Midterms - Com Theories

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John Cavin M.

Sabonsolin DALC
Dr. Corazon Prejoles Research in Comm Theories

Midterm Examination

I. A.

1. multi-disciplinary
2. university
3. education
4. build
5. strong
6. nation
7. high performing
8. educators
9. generate
10. knowledge
11. help

II. How is the Vision relevant to you as a graduate scholar in the university?
Answer in 3 sentences only.

The vision empowers me to contribute to the development in our society

through researches. As a graduate scholar, I will write, analyze and produce
researches that could benefit the society and my field of expertise. This way, the
university will help me to mold and equip myself to become a great researcher
that the society needs.

III. How can the Mission be exemplified in your life? State your clear idea in
two or three sentences.

With almost one year already as a graduate scholar in this university, I

already garnered a lot of knowledge in the field of communication especially in
literature. The knowledge that I get from the graduate school is an input to my
undergraduate classes. Moreover, the university help me to become more equip
in terms of researches that could contribute to the communities.

IV. A. Write the CNU Quality Policy.

Cebu Normal University commits itself to deliver excellence in education,
research and extension services towards global competitiveness, to meet the
increasing levels of customer demand, statutory, regulatory and international
standards through continuous quality improvement and good governance. To
ensure compliance to the commitment, relevant and responsive virtual and/or
physical monitoring, review and upgrading of service delivery is implemented.

B. Below it, expound its significance in two sentences only.

The university’s quality policy is the standard that every classes in the
university should abide. A quality of global competitiveness and molding
world-class graduates through international standards.
V. Explain the following terms clearly in one or two statements only: 3 points each

1. Communication- It is a process of exchanging information, ideas to the other

person or group of people.
2. Mass communication- It is a type of communication which impart and
exchange messages, information and ideas through mass media to a large
segment of the population.
3. Communication theory- It is a theory designed by known Communication
experts and scholars that studies technical process of communication and
4. Research- It is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and
sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
5. Communication research- It is a research on the academic discipline of
communication and its allied disciplines which generally refers to attempt to
discover trends or facts in the field of communication and mass media.
6. Gatekeeping- It is the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general
access to something. Gatekeeping in media for example is editing the news
article before publishing it.
7. Traditional media- Usually known as ‘’trimedia’’. It includes radio, broadcast
television, cable and satellite, print, and billboards.
8. Social media- It is known as the modern media. They are interactive
computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or sharing of
information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual
communities and networks.
9. Fourth estate- It refers to the press and news media both in explicit capacity
of advocacy and implicit ability to frame political issues. It said that the media
is co-equal branch to the three branches in the government namely executive,
legislative and judiciary.
10. Watchdog role of media- This is one of the roles of media in the society. It
informs the public about goings-on in institutions and society, especially in
circumstances where a significant portion of the public would demand
changes in response such as fact-checking statements of public officials and
corporate executives

VI. Explicate the given theories of communication; after which, give a concrete
example for its amplification. (5 x 5 = 25 points)

A. Cyber Ethics Theory

Cyber ethics is the philosophic study of ethics pertaining to computers,

encompassing user behavior and what computers are programmed to do, and how
this affects individuals and society. For years, various governments have enacted
regulations while organizations have defined policies about cyber ethics.

Cyber ethics is a branch of applied ethics that examines moral, legal, and

social issues at the intersection of computer/information and communication
technologies. This field is sometimes also referred to by phrases such as
Internet ethics, computer ethics, and information ethics.

It concerns to the code of responsible behavior on the Internet. Just as we are

taught to act responsibly in everyday life. The exact example on this is computer and
internet service providers may keep logs of their activities which can be used to spot
illegal or inappropriate behavior. The said behavior is unethical and violates the
standards of the theory.

B. Cultivation Theory

 Cultivation theory states that high frequency viewers of television are more
susceptible to media messages and the belief that they are real and valid. Cultivation
theorists posit that television viewing can have long-term effects that gradually affect
the audience. Their primary focus falls on the effects of viewing in the attitudes of the
viewer as opposed to created behavior.

An example of this is when a child is exposed to war movies or violent

movies, the child’s behavior will change as he or she will also use a gun as what he
sees in the movies. This is how the theory says. It suggests that repeated exposure
to media influences beliefs about the real world over time.

C. Selective Exposure Theory

Selective exposure is a theory within the practice of psychology, often used in

media and communication research, that historically refers to individuals' tendency to
favor information which reinforces their pre-existing views while avoiding
contradictory information.

The basic assumption in the study of selective exposure is that people expose
themselves to external stimuli in a selective way. When referred to the area of mass
communication, this means that people choose certain types of media content and
avoid other types. Although this fact may sound rather trivial, it is important in
understanding the effects of mass communication because it is our common
understanding that people can only be influenced by media messages to which they
actually expose themselves. Therefore, the selective exposure concept emphasizes
the active role of the individual in the selection of media content.

A concrete example of this is in election. People are just selective to that

information in favor with their political party or favorite politician. They will believe
right away this information and deny those info against them.

D. Cognitive Dissonance Theory

Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes,

beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an
alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and
restore balance.
For example, when people smoke (behavior) and they know that smoking
causes cancer (cognition), they are in a state of cognitive dissonance. The theory
suggests that we have an inner drive to hold all our attitudes and behavior in
harmony and avoid disharmony (or dissonance). This is known as the principle of
cognitive consistency. When there is an inconsistency between attitudes or
behaviors (dissonance), something must change to eliminate the dissonance.

E. Hypodermic Needle Theory

It is a linear communication theory that suggests that media messages are
injected directly into the brains of passive audiences.
In this theory the media is seen as powerful and able to ‘inject’ ideas into an
audience who are seen as weak and passive and could be influenced by a message.
In Nazi Germany in the 1930’s and during World War 2 films were used to ‘inject’
propaganda ideas promoting the Nazi cause to the German audience. Today we still
see party political broadcasts on television during elections. A clear example here is
the reason why those not worthy and credible people won the election because of
their popularity that they can get in the media and got votes to the passive voters.
Sen Revilla for example known for his controversial PDAF scandal and budots last
election still won because he was also exposed in media and gain popularity.
The Hypodermic theory comes from a fear of the mass media, and gives the
media much more power than it can ever have in a democracy. The concept ignores
the idea that not everyone in an audience behaves in the same way. How can an
audience be passive –there will be many times when you have disagreed with
something you have seen on television or failed to laugh at a comedy show or just
thought a TV programmed was terrible.

VII. Give what is asked in the following items with regard to your research proposal.

A. Title of your research. (2) “I survived”: Experiences of the Recovery of Covid- 19

Positive Patients in the Philippines

B. Rationale (3)- Give three important reasons why have to conduct the study.

1. The situation of the world right now is fighting for the worldwide
pandemic in covid-19.

2. There is no researches yet on what are the experiences of those

people who got infected and recovered against covid 19.

3. The researcher feel the need to study the experiences of these

people to create a development of information to the public in order not to
create fear to the public.
C. Statement of the Problem: (5)

This study aims to document the experiences of the people who are
identified as Covid 19 positive and recovered from the said virus.

D. Specific Problems: (5)

This study aims to:

- Find out the struggles of the patient the moment they got the disease to their

- Find out the strategies of the patient the moment they got the disease to their

- Find out how the leading online news portals contextualize the patients in their

E. Theoretical Background of the Study. (6) – State the theories you are using in the
conduct of your research. Explain each in two clear sentences each. 20 points

Framing theory is related to the agenda-setting tradition but expands the

research by focusing on the essence of the issues at hand rather than on a particular
topic. The basis of framing theory is that the media focuses attention on certain
events and then places them within a field of meaning. 

Agenda- setting theory is the influence of media where it affects the

presentation of the reports and issues made in the news that affects public mind.
The news reports make it in a way that when a particular news report is given
importance and attention than other news the audience will automatically perceive it
as the most important news and information are given to them.

F. Draw a Schematic Presentation of your Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

of your Study. 10 points

Agenda- Setting

Priming Framing


Experiences Struggles Strategies

VII. Differentiate Related Literature from Related Studies. Provide an example for

Related literature is often from journalist or any officials whereas the opinions
and facts presented matters and can affect the masses’ opinion and thinking.
Related Studies are from researchers or from official public offices, and thesis from
different universities and libraries.

Related Literature includes news articles, book citations, official website’s

opinions and facts. Meanwhile, related studies are hardbound thesis, online
researches and journals and government public data

VIII. At present, you are well aware of the corona virus -19 plaguing the country and
even the world. If you were to make a research paper on the spread of information
about it in the social media, what would probably be the research areas you could
look into regarding this phenomenon? Write three tentative research titles about it.
(5 points)

1. “I survived”: Experiences of the Recovery of Covid- 19 Positive Patients in the


2. A Content Analysis of the Reportage of biliranisland.com in Biliran Province.

3. Content Analysis Study of the Reportage on Covid-19 Phenomenon of Leading

Online News Portals in the Philippines.

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