Sample Questions

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The document provides a comprehensive list of sample questions that may be asked in a pupillage interview, divided into general career questions, bar-related questions, law-related questions, competency-based questions, and some unusual questions.

Common questions include why the applicant wants to be a barrister, where they see themselves in the future, what experiences influenced their career choice, what qualities make a good barrister, why they are applying to a particular set of chambers, and details about their legal experience and training.

Competency-based questions may focus on examples of teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, initiative, responsibility, motivation, organization, strengths/weaknesses, failures, handling pressure/change/difficult people, and making decisions.



• Why do you want to be a barrister?

• Where do see yourself in 5/10 years time?
• What experiences most influenced your career choice?
• What do you really want to do in life?
• How do your views stand on equal opportunities?
• Are you willing to do after hours work?
• Would your social life/ interests infringe on your work commitment?
• Have you applied to anyone else?
• What qualities make a good barrister?


• Why are you applying to this set?

• What are you looking for in this set of chambers?
• Are you hoping for specialisation in a particular field?
• Which of your temporary jobs did you enjoy most and why?
• What do you know about these chambers?
• What other chambers have you applied to?
• What are the main benefits you have gained from your previous work experience?
• Do you have any relevant work experience?
• What do you hope to gain from this pupillage?


• If you had a completely free choice, which law would you like to change and why?
• Are there any cases/clients you would not be prepared to deal with?
• How would you demonstrate to a client that you were commercially aware of their
business and their needs?
• Give me an example of a recent legal decision, which you have disagreed with and
explain why?
• What do you think the future of the Bar is?
• Why would you want to do legal aid work?
• What do you know about the impact of the Human Rights Act on law in this country?
• What sort of advocacy experience do you have?
• You are in chambers and a solicitor phones demanding instant advice, what do you do?


• What motivates you?

• Give an example of when and how you have worked in a team?
• Give an example of a time when you were not in agreement with the rest of the team.
How did you react?
• What achievements in your life are you most proud of?
• How do you feel about the prospect of supervising people who may be older than you?
• How do you feel about being supervised by people younger than you (for mature
students only)?
• What are your strengths?
• What are your weaknesses?
• Describe a problem that you faced and how you dealt with it?
• Can you give me evidence that you set yourself high personal standards?
• Would you say that you usually achieve what you set out to do?
• How do you go about motivating yourself when the pressure is off?
• How do you go about organising your time and assessing priorities?
• Why, among all the candidates, should we choose you?
• Describe a situation where you acted on your own initiative?
• What is the worst mistake you have ever made and what did you learn from it
• Describe a situation where you successfully worked under pressure?
• How do you react to failure?
• Do you consider yourself to be a self-starter?
• How do you respond to change?
• How do you go about handling difficult people?
• If a decision goes against you how do you take it?
• How would your friends describe you?
• How would your enemies describe you?
• Give me an example of a time when you had to negotiate to achieve a desired outcome?
• Describe when and how someone changed your mind?
• Tell me about yourself?
• Describe a situation where you had responsibility. How did you deal with it?
• What will you bring to this post?
• Give me an example of when you have convinced others of your point of view?
• Give me an example of when you have brought about change by coming up with a new
way of doing something?
• What makes you the ideal candidate?
• Have you ever complained about anything?


• Tell me about you hobbies or interests?

• Were you an active member of any societies at university?
• Tell me about your achievements in non-academic activities?
• What newspapers do you read? Why?


• What qualities do you admire most in other people?

• Which three people (living or dead) would you most like to invite to a dinner party?
• If money were no object, how would you like to spend the evening?
• Explain how to get from A to B on the tube to an alien
• Describe the City to a Martian
• Which historical figure do you most identify with?
• On what does most of your disposable income go?

This is not an exhaustive list, expect to be probed on your CV and application form. Some
Pupillage Committee members may deliberately challenge your replies, this does not
necessarily mean they do not like what you are saying, but is intended to see how you hold
up under pressure.

Remember at interview to always give examples of what you have done in your answers.
Examples can come from work, study, leisure activities or general life management. Ensure
that you are up to date on legal issues and current affairs and that you know about the
organisation you are applying for. If you are unsuccessful at interview always ask for
feedback, most chambers will provide it.

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