London Market Target Operating Model: SDC - Frequently Asked Questions May 2019

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London Market Target Operating Model

SDC – Frequently Asked Questions

May 2019

SDC FAQ – May 2019 Page 1 of 14


This document is an accumulation of frequently asked questions from Carriers.

The document is updated periodically and stored on our web pages within the LM TOM
Website, SDC Portal and LIMOSS Website.
We welcome any feedback on the content of this document - please direct feedback to any
member of the SDC Team or to [email protected]

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• SDC is a Service that converts the content of
structured documents into data on a 'like for like'
• There are four methods of submission into the
Service: Online Portal (upload), email (attachment),
PPL and via the ACORD Gateway.
• Data is returned in an ACORD standard (2013-6)
Global Placement Message (GPM) format
accompanied by a CSV (MS Excel) format.
What is Structured Data Capture?
• SDC is capable of extracting up to 350 data items from
a typical MRC with the average per MRC of around
100 data items.
• SDC only extracts the data as optically displayed it
does not manipulate or carry out calculations
• SDC is currently a business condition for Managing
Agents using the Lloyd’s Brussels Subsidiary (LBS) and
a LBS Only SDC subscription is available in addition to
the full Service
• All Classes of Business (except Personal Lines)
• Word, PDF and TIF document types
• Data extracted in ACORD GRLC (GPM) XML format &
What functionality does SDC • Portal, e-mail, PPL and ACORD Gateway submissions
currently support? (TMEL)
• PPL integration for Firm Order contracts
• DA SATS binding authority contracts submissions
• Brexit (Lloyd’s Brussels Subsidiary) submissions
Management Information
To find out more about SDC visit The
How do I find out more about SDC?
site also includes a 'toolkit' with supporting
documentation and guidance.
The London Market Group announced the launch of
London Insurance Market Operations Strategic Sourcing
(LIMOSS) in mid-April. Led by Managing Director, Patrick
What is LIMOSS and how will is LIMOSS was established to manage the portfolio of market
support SDC? services which the London insurance market has built as it
modernises its processes.
The management of the SDC service will eventually be
supported by LIMOSS as it goes from a project structure to
‘Business as usual’.
For any issues regarding SDC, if you cannot find the
How do I access the Service Desk if I
answer you are looking for within the FAQ/How Do I list,
have an issue?
then you need to contact the Service Desk

SDC FAQ – May 2019 Page 3 of 14

[email protected]
Telephone Support 0203 006 0070
For all issues or queries relating to documents or the data
How do I report issues with the data
extracted from documents, please complete the SDC Issue
that's been extracted?
Form available on the SDC Portal.

• From the SDC Portal Logon on screen there is a

"Forgot your Password"? Link.
I cannot remember my Password,
• Select this and you will be able to set your password.
who do I need to contact?
• You will be asked to reset your password every 45
My Password has expired, and I
cannot get access to SDC? • If you have any issues email to the following address
and request a password reset.
[email protected]
You must be registered for the SDC Service.
Once registered, send an email to the following address,
attaching a single document. Emails with multiple
How do I email a MRC to SDC?
attachments will not be processed.

[email protected]
What is the SDC Portal address?

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• Integration with PPL is an option for Managing Agents.
• Following a Firm Order agreement on PPL by an
underwriter and Broker, SDC can obtain the MRC from
How does SDC fit with PPL? PPL, convert this to data and send the GPM to the
carrier and/or LBS if applicable.
• In 2019 the PPL and SDC teams will collectively explore
additional functionality that would enable
Endorsements and Quotes to come from PPL to SDC.
All the major London Market vendors have been engaged
How are Policy Administration by the SDC team who meet with them regularly to keep
Systems (PAS) Vendors currently them updated on the evolving functionality of the service.
supporting SDC Integration? Many PAS vendors are already in conversation with
carriers to help integrate the GPMs provided by SDC with
their PAS systems.
Data extracted from documents within SDC is created in
an ACORD Standard GPM format (XML data File). This is a
How do I get SDC/GPM data into my
recognised and common standard across the market and,
working with your software providers, can be used to
support your PAS.
Will the GPM response be part of This will be an attachment to the email response.
email body or will it be an
attachment to email?
• SDC facilitates the submission (and transformation) of
Binding Authority contracts to the DA SATS Service.
• This can only be achieved via the SDC Portal and the
submitting Managing Agent must be the Lead on the
• Once submitted, the Managing Agent must agree the
What is the SDC integration with DA
contract on TIDE/DA SATS.
The only documents that can be processed through DA
SATS are:-
• Single and Multi-Section Binding Authorities Single
• Multi Section Coverholder Authority Agreements
(CAA's for LBS)

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Once a document is received by the Service:
1. Automated checks ensure the document quality is
acceptable and is in Scope for the Service. If not, the
document is rejected with an associated rejection
2. If accepted, Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
How does SDC convert documents to
software is used to extract data from the document
supported by pre-defined rules for each data item.
3. SDC Operators undertake checks to validate the
extracted data and enhance accuracy where needed.
4. The GPM is created in XML format and delivered to
the carrier and/or LBS if applicable.
The target turnaround for documents is the same day if
submitted before 2pm.
If submitted between 2pm and 6pm the target turnaround
How long does the SDC Service take
is 8am the next business day.
to convert documents to data?
After 6pm Monday – Thursday the target turnaround is
6pm the following day. After 6pm on Friday the target
turnaround is 6pm the following Monday.
There is no actual limit to the number of pages that can be
sent to SDC for processing, however, it may impact
Is there a limit to the number of processing of a large document (e.g. as a “best practice”,
pages that I can send to SDC? please do not scan in a 200 page insurance booklet at the
end of the 45 page MRC, as this severely impacts the
processing speed and file size”).
• The SDC Service is fully reliant on documents
complying with the guidelines.
• This ensures better quality and accuracy of the
Are there Standards or Guidelines
extracted data. Not following the guidelines will result
for the documents in Scope?
in poor quality extraction.
• Guidelines for all in-scope documents (including Brexit
changes) are available on the LMG website:
SDC is a business condition of the Lloyd’s Brussels
If a MRC containing EEA lines (including multi-section) is
How does SDC relate to the Lloyd’s received by SDC, the service will automatically submit the
Brussels Subsidiary (LBS)? relevant sections of the MRC to LBS. The LIC stamp must
be clear in the MRC or the data will not be sent to LBS

Subscribers to 'LBS Only' will not receive the GPM.

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The SDC Service accepts the following document types:
• Market Reform Contracts (MRCs)
✓ Single Section
✓ Multi Section
✓ Vertical Placements
✓ MRC Exempt Contracts (providing they closely
resemble an MRC)
• Delegated Authority Contracts (multiple and single
✓ Binding Authority Contracts
✓ Line Slips
✓ Coverholder Agreement Authority (CAA for LBS)
✓ Declarations - not accepted by LBS
• Master Agreements
What documents can be submitted
• Endorsements – (MRCe) - Phase 1 - single section and
to the SDC Service?
limited data - not accepted by LBS

Excluded from Scope

• Consortium Agreements
• Cover Notes
• Schedules
• Quotes
• Evidence of Cover
• Declarations for LBS

Attached Documents - SDC cannot refer to attached

documents for data i.e. Premium - 'see attached schedule'
or Values - 'refer to attached spreadsheet' or 'As per
details logged with the Insurer' etc.
SDC accepts the following document formats:
What document formats are - PDF
accepted by SDC? - WORD
• Unfold corners (aka “Dog Ears”) as a fold might hide
vital information.
• Shuffle the paper and fan it to ensure there are no
fasteners or pages stuck together.
• Ensure that all pages are the same way up – each
scanner manufacturer is different.
How can I ensure my scanned • Some require the paper to be face-up, face-down or
document is of a good quality? side-aligned.
• Place the paper on the feed hopper, using the scanner
side guides to align the pages – the truer the
alignment; the better the OCR
• Scan at 300 dpi (dots per inch) – It will be marginally
slower than scanning at 200dpi but the OCR difference
is noticeably better

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• Scan in Black & White. There is no advantage in
scanning in full colour, but it does slow the scanning
speed and greatly increase the file size
• Ensure double sided documents are not scanned as
single sided.
• Try to avoid using handwriting in the documents
Dual language MRC's can be submitted but must be wholly
Can documents be processed via
separate (not alternating line by line) in the document and
SDC in any language?
an English version must be present.
• SDC does not support Consortium Agreements.
• Consortia Agreements should be loaded onto
SecureStore where LBS Ops will then create PAS
How do we process Consortium
• This process has been communicated to all contacts
Agreements for LBS?
on the Consortium Leads list, who have been
contacted directly by the Brexit Programme.
• It is only the lead that should be uploading the fully
participated Consortia Agreement to SecureStore.
• The working proposition for an interim go-live position
for Lloyd’s Brussels processing of declarations and
risks against all line slips (bulking and non-bulking) and
consortia / 9000 agreements, will be that premium
continues to be processed via the bureau as they are
• The placement of these declarations/risks can
continue via existing routes.
• In respect of Lloyd’s Brussels capturing risk details, the
working proposition is that this will be done in the
interim via the Accounting & Settlement processes,
given that all required risk information will be
available at the point of binding the declaration, either
Why are LBS Declarations out of
through access to Broker submitted documentation
stored on the IMR or through request for information
to Outsourced Managing Agents. Outsourced
Managing Agents will be responsible for ensuring this
risk level information is captured and available.
• This is with the understanding that the Estimated
Premium Income (EPI) provided represents a pipeline
of premium for Lloyd’s Brussels.
• It is Lloyd’s Brussels’ intention however to move to a
structured risk data capture process. The structure
and process will be agreed in 2019 with an aim to go
live for 2020 renewals.
• Further detail on the interim processes and future
enhancements will be provided in due course.

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The advice from Brexit regarding endorsements is as
How do I process Endorsements for
“LBS do not require endorsements to be submitted via
LBS as they are out of scope of SDC?
SDC. LBS will get any drivers/advice from the USM under
the current process”.

Binders will be submitted to DASATS by the Lead only

once the Binder is complete, which will be uploaded to
Binders / Coverholder Agreement TIDE. TIDE can also be manually updated.
An individual carrier can also submit to SDC in order to
receive a GPM Message for non-LBS / LBS.
If a MRC is submitted with multiple The MRC will be rejected if it contains more than one
UMR’s on it, will it be uploaded to MRC.
SDC or will it be rejected?
If I have an MRC with 2 sections and NO. This should be submitted once. If the document is
a Carrier has stamped both sections submitted twice it will create two transactions meaning
with different references - should two charges one per document.
this be submitted twice?
Can I send more than one document NO, each email submission must only contain one
in an email when submitting to SDC? document attachment.
Can I send multiple Policies in one No, each document must contain only one policy
• ‘Must have’ fields contain data items regarded as
important for Policy Admin Systems (PAS).
• SDC Operators provide additional QA focus on these
fields to check they exist and ensure they are
• The headings for these fields MUST be in the correct
area of the document and conform to the guidelines.
The SDC Service does not ‘search’ whol documents for
this information.
• Mandatory attributes are:-
✓ Unique Market Reference
✓ Contract Type
What are the SDC 'Must Have'
✓ Interest
✓ (Re)Insured
✓ Country of Origin
✓ Situation / Territorial Scope
✓ Choice of Law and Jurisdiction
✓ Inception Date
✓ Expiry Date
✓ Premium
✓ Settlement Due Date
✓ Tax Payable by Insurer(s)
✓ Limits
✓ Lloyd’s Risk Codes (includes underwriter

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✓ Written Date
✓ Overseas Broker
✓ Regulator Client Classification / FSA Client
The following are reason why your document could be
rejected: -
• Out of Scope - Document in a Foreign Language
• Out of Scope - Not a Recognised MRC Structure
• Out of Scope - Unsupported Document Type
• Missing Segment
• Poor Quality - The text Quality is poor
• DA SATS - Not a binding Authority MRC
• Invalid Document Type for a Lloyd's Brussels
What are the SDC reasons for submission.
Rejecting documents? • The Endorsement UMR is missing or illegible
• The Endorsement UMR does not match the Risk
Details UMR
• The Endorsement Contained No Dates
• More than one MRC in the document submitted
• MRC name should not include Unicode characters (e.g.
%, $, @, ! etc.).
• Contains Multiple Endorsements.
• Endorsements for LBS
• Declarations for LBS
Witten lines are not automatically extracted from
documents not submitted via PPL, but keyed manually by
SDC Operators. If a document does not have the market
Why might stamp data including recorded e.g. Endorsements or declarations, then
Written Lines and Underwriter Operators will not be able to record the information.
References not be extracted?
If the quality of the stamp is illegible or components are
missing, an operator may not be able to record the full
Resubmitting a document will incur an additional charge
What happens if I upload a
as details are not updated in SDC but a new transaction
document with the wrong
will be created.
submission reference or other
SDC data is not updated, so for issues like this the carrier
incorrect information, does it need
can update their own PAS systems or if there is an LBS
re uploaded/ re-submitted?
element, inform the LBS team, and request them to
update the incorrect data.
What happens if I receive an Contact LBS to advise them of the change of security, this
amended Signing sheet after will then be updated by them.
submitting the MRC to LBS?
SDC are able to cancel submissions. However, SDC needs
If I have submitted a document
to be advised via the Support Desk before the submission
incorrectly, can I cancel it?
is processed.

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If the LTA slip already has an LBS market on it then the
endorsement will follow the current process.

Long term policies with a yearly resigning (where new

stamps are put down yearly) – at the time of resigning
post 01/01/2019 these placements would need to be
“resigned” by Lloyds Brussels. Note the following:

a. This will need to be executed on a new contract

and not as a mid-term market change
How do I process Long Term b. Existing Policy is given a new expiry date of
Agreements (LTA) for LBS? anniversary signing date
c. A new Policy is issued from Lloyds Brussels
with an inception date of anniversary date
to the required expiry date

Execute the resigning in a new MRC document with the

new UMR and the inception date as at the anniversary of
the LTA. The new contract will show LB as the insurer.
Amend the existing LTA to expire on the anniversary date.
The new contract can then be submitted to SDC as normal.

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Bulk uploads into SDC are available providing prior
Can I bulk upload documents into discussions have taken place, this should be requested via
SDC? [email protected]
Telephone Support 0203 006 0070.

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Is there a plan to retire the Yes there is a aspiration for Q4 2019
submission via email and then only
API & Portal being available in
The current functionality extracts Endorsement header
information as well as a selection of further data fields
from the body text of the endorsement (including limits
and premiums).
Endorsements that accompany MRC's will be processed
What is the plan for further separately to the MRC resulting in both a MRC GPM and
Endorsement Functionality? an endorsement GPM.
Multiple endorsements in a MRC will be rejected

The SDC team is currently developing functionality for

further data field extraction and multi-section
Carrier MI Reports are available on the Portal (for all
submission types) and will be refreshed on a monthly
basis. The reports contain:
• Executive Summary - High level overview of
submissions into the Service and processing
turnaround times including…
✓ Total Submitted documents by Status
✓ Total Submitted documents by Submission
✓ Total Completed documents by Day by Document
✓ Total Completed documents by Class of Business
✓ Total Rejected documents by Rejection Reason
Management and Transaction
✓ End to End Turnaround Times (TAT) Within SLA %
✓ Volumes & Outcomes - Detailed information and
trends of submissions into the Service
✓ Turnaround Times - Detailed information
illustrating SDC Performance relative to
✓ Turnaround
✓ Exceptions - Detailed list of rejected documents
processed outside the SLA
✓ A runtime dashboard is also in development for
Carriers can also use the View Transaction from within the
SDC Portal providing it is within 45 days of submitting the
document. This information can be exported into Excel

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• Select the "View Transactions" within the SDC Portal.
• Either enter the Carrier Reference or the Request ID
and press enter. The related Transaction will then be
How do I obtain XML/CSV messages
• You can then select to review the original MRC or the
processed in the past?
extracted details/ XML / CSV message.
• The data only exists for 45 days. It is then deleted to
meet the GDPR requirements.

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