Final Exam: Business Communication

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Final Exam:

Business communication

A) Subject: A device that fits Needs.

I hope you are having a wonderful day and would not be disturbed by my concern, My name is Rachel
Rivera, and I am looking for a new computing device, and frankly I don’t know what is right for me or
my small business. I am highly mobile and work from many places. You were recommended as a
computing guru who gives great advice. I need a portable yet secure device. I like a big screen and the
ability to connect to many peripherals at once. I guess what I am saying is that I need your advice on what
computer is right for me—a tablet, notebook, laptop, or desktop PC. What do you think?

B) Subject: Opportunity to earn.

We would like to thank you for taking out time to read this and for considering to help us.
Our organization, Newborns in Need, has heard that charity golf tournaments can raise a lot
of money. However, we know nothing about how to plan such an event. Your recent blog
about planning an event was terrific. But we have additional questions, such as how to attract
celebrities and whether it would be an amateur event or could local celebrities participate.
Another big question has to do with pricing. Can you help us estimate what costs are
involved and what expenses we should expect? As you can see, we have many questions,
such as what is a “shotgun start” format? We would commission you to help us if you are

C) Subject: Details regarding the patio Umbrella.

Thank you for Emailing us, we are happy to hear from you and would like to serve your needs in the
future as well. Your letter of November 2 has been referred to my desk. Pursuant to your inquiry, I have
researched your question in regard to the colors of our European-style patio umbrella. This unique
umbrella is one of our most popular items. Its 10-foot canopy protects you when the sun is directly
overhead, but it also swivels and tilts to virtually any angle for continuous sun protection all day long. It
comes in two colors: cream and forest green
A) The message is trying to persuade customers who are not regular buyers of the brand to buy
from the brand because make him feel like he belongs to the Zappos family. (Providing for
customer loyalty/persuading non regular customers)
B) By two ways, first by attracting his attention through a personal per say coupon and the second
being empathetic in the writing style trying to make the customer feel emotionally cared for.
C) I think considering the message, it is effective as the customer would feel honored that a brand
rewards them for their loyalty.


In such a situation , I personally would first email my supervisor and formally ask to have a one
to one meeting with him as I have concerns about the task he has provided, slight details
concerning a supporting argument highlighting what flaws his plan has would get my
supervisors attention. Then when a formal meeting has been planned at the appointed date, I
can Draft a presentation and proposal to persuade the supervisor to consider my plan effective.
For such a meeting the venue would be an office due to the equipment for presentations
present. In that meeting a strong and happy body language would support my argument to help
my case. Research about my plan E.g. (Method of taxation) would be highly necessary as I must
clarify facts to my supervisor and must prove to him his idea is in fact a flawed one. If my
supervisor does not agree to my terms I shall have to oblige to a senior and accept his way of
work. That will be all.

If I happen to be in such a situation, my first concern would be inquiring about my team member
and his prior reservations so that I can personally book a time slot for us to meet. I would like to
clear his mis- understanding about me and explain to him that “It is okay to fail” because every
great leader has failed once. I would also be empathetic towards him and would offer him to take
a few days off to clear his mind so that when he comes back to the office it doesn’t hinder the
progress and workflow of the company.
Date: 2/June/2010
Address: (retailer specific)
Subject: Discussion About the looney launch.
Dear Valued retailers,
I hope you find this in good health and are doing great. Our company has been very happy to
work with you over the last few years, we honored by your loyalty and commitment towards us.
We are hoping to do great business with you in the future as well.
This email is about our looney launch which has been a tremendous success over the past few
months. We had hit a record sales figure of 20,000 in a month which is all thanks to your help.
As we know our products are dangerous in nature and even with the provided guidelines kids can
misuse them and get hurt. Due to a recent incident at 42nd street, Ash vile, New jersey a kid
broke several bones after hitting a concrete wall and the parents of the concerned kid have filed a
lawsuit against our esteemed product. Our board of directors thinking carefully about the safety
and loyalty of our customers have decided to discontinue the “XtremityPlus” line of products
until further notice.
We do not blame you for course of the event that followed and I know this is not something you
would want but after reviewing the circumstances at-hand we believe this is the decision to
protect children from any possible injuries that could occur. Any further injuries would translate
to more lawsuits that both of our companies cannot afford during these troubling times not
including the massive negative goodwill and bad PR for both of our companies Sales have also
dipped due to news of this lawsuit translating into unsold products if we continue production.
Even putting the business perspective aside it is our civic and social duty to ensure that our
products are 100% fool-proof and after this incident my faith in this has faltered to a point where
I cannot in good faith allow it to harm someone else.
We have collaborated on major projects throughout the years and we would want to continue this
partnership going forward. I know this has an adverse effect on the revenues of your company
but through other projects we will try to make up for it. We hope to continue our association for
a long time and hope you will not let this get in the way
“Jacob Toys limited”
[email protected]
Date: September 1st, 2011
Address: Four Seasons Resort, 7680 Granite Loop Road, Teton Village, WY 83025.
Subject: Concerns regarding room and equipment availability
Dear Laura O’Malley,
I hope you receive this letter in good health, my name is henry reaves (CEO of Reaves media group), I
wish to inquire about the availability of your rooms and conference rooms. My Check in dates are as
 December 15–19
 January 12–16.
I will be accompanied with at least 55 guests which include families with children and adults. Our stay
will be comprised of one and a half days in which we like to know about availability and rates for the
facilities you have. An attachment is present below which provides exact and detailed question of what I
want to inquire about. I would also like to request a discount; we know it is peak times for your business
but as a travelling group it would be favorable to come to your business because you suit our needs.
Our CEO needs to hold a banquet of about 85 people, the setting must be air conditioned and enough
equipment present so that no hiccups occur, further details are present in the document below. I would
also like know about the entertainment options and internet access as that is an essential part to
communicate and enjoy so that our time can be shareable and memorable.
Is there an immediate and available Transport service by your organization at the airport so that no
inconvenience occurs while we travel to your resort? If available, then what kind of categories do you
provide and what are the cost for that.
I would like to thank you for sparing your time and going through this, I hope to hear from you as soon as
Attachment: (“Inquiry Document. Exe.”)
Reaves Media Group
Henry Reaves
[email protected]


TO: Team
FROM: Fellow employee

It has been my dream to further pursue a college education, however, I am not in the financial
position to do so. I am therefore requesting the firm’s support: through reimbursement for tuition
and books, as is a practice in many organizations.

Attaining a more advanced education will allow me to be a much more valuable asset to this
company. I have been an employee here for several years and have been very dedicated and
committed in my performance - given the opportunity to build my knowledge and skillset I
believe that I could do significantly better. Once I have completed my education, I will be better
equipped to serve this company: produce work of higher quality and quantity, ultimately
increasing my output. Career, and concomitantly, personal growth is very important to me and I
sincerely hope that I will have your support in doing so.

My performance at work shall not be hindered in any capacity. This is a flexible, part-time
course and I am confident that I will be able to balance it alongside prioritizing meeting my work

I understand that it is not customary to reimburse employees for tuition and books, but I can
assure you that it is in the company’s best interests to do so. Not only will this attract employees,
but also enable them to gain skills in order to improve their performance at work.


TO: Jeff Abrams, Director of Human Resources
FROM: Employee

Dear Jeff,

Per your request, this is a breakdown of an intercultural training curriculum for the company.

After much research, I have found the following websites to be most informative for the in-house
intercultural training class.

One of the resources that I personally quite appreciated was ( in an

article called, “The web’s leading website for International Business Etiquette, Manners, and
Culture,” as it contained information specific to every country and every possible interaction one
may face at the workplace. Furthermore, a website by Walden University
intercultural-business-communication) struck me as especially educational, as it had some very
helpful tips that can come in handy when dealing with someone of a different race or culture.
Lastly, I found a website by Cleverism (
international-business-etiquette/) to be particularly compelling, as it contained a detailed account
of not only what etiquettes are and why they are important, but also information specific to
gender roles, which is a very important factor that many resources neglect to discuss.

Moreover, I would recommend hiring an intercultural panel - perhaps a person from each
continent - so that they may give a general idea of what business and etiquettes are like where
they come from. It will also give the trainees the opportunity to get to know and become
comfortable with people from different races and cultures, thus improving their business
communication and friendliness, which is conducive to boosting morale.

I would also suggest reserving the conference room for training sessions, so they be comfortably
and efficiently held. In addition, a survey should be sent out to all employees to help us
determine which timings and hours are most suitable. This will ensure that at least most, if not
all, the employees are keen on the training sessions, cultivating a more enthusiastic attitude
towards the program among them.

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