School of Basic Studies: Mapúa University

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School of Basic Studies

Mapúa shall be among the best universities in the world.

a) The University shall provide a learning environment in order for its students to acquire the attributes
that will make them globally competitive.
b) The University shall engage in publishable and/or economically viable research, development, and
c) The University shall provide state-of-the-art solutions to problems of industries and communities.


Within the five years after graduation, the graduates of the Civil Engineering program
shall have:
Undertaken, singly or in teams, projects that show ability to solve complex
1 ü ü ü
engineering problems.
Had substantial involvement in projects that take into consideration safety, health,
2 environmental concerns and the public welfare, partly through adherence to required ü ü ü
codes and laws.
Demonstrated professional success via promotions and/or positions of increasing
3 ü
Demonstrated life-long learning via progress toward completion of an advanced
4 degree, professional development/continuing education courses, or industrial training ü ü ü
5 Exhibited professional behavior and attitude in engineering practice. ü ü

6 Initiated and implemented actions toward the improvement of engineering practice. ü ü ü


1. Course Code : MATH156


3. Pre-requisite : MATH147

4. Co-requisite : None

5. Credit : 3 units

6. Course Description : This course covers useful methods of solving first-order, first-degree
differential equations and higher-order, first-degree linear differential
equations that have relevant and important applications to the sciences and
engineering. It also includes methods of solving higher-order differential
equations - the method of undetermined coefficients and variation of
parameters. Other topics include the construction of differential equations
as mathematical models and introductory discussions on the Laplace

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by:
3rd Quarter Feb 10, 2020
Cluster V Committee Dr. Mylen L. Aala-Capuno Page 1 of 7
Department Chair
7. Student Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives

1 2 3 4 5 6
a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö
b. Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and
interpret data
c. Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö
political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
d. Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö
e. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö
f. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö
g. Ability to communicate effectively Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö
h. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering
solutions in the global and societal context Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö

i. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö

j. Knowledge of contemporary issues Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö
k. Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
necessary for engineering practice Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö

l. Knowledge and understanding of engineering and management

principles as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö
multidisciplinary environments

8. Course Outcomes (COs) and Relationship to Student Outcomes:

Course Outcomes Student Outcomes*

The student should be able to: a b c d e f g h i j k l
1. A. Solve first order first degree differential
B. Apply differential equations in real life
mathematical models.
2. Solve higher order linear differential
equations. Apply solutions of higher order
differential equations to engineering
3. Determine Laplace transforms and inverse
Laplace transforms of various functions and I
solve initial value problems.
* Level: I - Introduced, R - Reinforced, D - Demonstrated

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by:
3rd Quarter Feb 10, 2020
Cluster V Committee Dr. Mylen L. Aala-Capuno Page 2 of 7
Department Chair
9. Course Coverage :


05-26 Orientation Discussion
1 Definition & Classification of DE, Coursera
Direction Fields & Solutions to some (1.1-1.9)/CC
05-27 05-28 Differential Equations
Differences between linear and
non linear DE CO1
Solutions of Some First Order Linear WTE/
05-29 05-30 DE CPR1.1 and SW
a. Method of Integrating Factor
b. Separation of Variables WTE/
06-01 06-02
2 CPR1.2 and SW
c. Substitution Method WTE/
06-03 06-04
1. Bernoulli Equation CPR1.3 and SW
2. Homogeneous Coefficients WTE/
06-05 06-06
CPR1.4 and SW
d. Exact and Non Exact Equations Coursera
06-08 06-09
3 (2.6-3.3)
06-10 06-11 Long Quiz 1 Part A Q1
Applications Coursera
06-12 06-13 a.Radioactive Decay (4.1-4.5) /CC
b.Population Dynamics
c. Mixing (Non reacting species) WTE/
4 06-15 06-16 d. Newton’s Law of Cooling CPR1.5 and SW
e. Compound Interest WTE/
06-17 06-18 f. Free Fall CPR1.6 and SW
06-19 06-20 Long Quiz 1 Part B Q1
5 06-22 06-23 2nd Order Linear DE (5.1-5.5)/CC
Homogeneous Linear DE with Coursera
Constant Coeffcients, 2nd and n- (6.1-6.2, 6.7-6.9)/
Order CPR2.1 and CC
a. Distinct Real Roots
b. Complex Roots
06-25 c. Repeated Real Roots
06-26 06-27 d. Reduction of Order CPR2.2 and SW
Linear Independence of Solution WTE/
6 06-29 06-30 Wronskian and Abel’s Theorem CPR 2.3 and SW CO2
Non Homogeneous Linear DE WTE/
a. Method of Undetermined CPR 2.4 and SW
Coefficient, 2nd and n-Order
07-01 07-02 1. Case 1 (No common roots)
07-03 07-04 2. Case 2 (with common roots) WTE/CPR and SW
b. Variation of Parameters (2nd and Coursera
7 Higher Order) (8.1-8.4)/
07-06 CPR2.5 and CC
07-08 07-09 Applications and Design Project Rubric for Project
07-10 07-11 Long Quiz 2 Q2
Definition of Laplace Transform Discussion/
8 CPR3.1and SW
07-13 07-14
07-15 07-16 Transforms of Functions WTE/CPR3.2
07-17 07-18 Inverse Transforms WTE/CPR 3.3
07-20 07-21 Transforms of Derivatives WTE/
Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by:
3rd Quarter Feb 10, 2020
Cluster V Committee Dr. Mylen L. Aala-Capuno Page 3 of 7
Department Chair
9 CPR 3.4 and SW CO3
Operational Properties of Laplace Matlab/ CPR 3.5
07-22 07-23
07-24 07-25 Operational Properties of Laplace WTE/CPR 3.6
07-27 07-28 Initial Value Problems WTE/SW
10 07-29 07-30 Matlab/Technology Exercises
07-31 08-01 Long Q3 (Online)
11 08-04 FINAL EXAMINATION (C01, CO2, CO3)

10. Opportunities to Develop Lifelong Learning Skill

To develop lifelong learning skill, the primary learning outcome for this course is the Student’s Quantitative
Reasoning, which is to understand and apply the mathematical principles in Differential Equations that will
provide students with the needed working knowledge of advanced mathematical concepts and methods, and
an awareness of their relationship to increasingly complex world.

11. Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component:

General Education: 25%

Engineering Topics: 25%
Basic Sciences and Mathematics: 50%

12. Textbook: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, William E. Boyce, Richard C.
DiPrima. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 11th ed.

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by:
3rd Quarter Feb 10, 2020
Cluster V Committee Dr. Mylen L. Aala-Capuno Page 4 of 7
Department Chair
13. Course Evaluation

Student performance will be rated based on the following:

Average for
Assessment Tasks Weight (%)
Performance (%)
Online Homework 1 (A1) 3.00
CO1 Seatwork 1 (EXR1) 4.00 11.90
Long Quiz 1 (Q1) 10.00
Online Homework 2 (A2) 3.00
CO2 Seatwork 2 (EXR2) 4.00
Design Project (DP) 6.00
Long Quiz 2 (Q2) 10.00
Online Homework 3 (A3) 3.00
CO3 Seatwork 3 (EXR3) 4.00 11.90
Long Quiz 3 (Q3) 10.00
Coursera Certificate (CC) 18.00 12.60
Final Exam (FE1) 8.00
Summative Assessment
Final Exam (FE2) 9.00 17.50
Final Examination (written)
Final Exam (FE3) 8.00
TOTAL 100.00 70.00

The final grades will correspond to the weighted average scores shown below

Final Average Final Grade

96 ≤ x < 100 1.00
93 ≤ x < 96 1.25
90 ≤ x < 93 1.50
86 ≤ x < 90 1.75
83 ≤ x < 86 2.00
80 ≤ x < 83 2.25
76 ≤ x < 80 2.50
73 ≤ x < 76 2.75
70 ≤ x < 73 3.00
Below 70 5.00 (Fail)

13.1 Other Course Policies

a. Attendance
According to CHED policy, total number of absences by the students should not be more than
20% of the total number of meetings or 9 hours for a three-unit-course (6 meetings). Students
incurring more than 9 hours of unexcused absences automatically gets a failing grade
regardless of class standing.

b. Submission of Assessment Tasks (Student Outputs) should be on time; late submittal of

course works will not be accepted. If you have a justifying circumstance, it must be discussed
and a decision made before the due date or it is due when the assignment is due. Copied
works/tasks or any required material to be submitted in the class are strictly prohibited and
found guilty will be considered as cheating as well.

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by:
3rd Quarter Feb 10, 2020
Cluster V Committee Dr. Mylen L. Aala-Capuno Page 5 of 7
Department Chair
c. Major Examination (Long Quiz for both written and on-line and Final Exam) will be
administered as scheduled. No special exam will be given unless with a valid reason subject for
approval of the Chairman of the Mathematics Department. Furthermore, students of this
course are required to participate actively in the events/activities organized for this course.

d. Course Portfolio
Course Portfolio will be collected at the end of the quarter. Lost documents will not be given
due credit.

e. Language of Instruction
Lectures, discussion, and documentation will be in English. Written and spoken work may
receive a lower mark if it is, in the opinion of the instructor, deficient in English.

f. Honor, Dress, and Grooming Codes

All of us have been instructed on the Dress and Grooming Codes of the University. We have all
committed to obey and sustain these codes. It will be expected in this class that each of us will
honor the commitments that we have made.

For this course the Honor Code is that there will be no plagiarizing on written work and no
cheating on exams. Proper citation must be given to authors whose works were used in the
process of developing instructional materials/class produced reviewers/design projects/video
clips and learning in this course. If a student is caught cheating on an exam by his instructor or
substitute teacher, he or she will be given zero mark for the exam. If a student is caught
cheating twice on the same course, the student will be referred to the Prefect of Student
Affairs and be given a failing grade.

Grave misconduct other than cheating will likewise be given a failing grade. Disrespect to your
teacher or to others in the classroom will not be tolerated in the least. Argument is great but
bullying, fighting, mocking, and demeaning the teacher or other students will not be allowed.
Come to class on time, there can be mitigating circumstances from time to time but if it
becomes a chronic behavior you may lose points or credit for the class.

g. Consultation Schedule
Consultation schedules with the Professor are posted outside the Math Faculty room and in
the School’s website ( It is recommended that the student first
set an appointment to confirm the instructor’s availability.

14. Other References

14.1 Books
a) A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications by Dennis Zill, 11th ed., 2018
b) Ordinary Differential Equations by Michael D. Greenberg, 2012
c) Differential Equations with MATLAB® by Hunt, et al., 3rd ed., 2012

14.2 Websites
a) S.O.S Differential Equations
b) Paul’s Online Math Notes
c) MIT Open Courseware
d) Differential Equations Interactive Mathematics
These are interactive explorations of differential equations topics that can run in a free player. Boyce
11e WileyPLUS course includes some which are specifically associated with the textbook.
A Java program that helps users calculate, visualize, and explore solutions to differential equations, by
the creators of the ODE Toolkit software.

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by:
3rd Quarter Feb 10, 2020
Cluster V Committee Dr. Mylen L. Aala-Capuno Page 6 of 7
Department Chair
15. Course Materials Made Available:
Course Calendar
Samples of Coursework’s /Design Projects/Video Presentations/Class Produced Reviewers
Samples of written examinations of students
End-of-course self-assessment

16. Committee Members:

Course Cluster Chair: Engr. Ma. Christina A. Valerio
CQI Cluster Chair: Engr. Ronald L. Arciaga
Members: Engr. Gerardo Usita

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by:
3rd Quarter Feb 10, 2020
Cluster V Committee Dr. Mylen L. Aala-Capuno Page 7 of 7
Department Chair

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