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But What Exactly Is Personal Freedom?

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Everyone has the right to achieve personal freedom, but the

sad truth is that not everyone is going to get it. In one form or
another, we’re enslaved by our jobs, by our finances, by our
health, by our family, and many other reasons.

We may not realize it, but the things we hold near and dear
are often the factors that imprison us. It prevents us from
doing what we want to do in our life.

But what exactly is personal

Many of you may say it’s the freedom to do whatever you
want in life. Some may say it’s the freedom to eat ice cream
in the middle of the night or whenever they want without
getting judged by others.

Others may say it’s their financial independence – being

wealthy enough to never have to go to work again. Some
may say it’s the freedom to come and go as they please
without anyone stopping them.

You’re free to define your own definition of personal

freedom. It’s personal after all. However, let me just be clear
here: personal freedom still has boundaries.

You can’t go ‘borrowing’ someone else’s car without asking

for permission first simply because you’re ‘free’ to do what
you want. You’re not free to enter other people’s houses
and take whatever you can get your hands on.

If that’s how you define personal freedom, then that’s not

right. Imagine a world where we all go do as we please
without regard to other people’s rights. That would be
anarchy, plain and simple. There would be no law and
order, just chaos and mayhem.

As civilized people, we observe human rights, and we respect

freedom of speech. Just make sure you don’t go beyond your
personal space. You need to recognize that you’re not always
entitled to get what you think you deserve.

Personal freedom, in the context of this short report, is all

about having the freedom to pursue your passion and living
the life you’ve always dreamed of. All without infringing or
stepping on other people’s rights.

It’s also important to mention here that being financially free

is not necessary for someone to achieve personal freedom.
You can be happy without being rich. Likewise, you can
have all the money in the world but be neither happy nor

For instance, would you feel secure and happy if you know
you’re earning your money through illegal means? I think not.
You’d most probably be paranoid, and you’d be looking over
your shoulder all the time. In short, you won’t have the peace
of mind necessary to achieve personal freedom.

With that said, here are the 7 secrets to achieving personal

Live with integrity
Knowing and doing what’s right are two different things. At
first glance, it may look like they’re referring to the same
thing, but nothing can be further from the truth.

For instance, when people are faced with tough choices,

they’d often choose something that will benefit them even
though they know they’re doing the wrong thing. That’s not

When you have integrity, you always do what’s right

whether someone’s looking at you or not. You strive to live
your life according to your moral principles. You don’t let
your actions be dictated by negative forces even though
most people would be happy to.

To enjoy personal freedom, you need to have integrity.

Otherwise, you’re going to be living life on the edge –
constantly afraid someone’s going to come and burst your
bubble. Or that someone’s going to come and take away
what you stole from them.

When you have integrity, you don’t become defensive when

someone questions your decisions and your actions. You
don’t make excuses and point fingers when your
shortcomings are exposed. You face everything head-on,
and you remain honest even though you know it’s going to
lead to negative consequences for you.

Your integrity is going to save you from a lot of headaches,

you’ll sleep far better at night knowing you did the right thing
and you didn’t step on anybody just to achieve your goals in

You’ve got nothing to hide, you’re literally an open book.

Your reputation is beyond reproach and others will view you
as someone they can look up to. When you embrace
honesty, you can live your life fully and freely.

Think positively at all times

Positive thinking is an important aspect of personal freedom.
Without it, you’re never going to believe that you can, in fact,
live freely. You’ll always be held back by your doubts. Your
negative thoughts are going to consume you, and you’ll find
it hard to get out of your comfort zone to go and chase after
your dreams.

How can you be free if it’s you yourself holding you back?
You’re never going to achieve greatness if you listen to all
the naysayers out there. Your confidence will be shot, and
you’re going to wallow in self-despair.

To break free from negative self-talk, you’re going to need

help. Surround yourself with positive people and let them
help you build your self-confidence. They’re going to cheer
you up and encourage you to reach for your dreams.

They’re not going to give you a detailed list of why you’ll

never succeed. If you don’t have any positive influencers in
your life, you can read up on self-help books. Follow
motivational and inspirational speakers. Let their wisdom
guide you.
To become a positive thinker, you need positive influence.
Seek that influence, and over time you’ll slowly improve the
way you think.

When you start thinking positively, you’ll be optimistic, and

you’ll then learn to envision a positive future where you have
personal freedom.

Be happy for other

people’s success
When you hear other people’s success stories, your initial
reaction is probably one of envy or jealousy. Here you are
working so hard to reach your goals, and you meet
someone who’s a relative newcomer suddenly stealing the
spotlight with his ‘overnight’ success.

We’ve all got different journeys ahead of us. We may be in

the beginning stages, or the middle, or maybe even close to
the end. We all didn’t start at the exact same time, so it’s
futile to compare your growth to someone who’s been at it
for the last 5 years. Or maybe you’re bootstrapping, and
you’re comparing your progress to someone who’s had
access to resources you didn’t have.

When you put things into perspective like this, you’ll feel a
whole lot better. Sure, you may feel sorry for yourself, but
don’t let it affect you for far too long. Remember to control
your thoughts and always look for the positive side of things.
Jealousy and envy are not going to get you anywhere. It’s
not going to bring you closer to achieving your goals. What
you can do instead is learn from other people’s success.

Be genuinely happy for others’ success. Use it as inspiration

to carve out your own path to success and ultimately,
freedom. If they can do it, then so can you!

Always be grateful
One of the secrets to achieving personal freedom is
gratefulness. You may not have much in the way of material
possessions, but you’ve still got a lot to be thankful for.

You’ve got the gift of life, the gift of family and friends. As
we’ve mentioned earlier, you don’t need money to feel free.
It’s all about your state of mind really.

When you’re grateful, you exude positivity. The people on

the receiving end of your gratefulness will feel better about
themselves, you’ll help boost their self-esteem. You’re
basically spreading positivity around you.

When you’re grateful, you don’t take things for granted. You
live in the moment. You don’t look for what you don’t have
and ignore what you do have.

When you’re grateful, you don’t go whining about something

that’s not in front of you when what you do have within
reach is just as good, maybe even better.
Being grateful is a manifestation of your positive thoughts.
You look for the good in every situation. It takes your
thoughts off of looking for whatever you think you’re lacking
in life and focusing on the present.

Try doing this now – write down the things you’re grateful for
and think about how you’ll feel if all these people/things were
suddenly taken from you. That will help shift things into
perspective. You’ll have a much deeper appreciation for life.

Don’t take anything

When someone says something negative about us, we often
take a defensive stance and react negatively. It is but
natural for us to want to protect ourselves.

Learning how to let criticisms and perceived slights towards

you slide is probably easier said than done. But calm down
and think for a moment.

Are you sure that the criticism was directed towards you? Or
are you just making an assumption? Maybe the other
person just mistook you for someone else. Or maybe it was
directed at you, but it was just a reaction to something
you’ve said or done.

Whatever the reason, you’ve got to learn how to stop

worrying what other people think about you. Don’t waste too
much energy trying to come up with a good explanation why
someone would say something negative about you.
Whether you deserve it or not, people are entitled to their
opinion. You can’t do anything about what goes on in their
minds. You can only change what you can control – you can
prove them wrong and help them reframe their opinion of

When you don’t take things personally, you’re able to move

and act freely. You don’t particularly care about what other
people think of you though, of course, you’re careful to live
your life above reproach. Again, this is why living your life
with integrity is important.

Stop sabotaging yourself

You may not know it, but you could be sabotaging yourself
and all hopes of ever achieving personal freedom.

For one, there’s your negative thoughts. Doubting yourself is

the number one form of self-sabotage. There’s no getting
around it really, if you want to succeed you’re going to have
to trust in yourself. You’re going to believe that you can, in
fact, succeed if you put your mind to it.

Personal freedom is all about living the life you want to live –
peacefully and happily. When you actively sabotage
yourself, then you’re not going to be happy.

You may fool yourself into thinking you’re happy, but deep
down you know you’re not. You’re only hurting yourself – the
longer you suppress yourself, the more you feel miserable.
When you sabotage yourself, you literally imprison your
hopes and your dreams. You’re not giving yourself the
chance to succeed, to rise up from the ashes, so to speak.

You’re letting yourself get stuck in your negative thoughts.

Your fear will stop you from going where you want to go.

Free yourself from self-sabotage, and you’ll find your

personal freedom will soon be within your reach!

Always do your best

Doing your best is the seventh secret to achieving personal
freedom. When you do your best, you give your all. You
leave nothing out. You can’t berate yourself for not
achieving something because you know, deep down, that
you’ve done everything to the best of your abilities.

When you learn to do your best, you learn not to compare

yourself with how your peers are doing. You learn to stop
judging yourself and your abilities. You learn to keep your
head down and be happy if your friends reach their goals

When you’ve got that fire burning within you, and you truly
believe in yourself, then you can overcome all obstacles that
come your way. You’ll always see the good side of things,
you’re not going to be afraid of failing.

Remember, you’re not aiming for perfection, but you are

aiming to be the best version of yourself. When you give
your all, you have no regrets.
You don’t look back and say, I wish I could have done more
because you’ve done everything within your power. That’s
how greatness is achieved. When you become great,
achieving personal freedom will come easily to you!

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