Standard S Eci Cation of Multipurpose Fire Tender

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Standard Specification of Multipurpose Fire Tender

1.0 Scope of Supply:

1.1 This specification covers design, materials construction features, manufacturing, inspection & testing
at our/sub vender's works, suitable painting & performance testing requirements, workmanship & finish,
accessories & equipment of multipurpose fire tender as per IS950 & IS 10460 for fire brigade use.
2.0 Vehicle Chassis: The chassis carrying our fabrication work of Multipurpose Fire Tender shall be
of TATA 1613/48 Cowl chassis. The chassis shall be equipped with power assisted steering.
3.0 General Requirements:
3.1 The Multi Purpose Fire Tender shall be designed & manufactured as per BIS/ISI & sound engineering
practice. All the equipments & accessories shall be fixed on the appliance in a compact & neat manner &
shall be so placed that each part is easily & readily accessible for use & maintenance. The vehicle shall
incorporate a Fire Pump having water discharge capacity of atleast 3200 LPM at 8.5 Kglcm2, a water tank
of 4500 Ltrs. capacity made of SS304 & Foam tank of 500 Ltrs. capacity made of SS 316L. drag hook or
eye of adequate strength & design shall be provided at the rear & front of chassis.
3.2 The water tender shall be fabricated in a manner so as to confirm to the following characteristics:
a) GVW shall not be less than GVW of chassis mfgr. Specification with all equipment & crew.
b) Maximum speed on level road fully laden shall be 72 Kmlhr.
c) Acceleration from a standing start through the gears (fully laden) shall be 64 Km/hr in 55 sec.
d) The appliance shall be capable of being started from rest on a gradient of 1 to 4.
e) When traveling at 48 KmIhr on a level dry surface the foot brake shall be capable of stopping the
vehicle within a distance of 15 Mtrs. from the point at which brake is applied. The hand brake shall be
capable of holding the fully laden appliance on a dry surface gradient of 1 in 4 when in neutral gear.
f) The appliance shall have following overall dimensions.
Wheel base : Not more than 4500mm Turning circle: Not more than 20 Mtrs.
Road clearance: Not less than 23 cm Overall width: Not more than 2.50 Mtrs.

All parts, which shall form waterways or come into contact with water shall be of corrosion resisting
material or would be made of material duly treated for anti corrosion. All metal parts exposed to
atmosphere shall either be of corrosion-resisting material or treated.
3.4 Lubricating nipples shall be provided wherever necessary.
4.0 Design & Construction:
4.1 Engine:
4.1.1 The engine shall be provided with cooling system to permit its continuous stationery running without
overheating. Indirect cooling system shall be incorporated, if necessary which shall be of the open circuit
type discharging water to the waste. Arrangement shall be made to divert the cooling discharge water to
water tank, if necessary. .
4.1.2 The operating temp of the engine cooling water shall preferably be thermostatically controlled.
4.1.3 The oil in the oil sump shall be prevented from overheating.
4.1.4 Suitable gauge for cooling water & glow lamp for lubricating system shall be provided in the
driver's cab & on the pump panel. This shall be marked with operating temp.
4.1.5 External filter shall be provided for the lubricating system & a tubular dip stick to gauge the level
of oil in the oil sump shall be provided.
4.2.0 Electrical System:
4.2.1 A trickle type battery charger shall be provided for recharging the battery in situ. A red pilot lamp,
indicating when the batteries are being charged from an external supply, shall be provided.
4.2.2 All important electrical circuit shall have separate fuses suitably indicated & shall be grouped
into a common fuse box located in an accessible position from drivers cab & fitted with means for
carrying spare fuses. The wiring shall be single pole & shall not be exposed to the atmosphere. All
wiring shall be properly fixed in position & shall be protected against heat, oil & physical damage
wherever necessary wiring shall be passed through conduits / sleeves.
4.3.0 Water Tank- It shall have capacity of 4500 Ltrs.
4.3.1 The tank shall be constructed out of SS304 treated for anti corrosion shall be suitably mounted on
the chassis in a manner keeping in view the proper load distribution on the axles. The thickness of
sheets shall be a min. 5mm for the bottom & 4mm for the sides, baffles & top. The tank shall be fitted in
such a manner that it shall allow the full flow of water to pump. The tank shall be suitably baffled to
prevent surge when the vehicle is braking, cornering, accelerating & turning. The baffles shall be
arranged in a manner to facilitate the passage of a man throughout the tank for cleaning purposes. The
tank shall be mounted on three cross bearers to counteract stresses caused by chassis flexing & shall be
so secured that it can be removed. The tank body & baffle shall be min. 4mm thick.
4.3.2 The tank shall be fitted with a 75mm bore overflow pipe taken down to a point well below the
without effecting the effective ground clearance when fully laden & discharge away from the wheels.
Min. 2 Nos. 63mm inst hydrant connections incorporating a strainer shall be provided close to the pump
panel for filling the tank through suitable bore pipe work or feeding the hose reel equipments. A 150mm
bore pipeline shall be taken from the tank to the suction inlet of the pump incorporating a 150mm quick
action spherical type butterfly valve. Separate valve/s for performing all the function detailed elsewhere in
the specification shall be provided to control the flow of water to the hose reel equipment. Drain plugs or
drain cocks shall be provided wherever necessary.
4.3.3 The tank shall be given adequate anti corrosive of epoxy treatment consisting of one coat of
primer with two coats of finish paint after preparing the surface after fabrication if it is not
4.3.4 A visual level gauge of the PVC tube shall be provided at the control panel calibrated 1/4,1/2,3/4, &
full (preferably calibrated in Ltrs.)
4.3.5 The tank shall have a bolted manhole of 450mm dia min. A cleaning hole of atleast 250mm dia
shall also be provided at the bottom of the water tank for repair/maintenance.
4.3.6 The tank shall be connected with the pump nose reel & valve/s shall be provided in such a way
& any of the following operation are possible: that
a) Tank to pump
b) Pump to heat exchanger (cooling system) f) Tank to water level indicator
c) Auxiliaries connections g) Hydrant to tank via pump
d) Hydrant to hose reel h) Hydrant to tank direct
e) Pump to hose reel i) Tank to pump to monitor (Foam / Water)
4.3.7 Foam Tank:
A Foam tank of 500 Ltrs. capacity fabricated from SS 316L die pressed stiffeners plates of min.
5mm thickness for bottom & 4mm for sides & top shall be provided. The foam tank shall be
of rigid type welded construction.
The cleaning hole of 250mm & drainpipe with a ball valve & plug incorporated in it shall be provided. The
tank shall have filling orifice of not less than 150 dia with a removable strainer fitted to it. The strainer
shall be such material as shall not be affected by constant contact with foam compound & its total
screening area shall be adequate to permit quick filling of foam compound into the tank. The filler cap
shall be clearly marked FOAM preferably by press embossing.
The tank shall be suitable baffled to prevent surge while the vehicle is in motion or standing on uneven
ground or brakes are applied to the moving appliance. The design of the tank shall incorporate removable
sump fitted with a drain valve. The foam draw off tube shall be positioned in the center of the sump in such
a manner that foreign matter or sludge shall not pass into the compound line. The draw off tube shall be
fitted with a gauge strainer of suitable material, mesh, size & adequate straining area. The paneling over
the tank top shall be removable & it shall be ensured that the joint between the paneling & the body of
the tank is leak proof.
The tank shall be provided with breather (automatic type) in the tank & atleast 2 os. The space shall
be left for expansion.
Inspection hole of 450mm with cover shall be provided. Means shall be provided for automatic venting
of the foam tank when the foam is being produced or the tank is being filled. This shall be incorporated
with the cap. The device employed shall be simple & shall not get clogged easily during normal use of
the appliance.
The draw off tube shall be connected to the foam proportioner with 1 RV in addition to the main control
valve. The draw off pipe shall be fitted with removable strainer of suitable material. Provision shall also
be made for drawing foam compound into the foam producing system from an external source through a
pick up tube while producing foam.
4.4.0 Hose Reels:
4.4.1 Normal Pressure Hose Reel: One hose reel (conforming to 1S884) shall be provided at rear
with 60M length of 20mm bore hose connected by screw "C' type quick release coupling & terminating
with control branch & 5mm nozzle. The reel shall be fitted with over brake or locking device.
4.5.0 Pump:
4.5.3 The pump shall be designed to give a rated output of 3200 LPM at 8.5 Kg/cm2 with an engine &
pump input at shaft speed safe enough to operate the engine. The pump shall give performance as
detailed below when working with strainers (except basket strainer) at 27±2°c.
Output Pressure Lift Remarks
3200 LPM 8.5 Kg/cm2 3M When working through 2 x 2.5m length of suction hose
4.5.4 The material of construction of pump & its control panel shall be as follows:
Sr. Description Material
1 Casing Copper alloy
2 Impeller Lead tin bronze
3 Shaft SS
4 Panel M sheets
Pump Test:The pump shall be run for a period of four hours non stop delivering the rated output at 8.5
Kg/cm2 with a lift of 3 M. during the test the water shall not be replenished for the cooling system & the
temp of the engine oil would not exceed 115°c or of the engine mfgr. Rated temp for continuous working
whichever is less. The engine would show no sign of stress during the test. The temp. of the cooling
water (radiator water) tank shall not exceed 85°c. The PTO sump oil temp shall not exceed 100% of the
mfg. recommended temp. for the grade of oil used. The pump casing & impeller shall be subjected to a
hydraulic pressure if 21 Kg/cm2 to detect leakage, perforation etc.
4.6.0 Suction Inlet & Delivery Valves:
4.6.1 The pump shall have suction inlet/s having 125mm standard suction connection as per IS902
with internal strainer/s & blank cap/so The strainer/s shall be retained firmly when in use but shall be
easily removable.
4.6.2 The pump shall be provided with four delivery valves having 63mm standard hose couplings as IS
903 with screwed wheel type quick closing clack valve conforming to IS4928. blank caps fastened with
chains & incorporating means to relieve pressure between the valve & the cap shall be provided
one for each delivery valve.
4.7.0 Primer:
4.7.1 The primer shall be capable of lifting water atleast 7 m (measured form water level to the centre of
pump) in not more that 24 sec & shall preferably be fully automatic. The allowance shall be 30cm for
every 300m elevation above sea level & 1 % for 2.5°c rise in water temp. The high pressure pump shall
be directly fed from the tank.
4.7.2 If the primer is of the reciprocating type, means shall be provided to automatically limit the
speed of engine while the primer is engaged.
4.7.3 The primer shall be constructed of light alloy. Casting shall have SS shaft & shall be fitted
with suitable lubricated bearing depending upon the type of primer.
4.7.4 In case of reciprocating type primer, the selection of materials shall be made with a view that no
major part is required to be replaced in course of service & the material used for these parts shall be
phosphor bronze & SS depending upon their respective strength & use. The caps of primer & springs
shall be properly secured. The primer lever shall be easily accessible from the operator/s position.
4.7.5 In case of reciprocating type, the primer shall be preferably designed with a view to primer
when that pump is running at speed of 1000 or 1500 RPM.
4.8.0 Control Panels:
4.8.1 Adequate illuminated pump operating control panel shall be provided on the rear of the
Fire Tender.
All controls of the system shall be spaced properly & marked for easy operation. All valves shall be
lever operated type & shall be made of SS with Teflon seats. All other controls including P A system
shall be provided at driver's cab. All control panels shall have clearly written operating instruction
Adequately illuminated pump operating panel shall include the following:
1.Pump Pressure gauge.
2.Hydrant connection for water tank filling pipes.
3.Delivery outlets of the pump along with blank cap.
4.Suction inlet of the pump with blank cap.
5.Control for using the auxiliary foam pick up tube.
6.Operating & flushing out instruction plate.
7.Control for water tank to pump valve.
8.Pump RPM meter for shaft speed.
9.Control for flushing out foam equip. & piping.
10.Compound gauge.
11.Valve for hose reel.
12.Light point of pump panel.
13.Drain valve.
14.Gauge for cooling water & glow lamp for lubricating system
15.Cooling water circuit control
16.Primer control
17.Control for using monitor
18.Pump to foam monitor
19.Hydrant to hose reel connection
20.Around the pump proportioner
21.PTO engagement indicator
22.Driver's calling bell
4.8.2 The following shall also be provided at a convenient position near the control panels
a) Water level indicator b) Five way control valve c) Hydrant connections.
4.9.0 Body Work & Stowage:
4.9.1 Enclosed accommodation for six persons shall be provided in the driver cab cum crew
including the driver & fire officer. The driver & fire officer seat shall be of an adjustable type (freely
adjustable). All seats shall have foam cushion & of best quality rexin. Provision shall be made to store
set in the back rest of the driver, officer & the crew seats with suitable clamps & brackets where the BA
sets (Single cylinder) shall rest & shall not be kept in a hanging condition. Two doors on each side shall
provided on the driver cab cum crew compartment. The doors shall be hinged opening outwards & shall
hung forward & shall have catch locks & flush type handles.
Door shall be fitted with safety glasses & winding type regulators. Below the crew seat space shall
be provided for storage of equipments. Pressed sections of sufficient strength shall be used for the
super structure.
4.9.2 The cab & lockers shall be composite construction with sufficient rigidity & reinforcement & shall be
kept as light as possible. Pressed sections of sufficient strength shall be used for the superstructure.
4.9.3 Adequate Nos. of lockers shall be provided for stowage of all equipment. The height of the lockers
from the bottom to the top of opening shall be not less than 600mm & the depth not less than 600mm.
4.9.4 All lockers shall be provided with internal automatic lighting arrangement with the master switch in
the cab. The doors of the lockers shall have efficient means for holding them closed by efficient flush
fitting spring loaded locks. The doors of the side lockers with the exception low lockers shall not be
at the bottom; doors of the low lockers hinged at bottom shall have not less than 5cm ground clearance.
4.9.5 Hose tunnels shall be provided to carry four 2.5 m lengths of suction hoses on convenient location.
Drain holes shall be provided preferably at the bottom of the tunnel & hose stowage compartment.
4.9.6 Ladder Gallows: Gallows shall be provided to carry a 10.5 M, trussed aluminium extension
ladder of heavy duty quality. 1 No 10.5 m ladder shall also be provided. The design shall be such that
the ladder can be released without difficulty from a reasonably accessible position & shall embody
rollers to permit easy withdrawals by one man. Means shall be provided for locking the ladder when
4.9.7 Tool Kit Container: A specially fitted recessed tray for the normal kit of tools, carried on
the appliance shall be provided.
4.10.0 Stability: The stability of the appliance shall be such that when under fully equipped &
loaded conditions (but excluding crew) if the surface on which the appliance stands is tilted to either
side, the point at which overturning occurs is not passed at an angle of 27° from the horizontal.
Material Section:The material to be used for construction of the tender shall be made with a view to
combine lightness with strength & durability & corrosion resistant. All metal fasteners shall be heavy
duty type & galvanized. Outer body shall be made of 16 gauge aluminum sheet with fine finishing &
painted with gloss superior quality paint.
4.11.0 Foam Proportioning System: The foam induction shall be automatic or manual, if one branch
is in operation, all further addition & removal of branches shall automatically adjust the rate of foam
compound induction within variation of 0.5% the induction ratio not exceeding 6%.
4.12.0 DCP System: 2x50 Kgs. capacity each DCP Fire extinguisher shall be provided at the
convenient position on the appliance. DCP extinguishing system shall have 10 Mtrs. high pressure hose
with pistol type discharge nozzle. The DCP vessel shall be fitted with C02 cylinder for expelling DCP.
The DCP containers shall be lead tin alloy coated by electrolyte process for anti corrosion.
4.13.0 CO2 System: 4x22.5 Kgs. capacity CO2 cylinders each in a battery of 2 on each side with one
manifold for each set shall be provided. These shall be provided with a hose reel for each CO 2 battery &
the same shall be fitted with a 15 Mtrs. long high pressure hose. These cylinders shall be placed in
lockers at a convenient position in the tender. CO2 cylinders would have CCOE, Nagpur approval.
4.14.0 Power Take 0ff Unit: Heavy duty full torque PTO unit shall be fitted behind the engine gear box,
to drive the main pump at the rear. The lever of the PTO unit shall be fitted in the driver's cabin. A
suitable cooling system (copper coil) shall be inbuilt in the PTO to cool the oil in the PTO. Max. through
torque of PTO shall not be less than the max through torque of the chassis engine. The PTO shall be
connected to the chassis gear box & the pump through heavy duty propeller shafts & centre bearings etc.
The PTO shall be capable of being pneumatically or manually operated.
The high pressure pump shall be engaged with other PTO. The PTO would be of a proper gear ratio
to drive the pump at the required RPM without loss of power from the engine & also preventing
engine overheating.
The PTO runs at an RPM of 1000 which is the exact requirement for the high pressure pump. This
PTO delivers the sufficient amount of power required for the high pressure pump. The PTO
calculations in support of the pump are enclosed.
4.15.0 Long Range Foam / Water Monitor: One Aqua-foam monitor shall be mounted on the top of
appliance in such a manner that it can be manually operated by a crew member. The monitor shall be
R capable of traversing through 360° in horizontal plane. Elevating from horizontal to 45° & depressing from
horizontal to not less than 15° & fully rotating in both directions. The monitor shall be capable of
the foam discharge to an effective distance of not less than 55 - 60 Mtrs. in still air. Expansion ratio shall not
be less than 1 :8.
4.16.0 Emergency Light Bar with P.A. System: An emergency light bar Red/Amber & Blue shall be fitted
on cabin rooftop with P A system, control of same shall be provided inside driver's cab in front of off seat.
2 nos. danger light & 1 No. of electric siren shall be provided in addition to light bar.
5.0 Workmanship & Finish:
5.1 All parts of the appliance shall be of good workmanship & shall have streamlined finish.
5.2 The appliance shall be painted fire red colour conforming to Shade No. 536 of IS:5. the paint shall
conform to IS:2932. & there shall be caption FIRE SERVICE.
5.3 The weight distribution dia shall be enclosed with the offer.
5.4 The driver's cab & inside lockers shall be painted grey colour of best quality enamel. All parts shall
painted with anti corrosive primer prior to final painting. All painted portion shall show the finishing &
glow. The chassis & wheel arches shall be painted black, water line painted red, foam line painted in
& red strips. Two coats of anti corrosion & priming wili be applied before painting.
6.0 Instruction Book, Accessories & Equipments:
6.1 Instruction Book: Instruction book along with maintenance manual shall be provided along with
the vehicle. The book shall include itemized & illustrated spare parts list.
6.2 The following accessories shall be provided in addition to those normally fitted.
a) Fire Bells: 250mm dia fire bell mounted externally & operated from driving compartment.
b) Head lamps - Two
c) Fog lamps - Two
d) Reversing light - Lamp suitably situated to assist reversing.
e) Amber blinkers lights - (2 Nos.) Situated on the head of the driving compartment.
f) Trafficators - Illuminated with indicating lights on instrument panel.
g) Wind screen wipers - 1 Set
h) Tools for general maintenance kit: Required for routine maintenance, not included in chassis kit.
i) Revolving illuminations bars with hooter (Siren) - Battery operated
j) Search light with 30M cable: flood or beam, capable of being disconnected & mounted on tripod
away from appliance, complete with tripod & 30m of TRS cable on a reel.
k) Spot light: Adjustable, mounted in a convenient position on the near side of the driving compartment.
I) Inspection lamp - Protected type on wander lead with plug. A socket shall be provided in the
control panel in the driver's cab for plugging in the lamp.
m) Tail lamps - Two of combined stop &
n) Rear reflectors
0) Cab, instrument panel & locker, lights.
p) Wind screen - Washer - fit in a suitable location with controls in driving compartment
q) P.A. System - 1 No.
7.0 Marking:
7.1 Each appliance shall be clearly & permanently marked with the following information:
a) Manufacturer's name, or trademark, if any
b) Engine & Chassis Nos.
c) Capacity of the pump in LPM & capacity of Water & Foam tank in Ltrs.
d) Year of manufacture.
e) Company emblem
8.0 Completion / Delivery Schedule: 4-5 months from receipt of chassis.

g)f) List of Equipments shall be supplied with the Multi Purpose Fire Tender

1.Aluminium extension ladder Trussed type-l0.5M Length of heavy duty type (IS 4571) – 01 No.
2. Rubber gloves – 01 pair
a) RRL hose type A ofIS 636/ 15 Mtrs. with 63mm delivery hose couplings (IS 903)- 180M b)
CP hose as per IS8423 in 30 Mtrs. lengths fitted with delivery hose couplings – 150M
4. Suction strainer 125mm size (IS 907) – 01No.
5. Basket strainer, cylindrical type (IS 3582) - 01No.
6. Dividing breaching with control instantaneous pattern 63mm (IS 905) – 02 Nos.
7. Collecting breaching with control instantaneous pattern 63mm (IS 905) – 02 Nos.
8. Suction wrenches - 01 pair
9. Long line, 50mm manila ropes, 30 Mtrs. long (IS 1084) - 02 Nos.
10.Short line, 40mm manila ropes, 15 Mtrs. long (IS 1084) - 02
11. Fire hook - 02 Nos.
12. First aid box for 10 persons - 01 No.

Optional Equipments for Multi purpose Fire Tender.

a) Hose clamps (IS: 5612, Part-I) – 25 Nos.
b) Hose bandages (IS:512, part-H) - 25 Nos.
c) Hose slings - 20 Nos.
d) Hose straps - 20 Nos.
2. PVC Suction hose complete with round thread coupling to suit the pump inlet 2.5M long - 04Nos.
3. 3 way suction collecting head 100mm size (IS :904) - 01 No.
4. Fog nozzle with extension applicator with fog head (IS:952) - 01 No.
5. Hand controlled branch for 63mm size hose coupling steel - 01 No.
6. Branch pipe - 04 Nos.
7. Nozzle of sizes 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, & 32mm (2 each) (SS/GM) (IS:903) -08 Nos.
Adapter for 1OOmm suction female screw coupling & 63mm male instant. (GM)- 02 Nos.
Adapter double female instant: pattern 63mm (GM)- 02 Nos.
Adapter double male instant: pattern 63 mm (GM)- 02 Nos.
9. Nozzle Spanners (lS:903)MS- 02 Nos.
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10 Hand lamp (torch - 4 cells) 2 Nos.

11 Foam making branch FB-5X with pick up tube (IS:2097) 1 No.
12 Lowering line-50mm 40m having one spliced end & one with running noose.(IS:1984) 1 No.
13 Canvas buckets 2 Nos.
14 Axe, Large (IS:703)
1 No.
15 Spade 1 No.
16 Pick Axe (IS:273) 1 No.
17 Crow Bar (IS:704) 1 No.
18 Sledge hammer,(IS:841) 6.5 Kgs. 1 No.
19 Carpenter's saw, 60 ems (ISL5098) 1 No.
20 Spanner, adjustable, 30cm length handle (IS:6169) 1 No.
21 Door breaker 1 No.
22 Hydraulic jack - 10 tones 1 No.
23 Tool Kit (for normal other than supply with chassis - 7 tools)
1 No.
24 Grease Gun ~ Kg. size lever type
2 Nos.
25 Oil feeder
1 No.
26 Can oil - 2 Ltrs.
27 Can oil 10 Ltrs. 1 No.
28 Funnel for oil or fuel filling 250mm 1 No.
1 No.
29 File bastard 30cm (IS:931)
1 No.

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