Daily Lesson Log

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School GLAFJENHS Grade Level 7

Teaching Dates and Time Monday to Friday –09:00 TO 09:50AM Quarter FIRST
11:30AM to 12:20PM BONIFACIO

(JUNE 10,2019)
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be
followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies.
These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable
children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
The learners can demonstrate understanding of/on:
A. Content Standard
 Baking tools and equipment, their uses  Classification of tools and equipment
The learners independently prepares, identify the Baking tools & equipment needed based on their uses.
B. Performance Standard (TLE Curriculum Guide for the Exploratory Course on Bread and Pastry Production)

Quarter 1 : Exploratory Course on Bread and Pastry : Used of Tools and Bakery Equipment
C. Learning Competencies
Sub topic: Learning Outcome 1 Used of Tools and Bakery Equipment
Familiarizing and Classifying Different Baking Tools and Equipment for Specific Baking Purposes
B. Learning Outcome
LO 1. Used of Tools and Bakery Equipment

C. Learning Objectives 1. Identify baking tools and equipment base on their uses.
(KSA) 2. Discuss the importance of tools used in baking.
3. Describe these tools and equipment needed in baking and compare from each other.

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a
II. CONTENT week or two.

List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that
III. LEARNING RESOURCES there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.

A. References SEDP Series. Home and Technology Food and Management Services pp. 45-50
Rojo, Cruz, and Duran Home Economics III pp. 76-79
General Heat Corporation La Germania Cooking Range Manual
Dr. Nerisa B. Viola Instructional Materials in Baking pp. 23-24

1. Curriculum Guide Learners Module – EXPLORATORY COURSE GRADE 7

Bread and Pastry Production – K-12 Curriculum DepEd
2. Teacher’s Guide *TWG on K to 12 Curriculum Guide – version January 31, 2012 -

3. Learner’s Materials Instructional Materials:

-PowerPoint Presentation -
Fact Sheets / Judging by appearance only
Visual Representations
4. Additional Materials from Overview Food and Techniques
Learning Resource Portal Baking Wikipedia
5. Other Learning Resources
B. Teaching Inquiry Based Approach
Strategies/Approaches/Techniques Collaborative Approach
Lecture Method

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by
demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from the formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by
IV. PROCEDURES providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions
about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.

A. Activity (Review of previous -The students provide recap on the previous discussion.
lessons or Presenting the new Use your imagination and creativity by asking questions to get the students thinking about the topic.
lesson) Keeping the language simple
Direction: Match column A from Colum B. Write the letter that corresponds the best answer.
1.Used for baking Loaf Bread a. wooden spoon
2. Has a sloping sides used for mixing ingredients
And comes in graduated sizes b. pastry blender
3. A stack oven c. Mixing Bowls
4. Used for cutting biscuits or doughnuts d. pastry wheel
5. Used to hold ingredients together e. spatula
6. It is also called a mixing spoon f. egg beater 1. I 2. C 3. H 4.G 5. J 6.A 7. B 8.F
7. Used for cutting fat with flour in the preparation of 9. d 10. e
Pies and pastries g. doughnut cutter
8. Used for beating eggs or whipping cream h. deck oven
9. Used for cutting dough when making pastries i. loaf pan
10. Used for icing cakes j. Utility Tray
-Unlocking of Difficulties (Developing better Interaction among Students)

Baking – the process of cooking food by indirect heat or dry heat in a confined space as in heated oven using gas, electricity, charcoal,
wood, or oil at a temperature from 250 oF- 450 oF
Batter – a flour mixture that can be stirred or poured
Convection oven – stove in which a fan circulates heated air through the oven for fast, even cooking.
Discard – to get rid of as of being no further use
Dough – a flour mixture that can be rolled or kneaded
Dutch oven – a brick oven
Igniter – the carborundum rod used to initiate the discharge in an ignitron tube
Microwave oven – an oven that utilizes electromagnetic energy below the magnetic spectrum
Mixing – to bring together into uniform mass
Pre-heat – to heat (an oven, for example) before hand
Sift – separating course particles in the ingredient by passing through a sieve or sifter
B. Springboard/Motivation Checking students comprehension: This practice follows some sort of progression:
(Establishing Purpose of the Students will be provided cakes for free taste and they will be asked if they like the taste and if they love to eat more.
lesson) Illustrating presentations with pictures , gestures and anything else that helps the lesson clear.
1. Most modern have completely forgotten about baking method, why do you think nowadays people prefer a fast, quick and simple
way of baking?
2. What type of induction cookers do you have at home?
3. Tools and equipment can help us accomplish a number of tasks quicker and more efficiently.
C. Analysis (Presenting Questions:
examples/ instances of the 1. Food is a huge part of Filipino culture, how can you be resourceful in preparing the food through the use of different tools and
new lesson) equipment used in baking?
2. The typical Philippine diet revolves mainly around local foods, what kind of Local Foods are you familiar with?
3. The study suggests that negative attitudes towards sweets can decrease value of consumption, its mind blogging.
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1 Going back to basics on Baking cakes..
-Pulled together techniques that every baker should know
Classifications of Tools and Equipment use in Baking.
E. Discussing new concepts and 1. Oven
practicing new skills #2 2. Mixing Tools
3. Baking Equipment
4. Preparatory Tools
5. Mixing Tools
LITERACY 6. Cuttimg Tools
7. Baking Pan
8. Measuring Tools
Cake decorator (Cylindrical) – is used in decorating or designing cake and other pastry products
Cookie Press – these are used to mold and press cookies.
Ovens are the workhorses of the bakery and pastry shop and are essential for producing the bakery products. Ovens are enclosed spaces in which
food is heated, usually by hot air. Several kinds of ovens are used in baking.
Baking wares – are made of glass or metal containers for batter and dough with various sizes and shapes.
Cake pans - comes in different sizes and shapes and may be round square rectangular or heart shaped.

1. Tube center pan – deeper than a round pan and with a hollow center, it is removable which is
used to bake chiffon type cakes

2. Muffin pan - has 12 formed cups for baking muffins and cup cakes

3. pop over pan – is used for cooking pop over

F. Abstraction (Making The students sum up the discussion and explore a variety of contexts where a concept arises.
generalizations about the Can you imagine that equipment and tools are part of our daily life:
lesson) In Science : Science experiment , in improvement of life in doing research, in performing experiment, in observing daily life routines
In finding solutions to problems, etc.
In Mathematics : what tools and equipments can be used by mathematicians in computing?
In Physical Education: what equipment or tools make the study of PE accurate and engaging?
 Now if we will go to households – are tools and equipment important and are used?
In History or earlier people : how did the early people discover and invent tools or equipment? How did those tools help them
survive in Life?
 Food is the basic aspect of culture. What is the benefit of Baking in yourselves?
G. Application (Developing Group Activity:
Mastery) Directions: Collaborate with your groupmates and perform the designated differentiated activity.
1. DRILL IT ON – “Implications to Real Life “,
2. Diagram Illustration
The students used this descriptive scoring scheme to assess their performance and evaluating complex tasks that are directly observable.
Find out by accomplishing the scoring rubrics honestly and sincerely

1 2 3 4
ORGANIZATION No sequence of Audience have Presents information in Information is in 10
information difficulty following logical sequence which logical and
presentation because audience can follow. interesting sequence
students just jumps which audience can
around. follow
CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Students cannot Able to answer only Students is at ease with Demonstrates full 10
answer questions rudimentary content but fails to knowledge with
about the subject questions. elaborate. explanation and
VISUALS Students used no Students used visuals Visuals related to text Students used visuals 10
visuals but rarely supports and presentation to reinforce
the presentation Pleasing to the eye. presentation. It is
aesthetically pleasing
and goes well with
the information
MECHANICS Students Presentation had Presentation has no Presentation has no 10
presentation had 4 misspellings and more than two misspellings or
or more spelling grammatical error misspellings or grammatical errors.
errors/ grammatical errors.
grammatical errors
DELIVERY Students mumbles Incorrect Student’s voice is clear. Students used a clear 10
incorrectly, and pronunciation of terms. Student pronounces voice, correct &
speaks too quietly Audience members most words correctly. precise pronunciation
have difficulty hearing of terms

Decide on the number of gradations of mastery you’ll establish for each trait and the language you’ll use to describe those levels and
teachers comments is needed.

H. Valuing 1. How can you appreciate God’s given gift of knowledge making it possible for mankind to produce such tools and facilitate life?
(Finding practical 2. God really provides mankind with appropriate knowledge and wisdom to make life easier and happier. How would you react on this
applications of concepts and matter?
skills in daily living) 3. Ourresponse should be gratitude for everything we use, and the assurance to use whatever is given in the right way. Do you agree?
Yes/ No, explain your answer.
4. Do you think you can live without the tools and equipment? As what the saying goes “ versatility prevails when time is of the

I. Evaluating learning Quiz# 2: CLASSIFICATION OF TOOLS & EQUIPMENTS IN BAKING. (How much have you learned..)
(Assessing Learning) Directions: Classify the following tools based on their usage. Write the letter of your answer in the space before the

A. Baking equipment D. Cutting

B. Preparation E. Measuring
C. Mixing F. Baking Pans

1. Custard cups 9. Spatula

2. Flour sifter 10. Pastry blender
3. Bread toaster
_____ 4. Dutch Oven
5. Muffin pan Key Answers : 1. F 2. B 3. A 4. A 5.F 6. B 7. E 8. C 9. C 10. D
6. Grater
7. Set of measuring spoon
8. Electric or handy mixer

J. Agreement (Additional Follow-up Agreement:

activities for application or 1. Bring pictures of different tools and equipment in baking and classify them. Paste on a short bond paper.
Additional Agreement
1. Familiarize yourself with the table of weights and measures in baking.
A. No. of learners who earned Sections Results
80% in the evaluation DELA PAZ – MALE
F. No. of learners who require Sections Results
additional activities for DELA PAZ
remediation who scored below
K. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have -
caught up with the lesson
L. No. of learners who continue to -
require remediation
M. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why -
did these work?
N. What difficulties did I - - - - -
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
O. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover -
which I wish to share with
other teachers?


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