Design of Sewage Treatment Plants

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The document discusses various sewage/wastewater treatment processes and systems including preliminary treatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment and rural wastewater treatment systems.

The different types of secondary treatment processes discussed include activated sludge process, trickling filters, oxidation ditches, oxidation ponds, aerated lagoons, rotating biological contactors.

The main steps involved in activated sludge process are aeration of wastewater in the presence of microbes, solid-liquid separation after aeration, discharge of treated effluent, wasting of excess biomass and return of remaining biomass to the aeration tank.

Design of Sewage Treatment Plants

Dr. E.Venkata Rathnam

Associate Professor in Civil Engineering
National Institute of TechnologyWarangal

 CPHEEO=Central Public Health and Environmental
Engineering Organisation

 Wastewater quality parameters

 Wastewater treatment procedure
 Design of wastewater treatment
 Operation and maintenance
 Sanitary engineering starts at the point where water supply
engineering ends.
 All the taps, fixtures and appurtenances that receive water for
use, discharge into the waste-water systems.
 Sanitary engineering starts with the collecting system and
ends after the streams or other bodies of receiving water have
been returned to the condition of relative purity desired for
Sanitary works

 Collection works,
 Treatment works, and
 Disposal works
Philosophy of Wastewater treatment

 To remove various contaminants present in sewage so as to

produce an effluent and sludge which can be disposed off in the
environment without causing health hazards or nuisance.
 The main contaminants in the domestic sewage that are to be
removed are:
 Biodegradable organics
 Suspended solids
 Pathogens and
 Nutrients
Domestic Sewage

 The contaminants in the domestic sewage are present in the form of

Suspended (settleable, Non-settelable); Colloidal and Dissolved solids.
 The objective of the treatment process involving various
(i) operations/processes or (ii) combination of operations and
processes ; by which the contaminants are stabilised and removed.
Operations in Sewage Treatment
• Physical Unit Operations
– Change is brought about by means of or through the application of
physical forces
• Chemical Unit Processes
– Change is brought about by means of or through chemical activities
• Biological Unit Processes
– Change is brought about by means of or through biological activities
Physical Unit Operations
Chemical Unit Processes
Biological Unit Processes
Biological Unit Processes
Biological Unit Processes
Reactors for Sewage Treatment
 Batch
 Plug flow
 CSTR (Continuous flow stirred tank)
 Arbitrary flow
 Fluidised bed
 Membrane bio reactor
Classification of Sewage Treatment
 Preliminary
 To remove floating materials such as dead animals, wood pieces, tree
branches, papers, heavy settleable inorganic solids, fats, oil, grease etc.
 Primary
 To remove large suspended organic solids

 Secondary
 Removal of residual organic matter and suspended material.

 Tertiary
 To remove the contaminants that are not removed in conventional treatment
Preliminary Treatment of Sewage

 Screens
 Grit chambers
 Comminutors
 Skimming tanks
 Floatation units
 Flow measuring units
Preliminary Treatment of Sewage
Primary Treatment of Sewage
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
Tertiary Treatment of Sewage
 Various processes that are used in the tertiary treatment of
sewage are
 Chemical clarification
 Recarbonation
 Filtration
 Activated carbon adsorption
 Disinfection
 Nitrogen removal
 Phosphorous removal
 Demineralisation

NIT Warangal
Process Flow Sheet (Conventional)
Process Flow Sheet (low cost)
Process Flow Sheet (low cost)
Process Flow Sheet (Anaerobic)
Design and Construction of S.T.Ps
Typical composition of Sewage (Concentration of various parameters)
General standards for Discharge of
Environmental Pollutants
General standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants
Preliminary Treatment of Sewage
 Screening
 Screening is essential for removal of floating materials which are mainly
sachets, plastic sheet bits, leaves, fibres, rags, etc.
 If these are not removed, they will get into the pumps and entangle in the
 They can also be drawn into suction pipes and choke them and it is difficult to
locate their position in the pipeline.
 They can cause objectionable shoreline conditions where disposal into sea is
 Screens are used ahead of pumping stations, meters and as a first step in all
 A screen is a device with openings generally of uniform size.
Preliminary Treatment of Sewage
 Screening
 Types of Screens
 Coarse Screens (with openings >25 mm)
 Medium Screens (with openings of ≈ 12 mm)
 Fine Screens (with openings of ≈ 5 mm)
Preliminary Treatment of Sewage
 Screening
Preliminary Treatment of Sewage
 Screening
Preliminary Treatment of Sewage
 Screening
 Design Considerations
 Velocity of flow
 0.6-1.2 m/s
 Loss of head
 Normally 0.15 m, should not exceed 0.3 m
 Materials
 Coarse screens
o Steel bars
 Fine screens
o Steel bars, Bronze plates or wire mesh
 Angle of inclination
 45-60 with horizontal for manually cleaned and 60-90 for mechanically cleaned
 Free board
 0.3 m
 Max width
 1.5 m
Preliminary Treatment of Sewage
 Screening
 Design Procedure for Screens
 Calculate the projected area of screens using the peak sewage flow
 Calculate the number of bars
 Calculate the width and length of screen channel
 Calculate the height of screen
 Calculate the velocity of flow in screen channel
 Calculate the head loss through the screens
 Calculate the hydraulic loading for peak flow
Preliminary Treatment of Sewage
 Comminuting Devices
 a mechanically cleaned screen which incorporates a
cutting mechanism that shreds the retained material and
enabling it to pass along with the sewage
 recommended for smaller sized STPs of up to 1 MLD.
Preliminary Treatment of Sewage
Preliminary Treatment of Sewage
 Grit Removal
 Grit removal is necessary to protect the moving mechanical
equipment and pump elements from abrasion and
accompanying abnormal wear and tear.
 Removal of grit also reduces the frequency of cleaning of
digesters and settling tanks.
Preliminary Treatment of Sewage
 Grit Removal
 Design considerations
 Settling velocity
 Surface overflow rate
 Detention period
 45 to 90 sec
 Bottom scour velocity
 Velocity control device
 Proportional flow weir
 Parshall flume
 Number of units
 Loss of Head
Preliminary Treatment of Sewage
 Grit Removal
 Design Procedure for GRIT chamber
 Compute the settling velocity
 Compute the surface overflow rate
 Determine the dimensions of the chamber
 Design the velocity control facility
Preliminary Treatment of Sewage
 Velocity control devices

Proportional flow weir

Preliminary Treatment of Sewage
 Velocity control devices

Parshall Flume
Preliminary Treatment of Sewage
 Flow Equalization
 when the peak factor exceeds 3 by a wide margin, it is
advisable to equalize the sewage flow before feeding to the
STP units.
Primary Treatment of Sewage
 The primary clarifier is located after screens and grit
chambers and reduces the organic load on secondary
treatment units.
Primary Treatment of Sewage
 Design considerations
 Velocity of flow
 Surface overflow rate
 Detention period
 2-2.5 hours
 Tank dimensions
 Rectangular or circular
 Inlet and outlet
 Weir loading
Primary Treatment of Sewage
Primary Treatment of Sewage
 Design procedure
 Compute the capacity of the tank by assuming the detention period.
 Adopt the required depth of the tank
 Calculate the surface area required
 Perform cross check for the dimensions obtained
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
 Activities in Aerobic Digestion

Organic matter  O2  bacteria  CO2  H 2O  NH 3  other end products  energy
Organic matter  O 2  bacteria  energy  New microbial cell tisue
Endogeneous respiration
New microbial cell tissue  5O2  5CO2  NH 3  2 H 2O  energy
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
 Activated Sludge Process
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
 Activated Sludge Process
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
 Activated Sludge Process
 Activated sludge plant involves:
 wastewater aeration in the presence of a microbial suspension,
 solid-liquid separation following aeration,
 discharge of clarified effluent,
 wasting of excess biomass, and
 return of remaining biomass to the aeration tank.
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
 Activated Sludge Process
 Design elements:
 Design of Aeration tank
 Design of clarifier
 Return sludge rate
 Sludge wasting
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
 Activated Sludge Process
 Key considerations in ASP design:
 MLSS (mixed liquor suspended solids)
 F/M Ratio
 Oxygen transfer rate
 Rate of sludge production
 Aeration tank volume
 Sludge recycle rate
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
 Activated Sludge Process
 Modifications to the conventional ASP
 Tapered aeration
 Step aeration
 Contact stabilisation
 Extended aeration
 Complete mix
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
 Trickling filters
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
 Oxidation Ditch
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
 Oxidation Ponds (Stabilisation Ponds)
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
 Aerated Lagoons
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
 Aerated lagoons
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
 Rotating biological Contactors
Rural Wastewater treatment systems

 Septic tank
 Constructed wetlands
 Lagoons
 Waste stabilisation ponds
A schematic diagram of Small bore sewer
Septic Tank
Wetland/Reed bed systems
Waste stabilisation pond
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