursor and essential chemical or laboratory
equipment in the clandestine laboratory is a prima facie proof of manufacture of any
dangerous drug. It shall be considered an aggravating circumstances if the
clandestine laboratory is undertaken or established under the following
a. Any phase of the manufacturing process was conducted in the presence or with the
help of minor(s);
b. Any phase or manufacturing process was established or undertaken within one
hundred (100) meters of a residential, business, church or school premises;
c. Any clandestine laboratory was secured or protected with booby traps;
d. Any clandestine laboratory was concealed with legitimate business operations; or
e. Any employment of a practitioner, chemical engineer, public official or foreigner
- Any person who organizes, manages or act as financier
*Maximum penalty of Death
- Protector / Coddler * 12 yrs. & 1 day to 20 yrs. Fine of 100T to 500T pesos

(December 10, 2002)
PARAÑAQUE CITY (May 7, 2003) 136
11 Possession of Shall posses any Dangerous Drugs Life imprisonment to
Dangerous drugs in the following quantities Death; and
regardless of the degree of purity Fine of 500T to 10M
- 10 gms or more of Opium pesos
- 10 gms. or more Morphine
- 10 gms. or more of Heroin
- 10 gms. or more of Cocaine or
cocaine Hydrochloride
- 50 gms. or more of
Hydrochloride or Shabu
- 10 gms. or more Marijuana resin
or Marijuana resin oil
- 500 gms or more of Marijuana
- 10 gms. or more other drugs,
such as:
*MDMA or Ecstacy
*PMA-Paramethoxy amphetamine
*TMA–Trimethoxy amphetamine
*LSD–Lysergic acid diethylamine
*GHB-Gamma Hydroxy butyrate
- 10 gms. or more but less than 50 - Life Imprisonment
gms of Shabu Fine of 400T to 500T
11 con’t -5 gms. Or more but less than -20 years and 1 day to
10 grams of Opium, Morphine, Life Imprisonment
Heroin, cocaine or cocaine and Fine of 400T to
hydrochloride, marijuana 500T pesos
resin or marijuana resin oil,
hydrochloride or “shabu” or
other drugs such as MDMA,

-300 grams or more but less -20 years and 1 day to

than 500 grams of marijuana Life Imprisonment
and Fine of 400T to
500T pesos

-Less than 5 gms. of Opium, -12years and 1 day to

Morphine, Heroin, cocaine or 20 years and a Fine
cocaine hydrochloride, of 300T to 400T
marijuana resin or marijuana pesos
resin oil, methamphetamine
hydrochloride or “shabu” or
other drugs such as MDMA,

-12years and 1 day to

-less than 300 grams of
marijuana 20 years and a Fine
of 300T to 400T
15 Use of -Positive or use of any
Dangerous Drugs dangerous drugs after
confirmatory test
- 6 months
*First offense Rehabilitation in
government center

*Second Time -Imprisonment of 6

years and 1 day to 12
years . Fine of 50T
to 200T pesos

Section 21. Procedure in the custody and disposition of confiscated,
seized and/or Surrendered Dangerous Drugs, Plant Sources of Dangerous
Drugs, Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals,
Instruments/Paraphernalia and/or Laboratory Equipment.

a. The apprehending officer/team having initial custody and control of the

drugs shall immediately after seizure and confiscation, physically inventory
and photograph the same in the presence of the accused or the person/s
from whom such items were confiscated and/or seized, or his/her
representative or counsel, a representative from the media and the
Department of Justice (DOJ), and any elected public official who shall be
required to sign the copies of the inventory and be given copy thereof.
Provided, that the physical inventory and photograph shall be conducted at
the place where the search warrant is served; or at the nearest police station
or at nearest office of the apprehending officer/team, whichever is
practicable, in case of warrantless seizure; provided further, that non-
compliance of this requirements under justifiable grounds, as long as the
integrity and evidentiary value of the seized items are properly preserved by
the apprehending officer/team, shall not render void and invalid such
seizure of/and custody of said items;
b. Within twenty four (24) hours upon confiscation/seizure of dangerous
drugs, plant sources of dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and essential
chemicals as well as instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory
equipment, the same shall be submitted to the PDEA Forensic Laboratory
for a qualitative and quantitative examination.

c. A certification of Forensic Laboratory Examination result, which

shall be done under oath by the Forensic Laboratory Examiner, shall be
issued within 24 hours after the receipt of the subject item/s: Provided, that
when the volume of dangerous drug, sources of dangerous drugs and
controlled precursors and essential chemicals is not allowed the completion
of testing within the time frame, a partial laboratory examination report
shall be provisionally issued stating therein the quantities of dangerous
drugs is still to be examined by the Forensic Laboratory: Provided, however,
that the final certification shall be issued on the completed forensic
laboratory examination on the same within the next 24 hours;

d. After the filing of the criminal case, the court shall, within 72 hours
conduct an ocular inspection of the confiscated seized and/or surrendered
dangerous drugs, plant sources of dangerous drug and controlled precursors
and essential chemicals, including the instrument/paraphernalia and/or
laboratory equipment, and thru the PDEA shall within 24 hours thereafter,
proceed with the destruction or burning of the same, in the presence of the
accused or persons from whom such items were confiscated and/or seized,
or his representative or counsel, a representative from the media and the
DOJ, civil society And public officials. The board shall draw up the
guidelines on the manner of proper disposition and destruction of such
item/s which shall be borne by the offender: Provided, that those items of
lawful commerce, as determined by the board, shall be donated, used or
recycled for legitimate purposes; Provided further, that a representative
sample, duly weighed and recorded is retained;

e. The Board then shall issue a sworn certification as to the fact of
destruction or burning of the subject item which together with the
representative sample/s in the custody of the PDEA, shall be submitted to the
court having jurisdiction over the case. In cases of seizures where no persons
is apprehended and no criminal case is filed, the PDEA may order the
immediate destruction or burning of seized dangerous drugs and controlled
precursors and essential chemicals under guidelines set by the board. In all
instances, the representative samples shall be kept to a minimum quantity as
determined by the board;

f. The alleged offender or his/her representative or counsel shall be

allowed to personally observe all the above proceedings in his/her
presence shall not constitute an admission of guilt. In case the said
offender or accused refuses or fails to appoint a representative after due
notice in writing to the accused of his/her counsel within 72 hours before the
actual burning or destruction of the evidence in question, the Secretary of
Justice shall appoint a member of Public Attorney’s office to represent the
g. After the promulgation and judgment in the criminal case
wherein the representative samples was presented as evidence in
court, the Trial Prosecutor shall inform the board of the final
termination of the case and, in turn, shall request the court for
leave to turn over the said representative samples to the PDEA
for proper disposition and destruction within 24 hours of the
receipt of the same; and

h. Transitory Provision:
h.1 Within 24 hours from the effectivity of the act, dangerous
drug defined herein which are presently in the possession of law
enforcement agencies shall, with leave of court, be burned or
destroyed, in the presence of the representatives of the court,
DOJ, Department of Health (DOH) and the accused and/or
his/her counsel; and


•Operation “Private Eye” a citizen based information collection project of

(former) DEP Center and now the PDEA will continue what it has started.
•Launched on June 26, 2001
•It aims to counter fear and apathy as hindrances to citizenry participation
in reporting illegal drug activities by ensuring anonymity of the informant
and giving monetary rewards.

Sec. 28. Criminal Liability of Government Officials and
Employees. – The maximum penalties of the unlawful acts
provided for in this Act shall be imposed, in addition to
absolute perpetual disqualification from any public office,
if those found guilty of such unlawful acts are government
officials and employees.

Sec. 29. Criminal Liability of Planting of Evidence. –

Any person who is found guilty of “planting” any
dangerous drug and or controlled precursor and essential
chemical, regardless, of quantity and purity, shall suffer
the penalty of death.
Drug-Free Philippines
by the year 2030 163

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