But What Exactly Is Personal Freedom?
But What Exactly Is Personal Freedom?
But What Exactly Is Personal Freedom?
sad truth is that not everyone is going to get it. In one form or
another, we’re enslaved by our jobs, by our finances, by our
health, by our family, and many other reasons.
We may not realize it, but the things we hold near and dear
are often the factors that imprison us. It prevents us from
doing what we want to do in our life.
For instance, would you feel secure and happy if you know
you’re earning your money through illegal means? I think not.
You’d most probably be paranoid, and you’d be looking over
your shoulder all the time. In short, you won’t have the peace
of mind necessary to achieve personal freedom.
How can you be free if it’s you yourself holding you back?
You’re never going to achieve greatness if you listen to all
the naysayers out there. Your confidence will be shot, and
you’re going to wallow in self-despair.
When you put things into perspective like this, you’ll feel a
whole lot better. Sure, you may feel sorry for yourself, but
don’t let it affect you for far too long. Remember to control
your thoughts and always look for the positive side of things.
Jealousy and envy are not going to get you anywhere. It’s
not going to bring you closer to achieving your goals. What
you can do instead is learn from other people’s success.
Always be grateful
One of the secrets to achieving personal freedom is
gratefulness. You may not have much in the way of material
possessions, but you’ve still got a lot to be thankful for.
You’ve got the gift of life, the gift of family and friends. As
we’ve mentioned earlier, you don’t need money to feel free.
It’s all about your state of mind really.
When you’re grateful, you don’t take things for granted. You
live in the moment. You don’t look for what you don’t have
and ignore what you do have.
Try doing this now – write down the things you’re grateful for
and think about how you’ll feel if all these people/things were
suddenly taken from you. That will help shift things into
perspective. You’ll have a much deeper appreciation for life.
Are you sure that the criticism was directed towards you? Or
are you just making an assumption? Maybe the other
person just mistook you for someone else. Or maybe it was
directed at you, but it was just a reaction to something
you’ve said or done.
Personal freedom is all about living the life you want to live –
peacefully and happily. When you actively sabotage
yourself, then you’re not going to be happy.
You may fool yourself into thinking you’re happy, but deep
down you know you’re not. You’re only hurting yourself – the
longer you suppress yourself, the more you feel miserable.
When you sabotage yourself, you literally imprison your
hopes and your dreams. You’re not giving yourself the
chance to succeed, to rise up from the ashes, so to speak.
When you’ve got that fire burning within you, and you truly
believe in yourself, then you can overcome all obstacles that
come your way. You’ll always see the good side of things,
you’re not going to be afraid of failing.