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G.R. No. 161282. February 23, 2011.



Remedial Law; Judgments; Execution; Fundamental is the rule

that where the judgment of a higher court has become final and
executory and has been returned to the lower court, the only function
of the latter is the ministerial act of carrying out the decision and
issuing the writ of execution.·Fundamental is the rule that where
the judgment of a higher court has become final and executory and
has been returned to the lower court, the only function of the latter
is the ministerial act of carrying out the decision and issuing the
writ of execution. In addition, a final and executory judgment can
no longer be amended by adding thereto a relief not originally
included. In short, once a judgment becomes final, the winning
party is entitled to a writ of execution and the issuance thereof
becomes a courtÊs ministerial duty. The lower court cannot vary the
mandate of the superior court or reexamine it for any other purpose
other than execution; much less may it review the same upon any
matter decided on appeal or error apparent; nor intermeddle with it
further than to settle so much as has been demanded.
Same; Same; Same; Doctrine of Finality of Judgment or
Immutability of Judgment; Under the doctrine, a decision that has
acquired finality becomes immutable and unalterable, and may no
longer be modified in any respect, even if the modification is meant
to correct erroneous conclusions of fact and law, and whether it be
made by the court that rendered it or by the Highest Court of the
land.·Under the doctrine of finality of judgment or immutability of
judgment, a decision that has acquired finality becomes immutable
and unalterable, and may no longer be modified in any respect,
even if the modification is meant to correct erroneous conclusions of
fact and law, and whether it be made by the court that rendered it
or by the Highest Court of the land. Any act which violates this
principle must immediately be struck down.



VOL. 644, FEBRUARY 23, 2011 51

FGU Insurance Corporation vs. Regional Trial Court of Makati

City, Branch 66

Same; Same; Same; Exceptions to the Doctrine of Immutability

of Judgment.·But like any other rule, it has exceptions, namely:
(1) the correction of clerical errors; (2) the so-called nunc pro tunc
entries which cause no prejudice to any party; (3) void judgments;
and (4) whenever circumstances transpire after the finality of the
decision rendering its execution unjust and inequitable. The
exception to the doctrine of immutability of judgment has been
applied in several cases in order to serve substantial justice.
Same; Same; Same; The Court is not precluded from rectifying
errors of judgment if blind and stubborn adherence to the doctrine of
immutability of final judgments would involve the sacrifice of justice
for technicality.·If, indeed, there was an actual delivery of the
refrigerators and FGU profited from the sale after the delivery,
there would be an unjust enrichment if the realized profit would not
be deducted from the judgment amount. „The Court is not precluded
from rectifying errors of judgment if blind and stubborn adherence
to the doctrine of immutability of final judgments would involve the
sacrifice of justice for technicality.‰

SPECIAL CIVIL ACTION in the Supreme Court.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Dollete, Blanco, Ejercito and Associates for petitioner.
Willard S. Wong for private respondent.

This is a petition for mandamus praying that the July 1,
2003 and November 3, 2003 orders1 of the Regional Trial
Court Branch 66, Makati City (RTC), which granted the
Motion To Set Case For Hearing filed by private respondent
G.P. Sarmiento Trucking Corporation (GPS), be set aside
and, in lieu thereof, „a decision be rendered ordering the
lower court to issue the Writ of Execution in Civil Case No.
94-3009 in


1 Rollo, pp. 34-35.



FGU Insurance Corporation vs. Regional Trial Court of
Makati City, Branch 66

consonance with the decision of this venerable court dated

August 6, 2002.‰2
Records show that on June 18, 1994, GPS agreed to
transport thirty (30) units of Condura S.D. white
refrigerators in one of its Isuzu trucks, driven by Lambert
Eroles (Eroles), from the plant site of Concepcion
Industries, Inc. (CII) in Alabang, to the Central Luzon
Appliances in Dagupan City. On its way to its destination,
however, the Isuzu truck collided with another truck
resulting in the damage of said appliances.
FGU Insurance Corporation (FGU), the insurer of the
damaged refrigerators, paid CII, the insured, the value of
the covered shipment in the sum of P204,450.00. FGU, in
turn, as subrogee of the insuredÊs rights and interests,
sought reimbursement of the amount it paid from GPS.
The failure of the GPS to heed FGUÊs claim for
reimbursement, led the latter to file a complaint for
damages and breach of contract of carriage against the
former and its driver, Eroles, with the RTC. During the
hearing of the case, FGU presented evidence establishing
its claim against GPS. For its part, GPS filed a motion to
dismiss by way of demurrer to evidence, which was granted
by the RTC.
The RTC ruled, among others, that FGU failed to
adduce evidence that GPS was a common carrier and that
its driver was negligent, thus, GPS could not be made
liable for the damages of the subject cargoes. On appeal,
the Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed the ruling of the RTC.
The case was then elevated to this Court. On August 6,
2002, the Court rendered a decision3 agreeing with the
lower courts that GPS was not a common carrier but
nevertheless held it liable under the doctrine of culpa
contractual. Thus, the dispositive portion of the CourtÊs
decision reads as follows:


2 Id., at p. 23.
3 Id., at pp. 37-47.

VOL. 644, FEBRUARY 23, 2011 53
FGU Insurance Corporation vs. Regional Trial Court of
Makati City, Branch 66

„WHEREFORE, the order, dated 30 April 1996, of the Regional

Trial Court, Branch 66, of Makati City, and the decision, dated 10
June 1999, of the Court of Appeals, are AFFIRMED only insofar as
respondent Lambert M. Eroles is concerned, but said assailed order
of the trial court and decision of the appellate court are REVERSED
as regards G.P. Sarmiento Trucking Corporation which, instead, is
hereby ordered to pay FGU Corporation the value of the damaged
and lost cargoes in the amount of P204,450.00. No costs.

On September 18, 2002, this Court denied GPSÊ motion

for reconsideration with finality.4 In due course, an entry of
judgment5 was issued certifying that the August 6, 2002
decision of this Court became final and executory on
October 3, 2002.
On October 14, 2002, FGU filed a motion for execution6
with the RTC praying that a writ of execution be issued to
enforce the August 6, 2002 judgment award of this Court in
the amount of P204,450.00.
On November 5, 2002, GPS filed its Opposition to
Motion for Execution7 praying that FGUÊs motion for
execution be denied on the ground that the latterÊs claim
was unlawful, illegal, against public policy and good
morals, and constituted unjust enrichment. GPS alleged
that it discovered, upon verification from the insured, that
after the insuredÊs claim was compensated in full, the
insured transferred the ownership of the subject appliances
to FGU. In turn, FGU sold the same to third parties
thereby receiving and appropriating the consideration and
proceeds of the sale. GPS believed that FGU should not be
allowed to „doubly recover‰ the losses it suffered.


4 Id., at p. 48.
5 Id., at p. 49.
6 Id., at pp. 51-53.
7 Id., at pp. 54-56.



FGU Insurance Corporation vs. Regional Trial Court of
Makati City, Branch 66
Thereafter, on January 13, 2003, GPS filed its Comment
with Motion to Set Case for Hearing on the Merits.8
On July 1, 2003, the RTC issued an order granting GPS
motion to set case for hearing. Its order, in its pertinent
parts, reads:

„x x x.
The defendant, however, contends that it has already turned over to
the consignee the 30 refrigerator units subject[s] of the case. It also
appears from the record that the Accounting/Administrative Manager of
Concepcion Industries has executed a certification to the effect that the
assured company has turned over the refrigerator units in question to
In view of the foregoing and considering that plaintiff may not be
allowed to recover more than what it is entitled to, there is a need for the
parties to clarify the following issues to allow a fair and judicious
resolution of plaintiff Ês motion for issuance of a writ of execution:
1) Was there an actual turn-over of 30 refrigerators to the plaintiff?
2) In the affirmative, what is the salvage value of the 30
WHEREFORE, the Court hereby orders both parties to present
evidence in support of their respective positions on these issues.
SO ORDERED.‰9 [Italicization in the original]

Upon denial of its motion for reconsideration, FGU filed

this petition for mandamus directly with this Court on the



8 Id., at pp. 57-60.

9 Id., at p. 35.


VOL. 644, FEBRUARY 23, 2011 55

FGU Insurance Corporation vs. Regional Trial Court of Makati
City, Branch 66



In advocacy of its position, FGU argues that the decision

is already final and executory and, accordingly, a writ of
execution should issue. The lower court should not be
allowed to hear the matter of turnover of the refrigerators
to FGU because it was not an issue raised in the Answer of
GPS. Neither was it argued by GPS in the CA and in this
Court. It was only brought out after the decision became
final and executory.
Indeed, a writ of mandamus lies to compel a judge to
issue a writ of execution when the judgment had already
become final and executory and the prevailing party is
entitled to the same as a matter of right.10
Fundamental is the rule that where the judgment of a
higher court has become final and executory and has been
returned to the lower court, the only function of the latter
is the ministerial act of carrying out the decision and
issuing the writ of execution.11 In addition, a final and
executory judgment can no longer be amended by adding
thereto a relief not originally included. In short, once a
judgment becomes final, the winning party is entitled to a
writ of execution and the issuance thereof becomes a courtÊs
ministerial duty. The lower court cannot vary the mandate
of the superior court or reexamine it for any other purpose
other than execution; much less may it review the same
upon any matter decided on ap-


10 Gatmaytan v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 132856, August 28, 2006,

499 SCRA 653; and Gonzales v. Hon. Sayo, G.R. No. L-58407 May 30,
1983, 122 SCRA 607.
11 Ruben Sia v. Erlinda Villanueva, G.R. No. 152921, October 9, 2006,
504 SCRA 43.



FGU Insurance Corporation vs. Regional Trial Court of
Makati City, Branch 66

peal or error apparent; nor intermeddle with it further

than to settle so much as has been demanded.12
Under the doctrine of finality of judgment or
immutability of judgment, a decision that has acquired
finality becomes immutable and unalterable, and may no
longer be modified in any respect, even if the modification
is meant to correct erroneous conclusions of fact and law,
and whether it be made by the court that rendered it or by
the Highest Court of the land. Any act which violates this
principle must immediately be struck down.
But like any other rule, it has exceptions, namely: (1)
the correction of clerical errors; (2) the so-called nunc pro
tunc entries which cause no prejudice to any party; (3) void
judgments; and (4) whenever circumstances transpire after
the finality of the decision rendering its execution unjust
and inequitable.13 The exception to the doctrine of
immutability of judgment has been applied in several cases
in order to serve substantial justice. The early case of City
of Butuan vs. Ortiz14 is one where the Court held as

„Obviously a prevailing party in a civil action is entitled to a writ

of execution of the final judgment obtained by him within five years
from its entry (Section 443, Code of Civil Procedure). But it has
been repeatedly held, and it is now well-settled in this jurisdiction,
that when after judgment has been rendered and the latter has
become final, facts and circumstances transpire which render its
execution impossible or unjust, the interested party may ask the
court to modify or alter the judgment to harmonize the same with
justice and the facts (Molina vs. De la Riva, 8 Phil. 569; Behn,
Meyer & Co. vs. McMicking, 11 Phil. 276; Warner, Barnes & Co. vs.
Jaucian, 13 Phil. 4; Espiritu vs. Crossfield and Guash, 14 Phil. 588;
Flor Mata vs. Lichauco and Salinas, 36 Phil. 809). In the instant
case the respondent Cleofas alleged that subsequent to the
judgment ob-


12 Tropical Homes v. Fortun, 251 Phil. 83; 169 SCRA 81 (1989).

13 Villa v. Government Service Insurance System, G.R. No. 174642, October
31, 2009, 604 SCRA 742.
14 113 Phil. 636; 3 SCRA 659 (1961).


VOL. 644, FEBRUARY 23, 2011 57

FGU Insurance Corporation vs. Regional Trial Court of Makati
City, Branch 66

tained by Sto. Domingo, they entered into an agreement which

showed that he was no longer indebted in the amount claimed of
P995, but in a lesser amount. Sto. Domingo had no right to an
execution for the amount claimed by him.Ê ‰ (De la Costa vs. Cleofas,
67 Phil. 686-693).
Shortly after City of Butuan v. Ortiz, the case of
Candelario v. Cañizares15 was promulgated, where it was
written that:

„After a judgment has become final, if there is evidence of an

event or circumstance which would affect or change the rights of the
parties thereto, the court should be allowed to admit evidence of
such new facts and circumstances, and thereafter suspend
execution thereof and grant relief as the new facts and
circumstances warrant. We, therefore, find that the ruling of the
court declaring that the order for the payment of P40,000.00 is final
and may not be reversed, is erroneous as above explained.‰

These rulings were reiterated in the cases of Abellana

vs. Dosdos,16 The City of Cebu vs. Mendoza17 and PCI
Leasing and Finance, Inc. v Antonio Milan.18 In these
cases, there were compelling circumstances which clearly
warranted the exercise of the CourtÊs equity jurisdiction.
In the case at bench, the Court agrees with the RTC that
there is indeed a need to find out the whereabouts of the
subject refrigerators. For this purpose, a hearing is
necessary to determine the issue of whether or not there
was an actual turnover of the subject refrigerators to FGU
by the assured CII. If there was an actual turnover, it is
very important to find out whether FGU sold the subject
refrigerators to third parties and profited from such sale.
These questions were brought about by the contention of
GPS in its Opposition to Motion for Execution19 that after
the assured, CII, was fully


15 114 Phil. 672; 4 SCRA 738 (1962).

16 121 Phil. 241; 13 SCRA 244 (1965).
17 160 Phil. 869; 62 SCRA 440 (1975).
18 G.R. No. 151215, April 5, 2010, 617 SCRA 258.
19 Rollo, pp. 54-56.



FGU Insurance Corporation vs. Regional Trial Court of
Makati City, Branch 66

compensated for its claim on the damaged refrigerators, it

delivered the possession of the subject refrigerators to FGU
as shown in the certification of the
Accounting/Administrative Manager of CII. Thereafter, the
subject refrigerators were sold by FGU to third parties and
FGU received and appropriated the consideration and
proceeds of the sale. GPS claims that it verified the
whereabouts of the subject refrigerators from the CII
because it wanted to repair and sell them to compensate
If, indeed, there was an actual delivery of the
refrigerators and FGU profited from the sale after the
delivery, there would be an unjust enrichment if the
realized profit would not be deducted from the judgment
amount. „The Court is not precluded from rectifying errors
of judgment if blind and stubborn adherence to the doctrine
of immutability of final judgments would involve the
sacrifice of justice for technicality.‰20
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED.

Carpio (Chairperson), Nachura, Peralta and Abad, JJ.,


Petition dismissed.

Note.·A final and executory order can no longer be

disturbed no matter how erroneous it may be. (National
Housing Authority vs. Jao, 570 SCRA 468 [2008])


20 Heirs of Maura So, et al. v. Lucila Jomoc Obliosca, et al., G.R. No.
147082, January 28, 2008, 542 SCRA 406.

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