Ticket To Ride Stay at Home USLetter en

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2 - 4 Players

20 – 40 min

Welcome to Ticket to Ride Stay at Home! In this Print and Play E ach player must keep at least 2 Tickets but can keep 3 or 4. The
expansion, 2 to 4 family members compete to complete their Tickets that a player chooses to keep can be any combination
Tickets in the rooms of their house. of their Family Tickets and regular Tickets. Unchosen Tickets
These Rules describe the gameplay changes specific to the Stay are removed from the game.
At Home Map and assume that you are familiar with the rules first The player who woke up the earliest today plays first and play
introduced in the original Ticket to Ride. then continues in clockwise order.

Components Special Rules

This game is an expansion and requires that you use the On your turn, you must perform one (and only one) of the
following game parts from one of the previous versions of Ticket following three actions:
to Ride:
• A reserve of 32 Trains Cars per player (instead of the usual 45) Draw Train Car Cards
and matching Scoring Markers taken from one of the following: The card draw action follows the exact same rules as the base
Ticket to Ride / Ticket to Ride Europe / Ticket to Ride Germany game.
• The deck of Train Car cards taken from either: Ticket to Ride /
Ticket to Ride Europe / Ticket to Ride Germany / USA 1910 expansion Claim a Route
You will also need to print, cut and assemble the Board and the Multiple Routes
Tickets available at: Some locations are connected by Double or Triple Routes. The
https://www.daysofwonder.com/tickettoride/stay-at-home/ same player cannot claim more than one Track of these Routes
during the game.
Set Up
Place the Board in the middle of the table.
Shuffle the Train Car cards deck and deal 4 cards to each player.
Place the deck close to the board and reveal a row of 5 cards
(as usual the row is flushed when at least 3 Locomotive cards
show up).
Each player chooses a color and takes the matching 32 Train
Cars and score marker.
Each player then chooses to assume the role of Dad, Mom,
Sister, or Baby Brother (you can decide at random if you
wish) and is dealt 2 Family Tickets at random among the 4 A ll of the Tracks on the two Triple Routes are in play with any
that picture their role. The other 2 Tickets and the remaining number of players.
sets of Family Tickets (if playing with less than 4 players) are In 2-player games, only one Track of the Double Routes
removed from the game. joining two locations can be claimed. Once it’s done, the
Shuffle the regular Tickets (they picture Rouky the cat) and remaining Track of the Double Route is locked
deal 2 Tickets to each player. and unavailable to the other player.

1 2
Family Routes Note: In 2-player games, a player can claim one or two spaces of
a Track on a Family Route as their whole turn. The player scores
This map introduces a new kind of Route: the Family Route.
2 points if he claims 2 spaces.

Draw Tickets
Draw 3 Tickets from the top of the deck. You must keep at least
one of them, but you may keep two or all three if you choose. Any
returned cards are placed at the bottom of the deck.­­

You can claim one space on a Family Route as your whole turn.
You may claim any number of spaces on the same Family Route End of the Game
during the game (the limitations of Multiple Routes still apply There is no End Game Bonus on this map.
though, which means that you cannot place a Train Car on more
than one Track of those Family Routes). You always score 1 point If two or more players are tied for the most points, the player among
for this turn, regardless of how many spaces on the same Route those who has completed the most Tickets wins.
you previously claimed.
At the end of the game, if a Track of a Family Route is complete (all
spaces are occupied), every player who has at least one Train Car
on this Track can use this Route to complete Tickets.

Real Estate Agent

Alan R. Moon
Adrien Martinot
Interior decorators
Cyrille Daujean
Julien Delval

A special thanks from Alan and DoW to all those

who helped play test the game:
Janet Moon, Marielle Lefebvre, Lydie Tudal
and Emi and Ewan Martinot —Tudal.

2 2
Bed MOM Bed Dad Dad

Balcony Table Napping Area

Dining Table
14 16 15
Bed Bed
MOM MOM Baby Dad

Kitchen Island Desk

15 13 18

Sister's Room SIS Bed MOM Bed Dad


Kids' Bath

Dad's Chair
10 18 14
Baby Brother's BRO Baby Brother's BRO Sister's Room SIS
Room Room

Kids' Bath

Dad's Chair Couch

14 10 15

BRO Sister's Room SIS

Baby Brother's

Kitchen Island
Kitchen Island

Front Door
3 19 15

Baby Brother's BRO Sister's Room SIS


Half Bath

Kitchen Island

7 15 Balcony Table 19
Front Door
Half Bath Fridge

Front Door Couch

7 Couch 7 5

Sitting Area

Dining Table Dining Table

Couch 8 Couch 4 5

Half Bath
Napping Area
Balcony Table

5 TV
7 Front Door 5
Master Bath Balcony

Kitchen Island

Napping Area Kitchen Island

9 13 TV


Fridge Dad's Chair

9 Desk
4 TV

Sitting Area

Half Bath

Dad's Chair
5 Dining Table 9 Dad's Chair 6
Master Master Master
Closet Closet Closet

Sink Dining
3 12 12

Baby Master Bath Balcony

Kitchen Sink

Kitchen Island
11 6 2

Master Bath Bed Sister's Room



Balcony Table 12 3 9
Kids' Bath

Napping Area

1 Balcony Table 12 12

Master Bath

Sitting Sitting
Stove Kids' Bath Area Area

2 10 5

Baby Balcony
Sister's Brother's
Room Room


2 4 12

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