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Energy Expenditure and Fatigue

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Measuring Energy Expenditure
 Direct calorimetry measures the body’s heat production to
estimate energy expenditure
 Indirect calorimetry calculates energy expenditure from the
ratio of CO2 produced to O2 consumed
Measuring Energy Expenditure:
Direct Calorimetry

 Substrate metabolism efficiency

 40% of substrate energy  ATP
 60% of substrate energy  heat

 Heat production increases with energy production

 Can be measured in a calorimeter
 Water flows through walls
 Body temperature increases water temperature
Figure 5.1
Measuring Energy Expenditure:
Direct Calorimetry

 Accurate over time
 Good for resting metabolic measurements

 Expensive, slow
 Exercise equipment adds extra heat
 Sweat creates errors in measurements
 Not practical or accurate for exercise
Measuring Energy Expenditure:
Indirect Calorimetry

 Estimates total body energy expenditure based on O2

used, CO2 produced
 Measures respiratory gas concentrations
 Only accurate for steady-state oxidative metabolism

 Older methods of analysis accurate but slow

 New methods faster but expensive

Douglas Bag
Measuring Energy Expenditure:
O2 and CO2 Measurements

 VO2: volume of O2 consumed per minute

 Rate of O2 consumption
 Volume of inspired O2 − volume of expired O2

 VCO2: volume of CO2 produced per minute

 Rate of CO2 production
 Volume of expired CO2 − volume of inspired CO2
Figure 5.2
Calculating Oxygen Consumption and
Carbon Dioxide Production
Calculating VO2 and VCO2 requires:
– Volume of air inspired
. (VI) .
– Volume of air expired (VE) .
– Fraction of O2 in the inspired
. air (FIO2)
– Fraction of CO2 in the inspired air (FICO2)
– Fraction of O2 in the expired air (FEO2)
– Fraction of CO2 in the expired air (FECO2)
Calculating O2 Consumption and CO2
Production (L/min)

. . .
VO2 = (VI x FIO2) – (VE x FEO2)

. . .
VCO2 = (VE x FECO2) – (VI x FICO2)
Respiratory Exchange Ratio

• The ratio between
. CO2 released (VCO2) and oxygen
consumed. (VO2) .
• RER = VCO2 / VO2
• The RER value at rest is usually 0.78 to 0.80
Measuring Energy Expenditure:
Indirect Calorimetry Limitations

 CO2 production may not = CO2 exhalation

 RER inaccurate for protein oxidation

 RER near 1.0 may be inaccurate when lactate buildup 

CO2 exhalation

 Gluconeogenesis produces RER <0.70

Measuring Energy Expenditure:
Isotopic Measurements

 Isotope: element with atypical atomic weight

 Can be radioactive or nonradioactive
 Can be traced throughout body

 13C, 2H (deuterium) common isotopes for studying

energy metabolism
 Easy, accurate, low-risk study of CO2 production
 Ideal for long-term measurements (weeks)
Energy Expenditure at Rest and During

 Metabolic rate: rate of energy use by body

 Based on whole-body O2 consumption and

corresponding caloric equivalent
 At rest, RER ~0.80, VO2 ~0.3 L/min
 At rest, metabolic rate ~2,000 kcal/day
Energy Expenditure at Rest:
Basal Metabolic Rate

 Basal metabolic rate (BMR): rate of energy expenditure

at rest
 In supine position
 Thermoneutral environment
 After 8 h sleep and 12 h fasting

 Minimum energy requirement for living

 Related to fat-free mass (kcal  kg FFM-1  min-1)
 Also affected by body surface area, age, stress, hormones,
body temperature
Resting Metabolic Rate and
Normal Daily Metabolic Activity

 Resting metabolic rate (RMR)

 Similar to BMR (within 5-10% of BMR) but easier
 Doesn’t require stringent standardized conditions
 1,200 to 2,400 kcal/day

 Total daily metabolic activity

 Includes normal daily activities
 Normal range: 1,800 to 3,000 kcal/day
 Competitive athletes: up to 10,000 kcal/day
Factors That Affect BMR
 Age: BMR gradually decreases with age, generally because of a
decrease in fat-free mass
 Body temperature: BMR increases with increasing temperature
 Psychological stress: Stress increases activity of the
sympathetic nervous system
 Hormones: Thyroxine from the thyroid gland and epinephrine
from the adrenal medulla both increase BMR
Metabolic Rate During
Submaximal Exercise
 Metabolism increases in direct proportion to the increase in
exercise intensity
 During exercise at a constant power output (work rate) VO2
increases from its resting value to a steady-state value within
1-2. minutes
 There is a linear increase in the VO2 with increases in power
output (work rate) .
Increase in Oxygen Uptake with
Increasing Power Output

Reprinted, by permission, from G.A. Gaesser and D.C. Poole, 1996, “The slow component of oxygen uptake kinetics in
humans,” Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 24: 36.
Increase in Oxygen Uptake with
Increasing Power Output

Reprinted, by permission, from G.A. Gaesser and D.C. Poole, 1996, “The slow component of oxygen uptake kinetics in
humans,” Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 24: 36.
Energy Expenditure During
Maximal Aerobic Exercise

 VO2max: The maximal capacity for oxygen

consumption by the body during maximal exertion
 VO2max expressed in L/min
 Easy standard units
 Suitable for non-weight-bearing activities

 VO2max expressed in ml O2  kg-1  min-1

 Suitable for weight-bearing events
 More accurate comparison for different body sizes
Maximal Capacity for Aerobic Exercise

 Single best measurement of cardiorespiratory endurance and

aerobic fitness
 Increases with physical training
 Generally expressed relative to body weight (ml · kg-1 · min-1)
 Normally active untrained college-aged students = 38-42 ml ·
kg-1 · min-1 for women and 44-50 ml · kg-1 · min-1 for men.
 VO2max declines in active people after age 25-30 by ~ 1% per
 Sex difference due to women’s lower FFM and hemoglobin
Relationship Between Exercise Intensity and
Oxygen Uptake in Trained and Untrained
Anaerobic Effort and Exercise Capacity

 No activity 100% aerobic or anaerobic

 Estimates of anaerobic effort involve
 Excess postexercise O2 consumption
 Lactate threshold
Anaerobic Energy Expenditure:
Postexercise O2 Consumption

• O2 consumption requires several minutes to reach the

required steady state level at which the aerobic processes
are fully functional
• Oxygen deficit is calculated as the difference between the
oxygen required for a given exercise intensity and the actual
oxygen consumption
• Anaerobic effort can be estimated by examining excess
postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)—the mismatch
between O2 consumption and energy requirements
Anaerobic Energy Expenditure:
Postexercise O2 Consumption

 O2 demand > O2 consumed in early exercise

 Body incurs O2 deficit
 O2 required − O2 consumed
 Occurs when anaerobic pathways used for ATP production

 O2 consumed > O2 demand in early recovery

 Excess postexercise O2 consumption (EPOC)
Oxygen Requirement and Oxygen
Consumption During Exercise and Recovery
Factors Responsible for EPOC
• Rebuilding depleted ATP and PCr supplies
• Clearing lactate produced by anaerobic metabolism
• Replenishing O2 supplies borrowed from hemoglobin and
• Removing CO2 that has accumulated in body tissues
• Increased metabolic and respiratory rates due to increased
body temperature
Lactate Threshold

• It is the point at which blood lactate begins to accumulate

substantially above resting concentrations during exercise of
increasing intensity
• The rate at which lactate production exceeds lactate
• Usually expressed as a percentage of maximal oxygen uptake
• A high lactate threshold can indicate potential for better
endurance performance
• Lactate accumulation contributes to fatigue
Relationship Between Exercise Intensity and
Blood Lactate Concentration
Lactate Threshold and
Endurance Performance
 Lactate threshold (LT), when expressed as a percentage of
VO2max, is one of the best determinants of an athlete’s pace in
endurance events. such as running and cycling. While untrained
people typically have LT around 50% to 60% of their VO2max,
elite athletes may not reach LT until around 70% to 80%
VO2max. .

Economy of Effort

 As athletes become more skilled, use less energy for

given pace
 Independent of VO2max
 Body learns energy economy with practice

 Multifactorial phenomenon
 Economy  with distance of race
 Practice  better economy of movement (form)
 Varies with type of exercise (running vs. swimming)
Economy of Effort
Energy Cost of Various Activities

 Varies with type and intensity of activity

 Calculated from VO2, expressed in kilocalories/minute

 Values ignore anaerobic aspects, EPOC

 Daily expenditures depend on
 Activity level (largest influence)
 Inherent body factors (age, sex, size, weight, FFM)
Successful Endurance Athletes

1. High VO2max

2. High lactate threshold (as % VO2max)

3. High economy of effort

4. High percentage of type I muscle fibers

Fatigue and Its Causes

 Fatigue: two definitions

 Decrements in muscular performance with continued effort,
accompanied by sensations of tiredness
 Inability to maintain required power output to continue
muscular work at given intensity

 Reversible by rest
Fatigue and Its Causes

 Mechanisms of fatigue depend on

 Type, intensity of exercise
 Muscle fiber type
 Training status, diet

 Four major causes

 Inadequate energy delivery/metabolism
 Accumulation of metabolic by-products
 Failure of muscle contractile mechanism
 Altered neural control of muscle contraction
Fatigue and Its Causes:
Energy Systems—PCr Depletion

 PCr depletion coincides with fatigue

 PCr used for short-term, high-intensity effort
 PCr depletes more quickly than total ATP

 Pi accumulation may be potential cause

 Pacing helps defer PCr depletion

Energy Systems and Fatigue
 PCr depletion
 Glycogen depletion (“hitting the wall”)
 Pattern of glycogen depletion from Type I and II fibers depends
on the duration and intensity of the activity
 Glycogen depletion is selective to the muscle groups involved
in the activity
 Depletion of liver glycogen to increase blood glucose increases
muscle glycogen utilization
Energy Systems—Glycogen Depletion

 Fiber type and recruitment patterns

 Fibers recruited first or most frequently deplete fastest
 Type I fibers depleted after moderate endurance exercise

 Recruitment depends on exercise intensity

 Type I fibers recruit first (light/moderate intensity)
 Type IIa fibers recruit next (moderate/high intensity)
 Type IIx fibers recruit last (maximal intensity)
Fatigue and Its Causes:
Energy Systems—Glycogen Depletion

 Depletion in different muscle groups

 Activity-specific muscles deplete fastest
 Recruited earliest and longest for given task

 Depletion and blood glucose

 Muscle glycogen insufficient for prolonged exercise
 Liver glycogen  glucose into blood
 As muscle glycogen , liver glycogenolysis 
 Muscle glycogen depletion + hypoglycemia = fatigue
Glycogen Depletion in Different Muscle
Fatigue and Its Causes:
Metabolic By-Products

 Pi: From rapid breakdown of PCr, ATP

 Heat: Retained by body, core temperature 

 Lactic acid: Product of anaerobic glycolysis

 H+ Lactic acid  lactate + H+

Fatigue and Its Causes:
Metabolic By-Products

 Heat alters metabolic rate

–  Rate of carbohydrate utilization
 Hastens glycogen depletion
 High muscle temperature may impair muscle function

 Time to fatigue changes with ambient temperature

 11°C: time to exhaustion longest
 31°C: time to exhaustion shortest
 Muscle precooling prolongs exercise
Figure 5.11
Fatigue and Its Causes:
Metabolic By-Products

 Lactic acid accumulates during brief, high-intensity

 If not cleared immediately, converts to lactate + H+
 H+ accumulation causes  muscle pH (acidosis)

 Buffers help muscle pH but not enough

 Buffers minimize drop in pH (7.1 to 6.5, not to 1.5)
 Cells therefore survive but don’t function well
 pH <6.9 inhibits glycolytic enzymes, ATP synthesis
 pH = 6.4 prevents further glycogen breakdown
Figure 5.12

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